Fakturagrunnlag (FGA) veiledning

To remain useful for their users, software systems need to continuously enhance and
extend their functionality. Thereby, the individual units of software functionality, also
known as features, become the units of source code comprehension, modification and
work division. To support these activities, it is essential that features are properly
modularized within the structural organization of software systems.
Nevertheless, in many object-oriented applications, features are not represented
explicitly. Consequently, features typically end up scattered and tangled over multiple
source code units, such as architectural layers, packages and classes. This lack of
modularization is known to make application features difficult to locate, to
comprehend and to modify in isolation from one another.
To overcome these problems, this thesis proposes Featureous, a novel approach to
location, analysis and modularization of features in Java applications. Featureous
addresses these concerns in four steps. Firstly, a dynamic method based on so-called
feature-entry points is used to establish traceability links between features and their
corresponding source code units. Secondly, this traceability forms a basis for a
feature-oriented analysis method that visualizes and measures features. Thirdly,
scattering and tangling of features can be physically reduced using feature-oriented
remodularization method that is based on multi-objective optimization of Java
package structures. Finally, automated detection of so-called feature seed methods is
proposed, to enable large-scale feature-oriented quality assessment.
Featureous is implemented as a plugin to the NetBeans IDE. This implementation was
used to evaluate the constituent methods of Featureous by applying them to several
medium and large open-source Java systems. The gathered quantitative and
qualitative results suggest that Featureous succeeds at efficiently locating features in
unfamiliar codebases, at aiding feature-oriented comprehension and modification, and
at improving modularization of features using Java packages.
Denne afhandling foreslår Featureous, en ny tilgang til lokation, analyse og
modularisering af funktionelle krav (så kaldte features) i Java-programmer. Featureous
adresser spredning og sammenfiltring af features i kildekoden af objekt-orienterede
applikationer på forskellige måder. For det første er en dynamisk metode baseret på
såkaldte feature-indgange, som bruges til at etablere sporbarhed mellem funktionelle
krav og deres tilsvarende kildekode enheder. For det andet bruger Featureous
sporbarheden til en feature-orienteret analyse, der visualiserer og måler funktionelle
krav. For det tredje kan spredning og sammenfiltring af features blive fysisk reduceret
ved hjælp af feature-orienteret remodularization, der er baseret på multi-objektiv
optimering af Java pakke strukturer. Endelig foreslås en automatisk metode til at
detektere såkaldte feature seed metoder. Featureous er implementeret som et plugin i
NetBeans IDE og er valideret i form af anvendelse i flere mellemstore og store opensource Java-systemer.
Human beings can tackle the most complex problems by approaching them one aspect
at a time. By carefully decomposing problems into smaller and simpler parts, we are
able to gradually understand and solve what initially seems beyond our capabilities.
Whether it is a computer program to be developed, a building to be constructed or a
language to be learned, humans intuitively seek to substitute the complexity of the
complete with the simplicity of the partial.
There, however, exists no single and universal recipe for decomposing problems into
smaller and simpler parts. Quite the contrary, most problems can be decomposed in
several alternative ways – not all of which will be equally beneficial. For instance, a
script of a theatrical play can be decomposed either along the boundaries of individual
scenes, or along the boundaries of individual roles. The first decomposition would be
beneficial for a stage designer, who considers each scene an independent unit of work,
regardless of the particular characters acting. Hence, a scene designer does not have to
know anything about the roles or even about the overall plot of the play, as long as he
or she can locate descriptions of the sceneries and their order of appearance. On the
other hand, decomposing the script to separate the roles would benefit the actors, who
are interested in learning their own roles and in identifying their direct interactions
with other characters of the play.
While enumerating several alternative decompositions of a single problem is an
uncomplicated task, choosing the best one often proves difficult. This is well
exemplified by the history of the field of manufacturing, where it was not until the era
of Henry Ford that the best problem decomposition was identified. There, the
traditional approach used to be to assign a single worker to a single item being
produced, so that the worker was responsible for carrying out a sequence of
manufacturing steps related to his or her item. This traditional decomposition of work
was eventually found inefficient, and it was replaced with the assembly line approach.
The proposed change was a structural one; the assembly line approach postulated to
decompose work around the individual manufacturing steps, rather than around
individual items. Hence, instead of handling a single item through several diverse
processing steps, it was postulated that each worker focuses on applying a single
specialized manufacturing step to a series of incoming items. As it turned out over
time, this alternative decomposition of work revolutionized manufacturing.
Fortunately for manufacturing, the principle of assembly lines is as valid today as it
was a hundred years ago. This is because its physical medium, i.e. the items, parts and
tools, is only involved in one type of interaction – the manufacturing process.
However, there also exist problems in which the physical medium is involved into
several different types of interactions. In the mentioned example of a script of a
theatrical play, the same medium (the script) is used in at least two different
interactions (stage design and acting). These different interactions require
fundamentally different decompositions of the underlying medium – each dedicated to
supporting its specific interaction.
Given this observation, several questions arise. What are the important types of
interactions with a given medium? When do they occur? Which decompositions of
the medium support them? How to represent and manage multiple alternative
decompositions? How to flexibly transform the medium from one decomposition to
another, when a particular type of interaction is required?
This thesis focuses on exactly these topics. The concrete medium of focus is the source
code of software applications, and the concrete interactions of focus are the
evolutionary changes performed by software developers.
It is my pleasure to thank people who made this thesis possible.
First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor Associate Prof. Bo Nørregaard
Jørgensen for his indispensable guidance, continuous support and securing the
funding for conducting and publishing this work.
I would like to thank my colleagues Hans Martin Mærsk-Møller, Martin Lykke Rytter
Jensen and Jan Corfixen Sørensen for numerous stimulating discussions and for
sharing the joys and sorrows of the Ph.D. life.
My thanks go to Eric Bouwers and Joost Visser from the Research Department of
Software Improvement Group for making my research stay in Amsterdam a great
I thank Geertjan Wielenga and Jaroslav Tulach from the NetBeans Team at Oracle for
their support and for our joint JavaOne talks.
Last but not least, I would like thank my girlfriend Karolina Szymbor, my friends Piotr
Zgorzalek, Bartosz Krasniewski, and my parents Marianna Olszak and Leszek Olszak
for being supportive, and tolerant in the times of intense occupation with this thesis.
Andrzej Olszak
Odense, September 2012
Main Publications
[TOOLS’12] Olszak, A., Bouwers, E., Jørgensen, B. N. and Visser J. (2012). Detection of Seed Methods for
Quantification of Feature Confinement. In TOOLS’12: Proceeding of the TOOLS Europe: Objects,
Models, Components, Patterns, Springer LNCS, Vol. 7304, pp 252-268.
[CSMR’12] Olszak, A. and Jørgensen, B. N. (2012). Modularization of Legacy Features by Relocation and
Reconceptualization: How Much is Enough? In CSMR’12: Proceedings of the 16th European
Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 171-180.
[SCICO’12] Olszak, A. and Jørgensen, B. N. (2012). Remodularizing Java Programs for Improved Locality
of Feature Implementations in Source Code. Science of Computer Programming, Elsevier, Vol. 77, no.
3, pp. 131-151.
[CSIS’11] Olszak, A. and Jørgensen, B.N. (2011). Featureous: An Integrated Environment for Featurecentric Analysis and Modification of Object-oriented Software. International Journal on Computer
Science and Information Systems, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 58-75.
[SEA’10] Olszak, A. and Jørgensen, B. N. (2010). A unified approach to feature-centric analysis of
object-oriented software. In SEA’10: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Software
Engineering and Applications, ACTA Press, pp. 494-503.
[AC’10] Olszak, A. and Jørgensen, B. N. (2010). Featureous: Infrastructure for feature-centric analysis of
object-oriented software. In AC’10: Proceedings of IADIS International Conference Applied
Computing, pp. 19-26.
[FOSD’09] Olszak, A. and Jørgensen, B. N. (2009). Remodularizing Java programs for comprehension of
features. In FOSD’09: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software
Development, ACM, pp. 19-26.
Short Papers and Tool Demo Papers
[WCRE’11a] Olszak, A., Jensen, M. L. R. and Jørgensen, B. N. (2011). Meta-Level Runtime Feature
Awareness for Java. In WCRE’11: Proceedings of the 18th Working Conference on Reverse
Engineering, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 271-274.
[WCRE’11b] Olszak, A. and Jørgensen, B. N. (2011). Understanding Legacy Features with Featureous. In
WCRE’11: Proceedings of the 18th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, IEEE Computer
Society Press, pp. 435-436.
[ICPC’10] Olszak, A. and Jørgensen, B. N. (2010). Featureous: A Tool for Feature-Centric Analysis of
Java Software. In ICPC’10: Proceedings of IEEE 18th International Conference on Program
Comprehension, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 44-45.
Application – software designed to fulfill
specific needs of a user; for example,
software for navigation, payroll or process
control [1]
Modularization (as noun) – A concrete
decomposition of software into modules; also
known as modular decomposition [5]
Cohesion – the manner and degree to which
tasks performed by a single module relate to
one another [1]
Modularization (as verb) – the process of
breaking software into components to
facilitate design and development; also
known as modular decomposition [1]
Concern – an aspect of interest or focus in
software [2], [3]
Module – a logically separable part of a
software system [1]
Control flow – the sequence in which
operations are performed during the
execution of software [1]
Object-oriented design – a software
development technique in which a system or
component is expressed in terms of objects
and connections between those objects [1]
Coupling – The manner and degree of
interdependence between software modules
Dynamic analysis – the process of evaluating
a system or component based on its behavior
during execution [1]
Feature – a unit of user-identifiable software
functionality [4]; an instance of concern; it
can be further divided into three concepts:
feature name, feature specification and
feature implementation
Feature implementation – source code units
implementing a given user-identifiable
diagrammatic description of a useridentifiable functionality of software
Fragment [of a source code unit] – a
semantically-related part of a source code
unit, often separated using a mechanism for
advanced separation of concerns, i.e. aspects,
mixins; also known as refinement,
increment, derivative
Functional requirement – a requirement that
specified a function that a system or system
component must be able to perform [1]
Modularity – the degree to which software is
composed of discrete components so that a
change to one component has minimal
impact on other components [1]
Pareto optimality – a property of a solution
to multi-objective optimization, where no
objectives can be improved without
degrading any other objectives
Refactoring – a disciplined technique for
restructuring an existing body of code,
altering its internal structure without
changing its external behavior [6]; an
instance of restructuring
Remodularization – the process of changing
how software’s source code is decomposed
into modules [2]; an instance of restructuring
Restructuring – a transformation of source
code from on representation form to another
at the same relative abstraction level, while
preserving the software’s external behavior
Software comprehension – a set of activities
directed at understanding software’s source
code; also known as software understanding
Software evolution – the process of modifying
a software system or component after
delivery to correct faults, improve
performance or other attributes, or adapt to a
changed environment; also known as
software maintenance [8], [1].
Source code unit – a logically separable
syntactical part of software, such as package,
class or method [1]
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... I
Preface........................................................................................................................................................... II
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................. III
Publications ............................................................................................................................................... IV
Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................ V
1.1 Motivation .............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Research Problem .................................................................................................................................2
1.3 Research Method ..................................................................................................................................5
1.4 Contributions......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Thesis Organization ............................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Modularity of Software ....................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Modularization Criteria ............................................................................................................10
2.1.2 Features as Units of Modularity ..............................................................................................12
2.2 Feature Location .................................................................................................................................13
2.3 Feature-Oriented Analysis ...............................................................................................................14
2.3.1 Feature-Oriented Measurement ..............................................................................................14
2.3.2 Feature-Oriented Visualization ...............................................................................................15
2.4 Software Remodularization ..............................................................................................................17
2.4.1 Manual Approaches ...................................................................................................................17
2.4.2 Automated and Semi-Automated Approaches ...................................................................18
2.5 Summary...............................................................................................................................................20
3.1 The Featureous Conceptual Model.................................................................................................23
3.2 The Featureous Workbench .............................................................................................................25
3.2.1 Design of the Featureous Workbench ...................................................................................26
3.3 Summary...............................................................................................................................................27
4.1 Overview...............................................................................................................................................29
4.2 Recovering Feature Specifications..................................................................................................31
4.3 The Method ..........................................................................................................................................32
4.4 Implementation ...................................................................................................................................35
4.4.1 Important Design Decisions ....................................................................................................37
4.4.2 Integration with the Featureous Workbench ......................................................................38
4.5 Evaluation.............................................................................................................................................39
4.5.1 Applying Featureous Location ................................................................................................40
4.5.2 Results: Manual Effort ...............................................................................................................41
4.5.3 Results: Coverage and Accuracy ............................................................................................42
4.6 Application to Runtime Feature Awareness ................................................................................43
4.7 Related Work .......................................................................................................................................44
4.8 Summary...............................................................................................................................................45
5.1 Overview...............................................................................................................................................47
5.2 The Method ..........................................................................................................................................49
5.2.1 Structuring Feature-Oriented Analysis .................................................................................49
5.2.2 Feature-Oriented Views during Change-Mini Cycle ......................................................... 52
5.3 Populating Featureous Analysis ..................................................................................................... 56
5.3.1 Affinity Coloring ........................................................................................................................ 62
5.4 Evaluation ............................................................................................................................................ 63
5.4.1 Feature-Oriented Modularity Assessment ........................................................................... 64
5.4.2 Feature-Oriented Comprehension ......................................................................................... 68
5.4.3 Feature-Oriented Change Adoption ...................................................................................... 73
5.4.4 Support for Software Comprehension .................................................................................. 76
5.5 Related Work ....................................................................................................................................... 78
5.6 Summary............................................................................................................................................... 79
6.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 81
6.2 The Method .......................................................................................................................................... 83
6.2.1 Remodularization through Relocation and Reconceptualization ................................... 83
6.2.2 Problematic Reconceptualization of Classes ....................................................................... 85
6.2.3 The Fragile Decomposition Problem ..................................................................................... 87
6.2.4 Feature-Oriented Structure of Applications ........................................................................ 88
6.3 Evaluation ............................................................................................................................................ 90
6.3.1 Analysis-Driven Modularization of Features ...................................................................... 91
6.3.2 Evaluation Criteria ..................................................................................................................... 96
6.3.3 Results ........................................................................................................................................... 97
6.3.4 Summary ....................................................................................................................................100
6.4 Related Work .....................................................................................................................................101
6.5 Summary.............................................................................................................................................102
7.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................105
7.2 Forward Remodularization.............................................................................................................107
7.2.1 Remodularization as a Multi-Objective Optimization Problem ....................................109
7.2.2 Multi-Objective Grouping Genetic Algorithm..................................................................114
7.2.3 Transformation of Source Code ...........................................................................................117
7.2.4 Handling Class Access Modifiers .........................................................................................118
7.3 Featureous Remodularization View .............................................................................................119
7.4 Reverse Remodularization..............................................................................................................121
7.4.1 Recovering Original Access Modifiers ................................................................................123
7.5 Evaluation...........................................................................................................................................123
7.5.1 Recovering Traceability Links ..............................................................................................123
7.5.2 Remodularization Results.......................................................................................................124
7.5.3 Inspecting the Obtained Modularization ............................................................................126
7.5.4 Generalizing the Presented Findings...................................................................................128
7.5.5 Discussion and Threats to Validity ......................................................................................132
7.6 Revisiting the Case of NDVis ........................................................................................................133
7.6.1 Remodularization of NDVis: Manual vs. Automated ......................................................133
7.6.2 Assessing the Role of Class Reconceptualization.............................................................135
7.6.3 Discussion and Threats to Validity......................................................................................138
7.7 Related Work .....................................................................................................................................139
7.8 Summary.............................................................................................................................................140
8.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................143
8.2 The Method ........................................................................................................................................145
8.2.1 Heuristic Formalization ..........................................................................................................147
8.2.2 Automated Quantification of Feature Modularity ...........................................................148
8.3 Evaluation.......................................................................................................................................... 148
8.3.1 Subject Systems ....................................................................................................................... 149
8.3.2 Ground Truth ........................................................................................................................... 150
8.3.3 Results ........................................................................................................................................ 151
8.4 Evolutionary Application .............................................................................................................. 152
8.4.1 Measuring Feature Modularity ............................................................................................ 153
8.4.2 Aggregation of Metrics .......................................................................................................... 153
8.4.3 Results ........................................................................................................................................ 154
8.5 Discussion.......................................................................................................................................... 156
8.6 Related Work .................................................................................................................................... 157
8.7 Summary............................................................................................................................................ 158
9.1 Limitations and Open Questions ................................................................................................. 159
9.2 Featureous within Software Life Cycle ...................................................................................... 161
10.1 Summary of Contributions ......................................................................................................... 165
10.2 Consequences for Practice of Software Engineering ............................................................ 168
10.3 Opportunities for Future Research............................................................................................ 168
10.3.1 Further Empirical Evaluations ........................................................................................... 168
10.3.2 Continuous Analysis and Remodularization .................................................................. 169
10.3.3 Basic Research on Feature-Orientation ........................................................................... 169
10.4 Closing Remarks ............................................................................................................................ 170
A1. APIs of Featureous Workbench .................................................................................................. 181
A1.1 Extension API ........................................................................................................................... 181
A1.2 Source Utils API ....................................................................................................................... 182
A1.3 Feature Trace Model Access API ......................................................................................... 184
A1.4 Affinity API............................................................................................................................... 185
A1.5 Selection API ............................................................................................................................ 185
A2. Feature Lists ..................................................................................................................................... 186
A2.1 JHotDraw SVG ......................................................................................................................... 186
A2.2 BlueJ ............................................................................................................................................ 187
A2.3 FreeMind.................................................................................................................................... 188
A2.4 RText .......................................................................................................................................... 189
A2.5 JHotDraw Pert .......................................................................................................................... 190
A3. Four Modularizations of KWIC ................................................................................................... 191
A3.1 Shared data modularization .................................................................................................. 191
A3.2 Abstract data type modularization...................................................................................... 191
A3.3 Implicit invocation modularization .................................................................................... 192
A3.4 Pipes and filters modularization .......................................................................................... 192
This chapter presents the motivation and states the research problem of
behind the Featureous approach. Furthermore, this chapter discusses the
used research method and outlines the contributions and the organization
of the thesis.
1.1 Motivation ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Problem .............................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Research Method ............................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Contributions...................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Thesis Organization .......................................................................................................... 6
E-type software systems, also known as applications, are embedded in the real world,
and therefore they need to change together with it to remain useful to their users [8],
[9]. In particular, existing applications need to change in response to evolving
operational conditions and ever-expanding requirements. This process is known as
software evolution or software maintenance [8]. According to several independent
studies, the overall cost of the software evolution can amount to anything between
60% and 90% of the total software costs in organizations [10], [11], [12], [13].
The Lehman’s sixth law of software evolution, known as the law of continuing growth
[8], postulates that an important class of evolutionary changes are the changes
concerned with the functional content of software. During such changes, the individual
units of user-identifiable functional content, which are referred to as features [4], are
added, enhanced or corrected according to the requests formulated by the users. In
order to address such feature-oriented requests of the users, developers have to
inspect and evolve the software’s source code in a feature-oriented fashion [4], [14].
Chapter 1. Introduction
Evolving software in a feature-oriented fashion is non-trivial, as it requires deep
understanding of two drastically different perspectives on a single application [15],
[4]. Firstly, one has to understand the application’s problem domain and the feature
specifications it encompasses. Secondly, one has to understand how the feature
specifications are represented in the application’s solution domain, i.e. how they are
implemented in the application’s source code. Understanding these two domains, as
well as the correspondences between them, is a prerequisite to performing functional
changes. Thereby, the feature-oriented perspective used by the users in their change
requests enforces a feature-oriented perspective on developers during the
understanding and modification of source code.
Maximizing the effort-efficiency of feature-oriented changes is of crucial importance.
According to several authors, changes concerned with extending, enhancing and
correcting application features can amount to 75% of overall cost during software
evolution [16], [17], [18]. Interestingly, several works have indicated that more than
half of these efforts are spent on identifying and understanding the units of source
code prior to their actual modification [19], [20].
The effort required for incorporating a feature-oriented change, and any type of
change in general, is determined by the degree to which the change is confined within
a small number of logically separable units of source code, also known as modules [5].
According to Parnas [5], an appropriate division of source code into modules grants
three vital evolutionary qualities:
 “Comprehensibility: it should be possible to study a system one module at a time”
 “Product flexibility: it should be possible to make drastic changes to one module
without a need to change others”
 “Managerial: development time should be shortened because separate groups
would work on each module with little need for communication”
Hence, a proper modularization of features is a prerequisite to modular
comprehension, modification and work division during feature-oriented evolutionary
changes. Such a “proper” modularization requires that features are explicitly
represented, localized and separated from one another in the module-granularity units
of source code such as packages or namespaces.
Unfortunately, it is rare that features are properly modularized in packages or
namespaces of object-oriented applications.
1.2 Research Problem
The boundaries of individual features tend to remain implicit in the structure of
object-oriented source code. This is because the object-oriented style of modularizing
applications does not consider features as the units of decomposition. Instead, objectoriented applications tend to be structured into layers that aim at modularizing purely
technical concerns such as model, view, controller or persistence [21], [22], [23].
While layered separation of technical concerns has its advantages during particular
types of evolutionary changes (e.g. adding a caching mechanism for database access is
best achieved if the persistence concern is represented by a single self-contained
module), it is certainly suboptimal during feature-oriented evolutionary modifications.
Implementing the specification of a user-identifiable feature in source code inherently
requires of a mixture of technically diverse classes. In particular, each non-trivial
feature encompasses some forms of (1) interfacing classes, which allow a user to
activate the feature and see the results of its execution; (2) logic and domain model
classes, which contain the essential processing algorithms, and (3) persistence classes,
which allow for storing and loading the results of the computation. Hence, features
can be viewed as implicit vertical divisions that crosscut the horizontally-layered
object-oriented designs. These implicit divisions consist of graphs of collaborating
classes that end up scattered and tangled within individual layers [4], [24]. This
situation is schematically depicted in Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1: Relations between feature specifications and units of source code
The two fundamental properties of the relations between feature specifications and
units of source code are defined as follows:
 Scattering denotes the delocalization of a feature over several source code units of
an application. Hence, scattering describes the situations in which a single
Chapter 1. Introduction
feature is implemented by several units of source code, such as classes or
packages [2], [24].
 Tangling denotes the overlap of several features on a single source code unit.
Hence, tangling describes the situations, in which a single unit of code, such as
class or package, contributes to several features [2], [24].
The implicitness and the complexity of the relations between feature specifications
and source code units affect software evolution in several ways:
 The implicit boundaries of features and their misalignment with the structural
source code units force developers to establish and maintain intricate mental
mappings between features and source code [4]. The implicit character of these
mappings is recognized as a significant source code comprehension overhead
during software evolution [14], [25].
 Scattering of features corresponds to the phenomenon of delocalized plans, which
occurs when a programming plan (such as a feature) is realized by source code
units delocalized over several modules an application’s source code [26]. This is
known to make it difficult to identify the relevant source code units during
change tasks [27], [26].
 Tangling of features hinders comprehension by the means of the interleaving
phenomenon, which occurs when modules are responsible for accomplishing
more than one purpose (such as a feature) [28]. This is known to make it difficult
to understand how multiple features relate to each other with respect to code
reuse [29].
Apart from software comprehension, the representation gap between features and
modules makes it more difficult to modify source code. Due to scattering, a
modification of one feature may require understanding and modification of several
seemingly unrelated modules. Due to tangling, a modification intended to affect only
one feature may cause accidental change propagation to other features that also use a
module being modified. These issues hinder the usage of individual features as the
units of program comprehension, work division and code modification [30], [31].
Overall, the presented evidence suggests that overcoming the misalignment between
features and modules of object-oriented applications should lead to a significant
reduction of the costs of software evolution and to shortening the feedback loops
between software developers and software users. Developing practical means of
overcoming this misalignment is the aim of the research presented in this thesis. This
aim is formulated as the following research question:
Research Question
How can features of Java applications be located, analyzed and modularized to support
comprehension and modification during software evolution?
1.3 Research Method
By posing this research question, this thesis strives to develop a practical approach to
reducing the negative effects of implicitness, scattering and tangling of features in
existing Java applications. Although this thesis uses Java as a concrete example of a
popular object-oriented programming language, the presented research is not
conceptually restricted to only this language.
The research method used in this thesis follows the guidelines of the constructive
research approach [32]. The aim of constructive research is to produce innovative
constructions that are intended to solve problems faced in the real world, and thereby
to contribute to the theory of the application discipline.
Based on this, the following methodological steps are applied to address the research
question of this thesis:
1. Study existing literature to identify and understand the main challenges
involved in the research problem.
2. For each of the individual challenges of the research problem:
a. Develop new theories and methods for addressing the research challenge.
b. Develop tools that allow for a practical and reproducible application of the
theories and methods to existing Java applications.
c. Use applicative studies to evaluate the theories and methods by applying
the tools to existing Java applications in a structured manner.
d. Analyze the generality of the obtained results and their contribution.
3. Based on the results, conclude about the theoretical and practical consequences
of the approach as a whole. Critically assess the limitations of the approach,
and identify open questions and opportunities for further research.
The research presented in this thesis and in its related publications resulted in a
number of contributions to the state-of-the-art of feature location, feature-oriented
analysis and feature-oriented remodularization.
Chapter 1. Introduction
At the conceptual level, this thesis has led to the following contributions:
 Defining the notion of feature-entry points and using it as a basis for dynamic
feature location [FOSD’09], [SCICO’12].
 Defining a conceptual framework for feature-oriented analysis and using it as a
basis for developing a unified method for feature-oriented analysis of Java
applications [SEA’10], [AC’10], [CSIS’11].
 Developing a method for manual analysis-driven modularization of features in
existing Java applications [CSMR’12].
 Developing a method for automated feature-oriented remodularization of Java
applications based on metric-driven multi-objective optimization [SCICO’12],
 Evaluating the role of class
remodularization [CSMR’12].
 Developing a heuristic for automated detection of seed methods of features
At the technical level, this thesis resulted in a number of practical tools:
 Featureous Location library – a lightweight annotation-driven approach to
tracing execution of features in Java applications [FOSD’09], [SCICO’12].
 Featureous Workbench – an extensible tool for feature-oriented analysis and
modification of Java applications build on top of the NetBeans Rich Client
Platform [AC’10], [ICPC’10], [WCRE’11b].
 JAwareness – a library for enabling meta-level the awareness of feature
execution in Java applications [WCRE’11a].
Chapter 2 presents the background literature.
Chapter 3 provides a general overview of the approach.
Chapter 4 develops and evaluates the feature location part of the approach. The
chapter is based on the following publications: [SCICO’12], [WCRE’11a], [FOSD’09].
Chapter 5 develops and evaluates the feature-oriented analysis part of the approach.
The chapter is based on the following publications: [CSIS’11], [SEA’10], [AC’10].
1.5 Thesis Organization
Chapter 6 develops and evaluates the feature-oriented manual remodularization part
of the approach. The chapter is based on the following publications: [CSMR’12],
Chapter 7 develops and evaluates the feature-oriented automated remodularization
part of the approach. This chapter is based on the following publications: [CSMR’12],
[SCICO’12], [FOSD’09].
Chapter 8 develops and evaluates a heuristic for automated detection of seed methods
that is aimed at scaling feature-oriented measurement. The chapter is based on the
following publication: [TOOLS’12].
Chapter 9 discusses the limitations, open questions and future perspectives on the
presented research.
Finally, Chapter 10 concludes the presented research.
Chapter 1. Introduction
This chapter presents existing literature that this thesis builds upon. The
presented works deal with the topics of software modularity, the role of
features as unit of modularity, feature location, feature-oriented analysis
and feature-oriented remodularization of software.
2.1 Modularity of Software .................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Feature Location .............................................................................................................. 13
2.3 Feature-Oriented Analysis ............................................................................................ 14
2.4 Software Remodularization ........................................................................................... 17
2.5 Summary............................................................................................................................ 20
Parnas [5] was one of the firsts to point out that decomposition of software’s source
code into modules is not merely a means of enabling its separate compilation, but
most importantly is a means of shaping its evolutionary properties. Parnas
demonstrated that using different decomposition criteria yields radically different
changeability characteristics. According to Parnas, a proper modularization of source
code should allow one to comprehend, modify and work with source code one module
at a time. Since then, the conclusions of Parnas found empirical support in multiple
published works.
Benestad et al. [29] conducted a large-scale experiment to investigate the cost drivers
of software evolution. They concluded that majority of the effort during evolutionary
changes is caused by dispersion of changed code among modules. Dispersed changes
were found to make it difficult to comprehend source code and to anticipate the side
effects of changes.
Chapter 2. Background
Similar conclusions about the negative impact of delocalization of change units were
reached in the experiment of Dunsmore et al. [33] who investigated the role of
delocalization on defect correction performance.
The organizational importance of modularization is discussed by Brooks [34], who
observed that scaling software development teams is difficult because of the
exponentially growing need for communication. This need was argued to arise when
developers work on heavily interdependent modules. In the same spirit, other
researchers pointed out that proper modularization is expected to increase the
potential number of collaborators working in parallel [35] and to facilitate
autonomous innovation [36] and trial-and-error experimentation within individual
modules [37], [38].
2.1.1 Modularization Criteria
Parnas [5] postulated that it is beneficial to design individual modules to encapsulate a
system’s design decisions that are likely change in the future. This qualitative
modularization criterion, known as information hiding, was demonstrated to support
several types of evolutionary changes in the Key Words In Context (KWIC) system.
Thereby, Parnas demonstrated relativity of modularization to the concrete types of
changes that a software system has to undergo.
As later observed by Garlan et al. [39], the criterion of information hiding facilitates
diverse changes of data representation, but not the changes in a system’s
functionality. To support also this type of changes, Garlan et al. proposed a
decomposition based on the tool abstraction. This abstraction is centered around a set
of cooperating “toolies” which operate on a shared set of abstract data structures. The
individual “toolies” implement individual units of a system’s functionality. This
decomposition was demonstrated to surpass information hiding in supporting
functional changes, but at the same time to have limited support for changes of data
In his other work, Parnas [40] focused on the challenges involved in functional
extension and reduction of software systems. This was done by proposing the notion
of layered division of responsibilities in software systems based on an acyclic graph of
uses relations among modules. This approach was applied to an address-processing
system, and resulted in a system consisting of two levels of single-purpose routines,
where the upper level routines were implemented in terms of the lower level ones.
This design was concluded to support functional reduction and extensibility by
making it possible to flexibly remove and replace the upper-level routines.
Stevens et al. [41] proposed that modules should possess the properties of low coupling
and high cohesion. In other words, they postulated that modules should be
independent of each other, so that the change propagation among them is minimized;
whereas the contents of individual modules should be strongly interconnected, so that
2.1 Modularity of Software
they serve as good units of comprehension and modification. This objective
formulation allowed the use of static analysis to perform automated quantification of
modularization quality of software systems. Consequently, it led to a number of
cohesion and coupling metrics that were proposed over the years by various authors.
A set of qualitative principles dealing with object-oriented class design and package
structure design was proposed by Martin [42]. The core of his proposal revolves
around the principles of (1) single responsibility that states that a class should have
only one reason to change, (2) the common closure principle that states that classes that
change together should be grouped together, (3) the common reuse principle that states
that classes reused together should be grouped together and (4) the stable dependency
that states that dependencies in source code should take into account stability of code
Dijkstra [43] introduced the notion of separation of concerns. This notion expresses the
need for focusing one’s attention upon a single selected aspect of a system at a time.
Focusing on a single viewpoint was argued to facilitate incremental understanding of
complex systems. This work of Dijkstra, while not defining any practical means to
achieve separation of concerns, is regarded as pioneering in recognizing concerns as
first-class units of software.
Kiczales et al. [3] observed that there exist some concerns that neither procedural, nor
object-oriented programming techniques are able to represent in a modular fashion.
Such concerns, known as crosscutting concerns, or aspects, were observed to often
experience a lack of proper modularization, which was demonstrated to hinder
software development and evolution. To address this problem, Kiczales et al. proposed
AspectJ – a language-based extension to object-oriented paradigm that supports
modularization of the crosscutting concerns in terms of aspects.
Ossher and Tarr [2] proposed a generalized vision of software systems as multidimensional concern spaces. These concern spaces were postulated to consist of
multiple orthogonal dimensions that encompass different concern types, such as
features, caching, distribution, security, etc. Ossher and Tarr emphasize that different
dimensions of concern are affected by different evolutionary changes, and therefore
the optimality of a given modularization depends on concrete types of changes that a
system will undergo. They postulated that modern programming languages support
only one dimension of decomposition at a time, causing all other dimensions to be
scattered and tangled. This problem was termed as the tyranny of the dominant
decomposition. Ossher and Tarr postulate that ideally it should be possible to switch
between the dominant dimensions of concern of source code decomposition in an ondemand fashion, according to the type of a particular task at hand. To this end, they
proposed the notion of on-demand remodularization [44] and attempted to realize it by
developing a language-based approach called Hyper/J.
Chapter 2. Background
2.1.2 Features as Units of Modularity
Despite the diversity of possible change types, software systems are known to follow a
set of general high-level trends known as the laws of software evolution [8]. Primarily,
the laws of software evolution state that software applications embedded in the real
world, the so-called E-type systems [9], are bound to change over time, because they
have to respond to changes in their problem domains and their requirements. In
particular, according to the sixth law of software evolution, applications experience
user-driven continuing growth of functional content [8]. In the context of the work of
Ossher and Tarr [2], this suggests a particular importance of the feature dimension of
Turner et al. [4] observed that the units of user-identifiable software functionality,
which are referred to as features, bridge the gap between the problem and solution
domains of software systems. Thereby, the notion of features facilitates the
communication between the users, who are concerned with the behavior of software,
and software developers, who are concerned with the software’s lifecycle artifacts,
such as source code and design specification. Furthermore, Turner et al. claim that
explicitly representing features in design and implementation of software systems is
of crucial importance for component-based systems, where each component should
contribute a chunk of overall functionality. Based on this, Turner et al. develop a
comprehensive conceptual framework for feature-oriented engineering of evolving of
Roehm et al. [45] reported an empirical study of strategies used by professional
software developers to comprehend software. Among other findings, the study
suggested usefulness of three feature-oriented comprehension strategies. These three
strategies are: (1) interacting with the UI to test expected program behavior and find
starting points for further inspection, (2) using debuggers to acquire runtime information
and (3) investigating the way in which the end-users use an application. Based on these
observations it was concluded that developers tend to put themselves into the role of
end-users. Namely, the they try to understand program behavior as the first step of
program exploration.
Greevy et al. [14] investigated how software developers modify features during
software maintenance. The results indicate that in object-oriented systems developers
divide work along the structural boundaries of modules at the initial stages of
development, whereas they tend to divide the work along boundaries of features
during software evolution and maintenance.
Eaddy et al. [27] evaluated the role of feature scattering on the amount of defects in
the source code of three small and medium-sized open-source Java applications. The
presented empirical results demonstrate that the more scattered a feature is, the more
likely it is to have defects. This effect was observed to be independent of the size of
2.2 Feature Location
features. The authors interpret the reported results as caused by the comprehension
overhead that is associated with the physical delocalization of features.
Feature location is the process of identifying units of source code that contribute to
implementing features in a software application [46], [47]. The main two types of
approaches to feature location are the approaches based on static and dynamic
A static approach to feature location based on manual inspection of application’s
dependence graphs was proposed by Chen and Rajlich [48]. Their approach relies on
an expert’s judgment about the relevance of individual units of source code to
concrete features. Discovery of complete feature-code mappings is performed
interactively by participating in a computer-driven search process based on static
analysis of source code. The discovered features can then be marked in source code
using several methods. One of them was proposed by Kästner et al. [49], who
developed the CIDE tool that allows for fine-grained manual marking of features in
source code using colors in the code editor of the Eclipse IDE.
Dynamic analysis was exploited in the software reconnaissance method proposed by
Wilde and Scully [50]. Software reconnaissance associates features with control flow
of applications and proposes to trace it at runtime, while the features are being
triggered by dedicated test suites. Such test suites are designed to encode appropriate
scenarios in which some features are exercised while others are not. By analyzing this
information, the approach identifies units of source code that are used exclusively by
single features of an application. Thereby, the approach of Wilde and Scully reduces
the need for manual inspection of source code.
Similarly, Salah and Mancoridis [51] proposed an approach called marked traces that
traces execution of features. However, they replace the feature-triggering test suites
with user-driven triggering during a standard usage of an application. Marked traces
require users to explicitly enable runtime tracing before they activate a given feature
of interest, and to explicitly disable tracing after the feature finishes executing. This
mode of operation reduces the involved manual work, as compared to the approaches
of Wilde and Scully [50], as it eliminates the need for implementing dedicated featuretriggering test suites. Furthermore, the approach of Salah and Mancoridis identifies
not only the units of code contributing to single features, but also the ones shared
among multiple features.
As demonstrated by Greevy and Ducasse [52], marked traces can also be captured by
using a GUI automation script instead of the actual users. The automation scripts used
by their tool TraceScraper encode the actions needed for activating and tracing
Chapter 2. Background
individual features of an application. While preparing automation scripts resembles
preparing dedicated test suites of Wilde and Scully, the major advantage of the
automation scripts their independence of an application’s implementations details.
