Tender No. T-05/2012-2013
FROM JULY 1, 2012 TO JUNE 30, 2013
Name of tenderer : _________________________________________________
Address :
Landline/Mobile Number
Last Date for submission:
June 11, 2012
before 03.00 P.M.
Form of Tender
Shri Shekhar Bhatnagar
General Manager (Officer-in-Charge),
Reserve Bank of India
Navi Mumbai 400 614
Dear Sir,
Having examined the requirements, conditions and schedule of quantities relating to
the captioned work and having visited and examined the site of the works and also
having acquired the requisite information relating thereto as affecting the tender,
I/We hereby offer to take up the service contract for providing housekeeping services
including the work of cleaning of toilets, bathrooms, etc at the Bank's Belapur
(Kharghar) quarters at the rates mentioned in the attached schedule of quantities
and in accordance with the conditions of the tender and conditions of contract
attached hereto.
2. Should this tender be accepted, I/we hereby agree to fulfill the terms and
provisions of the said conditions of the contract and work as per the rate accepted by
the Bank.
Date : ______________________
Signature and seal of the contractor/s
Place: ______________________
Landline/Mobile No._______________
Tender for “Annual Service Contract for providing housekeeping
Services including the work of cleaning of toilets, bathrooms,
etc at Belapur ( Kharghar) Quarters "
1. General Instructions
1. Reserve Bank of India, invites tenders from the firms/companies for
Housekeeping & Cleaning Services at Bank’s Kharghar Quarters for an initial
period of 12 months w.e.f. July 01, 2012 to June 30, 2013 as per laid down
contractual obligations. However, the contract can be extended further subject
to satisfactory performance of the house keeping services provided and
adherence to contractual obligations by the concerned firm/company.
2. The estimated numbers of housekeeping persons to be deployed at Bank’s
residential colony will be 11(Eleven). The Bank reserves the right to increase
or decrease the number of persons to be deployed before awarding the work
or any time during the currency of contract. The Bank also reserves the right
to award work to one firm/company or separately.
2 .Scope of Work
A) Cleaning of Flats
i) Cleaning of fans, lighting fixtures, chandeliers, exhaust fans, geysers.
ii) Shifting of household furniture, if needed, and re-arranging the same.
iii) Cleaning of walls and ceilings free from cobwebs, dirt, stains, etc
iv) Carefully removing nylon mesh (netlon) from the windows/ventilators,
washing the same with detergents and fixing at the same place
v) Cleaning of windows, window panes, grills, doors, ventilators, name
plates (with Brasso), sign boards and letter boxes.
vi) Cleaning of kitchen platform and sink, wash basins, tiles, kitchen racks,
glass mirrors, water purifiers
vii) Removing the cobwebs from wall, ceiling, pelmet and inaccessible
spots by broom etc.
viii)Thorough sweeping, washing, mopping and scrubbing the floors and
wall dado inside the flat after carrying out the above cleaning work.
B) Cleaning of toilets/bathrooms
Bath rooms and toilets inside all flats to be cleaned by using nylon brush and
toilet bowl plunger with approved cleaning materials like detergent, toilet
cleaner, and oxalic acid etc. The cleaning includes floor, wall dado, plumbing
and sanitary fittings & fixtures, glazed ventilators etc.
C) Collection of garbage
Collection of garbage from all flats inside the Bank's Kharghar Quarters only
on Public/Bank holidays, numbering about 15-20 days in a year
The Firm / Contractor has to employ minimum 6 persons on any particular day
and required to maintain daily average of 10 persons in a month to carry out
the above works. The firm/ contractor should also employ a Supervisor during
the period of contract to oversee the above works.
3. Eligibility Criteria
The tenderers should satisfy the following conditions and are requested to
qualification/suitability. Opening of Part II (Commercial Bid) will be subject to
satisfying the prescribed eligibility criteria:
I. Copies of Work orders from clients for executing similar works for
Central/State Government offices/Public Sector Undertakings/Public
Sector Banks during the last five years.
II. IT returns certificates of last three consecutive years duly certified by a
practicing Chartered Accountant.
