Twenty-eighth Sunday in ordinary time Worship Schedule Sunday, Oct. 12-Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00pm + Joann (Schleh) Ryan 8:00 am + John & Mary Blohowiak 50th Anniversary Blessing ~ Mr. & Mrs. James Kugel 10:00 am + Don Willmas 7:00 pm + Intentions of HT & SG Parishioners Tuesday, Oct. 14-St. Callistus I, Pope & Martyr 8:15am + Robert Vogel Wednesday, Oct. 15-St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin & Dr. of the Church 8:15am + Special Intention Thursday, Oct. 16-Sts. Hedwig & Margaret Mary Alacoque 8:15am + Valeria Dewane Friday, Oct. 17-St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr 8:15am + David & Vern Kohlwey Saturday, Oct. 18-St. Luke, Evangelist 4:00pm + Elizabeth Gosse Sunday, Oct. 19-Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am + Ray & Katherine Steffen 10:00 am + John & Marian Stiefvater 7:00 pm + Intentions of HT & SG Parishioners Liturgical Ministers October 18 & 19 Greeters: 4:00pm S Eleanor Shea & Betty Schleh, N Jim & Mary Bonde M Kelly Isselmann & Betty Schuler 8:00am RE Students 10:00am S Agnes Neumeyer, N Larry & Michele Schad, M Gerald & Mary Augustine 7:00pm Volunteers Lectors: 4:00pm Gene Riesterer 8:00am RE Students 10:00am Mary Ann Ristow 7:00pm Volunteers Extra Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: 4:00pm Mary Olig, Debbie Griem, Fran Durkee 8:00am Randy Neils, Carol Heinzen, Dennis Graf, Karen Graf 10:00am Sister Rita, Julie Galien, Dorothy Prokop 7:00pm Volunteers Ushers: 4:00pm Ed & Mary Olig, Jim Bonde, Garrison Frost 8:00am RE Students 10:00am Eric Zutz, Rich Galien, Ron Egan, Joe Weber 7:00pm Volunteers Servers: 4:00pm Isaac & Reagan Isselmann 8:00am Kayla & Mason Mueller 10:00am Eli & Isaac Egan 7:00pm Volunteers Scrip 4:00pm Debbie Griem 10:00am Paula Emme Cleaning: Ed & Mary Olig, Joyce Braun, Dale Patek Family St. Gregory Stewardship Oct. 4 & 5, 2014 Envelopes Loose Total Support Budget/Week: Difference this Week: Weekly $ 3,182.00 $ 185.71 $ 3,367.71 $ 3,558.00 $ (190.29) Total October Green Sunday Collection: $40 Per Family $ 14.80 $ .86 $ 15.66 $ 16.55 $ (.89) Parish News Bands of Marriage I: for Holy Trinity Parishioner, Dana Gilsdorf and Jared Marini who will be united in marriage on Saturday, November 1, 2014 at St. Gregory Parish. Adult & Young Person Altar Server Training is Saturday, October 11th after 4pm Mass at St. Greg’s and Wednesday, October 15th after REat Holy Trinity Contributions to last weekend’s Adopt-A-Student Collection totaled $418. Your continued support makes Catholic Education possible for all students. Thank you and may God Bless all of you for your generosity. St. Gregory Fall Festival right around the corner! We are in need of NEW ITEMS for game prizes and also gifts to be used in the Silent Auction. Your used gift bags from stores, etc. are also needed for the Hidden Treasures game. A large container can be found at the main entrance to place your donated items and gift bags. (Please remember there is NO White Elephant Booth which means we are not accepting any used items.) If you have any questions, please call Debbie Griem at 773-2708. St. Gregory is looking for donations of homemade applesauce for the SG Fall Festival on Nov. 2. You can drop off at the school kitchen or call Faye Riesterer 773-2422. Holy Trinity is also looking for the delicious homemade applesauce for the Annual perch Fry on Feb. 20, 2015 Thank you for helping make both of these events a success! Have you visited the parish website? Fr. Pat and Jeff Satori have done a great job updating and creating a beautiful website. There is a link to go between both parishes. Click on the School tab and you can see pictures from the school picnic, animal blessing, and the Catholic Schools Mass our students attended last week. You can keep updated on all the goings on in both parishes and school. Follow us on Facebook too! BINGO!! Catholic Financial Life is again celebrating “Make A Difference Day” for the seniors at the St. Nazianz Senior Center, 300 S 6th Ave, on Saturday, October 25th at 1pm. Everyone is welcome. Please come and join us with an item for the Food Pantry as your contribution to make a difference for someone else. See you there with your “Lucky Shoes” on. Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. Please come prepared to be missionary by putting your faith into action in support of the work of missionaries. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers and give generously to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the Eastern Europe and the Latin American Collections. The envelope for next weekend’s collection is included in this bulletin. Holy Trinity Christian Women’s Calendars are here and ready to be picked up in the back of church. Once again, we need everyone’s help to make this fundraiser a success! You can also buy them at either parish office or pick up extras to sell. Thank you! Holy Trinity is looking for someone to plow the parking lot this winter. This has been a volunteer service in the past. If you are willing, or would like to discuss this, please call Fr. Pat, Dennis Albright or the office. Video & Discussion will not be held at Holy Trinity today. Next date is October 19 from 4:00-5:30 pm. Holy Trinity Stewardship for Oct. 5, 2014 Weekly Yearly Budget Envelopes $ 1,518.00 $ 95,500.00 Loose $ 203.32 $ 12,000.00 Total $ 1,721.32 $107,500.00 Support Budget/Week: $ 2,068.00 $ 23,276.14 received for year Difference This Week $ -346.68 $ 84,223.86 needed by 6/30/15 Green Sunday: Weekend of October 11 & 12, 2014 From October 12th thru October 18th, the Sanctuary Candle(s) are burning in memory/honor of: St. Gregory: Holy Trinity: Deceased Members Of Holy Trinity SCHOOL NEWS Brian Dugan __________________________________ Dick Braun Family HOLY TRINITY SCRIP: Scrip sold in office: M, T, Th., F ~ 9:00 –Noon & 1:00-4:00 Scrip is also sold after 8:00 am Mass on Sunday Sales ending Oct. 5= $3,190.00 Profit ending Oct. 5 = $148.95 Remember: If everyone buys scrip 3 times a month we could reach our goal! Thank you for buying scrip! Betty Hardy, Scrip Coordinator ~ 920-565-4588 ST. GREGORY SCRIP Scrip is sold in the parish office: M-F 7:30 -12:00 & 12:30 - 4:00 Scrip is also sold after all Masses Scrip sales ending Oct. 5: $11,810.00 3% (average) profit to the parish: $354.30 Debbie Griem, Scrip Coordinator 773-2708 NO SEPTEMBER SCRIP WINNER Holy Trinity has a book shelf near the entrance for anyone who would like to borrow a book. You may either return or pass along to someone for their reading pleasure. Pray for the Sick: John E. Meyer, Pete Wagner, Randy Riesterer, Francis Scharenbroch, Tammy Riesterer, Rhonda (Riesterer) Pelk, Delores Schad, Simon Scharenbroch, Arlene Schneider, Alex Bonde, Nancy Henke, Jim Broeckert, Rosie Schneider, Bernice Scharenbroch, Al Riesterer, Rita Bonde, and Margaret Mueller. To add or remove a name from this listing, please call either Parish Office-SG: 773-2511 or HT: 773-2380 Thank you. HT Christian Women Calendar Winners are…. Oct. 5 Oct. 6 Oct. 7 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 11 - $30 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 Dale Post, Newton Jay Kortens, Two Rivers Rosie Stumpf, Manitowoc Diana Salzman, Howards Grove Andrew Weber, Newton Jerry Zeinermann, Howards Grove Christina Neumaier, Newton The volleyball team of St. Mary/St. Michael/St. Gregory will participate in the Fall Classic Volleyball Tournament at Valders High School with 11 other area teams on Saturday. The tournament hosted by SGS is in its 21st year. Thank you to Paula Emme and Christine Schoenberger for coordinating the event and to the families who worked throughout the day. Go Lady Pirates! Mark Your Calendars: SGS will host a Potato Bar after the 4:00 Mass on Saturday, October 25 in the cafeteria. The potato bar will offer a home-grown baked potato with more fixings than you will need. The annual Veterans Day celebration at SGS will take place Thursday, November 6 starting with the 8:15 Mass and continue at school with a program and refreshments. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION RE Coordinator ~ Jessica Schneider 920-645-1001 Grades K-6 ~ Wed. Oct. 15, 5:30-6:45 pm Altar Server training tonight. Grades K-6 ~ Wed. Oct. 22, 5:30-6:45 pm Grades 7-11 ~ Sun. Oct. 12, 8:00-11am Grades 7-11 ~ Sun. Oct. 19, 8:00-11am Confirmation Sponsors Meeting today. Video & Discussion Explore the Wonders of the Faith with Fr. Robert Barron Nothing on Oct. 12 Next Video & Discussion is October 19 ~ 4:00-5:30 at Holy Trinity Discover the mysteries of Catholicism. Go on a journey of a lifetime! Question and answer with Father Pat at the end! The following parish family members are serving our nation in the Armed Forces: Kurt Binversie, Nicole Bornette, Alex Ristow, Matthew Zoelle, Jesse Augustine, Joshua Kleinhans, Jake Baumann, Michael Reindl, and Anton Simon. We pray to the Lord that He watches over them and keeps them safe. If there are any more names, please call the parish offices. October