SUMMER 2013 President’s Letter MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN Dear MassArt Community: As we enter August and foresee the start of the next academic year -- MassArt’s 140th -- I wanted to bring some news of the last few months at the College and preview some plans for the beginning of the 140th year. STRATEGIC PLANNING: PHASE I: Research and Current State Analysis – Summer 2013. The goal for strategic planning this summer was to gather research and prepare an analysis of our ‘current state’. With the help of the Center for Applied Research (CFAR), we are developing an environmental scan: a shared, data-driven view of the college’s current state (internal and external forces) and identification of some strategic challenges that may impact our future. INTAKE INTERVIEWS: I would like to thank the staff members who participated in the initial intake interviews conducted in the following subject areas: § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § Alumni relations Advancement Admissions Youth programs Artward Bound Academic facilities Government and community relations Curatorial programs and galleries Continuing education programs Community partnerships Information Technology Diversity Strategic enrollment Partnership plan and prior strategic planning Colleges of the Fenway Graduate programs Student development Admin and Finance Student viewpoints I also want to share my appreciation to the many members of our community who are not usually here throughout the summer, who took time to participate in the intake interviews. This includes members of our Board of Trustees, members from our Foundation Board, and Department Chairs and members of our Faculty. It has been encouraging to see so many people in our community taking an active interest and role in our strategic planning process. CURRENT STATE ANALYSIS As CFAR assesses the gathered information they have solicited internal support, to test initial sets of conclusions, confirm accuracy, and identify additional resources and sources. The Administrative Planning Team asked representative staff members to participate in this support effort to develop and test ideas and review the material of the environmental scan. I thank the following MassArt community members for participating and playing a role this summer: Ken Strickland for content pertaining to Academic Excellence; Jamie Costello for content pertaining to Student Success; Kathy Keenan for content pertaining to Enrollment; Michele Furst for content pertaining to Sustainability/Space/Tech/HR; Karen Townsend for content relating to Recognition/Reputation/Visibility; and Ceci Mendez for content relating to Partnerships/Community Outreach. MassArt - Summer 2013 President’s Letter - page 1 of 7 SUMMER 2013 President’s Letter MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN NEXT STEPS With the assistance of the Center for Applied Research, we are consolidating the information collected over the summer on the environmental scan. An initial draft was presented to the Administrative Planning Group and to the group that helped with the theme analysis in preparation for findings to be presented on Opening Day. OPENING DAY – 3 September 2013 Opening Day will be a key date for MassArt’s Strategic Planning effort. Traditionally, we have spent the morning of Opening Day on administrative announcements and updates. This year, Opening Day is designed to review Phase I – Research and Current State and will mark the official kick-off for Phase II – Plan Development, that will occur in the course of Fall semester 13. The agenda for Opening Day 2013 is: from 8:00am to 8:50am, the room is open for coffee and mixing and mingling. Promptly at 9:00am, the meeting will start. We will spend the morning of September 3rd discussing the strategic planning process, laying out the timeline, presenting the results of Phase I (the summer portion of our work), and introducing the Steering Committee and Work Groups. At 12:00 pm, we will adjourn the morning portion of Strategic Planning and we are exploring the possibility of reconvening -- following lunch time meetings -- in working group assembly during the afternoon. MORE ON THE WORKGROUPS During the summer, each Academic Department nominated a faculty representative to join other college members (staff, students, other faculty and administration). From these MassArt stakeholders, WORK GROUPS will be populated. As we continue to focus on rounding out participation in the workgroups, we look forward to hearing from you directly, as we work to assure all members of the community have participation and that all voices have time and place to be heard. There are currently six Working Groups, organized around issues and thematic areas. Topics of inquiry include: § § § § § § Academic Excellence and Accountability Student Access and Success Enrollment Management Recognition/Reputation/Visibility/Identity Partnerships/Community/Civic Engagement Sustainable, integrated: Space/Facilities/Technologies/Human Resources Co-Chairs for each of the Work Groups will be appointed and will also be members of the Steering Committee. Work Groups will call upon the larger community for input and advising throughout Phase II. Please stay tuned for regular Strategic Planning announcements. In addition to these regular announcements, information may also be found at, including previous strategic planning reports. I hope that you enjoy the rest