III. Tenderers should have applicable tax registrations (PAN, TIN, VAT, CST,
etc.) supported by documentary evidence.
IV. Should have their own office preferably in Navi Mumbai
V. Tendering firms/companies should have current account in scheduled
banks and should give an undertaking that they are ready to receive the
payments through Electronic Clearing Service (ECS).
VI. Should have a national presence and market reputation
VII. Rates quoted by the agency should be in accordance with the Contract
Labour Act 1970 / Minimum Wages Act. Tender having quoted rates
below the prescribed rates will be rejected. The rates should be all
4. Interested Firms/ Agencies shall submit the tenders in prescribed form in two
parts. Part-I tender will contain the tenderers’ covering letter, tenderers’ additional
conditions, if any, and be sealed (in duplicate) in one cover, super scribing the name
of relevant contract. Part II of the tender will contain no conditions but Bank’s
schedule of quantities, drawings, if any, and tenderers’ price bid only and be sealed
(in duplicate) in a separate cover, super scribing the name of relevant contract. Both
these sealed covers should further be sealed in another envelope and addressed by
name to Shri Shekhar Bhatnagar, General Manager (Officer-in-Charge), Reserve
Bank of India, Estate Cell, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614 and submitted to the
Bank on or before 3:00 p.m. June 11, 2012 in the manner enumerated in the tender
5. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) is to be submitted along with tender at this stage.
EMD amounting of Rs. 25,000.00 (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only) and Rs
250.00 towards the cost of Tender documents should be by Demand Draft drawn on
a Scheduled Bank in favour of "Reserve Bank of India, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai”.
The cost of the Tender documents is not refundable at any circumstances. Failure to
comply with this condition will render the tender void at the Bank's option. EMD of
the successful Tenderer will be retained with the Bank as Security Deposit for due
fulfillment of the Contract and refunded on expiry of the same. This will be forfeited
for non compliance of the terms & conditions of the contract. The EMD of the
other Tenderers will be refunded on award of the contract. This amount will not bear
any interest.
6. Part-I of the tenders will be opened at 4:00 p.m. on June 11, 2012 in the presence
of the tenderers or authorized representative of the tenderers who choose to be
present. Part-II of the tender of only those tenderers which meet the requirement of
the Bank will be opened on the same date or subsequent date under advice to the
7. The tender form must be filled in English or Hindi and all entries must be made by
hand and written in ink. If any of the documents is missing or unsigned, the tender
may be considered invalid by the Bank in its discretion.
8. Rates should be quoted both in figures and words in columns specified. All
erasures and alterations made while filling the tender must be authenticated by
initials of the tenderer. Overwriting of figures is not permitted. Failure to comply with
either of these conditions will render the tender void at the Bank's option. No advice
whatsoever, especially on change in rate specifications after opening of Part II of the
tender, will be entertained.
9. Each of the Tender Documents should be signed by the person or persons
submitting the tender in token of his/their having acquainted himself/ themselves with
the conditions of contract, etc as laid down. Any tender with any of the documents
not so signed will be rejected.
10. The tender submitted on behalf of the firm shall be signed by all the partners of
the firm or by a partner who has the necessary authority on behalf of the firm to enter
into the proposed contract or by a person holding the power of attorney in the case
of a company. Otherwise the tender may be rejected by the Bank.
11. The Reserve Bank of India does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender
and reserves to itself the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders, either in
whole or in part, without assigning any reasons for doing so.
12. If awarded, the Contractor shall not assign the contract. He shall not sublet any
portion of the contract except with the written consent of the Bank. In case of breach
of these conditions, the Bank may serve a notice in writing on the Contractor
rescinding the contract.
13. The tenderer must obtain for himself on his own responsibility and at his own
expenses all the information which may be necessary for the purpose of making
tender and for entering into a contract and must inspect the site of the work, acquaint
himself with all local conditions, means of access to the work, nature of the work and
all matters appertaining thereto.
