michel de la bruyere vincent data - rec 20130627 - print version page 1 Michel Vincent Architect . Product Design . Media Art phone +45 32148160 [email protected] Bruyere-Vincent Industrial Design www.bruyerevincentdesign.com BIOGRAPHICAL DATA Identification : Name ( full ) : Michel de la Bruyere Vincent . ( aka Michel D. Vincent / Michel Vincent ) . ( mbv ) . Nationality : Dane Born : 5 September 1946 . Copenhagen . Denmark Profession : Architect . Product Design . Media Art . Company : Bruyere-Vincent Industrial Design . Inventor of the hexagonal and cylindrical stove, barbecue and tablegrill systems , "Arresø System™". Product Design 1973 Establish design office in Birkeroed, Denmark . 1973 Design and construction of the " Mobile Theater " in Birkeroed, Denmark 1974-1975 Design, construct and develop the mbv steel fireplace and the cubic stove "Arresø 1" , a prototype hereof was fabricated on the danish steelwork DDS in Frederiksvaerk, Denmark . 1975 Establish Industrial Design company with production and sales trademark " Arresø Form " 1975-1976 Design,construct and produce the hexagonal open-fires comb.stoves "Arresø 2" and "Arresø 3". 1976-11 Award Medaille Vermeil for design and innovation of the hexagonal stove Arresø 2 stainless steel, at the exhibiton " Eureka " Bruxelles 1976, Belgium. 1976-1977 Photos of the hexagonal stove "Arresø 2" published in Denmark and Belgium. 1977-03 Award Gold Medal for design and innovation of the hexagonal stove Arresø 2 stainless steel, at the exhibition " International Inventors Expo 77 " New York City 1977, USA. 1977-06 Enter licence production and sales contract with the manufacturer Bodart et Gonay, Theux Belgium 1977 Design and construct the tablegrills "Arresø 4" hexagonal, the "Arresø 5" cylindrical, in Theux Belgium. 1977 Designpatents of the mbv hexagonal and cylindrical tablegrills are registered in a range of countries. 1977 Prototypes of the hexagonal tablegrill Arresø 4 are manufactured by Bodart et Gonay, Theux Belgium 1977-12 Award Gold Medal for design and innovation of the hexagonal tablegrill "Arresø 4" stainless steel, at the exhibition "6th Salon International des Innovations et des Techniques Nouvelles" Geneve 1977.CH. 1978-11 Award Bronze Medal for design and innovation of the hexagonal tablegrill "Arresø 4" stainless st, exhibited on the exhibition " Iena 78 " Nürnberg 1978, Germany. michel de la bruyere vincent data - rec 20130627 - print version page 2 1978-12 The mbv hexagonal stoves are selected by the " Design Centre Bruxelles " Bruxelles 1978, Belgium 1978-1980 Photos of the hexagonal stoves "Arresø 2" and "Arresø 3" published in Belgium, UK, Germany. 1979 Photo of the hexagonal tablegrill "Arresø 4" published in Canada 1979-1980 Design and construct the modular hexagonal and cylindrical stove systems , "Arresø System". 1980-08 From august 1980 are all mbv productdesign patented and pending in a range of countries. 1980-08 Enter licence production and sales contract with the manufacturer Bodart et Gonay, Theux Belgium 1980-10 Diplome "Ehren Urkunde" issued for innovation of the hexagonal stovesystem "Arresø 3 System" serie 300 and cylindrical stovesystem "Arresø 6 System" serie 400 at "Iena 80" Nürnberg 1980, Germany 1980-12 Contract for distribution of the "Arresø System" stoves in France with "La Boutique Danoise" Paris. 1981-05 Award Gold Medal for design and innovation of the hexagonal and the cylindrical stove systems "Arresø System", at the exhibition " International Inventors Expo 81 " New York City 1981, USA. 1981-1982 Photos of the "Arresø System" stovesystems published in Europe, Canada and USA. 1982 Design modular barbecuesystems "Arresø 4 System" hexagonal and "Arresø 5 System" cylindrical. 1984 Prototypes of the hexagonal barbecuesystem are manufactured by Wieghorst Eft.Flg., Glostrup, DK 1984 Design and construct Round Table with hot plate , named the "Hjarnø Table" or the "Arresø 7" . 