COM PLETE FUNDRAISING W ELCOM E KIT W ELCOM E KIT: TABLE OF CONTENTS W elcom e Page 1 Ironman Facts 2 The Ironman Foundation 3 Getting Started 4 Creating a Successful Em ail Cam paign 6 Using Social M edia 7 Corporate Fundraising 8 Taking You the Rest of the W ay 9 Sam ple Fundraising Letter 10 Sam ple Follow Up Letter 11 Sam ple Thank You Letter 12 How to Raise $1, 406 13 Fundraise “Buy” the M ile 14 Additional Fundraising Tips 15 W ELCOM E Thank you for registering with the Ironm an Foundation in m aking your journey to becom e an Ironm an a race for a cause! The Ironm an Foundation provides athletes with the platform to raise funds for a nonprofit beneficiary of their choice. Congratulations on em barking on a m em orable experience of com peting in one of the world’s m ost challenging endurance races. Through partnering with the Ironm an Foundation, you are generating an experience m uch m ore than just crossing the finish line – you are racing for the greater good. As you begin your training and fundraising journey, the Ironm an Foundation will be available for assistance along the way. W e encourage you to use the fundraising tools enclosed in this welcom e kit and continue to spread the word about your cause. M ake sure you create your personalized fundraising profile page on Ironm anFoundation. org, where you can upload personal stories, photos, set donation goals, and watch your donations grow. Thank you again for m aking your journey a race for a cause, and good luck! EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT IRONM AN: ATHLETE DEMOGRAPHICS Average Age: 37 Gender Ratio: M ale 70%, Female 30% Average Yearly Income: $161, 000 Education (Post Secondary): 95% Occupation (Professional; Executive): 72% IRONMAN HISTORY During an awards banquet in 1977 for a Hawaii running race, three years after the first m odern triathlon, a lively discussion about the creation of a m ajor endurance event in Hawaii occurred. As the conversation continued, John Collins, a Naval Officer stationed in Hawaii, began playing with the idea of com bining the three toughest endurance races on the island into one race. He decided to issue a challenge to see who were the toughest athletes – swimm ers, bikers, or runners. He proposed com bining the 2. 4 m ile W aikiki Rough W ater Swim with 112 m iles of the Around-Oahu Bike Race, and finishing with the 26. 2 m ile Honolulu M arathon Course. On February 18, 1978, 15 competitors, including Collins, cam e to the shores of W aikiki to take on the Iro nm an challengeand the first “Hawaiian IRONM AN Triathlon” was born. The following year the race received exposure in Sports Illustrated, and in 1980 ABC Sports asked to film the event for their W ide W orld of Sports broadcast- a key step in putting the event on the m ap. Since then, Ironm an has grown to becom e one of the m ost recognized endurance events in the world. The qualifying series includes 28 events (23 Ironm an and five Ironm an 70. 3 ) throughout the world that qualify athletes for the Ironm an W orld Cham pionship held every October in Kailua -Kona, Hawaii. W W W . IRONM ANFOUNDATION. ORG EVENT DEMOGRAPHICS Avg. Number of Athletes: 2, 000 Avg. Number of Volunteers: 4, 000 Avg. Number of Spectators: 20, 000 IRONMAN BRAND W orld Triathlon Corporation, owner and organizer of Ironm an and Ironman 70. 3 brandedevents, is a Florida-based company recognized for athletic excellence, perform ance and quality products. W ith the addition of the Ironm an 70. 3 Series, Ironm an now has m ore than 50 qualifying events worldwide. Supported by partners that include PowerBar and Timex, Ironm an is the No. 1 user-based sports brand in the world. Ironm an has been a respected nam e in triathlon since its inception and is regarded as the world’s most challenging endurance event. EVERYONE’S NON-PROFIT The Ironm an Foundation is unique in that it allows athletes to pick a non -profit beneficiary of their choice. They get to select the cause that has personally touched them and m otivated them to com pete in such an event. The Ironm an Foundation serves as the platform to m ake it easier for these athletes to fundraise and attain their goals. In this regard, the Ironm an Foundation appeals as everyone’s non profit. No m atter which non-profit beneficiary the athlete chooses to fundraise for, The Ironm an Foundation will be there for assistance. The Ironm an Foundation is not just about com pleting an Ironm an; it is also about doing som ething for the greater good. Since its inception, The