14. The contractor should submit the reports on past performance of the tenderer
from his clients and bankers along with the part I of the tender. If any tenderer is not
found to possess the required eligibility for participating in the tendering process at
any point of time and/or his performance reports received from his clients and/or his
bankers are found not satisfactory, the Bank reserves the right to reject his offer
even after opening of Part -I of the tender and his sealed cover containing Part-II of
the tender will be returned to him. The Bank is not bound to assign any reason for
rejecting the tender.
15. After prima facie scrutiny, if any of the contractors is found not satisfying the
required eligibility criteria, the tender submitted by him will not be processed further.
16. Tenders shall remain valid for acceptance by the Bank for a period of three
months from the date of opening of the tender, which period may be extended by
mutual agreement and the tenderer shall not cancel or withdraw the tender during
this period.
17. The tenderer must use only the tender forms issued by the Bank to fill in the
rates. Any addition/alteration in the text of the tender form made by the tenderer shall
not be valid and shall be treated as null and void.
18. The charges quoted will cover the cost of manpower deployed, material used
and any machinery, if any, deployed for efficient rendering of services and shall be
payable on monthly basis subject to submission of invoice. The payment thereon will
be made after the same is duly certified by the Bank's Officers deployed for the same
that the services have been provided satisfactorily and after deducting all statutory
dues/taxes, etc.
19. The quoted service charges will be firm and not subject to labour conditions,
exchange variations or any other condition whatsoever. The firm/ agency will be
bound to the minimum wages to the workforce employed by him / them, therefore
rate should be quoted keeping this in mind. Tenders having quoted rates below the
minimum wages will be bound to be rejected.
20. The quoted service charges shall also include Service Tax, Insurance charges,
Work Contract tax, Sales tax, Excise duty, Octroi and any other tax and duty or other
levy whether existing or future, levied by the Central Government or any State or
Local Authority if applicable.
21. The successful bidder/contractor shall depute required numbers of houseboys
and supervisors to render the housekeeping and cleaning services. The successful
bidder/contractor shall commence the work only after furnishing to the Bank the
Labour License
Provident Fund code Number
E S I Code Number
Registration Number
Maintenance Register of workers
22. The successful bidder/contractor shall
a. ensure that he/she deploys only adult, trained and competent persons
who are physically fit and are not suffering from any chronic or
contagious diseases for carrying out the maintenance works.
b. be responsible for and arrange to bear costs of such equipments,
materials and other paraphernalia as Bank considers necessary for
effectively rendering the services required by the Bank
c. be responsible and liable for payment of salaries, statutory minimum
wages and other legal dues to the persons who are employed by
him/her for the purposes for rendering the services required by the
Bank under this tender. Written records for having made these
payments will be submitted to the Bank, at monthly intervals, for its
d. Maintain neatly, completely and legibly registers, records, reports and
returns for inspection by various authorities at short notice.
e. provide information as required
in respect of all his employees
employed by him/her to enable the bank monitor compliance of
P.F.,ESI, etc
f. Ensure that all persons employed by him/her, for the purposes for
rendering the services required by the Bank, are insured with
Government of India recognized insurance companies, for which no
extra payment will be made by the Bank. The contractor shall be
responsible for any injury or damages to any persons, animals or any
other things.
g. ensure that his/her employees, while on the premises of Bank or while
carrying out their obligations, observe the standards of cleanliness,
decorum, safety, good behavior and general discipline laid down by the
Bank or its authorized agents and the Bank shall be the sole judge as
to whether or not the contractor and /or his employees have observed
the same.
h. Personally and exclusively supervise or employ sufficient supervisory
personnel, exclusively to supervise the work of his/her employees so
as to ensure that the services rendered are carried out to the
satisfaction of the Bank.
i. Ensure that no employee of the contractor will enter or remain on the
Bank's premises beyond the specified time limits unless and absolutely
necessary for fulfilling contractors obligations.
j. Be liable for any damage caused to the Bank or its premises or any
part thereof or to any fixtures or fittings thereof or any property of the
Bank and therein by any act, omission, default or negligence of the
contractor or his employees or agents.
