Glyphosate Effects on Crops, Soils, Animals, and Consumers Europe October 2011 Don M. Huber Emeritus Professor of Plant Pathology Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Objective of Agriculture To provide an abundant supply of: • Safe • Affordable • Nutritious Food And Other commodities grown to meet societies needs Agriculture is THE basic infrastructure of Society Glyphosate Effects on Crops, Soils, Animals, and Consumers • Background • Understanding glyphosate What it is and how it works • Understanding glyphosate-resistance “All flesh is grass” Isaiah 40:6, 800 BC - What it is and what it doesn’t do • Recognizing the interactions - Symptoms - nutrition, disease • Remediation • The bigger picture - Food/Feed nutrition and safety The Importance of Reducing Stresses Genetic Potential Potential - - Nutrition Physiology Management Environment Diseases Pests Stresses = There is no free lunch! = Harvest Yield Quality traits Water Genotypes of Genotypes plants of plants Temperature Heat Cold Light (cycles, (cycles , intensity) intensity) Light Soil physics Insects Virus Bacteria Pesticides Fungi Organic matter CO2 O2 H Ca Mg N P K Mn Fe Cu Na Mo Al Zn B Si Cl Ni Nematodes Pollutants There are a large number of interconnected plant properties and responses to physical and biological environmental factors. Nutrients are: Components of plant parts as well as Activators, Inhibitors, and Regulators of Physiological Processes Many herbicides and pesticides are chelators Interacting Factors Determining Nutrient Availability and Disease Severity Vigor, Stage of Growth, Root Exudates Resistance PLANT Susceptibility TIME PATHOGEN Population Virulence Activity BIOTIC ENVIRONMENT Antagonists, Synergists Oxidizers, Reducers Competitors, Mineralizers [Cu, Fe, K, Mn, N, S, Zn] ABIOTIC ENVIRONMENT Nutrients Moisture Temperature pH (redox potential) Density, gases Ag Chemicals Factors Affecting N Form, Mn Availability and Severity of Some Diseases* Soil Factor or Cultural Practice Nitrification Low Soil pH Decrease Green Manures(some) Decrease Ammonium Fertilizers Decrease Irrigation (some) Decrease Firm Seed bed Decrease Nitrification Inhibitors Decrease Soil Fumigation Decrease Metal Sulfides Decrease Effect on: Mn Availability Disease Severity Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Decrease Decrease Decrease Decrease Decrease Decrease Decrease Decrease Glyphosate ---Decrease Increase High Soil pH Increase Decrease Increase Lime Increase Decrease Increase Nitrate Fertilizers ---Decrease Increase Manure Increase Decrease Increase Low Soil Moisture Increase Decrease Increase Loose Seed bed Increase Decrease Increase *Potato scab, Rice blast, Take-all, Phymatotrichum root rot, Corn stalk rot Understanding the Characteristics of Glyphosate Glyphosate has Changed Agriculture for 30+Years • A strong chemical chelator Chelating stability constants of glyphosate Chelates minerals in the spray tank Chelates minerals in the plant Metal ion Mg2+ Ca2+ Chelates minerals in the soil Mn2+ Reduces: B, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Ni, Zn Fe2+ Cu2+ Fe3+ Non-specific herbicidal effect • Non-specific herbicidal effect [ML] [M][L] 3.31 3.25 5.47 6.87 11.93 16.09 [MHL] [M][H][L] [ML2] [M][L2] 12.12 11.48 12.30 12.79 15.85 17.63 5.47 5.87 7.80 11.18 16.02 23.00 Glyphosate Immobilizes Manganese in Soybean Glyphosate Glyphosate + Zn tank mix Effect of Residual or ’drift’ Glyphosate on Percent Nutrient Uptake and Translocation by Plants After Eker et al 2006* Control % uptake + glyphosate 100 80 60 40 20 0 Fe Mn Zn Root uptake Fe Mn Zn Translocation to shoot * 1/40th of recommended herbicidal rate = 0.4 oz/a = 12 g/a Foliar application of glyphosate Systemic movement throughout the plant Chelation of micronutrients Intensifies stress Accumulation of glyphosate in soil (fast sorption; slow degradation) Desorbed by phosphorus Residual soil and residue effects Glyphosate toxicity to: N-fixing microbes Bacterial shikimate pathway Mycorrhizae Biological control organisms Earthworms PGPR organisms Accumulation of glyphosate in meristematic tissues (shoot, reproductive, and roots) Translocation of