Apart from static and dynamic feature location approaches, there exist hybrid
approaches that combine different location mechanisms and additional information
sources. Examples of such approaches include enhancing dynamic analysis with
concept analysis and static analysis [53], information retrieval and prune dependency
analysis [54], web mining methods [55], change sequences from code repositories and
issue tracking tickets [56]. Comparative analyses of these diverse information sources
performed by Ratanotayanon et al. [56] and Revelle et al. [55] reveal that the choice of
particular mechanisms and information sources influences the precision and recall of
feature location.
Feature-oriented analysis, known also as feature-centric analysis, considers features as
first-class entities of investigating source code of existing applications [52], [51], [57],
[4]. The research efforts on feature-oriented analysis are traditionally focused on the
topics of feature-oriented measurement and visualization of source code.
2.3.1 Feature-Oriented Measurement
Brcina and Riebisch [58] propose three metrics for assessing the modularization of
features in architectural designs. The first one, scattering indicator is designed to
quantify the delocalization of features over architectural components of a system. The
second metric, tangling indicator captures the degree of reuse of architectural
components among multiple features. The third one, cross-usage indicator quantifies
static dependencies among features. Additionally, Brcina and Riebisch provide a list of
resolution actions that can be applied to address the problems detected by the
proposed metrics.
Ratiu et al. [59] proposed to quantify the quality of how software problem domains
are represented in software source code. To address this issue, they proposed several
metrics for assessing the logical modularity of applications. This correspondence is
proposed to be characterized using the degree of delocalization and interleaving of a
dimension of domain knowledge (such a features) in code units (such as packages or
classes), spanning of a knowledge dimension in a package, misplaced classes and the
dominant knowledge dimension of packages.
Wong et al. [60] defined three metrics for quantifying closeness between program
components and features. These metrics capture the disparity between a program
2.3 Feature-Oriented Analysis
component and a feature, the concentration of a feature in a program component, and
the dedication of a program component to a feature. To support practical application
of their metrics, Ratiu et al. propose a dynamic-analysis approach for establishing
traceability links between features and source code using an execution slice-based
technique that identifies regions of source code invoked when a particular featuretriggering parameter is supplied.
Eaddy et al. [27] proposed and validated a metrics suite for quantifying the degree to
which concerns (such as features) are scattered across components and separated
within a component. The defined metrics include concentration of a concern in a
component, degree of scattering of a concern over components, dedication of a
component to a concern and degree of focus of a component. Furthermore, Eaddy et al.
provide a set of guidelines for manually identifying concerns in source code.
Sant’Anna et al. [61] proposed a metrics suite for measuring concern-oriented
modularity and a technique for documenting concerns in software architectures. The
suite consists of the following metrics: concern diffusion that quantifies scattering of
concerns, coupling between concerns that quantifies dependencies among classes
implementing concerns, coupling between components that quantifies dependencies
among components, component cohesion that quantifies the tangling of components
and interface complexity that quantifies the size of components interface. This suite
was evaluated on using three case studies.
2.3.2 Feature-Oriented Visualization
There exist several approaches to using visualization to improve comprehension of
execution traces and features in source code. The often demonstrated benefits of such
approaches are helping software developers to understand where and how a feature is
implemented and how it relates to other features in an application.
Mäder and Egyed [62] evaluated the performance of code navigation that uses
traceability links during evolutionary changes. In a controlled experiment, they
visualized runtime traces using a simple color-based overlay to mark trace-related
source files in a file browser window and trace-related methods in a code editor. The
results indicate a significant positive effect of traceability on both performance and
quality of adoption of evolutionary changes in unfamiliar source code. Moreover,
traceability was observed to enhance how the participating developers navigated
source code and identified parts that needed to be modified.
Cornelissen et al. [30] evaluated EXTRAVIS, an Eclipse-based tool for visualization of
large execution traces. EXTRAVIS offers two views over traces: the massive sequence
view corresponding to a large-scale UML sequence diagram [63] and the circular
bundle view that hierarchically projects the software’s structural entities and their
bundled relations onto a circle. In a controlled experiment involving several
evolutionary tasks, Cornelissen et al. quantified the effect of their trace visualization
Chapter 2. Background
on software comprehension. The results show a significant decrease of the time
needed to finish the comprehension tasks and an increase in the correctness of the
gained source code understanding.
Eisenbarth et al. [53] proposed an approach to incremental exploration of features in
unfamiliar source code using the techniques of formal concept analysis. The proposed
approach uses a mixture of dynamic and static analyses to identify sets of singlefeature and multi-feature source code units. This information forms a basis for
forming concept lattices (with source code units as formal objects, and features as
formal attributes) that represent traceability links between features and source code.
The concept lattices are visualized as directed acyclic graphs. The nodes represent
individual formal concepts (which are tuples of related objects and attributes). The
edges represent formal relations among concepts. Lattices are demonstrated to
support incremental analysis, by allowing to starting with a minimal set of concepts
and then incrementally expanding it.
Salah and Mancoridis [51] presented a hierarchy of dynamic views over software
execution traces. They define grid and graph-based feature-interaction views that
depict runtime relations among features. The defined relations include object reuse
and producer-consumer dependencies among features. Furthermore, Salah and
Mancoridis introduce the feature-implementation view that uses graph structure to
visualize traceability links between features and code units of an application. Case
studies involving two Java systems are used to demonstrate the usage of the proposed
views to support software comprehension.
Greevy and Ducasse [52] define a two-sided approach based on summarized traces for
analyzing traceability links between features and units of source code. The first
proposed perspective is the feature perspective that defines two views: feature
characterization that depicts the distribution of classes in features and the feature class
correlation that precise correlates classes and features. In contrast, the code perspective
defines the class characterization view that depicts reused of classes by features. By
applying their two-sided approach in two case studies, Greevy and Ducasse
demonstrated practicality of their views during software comprehension.
Kothari et al. [64] proposed an approach to optimizing feature-oriented analysis of
software by choosing only a particular subset of an application’s features to focus on.
They use three software systems to demonstrate that the implementations of
semantically similar features tend to converge over subsequent releases of
applications. Thus, selecting and investigating only a few key features is proposed to
give a representative overview of all the remaining features. Kothari et al. formulate
the identification of such representative features, called canonical features, as a search
2.4 Software Remodularization
Software remodularization is a restructuring operation aimed at altering the
decomposition into modules of an existing application. Being a restructuring, rather
than reengineering operation, remodularization transforms source code in a behaviorpreserving fashion [7]. The concrete lower-level source code transformations are
usually based on commonly known refactorings [65]; either within the boundaries of
the original implementation language, or supported by a module system [66] or by
mechanisms for advanced separation of concerns [67].
The existing approaches to remodularization generally differ from one another with
respect to: degree of automation, the applied remodularization criteria and the
technical mechanisms of applying these criteria to an existing codebase. In the
particular case of feature-oriented remodularization, the number of existing manual
approach greatly exceeds the number of the automated ones. Nevertheless, it appears
that a significant portion of the existing non-feature-oriented automated approaches
could in principle be adapted to using feature-oriented remodularization criteria.
2.4.1 Manual Approaches
In their book, Demeyer et al. [68] proposed a comprehensive guide to reengineering
existing software systems. They provide a holistic set of reengineering patterns that
address topics ranging from understanding, redesigning and refactoring a legacy
codebase, to placing the whole process within an organizational and methodological
context. Furthermore, they argue for the importance of establishing a culture of
continuous reengineering within an organization to enhance flexibility and
maintainability of software systems. Demeyer et al. support their proposals with a
range of examples taken from their industrial experiences.
Mehta and Heineman [69] discussed their experiences from a real-world manual
remodularization of an object-oriented application to a feature-oriented
decomposition. They present a method for locating and refactoring features into finegrained reusable components. In a presented case study, feature location is performed
by test-driven gathering of execution traces. Features are then manually analyzed, and
manually refactored into components that follow a proposed component model.
Mehta and Heineman conclude that the performed remodularization improved the
maintainability and reusability of features.
Prehofer [70] proposed a programming paradigm called Feature-Oriented
Programming (FOP) (also known as Feature-Oriented Software Development (FOSD)
[71]). The paradigm proposes to separate core functionality of classes and methods
from their feature-specific fragments, which are referred to as lifters. This is realized
in practice by means of inheritance and mixins. Furthermore, the approach proposes
Chapter 2. Background
techniques for handling interactions among features at the composition time. A
language extension to Java supporting the proposed approach is presented.
The approach of Prehofer was extended by Liu et al. [72], who proposed the feature
oriented refactoring (FOR) approach to restructuring legacy applications to featureoriented decompositions. FOR aims at achieving a complete separation features in
source code, as a basis for creating feature-oriented software product-lines. This is
done by the means of base modules, which contain classes and so-called introductions,
and derivative modules, which contain manually extracted feature-specific fragments
of original methods. The approach encompasses a firm algebraic foundation, a tool
and a refactoring methodology.
Murphy et al. [67] explored the tradeoffs between three policies of splitting tangled
features: a lightweight class-based mechanism, AspectJ and Hyper/J. By manually
separating a set of independent features at different levels of granularity, Murphy et
al. observed a limited potential for tangling reduction of the lightweight approach. In
the cases of AspectJ and Hyper/J, they discovered that using these mechanisms makes
certain code fragments difficult to understand in isolation from the others.
Furthermore, aspect-oriented techniques were found to be sensitive to the order of
composition, which resulted in coupling of features to one another.
The problem of order-sensitivity of feature composition was dealt with by McDirmid
et al. [73]. They have used their open class pattern to remove the composition order
constraints of the mixin-based feature-fragments proposed earlier by Prehofer [70].
The open class pattern is based on cycling component linking, which reveals the final
static shape of classes being composed to the individual mixin-based features.
2.4.2 Automated and Semi-Automated Approaches
Tzerpos and Holt [74] proposed the ACDC algorithm aimed at clustering source code
files for aiding software comprehension. To support software comprehension, they
equipped their approach with pattern-driven clustering mechanisms, whose aim was
to produce decompositions containing well-named, structurally familiar and
reasonably sized modules. To achieve this goal, Tzerpos and Holt formalize seven
subsystem patterns commonly occurring in manual decompositions of applications.
The algorithm was applied to two large-scale software systems to demonstrate that
the focus on comprehension does not have a negative effect on the resulting
decompositions. To this end, a comparison of ACDC against authoritative
decompositions created by developers was performed.
Mancoridis et al. [75] proposed to use cohesion and coupling metrics as the criteria for
optimizing the allocation of classes to modules. The metrics were combined into a
single objective function to create one measure for evaluating the allocation quality.
Mancoridis et al. report on experiments of using this objective function in conjunction
with three optimization mechanisms: hill climbing, simulated annealing and genetic
2.4 Software Remodularization
algorithms. During optimization, the objective function is evaluated based on a simple
module dependency graph that represents source code files and relations among them.
The approach was implemented as the Bunch clustering tool.
Bauer and Trifu [76] remodularized software using a combination of clustering and
pattern-matching techniques. Pattern matching was used to automatically identify
structural patterns at the level of architecture. These patterns were then used as an
input to a coupling-driven clustering algorithm. To form a single objective function
out of six coupling metrics, a weighted sum of the metrics’ values was used. Here,
Bauer and Trifu recognize that further studies are needed to determine the optimal
weights for each coupling metric. The approach was applied to remodularizing the
Java AWT library and demonstrated to be superior to a clustering approach oblivious
to structural patterns.
O’Keeffe and O’Cinneide [77] defined an approach to optimizing a sequence of
refactorings applied to object-oriented source code to improve its adherence to the
QMOOD quality model. This is done by formulating the task as a search problem in
the space of alternative designs and by automatically solving it using hill climbing and
simulated annealing techniques. The search process is driven by a weighted sum of
eleven metrics of the QMOOD. In application to two case studies, the approach was
demonstrated to successfully improve the quality properties defined by QMOOD.
Seng et al. [78] proposed an approach to search-based decomposition of applications
into subsystems by applying grouping genetic algorithms [79]. Using this kind of
genetic algorithm was motivated by the observation that remodularization is
essentially a grouping optimization problem. This makes it possible to exploit tailored
gene representations and operators that help to efficiently explore solution spaces by
preserving and promoting successful groups of classes. Seng et al. evaluated this
approach by comparing the performance of their grouping operators in a case of
remodularizing an open-source Java project. They used a single objective function that
aggregated five metrics concerned with: cohesion, coupling, complexity, cycles,
Harman and Tratt [80] observed it problematic that existing approaches to searchbased optimization class grouping require complex fitness functions, where
appropriate weights for individual metrics are difficult to identify. They proposed to
address this problem by using the concept of Pareto optimality. Thereby, the need for
weights can be eliminated and multiple Pareto-optimal solutions proposed to the
users. This approach was evaluated in application to several open-source Java
applications. Two independent objectives were used: the inter-class coupling and the
standard deviation of method count in classes. A similar approach, but based on
metrics of cohesion and coupling, was proposed by Bowman et al [81] to address the
problem of class responsibility assignment in UML class diagrams. Finally, Praditwong
et al. [82] used analogous approach to remodularize existing applications using the
move-class refactorings.
Chapter 2. Background
Cohen et al. [83] postulated the need for on-demand reversible remodularization of
existing applications by means of automated source code transformations. They used
existing solutions to the expression problem to demonstrate the insufficiency of single
structuring of a program during long-term evolution. The approach is based on
formally specifying a set of bi-directional application-tailored code transformations.
These transformations are demonstrated to transform source code on-demand, so that
the impact of changes of the anticipated types can be minimized.
The problem of the tyranny of the dominant decomposition was attacked by Janzen
and De Volder [84] using their approach of effective views. This approach aim at
reducing the problem of crosscutting concerns by providing predefined editable
textual views that expose two alternative decompositions of a single application. After
an application is developed with support to effective views in mind, it become possible
to alternate and synchronize between the views, to allow developers to choose the
decomposition that better supports a task at hand.
A similar approach was proposed by Desmond et al. [85], who proposed a code
presentation plugin for Eclipse IDE called fluid views. By visually inlining contents of
several source files into a single editor window, this approach is postulated to enable
developers to fluidly shift attention among multiple task-supporting materials without
explicitly navigating across multiple files.
The existing literature strongly indicates that features are among the important units
of software modularity during evolutionary changes. Several authors report that
feature-oriented tactics to source code comprehension and modification are applied by
software developers. However, in the common case of improper modularization of
features in source code, usage of such tactics is reported to lead to comprehension
overhead and increasing the number of introduced defects.
Based on the existing works, it appears that an approach to practically addressing
these issues should posses the following properties:
 Feature location needs to be both simple to introduce to existing large codebases,
as well as highly reproducible. In particular, it appears relevant to explore the
spectrum of tradeoffs between the two extremes: (1) software reconnaissance [50]
that requires the initial implementation of dedicated test suites that can be reexecuted in an automated fashion, and (2) marked traces [51] that require no such
up-front investment, but makes it necessary to manually start and stop the
tracing agent for each feature.
 While the existing techniques of feature-oriented analysis are demonstrated to be
efficient at facilitating program comprehension, they lack a common conceptual
2.5 Summary
frame of reference. Such a common frame of reference is needed in order to
meaningfully relate the existing techniques to one another, to compose them
with one another and to develop new techniques that will cover any currently
unaddressed needs of software evolution. Finally, to achieve practicality and
reproducibility of feature-oriented analysis, freely available implementations
within a modern interactive development environment (IDE) is needed.
 The literature reports on several approaches to manual feature-oriented
restructuring of existing applications. The reported experiences point out the
tradeoff between the impact of finer-grained separation of concerns on program
comprehension and the inability of coarse-grained approaches to completely
separate features. Hence, it appears important to further explore the involved
tradeoffs, to report on real-world restructuring experiences and to develop tools
for guiding such a process. As for automated remodularization, whilst a number
of diverse approaches to scalable and reproducible restructurings exist, they have
not been applied for the particular case of feature-oriented remodularization.
 Finally, the existing literature does not provide a satisfactory solution to
automated feature-oriented measurement of software systems. Improving the
automation of feature-oriented measurement is needed to enable feature-oriented
quality assessment of large sets applications and their release histories.
Chapter 2. Background
This chapter provides an overview of the Featureous approach. The
chapter firstly presents the conceptual modules of Featureous and the
responsibilities of its three constituent layers. The theoretical bases,
designs and implementation details of the individual layers follow in
chapters 4 to 8. Lastly, this chapter describes the overall design and
implementation of Featureous Workbench plugin to the NetBeans IDE.
3.1 The Featureous Conceptual Model.............................................................................. 23
3.2 The Featureous Workbench .......................................................................................... 25
3.3 Summary............................................................................................................................ 27
The starting point of the Featureous approach is the observation that object-oriented
applications are commonly modularized using layered separation of technical
concerns. While such modularizations may indeed be beneficial during initial stages of
development, evidence exists for their problematic nature during user-originated
evolutionary changes. Despite this, a modularization established at early stages of
development usually remains the dominant decomposition throughout whole software
lifecycle. In particular, the initial modularizations of source code prove difficult to
restructure due to significant effort, complexity and risk involved in doing so.
In order to address this problem, Featureous provides an integrated approach to
locating, analyzing and modularizing features in existing Java applications. This is
done by proposing a single conceptual model that consists of three conceptual layers –
each of which addresses separate aspects of the overall problem. As depicted in Figure
3.1, the three layers build upon source code of an existing Java application and
incrementally define the parts of Featureous: feature location, feature-oriented
Chapter 3. Overview of Featureous
analysis and feature-oriented remodularization. The advantages of this layered
structure include dividing the whole approach into components that can be designed,
implemented and evaluated independently from one another. The three conceptual
layers of Featureous are defined as follows:
Figure 3.1: Layered conceptual structure of Featureous
 Feature location establishes traceability links between features and source code of
an existing Java application. This fundamental traceability data becomes a basis
for the next two layers of Featureous. Feature location is discussed in detail in
Chapter 4.
 Feature-oriented analysis provides means of visualizing and measuring feature
traceability links through several analytical views. The views provide a
theoretically grounded support for comprehension and modification of features.
Feature-oriented analysis is discussed in Chapter 5. Furthermore, Chapter 8
presents a method for automated feature-oriented measurement of applications.
 Feature-oriented remodularization optimizes the modularization of features in
package structures of Java applications. A manual method for performing
analysis-driven remodularization is presented in Chapter 6. Based on the manual
method, Chapter 7 develops an automated remodularization process by
formulating remodularization as a multi-objective design optimization problem
based on the notion of Pareto-optimality.
As for the practical application of Featureous, the layered conceptual model also
reflects the intended high-level workflow of the approach. Namely, (1) based on the
source code of an application, feature location is used to establish traceability links
between features and source code; (2) traceability links are used as an input to the
feature-oriented analysis of source code; (3) based on traceability information and the
3.2 The Featureous Workbench
gained feature-oriented understanding, remodularization of an application’s source
code can be performed.
Through the three conceptual layers, Featureous provides an integrated mixture of
reverse engineering and restructuring methods, as defined by the taxonomy of
Chikofsky and Cross [7]. The reverse engineering is supported by the feature location
and feature-oriented analysis layers, because they are aimed at creating a featureoriented representation of an application for the purpose of examination.
Restructuring capabilities are provided by the feature-oriented remodularization layer
of Featureous that aims at transforming an application’s structure from its current
form to a feature-oriented one, while preserving the application’s externally
observable behavior. Through this integrated approach, Featureous sets out to realize
the vision of feature engineering anticipated by Turner et al., which considers features
are first-class entities throughout software life cycle [4].
The conceptual layers of Featureous were implemented in form of a workbench. The
workbench not only serves as a convenient vehicle for evaluating various aspects of
the conceptual model of Featureous, but it also facilitates practical application of the
ideas presented in this thesis in other academic and industrial contexts. The
Featureous Workbench is implemented as a plugin to the NetBeans IDE [86] and is
tightly integrated with existing support for Java development in the IDE, such as Java
project execution, code editing and navigation. Both the binary builds and the source
code of Featureous Workbench are freely available [87].
Figure 3.2 shows an overview of the user interface of the Featureous Workbench.
Featureous augments the standard NetBeans IDE in the three following ways.
Featureous extends the main toolbar of the NetBeans IDE with two feature tracing
actions ❶. The first action executes a Java project with runtime tracing enabled,
whereas the second executes the JUnit test suite of a project with runtime tracing
The main window of Featureous ❷ contains a trace explorer frame and a number of
actions that open feature-oriented views over the traces provided by the feature
location mechanism. The trace explorer frame displays a list of currently loaded trace
files and provides actions for loading/unloading and grouping/ungrouping traces.
The individual views of Featureous ❸ become visual in the editor position of the
NetBeans IDE interface, when activated from the main window. The views include a
number of chart-based and graph-based feature-oriented analytical views, the
Chapter 3. Overview of Featureous
remodularization view, feature-aware source code editor and a simple Java console
based on the BeanShell2 library [88].
Figure 3.2: User interface of the Featureous Workbench
An introductory video demonstrating a practical usage of these user interface
elements is available on the official website of Featureous [87]. The motivations and
designs of individual views are discussed in the remaining chapters of this thesis.
3.2.1 Design of the Featureous Workbench
A major design decision in the development of the Featureous Workbench is its tight
integration with the NetBeans IDE. This decision was driven by the aim of integrating
Featureous with the existing practices and tools used daily by software developers. As
a side effect, it became possible to reuse large quantities of existing infrastructures
that are provided by these tools. In particular, Featureous builds upon APIs of the
NetBeans IDE and NetBeans RCP such as Window System, Java Project Support, Java
Source, Execution.
Furthermore, Featureous Workbench takes advantage of the NetBeans Module System
and the Lookup mechanism to facilitate plugin-based extensibility of itself. As
depicted in Figure 3.3, this results in a separation between the reusable infrastructural
modules of the Featureous Workbench and its plugins. This makes it possible to
3.3 Summary
flexibly add or remove the individual views provided in the Featureous Workbench.
Similarly, new third-party views can be added as plugins without affecting the already
installed views.
Figure 3.3: Architecture of the Featureous Workbench
The infrastructure of the Featureous Workbench is centered on the feature location
mechanism that captures the traceability links between features and source code of
Java applications. This data is further exposed through a number of APIs to pluggable
view modules. Apart from the feature trace models that describe the captured
traceability links, Featureous Workbench provides additional services such as: feature
metrics that measure various properties of the traceability links, a static dependency
model that represents static structure of a Java applications, and implementations of
several object-oriented metrics. The details of these APIs are presented in Appendix A1.
This chapter presented a high-level overview of the Featureous approach and outlined
the responsibilities of its constituting conceptual layers. The detailed descriptions of
the individual layers were delegated to subsequent chapters of this thesis. Lastly, this
chapter discussed the Featureous Workbench plugin to the NetBeans IDE that
implements the Featureous approach.
Chapter 3. Overview of Featureous
This chapter defines the concept of a feature-entry point and uses it as a
basis for developing Featureous Location. Featureous Location is a
dynamic method for recovering traceability links between features and
source code of existing Java applications. The conceptual design, the
implementation details, the application experiences and evaluation of
effort-efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method are presented.
This chapter is based on the following publications:
[SCICO’12], [WCRE’11a], [FOSD’09]
4.1 Overview............................................................................................................................ 29
4.2 Recovering Feature Specifications............................................................................... 31
4.3 The Method ....................................................................................................................... 32
4.4 Implementation ................................................................................................................ 35
4.5 Evaluation.......................................................................................................................... 39
4.6 Application to Runtime Feature Awareness ............................................................. 43
4.7 Related Work .................................................................................................................... 44
4.8 Summary............................................................................................................................ 45
Feature location is the process of identifying units of source code that contribute to
implementing features of an application [46], [47].
The vast body of existing research on feature location, which was discussed in
Chapter 2, indicates feasibility of various mechanisms and diverse sources of data. The
choice of a particular mechanism determines the set of required artifacts, the amount
Chapter 4. Featureous Location
of manual effort imposed on a software developer, as well as the precision and recall
of feature location.
The requirements in the context of this work include a high degree of automation,
simplicity of application to unfamiliar and large codebases, a minimal impact on
existing source code and high precision (i.e. minimizing false-positive traceability
In order to acquire the mentioned properties, it is necessary to develop a dedicated
feature location method that builds upon the selected aspects of the existing methods
involving dynamic analysis mechanisms. In particular, it is worthwhile to explore the
middle-ground between driving execution tracing by implementing test cases (e.g.
software reconnaissance [50]) and making it the end-user’s responsibility to manually
enable and disable the tracing mechanisms (e.g. marked traces [51]).
The workflow of the Featureous method of feature location, called Featureous Location
is depicted in Figure 4.1. This workflow and its resulting feature traces will form a
basis to other feature-oriented workflows discussed in the remainder of this thesis.
Figure 4.1: Overview of Featureous Location
Featureous Location achieves a middle ground between software reconnaissance and
marked traces by storing the knowledge about activation of features in source code in
the form of minimal meta-data. This meta-data is used to mark the starting points of
method-invocation sequences that occur when a user activates a feature in an
application. Featureous Location refers to such special methods being the starting
points of features as feature-entry points. The mentioned meta-data is used upon
tracing to automatically reason about activations and deactivations of individual
Featureous Location is evaluated by applying it to several medium and large opensource Java applications. The detailed procedures and outcomes are reported for the
JHotDraw SVG and BlueJ applications. An initial assessment of the effort-efficiency,
coverage and accuracy of Featureous Location is presented.
4.2 Recovering Feature Specifications
In order to establish traceability links between features and source code units, both
the source code and the specifications of features need to be available. Whereas the
source code is usually available, it is seldom the case for the specifications of features.
For legacy systems, whose functionality is documented in terms of use cases [89]
rather than features, specifications of features can be formed by grouping use cases
into semantically coherent groups. This is consistent with the definition of features
proposed by Turner et al., who consider features as a concept that organizes the
functionality of a system into coherent and identifiable bundles [4]. Given a set of use
cases, Featureous Location proposes to group them around the domain entities
(nouns), rather than the activities (verbs). The prerequisite is, however, that a common
user-identifiable generalization for the activities being grouped can be created. For
instance, the following five use cases {OPEN DOCUMENT, CLOSE DOCUMENT, OPEN HELP,
LOAD DOCUMENT, SAVE DOCUMENT} can be grouped into three features: DOCUMENT
Depending on the needs of a particular application, the granularity of the groups can
be adjusted. This can range from treating each use case as a separate feature to
grouping all activities of an entity (in the mentioned example, this would merge
Regardless of a particular choice being made here, one should strive for consistently
applying a single chosen granularity policy for all the use cases of a single application.
When use-case-based documentation is unavailable, one has to understand the
application’s problem domain and its runtime behavior in order to identify the use
cases, which can thereafter be grouped into features. Good candidates for identifying
use cases are the elements of a graphical user interface allowing for user-triggerable
actions (e.g. main menus, contextual menus, buttons, etc.), keyboard shortcuts and
command-line commands. Depending on the complexity of the problem domain and
the experience of a developer, this process can also be performed using a more
formalized approach for requirements recovery, such as AMBOLS [90].
An important consideration when forming feature specifications is the design of
scenarios for invoking them in a running application. Such scenarios should
encompass the sequences of actions that need to be carried out in the user interface of
an application to activate individual features. While providing such scenarios may not
be essential for the users who are experienced with using a target application, it
certainly helps ensuring consistency and reproducibility of the feature location
process. Apart from signalizing the importance of this issue, Featureous Location does
not impose any particular method or constraints for specifying execution scenarios.
Chapter 4. Featureous Location
Lastly, please note that using Featureous Location does not make it necessary to create
full feature models, which are usually applied in the context of software product lines
[72]. For the purposes of Featureous Location, textual specifications of features are
This section presents the design of the Featureous Location method. Its corresponding
implementation details will be presented in Section 4.4.
Feature-Entry Points
When a list of feature specifications of an application is acquired, it can be used to
prepare the source code of an application for runtime tracing. To do so, one has to
identify the so-called feature-entry points.
Feature-entry point is a method, through which a thread of control enters a particular
feature. Such a method is typically the first method being invoked when a user
activates a feature in the graphical interface of an application. In the example provided
in Figure 4.2, the actionPerformed() method of a Swing button constitute an entry point
to FEATURE1. Consequently, an execution of a feature stops when the thread of control
returns from the feature-entry point method. Every code statement executed between
the entrance of and return from a feature-entry point is assumed to belong to the
corresponding feature (highlighted in Figure 4.2).
Figure 4.2: Using feature-entry points to locate features
4.3 The Method
Declaring Feature-Entry Points
Declaring a method as being a feature-entry point is done by manually marking the
method declaration with a dedicated Java annotation @FeatureEntryPoint. As
exemplified in Figure 4.2, the annotation takes one parameter, a string-based identifier
of its corresponding feature. The presence of this annotation, as well as the value of its
parameter, is retrieved at runtime by an execution-tracing tool that uses this
information to recognize a feature-membership of methods being executed. In
Featureous Location, a feature is allowed to have more than one feature-entry point
annotated in the source code, to cover cases where a feature can be activated in
several ways (e.g. when a feature consists of several independently-activated use
cases, or when it can be activated either from a menu, or with a keyboard shortcut).
Table 4.1: Functionality-related callback methods in popular interfacing technologies
Candidate feature-entry point method
Eclipse RCP
Chapter 4. Featureous Location
To support identifying candidates for annotation as feature-entry points, Table 4.1
presents a list of method names used by common Java interfacing technologies. The
listed methods were identified by reviewing the documentation of their respective
libraries. Each of these methods was identified as dedicated by its library authors to
take part in functionality-related callback mechanisms. The libraries enforce this by
defining interfaces, or abstract classes, that must be implemented by a client
application in order for it to register for a particular type of event emitted by a library.
By making it necessary to annotate only the starting methods of features, Featureous
Location removes the proportionality between the size of a feature and the number of
methods that need to be manually marked in source code. This is aimed at reducing
the amount of manual work involved in locating features in unfamiliar applications.
This improves over other methods based on marking source code [48], [49]. Moreover,
Java annotations do not affect an application’s correctness and they remain
synchronized with the code during common refactorings like changing method
signature, or moving method to another class. Finally, annotations introduce no
performance overhead when the application is executed with execution tracing
Activating and Tracing Features
Activating features in an instrumented application can be done either by creating and
executing appropriate test cases, or by interacting with an application’s user interface.
The first method allows for better repeatability and systematic coverage of multiple
execution paths, but at the same time, it requires substantial manual effort, good
knowledge of a legacy system at hand, and possibly modifications thereof to
additionally expose classes and method implementing features. Additionally, with the
popular unit testing frameworks it is problematic to cover graphical-user-interface
classes and thus to capture them in feature traces. In comparison, the manual effort
required by a user to trigger features in a running application is negligible. However,
this effort reduction comes at the potential costs of lowering repeatability and not
exercising all execution paths in the investigated application. Repeatability can be
improved by using a GUI testing robot as demonstrated by Greevy and Ducasse [52].
GUI testing robots are, however, sensitive to changes in the contents and layouts of
the user interface. Therefore, Featureous Location opts for the user-driven triggering
method due to its low manual workload and good applicability to unfamiliar source
By tracing user-driven execution of features, Featureous Location produces a set of
feature-trace models that encompass the traceability links between features and source
code of an application. The definition of feature-trace models is shown in Figure 4.3.
For each of the traced features, a separate trace model is instantiated. The
implementation details of the tracing mechanism will be presented in Section 4.4.
4.4 Implementation
featureID: String
signature: String
package: String
instances: Set<String>
signature: String
featureEntryPoint: boolean
constructor: boolean
executionCount: int
Figure 4.3: Feature-trace model produced by Featureous Location
A feature-trace model captures three types of information about its feature: the
methods and constructors (jointly referred to as Executions) executed, their enclosing
types (i.e. classes, interfaces or enums) and inter-method invocations. An execution is
placed in a feature trace only if it was invoked at least once during the feature’s
execution, but it is placed there only once, regardless of the actual times that its
invocation is repeated. An analogous rule applies to types. In the case of reentrance to
a single feature-entry point, multiple entry points or parallel executions of a single
feature, the new data are aggregated in an already existing model associated with the
target feature. Hence, at any point in time a single feature is represented by exactly
one, consistent feature-trace model. The collected feature-trace models are
automatically serialized to files upon the termination of a traced application.
The proposed method of feature location was implemented as a Java library that
exploits load-time instrumentation of classes for tracing runtime execution. The
library consists of several parts.
As discussed in Section 4.3, feature-entry points of a target application need to be
dk.sdu.mmmi.featuretracer.lib.FeatureEntryPoint annotation type provided by the
Featureous Location library. Figure 4.4 shows an example of marking an actionhandler actionPerformed method of a FEATURE1 feature. This is done by using the
mentioned annotation type and parameterizing it with the string-based identifier of
the feature. When such an annotated method is executed with tracing enabled, each
method called within the flow of control of the actionPerformed will be registered as a
part of FEATURE1.
Chapter 4. Featureous Location
public class MainWindow {
public static final String f1 = "feature1";
public static void main(String[] args){
JButton b = new JButton();
b.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ ... }
Figure 4.4: Annotating feature-entry points in code
After all desired feature-entry points of an application are annotated, the application
has to be executed in a traced mode. This is done by declaring the Featureous Location
library as a Java agent parameter to the Java Virtual Machine during the invocation of
a target application. Doing so transparently instruments the application’s JAR files
with execution-tracing routines. The task of the inserted tracing routines is to detect
the execution of features and to save the collected trace data in the form of featuretrace files upon the application’s shutdown.
public abstract aspect ExecutionTracer {
public abstract pointcut packages();
public final pointcut anyCall(): packages() && (call(* *.*(..)) || call(*.new(..)));
before() : anyCall(){
Object around() : anyExecution(){
enterExecution(callerClass.get(), callerID.get(), callerMethod.get(),
calleeClass, calleeID, calleeMethod, fepTo, isConstructor);
return proceed();
leaveExecution(calleeClass, calleeID, calleeMethod);
Figure 4.5: The tracing aspect
The tracing agent provided by Featureous Location is implemented using AspectJ, an
aspect-oriented programming tool for Java [91]. The AspectJ Load-Time Weaver is
used for performing transparent instrumentation of class byte-code at their load-time.
The essentials of the implemented aspect are shown in Figure 4.5. The aspect is based
on the before and around advices that match the call and execution join points for every
method and every constructor in a target Java application. The aspect extracts the
signatures of executing methods and constructors and identifies the caller-callee pairs
of execution among them (this is why both call and execution pointcuts are needed).
Furthermore, the information about the enclosing types of executions and about the
4.4 Implementation
identities of the executing objects is retrieved. The object identity information is based
on object hash codes.
To determine the contribution of a currently executing method to the features of an
application, Featureous Location library maintains an internal stack-like
representation of the feature-entry points entered by each thread of execution. Thanks
to this internal representation, the tracer is able to correctly interpret situations where
a thread of control leaves the tracing scope and returns to it (e.g. during reflectionbased method invocations, or callbacks from external libraries). The tracing agent
updates its state upon entering and leaving every execution through the calls to the
enterExecution and leaveExecution methods.
The presented aspect has to be externally configured to specify a concrete root
package of a target application that should be traced. This is done by implementing
the abstract pointcut packages using the standard aop.xml configuration file, as
supported by the Load-Time Weaver. This externalization of the configuration data
enables applying Featureous Location to different applications without recompiling
the tracing agent.
4.4.1 Important Design Decisions
When encountering an invocation of an inherited, abstract or overridden method,
Featureous Location always registers the signature of the method whose body was
actually executed due to the invocation. Because of this decision, interfaces and some
abstract classes will not be registered in feature traces due to the abstract nature of
their methods. While it remains possible to modify this design decision, Featureous
deems it important that the traces contain only classes and methods that actually
contribute to the processing logic of feature executions.
Memory usage of any dynamic method of feature location is an important concern,
because it may impose limitations on how long a user will be able to interact with a
running application. Featureous Location removes the proportionality relation
between the tracer’s memory usage and the duration of a target application’s
execution by using a set-based representation of an applications execution. The library
increases its memory footprint only when the sets containing identifiers of methods,
classes and objects are expanded, which occurs during the execution of elements not
previously contained in these sets. However, maintaining only this information comes
at the cost of not being able to use feature traces as a basis for reconstructing concrete
time-ordered sequences of method invocations.
Finally, the choice of AspectJ as the implementation technology imposes several
constraints on the properties of tracing. Firstly, Featureous Location does not keep
track of read and write access to fields – while it is technically possible, the incurred
performance overhead is significant. Secondly, tracing of granularities finer than
whole methods, e.g. individual code blocks or statements, is not possible with AspectJ.
Chapter 4. Featureous Location
Thirdly, tracing of JDK classes is not possible. While these properties are not essential
to Featureous as a whole, the source code Featureous Location contains a prototype
reimplementation of the code tracer using the BTrace library [92]. Using this
prototype, it is possible to overcome the last two limitations of the AspectJ-based
implementation – however, doings so was observed to significantly affect the
execution performance of traced applications.
