From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 1991 77: 331-339 Use of polymerase chain reactions to monitor minimal residual disease in acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients S Yokota, TE Hansen-Hagge, WD Ludwig, A Reiter, A Raghavachar, E Kleihauer and CR Bartram Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. Use of Polymerase Chain Reactions to Monitor Minimal Residual Disease in Acute Ly m ph ob 1a s tic Leu ke mi a Patients By Shouhei Yokota, Thomas E. Hansen-Hagge, Wolf-Dieter Ludwig, Alfred Reiter, Anand Raghavachar, Enno Kleihauer, and Claus R. Bartram T-cell receptor (TCR) 6 gene rearrangements are observed in more than 80% of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patients. Moreover, a preferential usage of specific genetic elements has been shown in different ALL subtypes: VS,DJ6, rearrangements predominante in T-ALL, while most B-precursor ALLs show a recombination of VS, t o D6,. Recently we have proposed a strategy for the detection of minimal residual disease (MRD) based on the isolation of clonospecific probes following the in vitro amplification of V6,DJ6, junctions by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and now have adapted this method t o the preparation of specific V6,D6, fragments. In the present study, clonospecific probes were generated from 11 T-ALL and 16 CALLpatients (21children, 6 adults). The sensitivity of these 27 probes in detecting residual leukemia cells varied between lo-‘ t o lo-‘ as determined by semiquantitative evaluation of dilution experiments. PCR analysis of 55 bone marrow (BM) and peripheral blood (PB) samples obtained from the 27 patients during complete clinical remission showed the following results: (1) Evidence for MRD was obtained in the BM of all patients (eight of eight) investigated 2 t o 6 months after remission induction and also in 6 of 11 cases on maintenance therapy 7 t o 19 months after diagnosis. (2)In contrast, all patients but one (10 of 11) analyzed 6 t o 41 months after the termination of treatment lacked apparent evidence for leukemia DNA; residual cells the exception was a girl exhibiting IO-‘ t o in her PB 5.5 years after diagnosis. (3)Longitudinal analysis in nine patients disclosed marked individual differences in the intervals between achievement of clinical remission and complete eradication of the leukemia cell clone. (4)Differences in the duration of MRD were not associated with distinct clinical-hematologic features. (5) Detection of residual disease by PCR proceeded clinical relapse in t w o cases. 0 1991by The American Society of Hematology. T children, ALL/NHL-BFM (Berlin Frankfurt Miinster) 1983 and 1986, and adults, ALUAUL-BMFT (Bundesministerium fur Forschung und Technologie) February 1984 to March 1987, for the following reasons: (1) Leukemia cells showed a TCRG gene recombination accessible to PCR analyses. (2) Sufficient cryopreserved and/or fresh cell material was available of presentation and remission samples. (3) Clinical follow-up was known. The design of the studies has been described el~ewhere,’~.’~ comprising a total duration of treatment of 104 weeks in the BFM trials (remission induction [weeks 0 to 111, reinduction [weeks 23 to 291, maintenance therapy [weeks 13 to 21 and 31 to 1041) or 130 weeks according to the BMFT protocols (remission induction [weeks 0 to 81, consolidation [weeks 20 to 261, maintenance therapy [weeks 10 to 18 and 20 to 1301). ALL had been diagnosed in all patients by local and central reviews of cytologic and cytochemical features. Immunologic markers were analyzed by one of us (W-D.L., Berlin) by a terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) assay and a broad panel of murine monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) following criteria described else~here.’~*’’ Based on these phenotypic analyses, cryopreserved cell samples of the patients were sent for Southern blot analyses to Ulm. Determination of the patients’ immunophenotype and genotype was performed with informed consent. HE QUANTITY AND KINETIC behavior of minimal residual disease (MRD) in leukemia patients following successful remission induction therapy poses a major problem of clinical oncology. Better knowledge of these issues would certainly be helpful in terms of evaluating the efficacy of treatment regimen, monitoring individual responses of patients, early detection of impending relapses, and quantification of remaining leukemic cells in autologous bone marrow (BM) grafts before transplantation. The possibilities and limitations of methods for the detection of minimal residual leukemia depend on their specificity, sensitivity, and reproducibility. Apart from many methods with a detection limit comparable with cytomorphologic techniques (1 to 5 malignant cells between 100 normal cells), double-color