Ironm an Foundation has provided over $11 m illion in grants and donations to m any deserving global, national, regional and local groups. The m ission of The Ironm an Foundation, a U. S. registered 501 (c)(3), is: “To leave Ironman’s legacy through philanthropy, volunteerism and grant m aking by supporting various athletic, com m unity, educ ation, health, hum an services and public benefit non-profit organizations around the world. ” The Ironman Foundation Athlete Beneficiary Program: Your Journey, Your Cause M any of the 22, 000 athletes who compete in an Ironm an event in North Am erica each year are touched by something bigger than them selves that m otivates them to race. The Ironm an Foundation provides these athletes with the opportunity to fundraise as part of their training experience to m ake their journey a race for a cause. The Ironman Foundation Community Entry Program The Ironm an Foundation provides charitable support to m any non-profit organizations who volunteered their tim e in the local comm unities where Ironm an events are held, as well as work with comm unity leaders to identify capital investm ent projects and provide funding to support those initiatives. Ironman World Championship eBay Auction Athletes have the opportunity to bid on one of four coveted slots which grant them entry into the event that takes place in Kailua-Kona, Hawai’i. Through this program , m ore than two m illion dollars has been raised and over a dozen global organizations have received funding. Ironman U.S. Championship Charity Programs The Ironm an Foundation is partnering with num erous charity organizations in the New York / New Jersey metropolitan area for the inaugural Ironm an U. S. Cham pionship. The organizations have the opportunity to create a fundraising program around the event to help them achieve their respective m ission. The Ironman Foundation Thought Spot At the “Thought Spot, ” The Ironm an Foundation provides athletes’ fam ilies and supporters with supplies to m ake m otivational signs to support them on the course on race day. GETTING STARTED BECOME AN EXPERT FOR YOUR CAUSE W hile asking for donations, you will receive lots of questions about the Ironm an Foundation and the specific group you are fundraising for. Familiarize yourself with the cause so you can recite their m ission and explain exactly where the donated m oney will be going. For m ore inform ation on the actions of the Ironm an Foundation, you can visit www. Ironm anFoundation. org SET A GOAL As an Ironm an athlete, you should approa ch this challenge with a “sky’s the lim it” attitude. People will respect your commitment to compete in such a lengthy endurance race, and will be impressed by your fundraising on top of that. For a high im pact, create a high goal. A good goal will be specific to the athlete but can com e in the form of a round num ber or a them e. For the Ironm an distance, a great goal could be raising $1, 406 or $10 for every mile of the Ironm an, or if you’re a big tim e fundraiser, try $100 per m ile for a total of $14, 600! It is also important to tie the fundraising goal to som ething tangible for the nonprofit. For exam ple, $1, 406 can send four kids to summ er camp for the Boys and Girls Club. FUNDRAISING ONLINE Set up your profile on the Ironm an Foundation website and personalize it with photos, videos, and a story on the im portant work done by your charity. This should include why you are involved and feature a strong opening to entice the reader. Include your goal on the website and set a deadline. M ake sure the people you reach out to know when you need their donations by. Raising m oney online is the m ost secure way to fundraise. Plus it m akes tracking donations and thanking donors m uch quicker and easier. W W W . IRONM ANFOUNDATION. ORG BUILD YOUR PLAN M ake your own donation and encourage others to match this donation. Start early to give people am ple time to donate. A solid guideline is at least four m onths but no less than 60 days before your event. Create a list of potential donors and how m uch you will ask each person o Don’t feel guilty about asking: You will find that people will be honored to be included in your project o Update this list frequently as you Homepage for Ironman St. m eet new contacts o Stress the benefits of contributing George Fundraising platform M ake it easy for your potential donors o Lots of people plan on donating, but simply forget due to your em ail getting buried in their inbox – Follow up and encourage them to