of the summer and very much look forward to seeing you all on Opening Day! FACULTY AND STAFF HIRES AND TRANSITIONS VICE PRESIDENT OF ADVANCEMENT. Congratulations to Marjorie O’Malley, MassArt’s newly appointed Vice President of Advancement and Executive Director of the MassArt Foundation. Marjorie comes to MassArt with eighteen years experience having held multiple key advancement positions at Berklee College of Music. Her commitment to higher education and its role in civic affairs is a perfect complement to the mission of MassArt. We are so pleased to have Marjorie head this important area MassArt - Summer 2013 President’s Letter - page 2 of 7 SUMMER 2013 President’s Letter MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN for MassArt’s future successes. Please join me in welcoming Marjorie to MassArt when she begins her position on August 19th. ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE. In the Facilities Department, Howie Larosee was named Executive Director of Facilities Planning, Jeff Refinati was promoted to Staff Assistant/Tech Security Specialist and Francine Femino was promoted to Staff Assistant. In IT, we wished a fond farewell to Eric Bird, who left MassArt after nine years to pursue an opportunity as CIO at Road Scholar. Upon his departure, Matthew Burfeind has been appointed interim Chief Information Officer and Maribeth Macaisa has been named interim Deputy Chief Information Officer. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS. In Academic Affairs, India Clark was promoted to Assistant Director of Curatorial Programs. Elizabeth Rudnick was promoted to a Director position in Professional and Continuing Education. Kim Keown, Studio Manager in Film/Video, was promoted to a Staff Associate level position, and Dan Szabo was named Assistant Dean of the newly created, Maureen O. Kelly Academic Resources Center. MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS. In Marketing and Communications, Sonia Targotsidis was promoted to an Assistant Director. The position of Executive Director of Marketing and Communications still remains to be filled. CAMPUS CONSTRUCTION UPDATES Renovation and construction projects in the Tower building will continue this summer, including four new classrooms (!), a relocation of the Registrar’s office on the eighth floor, power upgrades on the fifth, sixth and seventh floors, and labs on the seventh floor. The Kennedy Building will be receiving two new classrooms, and new Film labs will be installed in the East Building. The construction fencing has been installed. In the course of Design and Media Center planning, an arborist confirmed that the existing trees could not be replanted because they were diseased. Thus, the new landscape plan for the entrance to the building will include new (and additional) trees and garden plantings at the conclusion of construction. STAFF APPRECIATION DAY A belated but heartfelt appreciation for the tremendous success and spirit that constituted Staff Appreciation Day this year. It is a great pleasure to be a part of this outrageously generous, kind, and spirited community. Thank you to the staff in Human Resources for doing all that it took to evoke the enthusiastic activities and engagement of everyone. Find the Staff Appreciation Day superlative winners and photos here: _Staff_Day/Staff_Appreciation_Day.html FACULTY STAFF DAY This year MassArt’s Faculty Staff Day on Thursday, October 3rd will be celebrated as MassArt Day to also include students in an all-college development day. The focus for this year will be related to marking our 140th anniversary in celebration of our history, present, and evolving future. Please stay tuned to event and participation for the MassArt 140th, addressed in subsequent communications. STUDENT DEVELOPMENT SUMMER 2013 INTERNSHIPS. We know how critical internships are for our students to gain preprofessional, career experience before they graduate. Career Services has been managing MassArt’s MassArt - Summer 2013 President’s Letter - page 3 of 7 SUMMER 2013 President’s Letter MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN Internship Intensive project, which was financially supported last year through the State University Internship Incentive program, which offered $80,556 for financial-aid eligible students completing Summer 2013 internships. The Office of Student Financial Assistance awarded 46 students, who received awards of $1,500-$1,800. Of the award winners, 28 are juniors (2014) and 18 are sophomores (2015) as follows: Majors Placed / Registered 16 Fashion Design 16 / 26 13 Graphic Design 13 / 36 7 Illustration 7 / 12 3 Sculpture 3/5 1 Ceramics 1/3 1 Industrial Design 1 / 10 5 dual majors: 5/9 Art History/Printmaking; Art Education/Fibers; Fashion Design/Fibers; Printmaking/Illustration Many thanks to Aurelio Ramirez and Jocelyn Gomes in the Office of Student Financial Assistance and Valerie Gilliard in Human Resources for their support and assistance with this important program. In addition, I would like to thank Maryellen Schroeder and Rebekah Wright in Career Resources for their hard work and dedication in making the program a success. EVENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. College and Visiting Events is nearing the end of its completion phase of the Event Management System software program, and will be hosting training sessions beginning in August and throughout the Fall semester. Faculty and Staff