1985 Prototypes of the cylindrical barbecuesystem are manufactured by Norup A/S, Hedensted, DK 1985-09 Exhibit the tablegrills, barbecuesystems and table on Messe Köln "Spoga 85" , Köln, Germany 1985-10 Photos of the "Arresø System" stovesystems published by the magazine "Bo Bedre", Denmark 1985 Design and innovate the hexagonal and cylindrical stove systems after DIN 18891 bauart 1-2. 1986 Enter licence production contract with the manufacturer Bergmann und Beck Gmbh, Witten, Germany 1986-06 Photos of the hexagonal and cylindrical barbecuesystems published by Schöner Wohnen, Germany 1986-09 Exhibit tablegrills,barbecuesystems,table and stoves at Messe Köln "Spoga 86". Köln, Germany 1987 The Hexagonal stovesystem serie 3500-3600 is DIN 18991 b 1-2 registered by RAG, Essen, Germany 1988-02 Exhibit all products mbv "Arresø System" : tablegrills, table, barbecuesystems and stovesystems , at Messe Köln "Domotechnica 88" Köln 1988, Germany 1988-03 Exhibit mbv barbecuesystems and stovesystems at " Haus Industriefom Essen " Germany . 1990-08 Exhibit stovesystems at fa. Ruegg, Dietikon, Zürich, Switzerland . 1990 From 1990 the design and construction of the productsystems are innovated , improved and supplied as designpatents registered and the mbv productline offered for RTDI licence productions and sales. 1995 From 1995 archive,images, design and technical drafts has been digitalised documented. 1998 The Michel de la Bruyere Vincent company is from 1998 named " Bruyere-Vincent Industrial Design ", the trademarks and productnames "Arresø Form", "Arresø System" and "Arresø nr." are continioued trademarks for the stove, barbecue and grill producttypes and -systems by Michel de la Bruyere Vincent. 2000 The "Bruyere-Vincent Industrial Design" is equipped with CAD, Imaging,Video and WEB facilities. 2006 Design of the mbv websitesystem for document exhibition of design and image data on the internet. Websites : www.bruyerevincentdesign.com and www.arresoe-form.dk 2009-2012 Architectural,Imaging and Web consultings to K.C.Krarup Arkitekter, Frederiksberg, Denmark 2010-2013 Produce updates www.bruyerevincentdesign.com rec 20130530 20130530 Produce the website www.michelvincent.dk and cancel the website and url www.artdim.com 20130626 Upload updated and expanded website www.bruyerevincentdesign.com , website for Bruyere-vincent Industrial Design and for unit Edition Bruyere Vincent. Refer to mbv document index - Product Design Documents Refer to mbv document index - Product Systems Refer to mbv document index - Drawing documents Refer to mbv document index - Photo documents Refer to mbv document index - Publications Refer to mbv document index - Design Patents Refer to mbv document index - Tech. documents Refer to mbv document index - Expo documents Refer to mbv document index - Press documents Refer to mbv document index - Award documents Refer to mbv document index - Marketing documents Refer to mbv document index - Consultings Refer to mbv document index - www.bruyerevincentdesign.com Refer to mbv document index - www.arresoe-form.dk Refer to mbv document index - www.michelvincent.dk michel de la bruyere vincent data - rec 20130627 - print version page 3 Media Art 1953 First photocamera and photographic experience. 1967 Establish photostudio. Experiment with photo, film and photographic prints. 1968 Photographed 720 b/w photos during participation in the research of 68 Small Danish Islands. 1968 Start production of Liquid-images for mixedmedia art performance. 1969 Start filmproduction in march 1969. Use Fujica Z2 film-cam and the polyesterbased single8film. 1969-1972 See production data: King Kong Lightgroup programmes ( www.kingkonglightgroup.dk) 1969-1972 See production data: King Kong Lightgroup image index ( www.kingkonglightgroup.dk) 1969-1972 See production data: King Kong Lightgroup film/filmloop indexes ( www.kingkonglightgroup.dk) 1969-1972 See data : The King Kong Lightgroup media art performances ( www.kingkonglightgroup.dk) 1969-1973 Produce macroprogrammes and programmes for king kong lightgroup media art performances. 1969-1973 Produce series of filmloops (200) and films (24) for multiscreen media art performances. 