k. Supply identity cards to his/her employees or agents who shall be
doing the subject job at the Bank's premises. All the employees and
agents should bear the identity card for all the times they are working in
Bank's premises.
l. Provide distinct uniform's to his/her employees or agents different from
the Bank's employees. The uniform should have logo of the
contractor's firm/company and shall be kept neat, tidy and in a
wearable condition.
m. Obtain Police Verification report on character and antecedents of its
personnel and other details relating to age , educational qualification,
name and permanent address to be provided under this contract along
with their passport size photographs before engaging them for duty in
Bank’s Premises. Only able bodied, physically fit, well trained, literate,
disciplined and honest personnel preferably between the age of 21 and
45 years shall be deployed.
The Bank will not provide accommodation to the contractor in the Bank's
In the event of termination of the contract for any reason whatsoever, the
contractor/or persons employed by him or his agents shall not be entitled
for any sum or sums whatsoever from the Bank by way of
compensation, damages or otherwise.
The contractor shall ensure payment of minimum wages to the workmen
employed by him/them shall maintain a register of wages and shall issue
a wage slip to every workman employed by him/them and obtain their
signature or thumb impression on the wage slips in the presence of the
Bank's authorized officer assigned for this work. The register shall be
submitted to the Bank after every payment to the workmen. In addition,
he/they have to provide essential amenities like drinking water, first aid
facility etc. to its employees as per Contract Labour Act 1970. The
agency/ contractor has to give undertaking on Non Judicial Stamp
Paper of applicable value before the award of the work that he
undertakes to actually pay wages to all the labourer of all
descriptions to be engaged by him for completion of that particular
job/work at the rate which is not less than the one prescribed under
minimum wages under CLRA Act and also keep the Principal
Employee indemnified against all the actions that may be initiated
against the Principal Employer by the Statutory Authorities for his
failure to pay such wages and provide the essential amenities.
The contractor shall obtain a license as contemplated under
Contract Labour Act 1970 or any other law as applicable, failing
which he alone would be responsible for actions/ proceedings
ensuring thereto. The Bank shall not be held responsible for acts,
commissions or omissions of the contractor and shall in no way be
made liable to the laborers engaged by the Contractor.
The contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the
Bank against losses and claims, damages or compensation
for breach of any provisions of the Payment of Wages Act,
(Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 or any other labour
law/statute in force in this regard. The contractor only shall
be responsible for liabilities, if any, in this regard.
The contract could be considered for renewal further for one
year on same terms and conditions provided the Bank finds
the services of the Contractor satisfactory and if Bank
desires so. The decision of the Bank in this regard will be
The successful contractor shall have to execute an Agreement
with the Bank in this regard in the enclosed format, in duplicate, on receipt
of intimation from the Bank of the acceptance of his/their tenders.
Five (5) % of monthly payment will be retained by the Bank for a
period of one month and same will be refunded in the following month subject to
the performance of the earlier month.
The Contractor shall not disclose directly or indirectly any information,
materials and details of the Bank’s infrastructure / systems/ equipments etc,
which may come to the possession or knowledge of the Contractor during the
course of discharging its contractual obligations in connection with this
agreement, to any third party and shall at all times hold the same in strictest
confidence. The Contractor shall treat the details of the contract as private and
confidential, except to the extent necessary to carry out the obligations under it or
to comply with applicable laws. The Contractor shall not publish, permit to be
published, or disclose any particulars of the works in any trade or technical paper
or elsewhere without the previous written consent of the Employer. The
Contractor shall indemnify the Employer for any loss suffered by the Employer as
a result of disclosure of any confidential information. Failure to observe the above
shall be treated as breach of contract on the part of the Contractor and the
Employer shall be entitled to claim damages and pursue legal remedies.
The Contractor shall take all appropriate actions with respect to its employees to
ensure that the obligations of non-disclosure of confidential information under this
agreement are fully satisfied.
The Contractor’s obligations with respect to non-
disclosure and confidentiality will survive the expiry or termination of this agreement
for whatever reason.
