TTK Prestige LIMITED / ST TOVRheinland /2 /\ %\ \*-*/ - i „E.sfl CERT ''' ISO 9001 Corporate Office: 1 lth Floor, Brlgade Towers, 1 35, Brigade Road. Bangalore - 560 025. INDIA Phone: 91-80-2221 7438/39, Fax: 91-80-22277446, E-man: [email protected] CIN . L85110TZ1955PLC015049 October 13, 2014 Bombay Stock Exchange National Stock Exchange Dear Sir, Sub: Un-audited Financial Results for the second quarter and half year ended 30th September, 2014 Kindly find enclosed a statement of Un-audited Financial Results approved by the Board of Directors for your records along with the Limited Review Report of the Auditors. The same is being published in the Press as per statutory requirements. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, for TTK Prestige Limited, IC·-lk.1,- K. Shankaran Director & Secretary End: a/a Aitk Group Company IReaistered Office: Plot No.38, SIPCOT Industrial Complex, Hosur - 635126, Tamil Nadu. INDIAl I·d EI:*I *I 400 EI 1TK Prestige Limited Statement of gn-Audited Financial Results for the Half year/Quarter ended 30th fepi8Aiber 2014 - - · -1 i -.--... PARTl Sales/Income from operations Less; Excise Duty 1.(al (W 30.06.2014 30.09.2013 30.09.2014 30.09.2013 31.3.2014 Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Audited 39141 34420 35318 73561 66666 132338 946 781 764 1727 1479 34554 71834 65187 2955 129383 33639 Net Sales/Income from operationsINet of excise duty) 38195 Other Operating Income Total Income from operations Inet) 0 0 0 0 0 0 38195 33639 34554 71834 65187 129383 10710 10454 9173 21164 19101 36699 10652 7720 9089 18372 17040 38268 132 374 2055 506 1437 (1732) 2671 2536 2292 5207 9100 480 457 397 937 4502 637 9412 7506 30512 17864 64050 14531 31026 34057 8452 29993 57248 114838 4138 3646 4042 7784 263 233 7939 436 14545 122 4249 8768 4305 8017 8375 15333 105 59 218 164 525 854 4144 3709 4087 7853 7850 0 0 0 0 0 14479 696 4144 3709 4087 7853 7850 15175 1224 934 656 2158 1760 2954 122 123 401 245 481 1042 Net Profit(+1/Loss(-)from ordinary activities after tax(9-10) Extra-ordinary items (Net of tax expensej Net Profit[+)/Loss(-} for the period (11+12) 2798 2652 3030 5450 5609 11179 2798 2652 3030 5450 5609 11179 1164 1164 1164 1164 1164 1164 Paid up Equity Share Capitaltface Value Rs.10/-) Balance Sheet of Reserves excluding Revatuation Reserves as per al Cost of Materials consumed b) Purchase of stock-in-Trade in Progess and c) Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods, Work Stock-in-Trade 6) Employee benefits expense el Depreciation and amortisation expense f) Other expenses TotaIExpenses 3. Profit from ordinary activities before other income,Finance costs 4. & exceptional items(l-21 Other Income Profit from ordina ry activities before finance costs and 5. exceptional items<3+4 Finance Costs 6. 9 Profit from ordinary activities after finance costs but before exceptional items(5-6} Exceptional items Profit(+)/Loss(-)from ordinary activities before tax<7-8} 10 Tax Expense 7. 8. - Current Tax Deferred -Tax 11 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Yearended 30.09.2014 Expenses 2. RRs in takhs) Halfyearended Quarter ended PARTICULARS 51.No. 111 1477 788 57151 previous account year Earnings Per Share- Rs.Ps. a) Basic and Diluted EPS before Extraordinary items for the the previous year (Not to be period, forthe yeartodate, and for annualised} 24.04 22.78 26.03 46.82 48.18 96.78 24.04 22.78 26.03 46.82 48.18 96.78 bl Basic and Diluted EPS after Extraordinary items for the period,for the year todate. and for the previous year INotto be annualised) PART 11 A PARTICULARS OF SHAREHOLDING 1 Public Share holding -Number of Shares 2 -Percentage of shareholding Promoters and Promoters Group shareholding