Holy Family Catholic Church Seymour, Tennessee Diocese of Knoxville “The Lord set His heart on you and chose you, the smallest of all because He loves you … the faithful God who is true to His covenant.” Dt 7:77:7-9 Welcome to our Community! Sacramental Ministry Parish Contacts Mass Pastor—Fr. Gilbert M. Diaz [email protected] Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm Sunday: 8:00am and 10:30am Mon, Tues, Thurs 8:30am & Wed 7:00pm Holy Days: 7:00pm Vigil & 8:30am 1st Friday of the Month: Mass 8:30am Adoration 9:00am-6:00pm Benediction 6:00pm Reconciliation Saturday 4:30 to 5:00pm (or by appointment) Anointing of the Sick-Contact the office 865-573- Deacon—Deacon Dean Burry - 865-579-9196 Office Manager—Louise De Lucia 865-804-9012 [email protected] Parish Council—Tracy Staller, Chair 865-573-2876, [email protected] Finance Council—Joyce Guerrera, Chair 1203 or Ann Dennis 865-573-1586. Communion for the Sick and Home BoundContact the office 865-573-1203 or Ann Dennis 865-573-1586 or Claudia Burton 865-573-0056 Marriage-Contact Deacon Dean Burry (865)579-9196, four months in advance for preparation and scheduling. *Annulments: Contact Fr. Gilbert Diaz (865)573-1203 or Victor Whelan, Delegate (865)5773100. Baptism-Contact Deacon Dean Burry (865)579-9196, one month in advance. 1st Communion-Contact Deacon Dean Burry (865) Youth Ministry Albert & Rebecca Cardona– 865-566-2336 [email protected] Religious Education/CCD—Bill Voight 865-573-4597, [email protected] Custodial—Office –865-573-1203 Facilities Management Charlie Robinson -General Grace McIntyre- Admin 865-983-3448 865-577-9287 Ministry Contacts Liturgy Committee Secretary Karen Burry 865-579-9196 Confirmation-Contact Lorraine LeCocq (865)577-5386 Readers 865-579-4661 RCIA- Contact Bob Ketteringham (865)933-5486. Extraordinary Ministers Of The Eucharist Grace McIntyre 865-577-9287 579-9196. Holy Family Catholic Church 307 Black Oak Ridge Road Seymour, TN 37865 865-573-1203, FAX 865-579-3645 Office Hours Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs–9:00am to 2:00pm Website: www.holyfamilyseymour.org Ushers Ralph Ihli Owen Poveda 865-406-0226 Altar Servers Deacon Dean Burry 865-579-9196 Choir 5:30pm Joyce Guerrera 8 &10:30am Joe Henry 865-335-4610 865-738-3681 Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time Holy Family Financial Report 07/2014 - 06/2015 Fiscal Year Yearly Budget Weekly Budget $279,320.00 $ 5,400.00 Last Weeks Collection 07/19-07/20/14 Regular $6418.25 Building $ 395.00 Charity $ 194.09 Year to date: Expenditures Surplus/Deficit $92,116.71 ($ 181.76) Mortgage Balance $370,484.56 Ministry Schedule October 18 5:30 PM Reader: Karen Quilliams Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Thomasina Bicer, Jeanette Ormazabal, Bill Voight October 19 8:00 AM Reader: Lynette Kegley Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Bob Ketteringham, Immaculata Brandt, Annamaria Smith 10:30 AM Reader: Gil Campos Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Rosemarie Staley, Dorothay Henry, Alice Johnson ***If you can not serve for your scheduled mass, please find a substitute, prior to the beginning of mass. If you can not find a substitute, please call the person in charge of that ministry (front of bulletin). ***All Readers, Ministers and Altar Servers*** Please check in with the mass coordinator upon your arrival at church prior to mass. Pray for the Sick: Please call Claudia Burton at 573-0056 to be added to the prayer line. Ed Bigelow, John Kruzel, Dorothy & Herman Runevitch, Steve Smith, Mary Lu Shipstad, Lorraine LeCocq, Carmen Fernandez, Norman & Joan Renaud, Tura & Bill Loose, Hennie & Maggie Mauer, Pete & Gloria Pizzolongo, Mary Alice Schweb, Claire Haupt, Betty Princing, Leo Fragapagne, Lorraine Hendricks, Elaine Shields Bryant, Lorraine Quilliams, Bella Manna, Pete Walburg, Joseph Papp, Paula Goan, Nikki McFarland, Gary Johnson Mass Intentions Oct 11 05:30 PM Thad Tusinski Oct 12 08:00 AM People Of The Parish 10:30 AM Cecilia, Irene, Fran & Robert Jacob-Living Intention by Marie Price Oct 13 08:30 AM People Of The Parish Oct 14 0:830 AM People Of The Parish Oct 15 07:00 PM In celebration of Bishop Vann Johnston’s Birthday by Deacon & Mrs. Burry & Family Oct 16 08:30 AM People Of The Parish Oct 17 08:30 AM NO MASS Oct 18 05:30 PM Normand Renaud-Living Intention by Sami Blanton Oct 19 08:00 AM People Of The Parish 10:30 AM Tim Eastwood by Liz