1969-1973 Produce series of color-,infrared- and b/w dias (2000) for multiscreen media art performances. 1970-11 Produce " Voltage70 " film-and soundloop programme and performance 1970-11 " Voltage70 " filmloop version performed at Studio 7 , Rome , Italy 1971-01 Produce " Voltage70 " film-soundloop video version at Sony Lab in Copenhagen . 1971-01 Record 20 minutes composition for 2 soundgenerators at Sony Lab in Copenhagen . 1971-01 Produce photoposter for the King Kong Lightgroup performance at Dagmar Bio Copenhagen. 1971-06 " Voltage70 " videoloop version performed at Melkweg, Amsterdam. 1971-03 " Voltage 70 " filmloop-soundloop programme, performed at the Charlottenborg exhibiton "Noget for Noget" , Copenhagen 1971-05 Program " Multiscreen Havblink " for multiscreen media art performances. 1971-1973 Produce " Cityenvironment " 6 channel 20 min. film- and mixedmedia programme 1972-08 Mixedmedia art performances "1. Lightjoint" Amsterdam, performed at Kosmos former Fantasia,Vondelpark ao. places in Amsterdam 1972-10 Program " Random Havblink " 4 channel filmloop random lightinterference performance. 1972-11 " Random Havblink " 4 channel filmloop random lightinterference programme, performed at the Academy of Fine Arts, the Architecture School, Copenhagen. 1973-06 Mixedmedia 12 screen setup art performance including programmed sound, film, dias sequences from " Cityenvironment " and a 6 screen setup of " Multiscreen Havblink " filmloop programme performed at the Academy of Fine Arts, the Architecture School, Copenhagen. 1973-08 " Mobile Theater " 12 screen setup for media art perfomance "2. Lightjoint" including " Cityenvironment " and " Multiscreen Havblink " filmloop programmes, performed in Amsterdam, Vondelpark ( closed becaurse of el-supply problems), supported by Melkweg, the danish Culture Ministry and Filmfoundation. 1974-02 Sequences from " Voltage70 " and " Confrontation ", performed at " The Danish Filmschool ", Copenhagen. 1977-06 Mixedmedia multiscreen performance " Cityenvironment " performed at the Academy of Fine Arts, the Architecture School, Copenhagen. 1979-06 Art film performance with filmsequences from " Confrontation " performed at " Third International Avantgarde Filmfestival " London . 1980-1990 Michel Vincent images are integrated in media art performances by Steen T. Krarup and Nina Steen-Knudsen from 1980-1990 as performed at " Gallery Congo " Copenhagen 1985 and " Rockens Billeder " (Brandts Klædefabrik) Odense Kunsthal 1990 1981-1986 Produce series of colordias for media art performances. 1981-1986 Produce series of the graphic posters " Voiles " and some oilpaitings . 1984-06 Art exhibition " Hjarnø Udstilling " . Exhibition of poster graphics " Voiles " and paintings from Mons Belgium, Menton France, Münster Germany and Hjarnø Denmark. 1995-07-09 Produce digital images at HC in Taastrup assisted by Mogens Jacobsen 1995-10 Art exhibition " Ambiguo " at Centro Lavoro Arte , Milano , Italy participate with 50x50cm , cibachrome digital photoprints , " Black Madonna red " and " Hr. Strom ". 1995-11 Art exhibition " Almost 50/50 " at Københavns Hovedbibliotek, Copenhagen participate with 50x50cm , cibachrome digital photoprints , " Black Madonna red " and " Hr. Strom ". 1996-09 Art exhibition " Copenhagen Cyberport " - " Bio-Sampling-Project " by Steen T. Krarup, participate with laserprints 9/96 " Black Madonna gold " and " Emulsion 1 " 1999-2004 Produce series of digital colorimages for posterprints and media art performances. 2001-2007 Compose,play and record music compositions by Detlef Sellenriek and Michel Vincent, compose june 2003 the ballad " Osnabrück City Blues " playing at the Blues Session in Osnabrück. 2004-2008 Produce series of digital colorimages for media art performances. 2005 Produce websitesystem for document exhibition of design and image data on the internet on websites bruyerevincentdesign.com, arresoe-form.dk, artdim.com with king kong lightgroup webarchive. michel de la bruyere vincent data - rec 20130627 - print version page 4 2007 Produce film and video sequences for the project "moto de" video art performance. 