glyphosate from shoot to root and release into the rhizosphere Toxicity to root tips by glyphosate or its toxic metabolites (e.g. AMPA) Compromise of plant defense mechanisms Promotion of soil-borne organisms: Soilborne pathogens - DISEASE Nutrient oxidizers (Fe, Mn, N) Microbial nutrient sinks (K, Mg) Reduced availability or uptake of essential nutrients (Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, N, Zn) Schematic of glyphosate interactions in soil What’s Special About Glyphosate Tolerance? (Roundup Ready® Genes) [Greatly expanded usage of glyphosate] • The technology inserts an alternative EPSPS enzyme that is not blocked by glyphosate in mature tissue • There is nothing in the RR plant that operates on the glyphosate applied to the plant! - Glyphosate chelation is not selective it immobilizes nutrients Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Ni, Zn - Reduces nutrient uptake • Can cause a“Yield Drag” % uptake 100 • It is there for the life of the plant 75 Normal RR 50 Indiana Kansas Michigan Brazil Indiana Brazil 25 0 Soybeans for manganese Corn/Mn Soybeans/Zn Effect of Glyphosate on Lignin, AA, Water Use Efficiency, and Photosynthesis of ‘Glyphosate-Resistant’ Soybeans Lignin (g/plant) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 After Zobiole, 2009 Full rate at one time Sequential half rate 0 450 675 900 1350 1800 36 DAT 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 Glyphosate (g a.e./ha) Amino Acids (g/plant) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0.0 Full rate at one time Sequential half rate 0 450 675 900 1350 1800 Glyphosate (g a.e./ha) 13 DAT umol CO2 m-2 s-1 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 600 1200 1800 2400 Glyphosate (g a.e./ha) WUE (ml water/g dry mass) 0 450 675 900 1350 1800 Glyphosate (g a.e./ha) Microbiocidal Activity of Glyphosate Fusarium % change 500 % of control 100 400 80 300 60 200 40 100 20 0 Fusarium root colonization Glyphosate rate Control 600 g ae/ha 1200 g ae/ha 2400 g ae/ha 0 Pseudomonads Mn reducers IAA producers After Zobiole et al., 2010 Kremer, 2010 Effect of Glyphosate Drift* on Soybean Leaf and Seed Iron & Ferric Reductase Activity % reduction 100 Control GS variety 1 GS variety 2 GR variety 80 60 40 20 0 Leaf Fe content Seed Fe content Ferric reductase activity *Drift rate = 12.5 % of herbicide rate = 56 g/a After Bellaloui et al, 2009 Reduced Nutrient Efficiency of Isogenic RR Soybeans (After Zobiole et al, 2008, 2009) Tissue: Isoline Mn % Zn % Normal 100 100 Roundup Ready© 83 53 RR + glyphosate 76 45 Copper, iron, and other essential nutrients Were also lower in the RR isoline and reduced further by glyphosate! % Mineral Reduction in Tissue of Roundup Ready® Soybeans Treated with Glyphosate Plant tissue Ca Mg Fe Mn Zn Cu Young leaves 40 28 7 29 NS NS Mature leaves 30 34 18 48 30 27 Mature grain 26 13 49 45 Reduced: Yield 26% Biomass 24% After Cakmak et al, 2009 Glycolysis Pentose cycle PEP pyruvate Erythrose-4-PO4 n Fe OneM missing micronutrient Cu Si = damage to a Co pathway B* whole Mn ate s o h p y Gl Mn Shikimate Chorismate Phen olics Anthranilate Prephrenic * probable Adapted from Graham & Webb 1991 Tryptophan Tyrosine Phenylalanine Cyanogenic glycosides Mn IAA Mn Indolacetic acid Cinnamic Caffeic Coumaric Mn IAA degradation H 2 O2 Coumaryl OH Monocot: Salycil+>SAR PR2 PR5 = susceptible Jasmonique PR1 PR3 PR5 PR9 = résistant Phytoalexins: Phenylpropanoids Salicylate� & SAR PR Proteins Quinones Ferulic Sinapyl OH Coniferyl OH Monocot M n L I G N IN H 2O 2 Mn Mn Gymnosperms LI GNI N CELL WALLS Dicots Lignin Herbicide action is by soil-borne fungal pathogens Glyphosate Increases Disease Susceptibility A B C A Glyphosate Glyphosate No glyphosate Sterile soil Field soil Control B Effect of glyphosate on susceptibility to anthracnose. A) hypersensitive response; B) non-limited response after glyphosate is applied. After Rahe and Johal, 1988; 1990; See also Johal and Huber, 1999; Schafer et al, 2009. Some Plant Pathogens Increased by Glyphosate Pathogen Pathogen Increased: Cercospora spp. Botryospheara dothidea Marasmius spp. Corynespora cassicola Monosporascus cannonbalus Fusarium spp. Myrothecium