Temple Beth Tikvah Serving the North Orange County Jewish Community since 1964 WHO WE ARE Temple Beth Tikvah takes pride in being the center of Jewish life in North Orange County. TBT’s mission is to encourage and promote the continuity of our rich Jewish heritage and traditions. Our congregation, working along with the larger Jewish community, creates the environment and the opportunities to gather together for prayer, for meaningful lifelong Jewish learning, and for social interactions and cultural experiences. 1600 N. Acacia, Fullerton, California 92831 (714) 871-3535 October 2014 Tishri-Cheshvan 5775 WELCOMING SUKKOT Wednesday, October 8, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Bring a picnic dinner and join us in the Sukkah as we welcome the Fall harvest Festival and learn about the mitzvot of the holiday. **Sit in the Sukkah**Smell the Etrog**Wave the Lulav ************************************* SUKKOT POTLUCK Friday, October 10, 6:30 p.m. Join us in the Sukkah before our Sukkot family service, for a buffet of delicious dishes brought by YOU! See the guidelines of what to bring, listed below. ************************************* SIMCHAT TORAH POTLUCK Friday, October 17, 6:30 p.m. If your name begins with the letters: A-K: L-Z: Please bring A Dairy Side dish for your family plus 10 more people. Please bring a Dairy Main Dish that will feed your family plus 10 more people. RSVP to the Temple office (714) 871-3535 or [email protected] by two days before each potluck The Scroll is published monthly by TEMPLE BETH TIKVAH 1600 N. Acacia, Fullerton, CA 92831 Rabbi Rabbi Teri Appleby Cantor Michael Avdee Temple Administrator/Educator Miriam Van Raalte Preschool Director Natalie Wirtzer Immediate Past President Ben Berkley Presidents Howard Brass & Cindy Jacobson Executive Vice President Jesse Richter Treasurer Jonathan Gottlieb Assistant Treasurer Michael Flashner Secretary Mark Silverstein Education Vice Presidents Jake Sapiro & Sarah Budeshtsky Facilities Vice Presidents Kevin Applebaum & Lauren Simon Membership Vice Presidents Sheri Weitzman & Melissa Goldman Operations Vice Presidents Steve Belasco & Lila Pesner Programming Vice Presidents Gary Gruber, Shiloh Jaramillo & Angie Cohen Publicity Vice President Eric Van Raalte Religious Practices Vice Presidents Daniel Santillan & Bob Cohen Tikkun Olam Vice Presidents Barbara Levine & Jay Weinschenker Ways and Means Vice Presidents Evelyn Bell & Becky Boren Youth Vice President Marvin Goodman Trustees Sophia Litt, Bruce Melcer, Henry Cohen, & Bruce Melcer Neshot Tikvah President Daphna Gutterman Men’s Club President Greg Spalter Visit our web site at http://www.templebethtikvah.com Message from Rabbi Appleby “Kehilat Hesed – Caring Community” During the High Holy Days we individually take a heshbon ha-nefesh—an accounting of our lives and we are challenged to live our lives more Jewishly. During this time of a rabbinic search for a new permanent rabbi, we as a congregation are taking a collective heshbon na-nefesh and are challenged to create a stronger and more vibrant community here at Temple Beth Tikvah. One of my top priorities is that we are a kehilat hesed – a true caring community. If there is one thing I have learned in my life, it’s that we can’t go it alone. In isolation our spirits atrophy; our lives can spin out of control. We all need love, friendship, mentors, and supportive people in our lives. We all need a caring community to help us cope with the problems we face with our health, our jobs, kids, spouses, and our aging parents. We all need a sense of hope for the future. In community, no one should have to walk through divorce, unemployment, bereavement, serious injury or disability, or loneliness alone. In community we should learn how to give – and what is still harder, for most of us - how to receive. A Hasidic story is told of a boy and his father traveling together up a hill in an old wagon. Suddenly, a large boulder appeared on the road, which the wagon could not get around. The boy pondered the situation, got out of the wagon, and tried to move the boulder. He couldn’t; it was simply too heavy. So next he went to a tree, took off a large branch, and tried to pry the stone out. The branch snapped under the effort. The boy then tried to roll the stone downward, but to no avail. Exhausted, frustrated, the boy climbed back into the wagon and said to his father, “I’ve tried everything. I just can’t do it.” His father replied, “You haven’t tried everything.” “But father,” the boy protested, “I’ve rolled the stone, pried the stone, pushed the stone. What didn’t I do?” His father looked tenderly at him and answered, “You didn’t ask me for help.” It’s so hard for many of us to ask for help. It’s much easier to give than to receive; easier to nurture than to be nurtured. Here at Temple Beth Tikvah, we have a wonderful Caring Community Committee. Our goal as a kehilat hesed is to create a more caring and responsive community; to transform our casual associations into loving and sacred relationships. Our tradition teaches us not to separate ourselves from the community; and it teaches us that we are each responsible for