32. The Quantity prescribed in the Bill of quantities is only indicative and shall
subject to change at the Bank’s discretion. Payment shall be made based on
the actual quantum of work executed.
I/We hereby declare that I/We have read and understood all the above
instructions/conditions and the same will remain binding upon me/us in case the
above mentioned Annual Housekeeping and Cleaning Contract is entrusted to
I/we also note that this letter will form part of the contract document and that the
contents of this letter shall be supplemental to the conditions in the tender and not
in derogation thereof except to the extent specifically provided herein.
Date : ______________________
Place: ______________________
Signature and seal of the contractor/s
Articles of Agreement
This Agreement made on this ________day of _____________2012 between
Reserve Bank of India, having its office at Plot No.3, Sector 10, H H Nirmaladevi
Marg, CBD, Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400 614 (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank”)
which expression shall unless it is repugnant to the context or meaning thereof
deemed to include its affiliates, successors and assigns of the ONE part
M/s ________________________________________________, having its office at
(hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor") which expression shall unless it is
repugnant to the context or meaning thereof deemed to include his heirs,
representatives, administrators and assigns of the OTHER part.
Whereas the contractor is carrying on the business of providing personnel for
housekeeping and cleaning services and has adequate experience in such jobs for
rendering such services.
And whereas the Bank is desirous of availing services of the contractor for the
purposes as indicated in its letter No._____________________________________
dated ______________________.
And whereas the parties are desirous of recording the terms and conditions under or
upon which the said services are to be rendered by the contractor.
1. This agreement will come into effect from July 1, 2012 and will remain in force
upto June 30, 2013 or until it is terminated as per the terms herein after
2. The quoted charges of Rs.___________________________________ covering
the cost of manpower deployed, material used and any machinery, if any,
deployed for efficient rendering of services shall be payable on monthly basis
subject to submission of invoice. The payment thereon will be made after the
same is duly certified by the Bank's officials to the effect that the services have
been provided satisfactorily and after deducting all statutory dues/taxes, etc.
3. The above charges are firm and not subject to labour conditions, exchange
variations or any other condition whatsoever.
4. The above charges also include Service Tax, Insurance charges and any other
tax and duty or other levy, whether existing or levied in future by the Central
Government or any State Government or any Local Authority.
5. All requisite cleaning articles and material will be provided by the Bank and no
re-imbursement shall be made in that behalf by the Bank under any
6. The contractor shall be responsible for providing services on regular basis as
per the terms and conditions of the tender.
7. The contractor shall
i) ensure that he/she deploys only adult, trained and competent persons
who are physically fit and are not suffering from any chronic or
contagious diseases for carrying out the maintenance works.
ii) be responsible for and arrange to bear costs of such equipments,
materials and other paraphernalia as Bank considers necessary for
effectively rendering the services required by the Bank
iii) be responsible and liable for payment of salaries, statutory minimum
wages and other legal dues to the persons who are employed by
him/her for the purposes for rendering the services required by the
Bank under this tender. Written records for having made these
payments will be submitted to the Bank, at monthly intervals, for its
iv) maintain neatly, completely and legibly registers, records, reports and
returns for inspection by various authorities at short notice.
v) provide information as required
in respect of all his employees
employed by him/her to enable the bank monitor compliance of
P.F.,ESI, etc
vi) ensure that all persons employed by him/her, for the purposes for
rendering the services required by the Bank, are insured with
Government of India recognized insurance companies, for which no
extra payment will be made by the Bank. The contractor shall be
responsible for any injury or damages to any persons, animals or any
other things.
vii) ensure that his/her employees, while on the premises of Bank or while
carrying out their obligations, observe the standards of cleanliness,
decorum, safety, good behavior and general discipline laid down by the
Bank or its authorized agents and the Bank shall be the sole judge as
to whether or not the contractor and /or his employees have observed
the same.
viii)personally and exclusively supervise or employ sufficient supervisory
personnel, exclusively to supervise the work of his/her employees so
as to ensure that the services rendered are carried out to the
satisfaction of the Bank.