la) Pledged/Encumbered -Number of Shares -Percentage of Shares as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) -percentage of Shares (as a % of total share capital of the companvj (b) Non-encumbered Number of Shares -Percentage of Shares(as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter groupl -Percentage of Shares (as a % of total shara capital of the company) Particulars B 3448774 29.63% 3448774 19.63% 3489919 29.98% 3448774 29.63% 3489919 29.98% 3448774 29.63% Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil N il Nil Nil Nil N il Nit Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 8192416 8192416 8151271 8192416 8151271 8192416 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 70.37% 70.37% 70.02% 70.37% 70.02% 70.37% Quarter Ended INVESTOR COMPLAINTS the quarter Pending at the beginning of Received during the quarter Disposed of during the quarter Remaining unresolved at the end of the quarter 2·d 0 69 69 0 PT:6T 4·,T ·lon CT Standalone Statement of Assets and Liabilities Particulars (Rs in Lacs) 31 st Mar-14 Audited 38th-Sep--14 Unaudited EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Shareholders' Funds (a> Share Capjtal (b) Reserves and Surplus A 1 (c) Money received against Share Warrants Sub Total - Shareholders' Funds 1,165 1,165 62,816 57,366 63,981 58,531 43 43 2,298 2,053 500 500 297 412 3,138 3,008 6,642 2,538 14,971 12,301 8,799 1,056 31,468 7,672 3,130 25,641 98,587 87,180 34,201 33,961 2,568 2,431 2 2 1,094 902 37,865 37,296 1,001 903 Share Application Money pending Allotment Minority Interest 2 3 Non-Current Liabilities (a) Long-Term Borrowings (b) Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net) (c) Other Long Term Liabilities (d) Long-Term Provisions Sub Total - Non Current Liabilities Current Liabilities (a) Short-Term Borrowings (b) Trade Payables (c) Other Current Liabilities (d) Short-Term Provisions Sub Total - Current Liabilities TOTAL - EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 4 5 B ASSETS Non-Current Assets (a) Fixed Assets 1 (i) Capital Work in Progress (b) Non-Current Investments (c) Long-Term Loans and Advances (d) Other Non-Current Assets Sub Total - Non Current Assets Current Assets (a) Current Investments (b) Inventories (c) Trade Receivables (d) Cash and Cash equivalents (e) Short-Term Loans and Advances (f) Other Current Assets Sub Total - Current Assets 2 -- TOTAL ASSETS E·d 29,134 21 648 3,260 5,201 478 60,722 98,587 CT•.L-T 26,681 14,911 2,960 4,038 391 49,884 87,180 SEGMENT WISE REVENUE RESULTS AND CAPITAL EMPLOYED. Half yearended Quaxerended Particulars 51.No. Yearended 30.09.2014 30.06.2014 30.09.2013 30.09.2014 30.09.2013 31.3.2014 Unaudited unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Audited 1 SEGIVIENT REVENUE Kitchen Appliances Gross sales Less: Excise Duty 39141 34420 946 781 Net Sales / Income from Operations 38195 33639 Property&Investment Less; Inter-Segment Revenue Net Sales / Income from Operations 35318 764 34554 Property&Investment 1,479 2,955 71834 65187 129383 33 33 21 66 54 115 -33 -27 -66 -54 -115 38195 33639 34554 71834 65187 129383 4221 3740 4282 15234 28 23 7961 S6 8328 28 47 99 4249 3768 8017 164 8375 525 15333 105 59 4305 218 Less, Unallocable Expenses 1 Net of unallocable income) Total Profit (+1 / Loss(-) from ordinary activities before tax and 0 0 0 0 0 0 4144 3709 4087 7853 7850 14479 exceptional items Add :Exceptional items Total Profit (+) / Loss(-) from ordinary activities before tax and after exceptional items Extra-ordinaly items Total Profit (+1/ Lossol from ordinary activities before tax and after extraordinary items 0 0 0 0 0 696 4144 3709 4087 7853 7850 15175 0 0 0 0 0 4144 3709 4087 7853 7850 15175 67612 61810 3071 58432 67612 58432 3053 3053 2692 60864 3080 70665 64881 2692 61124 70665 61124 63944 0 61124 0 0 0 70665 61124 63944 Total Less: Interest Expenses 3 66,666 1,727 -33 2 SEGMENT RESULTS Kitchen Appliances 132,338 73,561 CAPITAL EMPLOYED 15egment Assets Segment Liabilities) Kitchen Appliances Property& Investment Total Capital Emp oyed in Segments Add: Unallocable Corporate Assets Less Unallocable Corporate Liabilities TotaICapitalEmployed inthe Company 0 70665 64881 854 - -1- _ - - _ - _ - - - -i- - » -,1 were approved by the Board of Directors .