one another. I take this sacred obligation seriously and we need your help: First, we need you to step forward to volunteer to help others in their time of need. Second, we need you to let us know what your needs are – to be willing to give us a call and ask for help. Please rest assured that your wishes concerning privacy and confidentiality will be honored. Offering Help Please let us know if you are willing to help with any of the following: Deliver a meal to a neighbor Give a neighbor a ride to a Temple event Give a neighbor a ride to an appointment Run an errand for a neighbor Make a friendly phone call or pay a visit to someone who is home-bound Knit a shawl for someone who is ill Offer a place at your holiday table Accepting Help Please call: If there has been a death in your family If you or a family member is ill If you need a ride to Temple If you need an errand done If you are home-bound If you are the primary caregiver of an aging parent or a child with special needs If you would like to be hosted for a Shabbat or holiday dinner As we begin this New Year, may we truly tend and befriend one another. L’Shalom and Shanah Tova, Rabbi Teri Appleby 2 PRESIDENTS’ MESSAGE Under their guidance, the youth of TBT will have meaningful and fun activities while making lifelong Jewish friends. by Cindy Jacobson & Howard Brass TBT's Programming VPs, Angie Cohen, Gary Gruber, and Shiloh Jaramillo, have organized a wide range of guaranteed fun activities for all ages. See their list on the back page of the Scroll or pick up their many flyers on the back table during High Holy Days. Also, make sure to pick up our Adult Education brochure, listing an impressive line-up of classes we will be offering this fall. We want to thank Jake Sapiro, our other Education VP, for organizing such an interesting array of educational opportunities, and thank Rabbi Appleby and our volunteer teachers, Mark Filowitz, Sam Prum, and Rabbi Art Levine for making it all happen. September marks the end of summer and the beginning of a new school year for the children of TBT. On the first day of religious school, we could all feel the excitement in the air. The hallways were filled with laughter as children greeted their classmates, met their new teachers, and of course waited anxiously for the once-a-year special treat of taking the elevator to their classrooms. How they have grown over the summer! Parents, too, enjoyed catching up with old friends as we all nibbled muffins for breakfast provided by our Membership VPs and later hot dogs provided by Men's Club. Finally, we would like to say how much we appreciate the daily presence of our rabbi, Teri Appleby. Her leadership and guidance is evident in all of the wonderful things happening at TBT. A new school year may be an anxious time, yet it is an opportunity for each child to start fresh, with a clean slate. In the same way, the High Holy Days give us a chance, as Jews, to begin again and change for the better. These Days of Awe are a time for each of us to reflect, repent, reconcile, and repair. As busy as this season can be, each of us should take time to consider how we can turn from our past selves to better selves who will act differently in the coming new year. To help in this process, we invite you to participate in "Selichot A Community Confession," a project created by Carmi Y. Plaut and Beth Fishman, which Rabbi Appleby has organized for us in our Social Hall. This is an interactive exhibit promoting the themes of repentance, t'shuvah, and transformation for both the individual and the community. We look forward to welcoming you at High Holy Day services and hope to see you often at TBT throughout the new year. L'Shanah Tovah. **************************************************** MEN’S CLUB REPORT JUST COMPLETED PROGRAMS August 10th Discussion for Rabbi Search Mike Cocos : Videos of the Israel Iron Dome defense system UPCOMING EVENTS Sat. Sept . 13 1st day of Religious School BBQ Sat. Sept . 20th Slichot – Ice Cream Social Sun. Oct. 5th Joke Breakfast This summer, Temple Beth Tikvah has been going through its own period of introspection and rejuvenation. Over one hundred and fifty congregants participated in our Gatherings, the purpose of which was to assist the Rabbi Search Committee to define the qualities in a rabbi that will fulfill the needs and culture of the TBT family. During these sessions, congregants shared stories of what has made TBT special, and tried to envision what we would like TBT to be in the future. Related to this, we have a board set up in the Social Hall that asks you to list what you believe are TBT's core values: those principles that reflect TBT's priorities that guide our conduct and shape our culture. It is through this process of self-reflection and change that TBT can remain relevant in our congregants' lives, now and in the future. The Board of Directors and Staff have also been hard at work updating and improving many aspects of TBT. Thanks to the passion and commitment of our parents and the efforts of Miriam, Rabbi Appleby, Sarah Budeshtsky (our Education VP), and our teachers, the religious school and Hebrew programs are