immunofluorescence analysis has emerged as a reliable tool for the identification of as few as neoplastic cells in acute leukemias characterized by phenotypic features that are extremely rare or absent on normal hematopoietic More recently, the application of techniques based on the enzymatic amplification of DNA target sequences by polymerase chain reactions (PCRS)~ has attracted much attention, because these strategies allow the detection of minimal residual leukemia cells at a to level. An approach developed in our laboratory4 takes its advantage from the observation that the majority of ALL cases shows a T-cell receptor (TCR) 6 gene rearrangement and is characterized by a preferential use of specific genetic elements depending on the immunologic subtype. Thus, V6, and J6, segments are frequently rearranged in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (TALL) while V6, is predominantly used in B-cell precursor ALL.”13 In this study we have amplified and isolated the TCRG junctional regions of 27 ALLs and used them as clonospecific probes in PCR studies of the patients’ remission samples. PATIENTS AND METHODS Patients. Cases included in the present study were selected from patients enrolled in the German multicenter ALL studies for Blood, Vol77, No 2 (January 151,1991: pp331-339 From the Section of Molecular Biology, Department of Pediam’csII, Department of Internal Medicine III, University of Ulm; Department of Hematology and Oncology, Minikum Steglitz, Berlin; and Department of Pediahics f l Hannover Medical School, Germany. Submitted July 23,1990; accepted September 18, 1990. Supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschafi, Deutsche hjebshilfe and Forderkreis fur tumor- und leukdmiekranke Kinder Ulm. S.Y. is a recipient of a fellowship from the Alexander-voni Humboldt-Stifiung. Address reprint requests to Claus R. Bartram, MD, Section of Molecular Biology, Department of Pediatrics Il, Prittwitzstrasse 43, D- 7900 Ulm, Germany. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C.section I734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1991 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/91/7702-0OO7$3.00I0 33 1 From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 332 YOKOTA ET AL Clinical and laboratory data of the 27 patients are presented in precautions: (1) The PCR processor was kept in a separate room Table 1. Three of the 21 children with ALL did not qualify for the away from the laboratory where DNA preparation was performed. BFM-trial, but were treated according to the BFM protocol and (2) No amplified samples were allowed to be brought back into the room where cell collection, DNA preparation, and Southern blot therefore also analyzed in the present study. The reasons for analysis was performed. (3) All reagents used in the PCR (includexclusion were inadequate induction treatment (cases 2 and 16) ing the oligomers) were prepared, aliquoted, and stored in an area and leukemia relapse (4 years after initial diagnosis) in case 8. that was free of PCR-amplified products. (4) Positive-displacement The estimated risk for treatment failure is determined in the pipettes were used. (5) At least one negative control was run for BFM-trials by two parameters, the risk factor (RF) and the initial each experiment and all samples were analyzed on at least two prednisone response. The R F is calculated from the number of different occasions. In addition, one should keep in mind that leukemic blasts in the peripheral blood (PB) and the enlargement analyses using clonospecific probes are less prone to false-positive of liver and spleen below the costal Patients with R F results than PCR analyses identifying similar or identical amplificaless than 1.2, R F 1.2 to 1.7, and R F 2 1.7 are considered to be at tion products in different patients. standard, medium, and high risk for treatment failure, respectively. Isolation and hybridization of clonospecificprobes. Clonospecific Second, initial response to monotherapy with prednisone for 7 days probes were prepared and hybridized to amplified DNA samples emerged as a powerful prognostic parameter from the BFMaccording to a previously published protoco1,4 except for the trials." More than 1,000 blasts/", in PB at day 8 indicate a poor following modifications. During the first round of PCR, 1 kg of prognosis as compared with patients with less than 1,OOO leukemic leukemic cell DNA was amplified with primers 1and 6 in cases with blasts. The ALL/AUL-BMFT trials distinguish two risk groups V6,DJ6, recombinations and with oligomers 7 and 6 in patients (high, low). Patients exhibiting at least one of the following exhibiting V6,D6, rearrangements (Table 2). In the second round parameters are considered to be at high risk white blood cells of PCR, 1% (1 WL of the primary PCR product was further (WBC) greater than 30,000/mm3 in PB, age over 35 years, acute amplified for 35 cycles by using primers 3 and 4 (V6,DJ6,) or 9 and undifferentiated leukemia (AUL) immunophenotype, or failure to 10 (V6,D6,) (Table 1). In cases with V6,DJ6, recombination the achieve complete remission (CR) within 4 weeks of induction amplified DNA was digested with Fokl (New England Biolabs, therapy.M Beverly, MA) to exclude universal J6, sequences from the clonospeSouthem blot analysis. High molecular weight DNA was precific probes.' DNA samples were separated on a 3% agarose gel pared from cryopreserved or fresh mononuclear BM cells. After (Ultrapure, BRL, Gaithersburg, MD) and DNA fragments containwashing in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), cells were resusing the specific (NDN) sequences were bound to diethyl aminopended in TNE (50 mmol/L Tris-HCI, pH 7.5; 100 m m o m NaCI; 5 ethyl (DEAE) membranes (Schleicher & Schuell, Dassel, Germmol/L EDTA). Proteinase K and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) many) and purified as described?" In cases characterized by were added to a final concentration of 10 &mL and 1% (wthol), V6,DJ6, or V6,D6, recombinations on both alleles resulting in two respectively. Cells were incubated overnight at 55°C. After adding different amplification products, both fragments were isolated and sodium perchlorate (0.5 mol/L final concentration), DNA was used together as a single probe. Following denaturation at 95°C for precipitated in 1 vol isopropanol and washed in 70% ethanol. 3 minutes, clonospecific probes (20 ng) were labeled for 45 minutes DNA, 10 pg, was digested with BamHI, BglII, and Hind111 using DNA polymerase/Klenow fragment (PharmaciaLKB, Upp(Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden), electrophoresed on a 0.7% agasala, Sweden). The labeling reaction was primed by 200 pmol of rose gel, and transferred onto nylon membranes (Nytran, Schleieither a V6,-specific hexanucleotide (5'-CTCTTG-3') identical to cher & Schuell, Dassel, Germany). Following hybridization, the the 3' end of oligomer 3, or a VG,-specific primer (5'-GTGCCT-3'), filters were washed and exposed to XAR-5 film (Kodak, Rochester, derived from the 3' end of V6, germline ~equences.2~ NY) using intensifying screens for 24 to 72 hours at -70°C. To For the detection of residual leukemic cells in remission specishow TCRS rearrangements, we used the J6S16 probe? kindly mens of the patients or in dilution series, DNA samples were provided by Drs T. Boehm and T.H. Rabbitts (Cambridge, UK). amplified by a two-step PCR procedure using consecutively amAll cases were reanalyzed by V6,- and V6,-specific probes generplimers 1/6 and 2/5 in cases characterized by V6,DJ6, recombinaated by PCR-directed amplification of V6, and V6, sequences in tions or primers 7/6 and 8/11 in CALL patients initially showing a our laboratory4 (see below). rearranged V6,D6, allele. After the second PCR rounds, amplified PCR. PCR was essentially performed as described by Saiki et DNA fractions (20 ng) were spotted onto nylon filters and fixed by al? A 100-pL reaction mixture contained 1 to 5 pg of genomic UV illumination. Hybridization to clonospecific probes and washDNA, 30 pmol of each 5' and 3' oligonucleotide primer, 200 ing conditions, including a final high-stringency step in 0.05 X SSC fimol/L dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dlTP, 10 mmol/L Tris-HC1 pH (sodium ch1oride:sodium citrate) at 68°C were performed as 8.3, 50 mmolL KCI, 3.0 mmol/L MgCI,, and 0.001% gelatine described? (wt/vol). Synthetic oligonucleotides were prepared using the solidphase triester method" according to published sequen~es.5'~~~~~" RESULTS Sequences of the primers are listed in Table 2, and their position in T-ALL and CALL exhibit distinct TCRG rearrangements. recombined VG,DJS, and V6,D6, segments is shown in Fig 1. Two The backbone of the present PCR study is an immunogenorounds of amplification using nested primers were performed according to a strategy published elsewhere? type analysis performed prospectively in more than 500 The reaction mixture was first incubated at 92°C for 12 minutes patients enrolled in the German multicenter ALL trials for to denature double-stranded DNA followed by 2 minutes at 56°C children and adults. Details of molecular genetic and to anneal primer and template. Primer extension was started by the immunologic data and their correlation to clinical features addition of 1 U Taq polymerase (Amplitaq, Cetus, Norwalk, CT) will be described elsewhere after completion of the respecand allowed to proceed for 90 seconds at 72°C. Subsequently tive trials. In the present investigation we included 27 denaturing, annealing, and extension steps were performed at 92°C leukemias with a rearrangement of the TCRG locus accessifor 30 seconds, 56°C for 60 seconds, and 