4.4.2 Integration with the Featureous Workbench
Featureous Location library is included as one of the core modules of the Featureous
Workbench. Featureous Workbench incorporates Featureous Location as the source of
traceability data and integrates its tracing routines with the Java project execution
facilities of the NetBeans IDE. Featureous Workbench adds two new actions
representing the tracing facilities of Featureous Location: “Run Traced Project” and
“Test Traced Project” to the main toolbar of the IDE as shown in Figure 4.6. The first
of these two actions represents the default user-driven mode of applying Featureous
Location to an existing Java application. Additionally, the second action makes it
possible to trace features that are activated by JUnit test suites.
Figure 4.6: Tracing actions within Featureous
One of the benefits of the integration with the NetBeans IDE is the possibility to
employ the NetBeans debugger to aid identifying feature-entry point methods. This
can be done by adding a breakpoint on the entry to all methods with a given name,
such as actionPerformed or keyPressed, in all the classes contained in an application. The
resulting configuration of the breakpoint should be analogous to the one shown in
Figure 4.7. Such a breakpoint, if configured properly, halts the debug-execution of the
application’s code upon the activation of a feature by a user. The line of code that
triggered the breakpoint will be automatically displayed in the NetBeans editor. This
line will be a candidate for annotation as a feature-entry point. The experiences of the
author suggest that this simple technique provides a significant support for
incremental annotation of feature-entry points in large and unfamiliar codebases.
Figure 4.7: Using configurable breakpoints to indentify feature-entry points
4.5 Evaluation
Lastly, it is important to mention that despite of the integration with Featureous
Workbench, Featureous Location library is a standalone library that can be used
outside of Featureous Workbench and of the NetBeans IDE. In practice, this enables
packaging an application together with Featureous Location and delivering it to the
end-users, to make them produce feature traces without involving them in using the
NetBeans IDE.
Featureous Location was applied to locating features in several open-source Java
applications ranging from 15 KLOC to 80 KLOC. These applications will be used as the
target systems in the evaluations of the Featureous approach throughout the
remainder of this thesis. Overall, it was found that none of the investigated
applications was initially equipped with any form of traceability links between
functional requirements and source code. Furthermore, only single applications had
their functionality textually documented in a use-case-like fashion.
The remainder of this section presents evidence for viability of Featureous Location by
applying it to two applications. The presented results are used as a basis for an initial
qualitative evaluation of the characteristics of the method: the manual effort involved
and the accuracy and code coverage.
The two applications being the focus of the presented evaluation are BlueJ [93] and
JHotDraw SVG [94]. It is worth mentioning that neither the source codes nor the
architectures of the two applications were known to the author beforehand.
BlueJ is an open-source interactive programming environment created to help
students learn the basics of object-oriented programming in Java. Since BlueJ is a
nontrivial application, whose operation involves compilation, dynamic loading,
execution and debugging of Java code, it is a particularly interesting target for
applying Featureous Location. The version of BlueJ used here is 2.5.2 and it measures
78 KLOC in size.
JHotDraw is an open-source graphical framework created as an example of a welldesigned object-oriented application. Due to this property, JHotDraw is widely used in
software case studies. The presented investigations focus on the concrete application
of the framework called SVG. SVG is an example application built on top of the
framework that is distributed together with JHotDraw. The version of JHotDraw SVG
used here is 7.2 and it measures 62 KLOC in size.
Chapter 4. Featureous Location
4.5.1 Applying Featureous Location
In order to evaluate Featureous Location, the method was applied in a systematic
manner to both BlueJ and JHotDraw SVG.
Identifying Use Cases and Features
In the case of BlueJ, it was possible to infer a vast majority feature specifications from
the available user documentation. The documentation of BlueJ is arranged into a list of
usage scenarios, which correspond to the application’s use cases. Thereby, 127 use
cases were identified, which were then grouped into 41 coherent features. The list of
features identified for BlueJ, as well as for JHotDraw SVG can be found in Appendix
In the case of JHotDraw SVG no documentation of functionality was available.
Therefore, the author relied solely on the contents of the application’s user interface,
i.e. its main menu, contextual menus and toolbars. In the course of inspecting these
elements and the behaviors they represent, 90 use cases were identified, which were
then grouped into 31 coherent features.
The recovery of use cases and grouping them into features was performed using the
guidelines proposed earlier in Section 4.2.
Annotating Feature-Entry Points
After identifying the features of both applications, the author investigated their source
code to annotate feature-entry points.
The major groups of methods annotated in both applications were the actionPerformed
methods that handle events produced by the Swing GUI framework when a user
activates a GUI widget, e.g. presses a button or chooses a menu item. Such annotations
accounted for 14% of all annotations in BlueJ and 24% of all annotations in JHotDraw
Here, it was observed that the applications convert some of the more general Swing
events, such as mouseDragged or mousePressed to their custom application-specific event
types that are then dispatched to custom event handlers. This indirection made it
necessary to annotate not only the Swing-based event handlers, but also the
application-specific ones. Hence, methods such as addObject, message or load were
annotated in BlueJ, and methods such as handleMouseClick, createDisclosedComponent and
doIt were annotated in JHotDraw SVG.
Lastly, the number of identified use cases was found to correspond to the number of
placed annotations in the case of JHotDraw SVG. Namely, for the 90 recognized use
cases, 91 feature-entry point methods were annotated (which corresponds to
approximately three entry points per feature). In contrast, the 127 use cases recovered
from the documentation of BlueJ were found to frequently encompass alternative
4.5 Evaluation
execution scenarios (e.g. triggering a feature from a toolbar or from a menu) and
therefore they required annotating 228 feature-entry points (which corresponds to
nearly six entry points per feature). This observation confirms the need for supporting
multiple entry points for a single feature, as proposed in Featureous Location.
Tracing the Execution Of Features
To trace the execution of features, the tracing agent of Featureous Location was used
on the two annotated applications. By using GUIs to activate features and their
contained use cases, two sets of feature traces were obtained. During the tracing
process, no significant overhead of execution performance was observed.
Interestingly, it was found impossible to correctly activate two features in each of the
applications. This was caused by runtime errors that prevented the features from
finishing their executions. In all these cases, it was confirmed that the applications
exhibited the same behavior regardless of the presence of the tracing agent.
4.5.2 Results: Manual Effort
Table 4.2 summarizes the registered effort of applying Featureous Location to BlueJ
and JHotDraw SVG. Listed are the times required to identify the use cases and
features, to place the feature-entry-point annotations on appropriate methods and to
activate features at runtime.
Table 4.2: Summary of manual effort required by Featureous Location
JHotDraw SVG
Application size
Number of identified use cases
Number of identified features
Time of indentifying features and use cases
2 person-hours
1 person-hour
Number of activated features
Number of feature-entry points
Time of annotating and activating features
6 person-hours
4 person-hours
Total time
8 person-hours
5 person-hours
As can be seen, the total time required to apply Featureous Location to the unfamiliar
codebases of the BlueJ and JHotDraw SVG was eight person-hours and five personhours respectively. For the used applications, the required time appears proportional
to the number of features and to the KLOC size of the codebases. Based on this, the
amount of work required by the manual part of Featureous Location is evaluated as
relatively low – especially if one takes into account that the investigated applications
were unfamiliar to the author. Qualitatively, the manual work involved was found to
be uncomplicated and not to require extensive investigations of the codebases.
Chapter 4. Featureous Location
Featureous Location method significantly improves over manual feature location
approaches. In a study of Eaddy [95], manual feature location was observed to
progresses at rates between 0.7 KLOC per hour in dbviz (12.7 KLOC) and 0.4 KLOC
per hour in Mylyn-Bugzilla (13.7 KLOC). In comparison with these results, Featureous
Location appears to offer an order of magnitude work rate improvement. This result
is, however, an expected consequence of the dynamic semi-automated nature of the
While a rigorous comparison of the work-intensity of Featureous Location with other
dynamic approaches would be desired, it remains difficult to perform in practice. This
is because of a lack of appropriate external effort-benchmarking data and the
complexity of an empirical experiment that would be needed to faithfully construct
such data. Hence, at this stage the presented results provide only an initial evidence
for a satisfactory work-efficiency of the Featureous Location method.
4.5.3 Results: Coverage and Accuracy
Table 4.3 presents a summary of code coverage results achieved by Featureous
Location. The table distinguishes four ways of how a class can participate in
implementing features. Single-feature classes are the classes that participate in only
one feature. Multi-feature classes participate in implementing more than one feature.
Non-covered classes and interfaces are the units that were not used at runtime by
features. Finally, “dead code” consists of the classes that are not statically referenced
from the applications’ main codebases, despite being physically present.
The “dead code” classes were detected using static analysis of source code. For BlueJ,
dead code accounts for 34 out of the 234 non-covered units. These types were found to
implement parsing of code tokens of several programming languages and to be located
in package org.syntax.jedit.tokenmarker. As for JHotDraw SVG, “dead code” accounts
for 161 out of the 282 non-covered types. The “dead code” was found to consist of
various JHotDraw framework’s classes that were not used by the SVG application.
Table 4.3: Summary coverage results
Type category
JHotDraw SVG
Non-covered classes + interfaces
Dead code
Total types
Overall, it can be seen that after exclusion of “dead code” Featureous Location covered
301 out of 501 types (60%) of BlueJ. Furthermore, 45 of the non-covered types are
identified as interfaces, which by design are not captured by Featureous Location, as
4.6 Application to Runtime Feature Awareness
was discussed earlier in Section 4.4.1. For JHotDraw, Featureous Location covers 211
out of 332 non-dead-code types (64%). Furthermore, 49 of the 121 non-covered types
are interfaces.
The reported levels of code coverage are considered sufficiently high to be
representative for the complete investigated applications. The obstacles to achieving a
higher coverage with Featureous Location, as well as with all other dynamic methods
for feature location, are not only by the completeness of the recovered feature
specifications, but also the difficult task of exercising all control branches of source
code at runtime. An additional factor that might have affected the code coverage was
the earlier-reported unsuccessful activation of two features in both applications.
Lastly, similarly with other dynamic approaches and given the assumption that source
code was annotated correctly, Featureous Location exhibits complete precision (i.e. no
false positives) and incomplete recall (i.e. existence of false negatives). Precision is
maximized, because dynamic analysis registers the actual runtime resolutions of
polymorphism and conditional statements. Without using dynamic analysis
mechanisms, this information remains problematic to compute [96].
Nevertheless, dynamic analysis tends to suffer from incomplete recall, because of the
difficulties associated with exercising alternative control flows at runtime. These
difficulties are connected with the need for gathering implementation-specific
knowledge in order to identify detailed conditions for activating individual conditional
statements in source code (such as if, switch or catch statements). Such an
implementation-specific knowledge cannot be assumed as available to the end-users
who drive the runtime tracing process. In the context of Featureous, lack of false
positives, for the cost of incomplete recall, is a reasonable tradeoff. This is preferred
over the situation of having results that are more complete, but which cannot be fully
trusted due to the presence of false positives.
In a publication related to this thesis [WCRE’11a], the author applied the tracing
library of Featureous Location for a purpose radically different from the traditional
purposes of feature location. There, it was proposed to expose the feature trace models
to the executing applications being traced, to enable them to observe and act upon the
activations of their own features. This method was termed as runtime feature
This idea was implemented as JAwareness, a library-based meta-level architecture that
exposes the traceability links being created by Featureous Location to the base-level
application through an API. The thereby established metaobject protocol [97] enables
the base-level application to obtain the identifiers of currently active features.
Chapter 4. Featureous Location
Furthermore, the base-level application can register observers, in order to be notified
about activations and deactivations of features occurring at runtime.
The feasibility of this idea was demonstrated by proposing and developing three
proofs-of-concept applications of runtime feature awareness. Firstly, it was shown
how to make error reports printed by a crashing application easier to interpret by
equipping them with information about features active during the occurrence of the
error. Secondly, it was shown how an application could collect and report statistics on
how often its features are activated by the users. The information on popularity of
individual features could be then used to inform the prioritization of evolutionary
enhancements and error corrections. Lastly, it was discussed how to create featureaware logic to help users to learn the usage of an application, i.e. how to create a
command recommendation system [98] based on a feature-oriented metaobject
Dynamic analysis was exploited in the software reconnaissance method proposed by
Wilde and Scully [50]. Software reconnaissance associates features with the control
flow of applications and proposes to trace features at runtime, as they are being
triggered by dedicated test suites. The test suites have to encode appropriate scenarios
in which some features are exercised while others are not. By analyzing this
information, the approach identifies units of source code that are used exclusively by
single features of an application. Thereby, the approach of Wilde and Scully reduces
the need for manual identification of whole features in source code.
Similarly, Salah and Mancoridis [51] proposed to trace runtime execution of
applications to identify features in their approach called marked traces. However, they
replace the feature-triggering test suites with user-driven triggering that is performed
during a standard usage of an application. Marked traces require users to explicitly
enable runtime tracing before they activate a given feature of interest, and to
explicitly disable tracing after the feature finishes executing. This mode of operation
reduces the involved manual work, as compared to the approaches of Wilde and
Scully [50], as it eliminates the need for implementing dedicated feature-triggering
test suites. Furthermore, the approach of Salah and Mancoridis identifies not only the
units of code contributing to single features, but also the ones shared among multiple
As demonstrated by Greevy and Ducasse [52], marked traces can be also captured by
using GUI automation scripts instead of real users. The automation scripts used by
their tool TraceScraper encode the actions needed for activating and tracing individual
features of an application. While preparing automation scripts resembles preparing
dedicated test suites of Wilde and Scully, the major advantage of automation scripts is
4.8 Summary
requiring no knowledge of an application’s implementations details, which is certainly
needed when implementing test cases.
In contrast, Featureous Location assumes manual marking of the feature-entry points
directly in the source code of an application, whereas the remaining boundaries of
features are discovered using dynamic analysis. As for annotating source code with
feature-entry points, Featureous Location follows the principles of manual inspection
and marking [49], [48], but requires marking only single methods and not whole
Locating features in source code of existing applications is a prerequisite to code
comprehension and modification during feature-oriented changes. In order to be
practically applicable, a method for doing so needs to be simple to introduce to
unfamiliar large-scale applications, independent of artifacts other than the source code
and highly automated.
This chapter presented Featureous Location, a method for locating features in source
code of Java applications that aims at providing these properties.
The proposed method defined the concept of feature-entry points and composed it
with code annotation and execution tracing. The method was implemented using
AspectJ and was applied to several open-source Java applications. Initial evidence for
the effort-efficiency, coverage and accuracy of the method was presented.
Additionally, Featureous Location was used for providing Java applications with
runtime feature awareness.
Chapter 4. Featureous Location
This chapter uses the traceability links provided by Featureous Location as
a basis for proposing a method for feature-oriented analysis of Java
applications. At the core of this method, called Featureous Analysis, lies a
firm conceptual framework for defining views over the correspondences
between features and Java source code. The framework is instantiated in a
form of feature-oriented views that are motivated by concrete needs of
software evolution. Finally, the chapter presents four studies of featureoriented comprehension and evolutionary modification of open-source
Java applications that evaluate individual aspects of Featureous Analysis.
This chapter is based on the following publications:
[CSIS’11], [SEA’10], [AC’10]
5.1 Overview............................................................................................................................ 47
5.2 The Method ....................................................................................................................... 49
5.3 Populating Featureous Analysis .................................................................................. 56
5.4 Evaluation.......................................................................................................................... 63
5.5 Related Work .................................................................................................................... 78
5.6 Summary............................................................................................................................ 79
The inherent grounding of features in the problem domains of applications is what
makes them particularly important in comparison with other dimensions of concern,
such as such as security, persistence, caching, etc. Nevertheless, the high-level designs
of object-oriented applications rarely modularize and represent features explicitly.
Hence, in order to support adoption of user-originated evolutionary changes, software
Chapter 5. Featureous Analysis
developers need to perceive source code from a perspective different than the one
offered by the static structures of their applications.
This alternative perspective is provided by so-called feature-oriented analysis. Featureoriented analysis of software, also known as feature-centric analysis, is the process of
investigating the source code by considering features as first-class analysis entities
[52], [51], [57], [4]. In other words, feature-oriented analysis is the process of
projecting the feature dimension of concern onto the dominant dimension of
decomposition [2] of an application.
This can be done by providing direct visualizations of the traceability links between
features and source code of an application. A number of such visualizations were
demonstrated to help developers to identify classes implementing a given feature and
to identify features being implemented by a given class in unfamiliar applications [31],
[99], [100]. Additionally, the results achieved by several non-feature-oriented
approaches suggest that feature-oriented analysis could benefit from incorporating
new types of visual metaphors and new analysis techniques [101], [102], [30].
However, defining a complete and evolutionary-grounded method for feature-oriented
analysis remains difficult. This is because the existing works in the field are based on
different conceptual bases and on different technical assumptions. This divergence
makes it difficult to meaningfully compare the existing methods to one another, to
combine them during evolutionary activities and to use them as bases for defining
new methods.
This chapter proposes a comprehensive method of feature-oriented analysis of Java
applications called Featureous Analysis. The goal of Featureous Analysis is to support
comprehension and modification of features during evolutionary changes. This goal is
schematically depicted in Figure 5.1.
Figure 5.1: Overview of Featureous Analysis
Featureous Analysis proposes a unifying analytical framework that encompasses: (1)
three complementary perspectives on traceability relations between features and code
units, (2) three levels of code granularity and (3) three levels of analytical abstraction.
Based on this framework, Featureous Analysis proposes a number of feature-oriented
views and implements them within the Featureous Workbench tool. The individual
5.2 The Method
views are motivated by analyzing the needs of the evolutionary change mini-cycle
The set of feature-oriented views proposed by the Featureous Analysis method is
evaluated in four studies. Firstly, the method is used to perform a feature-oriented
comparison of four modularization alternatives of the KWIC system [5]. Secondly, the
method is applied to support comprehension of features in JHotDraw SVG [94].
Thirdly, the example of JHotDraw SVG is used to demonstrate applicability of
Featureous Analysis to guiding source code comprehension and modification during
adoption of an evolutionary change request. Lastly, the support of Featureous
Location for several comprehension strategies is analytically evaluated based on the
framework of Storey et al. [104].
This section introduces the conceptual framework of Featureous Analysis and
analyzes the need for its concrete configurations during the change mini-cycle.
code unit
feature relations
Figure 5.2: Three-dimensional conceptual framework of Featureous Analysis
5.2.1 Structuring Feature-Oriented Analysis
In order to structure and unify feature-oriented analysis, Featureous Analysis defines
the conceptual framework depicted in Figure 5.2. This framework represents featureoriented views as points in a three-dimensional space of granularity, perspective and
abstraction. Using this framework, feature-oriented views can be specified as points in
the three-dimensional configuration space. As it will be demonstrated, the individual
Chapter 5. Featureous Analysis
views have different properties and purposes during feature-oriented comprehension
and modification of evolving applications.
Firstly, the correspondences between features and code units can be investigated at
different granularities. Based on the feature traces produced by Featureous Location, it
is possible to obtain the following three granularities of traceability information:
 Package granularity g1 depicts traceability between features and packages of a
Java application.
 Class granularity g2 depicts traceability between features and classes.
 Method granularity g3 depicts traceability between features and methods.
These three levels of granularity are necessary for investigating applications with
respect to both architectural and implementation-specific aspects, depending on the
particular needs of a developer. In particular, adjustable levels of granularity are
necessary for applying both the top-down and bottom-up comprehension strategies,
where a developer starts by choosing a particular granularity level to focus on and
incrementally refines or generalizes the scope of investigations.
The second dimension of the proposed conceptual framework is the perspective
dimension. As observed by Greevy and Ducasse in their two-sided approach [52],
there exist two complementary perspectives on the traceability links between features
and code units. The first of them characterizes features in terms of code units, while
the second characterizes code units in terms of features. Apart from these two, a third
feature-oriented perspective is possible – one that captures relations among features,
or in other words characterizes features in terms of other features. These three
perspectives are depicted in Figure 5.3.
As further depicted in Figure 5.3, Featureous Analysis associates the notion of
scattering [2] with the feature perspective, and the notion of tangling [2] with the
code unit perspective. Overall, the three perspectives are defined as follows:
 Feature perspective p1 focuses on how features are implemented. In particular, it
describes features in terms of their scattering over an application’s code units.
 Code unit perspective p2 shows how code units, such as packages, classes and
methods, participate in implementing features. In particular, it captures the
tangling of features in individual code units.
 Feature relations perspective p3 focuses on inter-feature relations that are caused
by the conjunction of scattering and tangling.
5.2 The Method
Figure 5.3: Three perspectives on feature-code traceability (adopted after [52])
These three perspectives match the needs of a number of evolutionary scenarios. For
instance, the feature perspective could be used to aid identifying classes being the
targets of an error correction request. After the error is corrected, the code unit
perspective could be used to display the tangling of the modified class, and thereby to
aid anticipating the impact of the modification on the correctness other features. A
detailed analysis of the associated usage scenarios of this and the two other
dimensions of the conceptual framework will be presented in Section 5.2.2.
The third dimension of the conceptual framework is the abstraction dimension. The
purpose of the stratified levels of abstraction is to allow for limiting the amount of
information simultaneously presented to the analyst and for investigating the
complexity of feature-code traceability in an incremental fashion. The method
distinguishes three levels of abstraction:
 Traceability level a1 provides navigable traceability links between features and
concrete source code units.
 Correlation level a2 provides correlations between individual features and
symbolically represented source code units.
 Characterization level a3 shows high-level summaries of the overall complexity of
feature-code mappings.
The three levels of abstraction make room for employing several, radically different
visual metaphors to represent feature-code traceability. At the traceability level of
Chapter 5. Featureous Analysis
abstraction, display of the source code could be augmented with feature-oriented
information. The correlation level could then use graph-based or matrix-based
visualizations that would allow for direct correlation of features and source code units,
without presenting the actual contents of source code files. Finally, the
characterization level could be used to provide metrics and plots of the overall quality
of modularization of features in an application.
Three-Dimensional Configuration Space
Together, the three dimensions of granularity, perspective and abstraction define a
common representation scheme that allows Featureous to be equipped with a
multitude of analytical views. Each of the possible feature-oriented analytical views
can be objectively characterized using the three coordinates of the configuration
space, regardless of the particular visual metaphor involved. For instance, view {g2, p1,
a3} stands for a characterization of features in terms of classes, whereas view {g1, p1,
a2} represents a correlation view from features to packages. Finally yet importantly,
this uniform representation creates a basis for objectively comparing existing views
and for explicitly identifying their roles during software evolution.
5.2.2 Feature-Oriented Views during Change-Mini Cycle
While the three-dimensional view configuration space of the conceptual framework
allows for twenty-seven different views, not all of the possible configurations would
be equally useful during software evolution. Therefore, this section focused on
identifying particular configurations of views that can address the needs of
comprehension and modification activities during software evolution.
In order to assess the evolutionary importance of feature-oriented analysis techniques,
the change mini-cycle is used. Change mini-cycle is a detailed model of stages of
change adoption during software evolution [103]. In the following, the change minicycle is analyzed from the perspective of a software developer who was given a
feature-oriented modification task from a user. Therefore, the developer needs to
comprehend and modify source code in a feature-oriented fashion, despite the lack of
modularization of features in the target application. In this context, it is discussed how
concrete view configurations from the three dimensions of the conceptual framework,
can be used to support individual phases of the change mini-cycle. This perspective on
the change mini-cycle serves as basis for designing concrete feature-oriented
visualizations that will be presented in Section 5.3.
Table 5.1 presents the summary results of the analysis, being a correlation between
the individual phases of the change mini-cycle and the levels of granularity,
perspective and abstraction applicable to them. The details of analyzing the individual
phases are discussed below.
5.2 The Method
Table 5.1: View configurations during change mini-cycle
Planning phase
Change implementation
for change
Request for Software
Request for Change
Software users initiate the change mini-cycle by communicating their new or changed
expectations in the form of a change request. During this process, they often use
vocabulary related to features of applications, since users perceive applications
through its identifiable functionality [4]. Henceforth, such a feature-oriented change
request, which expresses the need for adding, enhancing or correcting features,
becomes the basis for feature-oriented modification.
Planning Phase
The goal of the planning phase is to evaluate the feasibility of a requested change by
understanding its technical properties and its potential impact on the application. This
is not only a prerequisite for later implementation of the change, but can also be used
for informed prioritization and scheduling of change implementation during multiobjective release planning [105].
During the process of software comprehension within the planning phase, a developer
investigates an application in order to locate and understand the source code units
implementing the feature of interest. In order to focus the comprehension process
within the boundaries of the feature of interest, and thereby to reduce the search
space, one can use the feature perspective on feature-code traceability links.
Narrowing-down the search space facilitates discovery of relevant initial focus points,
which can be built upon in a feature-oriented fashion by navigating along the static
relations between single-feature units, to gain understanding of a whole feature-subgraph [106]. The concrete levels of abstraction (i.e. characterization or correlation) and
granularity (i.e. package or class) should be chosen based on the precision of
understanding required for performing change impact analysis.
After gaining sufficient understanding of a feature, one performs change impact
analysis in order to estimate the set of code units that will need to be modified during
change implementation. This is performed by investigating how changes in the
specification of a feature manifest themselves in code units (feature perspective) and
Chapter 5. Featureous Analysis
how modifying shared code units will affect the remaining features (code unit
perspective). Furthermore, it is necessary to consider both the logical and syntactical
relations between features (feature relations perspective) in order to determine if
modification of pre or post-conditions of a feature can affect its dependent features.
Based on the desired precision of the estimated change impact, the analysis can be
performed on various levels of abstraction (i.e. characterization, correlation or
traceability) and granularity (i.e. package or class). Ultimately, the thereby obtained
results of change impact analysis should form a basis for an organizational-level
estimation of the cost involved in a planned change implementation.
Change Implementation
During change implementation, one modifies an application’s source code according
to a given change request. This phase first prepares for accommodating a change by
restructuring the source code, and then propagates the necessary changes among the
source code units.
Restructuring involves applying behavior-preserving transformations to source code in
order to localize and isolate code units implementing a particular feature. Doing so
decreases the number of code units that have to be visited and modified, and reduces
the impact on other features, so that features can evolve independently from each
other. During restructuring, the feature perspective is used to identify boundaries of a
feature under restructuring, and the code unit perspective is used to identify portions
of code shared by features, which become candidates to splitting. Since restructuring
focuses on working with the source code, one should apply analytical views operating
on the two lowest levels of abstraction (i.e. correlation and traceability). Moreover, the
feature-code mappings have to potentially be investigated at all granularities (i.e.
package, class, method), because of the different possible granularities of feature
tangling and scattering that has to be addressed.
Change propagation deals with implementing a change while ensuring syntactical
consistency of the resulting source code. In order to implement a feature-oriented
change, a developer needs to use the feature perspective to identify the concrete finegrained (i.e. classes and methods) parts of a feature that need to be modified, as well as
the parts of other features that can be reused. This involves applying the views at the
levels of abstraction closest to source code (i.e. correlation and traceability). On the
other hand, the code units perspective is essential to facilitate feature-oriented
navigation over source code, to make feature-boundaries explicit and to give early
indication of the consequences of modifying feature-shared code (doing so may cause
inter-feature change propagation) and of reusing single-feature code (doing so may
the increase evolutionary coupling among features and can be a sign of design
Verification and Validation
The goal of verification and validation phase is to ensure that the newly modified
feature is consistent with its specification and that the remaining features of the
5.2 The Method
application were not affected. By investigating the fine-grained (i.e. class and method
granularity) changes made to the source code from the code unit perspective, it is
possible to determine which features were altered during change implementation.
This is done at the traceability level of abstraction, where detailed traceability links
from source code units to features are available. Each feature that was modified has to
be considered as a candidate for validation. Using this method to identify the minimal
set of features to be tested can be used to conserve project resources in the situations
where the validation process is effort-intensive (e.g. manual testing, field-testing of
control or monitoring systems).
The re-documentation phase aims at updating the existing end-user’s and developer’s
documentation of the application to reflect the performed changes. The goal of
updating the developer’s documentation is to capture information that can reduce the
need for software comprehension during forthcoming evolutionary modifications.
Featureous Analysis has a potential for reducing the need for manually maintaining
the documentation of how features are implemented, because it can be reverse
engineered on-demand in the form of various visualizations within the Featureous
In total, the summary results in Table 5.1 show that out of 27 possible view
configurations of the three-dimensional framework, 22 were identified to be applicable
during the change mini-cycle. However, the degrees of their applicability differ. The
distribution of the applicability degrees of individual configurations is depicted in
Figure 5.4 as node sizes for each view in the three-dimensional configuration space.
Figure 5.4: Applicability of view configurations within the change mini-cycle
Chapter 5. Featureous Analysis
The figure shows that two view configurations {g2, p1, a2,} and {g2, p2, a1} are
applicable during four activities of the change mini-cycle. At same time, many of the
views in the perspective p3 and the abstraction level a3 are dedicated to single change
adoption activities. Finally, there exist several configurations that have not been
mapped to any activities of the change mini-cycle – all of them located at the
granularity g3, i.e. {g3, p1, a3}, {g3, p2, a3}, {g3, p3, a3}, {g3, p3, a2} and {g3, p3, a1}.
Based on the applicability of individual view configurations during software
evolution, Featureous Analysis proposes seven feature-oriented visualizations. The
proposed views are arranged to cover the identified essential areas of the threedimensional configuration space and to separate analytical concerns of the individual
steps of the change mini-cycle. Thereby, the Featureous Analysis method aims at
providing a means of guiding comprehension and modification efforts in a systematic
and structured fashion. The importance of these two properties was demonstrated by
Robillard et al. [107].
Feature-code 3D characterization
Feature relations characterization
{g1,2, p1,2, a3} ❻
{g2, p3, a3} ❼
Feature-code correlation graph
{g1,2, p1,2,3, a2} ❹
Feature-code correlation grid
{g1,2, p1,2,3, a2} ❺
Feature inspector
{g1,2,3, p1, a1} ❶
Feature call-tree
Feature-aware source code editor
{g2,3, p2,3, a1} ❸
{g2,3, p1, a1} ❷
Figure 5.5: Unifying framework for feature-oriented analysis
Figure 5.5 presents the designed set of seven views. Most of the views make it possible
for a user to switch them on-demand among multiple levels of granularity. An
overview of the corresponding visualizations implemented in Featureous Workbench
5.3 Populating Featureous Analysis
is shown in Figure 5.6. The remainder of this section discusses the intents, visual
designs and properties of each of the proposed feature-oriented views.
Figure 5.6: Feature-oriented views in the interface of Featureous Workbench
Feature Inspector
Feature inspector ❶ {g1,2,3, p1, a1} provides detailed navigable traceability links from
features to concrete fragments of an application’s source code. This view is presented
in Figure 5.7.
Figure 5.7: Feature inspector view
The feature inspector’s window contains a hierarchy of nodes symbolizing the
packages, classes and methods that implement a feature. The nodes symbolizing
Chapter 5. Featureous Analysis
classes and methods can be used for automatic navigation to their corresponding
source code units in the NetBeans editor. The methods annotated as feature-entry
points are marked in the hierarchy tree by a green overlay icon, due to their special
role in features.
Feature Call-Tree
Feature call-tree ❷ {g2,3, p1, a1} provides a tree-based visualization of the runtime call
graphs of methods implementing features. Hence, this view provides an executionbased alternative to the hierarchical fashion of browsing features supported of the
mentioned feature inspector view. Feature call-tree view is presented in Figure 5.8.
Figure 5.8: Feature call-tree view
The feature call-tree view is a graph containing a hierarchy of nodes that symbolize
class-name-qualified methods. The edges among method-nodes stand for inter-method
call-relations registered at runtime. Individual nodes of the graph can be selected to
unfold their outgoing call relations and to automatically fold all control paths not
involving a currently selected method. This allows one to selectively and
incrementally explore individual control flows of a feature, starting from its featureentry points. From this view, it is also possible to automatically navigate the NetBeans
code editor to the source code units corresponding to a concrete node.
Because a tree-based visual representation of method call graphs is used, the provided
view only approximates the actual control flows graph. In particular, the tree-based
view does not preserve the information about cycles in the method call graphs. The
projection from the potentially cyclic call graphs to the tree structure is handled by
the Prefuse library [108] by filtering all call edges that would result in violating the
tree structure.
Please note that the coloring scheme of this view, as well as of the remaining views of
Featureous Analysis is designed to reflect how source code units participate in
implementing features. Overall, the scheme assigns green to single-feature source
code units and shades of blue to multi-feature code units. The details of the global
coloring scheme of Featureous Analysis are discussed in Section 5.3.1.
Feature-Aware Source Code Editor
Feature-aware source code editor ❸ {g2,3, p2,3, a1} extends the default source code editor
of the NetBeans IDE with automated feature-oriented code folding and a colored
sidebar visualizing traceability from code to features. This view is shown in Figure 5.9.
5.3 Populating Featureous Analysis
Figure 5.9: Feature-aware source code editor view
Feature-aware source code editor enhances the standard NetBeans IDE’s editor with
fine-grained traceability from individual methods and classes to features that they
implement. This is done by using colored sidebars that symbolize participation of a
method or a class in implementing features. For each of such sidebars, not only the
color, but also the names of the features associated with a source code unit are
available. Namely, the names of the associated features can be displayed on-demand in
the form of a sidebar’s tooltip.
Furthermore, the view alters the default folding mechanism of the editor to provide
automatic visual folding of methods that do not contribute to a selected feature of
interest. Thereby, it is possible to hide irrelevant code during comprehension and
modification of a single feature. This is aimed at reducing the search space during
feature-oriented tasks and at simplifying the reasoning about the possible impact of
modifications on features other than the feature of interest.
Feature-Code Correlation Graph and Grid
Feature-code correlation graph ❹ {g1,2, p1,2,3, a2} and feature-code correlation grid ❺
{g1,2, p1,2,3, a2} enable detailed investigations of the correspondences between source
code units and features. These views are presented in Figure 5.10.
The feature-code correlation graph is a graph-based visualization of traceability links
(edges) between features (nodes) and classes or packages (nodes). This view builds
upon the feature-implementation graph proposed by Salah and Mancoridis [51]. The
original formulation is extended with the coloring scheme defined in Section 5.3.1, a
layer-based layout algorithm and edge-thickness-based indication of the number of
contained source code units that participate in the traceability relations with
individual features. Furthermore, the heights of the source code unit nodes reflect the
numbers of their contained finer-grained units (e.g. the height of a package node
reflects the number of the classes that it contains).
As demonstrated by the two examples of the feature-code correlation graph view in
Figure 5.10, the layout algorithm arranges nodes in layers according to their relations
to a selected node (which is the leftmost node of the graph). This algorithm is
Chapter 5. Featureous Analysis
selection-driven, so that it is possible to dynamically switch between the code unit and
feature perspectives by focusing the graph on a particular node type of interest.
Figure 5.10: Feature-code correlation graph and grid views
By enabling selective bi-directional investigation of traceability links, this view can be
used to depict scattering and tangling of features. The source code units that tangle
two features of interest can be identified by combining the properties of the layout
and a mouse hover-driven highlighting mechanism. The highlighting mechanism
marks all the nodes directly related to a node being hovered over in yellow. This usage
can be seen in the first example of the view presented in Figure 5.10, where it is used
to identify four packages common to the SIMULATOR and PARAMETERS features.
As can be further seen in Figure 5.10, the traceability information is also available in
the form of a correlation matrix. This view correlates features with packages or
classes using a matrix-based representation. Additionally, in the case of classes, the
matrix displays the concrete identifiers of the objects of a given class used by features.
The sorting of the matrix’s rows and columns is done according to the scattering of
features and tangling of code units.
Feature-Code 3D Characterization
Feature-code 3D characterization ❻ {g1,2, p1,2, a3} serves as an abstract summary of the
complexity of feature-code relations. This view is presented in Figure 5.11.
The feature-code 3D characterization view visualizes features using a threedimensional bar chart, where each feature is depicted as a series of bars. In turn, each
of the bars represents a single package or class used by a feature. The names of the
source code units that the bars represent can be displayed on-demand as tooltips.
5.3 Populating Featureous Analysis
Figure 5.11: Two rotations of the feature-code 3D characterization view
The number of bars displayed for each feature reflects the scattering of its
implementation measured by the scattering metric proposed by Brcina and Riebisch
[58]. As introduced in Chapter 1, scattering corresponds to the size of the search space
during a feature-oriented change adoption and is associated with the phenomenon of
delocalized plans [26].
The height of the individual bars represents tangling of their corresponding code
units, which is measured with the tangling metric proposed by Brcina and Riebisch
[58]. Tangling indicates the potential inter-feature change propagation and is
associated with the phenomenon of interleaving [28].
The view is aimed at depicting two general characteristics of the distribution shapes
representing features: the regularity of how features are implemented and the
sharpness of the division between single-feature and multi-feature code units in an
application. Furthermore, the view can be flexibly rotated to focus on the
characterization of feature scattering.
Feature Relations Characterization
Feature relations characterization ❼ {g2, p3, a3} relates features to each other with
respect to how they depend on the objects created by other features and how they
exchange data by sharing these objects with one another. This view is presented in
Figure 5.12.