seeing many changes this year. We hope to enhance the learning process through a better curriculum and more experiential learning opportunities. We also welcome our new Youth Director, Daylen Degelsmith, to our staff, and thank Marv Goodman for stepping in as our new Youth VP. MEMBERSHIP We do a lot for the Temple. If you are not a member, please come join us for some Mitzvah doings, and some fun. We are 86 members strong. TIKKUN OLAM Your Men’s Club is doing its part to serve the community and helps provide food to those in need. Volunteers Are Needed to help with pickups and deliveries from local markets and restaurants to Pathways of Hope and Panache (Temple Beth Shalom). WEB SITE. Please check out our section at TempleBethTikvah.com. If you have any questions or comments, please talk with your Men’s Club Officers: Jay Weinschenker or Greg Spalter. We have MANY activities and DO GOOD. Please come join us. 3 Religious School Miriam Van Raalte, R.J.E., Director of Education Email: [email protected] GRADE 8/9 STUDENTS SHINE ON THE BIMAH The new school started with a bang, and our classes are now in full swing. Lots of changes are being made to keep the lines of communication open between home and school, and we are making great strides in bringing the parents into our Religious School world to be more active partners in their children’s education. Last year we started sending home weekly reviews of what was done during each Saturday session. This year we are adding a Friday email blast to parents to give them information about what the schedule will be for the weekend ahead as well as any special news they might need. So far the feedback on this new communication has been positive and parents really appreciate the knowledge. It is no secret that the affiliation rate of Jews in the U.S. has dropped, which of course affects the enrollment in our Religious Schools. This has caused us to combine classes in most of our grade levels. There are advantages and disadvantages to being either the younger or the older children in these mixed-age classes. In order to create the best possible educational experience for all, we are experimenting with a variety of learning styles. The teachers are incorporating small-group activities, use of technology, individualized learning, and multi-sensory approaches to the material. Our goal is to increase engagement between students and their learning. Beyond all the academics that we want our students to have, the ultimate goal of our school is to create a well-rounded Jewish identity and to encourage the building of community. In order to accomplish this, it is important for students to be here at school. Your child has a maximum of five hours a week in our classes. If choir is a part of your family’s commitment to Temple, then that’s another hour. Compare that to the 30-35 hours of secular class time. It’s not surprising that the commitment to secular studies is great. However, with only that 5-hour maximum, it’s all the more important to keep Religious/Hebrew School as a priority. Those students who have the best experience here at TBT are those whose parents are also active and involved. So I invite you, the adults, to set that example for your children in finding a way to put your talents to good use here in our school and at Temple. With Rosh Hashanah behind us, we now look forward to the rest of the autumn holiday season, with Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah just around the corner. I look forward to celebrating with you, and look forward to traveling through the upcoming school year with you as well. L’shalom, Don’t miss our Shabbat morning service on October 25th, as our eighth and ninth graders lead our morning worship. These students have accomplished so much during their years of Religious and Hebrew School, and our Shabbat service will be enhanced by their presence and participation. There will be a lunch following the service for the families of our eighth and ninth graders. Join us at 10:00 a.m. for services; start the morning at 9:00 with bagels and Torah study! ************************************************** TZEDAKAH PROJECT OF THE MONTH This year we will collect items for distribution to those less fortunate than ourselves through Pathways of Hope. Each month we will highlight one item that our children can bring to Religious/Hebrew School. At the end of the month the collected items will be sent to Pathways of Hope. Here is what we have planned: October Personal hygiene items November Thanksgiving food items December Toys January Children’s underwear/socks February Gardening supplies March Cleaning products April Non-perishable food items May New women’s/men’s socks ************************************************* CONSECRATION AT SIMCHAT TORAH SERVICES Every religion has ceremonies to mark rites of passage. Ceremonies mark important learning milestones. Consecration generally takes place at the beginning of kindergarten, or whenever a child begins his or her Jewish education. The ceremony is held at TBT as part of the Simchat Torah celebration, though some synagogues may hold it at other times of the year. This is a lovely