-..1'Ibiaboveresults_h ve.been.revieMedbythe AI itgommi e.of the Board and -L .---at its meeting held on October 13th, 2014 , b)Prope=9&Investment 2 The Companyoperates_in two segments namely, a)Kitchen appliances ing dard on Segment Reporting. _L -- - it»gments » been identified in line with the Account 17) consideMng e_ _- - -1 -- -- _ 1 and returns of these segments. o nisation_structure_and the differential risk Cgglegflnt! t,sefill life adopted by-the Notijcation dated 29th August, 2014 and the hnical advice received by the change. 4 Pursuanito MCA installationitill the year 2013-14 does not require a Electrical and s Machinerie f respect in n depreciatio calculating of company·.fgrlhe purpose of Useful life of the Asset which basis the on calculated been has quarter the for assets, of _ quent to this, Depredation an the aforesaid category used to be adopted till been revised accordingly. FY 2013-14. The figures for the Previous Quarter has also erever necessary. 5 Pievious Year's figures have been regrouped,wh 6 months ended 30th September 2014. a Limited Review of results for the 6 The Statutory auditors_have carried out updated information. for www.ttkprestig company's website investors can visit the 7 The 1-_ L--.-----Date: 13th October 2014 -1 On'bihilf of-"r. - 4-.------.---- ----»»»«»f '.4 l«-- - 1---:----- T.T.lagannathan Chairman 1 Place: Bangalore t.d --« xecutive CT•.L-T Phone: 91-44-24991147 24994423 Fax: 91-44-24994510 Email: [email protected] Website: MESSRS. S. VISWANATHAN C.N. RAMACHANDRAN B.Com.. RC.A.. AmI.1.(Lond.) CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS V.C. KRISHNAN 17, Bishop Wallers Avenue (West) Mylapore, Chennal - 600 004. MA.(Eco.),F.C.A., M.B.A.(U.S.A) C.N. SRINIVASAN BRANCHES: B.Com.. RCA. 27/34,2nd Floor. Nandidurg Road, Jayamahal Extension, Bangalore - 560 046. Tel.: 080-23530535 CHELLA K. SRINIVASAN B.Com., RCA, 50, Fifty Feet Road, Krishnaswamy Nagar, Ramanathapuram, Coimbatore - 641 045. Tel.: 94-422-4367065 R.M. NARAYANAN M.Com.. F.CA, P.aD.M. CHELLA K. RAGHAVENDRAN 8.Com.. F.C.A., D.I.S.A.B.CA.) LIMITED REVIEW - AUDITORS' REPORT For the Quarter ended 30th September'2014 We have reviewed the accompanying Statement of Un-audited Financial Results of TTK Prestige Limited for the period ended 30 September'2014 This statement is the responsibility of the Company's Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to issue a report on these financial statements based on our review. We conducted our review of the Statement in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement (SRE) 2410, "Review of Ihterim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and an analytical procedure applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standardsand other recognized accounting practices and policies has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement. For Mis S Viswanathan Chartered Accountants /'S>IM* \ F.R.No.04770S '2/ .../:649. 71 Bargan 10\ +1 F.R.N: 0047705) 11 :-1\ 410/ OVActi 0-*5 C N SRINIVASAN PARTNER Membership No.18205 Place : Bangalore Date : 13 h October'2014 S .d DI:*I *I 400 EI
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