will be able to view and reserve available rooms online through an internet portal. This will not only streamline the room reservation process, but also stands to strengthen MassArt's event policies and procedures. HOLIDAY AND SPRING SALES. The 2012 Holiday and 2013 Spring Sales awarded $10,000 in Student Scholarships. The Holiday and Spring Sales grossed $105,000 and represented over 200 students and alumni. Media marketing included The Boston Globe, The Metro, Craft Boston catalog, Dig Boston, Travel Where Magazine, Art New England Magazine, The Improper Bostonian, Twitter, Facebook and various online blogs and local calendar event listings. INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION. Interest in our faculty-led travel courses has increased, both in the faculty who wish to teach the courses and in the students who wish to participate in these fabulous opportunities to expand their experiences beyond our borders. Therefore during the 2013-2014 academic year the college will be offering nine travel courses: Fall 2013 with Winter Break Travel: Vietnam: Arts and Culture of Vietnam (Janna Longacre and Janet Kawada) Spring 2014 with Spring Break Travel: Ireland/England: Crossing the Pond: Exploring Communication Design in London & Dublin (Liz Resnick and Scott Bakal) Italy (Florence): Creating a Bridge for Objects Makers: Historical Research with Contemporary Studio Practice at Alchimia (Heather White) Italy (Venice): Golden Age of Venice and The Veneto (David Nolta and Ellen Shapiro) Mexico: A Studio in Puebla: Cholula and Puebla (Nancy Aleo and Nancy Cusack) Spring 2014 with Summer Travel: China: Eternal China: the Art and Architecture of China (Fred Liang and John Thompson) Jamaica: Field BIO+ART in the Tropics: Collaborative Research in Nature and Art MassArt - Summer 2013 President’s Letter - page 4 of 7 SUMMER 2013 President’s Letter MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN Nepal: Art and Social Practice in Nepal (Denise Marika and Luanne Witkowski) Turkey: East Meets West “An intersection for the arts” Turkey/Istanbul and the Glass Furnace (James MacLeod) If you would like more information on the travel courses, please contact Erica Puccio, Director of the International Education Center, at [email protected] or ext. 7716. ORIENTATION 2013. The start to the 2013-14 academic year is around the corner and the Student Development Transition and Leadership area has been busy planning for the Class of 2018’s orientation. New students will be moving into our residence halls on Sunday, September 1st. That Sunday, we will also be hosting a program for the family members of new students to kick off Orientation for new students. International students begin their orientation activities on Thursday, August 29th and Transfer students will be joining us for their orientation and registration on Friday, August 30th. Over the past month, weekly posts have been made to the Orientation blog, which helps students prepare for their arrival at MassArt. These will continue until the week before they arrive on campus. The blog can be seen by visiting: We are looking forward to our Orientation Primers return to campus for training on August 23rd in preparation to welcome MassArt's newest class! GRANTS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND FUNDS CENTER FOR ART AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS. MassArt will be receiving a $60,000 grant from the Boston Foundation for the Center for Art and Community Partnerships supporting the long-term success of the institution. ARTWARD BOUND. Artward Bound, one of MassArt’s youth programs, will be receiving a $20,000 grant from The Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family Foundation. See: THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! During faculty staff day last spring I urged staff and faculty to consider participation in the annual fund, in an effort to increase the 4% participation rate of previous years. I am pleased to announce that 20% of MassArt faculty and staff made gifts to the college in 2012-2013. This is an extraordinary 500% increase over our average participation rate of 4%. I thank you for hearing this request. In overall gifts, you have helped support the annual department awards, endowed scholarship funds, youth program scholarships, the critical renovation of the Bakalar and Paine Galleries and most substantially, the MassArt Annual Fund, where staff and faculty contributed almost $18,000 to support unrestricted student scholarship aid for the upcoming academic year. I would like to extend my deepest thanks to all of you who took the initiative to become financial contributors to a College that you support daily. Your generosity will be acknowledged on the 20122013 Annual Report in the fall. FACULTY RECOGNITION AND ACCOLADES RESNICK ORGANIZES EXHIBIT AT THE PRATT MANHATTAN GALLERY. MassArt Graphic Design Chair and professor, Elizabeth Resnick, recently opened her exhibition of Graphic Advocacy: International Posters for the Digital Age, 2001-2012, featuring 122 posters effectively serving as a medium for social change. A portion of the exhibit can be found at the Pratt Manhattan Gallery from July 8 – August 28. MassArt - Summer 2013 President’s Letter - page 5 of 7 SUMMER 2013 President’s Letter MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN In addition, Professor Resnick’s poster design for the Mandela Poster Project was one of the 