verucaria Fusarium avenaceum Phaeomoniella chlamydospora F. graminearum Phytophthora spp. F. oxysporum f. sp cubense Pythium spp. F. oxysporum f.sp (canola) Rhizoctonia solani F. oxysporum f.sp. glycines Septoria nodorum F. oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum Thielaviopsis bassicola F. solani f.sp. glycines Xylella fastidiosa F. solani f.sp. phaseoli Clavibacter nebraskensis F. solani f.sp. Pisi Xanthomonas sterwartii Gaeumannomyces graminis Magnaporthe grisea (“Emerging” and “reemerging diseases”) Abiotic: Nutrient deficiency diseases; bark cracking, mouse ear, ‘witches brooms’ Some Diseases Increased by Glyphosate Host plant Disease Pathogen Apple Banana Barley Beans Bean Bean Canola Canola Citrus Corn Cotton Cotton Cotton Grape Melon Soybeans Soybeans Soybeans Sugar beet Sugarcane Tomato Various Weeds Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat Canker Panama Root rot Root rot Damping off Root rot Crown rot Wilt CVC Root and Ear rots Damping off Bunchy top Wilt Black goo Root rot Root rot, Target spot White mold SDS Rots, Damping off Decline Wilt (New) Canker Biocontrol Bare patch Glume blotch Root rot Head scab TakeTake-all Botryosphaeria dothidea Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense Magnaporthe grisea Fusarium solani f.sp. phaseoli Pythium spp. Thielaviopsis bassicola Fusarium spp. Fusarium oxysporum Xylella fastidiosa Fusarium spp. Pythium spp. Manganese deficiency F. oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum Phaeomoniella chlamydospora Monosporascus cannonbalus Corynespora cassicola Sclerotina sclerotiorium Fusarium solani f.sp. glycines Rhizoctonia and Fusarium Marasmius spp. Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. pisi Phytophthora spp. Myrothecium verucaria Rhizoctonia solani Septoria spp. Fusarium spp. Fusarium graminearum Gaeumannomyces graminis Fusarium scab Take-all root rot Examples of Herbicide-Nutrient-Disease Interactions Take-all Glyphosate No glyphosate Glyphosate-tolerant soybeans - Corynespora Control Inoculated Inoculated + glyphosate Sudden Death Syndrome - Fusarium No Fall burndown Fall glyphosate Goss’ wilt No glyphosate Glyphosate Factors Predisposing to Fusarium Head Scab (Fusarium spp.; Gibberella zeae) Environment was the most important factor in FHB development in eastern Saskatchewan, from 1999 to 2002 Number of % Application of glyphosate formulations glyphosate was the most important agronomic applications Increase factor associated with higher FHB the previous in head levels in spring wheat scab three years Positive association of glyphosate with FHB was not affected by environmental conditions as much as that of other agronomic factors… (Fernandez et al. 2005, Crop Sci. 45: 1908-1916) (Fernandez et al., 2007, Crop Sci. 47:1574-1584) _______________________________ None 00 1 to 2 152 *** 3 to 6 295 *** _______________________________ After Roemheld et al, 2009 Effect of Planting Delay after Glyphosate (Residual Glyphosate in Soil) Winter Wheat 14 days after glyphosate ‘burn-down’ 2 days after glyphosate ‘burn-down’ Weiss et al., 2008 Long-term Effect of Glyphosate Field observations in winter wheat production systems in 2008 & 2009 point to potential negative side-effects of long-term glyphosate use. after Roemheld et al., 2009 Preemergence glyphosate No glyphosate Preemergence No glyphosate glyphosate Preemergence Glyphosate No glyphosate Poor Bulking 5# 5 oz 9# 13 oz Failure to ‘Bulk’ of Russet Potatoes Glyphosate frequency None in the previous 2 yrs 1-2 in the previous 2 yrs Preceding year How applied No. % Potatoes growers over 10 oz None 5 35.3 Burn down RR crop 17 5 20.2 5.4 Parent plant with glyphosate drift Daughter seed pieces Special Considerations in Fertilizing RR Crops Two factors: 1) Chemical; 2) gene 1. Providing nutrient availability for yield and quality Compensate for reduced plant efficiency Compensate for reduced soil availability [Timing and formulation are important] 2. Detoxifying residual glyphosate In meristematic root, stem, flower tissues, etc. In soil [Ca, Co, Cu, Mg, Mn, Ni, Zn] 3. Restoring soil microbial activity Nutrient related (N-fixation, Fe, Mn, Ni, S, Zn, etc.) Disease control related (nutrition, pathogen antagonists, etc.) Biological amendment (N-fixers, PGPRs, etc.) 4. Increasing plant resistance to diseases and toxins Nutrient-related pathways (Shikimate, AA, CHO, etc.) 5. Judicious use of glyphosate Glyphosate-induced Fe-deficiency chlorosis + glyphosate - glyphosate + glyphosate + + seed Fe treatment seed Fe treatment Photo: N.C. Hansen, Fort Collins,CO Interaction of seedchlorosis in soybeans; Minnesota, USA seed-applied Fe and glyphosate application on Fe deficiency Treatment Visual chlorosis score [1 = green; 5 = yellow] Control (no herbicide) Glyphosate - Fe 3.1 3.7 + Fe 2.8 3.3 Grain yield (bu/a) - Fe 33 8 + Fe 56 19 Jolley et al., 2004, Soil Sci. and Plant Nutrition 50:97350:973-981 Food and Feed Safety Concerns Increased levels of mycotoxins - Fusarium toxins (DON, NIV, ZEA) - Aflatoxins Nutrient deficiency - Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Zn Gene flow - Weeds - Soil microbes - Intestinal microbes Aris & Leblanc, 2011 Benachour et al, 2007 Carmen, et al., 2011 Fernandez, et al., 2009 Gasnier, et al., 2009 Heiman, 2010 Matzk et al, 1996 Seralini et al., 2010, 2011 Smith, 2010 Walsh, et al., 2000 Watts, 2009 Direct toxicity of residual glyphosate - Infertility - endocrine system - Birth defects, teratogenicity - Cell death - Disease resistance Allergenic reactions to foreign proteins % Reduction in Alfalfa Nutrients by Glyphosate* Nutrient Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Calcium Magnesium Sulfur Boron Copper Iron Manganese Zinc % reduction compared with Non-RR 13 % 15 % 46 % 17 % 26 % 52 % 18 % 20 % 49 % 31 % 18 % *Third year, second cutting analysis; Glyphosate applied one time in the previous year Manganese Sufficiency in Bovine Fetus Livers (After Schefers, 2011) Fetal development Mn Manganese level* mean Deficient Normal Deformed 0.88 ppm ‘Normal’ 1.2 ppm 100 % 63 % Above 0 0 29 % 7% *Reference range: 1.75-2.8 ppm wet weight Feed Analysis: Mean Mn Range of samples Shelled corn Corn silage Grass hay Mixed haylage 0.01 - 57.65 ppm 0.01 - 89.43 ppm 0.01 - 125.20 ppm 0.55 - 113.45 ppm 15 ppm 37 ppm 50 ppm 57 ppm Stillborne Calf from Manganese Deficiency U.S. Cattlemen’s Association Statement to Congress “Cattle ranchers are facing some puzzling - and, at times, economically devastating problems with pregnant cows and calves. At some facilities, high numbers of fetuses are aborting for no apparent reason. Other farmers successfully raise what look to be normal young cattle, only to learn when the animals are butchered that their carcasses appear old and, therefore, less valuable.” “The sporadic problem is so bad both in the United States and abroad that in some herds around 40-50 percent of pregnancies are being lost.” “Many pesticides and industrial pollutants also possess a hormonal alter ego.” “The viability of this important industry is threatened.” Source: Testimony of the Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America, to the Senate Agriculture Committee July 24, 2002. Feed Source Effect on Stomach Liner Color, Carmen et al, 2010 Non-GMO GMO GMO Effect of the GM “Gene” Proteins in Corn/Soybeans on Pig Stomachs 2011 Non-GMO Feed GMO Feed Normal color Inflamed, irritated Inflammatory Bowel Disease, USA Percentage of acres planted Cases/100,000 population 90 GM Soy 80 70 60 50 GM Corn Hospital discharges Ambulatory care visits 40 20 10 0 1992 Year 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 And the Mice Prefer…… GMO Corn Non-GMO Corn Photos: Gilbert Hostetler Direct Toxicity of Glyphosate Rate (ppm) 0.5 0.5 1.0 1-10 1-10 2.0 5.0 5.0 10 10 10 All 1-10 System affected Human cell endocrine disruption Anti-androgenic Disrupts aramatase enzymes Inhibits LDH, AST, ALF enzymes Damages liver, mitochondria, nuclei Anti-Oestrogenic DNA damage Human placental, umbilical, embryo Cytotoxic Multiple cell damage Total cell death Systemic throughout body Suppress mitochondrial respiration Parkinson’s POEA, AMPA even more toxic Reference Toxicology 262:184-196, 2009 Gasner et al, 2009 Gasnier et al, 2009 Malatesta et al, 2005 Malatesta et al, 2005 Gasnier et al, 2009 Toxicology 