donate early Stay positive and rem em ber the reason you’re fundraising! SAM PLE FUNDRAISING PAGE: CREATE A SUCCESSFUL EMAIL CAMPAIGN Sending out em ails is the easiest way to reach a large am ount of people in a short am ount of tim e. This is convenient, but also can m ake the receiver feel like just another contact that you’re asking for m oney. To help this situation, add personal touches to em ails for friends and fam ily, or captivate your audience with a personal story. You have to make their reason to give very concise and m eaningful. Subject Heading: This is im portant today because with so m any em ails, not everything gets read. Intrig ue the em ail recipient with a subject line containing your event and your cause. o Exam ple: Help m e on m y quest to fight cancer as I race the Ironm an Texas Make the email personal: If you already wrote a short story for the Ironm an Foundation website, include all or parts of it in the em ail. M ake sure you thoroughly explain why you are racing for your cause, and how it personally touched you. The readers will appreciate this. o It could be beneficial to include som e inform ation on your training regim e as well. This can impress your readers as they’ll be able to conceptualize just how big of a com mitm ent you’re m aking. Your Cause: If you don’t want to include a personal story for the em ail, give m ore inform ation on the cause you’re racing for. Include information on the Ironman Foundation o This will give your readers a resource to see that this is a credible fundraising source and one that has a positive reputation. Including a link to the website will also provide them with m ore inform ation, as well as an additional way to get to your personal fundraising page. Give information on how to donate o Include a link to your website and list your fundraising goals o Be clear and concise with your ask Say thank you: This is the m ost polite way to end an em ail. Reiterate your goal one last tim e and if applicable, ask them to forward on the em ail to their contacts. This is just one m ore way to expand your fundraising network. Photo courtesy of The Ironm an Foundation’s Frequency of emails: featured beneficiary, Aqua Clara International Fundraising Updates: These are a good idea to inform your donors on the progress you are m aking both athletically and with your fundraising goals. These can be sent to donor’s approxim ately every three weeks, and to those who you are trying to recruit but have not yet donated every two weeks. Thank you notes: A thank you em ail should be sent within 24 hours of the donation. A personal letter or post card follow up can be a really nice gesture after their contribution to you . It will require extra effort, but can go a long way in keeping that person as a donor for the future. USE SOCIAL MEDIA Social m edia is a great tool for connecting with friends, family, co -workers, and neighbors. This translates to being a great platform for prom oting your donation page with the Ironm an Foundation. Post about your fundraising campaign regularly to keep it in the m inds of your online friends and inspire them to donate. You may be am azed with some of the donations you receive f rom people you would never expect. Here are som e m ore social m edia tips: Start a group to get the word out on your fundraising Invite your friends and send frequent updates Consistently update your status with training milestones and fundraising goals Include a link to the donation page each time Tag your friends who have donated to thank them publicly Try to “Tweet” weekly about your fundraising total and training progress Include link to website so people can follow you Follow your contacts on twitter and message them with fundraising information M ention friends in tweets to thank them for donations Share your fundraising campaign and athletic training with your professional connections Great network for fundraising! Add your Ironman race to your personal experience Send out messages to everyone who’s in an Ironm an group CORPORATE FUNDRAISING M any com panies actively support charities and will set aside m oney in their budget specifically for that purpose. In som e cases, corporations are required to donate a certain am ount of m oney each year. Targeting individuals in the corporate world is a grea t way to potentially provide a huge impact on your fundraising. W hile trying to acquire donations, keep in mind the benefits that will come to the corporation when they m ake a contribution. A good example is that it’s great PR for a com pany to support an athlete taking on such a difficult challenge. It’s even better PR since the athlete is competing to raise m oney for a nonprofit beneficiary! MATCHING GIFTS There are m any com panies now who will m atch donations to charities m ade by an employee. This is a quick way to m ultiply the effect of your fundraising. The policies will be different depending on the com pany, but some corporations m ay m atch dollar for dollar! Think about corporations you have a connection with and don’t be afraid to ask them about m atch ing gift funds. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE TAKING YOU THE REST OF THE WAY: RECRUITING YOUR FUNDRAISING TEAM You never know who may have also been affected by the cause that you are participating to raise funds for. For this reason, it’s so important to get the word out and talk to everyone possible. You m ay just end up with a fundraising partner! Talk to close friends and fam ily first: They’ll be able to see your dedication through your constant training. Explain your fundraising initiative to your training partners. Com peting in an Ironman is a great conversation starter and can easily lead to a discussion on your m otivation and your desire to help your cause. Send out a link to your personal fundraising page in all possible situations. Online fundraising m akes it as easy as possible for your donors. Use the “6-foot rule. ” Anyone who com es within six feet of you should hear about the Ironm an and your fundraising campaign . Tap into ALL Networks: You m ay think only fitness fanatics and close friends will be interested in your training, but competing in such an endurance event is an astonishing accom plishm ent. All your networks will want to hear about your goals, both with the race and with fundraising. It could be a great way to catch up with som eone you haven’t spoken to in a long tim e. CLOSING THE DEAL It’s difficult som etim es to secure a donation on the spot. A good strategy is to practice your fundraising pitch to friends who have already donated, before you approach a new contact. Be knowledgeable on the cause you are supporting, and be able to explain what the m oney they are donating will be used for. Be prepared for questions. It could be a good idea to print out som e inform ation on the Ironm an Foundation and your cause so the individual has som ething to look over. Sum up your m ain argum ents and close by repeating your request for a donation. Keep track of the people you talked to and when you spoke with them. Respect their available tim e. TOP TIPS TO REMEM BER W HILE FUNDRAISING: The num ber one reason people donate is because they are asked Include a link to your personal fundraising page on everything! Start early! You’ll be am azed at how quickly the event date approaches Use positive language: Don’t apologize for requesting a donation or appear desperate Have fun: Enthusiasm is inspiring Think big! Don’t be afraid of big num bers M ake all of your requests personal and passionate Use words like “we and us” to m ake your supporters feel a part of the journey The best time to ask for a donation is on a Friday The second best time to ask is W ednesday m orning People often forget to actually donate: encourage them to donate early Use social m edia to its finest abilities Always send a thank you note SAM PLE FUNDRAISING LETTER Dear Friends and Fam ily, I am pleased to announce that this year I will be com peting in the Ironm an (Insert Event Name) on (Insert Date of event). For those of you unfamiliar with an Ironm an, it’s a triathlon consisting of a 2. 4 m ile swim , a 112 m ile bike ride, and fin ishes with a m arathon. It is typically regarded as the m ost challenging endurance event in the world. The Ironm an should be an exciting experience and will require m onths of preparation and training. W ith such a big com mitment ahead of me, I have decided to register with the Ironm an Foundation, and raise m oney as I train for the (Insert charity group). [Give inform ation on the charity group and why you are touched by it personally. This could be a few paragraphs, m ost likely condensed from the short story written on your fundraising page. ] The Ironm an Foundation is providing m e with the platform to raise funds for (Insert Charity Group). In doing so, I am m aking m y journey a race for a cause. M y fundraising goal is (Insert am ount), and I really need your support to reach it. Please partner with m e by m aking a donation on m y secure