200712 Produce the flash-video version of "Voltage 70".Upload rec20071217 channel "bruyere vincent". 2006-2008 Produce series of digital images named " Lightdrafts ™ " for video and media art performance "Lightdrafts . Georgsmarienhuette 2006-2008 by Michel de la Bruyere Vincent ©® 2006-2008" 2006-2011 Produce the website document : www.kingkonglightgroup.dk.Upload rec20110520 2010-2012 Produce updates to www.bruyerevincentdesign.com - rec20120320 201105 Produce full HD video version of " Metamorph 1-6 " by Steen T. Krarup. Upload rec201105-rec20110927 to the YouTube channel : "SteenTKrarup". 201105 Produce full HD video version of "Havblink" S8F Filmloops by Michel Vincent 1970. Upload rec201105 to the website kingkonglightgroup.dk 201206-11 Produce series of full HD video documents of the King Kong Lightgroup original basic liquid-images - cooperation with Steen T. Krarup. Uploads to the YouTube channel : "fondkrarupvincent" : .rec20121121 Amorphe R1.rec20121121 Amorphe B1.rec20121123 Amorphe G1. .rec20121123 Bubble Stream BW1.rec20121124 Amorphe BW1.rec20121126 Mass R1. .rec20121127 Network BW4.rec20121127 Glue BW4. 201210 Produce full HD video versions from the Lightdraft Suite, Lightdraft Suite part 7.2.12 and Lightdraft Suite part 7.2.13. Uploads rec20121030 to YouTube channel : bruyerevincent / michel de la bruyere vincent 201210-11 Produce full HD video versions of S8F (1970) filmed original King Kong Lightgroup liquid-images "Landscape" and "Silende Bobler". Uploads rec20121028 Landscape, rec20121115 Silende Bobler to the YouTube channel : bruyerevincent / michel de la bruyere vincent. 20121121 Found together with Steen T. Krarup the art foundation : "Foundation Krarup-Vincent" and produce the website label : www.fondkrarupvincent.com. 201211 Produce full HD video version of the original S8F filmloop " Voltage 70". Upload rec20121103 to Youtube channel :bruyerevincent / michel de la bruyere vincent 20130530 Produce the website www.michelvincent.dk and cancel the website and url www.artdim.com 20130530 Produce the website www.michelvincent.dk. Cancel the website and url www.artdim.com 20130626 Upload updated and expanded website www.bruyerevincentdesign.com , website for Bruyere-vincent Industrial Design and for unit Edition Bruyere Vincent. Refer to mbv document index - Media Art Documents Refer to mbv document index - Video Production Refer to mbv document index - Video Uploads Refer to mbv document index - Web Refer to mbv document index - Posters . Graphics Refer to mbv document index - Images Refer to mbv document index - Composition Refer to mbv document index - Film and Filmloops Refer to mbv document index - Photography Refer to mbv document index - Composition Refer to mbv document index - Media Art Programmes Refer to mbv document index - Media Art Performances Refer to mbv document index - Press documents Refer to mbv document index - Publications Refer to mbv document index - Edition Bruyere Vincent data Refer to mbv document index - King Kong Lightgroup data archive Refer to mbv document index - youtube channel: bruyerevincent Refer to mbv document index - youtube channel: fondkrarupvincent Refer to mbv document index - www.bruyerevincentdesign.com Refer to mbv document index - www.arresoe-form.dk Refer to mbv document index - www.michelvincent.dk Refer to mbv document index - www.fondkrarupvincent.com Refer to mbv document index - www.kingkonglightgroup.dk michel de la bruyere vincent data - rec 20130627 - print version page 5 Registered Addresses : 1946-1953 Olgasvej 13 , DK 2950 Vedbaek , Denmark 1953-1974 Søndervangen 68, DK 3480 Birkeroed , Denmark 1974-1977 Sørupvang 2 . Postboks 87 . DK 3300 Frederiksvaerk . Denmark 1975-1977 Industriel Design . Arresø Form . Sørupvang 2 . PB 87 . DK 3300 Frederiksværk . Denmark 1977-1980 Arresø Form Danmark . Havnevej 5 . DK 3300 Frederiksvaerk . Denmark 1977-1983 31 Bis Avenue Saint Pierre . B 7000 Mons . Belgium 1977-1983 Arresø Form . 