72°C for 90 seconds, ble to PCR analysis. Because of the limited repertoire of respectively, for 35 cycles in an automatic PCR processor (Bio germline elements, specific types of TCRG recombinations Med, Theres, Germany). To minimize contamination problems can be identified in hematopoietic neoplasias by Southern caused by the carry-over of amplified DNA, we took the following From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 333 DETECTION OF MINIMAL RESIDUAL ALL BY PCR Table 1. Clinical and LaboratoryData of 21 Children and 6 Adults With ALL Initial Diagnosis Patient No. Sex Age (y:mo) 1 M 2 Detection Limit of Clonospecific Cell Probe Source lmmunophenotype WBC (mm3) Risk Group* 10;O T-ALL 65.800 M.G 10-4 M 3;5 T-ALL 48.200 NQ 10-8 3 4 M M 6;7 5;8 T-ALL T-ALL 73.000 116.000 H, G M,P 10-8 10-5 5 M 6;lO T-ALL 10.400 S.G 10-4/10-5 6 7 9;6 6;l 6;l Pre T-ALL T-ALL cALL 61.800 32.300 42.800 H. P M,G 8 F F F NQ 10-5 10-5 10-5 9 M 3;11 cALL 60.300 M.G 10-4/10-5 10 M 2;9 cALL 21.400 S,G 10-4 11 12 M M 2;3 6;2 cALL cALL 3.900 6.800 S,G S, G 10-4 10-5 13 M 2;9 cALL 199,000 M,G 10-5 PB BM BM PB BM BM PB BM PB PB PB BM PB BM PB PB BM BM BM BM PB BM BM PB BM BM BM 21 F 2;3 cALL 19.100 S,G 10-5 PB PB BM PB BM PB BM PB PB BM BM BM PB BM PB 22 M 21;2 cALL 13.000 H 10-5/10-6 BM 23 M 24;4 cALL 4.200 L 10-4 24 25 M M 26;6 34;O T-ALL T-ALL 24.600 28.000 L L 10-4 10-5 26 27 M M 19;7 22;O T-ALL T-ALL 10.600 35.300 L H 10-5 10-5 BM PB BM BM BM PB BM PB BM BM PB 14 M 5;9 cALL 23.700 M.G 10-5 15 16 17 18 19 20 F F 5;11 4;3 2;l 7;11 3;11 5;11 cALL cALL cALL cALL cALL cALL 32.000 76.500 12.600 115.000 27.400 5.300 S,G 10-4 10-3/10-4 10-4 10-5 10-4 10-4 M F F M NO S,G H,G S, G S, G PB Remission Sample Mo after Diagnosis (termination of therapy) 4 5 11 4 4 4 5 5 12 9 12 12 20 24 10 10 5 MRD by PCR Clinical Follow-up 10-3 CCR (11 mo +) CCR (13 mo +) CCR (12 mo +) 1. CR (8 mo), relapse 2. CR (4 mo +) CCR (25 mo +) 1. CR (14 mo), relapse, deatht CCR (22 mo +) 2. CR (11 mo +)S 8 6 12 15 15 14 17 17 2 13 27 (2) 40 (15) 40 (15) 7 12 45 (21) 45 (21) 44 (20) 52 (28) 53 (29) 54 (30) 55 (32) 59 (35) 59 (35) 65 (41) CCR (13 mo +) CCR (22 mo +) CCR (17 mo +) CCR (21 mo +) CCR (44 mo +) CCR (49 mo +) CCR (47 mo +) CCR (54 mo +) CCR (54 mo +) CCR (55mo +) CCR (57 mo +) CCR (60 mo +) CCR (68 mo +) 21 (post BMT) 10-5/10-6 1. CR (70 mo), relapse, allog. 21 (post BMT) 10-4/10-5 BMT in 2. CR (23 mo t) 12 CCR (24 mo +) Neg 20 Neg 20 Neg 6 10-3’10-4 CCR (17 mo +) 9 10-3 CCR (25 mo +) 19 Neg 10-5 19 24 Neg 24 Neg Ne9 CCR (34 mo +) 31 (6) Neg CCR (37 mo +) 34 (10) Abbreviations: L, low; H, high; S, standard; M, medium; H, high RF; G,good initial response to prednisone; P, poor initial response to prednisone; NO, not qualified as protocol patient; BMT, BM transplantation; Neg, negative. *According to criteria of the ALUAUL-BMFT trial or ALL-BFM study. tAfter 2 weeks from therapy-resistant leukemia. SCR lasted 48 months, probe derived from relapse sample. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. YOKOTA ET AL 334 Table 2. Oligomers Used for PCRs V6,- and V6,-specific sequences (not shown). Thus the V6, probe identified a rearranged 9.6-kb Hind111 fragment in 5' GTGTGTAmGTGGCCTTCA3' the T-ALLs (and a germline configuration in CALL), while 5' ACTCAAGCCCAGTCATCAGT3' 5' GCAAAGTACTTTTGTGCTCTTG3' the V6, probe hybridized in all respective CALLsamples to 5' GGGTTCCTTTTCCAA~GATGAG 3' the same rearranged 7.2-kb HindIII, 18.5-kb BamHI, and 5' GAGTTACTTACTTGGTTCCAC 3' 9.5-kb BglII fragments, previously shown by JSS16. Based 5' AAATGCTAGCTATITCACCCA3' on these Southern blot analyses we proceeded to the 5' TCATCCATCTCTCTCTCTTC3' isolation of clonospecific probes by PCR and succeeded in 5' GAGTCATGTCAGCCATTGAG3' all T-ALL cases and 16 of 18 CALLpatients (Table 1). 5' GCACCATCAGAGAGAGATGA3' Clonospecific probes from T-ALLs with V6,DJ6, recombi5' UGTAGCACTGTGCGTATCC3' nation. The PCR strategy for the isolation of clonospecific 5' AGGGAAATGGCACTTTTGCC3' probes recently introduced by us was initially applied to See Fig 1 for position of oligomers; in Oligomer 4 a G (*) was leukemias exhibiting V6,DJ6, recombinations: According substituted for wild-type A, thus creating an artificial Fokl cleavage site to this protocol two rounds of PCR using a set of nested (underlined). primers (1/6 and 3/4) are performed to amplify DNA fragments of approximately 120 bp containing the NDNblot analysis. Accordingly, a rearrangement of V6, to D6, functional regions, which specifically characterize the resequences is indicated after hybridization to the J6S16 arranged TCRG loci (Fig 1). This approach was successfully probe by a pattern of aberrant 7.2-kb HindIII, 18.5-kb applied to all 11 T-ALLs of the present study (Fig 3A). BamHI, and 9.5-kb Bgl I1 fragments, while a 9.6-kb HindIII Cases 5, 7, and 25 have also been included in our previous fragment suggests a V6,DJ6, recombinati~n.