personal fundraising webpage at (Insert webpage address). You can find m ore inform ation there on m y story and the Ironm an Foundation. I will continually update the website with m y progress in both training and fundraising. I thank you in advance for your support, and really appreciate your generosity. Sincerely, (Insert Your Nam e) PS: M any experts agree that a post-script can be a very im portant and m em orable part of a fundraising letter. Exam ples could include a quick personal anecdote, a fundraising idea, or additional inform ation on the event or cause. SAM PLE FOLLOW -UP LETTER A good idea when you’re in the m iddle of fundraising season and seem to be having a l ull is to send follow up letters. These are great to send to individuals who you believe will donate, but m ay have forgotten about your cause or have just not had the tim e to respond to your initial request. A standard follow up letter will look som ething like this: Dear (Insert Nam e), I’m writing to follow up on the em ail I sent you earlier this year regarding m y participation in the Ironm an (Insert Event). I have decided to turn m y journey of completing an Ironm an into a cause for the greater good by fundraising for (Insert Charity Nam e). Over the past few weeks, I’ve been pushing both m y athletic and fundraising goals. At this date, I’ve raised (Insert Current Am ount) toward m y total goal of (Insert Total Fundraising Goal)! I’ve also (Insert Recent Training Accom plishm ent]. I can’t wait to cross the finish line and know I’ve accom plished a personal goal for m yself, but am also helping so m any others through m y fundraising. [Include a paragraph specific to your nonprofit beneficiary. ] [Insert your personal connection for the cause. ] Please go to (Insert Personal Fundraising W ebpage) to m ake a safe and secure donation to m y personal fundraising webpage. Y ou can also read m ore about the Ironm an Foundation and track m y progress as I m ove closer toward the event date and m y ultim ate goal. Thank you so m uch for your support. Sincerely, (Insert Your Nam e) SAM PLE THANK YOU LETTER You can never thank som eone enough. It’s always im portant to send a quick, but personal thank you right away. This should be done when the donation is m ade, but it is also a nice gesture to send an additional thank you note after the event. That way the donor gets one last upda te on the total fundraising, as well as inform ation on your perform ance in the race. You could even consider hosting a victory party after the event for everyone who donated! Dear (Insert Nam e), Thank you again so m uch for sponsoring m e with the Ironm an (Insert Event Nam e). I really appreciate your support with m y training and fundraising efforts, and I’m happy to inform you that we raised (Insert Total Am ount) for (Insert Charity Group). The race was a great experience and I’m so excited I was able to raise funds for a charitable cause while training for an event I’m so passionate about. [Give some specifics on the actual event. ] [W rite a paragraph refreshing your donors on the cause you were racing for, and tell them where their m oney will be used. ] All of m y donors were in m y m ind and m y heart as I persevered through the Ironm an (Insert Event Nam e). Thank you again for all your support, as well as your generous donation. Sincerely, (Insert Your Nam e) RAISING $1,406 $10 for every m ile of the Ironm an! The thought of raising $1, 406 m ay seem intim idating, but it is actually easier than you think. All you need to do is use your personal network and follow these easy steps. Setting a specific goal that is unique to the event can help as well; as people will want to see you reach it. The specific number of $1, 406 can easily be altered if you have a specific goal that differs from $1, 406. Simply increase/decrease the num ber of people you’re asking for donations or adjust the donation am ount for each donor. 1. Sponsor Yourself! It all begins with your own com mitm ent $106 2. Ask 4 fam ily members to donate $75 each $300 3. Ask 16 friends and fam ily members to donate $30 each $480 4. Ask 12 co-workers to donate $25 each $300 5. Ask for a company contribution of $100 $100 6. Ask 6 neighbors for $20 each $120 TOTAL $1, 406 Awesom e job reaching your goal of $1, 406! W hen it is broken down like that, it doesn’t seem like such a daunting task. So if you reached your goal earlier than expected, why no t add on another $703 in honor of the Ironm an 70. 3 distance? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Keep sponsoring yourself: keep fundraising just like training Ask 8 local businesses you visit to donate $25 each Ask 5 m em bers of an organization you belong to for $10 each Ask 6 of your training buddies for $25 each Host a comm unity fundraising event (garage sale, car wash) $103 $200 $50 $150 $200 TOTAL $703 RUNNING TOTAL $2109 All this fundraising was done without even tapping into the social m edia m arket. To raise more, use platform s such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linked In to spread the word on your fundraising cam paign. After an additional m atching contribution from yourself, finding an additional 24 friends to donate $25 can bring you to another $703. This would bring your grand fundraising total to $2, 812 or $20 for every mile of y our full distance Ironm an event! BUY A MILE! Another interesting way to reach your overall fundraising goal is to fundraise by the mile. Give your potential donors a chance to sponsor you for a certain section of the race. It’s a great way to fundraise, as people can buy m ultiple m iles on the course or split a m ile with another donor. In the example below, we’ll use the sam e overall goal of $1, 406, com ing out to $10 per mile. The am ounts per m ile can easily be adjusted though depending on your goal and the length of your donor list. A big tim e fundraiser m ay even be able to find a different sponsor for all 140. 6 m iles of the event! SW IM M ILE 1 SW IM M ILE 2 SW IM FINAL 0. 4 M ILES AND SW IM -TO-BIKE TRANSITION $100 $100 $100 BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE M ILES 1 – 10 M ILES 11 – 20 M ILES 21 – 30 M ILES 31 – 40 M ILES 41 – 50 M ILES 51 – 60 M ILES 61 – 70 M ILES 71 – 80 M ILES 81 – 90 M ILES 91 – 100 M ILES 101 – 110 FINAL 2 MILES AND BIKE-TO-RUN TRANSITION $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN M ILES 1 – 5 M ILES 6 – 10 M ILES 11 – 15 M ILES 16 – 20 M ILES 21 – 25 FINAL 1. 2 M ILES AND FINISH LINE! $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $106 TOTAL FUNDRAISING $1,406 FUNDRAISING TIPS: GET THE WORD OUT: Always be asking: You never know who m ay agree to m ake a donation Send out your initial email to your contact list and be sure to follow up Turn a casual conversation into a recruitm ent opportunity M ail letters to potential donors with a brochure and additional information included. This is m ore personal and will encourage a donation Host an event: This will give you the opportunity to speak about your fundraising cam paign in front of a large group of people o Invite those who have already contributed as a way to say thank you, but also invite potential donors Throw a party and require a sm all donation to your fundraising campaign! o Try hosting this at a bar or restaurant. M ost business would be happy to work out a deal where portions of proceeds go to your fundraising. Display flyers and brochures with inform ation on the Ironm an Foundation, your Ironm an event, and your non-profit beneficiary in central locations CHECK OUT YOUR CHARITY Com m unicating with the cause that you are fundraising for could be a great way to substantially increase the exposure of your campaign. The charity group m ay prom ote your fundraising goal in their newsletter and social m edia outlets. Solicit these additional networks to help prom ote your fundraising efforts. TRY TO TIME THINGS OUT Tax season is a great way to bring up the tax refund that you will receive when m aking a donation If your birthday is com ing up, ask for donations instead of presents Use sporting events like M arch M adness or the Super Bowl to host a party and speak to a l arge group about your fundraising. FIND SUPPORT FROM THE OFFICE: Research your company’s m atching gift policy Try to secure a donation from the highest ranking person in the office, and then encourage them to spread the word on your cam paign Talk to departm ents that can assist with your recruitment efforts Keep your com pany inform ed on your progress through em ails and casual conversation at the office Give a short presentation on your pursuit of an Ironm an and the fundraising cam paign behind it Ask for your fundraising campaign to be m entioned in the com pany newsletter In addition to co-workers, reach out to clients, vendors, custom ers, and any others that your com pany interacts with. OWN YOUR BUSINESS? Create a display that educates em ployees and custo m ers on your Ironm an training, as well as your fundraising efforts Hold a com pany fundraiser to generate