The feature relations characterization view is a graph-based representation of
dynamic relations that builds upon the feature-interaction graph of Salah and
Mancoridis [51]. Features, denoted as vertices, are connected by dashed edges in case
of common usage of objects at runtime. A directed, solid edge is drawn if a pair of
features is in a producer-consumer relation, meaning that objects that are instantiated
in one of them are used in another. The edge is directed according to the UML
conventions, i.e. towards the producer.
Chapter 5. Featureous Analysis
Figure 5.12: Feature relations characterization view
The formulation of Salah and Mancoridis is extended in several ways. The thickness of
edges reflect the number of classes whose objects are being shared between features –
the more classes whose objects are shared, the thicker the edges. Furthermore, the
view makes it possible to automatically re-layout the graph visualization around a
selected feature of interest. Lastly, individual classes participating in a relation
between two features can be displayed on-demand as tooltips over the graph edges.
5.3.1 Affinity Coloring
The proposed feature-oriented analytical views are equipped with a common coloring
scheme called affinity coloring. As originally proposed by Greevy and Ducasse [52],
the purpose of an affinity coloring is to indicate the type of feature-oriented reuse that
source code units experience. They proposed to realize this vision by assigning colors
to code units by applying predefined thresholds to distinguish between several extents
of tangling.
Featureous Analysis takes a different approach to defining affinity categories. The
affinity scheme proposed by Featureous Analysis is based on identification of so-called
canonical features [109], [64] that serve as centroids for grouping features with
maximally similar implementations. At the same time, the individual canonical
features are chosen so that they are maximally dissimilar to one another. As
demonstrated by Kothari et al., this can be used to reduce the number of features that
need to be understood during feature-oriented analysis, because the canonical features
are representative for the features contained in their canonical groups. To
automatically compute canonical groups of features, Featureous adopts the original
algorithm proposed by Kothari et al.
By employing the concept of canonical groups, the affinity scheme of Featureous
Analysis is defined as consisting of two top-level categories: multi-feature source code
5.4 Evaluation
Multi-feature source code units
units and single-feature source code units. The multi-feature source code units are
further divided into three categories as follows:
Core units █{R=35, G=126, B=217} are the source code units that are reused by
all canonical feature-groups. The high degree of reuse of such units among
feature-groups indicates their membership in the very core infrastructure of an
Inter-group units █{R=112, G=188, B=249} are the code units that are reused
among multiple, but not all, canonical feature-groups. Hence, this category
contains classes whose reuse is neither localized to a single canonical group, nor
extensive enough to be categorized as core. From the evolutionary point of view,
it would be migrate such classes towards either being universally reusable, or
towards confining their usage to single feature-groups.
Single-group units █{R=75, G=198, B=187} are the code units that are used by
multiple features, exclusively within a single canonical feature-group. Such units
form a local reusable core of a canonical group of functionally similar features.
Single-feature units █{R=141, G=222, B=14} are the code units that participate in
implementing of only one feature in an application.
This section demonstrates applicability of Featureous Analysis to supporting featureoriented comprehension and modification of existing applications. This is done by
applying Featureous Analysis to three evolutionary scenarios that are designed to
cover the majority of the phases involved in the change mini-cycle. The scenarios
include comparative analysis of feature modularity, feature-oriented comprehension
and feature-oriented modification of source code. In addition, an analytical evaluation
of the method’s support for program comprehension is presented. Hence, the contents
of this section are structured as follows:
 Section 5.4.1 applies Featureous Analysis to comparative analysis of four
modularization alternatives of the classical example of KWIC system [5].
 Section 5.4.2 applies Featureous Analysis to feature-oriented comprehension of
the unfamiliar codebase of the JHotDraw SVG application.
 Section 5.4.3 applies Featureous Analysis to feature-oriented modification of the
JHotDraw SVG application.
Chapter 5. Featureous Analysis
 Section 5.4.4 uses the evaluation framework proposed by Storey et al. [104] to
analytically evaluate the support for diverse comprehension modes in Featureous
Please note that apart from the evaluations presented in this chapter, Featureous
Analysis will be applied in Chapter 6 in extensive analysis-driven restructuring of an
open-source application.
5.4.1 Feature-Oriented Modularity Assessment
This section presents an application of Featureous Analysis to four modularization
alternatives of the KWIC system.
KWIC (being an abbreviation for Key Word In Context) is defined as an index system
that accepts an ordered set of lines, consisting of words and characters, and outputs a
listing of all “circular shifts” of all lines in alphabetical order. A set of circular shifts of
a line is produced by repeatedly removing the first word and appending it at the end
of line.
This simple system was used by Parnas [5] to compare evolutionary properties of two
modularization alternatives: shared data modularization and abstract data type
modularization based on information hiding. The comparison was done by
considering the locality of changes during several change scenarios, such as changes
in the algorithms or in the data representation. The investigations of Parnas were later
extended with additional modularization alternatives, such as implicit invocation, and
additional change scenarios, such as change in functionality, by Garlan et al. [39] and
Garlan and Shaw [23]. In particular, Garlan and Shaw formalize all the proposed
modularization alternatives in the form of architectural diagrams and summarize their
support for the existing change scenarios.
In the context of the KWIC problem, the goal of this study is to demonstrate that
Featureous Analysis can be used to discriminate between the existing four
modularization alternatives with respect to how they modularize features.
Furthermore, it is hypothesized that the conclusions of Garlan and Shaw about the
utility of different modularizations during changes to functionality can be reproduced
using Featureous Analysis.
Please note that for convenience of the reader, the architectural diagrams and the
descriptions of the four modularization alternatives of KWIC are reproduced after
Garlan and Shaw [23] in Appendix A3.
Implementing Four Modularization Alternatives of KWIC
Based on the architectural diagrams provided by Garlan and Shaw, the four known
modularization alternatives of KWIC were implemented. This was done by
representing the modules of the designs as Java classes and by ensuring the
5.4 Evaluation
dependencies among the created classes correspond to the dependencies depicted by
Garlan and Shaw.
Identifying and Locating Features
Prior to using Featureous Analysis, Featureous Location was performed on KWIC to
produce the necessary traceability links. This was done by inspecting the original
functional specification of the KWIC system. Based on this, four features were
annotating the entry points of these features for all four modularizations and tracing
the runtime execution of KWIC, four sets of feature traces were obtained.
The four modularization alternatives of KWIC were investigated using two views of
Featureous Analysis: the feature-code correlation graph view and the feature-code 3D
characterization view. These two views were applied at the granularity of classes to
investigate the phenomena of feature scattering and tangling in the investigated
applications. Figure 5.13 presents the obtained results.
Chapter 5. Featureous Analysis
Shared data
Abstract data type
Implicit invocation
Pipes and filters
Figure 5.13: Feature-oriented views of the four modularizations of KWIC
5.4 Evaluation
At a first glance, Figure 5.13 indicates that none of the KWIC modularization
alternatives completely separates and localizes features. Given that features in an
application have to communicate by sharing data, such a result should be expected.
More interesting are the detailed differences between how the individual
modularizations of KWIC implement features.
Firstly, Figure 5.13 reveals that the shared data and the abstract data type
modularizations implement features significantly differently than the implicit
invocation and pipes and filters modularizations. The former two involve visibly more
modules in implementing features, thus contributing to feature scattering, which
increases the number of modules potentially affected during feature-oriented changes.
Moreover, the former two modularizations contain more multi-feature core modules.
Such tangled modules are a potential source code of inter-feature change propagation
during feature-oriented changes.
Secondly, the implicit invocation and pipes and filters modularizations exhibit the same
feature-oriented characteristics despite of relying on radically different modularization
criteria. While implicit invocation makes the processing algorithms of individual
features work independently on a common line-based representation of data, the pipes
and filters modularization arranges features as processing steps connected by dataflow pipes, where data exchange format is specific to each pipe and the pair of
features on both ends. As a result, both these modularizations exhibit high regularity
of feature implementations; they make features consist of one single-feature module
that depends on one multi-feature core module.
Thirdly, Figure 5.13 shows that the abstract data type modularization completely
tangles two of its features. This tangling appears is particularly problematic, as it
affects the features that provide the essential algorithms of KWIC, namely
alphabetizing and circular shifting. This might suggest that any additional processing
feature (e.g. word filtering) that would be added to this modularization would
experience complete tangling with the remaining features.
In order to quantify the presented observations, the phenomena of scattering and
tangling of the four modularization of KWIC were measured with the metrics
proposed by Brcina and Riebisch [58]. By doing so it is possible to compare the
modularization alternatives against one another. Moreover, such measurement makes
it possible to objectively compare the outcomes of Featureous Analysis with the
assessment of Garlan and Shaw [23] about the support for functional changes in the
individual modularizations of KWIC. These results are summarized in Table 5.2.
Chapter 5. Featureous Analysis
Table 5.2: Feature-oriented properties of the four KWIC modularizations
data type
and filters
Change in function [23]
As shown in Table 5.2, the abstract data type modularization exhibit the highest extent
of feature scattering and tangling. This modularization is also concluded by Garlan
and Shaw not to support functional changes. The second-worst modularization
according to the metrics is the shared data modularization, which was earlier found to
significantly tangle features despite having one single-feature module for each feature.
While Garlan and Shaw evaluate this modularization positively with respect to
supporting functional changes, they hint at some problems associated with it: “(…)
changes in the overall processing algorithm and enhancements to system function are not
easily accommodated” [23]. Finally, as recognized both by Featureous Analysis and by
Garlan and Shaw, the two last modularizations are particularly well suited to
accommodating changes to functionality.
This study applied Featureous Analysis to four classic modularization alternatives of
the KWIC system. The presented results demonstrate that Featureous Analysis
provides means for differentiating alternative modularizations of a single application
with respect to how well they modularize features. Furthermore, the obtained
analytical results were quantified using the metrics of scattering and tangling and
compared to analytical assessments of Parnas, Garlan et al. and Garlan and Shaw. A
close correspondence between these two set of assessments was observed.
5.4.2 Feature-Oriented Comprehension
This section applies Featureous Analysis to guiding feature-oriented comprehension
of an unfamiliar codebase. The subject is the SVG vector graphics editor application
built on top of the JHotDraw 7.2 framework [94]. JHotDraw SVG consists of 62K lines
of code and contains a significantly high number of features to be considered a
realistic application scenario. Prior to conducting this study, the author had no
significant exposure to the design and the implementation details of the application.
The goal of the presented feature-oriented analysis is to identify and understand the
nature of “hot-spots” in the correspondences between features and source code. Such
hot-spots include highly tangled packages and classes, as well as highly scattered
features. This investigation is motivated by evolutionary repercussions of these two
5.4 Evaluation
The presented feature-oriented analysis of JHotDraw SVG is performed in a top-down
fashion. Namely, the study starts on the highest level of abstraction and concretizes
investigations. In order to keep the scope of the study manageable, the analysis
focuses on selected examples of hot-spot features, classes and inter-feature relations.
Identifying and Locating Features
As a prerequisite to using Featureous Analysis, the Featureous Location method was
applied. Since appropriate documentation of the application’s functionality was not
available, it was necessary to identify the features. This was done by inspecting usertriggerable functionality of the running application that is available through the
graphical user interface elements like the main menu, contextual menus and toolbars.
As a result, 29 features were identified, whose 91 feature-entry point methods were
then annotated in the application’s source code (e.g. the BASIC EDITING feature can be
triggered by both invoking copy and paste commands from JHotDraw SVG’s main
menu). A detailed list of all identified features can be found in Appendix A2.
A set of feature traces was obtained by manually triggering each identified feature at
runtime in the instrumented application. These traces formed a basis for featureoriented analysis of JHotDraw SVG.
Feature-Code 3D Characterization
The feature-oriented analysis of JHotDraw SVG was initiated by investigating a highlevel summary of how classes participate in implementing features. This is done by
applying the feature-code 3D characterization view on the granularity of classes. The
result of doing so is presented in Figure 5.14.
Figure 5.14 reveals that there exists a high degree of both scattering and tangling
among the features of JHotDraw SVG at the granularity of classes. The three most
scattered hot-spot features are MANAGE DRAWINGS, SELECTION TOOL and BASIC EDITING.
The three most tangled hot-spot classes that are reused by nearly all features and
org.jhotdraw.draw.AttributeKey and org.jhotdraw.draw.AbstractAttributedFigure.
As can further be observed in Figure 5.14, features generally contain relatively small
amounts of single-feature classes. In particular, 15 out of all 29 features contain no
single-feature classes. Such purely crosscutting features (e.g. PATH EDITING and
CANVAS) are either composed of fragments of other features or are themselves
completely reused in execution of other features. Most of the code sharing among
features occurs over inter-group classes, rather than the core classes. The nearly
continuous shapes of the profiles of individual features depict the diversity of reuse
patterns of the involved classes. Overall, the high degree of scattering and tangling
among features indicates that JHotDraw SVG was not designed with modularization
of features in mind.
Chapter 5. Featureous Analysis
At this stage, the focus of further investigations was decided to center on SELECTION
TOOL hot-spot feature that deals with selecting figures, and BASIC EDITING hot-spot
feature that deals with basic editing actions such as copying and pasting figures. As
for classes, the further investigations focus on the org.jhotdraw.draw.AbstractFigure
and org.jhotdraw.draw.AbstractAttributedFigure hot-spot classes.
manage drawings
selection tool
basic editing
Figure 5.14: Feature-package 3D characterization of JHotDraw SVG
Feature-Relations Characterization
The feature relations characterization view was used to investigate dynamic relations
between the two features of interest. The results of applying this view are displayed in
Figure 5.15. There, all the remaining features of JHotDraw SVG are represented by the
Figure 5.15 shows that there exist bi-directional dynamic dependencies between
SELECTION TOOL and BASIC EDITING, as well as between these two features and other
features of SVG. A closer inspection of the dependency of SELECTION TOOL on BASIC
EDITING (highlighted in Figure 5.15) revealed that BASIC EDITING instantiates both the
AbstractFigure and AbstractAttributedFigure objects for usage in SELECTION TOOL. This
reinforces a possible intuitive interpretation of these classes’ names. Namely, these
two classes appear to be the programmatic representations of the graphical figures in
JHotDraw SVG. The objects of these classes can be created by basic editing actions,
such as copying and pasting. The thereby created figures can then be selected by
5.4 Evaluation
in order to be further manipulated. Hence, an unanticipated dynamic
dependency between the two features emerges.
Figure 5.15: Feature relations characterization of JHotDraw SVG
The feature-code correlation graph was used to identify tangled hot-spot packages of
JHotDraw SVG.
Figure 5.16: Feature-package correlation graph of JHotDraw SVG
The feature-package correlation graph shown in Figure 5.16 indicates that out of the
two features of interest, only BASIC EDITING has a single-feature package, named
org.jhotdraw.gui.datatransfer. Furthermore, it can be seen that the package containing
the highest number of tangled classes is the org.jhotdraw.draw package. This complex
package encloses both the AbstractFigure and AbstractAttributedFigure classes, as well
as 100 other classes that represent a wide spectrum of concepts provided by the
JHotDraw framework (e.g. ArrowTip, BezierTool, Layouter, FigureEvent). The size of this
Chapter 5. Featureous Analysis
package, as well as its tangling and the diversity of contained classes deem it to be a
major structural hot-spot of JHotDraw SVG.
Finally, the feature-aware source code editor view was used to investigate how the
implementations of the AbstractFigure and AbstractAttributedFigure core classes
contribute to implementing SELECTION TOOL on BASIC EDITING features.
Figure 5.17: Feature-aware source code view of the AbstractFigure class
The feature-oriented investigation of the AbstractFigure class, an excerpt of which is
presented in Figure 5.17, revealed a number of interesting details. AbstractFigure, being
a class that provides base implementation of figures in JHotDraw SVG, is used by
most of the application’s features. Yet, there exist methods that are used exclusively
by the SELECTION TOOL feature. These methods were found to be concerned with
selection-specific functionalities, like handling mouse events, dragging figures, getting
a list of available figure’s actions, etc. The presence of such selection-specific methods
in a base class suggests that the selection mechanism is one of the core non-removable
functionalities offered by the JHotDraw framework.
Furthermore, the inspection revealed that the AbstractAttributedFigure class inherits
from the AbstractFigure class to extend it with a map of attributes, whose keys are
represented by the mentioned earlier org.jhotdraw.draw.AttributeKey class. With the
help of colored sidebars of setter and getter methods that encapsulate the access to the
attribute maps, it was determined that several features can read the attributes, but
only a subset of them is allowed to modify the attributes. Namely, the read-write
access to attributes is granted only to tool features (e.g. SELECTION TOOL, LINE TOOL),
MANAGE DRAWINGS. In addition to these features, read-only access is granted to palette
Finally, yet importantly, the source code of the AbstractFigure class shown in Figure
5.17 was observed to contain an interesting source comment preceding the
addFigureListener method. This comment resembles a list of names of SVG’s
5.4 Evaluation
functionalities, such as: “drawing”, “shape and bounds”, “attributes”, “editing”,
“connecting”, “composite figures”, “cloning”, “event handling”. These names closely
correspond to the names of SVG’s features identified in this study. This comment is an
important evidence of a developer’s effort to maintaining the traceability to features
that can observe figures. This sharply demonstrates the need for presence of explicit
traceability links between features and source code.
This section applied Featureous Analysis to identify and understand several hot-spot
correspondences between features and source code in the JHotDraw SVG application.
Application of feature-oriented analysis, as supported by Featureous Analysis, was
found to provide a useful perspective on unfamiliar source code. Featureous Analysis
was demonstrated to aid identification of complexities in features and to guide their
incremental understanding.
5.4.3 Feature-Oriented Change Adoption
This section applies Featureous Analysis to adopting an evolutionary change to
JHotDraw SVG. The structure of the presented study focuses on the phases of the
change mini-cycle that deal with modification of source code.
Request for Change
To initiate change adoption, a request for change was formulated. The proposed
request is to modify the EXPORT feature of JHotDraw SVG to automatically include a
simple watermark text in the drawings being exported. Similar functionality is
commonly found, for instance, in trial or demo versions of applications. The
watermark should be included uniformly for all possible export formats.
Planning Phase
The intent of the planning phase is to get an impression of the effort needed to
perform a modification task. This was done by using the feature-code 3D
characterization view to investigate the target EXPORT feature that is responsible for
exporting drawings from the application’s canvas to various file formats.
Figure 5.18 shows the resulting feature-code 3D characterization at the granularity of
class for EXPORT and two other features of SVG. There, it can be seen that the EXPORT
feature is scattered over only 15 classes. These 15 classes constitute the maximum
scope that will need to be investigated to carry out the requested task. Unfortunately,
this feature contains only one single-feature class, which indicates a high chance for
any modifications made to EXPORT to propagate to other features.
Another interesting feature shown in Figure 5.18 is the TEXT TOOL feature. Since this
feature is responsible for drawing text-based shapes on the editor’s canvas, it may
contain classes that need to be reused to programmatically draw a textual watermark
Chapter 5. Featureous Analysis
on a drawing being exported. The relatively low scattering of this feature signals a
relatively small scope of the forthcoming search for the classes that have to be reused.
Figure 5.18: Feature-class 3D characterization of three features of JHotDraw SVG
Change Implementation
The aim of change implementation was to inspect the EXPORT and TEXT TOOL features
in search of the concrete classes that needed to be modified and reused to implement
the change request.
Figure 5.19: Call-tree view of the export feature in JHotDraw SVG
The feature call-tree view on the EXPORT feature was used to identify the classes that
has the responsibility of accepting a drawing and saving it into a file. As shown in
Figure 5.19, the export feature consists of a chain of inter-class method invocations,
most of which appear to be good candidates for inserting a watermark into a drawing,
before it is saved to a file. An important advantage of this perspective on method calls
is not only narrowing the search space, but also visual removal of the polymorphismbased layers of indirection that separate the codebase of the JHotDraw framework
from the SVG application. This way it was possible to easily identify the concrete
framework classes that carry out the export functionality, despite of them being a part
of polymorphic indirection-based variation points of JHotDraw.
5.4 Evaluation
In order to confine the impact of change, the SVGView class was chosen for
modification. This class handles rendering the internal models of drawings onto the
screen and it the export to initiate a chain of invocations that saves the underlying
models to a file. Hence, the export method can be used to implement the requested
change, by making it insert a watermark into the model before the drawing is being
saved, and to remove it from the model afterwards.
After locating the to-be-modified method in the EXPORT feature, the TEXT TOOL feature
was investigated to identify a class suitable for representing a programmatically
insertable watermark text. By traversing the call-tree of the feature and analyzing the
roles of classes and methods, the candidate class was identified. The identified class is
named SVGTextFigure and it is responsible for representing textual figures in JHotDraw.
Figure 5.20: Feature-aware source code editor for SVGView class
Based on the gained understanding, the change request was implemented. The
resulting source code is shown in Figure 5.20. The performed modifications consisted
of adding a simple watermark to the drawing’s model (lines 359, 360) before it is
written to the output file by format.write(...). Thereafter, the watermark is removed
(line 362), so that the original state of the drawing is restored for display in the UI of
JHotDraw SVG.
Validation and Verification
After implementing the change, it became necessary to validate that the modification
was correct and that it did not affect the correctness of other features in the
application. Firstly, it was confirmed that a watermark is correctly added when
exporting images by triggering the updated EXPORT feature in the running application.
Secondly, it was investigated whether the correctness of any other features of SVG
might have been affected by the performed modification. This was done by inspecting
the affinity of the modified EXPORT method in the feature-aware code editor, as shown
in Figure 5.20. This revealed that even though four other features are reusing the
SVGView class, the modified method is used exclusively by the EXPORT feature. This
Chapter 5. Featureous Analysis
indicated that no other features could have been directly affected by the implemented
change. This hypothesis was confirmed by interacting with the running applications.
This study applied Featureous Analysis to the scenario of supporting adoption of a
feature-oriented change request. It was demonstrated how several views provided by
Featureous Analysis can be used aid estimating the effort involved in a forthcoming
change task, identifying classes that need to be modified or reused and assessing the
impact of performed changes on correctness of features.
5.4.4 Support for Software Comprehension
This section evaluates the support of Featureous Analysis for feature-oriented
comprehension. This is done based on the analytical framework for evaluating
cognitive design elements of software visualizations developed by Storey et al. [104].
Storey et al. formulate their taxonomy of cognitive design elements as a hierarchy. At
the top-most level, the hierarchy divides the cognitive design elements into two
categories: improving software comprehension and reducing the maintainer’s
cognitive overhead. The presented evaluation focuses on the cognitive design
elements contained in the first of these categories. The summary results of the
performed evaluations are shown in Table 5.3. The detailed discussions of the
individual elements follow.
Table 5.3: Support for cognitive design elements in Featureous Analysis
Integrate bottom-up
and top-down
Cognitive design elements
Support in Featureous
Indicate syntactic and semantic relations between software
objects ❶
Traceability element
Reduce the effect of delocalized plans ❷
Traceability element
Provide abstraction mechanisms ❸
Three levels of granularity
Support goal-directed, hypothesis-driven comprehension ❹
Not addressed
Provide an adequate overview of the system architecture, at
various levels of abstraction ❺
Three levels of abstraction
Support the construction of multiple mental models (domain,
situation, program) ❻
Three perspectives
Cross-reference mental models ❼
Correlation element
Affinity coloring
5.4 Evaluation
Bottom-up comprehension involves investigating an application’s source code in order
to incrementally build high-level abstractions (being either structural abstractions, or
functional abstractions), until understanding is achieved. The traceability element of
Featureous Analysis plays an important role in this comprehension strategy as it
allows for expressing concrete source code units in the context of features as well as
features in terms of source code units ❶. Reduction of delocalized plans ❷ is
supported two-fold. Firstly, from the point of view of source code units, features are
delocalized plans. A reduction of this effect is done by explicit visualization through
the editor coloring. Secondly, from the point of view of features as first-class analysis
entities, an application’s source code units are delocalized plans. This, in turn, is
handled by the feature inspector. Finally, bottom-up comprehension requires a
support for building high-level abstractions from already-comprehended lower-level
entities ❸. Featureous Analysis supports this by providing adjustable granularity of
source code units and the possibility to group features.
Top-down comprehension requires that domain knowledge is used to formulate goals
and hypotheses that will drive the comprehension process. In the course of the
analysis, these goals and hypotheses are refined into sub-goals and sub-hypotheses as
the analysis progresses from higher levels of abstraction to the more detailed ones.
Featureous does not provide any mechanisms for explicitly managing and
documenting goals and hypotheses ❹ that an analyst may develop. This, however,
does not prevent goal-driven and hypothesis-driven usages of Featureous Analysis. As
was demonstrated in the study of feature-oriented comprehension of JHotDraw SVG
in Section 5.4.2, top-down analysis is feasible as long as the analyst can take care of
managing analytical aims and hypotheses. The support of Featureous Analysis
consists of providing multiple abstraction levels ❺ to facilitate gradual refinement
and concretization of hypotheses. The three abstraction levels make help addressing
situations where a hypothesis cannot be evaluated on a given level of abstraction and
has to be decomposed into a set of more concrete sub-hypotheses.
Finally, the integration of bottom-up and top-down approaches is motivated by the
observation that software developers tend to alternate between these two
comprehension strategies in an on-demand fashion. This is due to a need for creating
multiple mental models ❻ that can be switched during software comprehension.
Featureous Analysis provides support for multiple mental models through the codeunit perspective (which corresponds to the program model of Storey et al.), the feature
perspective (the situation model of Storey et al.) and the feature relations perspectives
(the situation model of Storey et al.). In terms of individual perspectives, multiple
mental models are supported by viewing source code in terms of features, features in
terms of source code, viewing runtime information about usage of class instances by
features, feature metrics and affinity coloring. Interestingly, Featureous Analysis in
some sense also supports usage of the domain mental model. This is because of the
rooting of features in the problem domains of application. Hence, feature-oriented
analysis allows for understanding source code in terms of an application’s problem
domain. To aid alternation between the supported mental models ❼, Featureous
Chapter 5. Featureous Analysis
Analysis provides three mechanisms for model cross-referencing. These are the
correlation element, affinity coloring and identifiers of features and code units. The
correlation element supports relating the three perspectives to each other. Affinity
coloring allows for relating all analysis elements to the characterization of source code
units. Identifiers of feature and code units cross-reference the three abstraction levels
as well as the three perspectives of Featureous Analysis.
Overall, the presented discussion indicates that Featureous Analysis provides a wide
support for core cognitive design elements required by the bottom-up, top-down and
mixed comprehension strategies. This is an important property with respect to the
applicability of the method during software evolution and maintenance, since diverse
nature of program-modification tasks creates a need for diverse comprehension
strategies [110].
Myers et al. [111] proposed the Diver tool for exploration of large execution traces of
Java applications. The core of the approach is a trace compacting algorithm that
reduces the number of messages that are displayed to a user. The tool is implemented
as a plugin to the Eclipse IDE and is equipped with several visualizations based on
UML sequence diagrams. The individual invocations depicted by the visualizations can
be interactively unfolded and inspected for the concrete runtime values of their
parameters. Thereby, Diver aims at supporting debugging and comprehension of
individual runtime executions of applications. The main contrast with Featureous
Analysis is that Featureous associates feature-oriented semantics with execution
traces and focuses on their modularization in source code, rather than on the runtime
events occurring during their execution.
Simmons et al. [112] reported a study performed at Motorola that evaluated an
industrial feature location tool CodeTEST in conjunction with the visualization tools
TraceGraph and inSight. Despite reported interoperability problem, this tool
combination was demonstrated to effectively support locating, understanding and
documenting features. Based on investigating four evolutionary scenarios, Simmons et
al. reported that this approach significantly helped identifying units of source code to
be investigated by the participants. The total effort needed to integrate the three tools
and to introduce them to a project was quantified as 180 person-hours. Featureous
Analysis makes it possible to avoid this initial overhead because of its integration with
the Featureous Location method and with the NetBeans IDE.
Apel and Beyer [113] proposed an approach to visual assessment of feature cohesion
in software product lines. This was done through FeatureVisu – a graph-based
visualization of methods, fields and their relations within features. The visualization
uses feature-oriented metrics and a clustering-based layout algorithm to depict the
5.6 Summary
cohesion of features. The viability of the approach was demonstrated in an
exploratory case study involving forty feature-oriented product lines. While the
approach was applied to product-lines annotated with dedicated preprocessor
directives, the approach displays potential for usage with another feature location
mechanism and in another application context. Thus, the visualization of Apel and
Beyer is considered an interesting candidate for eventual inclusion in Featureous
Röthlisberger, et al. [31] presented a feature-centric development environment for
Smalltalk applications and demonstrated its usefulness in comprehension and
maintenance activities. The proposed development environment combines interactive
visual representations of features with a source code browser that filters the classes
and methods participating in a feature under investigation. The visual representations
used are: the compact feature overview, which depicts the methods contributing to a
feature and indicates the level of their tangling using colors; the feature tree, which
presents the call-tree of methods implementing a feature and the feature artifact
browser, which displays the classes and methods used in a feature.
The overall idea of decorating source code with feature-oriented information colored
sidebars bears similarities to Spotlight [114] and CIDE [49]. However, Featureous
Analysis puts the primary emphasis on the level of sharing of features (indicated by
colors on the bars) rather than on identifying the concrete features that use the source
code units (displayed on-demand as tooltips).
Feature-oriented comprehension and modification is difficult to achieve without
fundamentally changing the perspective on the existing object-oriented applications.
Such a feature-oriented perspective needs a structured and evolutionary-motivated set
of analytical views over the feature-code traceability links. Only then, it can properly
support software comprehension and modification effort of software developers, and
guide them in a systematic fashion.
This chapter presented the Featureous Analysis method for feature-oriented analysis
of Java applications.
The method defines a three-dimensional conceptual framework as an objective frame
of reference for constructing feature-oriented analytical views. Based on an analysis of
the needs of the change mini-cycle, essential configurations of feature-oriented views
were identified. These configurations were then realized by several visualizations. The
method was evaluated in a series of studies involving: (1) comparative assessment of
four modularization alternatives of KWIC, (2) feature-oriented source code
comprehension of JHotDraw SVG and (3) its feature-oriented modification. Finally,
Chapter 5. Featureous Analysis
third-party criteria were used to analytically evaluate Featureous Analysis with
respect to its support for three types of program comprehension strategies. Together,
these evaluations deliver broad initial evidence for applicability of Featureous
Analysis to supporting feature-oriented program comprehension and modification of
Java applications.
This chapter uses Featureous Analysis developed in Chapter 5 as a basis
for performing manual remodularization of existing Java applications. The
proposed method, called Featureous Manual Remodularization, aims at
improving modularization of features in source code of applications. The
reconceptualization of source code units, and captures their involved
tradeoffs as the fragile decomposition problem. Based on this, a target
design for feature-oriented remodularization of Java applications is
proposed. The method is applied to a study of analysis-driven
remodularization of a neurological application called NDVis, and the
obtained results are evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively.
This chapter is based on the following publications:
[CSMR’12], [SCICO’12]
6.1 Overview............................................................................................................................ 81
6.2 The Method ....................................................................................................................... 83
6.3 Evaluation.......................................................................................................................... 90
6.4 Related Work .................................................................................................................. 101
6.5 Summary.......................................................................................................................... 102
While feature-oriented analysis can be used to aid comprehension and guide featureoriented changes, it does not physically reduce the scattering and tangling of features
Chapter 6. Featureous Manual Remodularization
in source code. Hence, a feature-oriented perspective is only the first step towards the
last two qualities of modularity postulated by Parnas [5]: product flexibility that
should support making drastic changes to a single feature without changing others,
and managerial flexibility that should enable separate groups of software developers
to work on separate features with little need for communication.
In order to acquire these two qualities it is necessary to reduce scattering and tangling
of features. This can be done by the means of behavior-preserving manipulation of the
static structure of source code, also known as restructuring [7]. Hence, a restructuring
process should result in an improvement of structure-related non-functional
properties of an application, while remaining completely transparent to application
The particular kind of restructuring aimed at improving modularization of features is
referred to as being feature-oriented. Furthermore, since such a restructuring
fundamentally aims at changing the criteria of how an application is divided into
modules, it is referred to as remodularization. Thereby, feature-oriented
remodularization is a restructuring that aims at introducing the modularization of
features as the primary decomposition criterion of an application’s source code.
In order to conduct a feature-oriented remodularization of an existing application,
three main challenges have to be tackled. Firstly, traceability links between features
and source code units have to be established. Secondly, a new feature-oriented
structure of an application has to be designed. Thirdly, the source code of an
application has to undergo a transition from its current structure to the newly
designed feature-oriented structure.
Figure 6.1: Overview of Featureous Manual Remodularization
This chapter presents a method for designing and performing a manual analysisdriven feature-oriented remodularization of an existing application. This method is
called Featureous Manual Remodularization. The proposed process for conducting this
restructuring is schematically depicted in Figure 6.1. This process uses feature traces
of Featureous Location introduced in Chapter 4 and the Featureous Analysis method
introduced in Chapter 5 to support comprehension of features and to guide their
incremental restructuring. The method uses common low-level refactoring techniques
such as move class, move method and rename class [65]. After remodularization is
6.2 The Method
completed, the established feature-oriented design forms a basis for further evolution
of the target application.
The proposed vision of feature-oriented remodularization is applied in a study of
migrating a neurological application NDVis [115] to the NetBeans module system [86].
This study demonstrates the feasibility of Featureous Manual Remodularization and
discusses the advantages of feature-oriented division of applications in the context of
migrations to module systems.
This section presents the Featureous Manual Remodularization method. The
prerequisites to Featureous Manual Remodularization are (1) establishing traceability
links between features and source code and (2) gaining an initial feature-oriented
understanding of a target application.
Having the means of feature location and feature-oriented analysis already discussed
in the form of the Featureous Location and Featureous Analysis methods; this section
focuses on the topic of source code restructuring. Firstly, two main restructuring types
applicable to modularizing features are identified and their characteristics discussed.
Based these on this, Featureous Manual Remodularization proposes a target high-level
design that existing applications should be restructured towards through the identified
restructuring types to improve modularization of features.
6.2.1 Remodularization through Relocation and Reconceptualization
Two primary types of restructurings can be used to separate and localize features in
source code of Java applications. Namely, this can be done through so-called
reconceptualization and relocation of source code units at various levels of granularity.
For the needs of the forthcoming discussion, the following assumptions are made.
Four types of Java code units are distinguished and ordered according to their
granularity: packages, classes, methods and instructions. If granularity N is the
granularity level corresponding to a given code unit, then granularity N+1
corresponds to the following finer level of granularity than N; that is methods (N+1)
are the following finer granularity than classes (N). Similarly, granularity N-1 stands
for the following coarser level of code unit granularity.
A source code unit is referred to as single-feature unit when it is used exclusively by a
single feature. Similarly, a code unit is referred to as multi-feature unit when it is used
by more than one feature. Hence, the general term multi-feature unit represents
uniformly the core units, inter-group units and single-group units that were discussed
earlier in Section 5.3.1.
Chapter 6. Featureous Manual Remodularization
Relocation at granularity N is the process of moving a code unit at granularity N from
its containing code unit at granularity N-1 to another code unit at granularity N-1. As
relocation does not involve a modification of the code unit being relocated, it
preserves its original semantics. An example of relocation at the granularity of classes
is the move class refactoring [65], which moves a class from one package to another.
Reconceptualization at granularity N is the process of modifying a code unit at
granularity N by changing or relocating one or more of its contained code units at
granularity N+1. Because of modifying a code unit, reconceptualization is likely to
modify its semantics as well. An example of reconceptualization at the granularity of
classes is to use the move method refactoring [65], or the split class refactoring; that
is, extracting a new class from an existing one.
In order to separate and localize features at granularity N, relocation has to be
performed at least at granularity N+1 and reconceptualization has to be performed at
least at granularity N. That is, if one wishes to separate and localize features at the
granularity of packages, one has to relocate classes among packages. Accordingly, if
one wishes to separate and localize features at the granularity of classes, one has to
move methods and member fields among classes.
Hence, when separating features in terms of classes (N=class), existing classes (N) have
to be reconceptualized. This is done by splitting classes through relocating all their
single-feature methods (N+1) to new single-feature classes. If a class contains any
multi-feature methods, then a complete separation cannot be achieved at the
granularity of classes (N), and the investigation has to be refined to the granularity of
methods (N+1). This can be done by reconceptualizing methods by relocating their
single-feature instructions (N+2) to new single-feature methods (N+1). Because
instructions are the lowest level of granularity, any further reconceptualization is not
possible and the remaining multi-feature instructions can only be separated among
features by creating a duplicate for each feature involved. While this might be an
acceptable tradeoff in the case of handling method bodies, it becomes more
problematic when applied to fields and variables, because introducing state
duplication requires providing additional means of synchronizing state among the
When localizing features in terms of packages (N=package), existing packages (N) have
to be reconceptualized. This is done by creating one single-feature package for each
feature and relocating to it all its single-feature classes (N+1). If there exist multifeature classes, then a complete localization cannot be achieved at granularity of
packages (N) and separation needs to be performed at granularity of classes (N+1). By
following the process that was discussed in the previous paragraph, it is possible to
split multi-feature classes into several single-feature classes, which can then be
relocated to their appropriate single-feature packages.