Dates to Remember October is Holy Trinity’s month at Wildflower Café! Just take a bulletin, circle Holy Trinity and Wildflower will donate 20% of your bill back to Holy Trinity. Oct. 11 Altar Server training at SG after the 4:00 mass. Oct. 14 HT Finance Meeting at 6:00, Parish Council at 7:00 8th Grade Day at Roncalli High School. Call Cyndi Kraemer 686-8145 with any questions Oct. 15 Altar Server training at Holy Trinity after RE classes tonight. (6:45) Oct. 18 & 19 Second Collection: World Mission Sunday Oct. 19 Holy Rosary Parish Annual Fall Festival in New Holstein. Serving 11am-1:30pm, family style chicken and ham dinner, carry-outs available. Crafts, Raffles, Pumpkin Patch, and more. Oct. 25 Senior Citizen “Make A Difference Day” sponsored by Catholic Financial Life. Bingo at 1pm at senior center. Please bring an item for the food pantry. Oct. 25 & 26 GREEN SUNDAY COLLECTION-moved because of diocesan second collection Oct. 25 & 26 Anointing of the Sick after ALL Masses Oct. 28 SG Finance mtg 6:30pm & Parish Council mtg 7:30pm Nov. 2 Holy Trinity Christian Women meeting after the 8 am FREE COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER Neighboring communities joining together to share a meal, meet old friends, and make new acquaintances Faith Lutheran Church in Valders Sunday, November 9, 2014 11:30am to 1:30pm Everyone is Welcome! We will also be honoring all Veterans Sign up sheets to volunteer, bring a dessert, and attendance can be found in the back of church Any questions, call Faye Riesterer 773-2422 Sponsors include: Valders Lions, St. Nazianz Lions, Faith Lutheran Church, Take time out of your busy schedule ofr a weekend of discovering God and the many ways His love can touch you. We are the community of Lakeshore Christian Experience Weekend. A woman’s retreat will be held at St. Francis of Assis Manitowoc-Waldo site on November 7-9, 2014. Registration forms can be found at all entrances to church. For more information contact Dawn Jacobsen 920-242Six Songs of Peace: honoring Pope Francis’ October Intention of Prayers for World Peace, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity offer a Streaming Peace Concert through October at their Discernment site ST. GREGORY PARISH OUTREACH INFORMATION: Prayer Line; Lucille Heinzen at 773-2317 Nursing Home/Assisted Living; Debbie Griem at 773-2708 Food Pantry; Faye Riesterer at 773-2422 Outreach Crafters; Carmen Pankratz 758-3790 or Connie Bell 773-2600 Or call Debbie Griem at 773-2708 Fr. Pat’s Corner . . . On Mount Zion the LORD will provide for all people a feast of rich food and choice wines. On this mountain God will destroy the veil that covers the peoples, the web that is woven over the nations; he will destroy death forever…. On that day they will say: "Behold our God, to whom we prayed to save us! let us rejoice and be glad in our salvation!". (Isaiah 25: 6a,7a,9b) **** Is the “Kingdom of God” a given or an invite? In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells the parable of a King who held a banquet and none of the invited guests would come. …How rude! The parable was intended to continue last week’s lesson. The leaders of the people had changed the message of God to a message of obedience to them – Not God! So, it is again, as if a king (the King of Heaven) had invited his friends (the leaders of the people) to share in the riches of God’s wisdom and eternal life (a heavenly banquet) – but, they refused to come to the feast! ……Not only, rude but, selfish, sinful and a wrong! The refusal is not only to a feast – but, to share in eternal life! Now we can see that their actions are foolish, as well. Now the story does apply to us today. Jesus came with the Good News of the Kingdom of God and established The Church to ensure its availability for all generations. It is the same for us! Jesus invites us to a banquet in heaven (with His Church). If we refuse he will offer it to anyone who will accept. That could be the least expected. Perhaps, even our enemies! So, accepting Christ’s invitation to share in eternal life - is critical! However, there is a catch! To accept Christ’s invitation is to agree to obey the Gospel and disciple ourselves in the truth of love of neighbor. Love of God has a catch. We need to disciple ourselves in His truth! Hard as it may be at times – to disciple ourselves in love is to improve ourselves into “The Best Me I can Be”! May our Divine Savior bless you, -Fr. Pat
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