Schumacher May the souls of all our Faithful departed through the Mercy of God rest in peace. Amen = deceased Parish Calendar C=Church, GL= Garden Level, FLC= Family Life Center, P=Pavilion 10/11 Sat: 05:00pm Rosary-C 10/12 Sun: 09:00am CCD-GL & FLC 09:55am Rosary-C 10/13 Mon: 09:00am Legion of Mary-FLC 10/14 Tues: 09:00am Crafty Ladies-FLC 06:00pm Legion of Mary-FLC 10/15 Wed: 10:00am St. Vincent de Paul Meeting-FLC 06:00pm HS Youth Group-FLC 10/16 Thrs: 06:30pm Choir Practice-C 10/18 Sat: 05:00pm Rosary-C 06:30pm Oktoberfest Dinner-FLC 10/19 Sun: 09:00am CCD-GL & FLC 09:55am Rosary-C “Prayer is an act of love, words are not needed. Even if sickness distracts from thoughts, all that is needed is the will to love.” -St. Teresa of Avila(1515-1582), Patron of Headache sufferers, Feast Day October 15 Our Lady of Fatima Statue would like to reach out to our parishioners by spending some prayer time in your home. The statue will be brought to your home with a 9-day novena. Please contact Luci Carleton, 573-0336. The rich suffer, want and go hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no blessing. ~Psalm 34:11 When the Lord appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. ~1 John 3:2 In today’s Gospel we hear Jesus say: “Many are invited, but few are chosen.” Parishioners are invited to make a donation at anytime for placement of flowers in the Sanctuary in memory of a loved one or for a special occasion. Recognition will appear in the bulletin. Please contact Louise at 573-1203 or [email protected] To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Thank You to everyone who donated to the Friends of the Poor Walk. St. Vincent de Paul raised $697.33 October 12, 2014 LADIES MONTH AT C.R.O.S.S. has been extended for October. Those who donated were very generous! The number of individuals who donated was very low. We have “ladies day at the car wash” or “Ladies day at the races”. LADIES MONTH AT CROSS will continue throughout October. Provide an item which makes a lady feel special. It could be a “skin softener, a body wash, a hair product, a cologne or body spray”. You may use one of these items daily without a second thought. For the CROSS recipients, it probably would be a very special treat. When your purchase your favorite beauty item, purchase two. One for yourself and one for a CROSS client. MAKE SOMEONE FEEL SPECIAL! Your donations will be picked up weekly with the last day being Sunday October 26th. Thank you. C.R.O.S.S. There is always a need at CROSS to help stock their shelves with food for local families. Peanut butter, tuna fish, cereal, pasta, jarred sauce, etc. Thank you so much for helping the Crafty Ladies have a successful weekend of sales!! This was the most profitable sale yet and the money goes towards that dreadful debt! Thank you also, to everyone who helped with the setup, tear down and sale. And an extra big thank you to those who brought all of those delicious baked goods (we sold 30 loaves of different types of bread and could have sold more !!!!!!!) and wonderful crafts. We appreciate everyone and couldn’t have had a successful sale without your help and donations! The Crafty Ladies Congratulations to our Raffle Winners: Quilt - Bernice Lohmeier Wine Basket - Barbara Le Blanc Chocolate Basket - Elizabeth Soutullo Barbie Basket - Rose Fuller Holy Family Prayer Chain Don't know if you have heard of Holy Family's Prayer Chain. When a parishioner is ill or wants prayers for someone else, all they have to do is call Ann Dennis or Claudia Burton to have the name placed on our list. Then special parishioners who have volunteered to call others go into action. Within a short time most in the parish know about and pray for that person. At this point we are in need of two volunteers for the Chain. If you are interested, please call Connie at 577-3881 to get your name on the list. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Each October we celebrate “Respect Life Month,” a time when we reflect more deeply upon the sanctity of life, from conception to natural death. We pray for the weak and vulnerable, the unborn and the elderly, for the innocent in the womb, as well as for the most guilty. We pray for a spirit of mercy and not vengeance, for an overturning of the death penalty as we pray also for the victims’ families of violent crime, for Christ’s peace through His mercy and love to comfort them. We pray for Christians and minorities throughout the world who suffer from war and persecution. We pray that Amendment One and other legislative measures that affirm a “yes to life” will be sustained with your vote for life. In the darkening clouds of violence, war, and persecution, pray for Christ’s peace to reign in mercy and love. Bishop Stika Statement on Amendment One Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, One of the great privileges of living in a democracy is the right of its citizens to vote. Although the Catholic Church will never identify itself with any political community or system, we can and must speak up in support of moral issues. One such issue that we as Catholics will have an opportunity to vote on November 4th is Amendment One. This amendment is neither a Republican nor Democrat issue, but a moral and life issue of greatest magnitude. A yes vote on Amendment One, a prolife amendment, would neutralize the extreme interpretation taken by the Tennessee State Supreme Court in 2000 in which they declared that our State Constitution guarantees the right to an abortion. Passage of this Amendment would restore back to the voter the “life” decisions that were taken from them by the state court decision. For this reason, I and my brother Bishops in Nashville and Memphis wholeheartedly ask for your support for “life” by voting for “Yes on One” this November 4th. Holy Family Confirmation 2014-2015 Please contact Lorraine LeCocq 577-5386 to register. All confirmation classes will be on Sunday’s from 11:45am to 1:15pm (including a snack break, snacks should be of the healthy variety). The retreat will be on a Saturday. A notebook will be need to answer side bar questions and as a journal for personal reflections. Lessons: SundayOctober 5 October 19 November 2 November 16 Getting Started—pages 1.1-1.6 What we can Know about God—pages 2.1-2.5 Why the World is Broken—pages 3.1-3.5 More than a Mere Man—pages 4.1-4.5 Why did Jesus Have to Die—pages 5.1-5.5 Saturday, December 20 Retreat—Reflect—Reconcile Second half of lessons will be listed in December. Twenty-Ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time Sunday, October 19, 2014 We are looking for volunteers to help build, decorate a float for the Seymour Christmas Parade. The theme is “Coming Home”. Please contact Paul Fintak 579-2202. Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 Psalm 96:1 and 3, 4-5, 7-8, 9-10a and c 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b Matthew 22:15-21 Interested in discerning a possible vocation of service within the Church? Interested in supporting the work of vocation promotion in the Church? Check out the Diocese of Knoxville Office of Vocations Facebook and Twitter pages: Holy Family Giving Tree You can honor a loved one by purchasing a leaf, acorn or stone on the Holy Family Giving Tree in the Family Life Center. They make a great birthday, anniversary, and/or a memorial gift for a loved one. All monies go directly to the building fund Interested in Advertising Here? Please call the office at 573-1203 or email secretary@ holyfamilyseymour.org Pace Residential Cleaning Pam Pace Owner-Parishioner 865-210-1367 731-413-9947 Free in home estimates customized to your specific needs Making your home sweeter Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn child I have spiritually adopted, who is in danger of abortion. Amen. Please cut this prayer out and pray it daily. Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/DOKvocations, Twitter - www.twitter.com/DofKVocations. Pregnancy & Adoption services, including post-abortion counseling, available 24/7/365 by calling 1-877-990-4673 Empowering and protecting the poor and vulnerable through: -Columbus Home Children’s Services -Outreach to those in Hardship -Housing for Special Populations -Counseling & Education For information or help, go to www.ccetn.org for services And contact information in your community. Knights of Columbus Council 12961 Contact: Gene Zdonek 908908-3896 Business Meeting: First Thursday of every month, 7p.m.Church - lower level OKTOBERFEST Saturday, October 18, 2014 at 6:30pm Family Life Center MENU Gypsy Schnitzel Potato Dumplings w/ Gravy Savory Sauerkraut German Potato Salad German Garden Salad Please continue to bring your delectable desserts for all to share. $10 per person $5 Children8-12 Call Paul Fintak 579-2202
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