6.2 The Method
From the presented discussion, it follows that relocation at granularity N manifests
itself as reconceptualization at granularity N-1. Furthermore, it can be seen that the
applicability of relocation to separating and localizing features at granularity N is
determined by the degree of separation of features present at granularity N+1. Hence,
reconceptualization at finer granularities acts as an enabler of relocation at coarser
granularities. For instance, a class can be cleanly separated among features using
relocation of methods only if the features are already separated within the method
6.2.2 Problematic Reconceptualization of Classes
The mentioned need for refining the granularity of relocation and reconceptualization
during modularization of features is problematic for several reasons. Firstly, refining
the granularity of syntactic separation often creates a need for more advanced
mechanisms for separation of concerns (e.g. aspects [67] or derivatives [72]) than the
ones available in the mainstream object-oriented programming languages. Secondly,
the finer the granularity of restructurings; the more complex, laborious and
reconceptualization of the responsibilities of legacy classes into several new singlefeature classes forces one to invent new abstractions that will match the semantics of
the new class. In the case of classes representing domain entities, this results in
delocalizing of the implementation of domain concepts.
Object-oriented design of applications is traditionally based on networks of
collaborating classes [21]. The classes and their interrelations are often arranged to
reflect entities found in the problem domains of applications These entities are
typically identified during requirements analysis and usually captured in the form of a
domain model [116], [21]. Thereby, domain models establish a valuable one-to-one
correspondence between source code and entities in software’s problem domain.
As it was discussed in Chapter 1 and empirically demonstrated in Chapter 5, classes
and methods in object-oriented applications often implement multiple features. Hence,
a single domain entity typically participates in several functionalities of an
application. In order to separate features that are tangled at these granularities, the
involved classes and methods would have to be divided into parts. These parts are
referred to as fragments, to use a technology-neutral term. As demonstrated in
literature fragments of classes and methods can be implemented using various
mechanisms, e.g. aspects, mixins, etc. [66].
An example of a fine-grained restructuring of an existing class into fragments is
shown in Figure 6.2. In the first part of the example, the Car class that represents the
problem-domain concept of a car participates in two features: OVERTAKE and PARK.
After performing a fine-grained division of Car into fragments by means of
reconceptualization, one arrives at two separate class-fragments jointly representing
Chapter 6. Featureous Manual Remodularization
the car domain concept. Each of the obtained single-feature fragments encompasses
only a subset of the responsibilities of the original Car class.
Figure 6.2: Reconceptualization of entity classes into class fragments
On the technical level, it is easy to discover that this example division leads to a
number of implementation issues. These are the need to share the same object identity
among the two fragments and the duplication of the turn method definition (which in
principle could be avoided by introducing yet another class-fragment or by
introducing a dependency between the fragments – however, both the solutions are
problematic in their own ways). Nevertheless, it is the following conceptual issue that
is considered the most problematic aspect of this reconceptualization.
As can be observed, the division of the original Car class results in delocalization of the
car concept. As a result, understanding or modifying the concept of the car requires in
principle visiting both the class-fragments. Moreover, any modification made to one of
the fragments can have unforeseen consequences on the other fragment. This is
because the division of a single coherent class into a number of class-fragments
inevitably leads to a strong coupling between the fragments. This coupling is not only
a semantic one that deals with delocalized assumptions of what a car is, but often also
a syntactic one, since one fragment may depend on methods defined by another
fragment. As discussed by Murphy et al. [67] such dependencies are evolutionaryproblematic.
Most importantly, it becomes difficult to equip the created class-fragments with
semantics that finds it reflection in the application’s problem domain. In the example,
it is questionable whether a entity that is only capable of turning and braking, without
6.2 The Method
being able to accelerate (i.e. the Car•Park fragment) can be meaningfully referred to as
car. Because in this case there exists no real-world domain entity that consists purely
of these two capabilities, a developer is forced to invent a new concept to represent
such a fragment. It is argued that intuitive understanding of such invented concepts is
likely difficult for other developers. This is because of the uncertainty about the
precise part of the problem domain that such a custom concept represents, and about
the boundaries of responsibilities that it accumulates. This situation is an instance of
the so-called fragile decomposition problem.
6.2.3 The Fragile Decomposition Problem
This thesis defines the fragile decomposition problem as the situation in which there
exist dependencies on a particular shape of an application’s decomposition. This
problem is further divided into the cases of semantic and syntactic fragility. As will be
argued, the fragile decomposition problem has its repercussions on software
comprehension and changeability.
The first case of dependency on a particular shape of an application’s decomposition
was introduced already in the previous section. It is the reliance of developers on a
direct correspondence between the decomposition of an application’s problem domain
and its solution domain. This type of decomposition fragility is referred to as semantic
fragility. The key observation here is that not all decompositions of applications are
equally easy to understand. As discussed by Rugaber [117], Rajlich and Wilde [118]
and Ratiu et al. [59], the implementation abstractions that can be easily related to
concepts in the application’s problem domain prove easier to understand for
In the context of the previous example involving the Car class, a developer who knows
what a car is in the real world would be able to apply this knowledge to anticipate the
meaning and possible responsibilities of an unfamiliar class named Car. Based on this
premise, it is important that during remodularization a particular attention is paid to
preserving the human-understandable classes that correspond to the problem-domain
entities of applications.
A similar case of semantic fragility of decomposition occurs when a developer
becomes familiarized with the semantics and relations among particular classes. As
soon as these patterns are learned, developers become dependent on the gained
understanding. Given the assumption that familiarity of source code helps developers
to reduce the scope of comprehension activities, it is crucial that any restructuring
efforts preserve how the existing classes are shaped and how they interact with one
another. Thus, substantial reconceptualization of classes may lead to invalidating
existing familiarity of source code of the developers, and may force them to spend
additional effort to re-learn the shape of classes and the patterns of their interactions.
Chapter 6. Featureous Manual Remodularization
The second facet of the fragile decomposition problem is referred to as syntactic
fragility. Syntactic fragility is induced by inbound static dependencies on source code
units. This includes cases where a unit of source code is used, e.g. as a library, by
other independently developed applications. In such a case, restructuring of a library’s
source code, without actually modifying its offered capabilities, may affect all the
dependent parties. As a result, all the dependent parties would need to undergo
syntactical modifications (e.g. a dependency on particular names of packages, classes,
etc.) as well as semantical modifications (e.g. a dependency on semantics of classes in
the context of the problem domain, the protocols of interaction with them, etc.).
Thereby, the syntactic facet of decomposition fragility constrains the possibilities for
changing the existing structural decompositions of evolving software, when thirdparty dependencies are in effect.
6.2.4 Feature-Oriented Structure of Applications
Motivated by the characteristics of relocation and reconceptualization and the
presence of the fragile decomposition problem, this section proposes the structural
design shown in Figure 6.3 as the target of feature-oriented remodularization.
Figure 6.3: Target feature-oriented design of applications
The proposed design consists of one or more multi-feature modules that constitute the
application’s core, and a set of single-feature modules. Each of the modules can
physically encompass one or more Java packages.
6.2 The Method
The single-feature modules provide explicit and localized representations of feature
specifications from the application’s problem space. In principle, these modules should
be statically independent from one another, unless logical dependencies among their
corresponding feature specifications exist in the problem domain. This arrangement of
single-feature source code units into explicit and isolated modules is aimed at
reducing the tangling among features.
All the individual single-feature modules depend by default on a set of underlying
multi-feature modules. The responsibility of the multi-feature modules is to
encompass the essential domain models that the features operate on, as well as other
reusable utility-classes. Thereby, the core modules are designed to contain direct
representations of domain entities and their relations, as found in the application’s
problem space. In consequence, Featureous Manual Remodularization postulates that
the tangled domain-model classes should not be reconceptualized into feature-specific
fragments. Finally, while the core modules are allowed to freely depend on one
another, they should not depend on any of the single-feature modules, to reduce the
possibilities for inbound propagation of feature-oriented changes.
There exist a number of interesting properties of the proposed feature-oriented
structuring of source code. Firstly, single-feature modules and their enclosed packages
are good starting points for comprehending individual features in isolation from
others. Secondly, if modifications to a feature are confined to classes within a single
module, then they will have no effect on classes belonging to other features. This
corresponds to the common closure principle [42], which states that classes that change
for the same reason should be grouped together. In situations where the scope of
modification cannot be confined to single-feature modules, the relevant classes in
multi-feature modules can be identified by following the static dependencies from
their referencing single-feature classes. Thus, the multi-feature modules are expected
to follow the common reuse principle [42], which proposes to that classes reused
together should be grouped together. Lastly, thanks to the multi-feature nature of core
modules, performing a feature-oriented remodularization requires only minimal, if
any at all, extent of class reconceptualization.
Summing up, Featureous Manual Remodularization proposes the discussed design as
the means of making features explicit and reducing their scattering and tangling in the
structural organizations of Java applications. Apart from that, the presented featureoriented design remains compatible with traditional object-oriented design principles,
such as high cohesion and low coupling among packages and modules. This
compatibility is particularly important to guide handling any classes not covered by
the feature traces produced by Featureous Location, because such classes cannot be
interpreted in the terms of scattering and tangling.
Inspecting Feature Representations
Grouping of single-feature classes into single-feature modules provides developers
with an explicit correspondence between a feature specification and its single-feature
Chapter 6. Featureous Manual Remodularization
classes. However, such a correspondence is not provided by the grouping of multifeature classes into multi-feature modules.
To aid developers in identifying the boundaries of individual features within multifeature modules, the feature-aware source code editor view {g2,3, p2,3, a1} of Featureous
Analysis can be used. As it was discussed in detail in Chapter 5, this view extends the
source code editor of the NetBeans IDE with feature-oriented code folding and colored
sidebars that decorate the source code of classes and methods with detailed
traceability information.
The explicit marking of single-feature methods helps to identify single-feature parts of
multi-feature classes, whereas marking of tangled methods makes the relations among
features and the reuse level of classes among features explicit to a developer. This
should be sufficient to support a developer in identifying the reusable code and in
qualified estimation of the effort required to modify individual multi-feature classes.
This section reports on an action research study of applying Featureous Manual
Remodularization to an open-source neurological application called NDVis.
NDVis is a 6.6 KLOC Java-based tool for visualization and analysis of large multidimensional neurological datasets that was developed by VisiTrend [115]. Figure 6.4
depicts how NDVis uses its graphical interface to visualize neurological data.
Figure 6.4: Graphical user interface of NDVis
After completing the initial development of the tool, the VisiTrend company decided
to migrate the monolithic application to the NetBeans Rich Client Platform and
6.3 Evaluation
modularize it using the NetBeans Module System [86]. The major aim was to facilitate
independent evolution and deployment of functionalities, and to facilitate code reuse
across multiple project branches, as well as within a larger portfolio of applications
being developed. The secondary aims included a better management of source code
complexity and preparing the application for adoption of the upcoming Java Module
System technology [119].
Having initially no knowledge of the design, the implementation or the problem
domain of NDVis, the author joined the planned migration efforts as an external
contributor. This context proved appropriate for demonstrating that Featureous
Manual Remodularization can successfully support the feature-oriented migration of
the project to a module system. The following sections report on the efforts and
outcomes of feature-oriented remodularization of NDVis.
6.3.1 Analysis-Driven Modularization of Features
Similarly to plain JAR files, module systems are the means of dividing applications
into separate units of development, compilation and deployment. In addition, module
systems make it possible to explicitly version modules, to separate exported packages
from private ones and to establish explicit dependencies among modules. Moreover,
most module systems make it possible to load and unload modules at runtime and
provide mechanisms for dynamic discovery of new services being added to an
application at runtime.
However, if performed improperly, the additional separation of code provided by
module systems can result in new kinds of evolutionary pressures [120]. In particular,
the presence of a module system can amplify the negative consequences of improper
modularization of evolutionary-important concerns. Hence, migration of a monolithic
application to a module system generally requires careful structural considerations.
In the case of NDVis, it turned out that the planned migration to a module system had
to involve restructuring. It was found that the evolutionary needs of NDVis
anticipated by the development team closely resembled the existing evidence for
evolutionary importance of features. Hence, the author proposed to design and carry
out an incremental feature-oriented remodularization of source code as a part of the
migration efforts. Here, using Featureous Manual Remodularization to establish
single-feature modules was intended to facilitate independent evolution and
deployment of features, while explicit multi-feature modules were envisioned to
promote reuse of essential domain models and utilities. This proposal was accepted by
the development team of NDVis.
The NetBeans Module System and the standard specification of the Java language
were the available technical means. In particular, syntactical mechanisms of advanced
separation of concerns and other module systems were excluded by the project
Chapter 6. Featureous Manual Remodularization
The remainder of this section reports on the performed analysis-driven
remodularization of NDVis. The examples of three features OPTIMIZE, PROGRAM
STARTUP and PARAMETERS are used as a basis for discussing the most important
challenges, design decisions and analytical methods involved.
Establishing Traceability Links
A set of feature specifications of NDVis was recovered by interviewing the lead
developer and by inspecting the functionality provided in the GUI of the application.
Overall, 27 use cases were identified, which were then grouped into 10 coherent
features. Table 6.1 lists and briefly describes the identified features.
Table 6.1: Features of NDVis
Size (KLOC)
Summary description
Adjust image
Zooming, panning, enlarging and resetting image.
Mapping data to colors on the image using SQL queries,
managing, editing and bookmarking queries.
Configuring and connecting to a database.
Creating and rendering an image-based representation
of data, hover-sensitive preview of data values.
Importing data from a CSV file.
Optimizing how multiple data parameters are being
displayed as two-dimensional image.
Displaying and manually reordering data parameters.
Program startup
Initializing the program.
Save image
Persisting created images.
Simulating the behavior of neurons based on data.
Color mapper
Database connectivity
Import data
The recovered specifications of features made an input for applying the Featureous
Location method defined in Chapter 4. In the case of the NDVis application, in which
features are triggered through GUI elements, feature-entry points were most often
associated with the actionPerformed methods of event-handling classes. In total, 39
methods were annotated.
Subsequently, a set of feature traces was obtained through manual activation of
features in the GUI of NDVis. Overall, 30 out of all 91 types of NDVis were identified
as single-feature classes and 22 as multi-feature classes. The remaining 14 interfaces
and 25 classes were not covered by feature traces.
Initial Feature-Oriented Assessment
Firstly, a top-down investigation of confinement of features in design of NDVis was
performed to estimate the extent of the forthcoming restructurings and to identify
potential challenges.
6.3 Evaluation
The analytical view used for this purpose was the feature-package 3D characterization
view of Featureous Analysis. This view was applied to investigating the scattering and
tangling of NDVis features in terms of packages, as presented in Figure 6.5.
Figure 6.5: Feature-package 3D characterization of NDVis
The information on feature scattering revealed that an average feature of NDVis is
using 6 out of 19 packages. The scattering profiles indicated the lack single-feature
packages for the majority of features.
The analysis of the two most tangled packages, namely com.visitrend.ndvis.gui and
com.visitrend.ndvis.app, revealed at a strong difference in the ways they were reused
among features. While gui consisted of a set of simple single-feature classes, app
contained only one, but highly tangled class NDVis. As it will be discussed later, this
class turned out to be a major complexity point that needed to be reconceptualized.
Identifying core domain concepts as the most tangled classes. By refining the granularity
of the presented view, it was possible to identify the classes that participate in most of
the features. It was observed that these classes (with the exception of the NDVis class)
constitute the implementations of the central domain concepts of the application.
These classes were: ImagePanel, DataInfo, Parameters, ParametersUtils and ColorEngine.
This observation helped to recognize and understand the essential domain model of
NDVis early in the process. Moreover, the recognized domain model classes created an
initial set of candidates for forming multi-feature core modules.
Chapter 6. Featureous Manual Remodularization
Modularizing Features by Relocation – Optimize
One of the features modularized by the means of class relocation was OPTIMIZE. This
feature is concerned with optimizing how multiple dimensions (Parameters) of data
(DataInfo) are used to form a two-dimension representation of the dataset.
The way OPTIMIZE shares classes with two other example features is presented in
Figure 6.6. There, it can be seen that OPTIMIZE is implemented by five single-feature
classes and a number of multi-feature classes identified earlier.
Figure 6.6: Correlation of the three example features with classes
The fairly high separation of OPTIMIZE from other features in classes made it possible
to avoid extensive reconceptualization of classes. This feature was modularized mostly
by relocating its single-feature classes (the green classes in the second column in the
Figure 6.6) to its dedicated single-feature module. The remaining highly tangled
classes of OPTIMIZE were used for forming multi-feature core modules, as will be
discussed later.
Identifying classes exhibiting under-reuse. Interestingly, it was observed that one of the
single-feature classes of OPTIMIZE, called PermutorCombinator, was originally placed in
the utils package of NDVis. This indicates that this class was designed for reuse
among multiple features. However, it can be seen that this class ended up not being
used by features other than OPTIMIZE. This sharp disparity between the initial design
intent of the class stated by placing it in the utils package and its actual usage was
interpreted as a manifestation of design erosion.
Identifying classes exhibiting over-reuse. A situation may occur, where there exist static
dependencies between seemingly unrelated features. Such dependencies are excessive,
as long as they do not correspond to logical relations among feature specifications in
the problem domain. Hence, in the case of OPTIMIZE it was ensured that its resulting
module neither exposes any API classes, nor depends on any other single-feature
6.3 Evaluation
modules. Doing so allowed for independent exclusion and inclusion of the OPTIMIZE
feature from the application through simply (un)installing its dedicated single-feature
Decentralizing Initialization by Reconceptualization – Program Startup
PROGRAM STARTUP is the single feature responsible for initializing the NDVis
application. This centralized initialization model was found to be a major obstacle to
achieving runtime independence of features.
The runtime importance of PROGRAM STARTUP is depicted in Figure 6.7 in the form of
the feature relations characterization graph. As can be seen, all other features of NDVis
use objects instantiated by PROGRAM STARTUP feature.
Figure 6.7: Dynamic dependencies among features
In order to precisely understand how PROGRAM STARTUP initialized the individual
features of NDVis, the investigation focused on the main hot-spot of the feature – the
NDVis class. It was discovered that the NDVis class was the central point of instantiation
and composition of essential parts of most features of the application. In the context of
software evolution, this meant that the NDVis class had to be modified every time a
feature was added or removed from NDVis. Such evolutionary coupling hinders
functional extensibility and customizability.
To address this issue, an extensive reconceptualization of the NDVis class was
performed. The reconceptualization was aimed at redistributing the initializations of
individual features among the features themselves. Thereby, the centralized model of
feature initialization and composition was replaced with a decentralized model. In this
new model, plugability of features was facilitated by making each feature fully control
its own initialization and integration with the rest of the application.
As a tangible outcome of the extensive refactorings performed, 330 out of 490 lines of
code were removed from the NDVis class. The reconceptualized NDVis class, being the
only remain of PROGRAM STARTUP, was then placed in one of the application’s core
Chapter 6. Featureous Manual Remodularization
Consolidating the Reusable Core – Parameters
The PARAMETERS feature is one of the mandatory features of NDVis. It provides the
concept of dimensional parameters (Parameters) of data that form a conceptual basis
for multiple other features. Furthermore, this feature takes care of table-based
visualization of dimensional parameters of data in the GUI of NDVis.
During modularization of PARAMETERS, the discussed earlier reconceptualization of the
NDVis class was found helpful. It was found to allow for isolating the classes belonging
to the PARAMETERS feature from the rest of the program (these classes include
Parameters, ParametersController and ParametersUtils). The isolated classes were then
relocated into a dedicated PARAMETERS module. However, this module was identified to
be reused by several other features of NDVis. As a result, this module was decided to
be incorporated into the set of the reusable core modules of NDVis. A closer
investigation of the problem domain confirmed the mandatory nature of PARAMETERS
as a basis for other features of the application.
In order to promote reusability of the created PARAMETERS module, its lack of
dependency on single-feature modules was furthermore ensured. Firstly, the lack of
such a dependency is required by the NetBeans Module System, which prohibits
circular dependencies among modules. Given that all single-feature modules have to
depend on core modules in the first place, no opposite dependencies can be
established. Secondly, in the context of potential reuse in other applications, the
PARAMETERS module could be reused independently of any NDVis-specific features.
6.3.2 Evaluation Criteria
In addition to manually inspecting the results of Featureous Manual Remodularization
of NDVis, this evaluation employs quantitative criteria. These criteria consist of four
third-party package-granularity software metrics. The definitions of these metrics are
shown in Figure 6.8.
Based on the formulation proposed in [58], total scattering of features among
packages FSCA measures the average number of packages PF that contribute to
implementing application features F (i.e. packages that fulfill the ⇝ “implemented by”
relation with features). This value is furthermore normalized according to the number
of non-insulated packages PF found in the application (i.e. packages that contribute to
implementing at least one feature).
Based on the formulation proposed in [58], total tangling of features in packages
FTANG is a measure complementary to FSCA, as it quantifies the average number of
features F that use packages P.
The definitions of average package cohesion PCOH and total coupling of packages
PCOUP are based on cohesion and coupling measures proposed in and [121]. They are
based on the notions of interactions between data declarations (DD-interactions) and
6.3 Evaluation
interactions between data declarations and methods (DM-interactions) and the ⇒
operator for specifying the containment relations between classes and packages. This
formulation of package coupling corresponds to a sum of the ACAIC, OCAIC, ACMIC,
and OCMIC coupling measures defined in [121], whereas this formulation of cohesion
is the package-level version of the RCI metric proposed in [122].
⇝ }
⇝ }
Figure 6.8: Metrics for evaluation of Featureous Manual Remodularization
In order to aggregate these two package-scope metrics to the application-level
measurement, the mean cohesion value (due to the normalization property of this
measure – see [123] for an extensive discussion) and summary coupling is computed.
It can be demonstrated that these formulations fulfill all the properties of software
measurement framework of Briand et al. that are required for cohesion and coupling
metrics [123].
6.3.3 Results
The iterative modularization of features into independent single-feature modules and
reusable multi-feature core modules resulted in a new package and module structure
of NDVis. In total, achieving this result required 35 person-hours of work and 20
intermediate commits. The majority of the restructurings performed were class
relocations – one notable exception was the NDVis class, for which extensive
reconceptualization was required. The obtained feature-oriented modularization is
schematically depicted in Figure 6.9.
As shown in Figure 6.9, each of the top single-feature modules depends only on the
underlying multi-feature core modules. By ensuring lack of dependencies among
single-feature modules and by employing the service discovery mechanism of the
NetBeans Module System it was possible to make NDVis functionally customizable.
Chapter 6. Featureous Manual Remodularization
Namely, the established modularization enables exclusion and inclusion of individual
single-feature modules without the need to change a single line of code in the rest of
the application. Moreover, the established set of core modules can be easily reused
across a larger portfolio of applications, because the core modules do not depend on
any single-feature modules. Hence, the qualitative outcomes of manual featureoriented remodularization of NDVis are considered to fulfill the original goals of the
migration process.
Figure 6.9: Feature-oriented architectural module structure of remodularized NDVis
In order to quantify the impact of Featureous Manual Remodularization on NDVis, the
metric introduced in Section 6.3.2 were used. These metrics were applied to both the
original design (referred to as “Original”) and the remodularized one (referred to as
“Manual”). The summary of the results is presented in Table 6.2, whereas the detailed
effects on scattering of features and tangling of packages are shown in Figure 6.10.
Table 6.2: Effect of remodularization on quality of NDVis
6.3 Evaluation
The summary results presented in Table 6.2 indicate that the conducted manual
feature-oriented remodularization significantly improved three out of four metrics
used as evaluation criteria.
In particular, the Manual modularization of NDVis reduces the values of the metrics of
feature scattering (FSCA) and tangling (FTANG) in packages. These values were
reduced by 16% and 27% respectively. The difference in the observed reductions
suggests that the performed restructurings were more efficient at separating features
from one another than at localizing their implementations to a small number of
packages. Overall, these results remain consistent with the qualitative assessment
presented earlier, and they reinforce the conclusion about the positive impact of
Featureous Manual Remodularization on the feature-oriented modularity of NDVis.
In the case of the two metrics that represent the general properties of cohesion
(PCOH) and coupling (PCOUP), the results vary. While it can be seen that the method
significantly improved the cohesion of packages, it can also be seen that the amount of
coupling was increased. Nevertheless, the extent of this increase is considered
relatively low, especially if compared to the improvement of cohesion. Hence, the
overall outcome with respect to these metrics is evaluated as positive.
Figure 6.10: Detailed impact of manual remodularization on scattering and tangling in NDVis
Chapter 6. Featureous Manual Remodularization
The detailed distributions of the scattering and tangling values presented in Figure
6.10 reveal additional insight into the impact of Featureous Manual Remodularization
on NDVis. Scattering is presented for each feature separately to allow for direct
comparison of individual features between the Original and the Manual
modularizations of the application. As for the distribution of tangling, please note that
the individual package names are omitted because the Original and Manual designs
consist of two different sets of packages. Since packages present in one of the
modularizations are not necessarily present in the other, per-package comparisons are
infeasible – instead, only the overall shapes of the distributions of package tangling
are investigated.
The scattering plot reveals that manual remodularization succeeded at improving
locality of several features, but failed to do so in some cases. The biggest reductions of
scattering occurred for the PROGRAM STARTUP feature, followed by IMPORT DATA and
COLOR MAPPER. This reveals that the effects of the performed restructurings on
reducing feature scattering were highly selective. On the other hand, IMAGE and
SIMULATOR became more scattered because of remodularization. A closer investigation
revealed that that this negative impact was caused by moving the multi-feature parts
of these features to the newly created core modules. These parts were originally
grouped together with the single-feature classes of these features. Overall, this result
suggests a tension between optimizing the locality of features and facilitating
reusability of domain models by forming explicit multi-feature core modules.
The tangling plot displays a significant positive effect of Featureous Manual
Remodularization on the tangling distribution of packages in NDVis. Apart from
reducing the overall tangling profile, the method resulted in increasing the number of
single-feature packages – while in the original application 33% of all packages were
single-feature, the performed remodularization increased their proportion to 44%. As
it can be observed, seven new packages were added to NDVis in the process.
6.3.4 Summary
In the presented study, the Featureous Manual Remodularization method was applied
to conducting feature-oriented restructuring of the NDVis neurological application
during its migration to the NetBeans Module System. The industrial collaboration
involved, the externally defined aims and the initial unfamiliarity with the target
application make the presented study a realistic example of feature-oriented
remodularization of an existing application.
Overall, the obtained results indicate a twofold success of the performed
restructurings. Firstly, the qualitative properties envisioned for the new modular
structure of NDVis by its owners were achieved. Secondly, quantifiable reduction of
scattering and tangling of features in source code was observed. Additionally, the
presented reports granted several new insights into the challenges involved in featureoriented restructuring of existing applications. While the generalizability of the results
6.4 Related Work
of this single study is certainly limited, it provides a solid initial evidence for
feasibility of the proposed method in application to unfamiliar codebases. These
results are considered satisfactory at this stage.
Conceptually, Featureous Manual Remodularization postulates that migrations to
module systems should result in a set of modules that allow separating and flexibly
composing different chunks of an application’s functionality. Therefore, featureoriented modularization is perceived as an important factor in ensuring evolutionary
benefits of applying module systems. A similar conclusion is reached by Turner et al.
[4] in their general vision of feature-oriented engineering of software.
The approach that relates the most to Featureous Manual Remodularization is the
approach of Mehta and Heineman [69]. They present a method for locating and
refactoring features into fine-grained reusable components. Feature location is done
by test-driven gathering of execution traces. Features are then manually analyzed with
the help of standard object-oriented tools, and manually refactored into components
that follow a predefined component model. The aim of this approach is to improve
reusability of the features. The main differences between Featureous Manual
Remodularization and the approach of Mehta and Heineman are: (1) the method of
feature location, (2) the target architectural design and (3) the usage of featureoriented analysis techniques during the process.
Marin et al. [124] proposed a systematic strategy for migrating crosscutting concerns
in existing software to the aspect-oriented paradigm. The proposed approach consists
of steps related to that of Featureous Manual Remodularization, namely: concern
mining, exploration, documentation and refactoring. To support exploration and
documentation of concerns, Marin et al. categorize common types of crosscutting
phenomena into several concern sorts. In contrast with Featureous, Marin et al. do not
focus on features, but on concerns in general, and focus on extensive
reconceptualization of existing classes and methods to covert them to aspects. Marin
et al. report on manual aspect-oriented migration of JHotDraw, where, among others,
they discuss the case of the undo feature. Finally, Marin et al. presented a templatedriven tool for semi-automated aspect-oriented refactoring aimed at reducing the
complexity of the restructuring process for developers. An exploratory application of
the tool to JHotDraw is reported and qualitatively contrasted with the manual results.
Liu et al. [72] proposed the feature oriented refactoring (FOR) approach to restructuring
legacy applications to feature-oriented decompositions. The aim of FOR is to
completely separate features in the source code, for creating feature-oriented software
product-lines. This is done by reconceptualization centered on base modules, which
contain classes and introductions, and derivative modules, which contain method
Chapter 6. Featureous Manual Remodularization
fragments. The approach encompasses a firm algebraic foundation, a tool and a
refactoring methodology. A case study of manual feature location and refactoring of a
2KLOC application is presented. In contrast with FOR, Featureous Manual
Remodularization postulates that relocation of legacy classes should be favored over
their reconceptualization, due to the fragile decomposition problem. Therefore,
Featureous relies on the Featureous Analysis views to visually explore the contents of
multi-feature modules.
Lopez-Herrejon et al. [125] reported their experience with manually refactoring
features of two applications to form feature-oriented software product-lines. They
identified eight refactoring patterns that describe how to extract the elements of
features into separate code units. The proposed patterns constitute relocation at
granularities of instructions, methods and classes, and reconceptualization at
granularities of methods, classes and packages. Furthermore, Lopez-Herrejon et al.
recognize the problem of feature tangling at the granularity of methods and use
heuristic-based disambiguation to advise a feature to whose implementation such
methods should be relocated to.
Kästner et al. [49] compared their annotative approach based on C/C++-like
preprocessor with AHEAD – a step-wise refinement approach of Batory et al. [126] that
is based on composition of template-encoded class refinements. The observed
drawbacks of the template-based compositional mechanisms include limited
granularity and the inability to represent extensions to statements, expressions and
method signatures. On the other hand, the annotative mechanisms were found to
textually obfuscate the source code and to lack modularity mechanisms. Kästner et al.
addressed the code obfuscation problem by employing a colored source code editor to
better visualize features.
In order to fully support feature-oriented evolutionary changes requested by software
users, it needs to be possible to divide work on source code along the boundaries of
features, so that modifications to one feature have minimal impact on other features.
These properties cannot be achieved without a proper modularization of features in
source code. To achieve this, existing applications that do not modularize features can
be restructured. Unfortunately, performing such restructurings is often a complex and
laborious undertaking, especially in absence of appropriate methods and analysis
techniques and tools.
This chapter presented Featureous Manual Remodularization – a method for analysis
driven restructuring of Java applications aimed at improving modularization of their
6.5 Summary
The method divided possible restructurings into the ones based on relocation and the
ones based on reconceptualization. The fragile decomposition problem was introduced
and related to reconceptualization of existing classes. Based on this, Featureous
Manual Remodularization developed a feature-oriented design of source code centered
on single-feature and multi-feature modules. Featureous Manual Remodularization
was applied to the open-source neurological application called NDVis. A number of
restructuring experiences were reported and the obtained results were evaluated both
qualitatively and quantitatively.
Chapter 6. Featureous Manual Remodularization
This chapter presents an automated counterpart to the manual
remodularization method presented in Chapter 6. The proposed automated
method, called Featureous Automated Remodularization, formulates
remodularization as a multi-objective optimization problem and addresses
it using a multi-objective grouping genetic algorithm and automated
source code transformations. Featureous Automated Remodularization is
evaluated through application to several open-source Java systems.
Furthermore, the method is used to assess the impact of manual
reconceptualization of classes on scattering and tangling of features in the
NDVis application.
This chapter is based on the following publications:
[CSMR’12], [SCICO’12], [FOSD’09]
7.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................... 105
7.2 Forward Remodularization .......................................................................................... 107
7.3 Featureous Remodularization View .......................................................................... 119
7.4 Reverse Remodularization ........................................................................................... 121
7.5 Evaluation........................................................................................................................ 123
7.6 Revisiting the Case of NDVis ..................................................................................... 133
7.7 Related Work .................................................................................................................. 139
7.8 Summary.......................................................................................................................... 140
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
This chapter presents Featureous Automated Remodularization, a restructuring method
that automates feature-oriented remodularization of Java applications. The method
supports both forward remodularization and reverse remodularization of source code.
The forward remodularization is based on formulating the remodularization task as a
multi-objective optimization problem. The optimization problem is driven by five
metrics that constitute a mixture of feature-oriented and traditional modularization
quality indicators. The need for each of the included metrics is discussed. This is used
as a basis for developing a multi-objective grouping genetic algorithm and using it to
automatically optimize relocation of classes among packages in existing Java
applications. The thereby proposed package structures can be reviewed and flexibly
adjusted by a developer in the provided UML-like visualization of the Featureous
Remodularization View. Finally, the resulting feature-oriented package structure is
physically established using automated source code transformations.
Reverse remodularization supported by Featureous Automated Remodularization aims
at reducing the impact of the problem of syntactic fragility defined in Chapter 6.
Namely, after any feature-oriented modifications of the source code requested by the
users are performed, reverse remodularization can be used to recover the original
modularization of the application. Jointly, the forward feature-oriented
remodularization and its corresponding reverse remodularization support on-demand
bidirectional remodularization. The goal of this is to enable developers to flexibly
select the decomposition best suited for accomplishing a concrete task at hand,
whether it modifying a feature or modifying the persistence layer of the application.
This on-demand usage of Featureous Automated Remodularization is schematically
depicted in Figure 7.1.
Figure 7.1: Overview of Featureous Automated Remodularization
The Featureous Automated Remodularization method is evaluated using on two case
studies. The first one reports in detail on application of the method to remodularizing
JHotDraw SVG, and then uses four other medium and large open-source Java systems
to generalize the obtained results. The second case study revisits the manual
7.2 Forward Remodularization
restructuring to the NDVis from Chapter 6 to compare the manual method with the
automated one, and to assess the role of class reconceptualization during the manual
The basis for automated forward feature-oriented remodularization of existing
applications rests upon the following three observations:
1. Existing software metrics provide objective means of evaluating the adherence
of an application to various design principles, such as high cohesion, low
coupling, low scattering and low tangling.
2. Based on existing metrics, and given a set of permitted restructuring operators,
it is possible to explore the space of alternative application modularizations to
search for the ones that optimize the values of the metrics.
3. Automated source code transformation can be applied to physically transform
the original application into an identified optimized modularization.
As pointed out by Clarke et al. [127], the diversity of existing software metrics defined
in literature can be used for purposes different from comparing multiple applications
against each other. Metrics can also be used to compare multiple modularization
alternatives of a single application. Thus, assuming that all modularization alternatives
of an application can somehow be enumerated, software metrics make it possible to
choose the one among them that performs best according to a set of desired criteria.
However, in practice enumerating all modularization alternatives quickly becomes
infeasible as applications grow in size and complexity. This makes it necessary to
adopt a sensible way of traversing the space of promising modularizations. As
demonstrated by Harman and Clark [128] and by O’Keeffe and O’Cinneide [77], a
number of algorithms, such as hill climbing, simulated annealing and genetic
algorithms can be used to find desirable solutions in the space of modularization
alternatives. The two prerequisites to practical application of such approaches are to
define an appropriate objective function and to develop a set of restructuring
operators capable of transforming one modularization alternative into another.
The forward remodularization mode of Featureous Automated Remodularization
builds upon the mentioned proposals of search-based software engineering. Having
this general conceptual frame as the starting point, Featureous Automated
Remodularization makes several design decisions to practically apply it in the context
of bi-directional feature-oriented remodularization.
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
The Aim of Featureous Automated Remodularization
Featureous Automated Remodularization aims at establishing explicit representations
of features in package structures of Java applications to facilitate feature-oriented
comprehension, modification and work division during software evolution. Hence, the
desired package structures of the proposed method resemble the one presented in
Figure 7.2, which was originally defined and demonstrated as feasible in Chapter 6.
Figure 7.2: Feature-oriented design based on four design principles
As discussed in Chapter 6, the feature-oriented modularization in Figure 7.2 consists
of a set of single-feature packages that explicitly represent and separate features from
one another. Each such single-feature package depends on a number of multi-feature
packages that enclose reusable multi-feature domain models and utilities. Hence, this
modularization can be generally characterized as striving for minimizing scattering
and tangling of features and at ensuring low coupling and high cohesion of the
Since it is possible to quantify the four mentioned qualities using readily available
software metrics, it becomes possible to formulate the search for the proposed featureoriented design as a multi-objective optimization problem. This formulation is
discussed in Section 7.2.1. Subsequently, Section 7.2.2 discusses how to automatically
solve such a problem using a multi-objective grouping genetic algorithm.
On the technical side, Featureous Automated Remodularization employs the standard
packages of the Java language as the syntactical modularization mechanism. Packages
possess the core properties necessary for this purpose: the ability to group classes, to
7.2 Forward Remodularization
separate the groups from one another, and to control the access to classes being
grouped. Moreover, the package construct is readily available and commonly adopted,
since it is a part of the Java language specification.