31 Bis Avenue Saint Pierre .B 7000 Mons . Belgium 1979-1980 Augustastrasse 21 . D 4400 Münster . Germany 1979-1980 Arresø Form . Augusta Strasse 21 . D 4400 Münster . Germany 1980-1983 Fitzmauriceweg 38 . D 4400 Münster . Germany 1980-1983 Design and Construction . Arresø Form . Fitzmauriceweg 38 . D 4400 Münster . Germany 1983-1986 Hovedvejen 31 . Hjarnoe . DK 8700 Horsens . Denmark 1983-1986 Industriel Design . Arresø Form . Postboks 132 . DK 8700 Horsens . Denmark 1986-1987 Obere Rauhe Egge 20 . Postfach 3307 . D 5810 Witten . Germany 1986-1987 Design and Construction . Arresø Form . Kreisstrasse 43 . D 4714 Selm . Germany 1987-1988 Boeddingheideweg 4 . D 4400 Münster . Germany 1987-1988 Design and Construction . Arresø Form . Postfach 1243 . D 4400 Münster . Germany 1988-1990 Tinghusvej 19 . DK 3480 Fredensborg . Denmark 1995-1997 Kongevejen 22 . DK 3480 Fredensborg . Denmark 1988-1997 Industriel Design . Arresø International . Post Boks 153 . DK 3480 Fredensborg . Denmark 1998-2004 Friedebergstrasse 6 . D 32289 Rödinghausen . Germany 1998-1999 Bruyere-Vincent Industrial Design . Postfach 3106 . D 32289 Rödinghausen . Germany 1999-2004 Bruyere-Vincent Industrial Design . Postfach 1026 . D 49304 Melle . Germany 2004-2008 Hindenburgstrasse 10 . D 49124 Georgsmarienhuette . Germany 2004-2010 Bruyere-Vincent Industrial Design . Postfach 1602 . D 49114 Georgsmarienhuette . Germany 2010-2012 Bruyere-Vincent Industrial Design . Wilkensvej 41 . DK 2000 Frederiksberg . Denmark 2012-.... Bruyere-Vincent Industrial Design . Bygmestervej 6. DK 2400 Copenhagen . Denmark Some personal data Parents : Eva Birthe Vincent ( nmr dk shape 1965-1989 ) and Rene de la Bruyere Vincent ( http://modstand.natmus.dk/Person.aspx?33259 ) . Sister : Loulou de la Bruyere Vincent , born 1948. The family Vincent emmigrated from Paris, France to Copenhagen, Denmark around 1820. Son : Mads Vincent Schmidt , born 1973 , mothers name : Liselotte Schmidt. The family residents in Vedbaek 1946-1953, Birkeroed 1953-1974, Denmark, in Paris, France 1965-1967 and Mons, Belgium 1967-1989 . Resident in Denmark, Frederiksvaerk 1974-1977, in Belgium, Mons 1977-1983, in Germany, Münster 1979-1983 and 1986-1988, in Denmark, Hjarnoe 1983-1986, in Denmark, Fredensborg from 1988-1997, in Germany, Rödinghausen 1998-2004, in Germany, Georgsmarienhuette from 2004-2008 . Resident in Denmark from 2010 1953-1963 Realexamin. from Birkeroed Statsskole, Birkeroed. 1954- Learn to play piano and clarinet. Play from 1960 Alto-Saxophone in jazz groups and at sessions. 1963-1965 Carpentry apprenticeship including classes at carpentry technical school. 1965-1967 Studentexamin. math-phys. from Akademisk Kursus , Copenhagen. 1967- Enter studies at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts , the Architecture School, in Copenhagen. 1968-1970 Participate in the Culture Ministry research of 68 Small Danish Islands. 1968-1972 Produce Liquid-images, art photos and film, multimediaprogrammes - perform as. co-founder and participant in the King Kong Lightgroup media art performances 1969-1972, partly supported by the Culture Ministry, Nordic Foundations , the Danish Filmfoundation and Fuji Film. 1971-1972 Study cybernetics and follow computer course at the Architecture School. 1971-1973 Study suspended structures and design "Mobile Theater" for media art performances. 1972-1973 Organize and participate in the 1. and 2. Light Joint held in Amsterdam , Netherland. 1974 Work at the Danish Steelwork DDS in Frederiksvaerk and have a prototype stove manufactured. 1975 Leave studies at the Architecture School to work at (1973) founded Industrial Design company. about travels : Paris, France, 1965-1967 . Mons, Belgium, 1967-1990 . Amsterdam, Netherland, 1969-1973 . London, England, 1977-1979 . Madrid og Barcelona, Spane, 1977-1978 . Menton, France, 1977-1983 . Zürich, Schwitzerland, 1981-83/90 . West-Germany - Berlin, 1979-1989. Denmark, West-Germany, Switzerland og Italy 1953 - 1965 . Norway, Sweden og Denmark 1960-1971 . Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Denmark 1974-1977 . England, West-Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Spane, Denmark 1977-1978 . France, England, W-Germany, Austria, Italy, Denmark 1978-1979 . W-Germany, France, Belgium, Denmark,1979-1980 . Belgium, USA, France, Italy, W-Germany, michel de la bruyere vincent data - rec 20130627 - print version page 6 Denmark 1981-1983 . France, Denmark, W-Germany, Belgum 1984-1985 . France, W-Germany, Switzerland, Belgiun, Denmark 1985-1986 . W-Germany, Belgium, France, Norway, Denmark 1986-1988 . Belgium,Luxembourg,Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark 1989-1991 . Germany 1979 - APPENDIX Inventor : Michel de la Bruyere Vincent aka Michel D. Vincent aka Michel Vincent Product Design - Design Patents reg date - country - design patent - product design type - code - product name 1975.12.19 UK PRO 50728 stove cubic 1000. Arresø 1 1976.04.24 UK PRO 16742 stove hexagonal 2000. Arresø 2 1976.05.01 UK PRO 167898 stove hexagonal 3000. Arresø 3 1978.03.03 DE MR 13780 table grill hexagonal 4000. Arresø 4 1978.03.21 DK R 235-1978 table grill hexagonal 4000. Arresø 4 1978.07.20 ES R 988719 table grill hexagonal 4000. Arresø 4 1978.07.24 DE MR 14273 table grill cylindrical 5000. Arresø 5 1978.07.27 JP R 582388 table grill cylindrical 5000. Arresø 5 1978.09.08 FR R 41712 table grill hexagonal 4000. Arresø 4 1978.09.08 FR R 41712 table grill cylindrical 5000. Arresø 5 1979.01.01 JP R 535459 table grill hexagonal 4000. Arresø 4 1979.01.05 DK R 12-1979 table grill cylindrical 5000. Arresø 5 1979.01.05 ES R 988720 table grill cylindrical 5000. Arresø 5 1979.05.07 CD R 45367 table grill hexagonal 4000. Arresø 4 1979.05.07 CD R 45368 table grill cylindrical 5000. Arresø 5 1979.05.15 UK R 988719 table grill hexagonal 4000. Arresø 4 1979.05.15 UK R 988720 table grill cylindrical 5000. Arresø 5 1979.06.01 UK R 988714 stove cubic 1000. Arresø 1 1979.06.01 UK R 988715 stove cubic 1000. Arresø 1 1979.06.12 UK R 988716 stove hexagonal 2000. Arresø 2 1979.06.12 UK R 988717 stove hexagonal 2000. Arresø 2 1979.06.29 UK R 988718 stove hexagonal 3000. Arresø 3 1979.06.29 UK R 988719 stove hexagonal 3000. Arresø 3 1980.05.30 DE MR 16771 stove system hexagonal D 302 Index Arresø 3 System 1980.05.30 DE MR 16770 stove system cylindrical D 402 Index Arresø 6 System 1980.09.09 US D 256.763 table grill hexagonal 4000. Arresø 4 1980.10.07 US D 257.206 table grill cylindrical 5000. Arresø 5 1980.12.01 FR R 803720 stove system hexagonal D 302 Index Arresø 3 System 1980.12.01 FR R 803720 stove system cylindrical D 402 Index Arresø 6 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-01 stove cubic 1000. Arresø 1 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-02 stove system cubic 1001. Arresø 1 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-03 stove system cubic 1002. Arresø 1 Recup 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-04 stove system hexagonal 2001. Arresø 2 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-05 table grill hexagonal 4000. Arresø 4 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-06 table grill cylindrical 5000. Arresø 5 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-07 stove system hexagonal 3100. Arresø 3 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-08 stove system hexagonal 3204. Arresø 3 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-09 stove system hexagonal 3114. Arresø 3 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-10 stove system hexagonal 3104. Arresø 3 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-11 stove system hexagonal 3220. Arresø 3 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-12 stove system hexagonal 3300. Arresø 3 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-13 stove system hexagonal 3304. Arresø 3 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-14 stove system hexagonal 3320. Arresø 3 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-15 stove system hexagonal 31-04. Arresø 3 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-16 stove system hexagonal 31-14. Arresø 3 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-17 stove system hexagonal 32-00. Arresø 