95 selected from over 700+ entries: Q&A WITH MASSART PHOTOGRAPHY PROFESSOR. Photography professor Matthew Monteith discusses his latest photo project that captures the way people explain a piece of artwork to someone else. You can find his full Q&A here. STUDENT RECOGNITION PRINCE® PASTA 100TH ANNIVERSARY. Student Activities and Programs were approached by Prince® Pasta to celebrate their 100th Anniversary by paying homage to the city of Boston. Prince Pasta will host a 100th Anniversary tribute that will include the unveiling of student-created pasta art that was inspired by Boston landmarks. The department worked with Professor Marc Holland and other Studio Foundation Faculty to select 12 first year students to create these sculptures, who will receive a $300 stipend. The winning student will be awarded $5,000. Additionally, 6 students were selected to create 24"x36" pasta portraits of key food celebrities in Boston including: Lydia Shire, (Chef at Scampo in Boston's Liberty Hotel), Jerry Remy (Owner Jerry Remy's Sports Bar & Grill), Billy Costa (Billy Costa Kiss 108 TV Diner Boston), Donny Wahlburg (coowner of Wahlburgers), Tom O'Keefe (Boston Tweet) and Dan Andelman (Phantom Gourmet). Each student artist will receive $850 and the framed portraits will be given to the celebrities. EXHIBITION AT MASS EYE AND EAR. Over 30 MassArt students and alumni have their artwork on exhibition at Mass Eye and Ear's newest 3rd floor facility at 800 Huntington Avenue. James MacLeod, FA 3D faculty was commissioned to create a 30 foot, glass sculpture which will be permanently installed in the building's atrium. The city of Boston relies upon our artistic community for demonstrating this kind of responsive, creative ingenuity. AIAS HONOR AWARD RECIPIENTS. Architecture students Samantha Parsloe and Stephen Russell, who graduated in May 13, were the recipients of the 2012-2013 American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) Honor Award. They were chosen due to their outstanding leadership and service in the architecture and design community. This is a great recognition for the Architecture Department students and faculty and will be notable in our upcoming NASAD accreditation visit. GRAPHIC DESIGN STUDENTS WIN BOLIVIAN POSTER BIENNIAL. Melissa McDowell and Schuyler Erickson, two graphic design students had their posters selected in the 2013 Bolivian Poster Biennial – an international contest open to all educational institutions with programs in graphic design. e=1 FASHION DESIGN SOPHOMORE WINS A PRESTIGIOUS SCHOLARSHIP. Sophomore Fashion Design student, Erin Robertson, won the Council of Fashion Designers of America’s Teen Vogue/Target scholarship – a prize valued at $25,000. MassArt - Summer 2013 President’s Letter - page 6 of 7 SUMMER 2013 President’s Letter MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN AWARDS, RECOGNITION AND MEDIA MASSART’S ANIMATION PROGRAM RANKS 9TH ON THE EAST COAST. Congratulations to MassArt’s amazing Animation Program! Animation Career Review ranks it 9th in their list of Top Twenty Animation and Game Design Schools on the East Coast. We always knew it was great, but now so do a few more. THE TREEHOUSE RESIDENCE HALL IS NOMINATED FOR 2 DISTINGUISHED ARCHITECTURE AWARDS. Out of 100 nominations, the MassArt’s new Residence Hall, was one of four structures selected for the Boston Society of Architects’ 2013 Harleston Parker Award. Also, the International Council for Tall Buildings nominated the Treehouse for the Best Tall Building in the Americas. This recognition is certainly a feather in our caps, especially as regards our sophisticated ability to commission, finance, and build a fine example of user-centered, sustainable architecture in a complex, urban condition. MASSART RANKS #7 OUT OF 50 TOP COLLEGES FOR ART. Online College Database ranks MassArt #7 out of 50 U.S. colleges where art programs abound. MASSART ALUMNAE AND MASCO WIN PLATINUM AWARD FROM THE HERMES CREATIVE AWARD Julia Frenkle, co-founder of OPUS Design, collaborated with MASCO on their “Karma Commuting” safety campaign, which reinforces positive commuter behaviors in the Longwood Medical Area. The campaign won a platinum award from the Hermes Creative Awards, an international competition for creative professionals involved in the concept, writing and design of traditional materials and programs and emerging technologies. MASSART ALUMNUS CREATES INTERACTIVE PROJECT AT THE GETTY CENTER. MassArt alumnus Sam Durant ’86 (Sculpture) and now the 2013 Getty Artists Program invitee, created an interactive project called What #isamuseum? His concept allows Getty Center visitors to discover what the roles of the museum are, as well as giving them the opportunity to reflect, respond and debate through social media and an iPad hub site located at the entrance. For more information, check out WEARABLE ART 2013. The Fashion Design department will be showcasing the 2013 Wearable Art Exhibit in the Center Court of Copley Place from September 13 – October 1. Curated by fashion design professor, Jayne Avery, the exhibit will include non-textile work, ready-to-wear items and red carpet gowns. ELLIPSES: ALUMNI WORKS IN 3D REVIEW. Boston Globe editor, Cate McQuaid lauded MassArt’s outstanding second biennial, juried exhibition, “Ellipses: Alumni Works in 3D.” You can read her review here: MassArt - Summer 2013 President’s Letter - page 7 of 7
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