Remodularization through Relocation of Classes
Motivated by the semantic variant of the fragile decomposition problem discussed in
Section 6.2.3, Featureous Automated Remodularization is designed to preserve the
original definitions of classes without splitting them into fragments. As discussed
previously, this is aimed at preserving the direct correspondence between classes and
human-understandable domain concepts. The consequence for the proposed method is
that the search space is thereby constrained to modularizations that can be achieved
by sole relocation of classes. Apart from reducing the size of the search space, this
assumption makes the involved source code transformation significantly simpler.
Nevertheless, constraining the restructuring operators to only relocation of classes
comes at the cost of the inability to separate features tangled at the granularities of
classes, methods and individual statements. Hence, any further finer-grained
reconceptualization of classes and methods is left up to the decisions and manual
efforts of a developer. As demonstrated in Chapter 6, human expertise is essential to
decide on how to split existing classes and methods into meaningful fragments and
what semantics to equip them with.
7.2.1 Remodularization as a Multi-Objective Optimization Problem
remodularization as a multi-objective optimization of grouping classes in terms of
packages. This formulation encompasses three feature-oriented objectives and two
traditional object-oriented ones.
The optimization objectives used by Featureous Automated Remodularization are
encoded as independent software metrics. The value of each of these metrics has to be
either minimized or maximized in course of optimization. Four of these metrics (i.e.
FSCA, FTANG, PCOH and PCOUP) were already discussed in detail in Chapter 6. In
addition, one new feature-oriented metric called FNCR is included. The definitions of
all the used metrics together with their optimization goals (either maximization or
minimization) listed in Figure 7.3.
The newly proposed FNCR metric stands for feature-oriented non-common reuse of
packages. Conceptually, this metric constitutes a feature-oriented counterpart to the
common reuse principle of Martin [42] that postulates that classes reused together
should be packaged together. In the feature-oriented terms, this becomes classes reused
by the same set of features should be packaged together. Hence, FNCR is designed to
detect cases of incomplete reuse of classes by features within packages. This is done
according to the definition presented in Figure 7.3, i.e. for each package it is
determined how many features use at least one class contained in the package, but do
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
not used all of the classes contained in it. Hence, the higher the value of fncr for a
given package, the more there is features that use only a subset of its classes. The
obtained value is additionally normalized with the number of all features related to
the package of interest. A sum of the values for individual packages is used to
aggregated the metrics to application level. During optimization, the value of FNCR
has to be minimized to identify modularization alternatives that avoid feature-oriented
non-common reuse of packages.
⇝ }
⇝ }
→ min
→ min
⇝ }
→ min
⇝ }
→ max
→ min
Figure 7.3: Multi-objective formulation of feature-oriented remodularization
The remainder of this section motivates the need for each of the incorporated
optimization objectives.
The Role of Minimizing Scattering and Tangling
The purpose of the pair of feature-oriented metrics FSCA and FTANG is to confine
individual features in terms of a small number of packages, while separating them
from each other.
It is simple to demonstrate that both these metrics are need, as exclusion of any of
them leads to undesirable extreme decompositions. This desired conflicting nature of
these metrics forces the optimization process to seek tradeoff solutions that will not
sacrifice any of the properties at a cost of the other. The two first modularizations
presented in Figure 7.4 are examples of extreme decompositions created by optimizing
for each of the metrics in isolation. The last modularization represents a balanced
tradeoff between them.
7.2 Forward Remodularization
Figure 7.4: The complementary nature of scattering and tangling
The first modularization consisting of a single package that encloses all classes –
regardless of the features they implement. As can be seen, such a design is optimal
with respect to the objective of reducing feature scattering, as all the features are
localized in a single package. However, such a design can hardly be called a
reasonable modularization.
On the other hand, optimizing solely for reduction of tangling promotes another
extreme. As shown the second modularization in Figure 7.4, the metric of tangling is
optimized by moving each single-feature class to its own package and keeping all
multi-feature classes grouped within a single package. While in the presented toy
example the thereby introduced delocalization of features may not seem particularly
severe, it will surely not be desired in applications containing hundreds or thousands
of single-feature classes.
To avoid the extreme characteristics of the mention modularizations, a tradeoff
between reducing scattering and reducing tangling needs to be found. This can be
done by optimizing the modularization for both FSCA and FTANG metrics
simultaneously. One example of such a tradeoff modularization is included in Figure
7.4. The presented tradeoff modularization is Pareto-optimal with respect to both of
the metrics.
The demonstrated complementary nature of FSCA and FTANG clearly demonstrates
the need for multi-objective optimization in Featureous Automated Remodularization.
The Role of Minimizing Feature-Oriented Non-Common Reuse
Based on the outcome of the previous example it is possible to demonstrate the need
for the FNCR metric. The purpose of FNCR is to minimize the incomplete usage of
packages by features. The difference between violation and adherence to FNCR is
depicted using the two modularizations in Figure 7.5.
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
Figure 7.5: The need for the feature-oriented non-common reuse criterion
As can be seen, the first of the presented modularizations correctly groups all singlefeature classes within their respective single-feature packages. In contrast, the second
modularization misplaces one single-feature class by including it in a multi-feature
package. Interestingly, this difference remains undetected by the FSCA and FTANG
metrics, because the relocation of the single-feature class did not expand the original
set of features associated with the affected multi-feature package.
In order to account for such obliviousness of FSCA and FTANG, the FNCR metric is
used. As can be seen in Figure 7.5, the undesired relocation of the single-feature class
to the multi-feature package is successfully detected by FNCR. The increase in the
FNCR value is obtained for the second design as a result of detecting incomplete usage
of the set of classes contained in the multi-feature package by the feature marked in
The Role of Maximizing Cohesion and Minimizing Coupling
In addition to the three purely feature-oriented criteria, two object-oriented metrics
PCOH and PCOUP are used. While the feature-oriented metrics are agnostic to static
dependencies among units of source code, the metrics of cohesion and coupling
ensure that such dependencies are taken into account. Thus, the general responsibility
of PCOH and PCOUP is to assure that the created packages are cohesive and loosely
The second, less obvious purpose of including the criteria of cohesion and coupling is
ensuring that Featureous Automated Remodularization finds appropriate packages for
classes that are not covered by captured feature traces of an application. As noncovered classes are ignored by feature-oriented metrics, using non-feature-oriented
metrics, such as cohesion and coupling, is the only way to meaningfully handle such
classes during remodularization. In general, non-covered classes are an outcome of the
7.2 Forward Remodularization
difficult nature of maximizing coverage of dynamic feature location mechanisms, as
was discussed in detail in Chapter 4.
Figure 7.6 demonstrates how relying on cohesion and coupling allows to meaningfully
handle a non-covered class by assigning it to a package to which it is are related the
most. The first modularization shown in the figure extends the earlier examples by
considering static dependencies among classes and presence of non-covered classes.
Figure 7.6: The role of cohesion and coupling
As can be seen in the second modularization in Figure 7.6, by relocating the single
non-covered class to its related package it is possible to reduce coupling PCOUP and
increase cohesion PCOUP, while preserving the original values of scattering and
Finally, including the criteria of cohesion and coupling ensures appropriate
granularity of the packages created by Featureous Automated Remodularization. By
aiming at a balance between cohesion and coupling, the method will promote splitting
overly large non-cohesive packages and merging too small and extensively coupled
packages. Guiding the optimization process to seek appropriate granularity is
particularly important in the case of multi-feature packages, as the metrics of
scattering and tangling by themselves will tend to enclose all multi-feature classes in a
single package, as demonstrated earlier. Secondly, the criteria of cohesion and
coupling are considered as means to establishing meaningful division of sets of singlefeature classes among several packages. Example outcomes of such effects of cohesion
and coupling are presented in the last design in Figure 7.6.
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
Metrics As Fitness Functions
To form a firm basis for using software metrics as means of driving optimization
algorithms, Harman and Clark [128] proposed an approach called Metrics As Fitness
Functions (MAFF). MAFF defines a set of four properties for a metric to be useful as a
fitness function: large search space, low computational complexity, approximate
continuity, absence of known optimal solutions. As will be demonstrated, the five
metrics used in the proposed formulation of feature-oriented modularization posses
these properties.
The five used metrics can distinguish individuals in large search spaces. Because the
problem of interest is that of distributing N classes over M packages, the total size of
the search space grows exponentially with code size and equals in general case to M .
Hence, for any non-trivial application an exhaustive exploration of its search space is
The five used metrics have relatively low computational complexity. Not only is the
algorithmic complexity of all the metrics lower or equal to O(n2), but the actual
calculation of the metrics is done on a simplified representation of an application. This
representation consists of feature-trace models, which were defined in Chapter 4, and
simple static dependency models of the actual classes and static relations among them.
These simple static dependency models are discussed in Appendix A1. Based on these
two kinds of models, a population of alternative modularizations of an application can
be represented and efficiently measured, without the need for physically
transformation the source code first. Instead, during the optimization process only
simple transformations of the two models are applied.
The five used metrics are equipped with the property of approximate continuity by
their definitions. Hence, given an appropriate measurement target, the metrics can be
made to return any value from their value ranges, being <0;1> in the cases of FSCA,
FTANG, PCOH, and <0;+inf> in the cases of FNCR and PCOUP.
Finally, while the individual metrics have known optimal solutions (e.g. one package
per application minimizes scattering) their joint usage in a multi-modal objective
function does not have a general known optimal solution. As it was discussed in the
previous subsections, this was achieved by adopting pairs of complementary metrics
that encode contrasting optimization objectives. As was furthermore demonstrated,
the adopted pairs of metrics are not trivially correlated; .i.e. optimization of scattering
and tangling does not automatically guarantee an improvement of cohesion and
coupling, and vice versa.
7.2.2 Multi-Objective Grouping Genetic Algorithm
For solving the described optimization problem Featureous Automated
Remodularization relies on a particular type of genetic algorithm. Based on existing
works in the field of genetic computation, a formulation is proposed that merges the
7.2 Forward Remodularization
multi-objective optimization based on the concept of Pareto-optimality with a set of
genetic operators tailored to solving grouping problems [79]. The feasibility of the first
approach was of demonstrated by Harman and Tratt [80], while the feasibility of the
second was demonstrated by Seng et al. [78]. Featureous Automated Remodularization
combines these two formulations to leverage their individual advantages. This joint
formulation is referred to as multi-objective grouping genetic algorithm (MOGGA).
MOGGA is applied by Featureous Automated Remodularization in the previously
unexplored context of automated feature-oriented remodularization.
Package Structure Representation
On the most abstract level, MOGGA follows the traditional formulation of a genetic
algorithm [129]. In short, this formulation assumes evolving a population of
individuals by means of selection, reproduction and mutation driven by the score of the
individuals with respect to a fitness function. Analogously to the proposal of Seng et
al. [78], each individual in a population being evolved by MOGGA is made to
represent a particular distribution of classes among packages. Physically, each
individual is represented as an array of numbers. Classes are represented as indexes of
the arrays, whereas their assignment to packages is represented by the values of the
corresponding array cells. The used representation scheme is exemplified in Figure 7.7
using three classes and two packages.
Figure 7.7: The representation of grouping classes into packages
Genetic Operators
Since the optimization of the assignment of classes to packages is an instance of a
grouping problem [79], MOGGA adapts two genetic operators to this class of
problems. As demonstrated by Seng et al. [78], doing so significantly improves the
efficiency of traversing the search space of alternative modularizations.
Firstly, the crossover operator that forms two children from two parents is made to
preserve packages as the building blocks of modularizations. Namely, the crossover
operator makes individual modularizations exchange whole packages, rather than
individual classes. The pairs of input individuals are chosen randomly, while
prioritizing the individuals proportionally to their fitness. The usage of the crossover
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
operator is schematically depicted in Figure 7.8, where the complete package 2 from
design1 is inserted into design2.
Figure 7.8: The grouping crossover operator
Secondly, a mutation operator is defined to randomly perform one of the three
actions: merge two packages with the smallest number of classes, split the largest
package into two packages of adopt an orphan class [74] being alone in a package into
another package. Example application of the individual variants of this operator is
depicted in Figure 7.9.
Figure 7.9: The grouping mutation operator
Multi-Objective Evaluation of Fitness
Evaluation of the fitness of the individual modularization alternatives is done by
computing the five metrics discussed in the previous section. Assigning the values of
these metrics to each individual creates a basis for assessing and selecting the
individuals representing the best modularizations of an application.
A simplistic approach to doing so would be to define an aggregate function that sums
the values of the five involved metrics to represent them jointly as a single value.
However, this approach has a number of drawbacks. Firstly, on the numerical level,
the metrics yield different value ranges. This may lead to dominance of one metric
that has unbounded maximum value, such as PCOUP, over metrics that operate on
limited ranges of values, such as FSCA, which returns values in range <0; 1>.
Resolving this situation is not possible without modifying the original formulations or
introducing dedicated scaling factors for each of the metrics. Secondly, even if the
value ranges of metrics can be faithfully aligned, their aggregation inherently masks
the distribution of individual values. Hence, the value of 10 obtained through
aggregation of two metrics may represent the distribution {5, 5}, as well as the
distribution {0,10}. As demonstrated by Zhang et al. [130], this leads to promoting
extreme solutions that optimize one of the objectives at the expense of others.
7.2 Forward Remodularization
In order to appropriately represent the regions of the five-dimensional search space
that the individual modularizations in the population occupy, MOGGA adopts the
concept of Pareto-optimality. Thanks to this, the unaltered value of each metric is
preserved, and hence the fitness of each individual becomes a tuple consisting of five
independent elements. Such a multi-modal fitness can be used as a criterion for
comparing individuals thanks to the Pareto-dominance relation, which states that one
out of two individuals is better than the other individual, if all of its fitness values are
not worse, and at least one of the values is better. Thereby, it becomes possible to
partially order individuals according to their quality and to determine the set of nondominated individuals in a population, the so-called Pareto-front.
Initialization and Choosing a Final Solution
MOGGA uses the following four groups of modularizations to create the initial
population being evolved. This ensures availability of several diverse starting points
for evolutionary optimization. For a given size of the population:
 2% of individuals in the initial population are made to correspond to the original
modularization of the application being remodularized.
 2% of individuals are made to correspond to a package structure that relocates all
single-feature classes from their original packages to explicit single-feature
 2% of individuals are created by reusing randomly-selected solutions from a
Pareto front obtained in the previous run of MOGGA (if available)
 All the remaining individuals of the initial population are created as randomized
assignments of classes to packages.
Starting with the initial population, a predefined number of evolutionary iterations is
executed. Then the last Pareto-front is used to select a single individual being the
optimization result. This is done by ranking the individuals in the obtained fivedimensional Pareto front with respect to each metric separately, and then choosing
the individual that is ranked best on average. Please note that while the this method is
used due to its simplicity, the existing literature defines a number of other methods
for choosing a single solution out of a Pareto-front, e.g. [131], [132].
7.2.3 Transformation of Source Code
The final solution identified by MOGGA represents an optimized assignment of
classes to a new set of packages. This optimized package structure is then physically
established in the source code of an application by the means of automated
The Recoder code transformation library [133] is used to relocate classes among
packages, rename packages, create new packages and remove empty packages. These
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
transformations are implemented on top of the Recoder’s code model that hides the
low-level details of the actual abstract syntax trees of Java source code. The
implemented move-class transformation not only renames the package declaration in
class declarations, but also synchronizes the dependent classes accordingly, and
ensures the correctness of import statements. All the implemented transformations
are made to preserve the source code comments and formatting.
As explained in Chapter 6, relocation of classes is equal to reconceptualization of their
corresponding packages. One of the challenges of such reconceptualization is the need
for choosing meaningful names for the newly created or modified packages. In
general, doing so requires human expertise, as it involves establishing humanunderstandable abstractions that will capture the intent behind particular groupings of
classes. Featureous Automated Remodularization uses a simple heuristic to partially
address this problem. This is done as follows:
 Name all the resulting single-feature packages using the names of their
corresponding features. In the case of multiple single-feature packages per
feature, append a unique numerical identifier (e.g. save_image, save_image2).
 Among the remaining multi-feature packages, identify all packages whose
contained class set “is similar” to a set of classes contained in one of the original
packages of an application. For the sake of simplicity, the mentioned “is similar”
relation is defined as the values of the Jaccard similarity coefficient greater or
equal to 0.6. All the identified packages are then named after their similar
package from the original application.
 Name all the remaining packages using the indexed pkg identifier (e.g. pkg1, pkg2).
Designing meaningful names for these packages becomes then the responsibility
of a developer, who can do this directly from the Featureous Remodularization
View that will be presented in Section 7.3.
7.2.4 Handling Class Access Modifiers
As Featureous Automated Remodularization alters the existing package structure of
an application, it also invalidates the original criteria for assigning access control at
the boundaries of packages. Hence, the access control needs to be adjusted for the
newly created packages. The two particular concerns addressed with respect to access
modifiers are syntactic consistency of the resulting applications, and further
tightening of access restrictions for improving encapsulation of features.
To start with, the compile-time syntactical consistency of the application is ensured
by handling the default and protected scope modifiers. If they are present in the
original application, they constrain the remodularization process, since too restrictive
usage of them can cause compilation errors in remodularized applications. This occurs
when, for instance, a class in the original application decomposition has the default
scope and is used only by other classes within the same packages. If such a class is
7.3 Featureous Remodularization View
moved out of its package during remodularization, a compile-time error will be
produced, unless all its dependent classes will be moved accordingly or unless its
access restrictions are relaxed. This issue is dealt with by replacing default and
protected access declarations with the public modifier, which removes the access
After any required relaxation of access restrictions, it becomes important to consider
the opposite process – i.e. using access modifiers to improve encapsulation of features
in code. This is done by reducing the visibility of types and methods that are used
exclusively in terms of single-feature packages from public to package-scoped. It is
worth noting that a more sophisticated encapsulation of features (e.g. using access
modifiers proposed in [134]) would have been possible if compatibility with Java
language specification were not a concern to Featureous Automated
Featureous Automated Remodularization is implemented by the Featureous
Remodularization View plugin to the Featureous Workbench. In addition to
implementing the proposed method, the view facilitates its application in several
Figure 7.10: Featureous Remodularization view plugin to Featureous
The user interface of Featureous Remodularization view is centered on a graph-based
representation of the package structure of an application. As shown in Figure 7.10,
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
this representation depicts affinity-colored packages (nodes) and static dependencies
among them (edges). The individual packages can be unfolded to reveal their enclosed
affinity-colored classes and to refine the mapping of static dependencies accordingly.
Furthermore, each class can be unfolded to reveal a UML-like representation that lists
all the affinity-colored method declarations. Lastly, as shown in Figure 7.11, the view
makes it possible to zoom in on individual unfolded classes to directly display their
source code in a full-fledged NetBeans source code editor. When source-level
inspection is no longer necessary, the code editor is dismissed by zooming out.
Figure 7.11: Source code editor within the package structure view
The diagrammatic representation is used to visualize the package structures of both an
original application through a pre-remodularization tab and of a remodularized
application through a post-remodularization tab.
Apart from the visual representation of package structure, the pre-remodularization
tab allows for selection of optimization objectives and for configuration of the
parameters of MOGGA. The configurable parameters are (1) the number of iterations
to be executed, (2) the size of evolved population and (3) the probability of mutation.
Apart from the five metrics that are a part of the Featureous Automated
Remodularization method, the view readily implements several other metrics that can
be used as additional remodularization objectives in future studies.
After the remodularization process is invoked and finished, Featureous
Remodularization View displays the result in a dedicated post-remodularization tab.
As shown in Figure 7.12, this view consists of the discussed diagrammatic
visualization and a report window that summarizes the difference between the
original and the remodularized application using a number of metrics.
In addition to visually inspecting the results, the view makes it possible for developers
to manually adjust a proposed package structure before it is being physically
established in the source code. This can be done by renaming packages and by
dragging classes between packages to relocate them. During the relocation of classes,
the values of metrics displayed below the structural visualization are updated
accordingly to immediately reflect the effects of performed adjustments.
7.4 Reverse Remodularization
Figure 7.12: Post-remodularization tab of Featureous Remodularization View
The reverse restructuring aims at re-establishing the original decomposition of an
application from its remodularized version. This is done by automatically re-creating
the original package structure of an application and automatically re-assigning classes
to their original packages. This is performed based on two inputs, as visualized in
Figure 7.13.
Figure 7.13: Bidirectional remodularization
The first input required by reverse remodularization is the source code of the featureoriented application decomposition. This is decomposition is created by the forward
remodularization, as discussed in Section 7.2.
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
The second piece of information needed by reverse remodularization is the mapping
between classes of the feature-oriented application decomposition and the packages in
the original application decomposition. Creation of this mapping is done by preprocessing the source code of the original application decomposition prior to forward
remodularization. The information about the names of the original packages that
individual classes reside in is extracted by a mapping writer and then stored as @OrgPkg
Java annotations on class declarations in the source code. The annotations are
parameterized by the string-based qualified name of the original package of the class.
After the forward remodularization and any required modifications of source code are
performed, the persisted package-class mapping is read by a mapping reader and
passed as one of the parameters to the reverse remodularization routine. The original
package structure is then restored, based on the read mapping of classes to original
packages and on the source code of the feature-oriented application decomposition.
Since presence of these annotations is idempotent to the forward remodularization,
the process of creating class-package mappings as well as reverse remodularization
can be flexibly attached or detached from the forward remodularization process to
support either the forward- or the bidirectional remodularization scenarios –
depending on the needs of a software developer.
In the bidirectional remodularization scenario, where the feature-oriented
decomposition is introduced to support subsequent feature-oriented modifications, it
is necessary to consider the impact of these modifications on the reverse
remodularization. All possible modifications made by a developer to a remodularized
application, such as changing the names of classes or adding new classes, have to be
handled in a meaningful fashion during reverse remodularization. The rename
operation is supported by attaching the package-class mappings in form of
annotations to class definitions. Since annotations are a part of the Java language’s
syntax, they are part of the source code itself and thus they will remain syntactically
attached to its class despite of changing the name of the class or modifying its
The behavior of reverse remodularization is, however, unspecified for the cases when
a developer creates a new class or modifies the semantics of an existing class (e.g. repurposing a business logic class into a utility class). To correctly resolve such
situations, the method relies on developers to decide on a package of the original
decomposition to which such a class belongs and declare this decision by manually
annotating the target class. This policy is sufficient for the scope of the current
investigations, yet it remains possible to replace it in the future with a more
sophisticated one (e.g. clustering based on static cohesion and coupling, co-change,
Similarly, as in the case of forward remodularization, the reverse remodularization
method relies on automated source code transformations implemented using the
Recoder library.
7.5 Evaluation
7.4.1 Recovering Original Access Modifiers
Due to the manipulation of the access modifiers in the code during forward
remodularization, it becomes necessary to include a mechanism for recovering the
original access restrictions in the code. This is done by capturing the original accessmodifier information, together with the package-class mappings, during the preprocessing phase. This information is captured using another annotation called
@OrgAccess. This annotation is placed on the method- and class-declarations of the
original application by the same routine that places the @OrgPkg annotations. It is
parameterized by a string value that corresponds to the declaration’s access modifier.
Consequently, during the code transformation from the feature-oriented to the
original decomposition this data is retrieved and used to re-establish the original
access control. In the case of introduction of new methods or classes in the featureoriented decomposition, it is again up to the developer to supply appropriately
parameterized annotations.
This section reports on a case study of applying Featureous Automated
Remodularization to a medium-sized open-source application JHotDraw SVG. After
presenting the detailed results of the JHotDraw SVG study, this section generalized
the presented finding by applying Featureous Automated Remodularization to four
other medium and large open-source Java applications.
7.5.1 Recovering Traceability Links
Applying Featureous Location to recover traceability links between features and
source code units was the only manual step required by Featureous Automated
Remodularization. The precise actions taken during this process and their outcomes
were reported earlier in Section 4.5. In summary, 211 out of 332 classes of JHotDraw
SVG were covered by feature traces. 59 of them were identified as single-feature and
152 as multi-feature.
As discussed in Section 7.2.1, the set of optimization objectives incorporated in
Featureous Automated Remodularization is designed to compensate for incomplete
coverage of dynamic analysis. This is done through the object-oriented objectives of
high cohesion and low coupling that promote placement of the non-covered classes
together with their mostly related covered classes. Doing so addresses the issue of
incomplete coverage of feature location.
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
7.5.2 Remodularization Results
Prior to applying automated remodularization, the original package structure of
JHotDraw SVG was measured using the FSCA, FTANG, FNCR, PCOH and PCOUP
metrics. Analogously, a similar measurement was performed after applying
remodularization. Featureous Automated Remodularization was applied by repetitive
execution of MOGGA on a population of 300 individuals over 500 evolutionary
iterations with mutation probability of 5%. A comparative summary of the obtained
results is shown in Table 7.1, whereas the detailed distributions of scattering and
tangling values are presented in Figure 7.14.
Table 7.1: Summary impact on feature representation’s quality
JHotDraw SVG
The presented results reveal that automated remodularization has reduced the
scattering of features by 55% and the tangling of packages by 60%. Together with
reduction of feature-oriented non-local reuse of packages (FNCR) by 25%, these results
indicate that Featureous Automated Remodularization has significantly improved the
modularization of features in JHotDraw SVG. The automated remodularization,
similarly to the manual remodularization investigated in Chapter 6, appears more
efficient at reducing the phenomenon of tangling than at reducing the phenomenon of
At the same time, it can be observed that the cohesion of packages was improved by
60% and the coupling between them was reduced insignificantly, only by 1% of the
original value. These outcomes suggest that Featureous Automated Remodularization
is significantly more efficient at increasing cohesion of packages than at reducing
inter-package coupling. Interestingly, Chapter 6 reports a similar observation in the
context of manual remodularization. Based on the obtained results, the overall impact
of Featureous Automated Remodularization on both feature-oriented and objectoriented metrics is evaluated as significant and positive.
7.5 Evaluation
JHotDraw SVG
JHotDraw SVG
Figure 7.14: Scattering values per feature and tangling values per package in JHotDraw SVG
The detailed distributions of scattering values among features and tangling values
among packages reveal consistent reductions achieved by Featureous Automated
Remodularization. In the case of scattering, each feature became more localized in
terms of packages, although the degrees of improvements vary to a certain extent
from feature to feature. In the case of tangling, it can be observed that automated
remodularization reduced the overall extent of tangling in the distribution and
established a significant number of untangled single-feature packages. Furthermore, it
can be seen that Featureous Automated Remodularization increased the total number
of packages in the application, similarly as it was observed during the manual
remodularization of NDVis presented in Chapter 6.
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
7.5.3 Inspecting the Obtained Modularization
A closer inspection of the remodularized application reveals a number of interesting
details about the nature of the created feature-oriented decomposition. Figure 7.15
shows obtained single-feature packages of three features of JHotDraw SVG: EXPORT,
BASIC EDITING and MANAGE DRAWINGS. The static relations of these packages to other
multi-feature packages established by Featureous Automated Remodularization are
depicted as edges.
Figure 7.15: Three single-feature packages and their related multi-feature packages in remodularized
JHotDraw SVG
The EXPORT feature is responsible for exporting SVG drawings to various formats. It
has only one single-feature class in its package export. The remaining eight of its
classes are distributed over multi-feature packages, since they are being shared with
other features (in particular with a feature called DRAWING PERSISTENCE responsible for
loading and saving the drawings to the disk). The shape of the established
decomposition indicates that it would be a non-trivial task to modify one of these
features in isolation from another, and in order to increase their separation from one
another manual class reconceptualization would have to be performed.
The second feature shown in Figure 7.15, MANAGE DRAWINGS, is interesting because of
the relations among the single-feature classes included in its single-feature package.
There, it was observed that base classes defined by the JHotDraw framework and their
concrete subclasses used by the SVG application were grouped. This localization of
7.5 Evaluation
inheritance hierarchies is expected to aid feature-oriented comprehension of SVG, as
it directly links its classes with the classes of the JHotDraw framework Since
frameworks often make use of the dependency-inversion principle and polymorphism,
it is argued that the grouping of classes established by Featureous Automated
Remodularization makes it easier to comprehend how the source code of a framework
realizes the user-identifiable functionality of the concrete framework applications.
The third feature depicted in Figure 7.15 called BASIC EDITING is concerned with
general editing of graphical figures on the canvas of SVG; the use cases encompassed
by this feature are {copy, cut, paste, delete, duplicate} figure. By taking into account
only the semantics of the feature, it is not obvious that classes such as
AbstractTransferable, Images or InputStreamTransferable should be associated with the
functionality of BASIC EDITING. This clearly demonstrates the value of automated
techniques for feature-oriented remodularization, since the relevance of these
conceptually unrelated classes would most likely be difficult to discover during a
traditional source code inspection.
Apart from single-feature modules, Figure 7.15 shows an example of a multi-feature
package created during remodularization. This package, algorithmically named as
pkg_9, contains several utility classes shared by the features of the application. The
seven classes grouped in it constitute a subset of the set of twelve classes contained in
the org.jhordaw.app package of the original decomposition of the application.
Finally, it can be seen that there exists a diversity of static dependencies among the
created packages. While dependencies among single-feature packages were observed
to be seldom, it can be seen that there exist numerous examples of dependencies of
multi-feature packages on single-feature packages. While such dependencies are
undesirable, as was discussed in detail in Chapter 6, at this point their automated
avoidance and removal is considered beyond the scope of Featureous Automated
Remodularization. A partial solution to this problem could be to encode the rule about
dependency direction as an additional objective for MOGGA. Ultimately, an
automated code transformation for removing or inverting dependencies would be
necessary. However, as discussed by Melton and Tempero [135], a practical automated
strategy of doing so in a meaningful fashion is difficult to develop.
Addressing Decomposition Fragility
Because of the fragile decomposition problem and when remodularizing frameworkbased applications such as JHotDraw SVG, it is advisable to use reverse
remodularization to recover the application’s original decomposition after performing
any required modification tasks. This has to be done to preserve the compliance with
the original framework’s API, and thus to make it possible to upgrade SVG’s code to
any future revisions of the JHotDraw framework. Another motivating scenario is
committing the performed modifications to a shared version control repository.
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
Nevertheless, reverse remodularization is not always required. In particular, the
established feature-oriented decomposition of a standalone application could be used
as a basis for further development, or as a starting point for further manual migration
of the application to a software product-line.
7.5.4 Generalizing the Presented Findings
In order to generalize the presented findings, the exact experimental procedure of the
JHotDraw SVG case study was replicated with four other open-source applications.
This section presents and discusses the obtained results.
Apart from BlueJ, which was already introduced in Chapter 4, the following three
applications were used:
 FreeMind is an open-source application for creating graphical mind-map
diagrams [136]. The release of FreeMind used in this case study is 7.1 that
consists of 14 KLOC.
 RText is a text editor application providing programming-related facilities such
as code coloring and macros [137]. The release of RText used in this case study is
0.9.8 that consists of 55 KLOC.
 JHotDraw Pert is a network diagramming application built on top of the
JHotDraw framework and distributed together with it [94]. The release of
JHotDraw Pert used in this case study is 7.2 that consists of 72 KLOC.
Recovering Traceability Links
Featureous Location was applied to all four applications in order to establish sets of
traceability links needed during automated remodularization. The following numbers
of features were traced for each application: BlueJ – 39, FreeMind – 24, RText – 20,
JHotDraw Pert – 20. The details of performing this process for BlueJ were discussed
earlier in Chapter 4. The lists of all recovered features can be found in Appendix A2.
Remodularization Results
Table 7.2 compares the values of the five metrics prior and after performing
Featureous Automated Remodularization for each of the applications. The detailed
distributions of scattering and tangling for individual applications are shown in
Figures 7.16 – 7.19.
The summary results presented in Table 7.2 display consistent reductions of
scattering, tangling and feature-oriented non-common reuse. These results remain
consistent with the results presented earlier for JHotDraw SVG. The average changes
are 54% for FSCA, 61% for FTANG and 35% for FNCR. Similarly, the presented data
confirms the earlier-hypothesized emphasis of Featureous Automated
Remodularization on reduction of tangling.
7.5 Evaluation
Table 7.2: Results of applying automated remodularization to four applications
% of single-feature classes
in all covered classes
The impact of automated remodularization on the properties of cohesion and coupling
reflects largely the one observed in the case of JHotDraw SVG. The average changes
are 26% for PCOH and 0% for PCOUP. The lack of significant improvement of the
PCOUP values suggests a limited efficiency of Featureous Automated
Remodularization in reducing inter-package coupling. At this stage, the significantly
higher improvement of cohesion in the case of JHotDraw SVG, than in the case of the
four remaining applications appears to be caused by the relatively low initial cohesion
of JHotDraw SVG.
Finally, the obtained improvements appear to be influenced by the percentages of
single-feature classes found in the applications. Despite this initial observation and the
intuitive appeal of such a dependency, a larger sample of applications would be
needed to decisively confirm or refute such a conclusion.
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
Figure 7.16: Detailed scattering and tangling values for BlueJ
FreeMind - Scattering
Figure 7.17: Detailed scattering and tangling values for FreeMind
7.5 Evaluation
RText - Scattering
Figure 7.18: Detailed scattering and tangling values for RText
JHotDraw Pert
JHotDraw Pert
Figure 7.19: Detailed scattering and tangling values for JHotDraw Pert
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
Finally, the detailed distributions of scattering and tangling values for the four
applications presented in Figures 7.16 – 7.19 exhibit a high degree of similarity. In all
of these distributions, consistent improvements of both scattering and tangling values
can be observed. Similarly, all of these distributions create new packages to improve
modularization of features. Overall, the presented results closely correspond to the
results presented earlier for JHotDraw SVG, and therefore strongly indicate generality
of the results obtained for JHotDraw SVG.
7.5.5 Discussion and Threats to Validity
There exist several possibilities for further experimentation with Featureous
Automated Remodularization.
While the optimality of the MOGGA parameters used in the presented case studies
were not rigorously evaluated, preliminary observations grounded in multiple
executions of the algorithm do not display symptoms of inadequacy of the currently
used settings. Determining the optimal parameter values for MOGGA is considered a
topic for future research. It is expected that one of the significant challenges involved
would be to determine whether a single optimal set of parameters exists, or whether
the optimality of parameters is specific to the characteristics of a target application.
Threats to Construct Validity
The presented studies assumed that reducing the values of FSCA and FTANG metrics
corresponds to improving modularization of features and in consequence reduces the
phenomena of delocalized plans and interleaving of features in packages. Thus, the
validity of the study construct depends on the validity of the metrics used. The
conclusions on the impact on software comprehension depend on the proposed
associations between delocalization and scattering, and interleaving and tangling.
Threats to Internal Validity
The main threat to validity of the conclusions drawn from the presented results is
concerned with a certain degree of arbitrariness in partitioning of application
requirements into feature specifications. While the presented study followed a set of
explicit criteria of doing so, as defined by the Featureous Location method presented
in Chapter 4, choosing a different set of criteria is likely to produce a different set of
features specifications and thus to affect the pre- and post-remodularization results.
Threats to External Validity
The sample of applications in the presented studies is considered sufficiently large to
demonstrate feasibility of Featureous Automated Remodularization and generalize the
results to a satisfactory extent. Nevertheless, a need for additional case studies is
recognized, especially involving other types of applications and other object-oriented
languages. The particular type of applications used in the studies was a user-driven
GUI-intensive Java application, therefore at present no basis is provided for reasoning
7.6 Revisiting the Case of NDVis
about efficiency of Featureous Automated Remodularization in usage with embedded
systems, source code compilers, database engines, etc.
Opportunities for Additional Experimentation
Additional characteristics of MOGGA can be investigated, such as performance and
average results of genetic optimization. The initial performance observations are that
the time required by MOGGA for each of the case studies was in the order of
magnitude of minutes, rather than seconds or hours. It would be worthwhile to
investigate possible optimizations and rigorously evaluate the performance of
MOGGA, to assess whether this algorithm can be efficiently used during interactive
development sessions. Secondly, the presented case studies aimed at identifying the
best achievable results of applying MOGGA in order to evaluate its maximum
remodularization potential. However, having the context of real-world usage in mind,
it would be worthwhile to determine the average results of the algorithm, as well as
their dependency on the algorithm parameters.
While not exploited in any of the presented case studies, it is possible to apply
Featureous Automated Remodularization only to a subset to all features in an
application. Doing so would result in improving modularization of only the selected
features. This mode of operation could be applied to optimize an application’s
structure to evolutionary iterations with predefined scopes focusing on only subsets of
all application’s features. In an extreme case, Featureous Automated Remodularization
can be used with only one input feature trace to automatically separate this single
feature as a whole from the rest of the application’s source code.
This section revisits the case of manual remodularization of NDVis discussed in
Chapter 6. The aim of doing so is twofold. Firstly, the results obtained by the manual
remodularization of NDVis are compared to the results of its automated
remodularization. Secondly, the role and extent of class reconceptualization performed
during manual remodularization is assessed.
7.6.1 Remodularization of NDVis: Manual vs. Automated
By applying Featureous Automated Remodularization to the original NDVis
application, it is possible to compare the results of automated remodularization with
the results of manual remodularization discussed in Chapter 6.