3 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-18 stove system hexagonal 32-10. Arresø 3 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-19 stove system hexagonal 3204. Arresø 3 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-20 stove system hexagonal 33-10. Arresø 3 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-21 stove system hexagonal 33-04. Arresø 3 System michel de la bruyere vincent data - rec 20130627 - print version 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-22 stove system hexagonal 33-00. Arresø 3 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-23 stove system cylindrical 63-04. Arresø 6 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-24 stove system cylindrical 60-00. Arresø 6 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-25 stove system cylindrical 60-10. Arresø 6 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-26 stove system cylindrical 60-14. Arresø 6 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-27 stove system cylindrical 63-00. Arresø 6 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-28 stove system cylindrical 63-10. Arresø 6 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-29 stove system cylindrical 63-20. Arresø 6 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-30 stove system cylindrical 63-04. Arresø 6 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-31 stove system cylindrical 6000 K Arresø 6 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-32 stove system cylindrical 60-10 K Arresø 6 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-33 stove system cylindrical 60-04 K Arresø 6 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-34 stove system cylindrical 60-14 K Arresø 6 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-35 stove system cylindrical 6300 K Arresø 6 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-36 stove system cylindrical 63-10 K Arresø 6 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-37 stove system cylindrical 63-20 K Arresø 6 System 1980.12.05 BE R 02359-38 stove system cylindrical 63-04 K Arresø 6 System 1981.11.13 FR R 8193904 stove system hexagonal 3100-3300 Arresø 3 System 1981.11.13 FR R 8193904 stove system cylindrical 6300. Arresø 6 System 1981.11.13 BE R 02626-01 stove system cylindrical 6324. Arresø 6 System 1981.11.13 BE R 02626-02 stove system cylindrical 6300. Arresø 6 System 1981.11.13 BE R 02626-03 stove system cylindrical 6310. Arresø 6 System 1981.11.13 BE R 02626-04 stove system cylindrical 6304. Arresø 6 System 1981.11.13 BE R 02626-05 stove system cylindrical 6320. Arresø 6 System 1981.11.13 BE R 02626-06 stove system cylindrical 6314. Arresø 6 System 1982.11.12 DE MR 20713 barbecue system hexagonal 4041 Index Arresø 4 System 1982.11.12 DE MR 20714 barbecue system cylindrical 5051 Index Arresø 5 System 1982.12.07 US D 267.192 stove system cylindrical 6300. Arresø 6 System 1983.01.20 IT R 030629 stove system cylindrical 6300. Arresø 6 System 1983.01.20 IT R 030630 stove system hexagonal 3100-3300. Arresø 3 System 1983.01.24 CD R 50770 stove system cylindrical 6300. Arresø 6 System 1983.01.24 CD R AP 040681-1 stove system hexagonal 3100-3300. Arresø 3 System 1983.05.18 DK R 412-1983 stove system hexagonal 3100-3300. Arresø 3 System 1983.06.07 DK R 449-1983 stove system cylindrical 6300. Arresø 6 System 1983.08.04 DK R 661-1983 stove system hexagonal 3324. Arresø 3 System 1987.01.23 DE MR 27430 stove system cylindrical 6300 K Arresø 6 System 1987.01.23 DE MR 27431 stove system hexagonal 3300-3500 K Arresø 3 System 1987.01.23 DE WAG R 117 stove system hexagonal 3600 K Arresø 3 System 1987.01.23 DE WAG R 118 stove system cylindrical 6600 K Arresø 6 System 1987.05.12 DK R 952-1987 stove system cylindrical 6600. Arresø 6 System 1987.05.12 DK R 953-1987 stove system hexagonal 3600. Arresø 3 System 1987.05.12 DK MA 524-1987 stove system hexagonal 3500. Arresø 3 System 1987.12.08 DK MA 1377-1987 briquet burner cubic 8001. Arresø 8 1988.02.08 US AP 153.454 stove system hexagonal 3500 Serie Arresø 3 System 1988.02.08 US AP 153.454 stove