ix) ensure that no employee of the contractor will enter or remain on the
Bank's premises beyond the specified time limits unless and absolutely
necessary for fulfilling contractors obligations.
x) be liable for any damage caused to the Bank or its premises or any
part thereof or to any fixtures or fittings thereof or any property of the
Bank and therein by any act, omission, default or negligence of the
contractor or his employees or agents.
xi) supply identity cards to his/her employees or agents who shall be doing
the subject job at the Bank's premises. All the employees and agents
should bear the identity card for all the times they are working in Bank's
xii) provide distinct uniform's to his/her employees or agents different from
the Bank's employees. The uniform should have logo of the
contractor's firm/company and shall be kept neat, tidy and in a
wearable condition.
xiii)obtain Police Verification report on character and antecedents of its
personnel and other details relating to age , educational qualification,
name and permanent address to be provided under this contract along
with their passport size photographs before engaging them for duty in
Bank’s Premises. Only able bodied, physically fit, well trained, literate,
disciplined and honest personnel preferably between the age of 21 and
45 years shall be deployed.
disciplined and honest personnel preferably between the age of
21 and 45 years shall be deployed..
8. Without prejudice to what is contained hereinabove, the Bank shall at its sole
and absolute discretion, be entitled to terminate this agreement forthwith by
written notice without assigning any reason and without payment of any
compensation, if
a) in the opinion of the Bank (which shall not be called in question by the
contractor and shall be binding on the contractor) the contractor fails or
refuses to implement this agreement to the Bank's satisfaction and/or
b) the contractor commits a breach of any terms and conditions of this
agreement and/or
c) the contractor is adjudged an insolvent or a compromise is entered by him
with his creditors or if distress or execution or other process is levied upon
or receiver is appointed of any part of the assets or property of contractor
d) for any reason whatsoever, the contractor becomes disentitled in law to
perform his obligations under this agreement and/or
e) there is any variation in the ownership/partnership or management of the
contractor or his business without the prior approval in writing of the Bank
to such variation.
9. In the event of termination of this agreement for any reason whatsoever, the
contractor/or persons employed by him or his agents shall not be entitled for any
sum or sums whatsoever from the Bank by way of compensation, damages or
10. If any dispute, difference or question shall, at any time, arise between the
parties as to the construction of this Agreement or concerning anything herein
contained or arising out of this Agreement or as to the rights, liabilities and
duties of the said parties and binding, the same shall be referred to arbitration
under the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory
modification thereof and the decisions of the Arbitrator/Panel of Arbitrators shall
be final and binding on both the parties. Further such disputes, difference or
questions, if any, shall be deemed to have arisen at Mumbai/Navi Mumbai and
only courts in Mumbai/Navi Mumbai shall have jurisdiction to determine the
11. The contractor shall bear the stamp duty on the original of this agreement,
which shall be executed in duplicate, and the Bank shall retain the original and
the Contractor shall retain the duplicate.
12. The contractor shall ensure payment of minimum wages to the workmen
employed by him/them shall maintain a register of wages and shall issue a wage
slip to every workman employed by him/them and obtain their signature or thumb
impression on the wage slips in the presence of the Bank's authorized officer
assigned for this work. The register shall be submitted to the Bank after every
payment to the workmen. In addition, he/they have to provide essential amenities
like drinking water, first aid facility etc. to its employees as per Contract Labour Act
1970. The agency/ contractor has to give undertaking on Non Judicial Stamp
Paper of applicable value before the award of the work that he undertakes to
actually pay wages to all the labourer of all descriptions to be engaged by
him for completion of that particular job/work at the rate which not less than
the one prescribed under minimum wages under CLRA Act and also keep the
Principal Employee indemnified against all the actions that may be initiated
against the Principal Employer by the Statutory Authorities for his failure to
pay such wages and provide the essential amenities.
13. The contractor shall obtain a license as contemplated under Contract
Labour Act 1970 or any other law as applicable, failing which he alone would
be responsible for actions/ proceedings ensuring thereto. The Bank shall not
held responsible for acts, commissions or omissions of the contractor and
shall in no way made liable to the labourers engaged by the Contractor.