The summary results of applying manual and automated remodularization are
compared in Table 7.3. Furthermore, comparison plots of scattering and tangling
distributions for both remodularization methods are presented in Figure 7.20.
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
Table 7.3: Summary results of manual and automated remodularizations of NDVis
By comparing the Original NDVis with its Manual and Automated counterparts, it can
be seen that both remodularizations significantly reduced scattering and tangling of
features. However, the package structure constructed by automatic remodularization
achieved significantly higher improvements (49% and 64% respectively) than the
package structure created by manual method (16% and 27% respectively). An
analogous conclusion applies to the three remaining metrics: FNCR, PCOH and
PCOUP. Overall, the relative improvements obtained by Featureous Automated
Remodularization exceed the ones obtained by manually by two to three times.
Figure 7.20: Detailed results of manual and automated remodularizations of NDVis
7.6 Revisiting the Case of NDVis
The detailed distributions of scattering and tangling presented in Figure 7.20 reveal
interesting insights into the nature of the manual remodularization. While the
automated method is shown to better reduce scattering for majority of features, it can
be seen that the manual remodularization is significantly more efficient in the cases of
PROGRAM STARTUP and IMPORT DATA. As it was discussed earlier in Chapter 6, manual
remodularization of PROGRAM STARTUP involved extensive reconceptualization of
existing classes. This is the major difference between the two compared
remodularization methods, since no class reconceptualization is performed by
automated remodularization. This example indicates high efficiency, but also high
selectivity of manual remodularization efforts. Finally, the distribution of tangling
displays a clear improvement over the manual remodularization – both in localizing
multi-feature classes and in creating single-feature packages.
Overall, the presented results suggest that is worthwhile to combine Featureous
Automated Remodularization with Featureous Manual Remodularization in real-world
restructuring processes. In this context, automated remodularization could be used to
create an initial feature-oriented modularization that could form an input to further
selective manual restructurings.
7.6.2 Assessing the Role of Class Reconceptualization
Having the results of manual remodularization of NDVis that involved both relocation
and reconceptualization of classes, it becomes possible to assess the role of the
performed reconceptualization.
Assessing the role of class reconceptualization on reduction of scattering and tangling
during real-world restructurings is necessary to consciously balance the tradeoffs of
class relocation. Namely, it is necessary to uncover how much improvement of
feature-oriented modularity can be obtained by dividing classes into fragments for the
price of triggering the fragile decomposition problem. Furthermore, it is important to
assess to which extent Featureous Automated Remodularization is affected by the
design decision to avoid reconceptualization of classes.
Experimental Design
In order to assess the role of class reconceptualization it is necessary to identify two
impacts of class reconceptualization depicted in Figure 7.21. Firstly, it is necessary to
isolate the impact of manual reconceptualization on scattering and tangling from the
overall impact of manual remodularization. Secondly, it is necessary to assess the
hypothetical maximum impact of reconceptualization to explore the degree to which
the reconceptualization potential was exploited during manual remodularization.
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
Max. impact
of relocation
Impact of manual
Max. Relocation
No Reconcept.
Max. Relocation
Manual Reconcept.
Max. impact of
Max. Relocation
Max Reconcept.
Figure 7.21: Assessing the role of class reconceptualization
Hence, the presented investigations are formulated as two experimental questions:
Q1: What is the absolute impact of the manually performed reconceptualization on the
scattering and tangling of features?
Q2: What is the relative degree of the manually performed reconceptualization?
In order to address these questions, two additional modularizations of NDVis are
constructed based on the three modularizations discussed earlier (i.e. Original, Manual
and Automated). These two new modularizations, summarized in Table 7.4, are made
to exhibit varying degrees of relocation and reconceptualization at the granularity of
classes, to allow for isolating the individual contribution of reconceptualization.
Table 7.4: Investigated modularizations of NDVis
Class Refactoring
Related Question
Automated split
The Manual+Automated modularization is created by applying Featureous Automated
Remodularization to the Manual modularization. Thereby, the resulting
modularization exhibits maximum degree of relocation and the degree of
reconceptualization of the Manual modularization. Hence, by comparing this
modularization with the Automated modularization it is possible to isolate the impact
of manual reconceptualization of classes on scattering and tangling.
7.6 Revisiting the Case of NDVis
The Automated split modularization is obtained by simulating the maximum
reconceptualization of classes in the Manual modularization and then applying
Featureous Automated Remodularization to achieve maximum relocation. The
maximum reconceptualization is simulated as follows. For each multi-feature class, all
its single-feature methods are identified. Then, the traceability links between these
methods and their corresponding features are removed. From the point of view of the
FSCA and FTANG metrics, doing so corresponds to the effects of the move method
refactoring that would be used by a developer to relocate such a method to another
class related to its corresponding feature. In the case of multi-feature classes whose
methods are used disjointly by multiple features, applying this operation simulates the
process of splitting the class into multiple single-feature class-fragments and
relocating them to their respective single-feature packages.
By applying the procedure of simulated maximum class reconceptualization to create
the Automatic split modularization, it was possible to completely detach a feature from
a class only in six cases. At this stage, this suggests a relatively low potential of NDVis
for untangling features at the granularity of classes.
The two experimental questions are addressed by measuring the obtained
modularizations of NDVis using the FSCA scattering metric and the FTANG tangling
metric. The results of these measurements, being a basis for addressing the two
experimental questions, are listed in Figure 7.22.
Scattering and Tangling
Automated split
0.100; 0.037
0.110; 0.045
Figure 7.22: Impact of investigated modularizations on feature tangling and scattering
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
Q1: What is the absolute impact of the manually performed reconceptualization on the
scattering and tangling of features?
To assess the impact of the manually performed reconceptualization on scattering and
tangling of features, the Automated modularization based on optimized class
relocation needs to be compared with the Manual+Automatic modularization based on
manual reconceptualization and optimized relocation. As can be seen from the
obtained results, the additional reductions of scattering and tangling introduced by
manual reconceptualization (i.e. the distance from Automated to Manual+Automated)
surpass the results of pure relocation (i.e. the distance from Original to Automated) by
only 7% and 14% respectively.
This result suggests that the reconceptualization performed during the manual
restructuring had only a minor effect on the overall reduction of scattering and
tangling of features.
Q2: What is the relative degree of the manually performed reconceptualization?
To establish a scale against which the degree of reconceptualization performed in the
Manual+Automatic modularization can be assessed, two modularizations are used.
These are: the Automatic modularization exhibiting no reconceptualization and the
Automated split modularization exhibiting maximum reconceptualization. By doing so,
it is possible to observe that the manual reconceptualization of the Manual+Automatic
modularization exploits most of the achievable potential for reconceptualization at the
granularity of classes.
This indicates that the manual remodularization of NDVis achieved a high degree of
reconceptualization of classes. Furthermore, it can be seen that the maximum
achievable improvement offered by reconceptualization remains significantly smaller
than the one offered by automated relocation. A closer inspection revealed that this
was caused by a relatively high tangling of methods in NDVis, which limited the
effects of reconceptualization at the granularity of classes and created the need for
further reconceptualization at the granularity of methods.
Jointly, the two reported sets of results depict only a minor influence of the actual and
the idealized class reconceptualizations. Hence, the investigated case emphasizes the
importance of class relocation over class reconceptualization.
7.6.3 Discussion and Threats to Validity
The presented case study relied on several assumptions that could be refined in the
future replications to potentially grant additional insights into the presented findings.
Firstly, one could focus on differentiating between multiple kinds of class-level
reconceptualization, such as move method, pull up method, push down method and
7.7 Related Work
move field refactorings [65]. While the presented study treated them uniformly, it is
expected that different refactorings have different impact on scattering and tangling of
features. Similarly, the impact of reconceptualization at lower granularities (i.e.
methods and instructions) would be an interesting topic for further investigation.
Construct Validity
Secondly, the fact that the author performed the manual remodularization of NDVis
has to be seen as a threat to internal validity of the presented results. However, this is
argued to have a negligible impact on the results, since the manual remodularization
was originally performed as a part of separate work, months before the idea of using
this data for investigating the role of relocation and reconceptualization was born.
External Validity
Finally, replicating the study on a larger population of applications is necessary to
generalize the reported findings. Hence, at this stage, the presented insights should be
treated as initial indicators. It is expected that subsequent replications of the presented
experimental procedure will lead to reinforcing the presented conclusions.
Featureous Automated Remodularization follows the idea of on-demand
remodularization proposed by Ossher and Tarr [44]. The conceptual framework
behind Featureous is deeply influenced by their observations that a software system
can be decomposed only according to one decomposition dimension at a time, thus
making the other possible dimensions under-represented. Moreover, they recognize
that throughout the lifetime of a software project it is not possible to foresee all future
concerns that will have to be modularized. To address this, Ossher and Tarr propose
that it should be possible to remodularize applications on-demand, accordingly to the
needs that arise throughout software’s evolution process.
Murphy et al. [67] explored tradeoffs between three policies of splitting tangled
features: a lightweight class-based mechanism, AspectJ and Hyper/J. By manually
separating a set of independent features at different levels of granularity, they confirm
the limited potential of the lightweight approach for reducing tangling. In the case of
AspectJ and Hyper/J, they have discovered that usage of these mechanisms makes
certain code fragments difficult to understand in isolation from one another.
Furthermore, aspect-oriented techniques were found to be sensitive to the order of
composition and to result in coupling of features to each other.
In contrast, Featureous Automated Remodularization is not affected by constraints of
feature composition order, since it does not reconceptualize legacy classes into
fragments. For the same reason, Featureous Automated Remodularization avoids the
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
problems of non-trivial semantics and a tight coupling between feature-fragments
observed by Murphy et al.
Räihä et al. [138] proposed an approach to automated generation of software
architecture using a genetic algorithm. The approach takes use cases as inputs, which,
after being refined to sequence diagrams, form a basis for deriving an initial functional
decomposition of an application. This decomposition is then evolved using an
objective function being a weighted sum of a number of object-oriented metrics. Some
of these metrics are used to promote creation of certain architectural styles and
patterns. In contrast to the approach of Räihä et al., Featureous Automated
Remodularization uses feature-oriented remodularization criteria and a non-weighted
multi-objective formulation of the optimization problem.
Bodhuin et al. [139] presented an approach to optimization-based re-packaging of JAR
files of Java applications for minimizing their download times. The approach uses
execution traces of an application to identify features that can be lazily loaded by the
Java Web Start technology to save network bandwidth. The approach relies on a
single-objective genetic algorithm to cluster classes that are used together by different
sets of features. An empirical study of automatically repackaging three medium-sized
Java applications conducted by Bodhuin et al. displays a significant reduction of initial
download times of all applications.
Janzen and De Volder [84] proposed the notion of effective views to reduce the
problem of crosscutting concerns by providing editable textual views on two
alternative decompositions of a single application. Fluid alternation and
synchronization of the views allows developers to choose the decomposition that
better supports a task at hand. Even though a feature-based view is not provided in
their prototype tool Decal, it seems that the tool could be extended to support it. In
Decal, it is possible to view both the alternative decompositions simultaneously,
whereas in Featureous Automated Remodularization a code transformation has to be
performed for each transition. It appears that the simultaneous co-existence and cross
mapping of multiple views could serve as a way of overcoming the fragile
decomposition problem. However, the approach presented in [84] is not readily
applicable to legacy applications, and it appears that providing such a mode of
operation would be difficult to achieve.
The significant complexity, effort and risk involved in the process of manual featureoriented remodularization makes it difficult to practically apply it to large
applications. In order to scale feature-oriented remodularization, automation is
7.8 Summary
This chapter presented Featureous Automated Remodularization – a method for
automated search-driven remodularization of Java applications.
The method formulated feature-oriented remodularization as a multi-objective
problem of optimizing class relocation among packages. This problem was further
specified by motivating the use of five metrics as optimization objectives. The method
proposed a multi-objective grouping genetic algorithm as the means of automatically
solving the five-objective optimization problem. To allow for automated enforcement
of calculated modularizations, a set of source code transformations was developed.
Moreover, a reverse source code transformation was developed to enable on-demand
recovery of the original modularizations of source code. The method was
demonstrated to significantly and consistently improve modularization of features in a
case study involving several medium and large open-source Java applications. Finally,
revisiting the results of the manual remodularization of NDVis demonstrated
significantly higher efficiency of the automated method, and revealed an overall
minor effect of class reconceptualization on scattering and tangling of NDVis.
Chapter 7. Featureous Automated Remodularization
This chapter proposes a method to automating feature-oriented
measurement of source code. This is done by proposing the concept of
seed methods and developing a heuristic for their automated detection.
Seed methods are then used as starting points for automated static callgraph slicing. Using 14 medium and large open source Java projects, it is
demonstrated that this method achieves a comparable level of code
coverage to a manual approach. Moreover, this method is applied to
tracking the evolution of scattering and tangling in long-term release
history of Checkstyle.
This chapter is based on the following publications:
8.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................... 143
8.2 The Method ..................................................................................................................... 145
8.3 Evaluation........................................................................................................................ 148
8.4 Evolutionary Application ............................................................................................ 152
8.5 Discussion ....................................................................................................................... 156
8.6 Related Work .................................................................................................................. 157
8.7 Summary.......................................................................................................................... 158
The evolutionary significance of features makes it important to incorporate featureoriented measurement into the practices of software quality assessment. However,
Chapter 8. Towards Large-Scale Measurement of Features
automated large-scale computation of feature-oriented metrics remains difficult to
Feasibility of large-scale feature-oriented measurement is constrained by incomplete
automation of feature location approaches. This is, however, not caused by
deficiencies of the existing mechanisms, but by the very fundamental assumptions of
feature location. Traditionally, feature location aims at associating semanticallyconcrete feature specifications with their corresponding units of source code. This
makes it necessary to consider the semantics of feature specifications, prior to
associating them with appropriate test cases, feature-entry points or elements of an
application’s UI.
However, for large-scale quality assessment procedures that aim at measuring tens or
hundreds of software systems, the information about individual features is not
essential. Instead, summarizing systems-level indicators are required. Therefore, if it
would be possible to calculate such a system-level results directly, without deriving it
from individual per-feature results, then interpreting semantics of individual features
could be avoided. As a result, automation of feature-oriented system-level
measurement could be acquired.
This chapter defines a method to large-scale quantification of feature-oriented
modularity based on automatic detection of so-called seed methods in source code.
This method is schematically depicted in Figure 8.1.
Figure 8.1: Overview of automated detection of seed methods
Seed methods constitute the “anonymous counterpart” of feature-entry points – while
they can mark a method as a starting points of a feature, they do not associate with
any particular feature specification. It will be demonstrated that this property allows
for automated detection of seed methods and for using them as a basis for automated
slicing of static call graphs extracted from source code. Reliance on seed methods and
static slicing removes the need for the two manual steps associated with feature-entry
8.2 The Method
points: manual annotation of source code and user-driven activation of features at
The proposed method for automated detection of seed methods is evaluated using a
group of 14 diverse open-source systems. This is done by comparing the slices
produced by the proposed method with manually constructed ground truth, with
respect to their coverage of source code. Furthermore, the method is applied to
automatic measurement of 27 revisions of an open-source project released over a
period of 10 years.
Seed methods are the “starting points” of features in source code – they are the
methods through which the control flow enters the implementations of features in
software’s source code. The notion of seed methods is a generalization of the notion of
feature-entry points defined in Chapter 4. While each feature-entry point is a starting
point of a concrete feature of an application, all that is known about a seed method is
that it is a starting point of a feature of an application, without determining which
concrete feature it is. Hence, seed methods are oblivious to concrete semantics of
features that they represent.
To automatically detect seed methods, a heuristic is proposed that allows for filtering
them from all methods presents in an application’s source code. The proposed filtering
method is explained using the example in Figure 8.2, which represents a call-graph of
the methods in a small Java system. Please note that while the provided example uses
Java, the proposed method is not limited to only this language.
An initial heuristic for filtering the methods of the example system could be to keep
only those methods, which are not called by other methods. Such methods could be
assumed as called by UI interfacing libraries through a callback interaction. Within
Figure 8.2, this would lead to identifying the two actionPerformed-methods as the seed
Figure 8.2: Call graph of an example program
Chapter 8. Towards Large-Scale Measurement of Features
Unfortunately, there are cases in which this simplistic tactic does not perform well.
For programs defined with a command-line interface the only method that is called
only from outside is the static main method that starts the program. Identifying this
single method would not be appropriate, as a common pattern of command-line
applications is to use the main method as a dispatcher that selectively dispatches
control to other features based on the supplied command-line parameters. Generally,
such an issue can occurs not only in command-line applications, but also in all
applications that contain an internal event dispatching mechanism that calls starting
methods of features based on the types of received events.
A second heuristic for filtering is counting the names of all methods within a system
and identify names which occur proportionally more often than other names. Note
that in this situation the short name of methods (i.e. toString or getStudent) instead of
their full name (i.e. Student.toString or Course.getStudent) should be counted since the
latter name uniquely identifies a method within a system, and thus the number of
methods with this name is always one.
The assumption behind this heuristic is that the regularity in method names is caused
by usage of polymorphism and conventions that are enforced by interfacing libraries.
In consequence, methods with the same name but a different implementation
implement are expected to have a high likelihood of implementing user-triggerable
functionalities. Given the example in Figure 8.2, the method actionPerformed is
implemented multiple times since this method is enforced by a generic interface
provided by the Swing GUI framework to handle actions taken by the user. Similarly,
the getStudent method is implemented, because of either polymorphism or a
convention, by both Course and University classes.
Unfortunately, a straight-forward application of this heuristic is problematic because
this heuristic also identifies those methods which offer generic functionality for
objects, such as the toString method, as well as getters and setters for common
properties such as names and id’s. This last category of methods should not be
considered as seed methods, since getters and setters typically do not implement
complete features.
To filter out such uninteresting methods the number of methods needed to implement
a specific method is taken into account. This is done by counting the number of
distinct methods called by the specific method, and then recursively counting the
distinct methods used by those methods. The assumption is that a higher number of
methods used in the implementation of a method correspond to a method that
implements more sophisticated functionality.
Therefore, the hypothesis becomes that by only keeping those methods, which are (1)
implemented proportionally more often and (2) which use many other methods in
their implementation, it is expected to discover the seed methods of a system.
8.2 The Method
8.2.1 Heuristic Formalization
For the formalization of the heuristic a software system S is modeled as a directed
graph D = (V,E). The set of vertexes V are methods defined in the software product,
and the set of edges E are calls modeled as a pair (x, y) from one method x (the source)
to another method y (the destination). Let FN and SN be the sets of full names and
short names, a vertex v V is a record containing a full name and a short name, i.e.
v=(fn, sn) where fn FN and sn SN.
For the first part of the heuristic the sets of vertexes that have the same short-name
need to be defined. Using the function shortname((fn,sn)) = sn, which retrieves the
short name component (sn) from a given vertex v V. The set of vertexes Vsn is the set
of vertexes v V that have sn as short name, defined as Vsn = {v | shortname(v) = sn}.
For the second part of the heuristic, it is needed to compute the vertexes that are
transitively connected to a given vertex. For this purpose, two functions are defined.
First a function connected: V×V↦2 which distinguishes the vertexes that are directly
connected by a given edge e E. For two vertexes v1,v2 V, connected will yield True
if e E such that e = (v1,v2) and False in all other cases. Secondly, a function
connected+: V×V↦2 is defined as the transitive closure of function connected. Given
these functions, the set Vv consisting of vertexes that are transitively connected to
vertex v V can be defined as Vv={v | connected+(v)}.
Given this formalization, the heuristic can be defined in three functions. First, a
function to calculate the normalized frequency of methods with a certain short name:
Definition 1.
Second, a function to calculate the average number of methods needed to implement
the methods with a given short name:
Definition 2.
Note that the results of both of these functions fall into the range [0,1], which ensures
that values calculated from different systems can be compared if desired.
Lastly, to calculate the score for each short name the values of the two functions need
to be combined. Ideally, the aggregation function prevents compensation, i.e. high
value on one function should not overly compensate a low value on the other
function. Given this property, two simple aggregation functions can be chosen: the
minimum and the product. In the heuristic the product is used to ensure a higher level
of discriminative power, the total score for a given short name thus becomes:
Definition 3.
Chapter 8. Towards Large-Scale Measurement of Features
Applying the heuristic to the example in Figure 8.2 provides the scores in Table 8.1;
note that the scores are normalized against the total number of methods defined
within the system. The actionPerformed methods receive the highest score because
these methods occur twice in the system and the average number of methods needed
to implement them is 4.5. The methods called getStudent are second in rank, because
they occurring three times in the system and rely on average on 0.66 methods.
Table 8.1: Normalized scores for the methods as shown in Figure 8.2
8.2.2 Automated Quantification of Feature Modularity
Calculation of feature modularity metrics requires two steps; identification of seed
methods and identification of those parts of the system that are executed when a seed
method is executed.
For the first step the score function, as defined above, can be used to identify the δ
most interesting methods. For practical reasons this work treats the δ=10 best
methods as seed methods. Nevertheless, the optimality of this value and the potential
context-dependency of the δ parameter needs to be investigated further and is
considered as future research.
The second step required for measuring feature modularity is to identify which parts
of the application are executed when a seed method is executed. This is done by
statically slicing the call-graph of the system under review. Using the terminology
defined above, the method connected+ is executed for a seed method to obtain a set of
methods in return. This set, which is referred to as a static trace, represents a group of
functionally related code units.
To validate the heuristic for identifying seed methods the following steps are taken.
First, a set of subject programs is chosen (Section 8.3.1). For each of the programs, the
author manually identified a ground-truth set of seed methods enforced by the
8.3 Evaluation
respective interfacing technologies and libraries being used (Section 8.3.2). This data is
then used to compute static traces, whose aggregated source code coverage allows to
reason about the completeness of the constructed ground-truth. Then, the aggregated
coverage of ground-truth slices is compared against aggregated coverage of traces
generated by the heuristic (Section 8.3.3). Based on this, it is possible to evaluate
whether the proposed method covers similar amounts and similar regions of source
code as the manually established ground truth.
Please note, that the design of this validation experiment deviates from the traditional
designs of evaluating the accuracy of feature location methods. There, false positives
and false negatives are usually computed by comparing results of a method to ground
truth on per-feature basis. Such a method is valid for assessing the accuracy of locating
features associated with particular semantics, but unfortunately it is inapplicable in
this case, since the proposed method aims at system-level application and identifies
groups of functionally related code units without attaching semantics.
8.3.1 Subject Systems
The evaluation experiment is performed on a set of 14 open-source Java programs
summarized in Table 8.2. The chosen population is intentionally diversified in order to
observe how the method deals with discovering seed methods in not only stand-alone
applications but also libraries, frameworks, web applications and application
containers. Thereby, the aim is to validate the ability of the method to detect seed
methods that are triggered not only by GUI events, but also by command-line
parameters, calls to API methods, HTTP requests, etc.
Table 8.2: Subject systems used in the study
NetBeans RCP
Mobile application
Web application
Web application
Chapter 8. Towards Large-Scale Measurement of Features
8.3.2 Ground Truth
The ground truth in the experiment is formed by manually identifying seed methods
in the subject programs. In order to make the classification of methods objective and
consistent across all experimental subjects, the following procedure is used that is
based on the observation that libraries and frameworks, which are used for interfacing
with an environment, tend to enforce a reactive mode of implementing functionality
and standardize the names of methods for doing so.
For instance, the Swing Java GUI framework defines a set of methods, such as
actionPerformed, onClick, etc., that are meant to be implemented by a client application
and are called by Swing upon the reception of a given event from a user. Such
methods, exhibiting individual features in response to external events, are used as
ground-truth seed methods in the presented experiment. Such chosen methods also
appear as appropriate candidates for execution by software reconnaissance’s test cases
[50], annotating as feature-entry-points or marking starting points for static analysis
Seed method
handleEvent, keyPressed, mouseDown,
mouseDoubleClick, widgetSelected,
widgetDefaultSelected, runWithEvent, run, start, execute
run, call, main
actionPerformed, stateChanged, keyTyped, keyPressed,
mouseClicked, mousePressed
NetBeans RCP
Table 8.3: Correlation of subjects with technologies and their ground-truth seed methods
             
    
doGet, doPost
onCreate, onOptionItemSelected, onClick, onLongClick,
onKey, onKeyDown, onTouch, onStartCommand,
handle, handleRequest, onSubmit, start,
execute, invoke, intercept
start, execute, load
getLogger, log
buildSessionFactory, openSession, update, save, delete,
createQuery, load, beginTransaction, commit, rollback
Based on the mentioned observation, manually identified are the interfacing
technologies used by the subject programs. This was done based on static
dependencies found in source code. For each of the discovered technologies,
indentified were the methods that are intended to be implemented/overridden by
client programs in order to provide a client’s functionality. This was done by
8.3 Evaluation
surveying the available official documentation of the investigated libraries. The
summary results of this process are listed in Table 8.3.
8.3.3 Results
For each of the subject programs, the seed methods of its interfacing technologies
served as a starting point for static call-graph slices. Their aggregated coverage, being
the union of these slices, was used as the ground-truth. The aggregated coverage
percentages of both the ground truth and the proposed heuristic are shown in Table
8.4. In the “Ground truth” column, the percentage of code covered by the static-slices
originating from the ground truth is shown. The “Method” column shows the
percentage of code covered by the static-slices originating from the methods found by
the proposed heuristic. In the “Intersection” column, the percentage of code covered
by intersection of both result-sets is shown.
Table 8.4: Percentage of LOC covered for both methods
NetBeans RCP
Ground truth
81.5 %
51.8 %
93.9 %
90.7 %
87.3 %
97.1 %
80.7 %
81.5 %
75.9 %
80.7 %
90.1 %
69.3 %
84.1 %
71.4 %
79.3 %
48.6 %
93.6 %
89.2 %
85.9 %
97.0 %
78.1 %
79.9 %
73.6 %
79.8 %
86.3 %
66.5 %
82.1 %
70.5 %
82.2 %
73.6 %
96.1 %
92.0 %
88.9 %
97.0 %
81.9 %
89.0 %
79.5 %
83.6 %
88.6 %
76.9 %
84.9 %
78.8 %
It can be observed that for most systems the ground-truth coverages remain over 75%
of the LOC, which suggests a high degree of completeness of the established ground
truth. The only exceptions here are Checkstyle, Spring and Glassfish that are covered
in 51.8%, 69.3% and 71.4% respectively. The result of Checkstyle seems to suggest
incompleteness of the used ground truth. However, a closer look reveals that there
exist four other systems that achieved over 75% coverage, based on the same seed
methods as Checkstyle. As will be discussed later, this particular result of Checkstyle
had a different cause.
Chapter 8. Towards Large-Scale Measurement of Features
Comparison of columns one and three indicates that aggregated coverage generated
by the proposed method surpasses that of the ground truth for all the systems but
k9mail. While the differences for most of the systems appear negligible (below 5%
LOC), there are four notable exceptions, namely Checkstyle with difference of 21.8%,
Spring with 7.6%, NetBeans RCP with 7.5% and Glassfish with 7.4%. Interestingly,
three of these systems are also the ones that exhibit the lowest ground-truth coverage.
A closer investigation of the reasons for the difference of 21.8% for Checkstyle
revealed that the results generated by the method contained a number of methods that
can be categorized as non-technology-originated seed methods. For instance, the
methods process, processFiltered, verify, traverse and createChecker, were found to
yield slices containing the highest numbers of classes. These methods constitute
important domain-specific abstractions that were established by Checkstyle’s
developers for implementing functionality, instead of relying on the general-purpose
abstractions provided by the JDK or by Swing. Similarly, a similar pattern in other
subjects was observed, i.e. afterPropertiesSet, invoke, postProcessBeforeInitialization
and find in Spring, or execute, addNotify and propertyChange in the NetBeans RCP.
Comparison of the columns one and two shows that the proposed heuristic manages
to cover most of the regions of source code covered by the manually extracted ground
truth, with the average loss of only 2.5% LOC. While this result expected for the
highest sets of coverages (e.g. for the intersection of two result-sets achieving 95%
coverage, the maximum possible loss is 5%), it is especially important in the context of
the lowest-scoring ground-truth values, i.e. Checkstyle (for which the maximum
possible loss is 26.4%) and Spring (for which the maximum possible loss is 23.1%). This
indicates that the proposed method not only covers as much source code as the
manually-established ground truth, but that it also identifies largely the same regions
of source code, thus providing analogous input to measuring feature modularity.
Lastly, the aggregated coverage obtained by the proposed method does not appear to
be influenced by size or type of systems. Nevertheless, a sample larger than the one
used in the experiment would be needed to confirming the lack of such causalities at a
satisfactory level of statistical significance.
In this section, the proposed seed detection method is applied to evaluating the quality
of features modularity in an evolving program. This is done by automatically
measuring long-term evolutionary trends of modularity metrics in the release history
of Checkstyle [141], a library for detecting violations of coding style in Java source
code. The units of functionality in Checkstyle library, and whose historical quality will
be assessed, are the detectors for various types of style violations, as well as the core
8.4 Evolutionary Application
infrastructure of the library responsible of parsing source code, reporting results, etc.
This study measures 27 major releases of the library since version 1.0 until version 5.4.
8.4.1 Measuring Feature Modularity
The existing literature proposes and demonstrates the usefulness of a number of
diverse metrics for measuring feature modularity, e.g. [60], [27], [58]. The presented
study relies on the two most fundamental of known metrics: scattering and tangling.
Because the actual number of features cannot be determined based on seed methods,
the formulations of scattering and tangling used in this study are boiled down to
simply counting the number of related classes or features. Thus, they will be measured
as follows:
 Scattering will be measured for each seed method as the total number of classes
that appear in its static trace.
 Tangling will be measured for each class as the number of seed methods in whose
static traces a given class appears.
The metrics chosen to quantify feature modularity are calculated for each static trace
(scattering) and each class (tangling). They are then aggregated to the system level
and normalized with respect to size of the system or the number of static traces. The
rationale therefore is to obtain a rating that can be used as an objective criterion for
comparing multiple applications, or tracking evolution of a single application over
8.4.2 Aggregation of Metrics
To aggregate measured values of scattering and tangling, the benchmarking-based
aggregation strategy of Alves et al. [142] is used. This strategy relies on a repository of
systems to derive thresholds for categorizing unit of measurement in system (i.e. class
or the trace) into one of four categories. By summing up the size of all entities in the
four categories a system-level profile is calculated, which in turn is used to derive a
system-level rating [143].
The resulting rating, normally on a scale of one to five, indicates how the profile of a
specific system compares to the profiles of the systems within the benchmark used for
calibrating the profile rating. For example, a rating of 1 indicates that almost all
systems in the benchmark have a better profile, while a rating of 4 means that most
systems in the benchmark have a lower profile.
The repository used to calibrate the rating for both scattering and tangling consists of
industry software systems previously analyzed by the Software Improvement Group
(SIG), an independent advisory firm that employs a standardized process for
Chapter 8. Towards Large-Scale Measurement of Features
evaluating software systems of their clients [144]. These industry systems were
supplemented by open-source software systems previously analyzed by SIG’s research
The repository consists of 55 Java systems, of which 11 systems are open-source.
These systems differ greatly in application domain (banking, logistics, development
tools, applications) and cover a wide range of sizes, starting from 2 KLOC up until
almost 950 KLOC (median 63 KLOC).
8.4.3 Results
Figure 8.3 shows a plot of the measured evolutionary trends of Checkstyle. The figure
shows the values of KLOC metrics and the ranking values of scattering and tangling
for each release. Please note that because of benchmarking, the quality rankings have
to be interpreted inversely to the metrics they originate from – e.g. a high quality rank
of scattering means low scattering of features.
Figure 8.3: Evolution of Checkstyle
The evolutionary trends plotted in Figure 8.3 indicate that feature-oriented quality,
represented by ranks of scattering and tangling tends to degrade over time. In the
following, three periods marked in Figure 8.3 are investigated, as they exhibit
particularly interesting changes of the measured ranks.
Versions 2.4 – 3.1: a significant degradation of both scattering and tangling quality
ranks is observed. The observed degradation was initiated by changes done in release
3.0, where one of the major changes was a restructuring to a “completely new
8.4 Evolutionary Application
architecture based around pluggable module”. This restructuring involved factoring-out
a common infrastructure from existing detectors. Doing so was bound to increase the
number of classes that features are scattered over, and create a number of
infrastructural classes to be reused by multiple features, thus contributing to tangling.
Further degradation continued in release 3.1. According to Checkstyle’s change log,
the crosscutting introduction of severity levels to all detectors forces all of the
detectors to depend on an additional class. This significantly contributes to the
increase of tangling and scattering of features because before this introduction most of
the detectors were confined to a single class.
Versions 3.1 – 4.0: a rapid extension of Checkstyle’s size is observed. In contrast with
the previous period, the feature-oriented quality of the program remains stable.
Version 3.2 is the version in which the program’s size doubled, while the tangling rank
slightly improved and the scattering rank declined. Based on the change log, this is
caused by the addition of multiple fairly well separated J2EE-rule detectors. As
discussed later, this hypothesis is supported by observed reverse changes in tangling
and scattering ranks in version 5.0b, where these detectors are removed.
One of the most interesting characteristics of the 3.1 – 4.0 period is the observed
preservation of feature-oriented quality despite a nearly twofold growth of the
program’s size. This suggests that the new architecture established in 3.0 and adjusted
in 3.1 proved appropriate for modularizing the forthcoming feature-oriented
extensions. The established underlying infrastructure appears to provide all the
services needed by features and the new features are made confined to approximately
the same number of classes as the already-existing features.
Versions 4.4 – 5.0: An interesting shift in feature-oriented quality is observed in this
period. Firstly, a slight improvement of the scattering rank and a degradation of the
tangling rank are observed in the release 5.0b. Together with the decrease of
program’s size, these changes suggest a removal of a number of separated features.
The program’s change log supports this hypothesis, as it reports removal of all the
J2EE-rule detectors. It needs to be noted that the observed magnitude of degradation
of the tangling rank and improvement of scattering rank is approximately equal to
their respective changes in the release 3.2, where the J2EE-rule detectors were
originally added.
Secondly, a significant improvement of the tangling rank and a significant degradation
of the scattering rank are observed in release 5.0. According to the change log, the
most likely reason is the "Major change to FileSetCheck architecture to move the
functionality of open/reporting of files into Checker", which "reduces the logic required in
each implementation of FileSetCheck". In other words, by freeing individual detectors
from explicitly calling "open/reporting", the developers managed to reduce the tangling
among them. At the same time, the ten newly introduced complex detectors caused a
visible degradation of the scattering rank.
Chapter 8. Towards Large-Scale Measurement of Features
The results presented in Section 8.3 show that seed methods automatically identified
by the proposed method yield static slices that capture largely the same regions of
source code as a manually established ground truth. Moreover, the heuristic improves
on the ground-truth coverage results by identifying non-technology-originated seed
methods that reflect important domain-specific functional abstractions. Given these
observations, it can be concluded that the seed methods computed by the method are
adequate substitutes to manually identified seed methods for the purpose of systemlevel quantification of feature modularity.
The application of the method presented in Section 8.4 shows that the automated
measurement of the evolution of scattering and tangling properties provides a
valuable perspective on the evolution of an existing software system. It was
demonstrated how to interpret these metrics in the context of Checkstyle’s change log
by generating informed hypotheses about the impact of the individual changes on the
feature-oriented quality of the program. While the generated hypotheses need
additional validation, they provide a sound and firm starting point for evaluating the
evolutionary quality of feature modularity.
Algorithm Parameters
As explained in Section 8.2.2, the parameter δ is used to limit the number of bestranked methods to be chosen as seed methods. Theoretically, such a value should
preserve all the methods that contribute significantly to aggregated program coverage,
whereas all the remaining methods should be filtered out. Even though the chosen δ
seems to be adequate for the presented case studies (i.e. adding more methods to the
list of seed methods did not increase the program coverage substantially), more work
is needed to determine the optimal value of the δ parameter. Additionally, it is
important to investigate whether a single optimal value of δ can be found for a
portfolio of programs, or whether each program needs an individually chosen δ value.
One of the limitations of the performed experiments is the lack of a direct comparison
against outputs of existing feature location methods. Ideally, a correlation study of
system-level scattering and tangling metrics contrasting the proposed method with
the existing ones could be conducted. However, such a study requires a significant
number of data points, being software systems, to achieve a satisfactory level of
statistical confidence. While in the case of the proposed method this data can be
generated automatically, no sufficiently large data sets exist for existing feature
location methods.
In the presented evolutionary investigation, the differences among the sets of
identified seed methods for subsequent versions of Checkstyle could have influenced
the results. It was observed that this behavior occurs when new types of detectors
8.6 Related Work
using new seed methods were added. While such a flux of the sets of seed methods
reflects the evolution of how features change over time, it may turn out problematic
with respect to comparability of measurements across versions. As a means of
addressing this threat to validity, the metric aggregation discussed earlier was used.
Additionally, it was confirmed that even though the set of seed methods changed over
time the coverage remained between 68% and 75%.