~-~~'~,'~,~,~ Moreinvestigation (patients Si, Ha, and Ma, re~pectively).~ All over, striking differences between immunologically defined probes gave specific signals when hybridized to the leukesubgroups in the usage of TCRG elements have recently mia cell DNA of the patient from which they were derived. been established. Along this line we showed in 324 children None of the 11probes showed cross-hybridization to DNA entering the BFM-studies a TCRG rearrangement in 96% obtained from leukemia cells of the other T-ALL patients (58 of 60) of T-ALL and 81% (162 of 210) of CALL patients, (not shown) or from healthy individuals (Fig 4A), conrespectively, and further specified the immunogenotype by firming our previous experience: Because we wanted to use Southern blot analysis as VS,DJG, rearrangement in 25% of these probes as detectors for MRD it became essential to the T-ALL and as V6,D6, recombination in 57% of the 162 determine their respective sensitivities. Therefore, we diCALL patients (C.R. Bartram, unpublished results). We luted genomic DNA of each leukemia into DNA obtained tend to use the term V6,D6, rather than V6,(D)D6, from PB cells of healthy controls at lo-' to lo-', amplified because all 14 CALLSinvestigated thus far in our laboratory the DNA samples by using consecutively primers 1/6 and by PCR-directed sequence analysis (including cases 9 and 2/5 (Fig I), and hybridized the different fractions to the 10 of this report) lacked convincing evidence for the clonospecific probes. At least two independent dilution and participation of D6, or D6, elements at the TCRG junction?'" amplification series using different control DNAs were For this study we selected 11 T-ALL (7 children, 4 performed for each patient. Assuming that one human cell adults) and 18 CALLcases (16 children, 2 adults) charactercontains approximately 10 pg of DNA and 1 to 10 pg of ized by a putative V6,DJ6, or V6,D6, rearrangement DNA are used for amplification, the detection limit of this according to the criteria discussed above. Figure 2 shows PCR approach is theoretically to diluting leukethe characteristic pattern of aberrant HindIII fragments mic DNA lo6 and amplifying 1 kg of DNA should yield observed in 14 patients. Moreover, the interpretations results according to the Poisson distribution, ie, statistically derived from Southern blot analysis using the J6S16 probe 1of 10 samples will be PCR-positive. Representative results were supported by rehybridizations of the same filters to of these analyses are shown in Fig 4A. In fact, the detection limit of the clonospecific probes derived from the 11T-ALL patients varied between to as determined by semiquantitative analysis (Table 1, Fig 4A). In the majority of cases, leukemia DNA could be detected when representT l o D oJ61 -recombination ing as little as 0.001% of total DNA, in good agreement with our previous r e s ~ l t s . ~ L '61 J61 ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adaptation of the PCR strategy to V6@6, rearrangements. + + -t t t t Because V6,D6, recombinations apparently predominate in 1 2 3 4 5 6 CALL (the most frequent ALL subtype of children and D6,-recombination adults), we tried to modify our PCR method accordingly. L D63 J61 '62 Based on published TCRG sequences we designed a proto. . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. /Ha---col outlined in Fig 1. Again, two rounds of PCR were t t e + + +8 10 11 6 7 9 included. A first step using oligomers 1 and 6 amplifies a rather large fragment of approximately 1.6 kb. Because the Fig 1. Partial diagrams of wild-type and rearranged TCRG loci. published sequences of the area spanning between D6, and Position of amplimers used for PCR analyses are shown by arrows J6, contain some discrepancies, we preferred to use oligo(see Table 2). t 2 0 From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 335 DETECTION OF MINIMAL RESIDUAL ALL BY PCR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 15 17 18 20 2l 22 23 C kb ~ 9 . 6 Fig 2. Southem blot analysis of the TCRG locus in seven 1-ALL (1 to 7) and seven CALL (15 to 23) patients (see Table 1) and a healthy individual (C). Following hybridization t o TCRG probe JGS16, Hindlll-digestedDNA samples (10 pg) exhibit 6.4-kb germline fragments (G) and rearranged fragments of 9.6 kb or 7.2 kb indicating V&,DJ&, and VG,D6, recombinations, respectively. c7.2 -6.4 a- mer 6 (having served as reliable amplimer in V6,DJ6, studies) as outer primer. Following this primary enrichment for recombined TCRG molecules, the second PCR round using oligomers 9 and 10 focuses on the region flanking and including the clonospecificjunctional region and amplifies DNA fragments of approximately 80 to 100 bp (Fig 3B). These clonospecific fragments are isolated and labeled with a hexanucleotide primer