14. The contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bank against all losses
and claims, damages or compensation for breach of any provisions of the Payment
of Wages Act, 1936, Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Contract Labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Act, 1970 or any other labour law/statute in force in this regard. The
contractor only shall be responsible for liabilities, if any, in this regard.
In witness thereof, the parties hereto have subscribed their respective hands hereto
and on a duplicate hereof on the day and year hereinabove first mentioned.
15. The Contractor shall not disclose directly or indirectly any information, materials
and details of the Bank’s infrastructure / systems/ equipments etc, which may come
to the possession or knowledge of the Contractor during the course of discharging its
contractual obligations in connection with this agreement, to any third party and shall
at all times hold the same in strictest confidence. The Contractor shall treat the
details of the contract as private and confidential, except to the extent necessary to
carry out the obligations under it or to comply with applicable laws. The Contractor
shall not publish, permit to be published, or disclose any particulars of the works in
any trade or technical paper or elsewhere without the previous written consent of the
Employer. The Contractor shall indemnify the Employer for any loss suffered by the
Employer as a result of disclosure of any confidential information. Failure to observe
the above shall be treated as breach of contract on the part of the Contractor and the
Employer shall be entitled to claim damages and pursue legal remedies.
The Contractor shall take all appropriate actions with respect to its employees
to ensure that the obligations of non-disclosure of confidential information
under this agreement are fully satisfied. The Contractor’s obligations with
respect to non-disclosure and confidentiality will survive the expiry or
termination of this agreement for whatever reason
Signed and delivered
Shri _______________________
(sign and seal of the company)
Signed and delivered for and on
behalf of Reserve Bank of India by
Shri ____________________________
its duly authorized officer
in the presence of
(sign and seal of the Bank)
Tender No. T-05/2012-2013
FROM JULY 1, 2012 TO JUNE 30, 2013
Name of tenderer : _________________________________________________
Address :
Landline/Mobile Number
Last Date for submission : June 11,2012
before 03.00 p.m.
Bill of quantity (BOQ)
Housekeeping Services including the work of cleaning of toilets,
bathrooms, etc at the Bank's quarters at Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
The scope of work will be as under:
Quarterly Cleaning of Flats
Cleaning of fans, lighting fixtures, chandeliers, exhaust fans, geysers.
Shifting of household furniture, if needed, and re-arranging the same.
Cleaning of walls and ceilings free from cobwebs, dirt, stains, etc
Carefully removing nylon mesh (netlon) from the windows/ventilators, washing
the same with detergents and fixing at the same place
Cleaning of windows, window panes, grills, doors, ventilators, name plates
(with Brasso), sign boards and letter boxes.
Cleaning of kitchen platform and sink, wash basins, tiles, kitchen racks, glass
mirrors, water purifiers
Removing the cobwebs from wall, ceiling, pelmet and inaccessible spots by
broom etc.
Thorough sweeping, washing, mopping and scrubbing the floors and wall
dado inside the flat after carrying out the above cleaning work.
Weekly Cleaning of toilets/bathrooms
Bath rooms and toilets inside all flats to be cleaned by using nylon brush and
toilet bowl plunger with approved cleaning materials like detergent, toilet
cleaner, and oxalic acid etc. The cleaning includes floor, wall dado, plumbing
and sanitary fittings & fixtures, glazed ventilators etc.
Collection of garbage
Collection of garbage from all flats inside the Bank's Kharghar Quarters only
on Public/Bank holidays, numbering about 15-20 days in a year.
Housekeeping Services including the work of cleaning of toilets,
Bathrooms, etc at the Bank's quarters at Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
Bill of Quantities
Description of work
A) Periodical cleaning of flats
Area (sq.ft.) No of flats
37 }
Twin Flats
40 }
Once in
19 }
48 }
Once in
67 flats months
Bathroom & Toilet Cleaning
Periodical cleaning of flats
'E' (Class III&IV)
Garbage collection
Once a
days in sum
a year
Date : ______________________
Signature and seal of the contractor/s
Place : _____________________