Lastly, because only open-source Java systems where used in the evaluations, the
results cannot be generalized to systems with different characteristics (i.e. using a
different programming paradigm). However, since the heuristic is largely technology
agnostic, it remains possible to validate the method using a more diverse set of
The problem of feature location can be seen as an instance of the more general
problem of concern location. In this context, Marin et al. [145] have proposed a semiautomatic method to identify crosscutting concerns in existing source code, based on
analysis of call relations between methods. This is done by identifying the methods
with the highest fan-in values, filtering them and using the results as candidate seed
methods of concerns. These candidate seeds are then manually inspected to confirm
their usefulness and associate them with the semantics of a particular concern they
Similarly, the several approaches to feature location associate features with control
flows in source code. One of the first such works the software reconnaissance
approach of Wilde and Scully [50]. Their approach is a dynamic feature location
technique that uses runtime tracing of test execution. Wilde et al. require that feature
specifications are investigated in order to define a set of feature-exhibiting and nonexhibiting execution scenarios. Individual execution scenarios are implemented as a
suite of dedicated test cases that, when executed on an instrumented program,
produce a set of traceability links between features and source code.
Salah and Mancoridis [51] proposed a different approach to encoding the featuretriggering scenarios. Their approach, called marked traces, requires one to manually
exercise features through a program’s user interface. Prior to executing a featuretriggering scenario, a dedicated execution-tracing agent is to be manually enabled and
supplied with a name of the feature being exercised. Effectively, this approach
removes the need for identifying starting-point methods in source code and the need
for the up-front effort of implementing appropriate feature-triggering test cases.
However, this is achieved at the price of manual scenario execution.
Chapter 8. Towards Large-Scale Measurement of Features
Feasibility of using designated methods as guiding points for static, as opposed to
dynamic, analysis was demonstrated by Walkinshaw et al. [140]. They developed a
feature location technique based on slicing of static call-graphs according to usersupplied landmarks and barriers. There, landmarks are manually identified as the
"methods that contribute to the feature that is under consideration and will be invoked
in each execution", whereas barriers are the methods know to be irrelevant to a
feature. These two types of methods serve as starting points and constraints for a
static slicing algorithm. This static mode of operation improves the overall level of
automation by removing the need for designing and executing feature-exhibiting
scenarios. Unfortunately, the lists of suitable landmarks and barriers have to be
established manually.
Cost-efficiency of applying feature-oriented measurement is determined by the extent
of its automation. As a result of incomplete automation of feature-oriented
measurement, it remains difficult to assess quality of features, control it over time and
to validate new feature-oriented metrics.
This chapter proposed a method for automated measurement of system-level feature
modularity, based automated discovery of seed method for slicing of static call-graphs
of applications.
The method introduced the concept of seed methods. A heuristic was proposed to
automatically detect seed methods, based on popularity of method names and size of
the static call-graph slices they yield. The heuristic was evaluated on 14 software
systems by comparing the coverage of static slices produced by the proposed method
against a manually constructed ground truth. Finally, practical applicability of the
proposed method was demonstrated in the scenario of measuring the evolution of
feature-oriented modularity in the release history of Checkstyle.
This chapter discusses the applicability, limitations, open questions and
perspectives on the Featureous approach.
9.1 Limitations and Open Questions ............................................................................... 159
9.2 Featureous within Software Life Cycle .................................................................... 161
There exist several limitations and open questions associated with the presented
research. This section discusses the most important of them.
Used Metrics
The presented research rests upon the feature-oriented concepts of scattering and
tangling. Why the definitions of these concepts are generally consistent across the
literature, there exist multiple proposals for how to quantify them. Therefore, the
particular set of metrics used throughout this thesis, which was defined by Brcina and
Riebisch [58], is only one possible frame of reference. However, surveying existing
literature on the topic, as done in Chapter 2, suggests a high degree of adherence of
the existing metrics to the common conceptual definitions of scattering and tangling.
Namely, all the existing scattering metrics are based on counting the numbers of code
units that a feature is delocalized over, whereas tangling metrics are based on
counting the number of features that reuse a single code unit.
Thus, while using a different formulation of scattering and tangling metrics would
lead to different numerical results; it is not expected to significantly affect the
presented conclusions.
Chapter 9. Discussion
Other Optimization Objectives
The optimization objectives used by Featureous Automated Remodularization can be
flexibly replaced by other software metrics. In particular, it is possible to add metrics
that represent other design principles, such as elimination of cyclic dependencies
among packages or avoidance of dependencies of multi-feature packages on singlefeature packages. Another possibility would be to include custom architectural
constraints (e.g. GUI classes that depend on Swing library should not be grouped
together with persistence classes that depend on JPA) by encoding them as function
returning numerical fitness values. Any metrics used for such purposes should be
formulated according to the MAFF guidelines of Harman and Clark [128].
Applicability to Other Programming Languages
At present, Java is the only programming language that the Featureous Workbench
tool is compatible with.
On the technical side, adapting Featureous Workbench to a different programming
language would require re-implementing three mechanisms. They are: the execution
tracer defined by Featureous Location, the infrastructure for static analysis of source
code and the code transformations used by Featureous Automated Remodularization.
On the conceptual side, the Featureous approach remains fairly general, and could
easily be adapted to other object-oriented languages, such as Smalltalk, C++ or C#. As
for application to non-object-oriented languages, the conceptual foundation of
Featureous would have to undergo major changes, in an extent dependent on the
properties of a target language.
Replacing the Feature Location Mechanism
Featureous makes it simple to replace the Featureous Location method. The only
requirement imposed on a candidate replacement method is being able to correctly
instantiate the feature-trace model defined in Chapter 4. This model is the only
interface between Featureous Location and the other parts of Featureous.
Additionally, it is preferred that a replacement method emphasizes avoidance of false
positives, even for the cost of an increased number of false negatives. Thereby, it is
expected to deliver a minimal correct set of traceability links that other parts of
Featureous, such as Featureous Automated Remodularization, can rely on.
Lastly, the non-dynamic candidate replacements can safely ignore providing the
identifiers of the objects used by features. Doing so will not affect feature-oriented
views other than the feature relations characterization view.
Porting to Other IDEs
Featureous Workbench plugin is integrated with the NetBeans IDE mostly at the level
of user interface. The data models used by Featureous Workbench remain separate
from the ones offered by the NetBeans infrastructure. In particular, the Workbench
9.2 Featureous within Software Life Cycle
uses its own representation of source code as a basis for calculating metrics. This
representation is instantiated using the IDE-independent Recoder library [133].
Similarly, most of the analytical views would need only minor, if any at all,
modifications to execute within another IDE.
While overall Featureous Workbench retains a relatively high degree of portability,
there exist individual aspect that would need a major rework. These are reimplementing the code editor coloring, reintegrating with project management and
with project execution infrastructures of a new IDE.
Practical applicability of Featureous depends not only on how well it can be applied,
but also on whether the results of its application form an appropriate basis for further
evolution of applications. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the methodological
perspective on the post-remodularization handling of software systems. In particular,
it has to be discussed how the feature-oriented arrangement of source code can be
propagated to software life-cycle concerns such as iteration planning, effort
estimation, architectural design, work division, testing and configuration
Currently, there exists only one software development methodology that is related to
feature-orientation. It is called Feature-Driven Development (FDD) [146].
Furthermore, there exists a number of compatible practices advocated by other
methodologies, such as Extreme Programming (XP) [147] and Crystal Clear [148]. The
remainder of this section presents a high-level perspective on how individual phases
of software life cycle can use these practices to embrace the notion of featureorientation.
Requirements Engineering and Domain Analysis
As it was discussed in Chapter 4, the popular approach to requirements analysis based
on use cases [89] is largely compatible with the feature-oriented point of view. This is
because a feature can be mapped to one or more functional requirements represented
by use cases. Similarly, a feature can be mapped to one or more user stories [147],
which are the means of specifying functional requirements in XP. FDD proposes
limiting granularity of feature specifications to ensure that each feature specification
can be implemented in under two weeks [146].
Furthermore, FDD encourages an performing an explicit domain analysis and
motivates it the domain models as being common bases for features to build upon.
This proposal finds its reflection in Featureous. As argued earlier in Chapter 6,
Featureous postulates preserving original domain models and using them as important
building blocks for features.
Chapter 9. Discussion
Planning, Scoping and Effort Estimation
FDD proposes to plan and scope development iterations on per feature basis. Hence,
each iteration has the goal of implementing a set of feature specifications. Thereby,
the iterations result in delivering new usable units of applications functionality to the
end-users. This is argued to facilitate gathering early feedback about the
functionalities being developed.
The per-feature iteration scoping resembles the practice of walking skeleton proposed
by Crystal Clear [148]. A walking skeleton is a proof-of-concept implementation of an
application that performs a small end-to-end user-function and that connects the main
architectural components. Hence, walking skeleton is essentially a functional slice of a
desired application.
Feature-oriented effort estimation can be performed using a range of existing effort
estimation techniques. One of them is the function points method [149]. As reported
by Capers Jones [150], the Java language requires 53 LOC per function point, which in
turn corresponds to productivity of between 10 and 20 function points per personmonth of work. Using Featureous Location it remains possible to estimate the LOCsizes of existing features, and in consequence their accumulated number of function
points. Such a measurement can be practically exploited during feature-oriented effort
estimation by seeking analogies between already existing features and planned
A lightweight effort estimation technique is proposed by XP in the form of planning
poker [147]. In this practice, the time required to implement a user story is firstly
estimated by each developer in secrecy, and then revealed to become an input to
discussing a consensus estimate. As user stories map well to features, this technique
appears applicable to feature-oriented effort estimation.
Finally, a per-feature tactic can also be applied to project accounting, as discussed by
Cockburn [151]. Namely, a development contract can specify a price per delivered
feature, in addition to a (lowered) per hour pricing. Cockburn argues that such a
model better aligns the financial incentives of developers and clients. This model,
however, is difficult to realize in practice if appropriate facilities for feature location
and feature-oriented analysis are not available.
Architecture and High-Level Design
FDD proposed the notion of iterative design by feature [146]. In this proposal,
developers initiate each iteration by designing the only the features found in the
iteration’s scope. This is done by analyzing how the planned features use the existing
domain models and developing detailed sequence diagrams depicting this usage.
This proposal remains consistent with Featureous. In addition, Featureous emphasizes
the need for recognizing and addressing: (1) accidental introduction of tangling on
single-feature classes, and (2) insufficient reuse of classes contained in shared multi-
9.2 Featureous within Software Life Cycle
feature modules. Occurrence of these phenomena indicates a need for relocation of
classes to reflect their updated degree of reuse among features.
As a consequence of per feature planning and per feature design, implementation
efforts have to also proceed on a per feature basis. Hence, as proposed by FDD,
developers need to form feature teams that concentrate on end-to-end development of
individual features. The practice of forming feature teams is reported by Cusumano
and Selby [152] to be successfully applied in several major projects at Microsoft. In
addition, Cusumano and Selby describe a method of dividing the work on features into
three development milestones, as follows: (1) first 1/3 of features (the most critical
features and shared components), (2) second 1/3 of features and (3) final 1/3 of
features (least critical features).
In addition to these considerations, the experiences from applying Featureous make it
a relevant question whether a part of a development team should be permanently
assigned to the multi-feature core modules of an application. Because such modules
should enclose code domain models and reusable assets, a particular attention should
be paid to preventing their erosion and to maintaining their exposed APIs.
When evolving an application modularized according to feature-oriented criteria,
several testing practices become necessary. Firstly, having explicit multi-feature core
modules that expose APIs to single-feature modules, it is important that the APIs are
well tested to prevent introduction of accidental errors. Secondly, test suites have to
be made feature-oriented, i.e. they should treat features as the units of testing effort.
This can be achieved by developing integration tests that explicitly map to features of
an application. Thirdly, combinations of features should be considered as test
candidates, in order to detect undesired effects of feature interactions [51].
Additionally, automated integration tests can be used to automatically regenerate
feature traces, whenever any change to the source code is committed to a version
control system. This can be done by making the integration tests run with the
Featureous Location execution tracer and by ensuring that they execute feature-entry
points of the application. By doing so, feature traces can continuously be kept
synchronized with the evolving source code.
Configuration Management
Finally, feature-oriented modularization of source code solves some of the issues of
configuration management. Fowler [6] discussed a technique called feature branching
that proposes that developers create per feature branches in their version control
systems and work on separate features in parallel. While this approach helps featureteams to work in isolation, Fowler points out that it artificially postpones and thereby
complicates the integration of changes. The integrations become complex due to
Chapter 9. Discussion
textual merge conflicts over commonly modified files, which is especially problematic
if refactorings is involved.
Featureous resolves these problems by removing the fundamental motivation of
feature branching – having features modularized in source code, multi-team parallel
development can be performed on a single branch of version control. The only
modules where conflicting changes may occur are the multi-feature core modules,
which by definition should be more stable than individual single-feature modules.
This chapter concludes this thesis by summarizing the claimed
contributions and lessons learned during the research on Featureous.
Furthermore, consequences of Featureous for the practice of software
engineering and opportunities for further research are discussed.
10.1 Summary of Contributions ....................................................................................... 165
10.2 Consequences for Practice of Software Engineering .......................................... 168
10.3 Opportunities for Future Research.......................................................................... 168
10.4 Closing Remarks .......................................................................................................... 170
The ability to change is both a blessing and a burden of software systems. On the one
hand, it allows them to adapt their features to changing requirements of their users.
On the other hand, changing existing features is oftentimes an overwhelmingly
challenging task.
This thesis focused on the core challenge of feature-oriented changes – the lack of
proper modularization of features in source code of Java applications. In this context,
the thesis developed practical means for supporting comprehension and modification
of features. These means were feature location, feature-oriented analysis and featureoriented remodularization. This thesis developed and integrated these methods in
terms of a layered conceptual model. A schematic summary of how this layered
conceptual model was realized is presented in Figure 10.1.
Chapter 10. Conclusions
Figure 10.1: Realization of the conceptual model of Featureous
The realization of the individual layers of the conceptual model of Featureous resulted
in the following contributions:
 Feature location: This thesis proposed the Featureous Location method for
establishing traceability between features and unfamiliar source code. The
method relies on the notion of feature-entry points that have to be annotated in
source code to guide dynamic analysis. Featureous Location was implemented
using AspectJ and was successfully applied to several open-source Java systems.
Initial evaluations of effort-efficiency, coverage and accuracy of the method were
presented. Finally, Featureous Location was used as a basis for developing the
concept of runtime feature awareness.
 Feature-oriented analysis and measurement: This thesis proposed the Featureous
Analysis method for feature-oriented analysis of existing Java applications.
Featureous Analysis proposes a three-dimensional conceptual framework for
representing and relating feature-oriented analytical views. Based on recognizing
the needs of the change mini-cycle, the method identifies the most important
view configurations and realizes them using several feature-oriented
10.1 Summary of Contributions
visualizations. Featureous Analysis was evaluated analytically, as well as through
a series of application studies concerned with assessing feature-oriented
modularity, supporting comprehension and guiding change adoption.
Furthermore, this thesis proposed a method for large-scale quantification of
feature modularization quality. The method is based on static slicing techniques
and on automated heuristic-driven discovery of seed methods, being a
generalization of the notion of feature-entry points. The method was evaluated
by comparison to a manually identified ground truth. Subsequently, applicability
of the method to quantifying evolutionary changes in feature modularization
quality was demonstrated.
 Feature-oriented remodularization: This thesis proposed the Featureous Manual
Remodularization method for restructuring existing Java applications to improve
modularization of their features. The method is based on iterative relocation and
reconceptualization of classes and is driven by feature-oriented analysis.
Featureous Manual Remodularization identifies and addresses the class-level
fragile decomposition problem by defining a feature-oriented modular structure
that consists of both single-feature and multi-feature modules. The feasibility of
the method was demonstrated in a study of feature-oriented remodularization of
an open-source neurological application. Apart from qualitative and quantitative
results, several interesting experiences were reported.
Finally, this thesis presented the Featureous Automated Remodularization
method aimed at automating the process of feature-oriented restructuring.
Featureous Automated Remodularization formulates the task of remodularization
as a multi-objective grouping optimization problem. The method realizes this
formulation using five metrics to guide a generic algorithm in optimization of
package structures of existing Java applications. Apart from the automated
forward remodularization, the method supports also an on-demand reverse
remodularization. Featureous Automated Remodularization was evaluated using
two case studies, and was used as means of assessing the role of class
reconceptualization during feature-oriented remodularization.
To facilitate practicality and reproducibility of the obtained results, the
aforementioned contributions were implemented as the Featureous Workbench plugin
to the NetBeans IDE. This implementation is freely available, both as binary and as
source code.
All the mentioned contributions, jointly known as the Featureous approach, constitute
the results of addressing the research question that was defined at the beginning of
this thesis: How can features of Java applications be located, analyzed and modularized
to support comprehension and modification during software evolution?
Chapter 10. Conclusions
The presented work results in two important consequences for the current practice of
software engineering.
Firstly, Featureous delivers practical means of performing feature-oriented analysis of
existing Java applications. As demonstrated, Featureous Location and Featureous
Analysis can be introduced to existing unfamiliar and large Java codebases in a matter
of hours. Apart from the low effort investment, these methods do not introduce new
technological risks, as their only impact on existing source code is the insertion of
feature-entry point annotations.
Secondly, the Featureous Manual Remodularization and Featureous Automated
Remodularization methods demonstrate that it is possible to significantly improve
modularity of features in existing Java applications. While the manual method
demonstrates feasibility of feature-oriented remodularization during migration to
module systems, the automated method improves scalability of such restructurings.
Thereby, Featureous makes enables existing Java applications to migrate to featureoriented modularization criteria.
The presented work opens several opportunities for future research. These
opportunities include additional validation of Featureous, adapting the approach to
the scenario of continuous application and applying it to conduct basic research on
the modularity of features in evolving software systems.
10.3.1 Further Empirical Evaluations
While the presented evaluation studies are satisfactory at the current stage, additional
experimentation would be needed to grant additional insights into the precise
characteristics of the approach. Particularly desirable would be large-scale controlled
experiments involving professional developers and industrial applications. Based on
such studies, it would be possible to conclude about the effort-efficiency and accuracy
of Featureous Location, and about the support for comprehension of Featureous
Analysis in the context of industrial software engineering practices.
Moreover, it is deemed relevant to gather more experiences from performing featureoriented remodularizations. Such experiences, preferably reported by third parties,
would allow not only for precise evaluation of the role of Featureous in the process,
10.3 Opportunities for Future Research
but also for a deeper understanding of the effects of such restructurings on long-term
evolution of object-oriented applications.
Finally, it is important to evaluate the remodularization methods proposed by
Featureous using other software metrics and quality models, to reinforce the results
reported in this thesis.
10.3.2 Continuous Analysis and Remodularization
While the presented work applied Featureous to single revisions of applications,
continuous application of Featureous remains an interesting topic for further research.
One particularly interesting direction of such investigations would be to explore the
concept of continuous remodularization. In such a scenario, automated
remodularization of a codebase could be performed after every change to source code
is committed. Doing so has potential for reducing the erosion of software
architectures over time, as the desired architectural design could be automatically reenforced after each change. Realizing this vision is expected to require an additional
optimization goal – a goal that promotes similarity of the evolved package structures
to an externally specified architectural rationale.
More generally, additional experiences with applying Featureous to support evolution
of applications are needed. Challenges of doing so involve: (1) evaluating Featureous
Location in the scenario of automated feature location driven by integration tests and
(2) developing an efficient and transparent method for continuous updating of feature
traces during development sessions, to ensure constant synchronization between
feature traces and the source code under modification.
Finally, it remains relevant to seek further integration of Featureous with existing
development tools and IDEs to develop mechanisms such as feature-oriented code
navigation, feature-oriented code completion or feature-oriented interfaces. A
promising direction for experimenting with such mechanisms would be to implement
a feature-trace importer plugin to the Mylyn task-based environment [153].
10.3.3 Basic Research on Feature-Orientation
Finally yet importantly, the Featureous Workbench tool can be used by researchers as
a vehicle for conducting basic research on the topic of feature-orientation. Its free
availability and its plugin-based architecture are hoped to encourage such a use.
Promising research topics include: investigating the applicability of feature-oriented
analysis during the initial development phase of software life-cycle (as opposed to the
evolution phase), investigating of erosion of feature-oriented modularity over
subsequent software releases, or investigating the relation of feature-oriented metrics
to other concern-oriented and general-purpose software metrics.
Chapter 10. Conclusions
This thesis developed Featureous, an integrated approach to location, analysis and
modularization of features in Java applications.
The presented work advances the state of the art in supporting feature-oriented
comprehension and modification of existing object-oriented applications. This was
achieved by proposing a set of novel conceptual and technical means for performing
feature location, feature-oriented analysis and feature-oriented remodularization.
Support for comprehension of features was provided at several levels. Firstly,
Featureous Location supports efficient location of features in the source code of
existing applications. Secondly, Featureous Analysis provides several views that guide
feature-oriented exploration of source code and that focus it on concrete granularities,
perspectives and levels of visual abstraction. To automate and scale feature-oriented
assessment of applications, a heuristic for detection of seed methods was proposed.
Finally, Featureous Manual and Automated Remodularization made it possible to
physically reduce scattering and tangling of features in packages, and thereby to
reduce their associated comprehension-hindering phenomena of delocalized plans and
Featureous provided support for evolutionary modification of features in the following
ways. Firstly, Featureous Location made it possible to efficiently establish traceability
mappings between the evolving specifications of functional requirements and the
source code of an application. Secondly, Featureous Analysis provided views that help
identifying source code of a feature under modification, anticipating change
propagation among features and consciously managing source code reuse among
features. Finally, Featureous Manual and Automated Remodularization supported
improving physical separation and localization of features in packages, to confine
evolutionary modifications and reduce the risk of accidental inter-feature change
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A1. APIs of Featureous Workbench ................................................................................ 181
A2. Feature Lists ................................................................................................................... 186
A3. Four Modularizations of KWIC ................................................................................. 191
This section discusses the APIs of Featureous Workbench. The concrete interfaces and
implementations of the discussed APIs can be found in the open-source repository of
the project [187].
A1.1 Extension API
The most important API of Featureous Workbench is the Extension API that allows
for adding new feature-oriented views to the tool.
In order to extend Featureous Workbench with a new view, a new NetBeans module
needs to be created. Apart from the dependency on the Featureous Core module, the
new module has to be made dependent on the Lookup API, Utilities API and Window
System API modules provided by the NetBeans RCP.
In order for a Java class in the created module to be recognized as a view by
Featureous Workbench, a class needs to be annotated as a provider of the
dk.sdu.mmmi.featureous.explorer.spi.FeatureTraceView service, as shown in Figure A.1.
In order to actually provide the declared service, the view class needs also to extend
the dk.sdu.mmmi.featureous.explorer.api.AbstractTraceView class. As a result, it will need
to implement four abstract methods. These four methods (i.e. createInstance,
createView, updateView, closeView) will be called by the Featureous Workbench
infrastructure upon the creation, opening, update of traces and closing of a view.
public class ExampleView extends AbstractTraceView {
public ExampleView() {
setupAttribs("ExampleView", "", "pkg/icon.png");
public TopComponent createInstance() {
return new ExampleView();
public void createView() {
Controller c = Controller.getInstance();
Set<TraceModel> ftms = c.getTraceSet().getAllTraces();
String msg = "No. of loaded traces: " + ftms.size();
JLabel status = new JLabel(msg);
this.add(status, BorderLayout.CENTER);
public void updateView() { ... }
public void closeView() { ... }
Figure A.1: Extending Featureous Workbench with a new feature-oriented view
In the simple example in Figure A.1, the name and the icon of the view are declared in
the class constructor. The createView method is used to create a simple view that
displays the number of currently loaded feature traces. The access to the currently
loaded feature trace models is obtained through the Controller singleton class exposed
by the Core module of Featureous Workbench.
Such a view class providing the FeatureTraceView service will be dynamically looked-up
by the Featureous Workbench infrastructure when its module is loaded. The view will
be represented by the declared name and icon on the toolbar of the main Featureous
Workbench window. When such a button is clicked by a user to bring up the view, a
new instance of the class will be created using the class’s createInstance factory
method. Subsequently, the createView method will be invoked to allow the view to
populate its UI. In the case the set of traces is updated, the updateView method will be
called, so that the view can reflect the changes. Lastly, the closeView method will be
called to allow for custom deinitialization when the view is being closed down by the
A1.2 Source Utils API
The Source Utils API provides Featureous Workbench with static analyses of source
code and with object-oriented metrics built on top of the analyses.
The static analysis infrastructure is centered on the concept of static dependency model
(SDM) of Java source code. The SDM is a simple model that represents packages,
classes and static dependencies among them. While this model currently provides only
a partial representation of Java source code, it constitutes a sufficient basis for
computing a number of design-level metrics that are used in Featureous. The overall
design of SDM is presented in Figure A.2.
Figure A.2: The static dependency model used by Featureous Workbench
SDM can be instantiated for any Java codebase by using an importer implemented
using the Recoder library [133]. In important property of the importer is the ability to
extract a SDM based solely on source code parsing, i.e. full compilation of source code
is not required. In consequence, it becomes possible to extract SDM from source code
without supplying its dependent JAR files, extract SDM from subsets of the whole
source code and even from source code that contains syntax errors (however, the
erroneous units will be discarded). The independence of JAR files makes SDM a
feasible basis for scalable automated measurement of static dependencies in Java
Apart from the extractor, Source Utils API provides persistence support for SDM,
reusable implementations of the most common queries and integration with the
NetBeans source code infrastructure.
RecoderModelExtractor.extractSdmAndRunAsync(new RecoderModelExtractor.RunnableWithSdm() {
public void run(StaticDependencyModel sdm) {
JPackage pkg = sdm.getPackages().iterator().next();
List<JType> classes = pkg.getTopLevelTypes();
PCoupExport coupling = new PCoupExport();
Double res = coupling.calculate(sdm, pkg);
Figure A.3: Using Recoder to obtain static dependency model for main project in the IDE
Figure A.3 demonstrates how to use Source Utils API to extract an SDM from a project
opened and marked as main in the NetBeans IDE. The provided example shows how
an obtained SDM can be queried and how it can be used as an input to computing one
of the metrics provided by Source Utils module of Featureous Workbench. This
module provides implementations of afferent/efferent cohesion and afferent/efferent
dk.sdu.mmmi.srcUtils.sdm.metrics package.
A1.3 Feature Trace Model Access API
The Core module of Featureous Workbench exposes an API for accessing and
manipulating trace models that encompass the traceability links captured by
Featureous Location. In order to decouple the evolution of Featureous Location model
format from the model format exposed to feature-oriented views, Featureous
Workbench wraps the Featureous Location models. While the wrappers closely
correspond to the original models discussed in Chapter 4, they are decorated with a
number of additional utility methods and fields. The set of traces currently loaded in
dk.sdu.mmmi.featureous.core.controller.Controller singleton object by invoking:
TraceSet traceSet = Controller.getInstance().getTraceSet(). The exposed classes of the
feature trace model reside in the dk.sdu.mmmi.featureous.core.model package.
The primary scenario for using the trace models exposed by Featureous Workbench is
adding a new feature-oriented view to the tool, as discussed earlier. A second
supported scenario is custom exporting of the traceability without implementing a
complete view. This can be done by using the BeanShell2 Java console [88] provided
with Featureous Workbench. The console allows a user to insert and execute arbitrary
Java routines that access or manipulate the current TraceSet object. One of the
example routines provided with the console is shown in Figure A.4. This code
demonstrates how to iterate over the models of traces and classes that they contain
and how to query these models for various data.
for(TraceModel tm : traceSet){
String name = tm.getName();
print(name + ": \n");
//Set<OrderedBinaryRelation<String, Integer>> invs = tm.getMethodInvocations();
for(ClassModel cm : tm.getClassSet()){
String pkgName = cm.getPackageName();
String className = cm.getName();
print(" - " + className + "\n");
Set<String> methods = cm.getAllMethods();
//Set<String> objsCreatedByFeat = cm.getInstancesCreated();
//Set<String> objsUsedByFeat = cm.getInstancesUsed();
Figure A.4: Example BeanShell2 script
Using the trace model access API combined with the static dependence model
presented earlier, Featureous Workbench implements a number of state of the art
feature-oriented metrics that are applied throughout this thesis. These
implementations can be found in the dk.sdu.mmmi.featureous.metrics.concernmetrics
package. Furthermore, Featureous Workbench provides two interesting static analyses
in the dk.sdu.mmmi.featureous.core.staticlocation package: a static control-flow-based
slicing algorithm and algorithm for retrospective static approximation of read and
write accesses to fields of the collected Featureous Location traces. While these two
analyses are not used within this thesis, it is envision them a good starting point for
development of third-party plugins concerned with static feature location and
detection of resource-sharing-based feature interactions [51].
A1.4 Affinity API
The affinity information can be accessed through the Controller object by getting its
aggregated AffinityProvider object. AffinityProvider interface exposes the information
about the affinity characterization and affinity coloring of concrete packages, classes
and methods in a program. By hiding the concrete affinity providers behind a
common interface, it is possible for third parties to easily replace the default provider
and thereby extend Featureous Workbench with customized domain-specific affinity
A1.5 Selection API
Featureous Workbench is equipped with a global selection mechanism driven by the
three traceability views. The remaining views are made to automatically react to on
events of selecting features in the feature explorer view, selecting code units in feature
inspector or call-tree views or by moving the caret of the feature-aware source code
editor to classes and methods of interest. Most of the views react to such events by
dynamically highlighting the selected entities or by dynamically re-layouting their
visualizations. The global selection mechanism is also exposed for both writing and
observing through the SelectionManager class.
This thesis uses several open-source software systems as case studies. The lists of
their features, as recognized by applying Featureous Location, are presented in the
remainder of this section.
A2.1 JHotDraw SVG
JHotDraw SVG 7.2
Size: 62 KLOC
Annotated Feature-entry points: 91
Summary description
Basic editing
cut, copy, paste figures
Selection tool
select click, select drag, deselect, move figure, resize figure
Drawing persistence
clear recent files, load drawing, load recent, save drawing
Manage drawings
new drawing, close drawing
Path editing
combine, split path
Text area tool
create text area, display text area, edit text
group figures
Font palette
display palette
Attribute editing
pick attributes, apply attributes to figure
View palette
create, zoom in, zoom out
Align palette
display palette, align left, center, right, top, middle, bottom
Figure palette
display palette
Fill palette
display palette
Stroke palette
display palette
Automatic selection
clear selection, select all, select same
display, resize
View source
view svg source
Link palette
display palette
Undo redo
undo, redo
Line tool
display line, create line, close path
export drawing
Scribble tool
create bezier path
bring to front, send to back
Text tool
create text, display text
Image tool
create image, display image, load image
Ellipse tool
create ellipse, display ellipse
Rectangle tool
create rectangle, display rectangle
Tool palette
display palette
Application startup
initialize application
A2.2 BlueJ
BlueJ 2.5.2
Size: 78 KLOC
Annotated Feature-entry points: 228
Summary description
Project persistence
open project, save, save as
Create test method
create test method
Manage projects
new project, close project
Code pad
evaluate expression, error, exception, inspect object, show
Invoke method
invoke method, dialog, show result
compile project, compile selected, show warnings, rebuild
checkout, commit, import, show log, settings, show status,
objects to fixture, fixture to objects
Application close
close application
export project as jar
Debugger control
stop, step, step into, continue, terminate
Edit class implementation.persistence
show file, open file, reload file
initialize application
inspect object, class, method result
Inheritance arrow management
new, remove, show
Package management
new, remove
Add class from file
insert Java file as class
Edit class implementation.code editing
display line number, paint syntax highlighting, match brackets,
Insert method into code
insert existing method
show, class manager, editor, extension manager, misc,
preference manager,
Edit class implementation.basic editing
find, replace, code message, warning, undo, redo, comment,
uncomment, indent, deindent, go to line
Class management
new, remove,
import non-Bluej project
Generate project documentation
project documentation, class documentation
Print project
print, page setup
Class instance management
add, remove object
Debugger.display state
show, instance field, static field, variable, step marks
Package description
readme edit, save, load
Create objects from lib classes
run constructor, run method
Open class documentation
open class doc
Run tests
run single, run all, show results
Open class implementation
open code editor
show, clear, save
Breakpoint management
toggle breakpoint, remove breakpoint, display breakpoint in
Uses arrow management
new, remove, show
Key bindings management
key binding dialog, add, remove
Machine icon
show status
Program statics display
package editor
Program dynamics display
object bench
A2.3 FreeMind
FreeMind 0.7.1
Size: 14 KLOC
Annotated Feature-entry points: 87
Summary description
Cloud node
cloud, cloud color
Display map
draw on screen, layout, fold nodes, fold node children, node up, node
down, anti-aliasing
show documentation, faq
Edit basic
cut, paste, copy, copy single
Edit map
new child node, new sibling, new prev sibling, delete, join nodes, rename,
edit long
Exit program
exit program
Export map
export to html, properties
icon, set image
Import export branch
export branch, import, import linked, import without root, import folder
structure, import explorer favorites, export branch to html
Init program
initialize program
Link node
set link by file, set link by text, follow link
Modify edge
linear style, sharp linear, bezier style, sharp bezier, color, width parent,
width thin, width number
Modify node
fork style, bubble style, font, font size, font style, smaller font, larger font,
color, blend color
Multiple maps
list, switch, previous command, next command, close map
Multiple modes
mindmap, file, list modes, switch mode
Navigate map
next, previous, forward, backward, move to root, find, find next
New map
create a new mind map
Open map
open a persisted mind map
Print map
page setup, print
Save map
save, save as
File mode
switch to file mode
Browse mode
switch to browse mode
zoom in, zoom out
A2.4 RText
RText 0.9.8
Size: 55 KLOC
Annotated Feature-entry points: 82
Summary description
Display text
render text, decrease font, increase font, line numbers, java syntax
Edit basic
copy, paste, cut, select all
Edit text
write, delete, insert date/time
Exit program
exit program
Export document
export as html
Init program
initialization, splash screen
Modify document properties
line terminator, encoding
Modify options
interface options, printing options, text area options, language, file
filters, source browser options, shortcuts
Modify text
delete end of line, join lines, to lower case, to upper case, invert case,
intend, un-intend, toggle comment
Multiple documents
list, switch, close, close all
Navigate text
find, find next, replace, replace next, replace all, find in files, replace in
files, go to, quick search bar, go to matching bracket
New document
create new document
Open document
text, java, other formats, open in new window, document history
Playback macro
load, playback last
Print document
print, print preview
Record macro
begin, stop, record temporary
Save document
save, save as, many formats, save all
Show documentation
show help topics
Undo redo
undo, redo
Use plugins
plugin init, plugin list, plugin options
A2.5 JHotDraw Pert
JHotDraw Pert 7.2
Size: 72 KLOC
Annotated Feature-entry points: 135
Summary description
left, center, right, top, middle, bottom
Dependency tool
create dependency, edit dependency, render dependency
Edit basic
cut copy paste
Edit figure
duplicate delete
Exit program
exit program
Export drawing
export drawings to several formats
Group figures
group ungroup figures
Init program
initialize program
Modify figure
fill color, pen color, pen width, pen dashes, pen stroke, pen stroke
placement, pen caps, pen corners, no arrow, arrow at start, arrow at end,
arrow kind, font, font size, font style, font color, pick attributes, apply
attributes, move by unit
Multiple windows
new window, close window
New drawing
create a new drawing
Open drawing
xml format, open recent
Order figures
bring to back, bring to front
Save as drawing
xml format
Selection tool
select click, select drag, deselect, move figure, resize figure, select all
Snap to grid
snap, show grid
Task tool
create task, render task
Text tool
write text, edit text, edit text in figure, render text
Undo redo
undo, redo
zoom in, zoom out
The following description of four modularizations of KWIC was reproduced from [23]:
A3.1 Shared data modularization
“The first solution decomposes the problem according to the four basic functions
performed: input, shift, alphabetize, and output. These computational components are
coordinated as subroutines by a main program that sequences through them in turn. Data
is communicated between the components through shared storage (“core storage”).
Communication between the computational components and the shared data is an
unconstrained read-write protocol. This is made possible by the fact that the coordinating
program guarantees sequential access to the data.”
A3.2 Abstract data type modularization
“The second solution decomposes the system into a similar set of five modules. However,
in this case data is no longer directly shared by the computational components. Instead,
each module provides an interface that permits other components to access data only by
invoking procedures in that interface.”
A3.3 Implicit invocation modularization
“The third solution uses a form of component integration based on shared data similar to
the first solution. However, there are two important differences. First, the interface to the
data is more abstract. Rather than exposing the storage formats to the computing
modules, data is accessed abstractly (for example, as a list or a set). Second, computations
are invoked implicitly as data is modified. Thus interaction is based on an active data
model. For example, the act of adding a new line to the line storage causes an event to be
sent to the shift module. This allows it to produce circular shifts (in a separate abstract
shared data store). This in turn causes the alphabetizer to be implicitly invoked so that it
can alphabetize the lines.”
A3.4 Pipes and filters modularization
“The fourth solution uses a pipeline solution. In this case there are four filters: input, shift,
alphabetize, and output. Each filter processes the data and sends it to the next filter.
Control is distributed: each filter can run whenever it has data on which to compute. Data
sharing between filters is strictly limited to that transmitted on pipes.”