identical with V6, sequences immediately upstream of the N-region. Following this procedure we were able to prepare clonospecific probes from 16 ALLS. The successful amplification of the V6,D6, junctions also supported the conclusion drawn from the initial Southern blot analyses of respective leukemias. In two other CALL we did not obtain a distinct DNA fragment after the second round of PCR but rather a smear of 80- to 120-bp sized amplification products. Both leukemias were therefore excluded from further analyses. Taking into account the possible limitation of junctional diversity within V6,D6, segments it became crucial to determine the specificity and sensitivity of the probes. To this end DNA samples obtained from the CALLSand PB cells of 30 healthy probands were amplified by using consecutivelyprimers 716 and 8/11 (Fig 1). After the second PCR round the amplification products representing either monoclonal (leukemia) or polyclonal (PB control) V6,D6, junctions had an approximate size of 300 bp. Each of the 16 clonospecific probes was then hybridized to the amplified DNA samples obtained from at least six other CALLSand three healthy individuals (not shown). The results of these analyses matched remarkably well with the data obtained for VG,DJG,-specific probes: Thus, none of the individual V6,D6, probes showed any cross-hybridization with DNA samples of the controls or other CALLStested. Representative results of the corresponding mixing experiments are shown in Fig 4B. The resolution power of clonospecific V6,D6, probes again varies from case to case and tends to be slightly less sensitivethan V6,DV6, sequences. However, it should be taken into account that the detection limits A 1-118 72 -i - 15 B 17 18 20 21 22 23 7 bp -118 - 72 agarose gel and visualized by ethidium bromide staining. Ha8 Ill-digested6x174 DNA was included as size marker. (A) In T-ALLs DNA fragments of approximately 100 to 120 bp are visible (lane a). Two fragments observed in patients 2, 3, and 6 correspond to V6,DJG, recombinations on both alleles (see Fig 2).Foki-digested aliquots of the samples (lane b) exhibit fragments of 30 bp (arrow) containing universal J6, sequences and one or two fragments comprislngtheclono (allele)-specificV6,DJG, junctions (shown bv dots). (6) DNA fragments of 80 to 100 bp containing the V8,D8, junctions are visible in the CALL samples. Patient 22 is characterizedby V&,DG, recombinations on both alleles (see Fig 2) resulting in two amplification products. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 336 @ YOKOTA ET AL D 101 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 c -? PB 4 BM 4 2 PB BM 5 12 4 5 @... pSB BM 12 .e.- PB PB BM 12 m 24 0 0 I BM 9 PB BM PB BM 19 24 19 24 0 25 13 e D 16' -2 -3 -4 -5 O O O . ' O C -6 -7 BM BM PB BM 2 13 27 40 PB 40 a e...*@ I I PB BM PB BM 7 12 45 45 14 PBRM 21 22 PB 65 21 a b \ I I a 21 Fig 4. Detection of minimal residual disease In four T-ALL (A) and four CALLpatients (E). DNAs of leukemic cells at diagnosis (D) were diluted Into PB cell DNA of 16 healthy individuals (C) at 10.' to lo-'. B M or PB DNA samples obtained during the patients' complete clinical-hematologic r e mission were also Included(numbers indicate months after diagnosis, see Table 1). After amplification, the corresponding DNA fractions (20 ng) were spotted onto nylon filters and hybridized to the clonospecific probes. In addition, 100-ng samples of patient 21 were also run on a 1.5% agarose gel, Southern blotted, and hybridized (B, lane 21b). Res u b of two independent dllution and amplification series are shown for every patient. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. DETECTION OF MINIMAL RESIDUAL ALL BY PCR given in Table 1 represent conservative estimations based on the general use of very stringent washing conditions (final step in 0.05 x SSC at 68°C). In some leukemias less stringent washes could reduce nonspecific background signals to a negligible level. This reduction was associated with an approximately 10-fold increase in the detection level. In any case, it was undoubtedly possible to identify in all patients leukemia DNA representing 0.01% of total DNA. Detection of residual leukemia in remission samples. We next used the clonospecific probes to analyze BM or PB samples obtained from the 27 ALL patients during complete clinical and hematologic remission. Southern blot analyses on all these samples failed to detect the TCRG gene rearrangement initially characterizing the leukemias and also showed a germline configuration of TCRP and JgH loci. Following amplification of the VG,DJG,- or VG,DG,junctional region by the two-step PCR strategy described above, DNA fractions were either directly spotted onto nylon filters or run on an agarose gel, Southern blotted, and subsequently hybridized to the specific probe. The readout of