m ore contributions Add a donation jar where em ployees and visitors can anonym ously donate Your Journey, Your Cause COUNTLESS WAYS TO FUNDRAISE… Com m unity Garage Sale: Feel good about clearing out your garage and attic plus give all proceeds to your fundraising cam paign! W in, win! Bake Sale: Ask your friends for help and give profits to fundraising cam paign Silent Auction: Request donations of popular item s from local m erchants and resell them with all m oney m ade going to your charity. o Create minim um bids and encourage big spending o Ask any creative friends you have to donate a piece of art or som e jewelry Fundraising Incentives: Be creative and offer a prize for whoever gives you the largest donation. Have sm aller prizes for different tiers of donations. Change Jar: Finally cash in the change jar that you’ve been continually contributing to and put the m oney in a good place. Business Cards: Create inexpensive business cards giving your nam e, em ail, and the link to your fundraising webpage. Give these out to everyone you interact with. M ovie Ticket Donation: Ask the m anager at your local m ovie theater to donate som e free m ovie passes. Sell these to add funds to your cam paign. Em ail Signature: Include the link to your personalized fundraising webpage in your em ail signature. It will dram atically increase website exposure. Colored Envelopes: Sending out donation letters in a colored envelope is a great way to stand out am ong bills and junk mail. Valentine’s Day Donation: Ask your friends to “show you their love” with a fundraising contribution. Doctor / Dentist / Insurance Agent / Accountant: Get the people who you usually give m oney to, to give som e back. Bartender: Explain your fundraising objective to a local bartender and ask them to donate their tips from one night. Prom ote this at the bar. Gym : Ask your workout facility to place a donation jar at the front desk with so m e inform ation on your fundraising campaign. Other workout enthusiasts will want to support an athlete racing an Ironm an! Trainer / Coach: Som eone as involved in your training as your coach will definitely contribute to your fundraising. Radio Station: Call your favorite radio station and ask for an on -air advertisem ent. They m ay even request an interview with you. Neighborhood Chores: M owing lawns, watering plants, shoveling driveways, painting a room, and house sitting are all good trades in exchange fo r a generous donation. Rent: Ask your landlord to donate one m onth’s rent for your cause. eBay: Auction off anything you did not sell at the garage sale on eBay . Com pany Vacation: Discuss with your boss the possibility of trading a vacation day for a donation. Dress Down Day: Ask your com pany to allow a dress down day in honor of the cause you’re fundraising for. Require everyone to m ake a donation in exchange for not having to dress up. Bowling Night: Ask the owner of a bowling alley to donate a few lanes and accept donations for your cam paign. It’s the big participation sport so the turn out should be good. Church Bulletin: Put an advertisem ent in your church’s bulletin. Your com m itm ent has big fundraising potential. Explain Your Training: Training for an Ironm an is both an inspiring and grueling task. Tell your network about this so they understand the comm itm ent you’ve m ade. This will encourage them to donate. M agazines: Contact your favorite m agazine and ask them for an advertisem ent. If you’ve been subscribed for a long tim e they m ay give you a good deal. Local Schools: M arket your fundraising campaign in the newsletters for local schools and universities. If possible, even try to speak at the schools about fitness and the training it takes to be an Ironm an! Alum ni Organizations: Call your college and ask for an advertisement in the alum ni newsletter that describes your story and gives contact inform ation. Local Bike Stores: Sm all shops like this would be thrilled to hear a local rider is doing an Ironm an. Ask if they would sponsor you with a donation. Benefit Concert: Ask any local m usicians to perform a show where the only adm ission fee is a donation to your non-profit beneficiary. Look for Athletes: If you see som eone in biking gear or runn ing clothes, strike up a conversation with them . It could lead to a donation. Have Fun! Fundraising will be m ore enjoyable if you m ake it fun for your donors and keep them updated on your progress. MAJOR NATIONAL CHARITIES:
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