262:184-196, 2009 Chem.Res.Toxicol. J. 22:2009 Toxicology 262:184-196, 2009 Seralini et al, 2009 Chem.Res.Toxicol. J. 22:2009 Andon et al, 2009 Peixoto et al, 2005 El Demerdash et al, 2001 Seralini et al, 2009 Annual % Change in Cancers Target Tissues for glyphosate; Liver Kidney Testicle Hormone system Bone (Ca, Mn chelation?) Thyroid (Mn chelation?) Bt Egg Plant Toxicology Evaluation - Gallagher Summary: * The study failed to meet international standards for evaluation (OECD 1998; Codex Alimentarious, 2003 c-c) * There were serious departures from normal scientific standards * Studies submitted are ‘woefully inadequate to determine safety’ * Consists of substandard and extremely misleading interpretation of the results presented * Independent study can not uphold the government report of approval Late term ‘Spontaneous Abortion’ (Miscarriage) Morphology of the ‘Entity’ Causing Reproductive Failure Transmision Electron Photomicrographs 38,250 X magnification Size relative to a bacterium Scanning EM Occurrence •Verified in IA, IL, KY, MI, NE, ND, SD, WI • Sources: ‘Environmental’ Animal tissue Soybean meal Placental tissue Wheatlage, haylage, silage Amniotic fluid Corn leaves and silage Semen SDS Soybean plants Stomach contents Oak ‘scorch’ leaves Eggs Manure Milk Soil Fusarium solani fsp glycines mycelium Potential Interactions of ‘new entity’ with Glyphosate • Glyphosate affects plants (predisposes): Inhibits plant defenses Reduces nutrient content and efficiency [chemical and RR gene(s)] Increases root colonization Increases membrane permeability Surfactant affect for penetration of natural openings and wounds • Glyphosate affects animals (predisposes): Inhibits aramatose system – endocrine hormone system Toxic to liver, placental, testicular, and kidney cells Reduced defense - liver function [from lower Mn, etc. in feed] • Glyphosate affects pathogens: Stimulates growth and virulence (direct/indirect) Favors synergism, infection (as a carrier) Increases movement into plant tissues (water film for plant infection) • Glyphosate affects the environment: Toxic to soil microbes that constrain plant pathogens Micronutrient availability reduced Failure to Honor * Scientific Precautionary Principle 1. Margin of safety to prevent damage 2. Anticipation of unknowns 3. Initiate as a “pilot project” * Not “Substantially Equivalent”- Significant deviation in: 1. Expression of ‘end products’ (new/tissues in) 2. More like virus infection than sexual transfer 3. Functional and regulatory controls absent 4. Greatly extended exposure 5. Production, quality, safety & toxicity differ Scientifically Irresponsible * Untested end products (toxicology) – New proteins, Bt toxin * Irreversible consequences 1. Gene contamination 2. Health damage * Basic infrastructure attacked – food production * Unintended consequences ignored – increased disease * Increased toxic chemical exposure – food, environment * Decreased production efficiency – food/feed * Unknown end points – unregulated gene flow Emerging Consequences * New diseases- health effects 1. Allergies 2. Reproductive failure 3. Premature aging 4. Morgellan’s – A. tumefaciens in muscle * Emerging diseases 1. Human Autism Endometriosis, Crohn’s Alzheimer’s/dementia Parkinson’s Nutrient deficiencies 2. Animal - Many 3. Plant - Many Potential Far-Reaching Impact of Glyphosate Human Mineral malnourished, Allergies, Fertility, Disease MYCOTOXINS Alzheimer’ Alzheimer’s, gout, diabetes, viruses, Parkinson;s, etc. Vegetables, fruits, grains Glyphosate Lower nutrient minerals Mn (Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Zn) Carriers for epiphytes Glyphosate (E. coli, etc. ) (Changed epiphytic flora) (Chelation) Environment Biological imbalance N fixation, Mn availability Potassium immobilization Biological controls GLYPHOSATE ACCUMULATION Plants, feed Lower nutrient minerals (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn) Disease predisposition (Scab, taketake-all, CVC) Mycotoxins, glyphosate Animals Mineral malnourished Slow growth, Allergies, Disease MYCOTOXINS Scours, death, BSE, wasting, predisposition
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