both detection systems matched perfectly (Fig 4B). We always included a dilution series in the experiments to estimate the detection limit of the clonospecific probes under the actual hybridization and washing conditions. Moreover, at least two independent analyses were performed for each sample. Representative results are shown for eight patients (Fig 4A and B) and the data of all cases are summarized in Table 1. One interesting result of this study is the observation that BM samples of virtually all cases analyzed during the phase of consolidation therapy following remission induction (ie, 2 to 6 months after diagnosis) exhibited residual leukemic cells. In these eight patients (nos. 1 through 4,8, 9, 13, and 24) the level of residual cells varied between to (Table 1). The findings obtained in 11 patients studied during maintenance therapy might be even more remarkable. BM samples of six cases (nos. 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, and 25) still showed remaining blasts 7 to 19 months after diagnosis at frequencies of to However, a different pattern emerged from remission samples of 11 patients being off therapy for 6 to 41 months (median 24 months). In all but one of the 11 cases, BM (seven cases) or PB samples (four cases) were apparently free from leukemia cells. The exception was a girl (case 21) exhibiting to residual cells 3.5 years after the termination of therapy. This result was confirmed in two independent blood samples. Unfortunately, a BM sample was not available for comparative analysis. In all instances, where both PB and BM specimen of a patient were available for PCR analysis, PB samples contained significantly less residual leukemia cells, if at all (Table 1). At least two consecutive remission samples could be evaluated in nine patients (nos. 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 23, and 25). These serial analyses disclosed marked individual differences in the intervals between achievement of clinical remission and eradication of residual disease as determined by PCR criteria (Table 1). Cases in point are patients 8 and 25. In the former patient, leukemia cells became undetectable within 8 months after diagnosis. However, in patient 25 337 it took more than twice as long (> 19 months) before PCR analysis showed the complete elimination of the malignant cell clone (Fig 3B). In this respect it appears noteworthy that the dynamic disparities observed in the eradication of minimal residual disease did not necessarily correlate with known risk factors (Table 1). Thus, in some patients at standard risk, leukemia cells persisted more than 1 year after achieving continuing CR (CCR) (nos. 5, 10, 12, 21, and 25), while patients at an elevated risk (nos. 8 and 14) became PCR negative in less than 8 months. Two of the children with T-ALL experienced relapses within the observation period of this study (nos. 4 and 6). In both patients PCR analyses had shown residual leukemia approximately 4 months before clinical manifestation. DISCUSSION We have analyzed 55 BM and PB samples from 27 ALL patients considered to be in CR according to clinical and laboratory criteria. This study represents to the best of our knowledge the largest series of ALL cases investigated for the presence of MRD by PCR technology thus far. The investigation became feasible through a successful adaptation of our recently introduced PCR strategy based on the amplification of clonospecific TCRG junctions to the analysis of YG,DG, recombinations in CALL. Along this line one might envisage significant difficulties posed by the limited junctional diversity of VG,DG3 segments as compared with VG,DJG, junctions in T-ALL. In fact, sequence analysis of VG,DG, regions from CALL patients recently showed complete 5' boundaries of most DG, elements and the absence of DG, and DG, sequences; moreover, an identical VG2DG, junction was observed in a cALL and a PB cell clone from a healthy individ~al.~'"Taking into account these possible shortcomings, it is remarkable that we did not encounter diagnostic problems in any of the cases included in the present study. Virtually all 16 cALL probes specifically hybridized to the patients' leukemia DNA and could readily detect neoplastic cells. However, these promising results by no means exclude possible pitfalls in future studies using this approach. In this context it appears to be appropriate to address some other possible limitations of the PCR approach. Theoretically, any subpopulation of leukemic cells undergoing further recombination would escape detection by PCR. The frequency of secondary alteration at rearranged TCRG loci during the clinical course of ALL is currently unknown. Yet, clonal variations at rearranged Ig heavy chain loci have Moreover, been observed in up to 30% of ALL PCR could amplify DNA sequences of leukemic