system hexagonal 3600. Arresø 3 System 1988.02.08 US AP 153.665 stove system cylindrical 6600. Arresø 6 System 1989.01.25 FR R 890514 stove system hexagonal 3500 Index Arresø 3 System 1989.01.25 FR R 890514 stove system hexagonal 3600. Arresø 3 System 1989.01.25 FR R 890514 stove system cylindrical 6300 Index Arresø 6 System 1989.01.25 FR R 890514 stove system cylindrical 6600. Arresø 6 System 1989.01.25 FR R 890514 barbecue system hexagonal 4041 Index Arresø 4 System 1989.01.25 FR R 890514 barbecue system cylindrical 5051 Index Arresø 5 System 1991.10.25 DE M 9107578.5 stove system hexagonal 3701-3707 Arresø 3 System 1991.10.25 DE M 9107578.5 stove system cylindrical 6801-6807 Arresø 6 System 1997.05.11 DK R 952-1987 stove system cylindrical 6600. Arresø 6 System 1997.05.11 DK R 953-1987 stove system hexagonal 3600. Arresø 3 System 1997.09.19 DE M 9708718.1 stove system hexagonal 3701-3707 Arresø 3 System 1997.09.19 DE M 9708721.1 stove system cylindrical 6801-6807 Arresø 6 System 1998.03.30 DE M 9803319.0 barbecue system cylindrical 5000 Index Arresø 5 System ( pending ) page 7 michel de la bruyere vincent data - rec 20130627 - print version Product Design - Press samples 1976.12.00 BE VIVRE AUJOURDHI 1976.12.00 DK FREDERIKSVAERK UGEAVIS 1976.12.00 DK FREDERIKSBORG AMTSAVIS 1977.02.00 DK FAMILIE JOURNALEN 1977.02.00 DK ERHVERVSBLADET 1977.03.05 DK POLITIKEN 1978.02.00 BE LE SOIR 1979.01.01 CD NEW PRODUCTS BULLETIN nr. 276 . January 1979 1980.11.00 BE FABRIMETAL PRESS 1981.03.00 BE FEUX OUVERTS nr. 3 1981.09.05 BE GRENZ-ECHO 1981.09.07 BE LA MEUSE-VERVIER 1981.09.09 BE LIEGE PROVINCE D'EUROPE 1981.09.13 BE GAZETTE DE LIEGE nr. 12 1981.09.16 BE L'ECHO DE LA BOURSE 1981.09.17 BE SPECIAL L'EVENTAIL nr. 11 1981.09.18 BE LA CITE supplement 2 cahier 1981.09.23 BE OFFRES ET DEMANDES nr. 38 page 11 1981.10.01 CD NEW PRODUCTS BULLETIN nr. 309 . October 1981 1981.08.01 US THE NATIONAL WOODSTOVE AND FIREPLACE JOURNAL 1981.08.01 US NEWSWEEK INTERNATIONAL - New Products And Processes vol. 6 nr. 5 Aug 1981 1981.10.15 US ARCHITECTURAL RECORD UCI 10 . Mid-October 1981 1982.03.00 DE MD 1982.10.00 FR CHEMINEES re : La Boutique Danoise . Paris 1982.10.22 FR FRANCE-SOIR re : La Boutique Danoise . Paris 1983.01.29 BE GAZET VAN ANTWERPEN Gazet Van Mechelen 1983.08.01 BE DECOR , POELES ET CHEMINEES nr. 8 1983.09.01 BE DECOR , POELES ET CHEMINEES nr. 9 1985.09.22 DE MESSE KOELN PRESS Spoga Newscatalog pages 43-44 1985.10.01 DK BO BEDRE nr. 11 . October 1985 1986.06.28 DE EISENWAREN ZEITUNG nr. 12 . Juni 28 . 1986 1986.06.01 DK BO BEDRE June 1986 1986.11.01 FR JARDINERIES nr. 112 . Nov 1986 1987.05.01 DE SCHOENER WOHNEN nr. 5 . page 148 . SW 587 1988.01.10 DE WESTFALISCHE NACHRICHTEN nr. 300 . Jan 1988 1988.02.09 DE MESSE KOELN PRESS Domotechnica Newscatalog heft 3 page 31 1988.03.01 DE EISENWAREN ZEITUNG EZ 2 / 1988 1988.03.01 DE KAMINOFEN Product Design - Press AD samples 1976.11.01 BE STANDARD AHZ Poster Arresø Form 1976.11.01 DK INFORMATION AD Arresø Form 1976.11.01 DK FREDERIKSVAERK UGEAVIS Press local dealer dk 3300 1978.09.01 BE VL CENTER MONS - PATURAGES Local dealer poster 1978.03.01 UK THE WOODBURNING BOOK ISBN 0906137024 1979.12.01 BE DECOR , POELES ET CHEMINEES nr. 13 . 1979 1979.12.01 DE SCHOENER WOHNEN AD Betho - Bodart et Gonay 1981.08.01 BE DECOR , POELES ET CHEMINEES nr. 8 - AD Bodart et Gonay 1981.08.01 US THE WOODSTOVE DIRECTORY 1981-1982 . AD Circle Product Locator 350 1982.08.01 US THE WOODSTOVE DIRECTORY 1982-1983 . AD Circle Product Locator 283 1983.09.00 BE BODART ET GONAY POSTER AD Bodart et Gonay 1984.08.00 BE DECOR , POELES ET CHEMINEES AD Bodart et Gonay 1984.08.00 BE VL CENTER MONS-PATURAGES Local dealer poster 1986.07.01 CH PERSPECTIVE 1986 nr. 7 . page 157 1986.07.01 CH PERSPECTIVE 1986 nr. 7 . page 161 1988.04.02 DE WITTEN AM SAMSTAG 1988 nr. 9 rec 20130627 © michel de la bruyere vincent published by bruyere-vincent industrial design . cvr 32968368 www.bruyerevincentdesign.com - www.michelvincent.dk - rec 20130627 - print version - pages 1-8 page 8
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