
Annual Labour Law
Presented by Labour Law expert Andrew Levy
2014 has been a year of unprecedented labour turmoil and uncertainty. From strike action which is becoming
You don't have to fear conciliation, arbitration or the CCMA ever
and more violent, unquestionably to important developments in statute, case law and practice. Our
again. I'm
tell you
how you
is to
at any
in theoflast 15 years.
winning every hearing and dispute.
Highlights will include:
Important case law decisions.
Wage outlook for 2015.
Legacy of 2015 labour turmoil.
The Constitutional court speaks on Employment Equity.
New fines and offences in the BCEA.
Implementation of equal pay for equal work.
More power for Labour inspectors.
Insights into discipline dismissal and performance problems.
Important practice tips.
Update on fixed term contracts.
Specific questions on the BCEA and EEA will also be answered.
Seminar Duration:
Registrations: 08h30 - 09h00
Seminar: 09h00 – 12h30
Investment per delegate:
Early bird: R1, 881 incl. VAT
Normal price: R2, 046.30 incl. VAT
Dates, venues & areas
17 Nov
Crystal Towers Hotel – Cape Town
01 Dec
Sage Conferencing – Woodmead
18 Nov
19 Nov
21 Nov
Gateway Hotel – Durban
Silverstar Casino, Muldersdrift
N.M. Metropolitan University, P.E
02 Dec
03 Dec
Emperors Palace – East Rand
CSIR - Pretoria
Booking details (Only fill in your ID number if you are booking privately)
Please complete the below and fax it back to +27 11 304 4271 or contact us on +27 11 304 4390
Company Name:
Account/Serial No:
Company registration number:
ID number (please attach a copy):
Delegate Name 1:
Delegate Name 2:
Tel No:
Cell No:
E-mail Address:
Date Attending:
Payment Option 1: Deposit/Transfer (Please attach proof of payment together with your booking form)
Account Details: Sage Pastel Payroll – a Division of Sage South Africa (Pty) Ltd, ABSA Sandton City, Branch Code: 632005,
Account No: 4063360120.
Payment Option 2: To pay via Credit Card, please visit www.pastelpayroll.co.za
Terms and Conditions:
Seats are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis • Attendee substitutions must be made at least 2 working days prior to the seminar
commencement date. Reschedules are only accepted upon written notification at least 2 working days prior to the seminar commencement date
failing which a R150 fee will be levied. Cancellations – NO cancellations are accepted. Should you not pitch for the seminar date booked for, you will
be liable for 50% of the fee. If rescheduling or cancelling, an exception is made in the event that death of a family member has occurred or
hospitalisation in respect of the intended delegate for which valid proof thereof is required. Sage Pastel Payroll & HR reserves the right to cancel any
course should there be an insufficient number of delegates booked for that course.
I hereby agree to the above terms and conditions,
Applicant’s signature:
Call us. Email us.
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JHB +27 11 304 4390 | CPT +27 21 522 7400 | DBN +27 31 537 7100
[email protected]
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