cells (or even cell debris) persisting in BM niches for a considerable time, although these cells may have lost their proliferative capacity. This possible shortcoming of PCR should be particularly considered in samples obtained during the first weeks after starting treatment. A main result of our investigation is the demonstration of residual leukemia cells in all cases analyzed up to 6 months after successful remission induction m d frequently also in specimens of patients being in CCR for more than 1 year. This molecular genetic evidence for long-term persistence From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. YOKOTA ET AL 338 of neoplastic cell populations in the majority of ALL patients might be regarded as the biologic basis of the well-established clinical requirement for maintenance therapy. The complementing observation that long-term survivors (beyond 2 years of diagnosis) in general did not exhibit residual leukemia makes us confident to believe that PCR analysis is not inappropriately sensitive in addressing the problem of MRD, but rather constitutes a valuable tool for the identification of clinically relevant leukemia cell populations. The present study illustrates the limited value of a single PCR analysis. More relevant is the actual proliferative capacity of residual leukemic cells as shown by longitudinal study. Thus, a steady, albeit prolonged, decrease of neoplastic cells, as in case 25, may predict a favorable course. The opposite development, ie, a continuous increase of residual blasts to the point of clinical manifestation, was not documented in one of our patients (only single remission samples were available from cases 4 and 6). In this context it will be of particular interest to follow-up the future course of patient 21 exhibiting residual leukemia more than 3 years after termination of therapy. The presenting features of this leukemia did not show an increased risk; moreover, the girl responded without any complication to chemotherapy. Despite the fact that the patient has still not passed the period at risk for relapse, the current probability of such an event is well below 1%.Finally, one must also consider the focal nature of residual disease, which might interfere with the detection of minimal residual leukemia if based on the analysis of a single BM specimen.” Although the patients recruited for the present study were all treated according to the German multicenter ALL trials, the presenting features of the leukemias differed not only with respect to age and immunophenotype but also as to initial blast count and other risk factors (Table 1). This heterogeneity must be kept in mind when interpreting the clinical significance of the PCR data. Interestingly enough, persistence of minimal residual leukemia for more than 1 year after diagnosis does not appear to be associated with distinct clinical or laboratory characteristics. Monitoring of leukemia patients by PCR analysis might therefore identify compohents of the individual response to chemotherapy that are not realized by currently applied parameters. Along this line one could speculate that PCR analysis will offer a unique tool for the evaluation of a patient’s actual demand for maintenance therapy and ultimately might define a rationale for a case-adapted treatment modification. However, we would like to emphasize at the same time that the currently available PCR data are far too sparse to justify any (far-reaching) recommendation for clinical settings. It certainly remains a challenge for future studies, including many more patients, to define more precisely the clinical significance, if any, of PCR analyses. In fact, it is still an open question whether the complete eradication of leukemic cells is really an imperative prerequisite to guarantee long-term disease-free survival and cure. Prospective analyses of the remission status using the PCR strategies discussed in this report have, therefore, been initiated in the German multicenter ALL trials. Fortunately, additional methods for MRD detection are available. With respect to ALL these include double-color immunofluorescence’.‘and PCR studies on TCRy” and IgH genes’* or the BCR-ABL oncogene$ All techniques bear relevant limitations and specific advantages. We envisage that the combined use of several approaches will be required to investigate most patients and to balance interpretations derived from individual methods. After submission of this manuscript, Yamada et a1 reported on PCR analyses of BM samples from eight B-lineage ALL patients demonstrating minimal residual disease up to 18 months after diagn0sis.3~ ACKNOWLEDGMENT This report is dedicated to Prof H. Heimpel on the occasion of his 60th birthday. We thank Profs H. Heimpel, D. Hoelzer, B. Kubanek, H. Riehm, and E. 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