and meaningful ceremony for children and families alike. Rabbi Appleby and Miriam Van Raalte will hold a large talit (prayer shawl) over the students while they recite the Sh'ma (the declaration of Jewish faith). The children will be blessed by the and will receive a certificate and a miniature Torah. How wonderful to begin a child's Jewish education with a celebration. ************************************************** TZEDAKAH PROJECT OF THE MONTH Miriam Van Raalte LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS This month we will be collecting personal hygiene items to be donated to Pathways of Hope. Please send an item with your child, and have them put the item in the basket at the entrance to the sanctuary. Thanks! Don’t forget to offer your help in our Religious School for the coming year. We want your input on our Education Committee and in our classrooms. If you’d like to help, please contact Education VP’s Jake Sapiro & Sarah Budeshtsky. We’d love to include you in our team! 4 E.C.L.C. NEWS RELIGIOUS SCHOOL BAKED GOODS SALE By Natalie Wirtzer, Director Here is an opportunity to make sure that you have challah for celebrating Shabbat. Items come from Solomon’s Bakery in Lake Forest. “This is what we need to build a Sukkah wood and branches hammer and nails This is what we need to build a Sukkah for this holiday” (Debbie Friedman). Orders are delivered every two weeks on Friday morning to the Temple. If you are ordering for the intermediate week, your order will be double-wrapped. Payments are due upon pick-up. Proceeds from your orders go directly to our school. Orders need to be turned in Wednesdays by the end of the day. I learned this song over ten years ago, when Cantor Shannon Mc Grady Bane volunteered to sing with us on Fridays while her children attended ECLC; and it is still a favorite of mine. Sukkah building today, however, is often done without the use of hammers or nails. Maybe I need to rewrite the lyrics to include PVC pipe and tarps; I even found a pop-up sukkah for the classroom!! Item 12 oz. Plain Challah 12 oz. Poppy Seed Challah 12 oz. Sesame Seed Challah 12 oz. Chocolate Chip Challah 12 oz. Raisin Challah 1 lb. Plain Challah 1 lb. Poppy Seed Challah 1 lb. Sesame Seed Challah 1 lb. Chocolate Chip Challah 1 lb. Raisin Challah 2 lb. Plain Challah 2 lb. Poppy Seed Challah 2 lb. Sesame Seed Challah 2 lb. Chocolate Chip Challah 2 lb. Raisin Challah 1-lb. Challah dough Total As we thought about Sukkot this year, I asked for parent volunteers to help us design and build a sukkah on our playground for us to enjoy our snacks and lunch in. Not only did I get some handy dads to volunteer, but a grandfather as well! OK, he was volunteered without his knowledge by his son, but did gracefully agree to help when he found out (thank you Barry Klaztker!!). His help works perfectly into our sukkah theme this year … grandparents. During the weeks leading up to Sukkot, the children will explore the theme of family, and the values and traditions that are unique to them. This will culminate on October 17th as we honor our grandparents during Tot Shabbat. I hope your family will join us as we celebrate the important role they play in our lives, past and present. Each family will have the opportunity to take a family portrait that night as a memento. Please RSVP to [email protected] for dinner planning purposes. Name Phone number ( We welcome two new families to ECLC … the Goldsmiths (son, Noah), and the Witfoth family (daughter, Rayna, granddaughter of Mela Tsyrlin). Shalom, Email Morah Wirtzer 5 ) Qty Price $4.00 $4.25 $4.25 $4.25 $4.25 $5.00 $5.25 $5.25 $5.25 $5.25 $7.50 $7.75 $7.75 $7.50 $7.50 $4.50 EZRA CENTER BOARD BYTES North Orange Co. Active Adult Program The Board of Directors met earlier than usual in September due to Rosh Hashanah falling on the fourth Wednesday. Besides our regularly scheduled meetings the past two months, the Board also held a retreat where individual members shared their vision for the future of Temple Beth Tikvah and the qualities a permanent rabbi needs to implement that vision. Board members made phone calls to members to welcome them back and to inform them of the gatherings where they may express their vision and desire for our future. These meetings were well attended. In meeting our fiduciary responsibility the Board has authorized the treasurer and co-presidents to refinance the mortgage, which will facilitate a greater cash flow. The finance committee has developed the Profit & Loss and Budget Performance sheet, a new report that compares the current month with year to date and total budget. The membership committee wants to find ways to attract and retain younger members in the demographic between 24 and 44 years of age. They held one successful event last year, but attendance at events targeting this group has fallen off more recently. The board welcomed its latest member in August. Marv Goodman became the vice president of Youth and immediately found a new youth director, Daylen Degelsmith. In September religious school and ECLC started a new year. Several students prepared for the High Holidays by making a shofar at the Shofar Factory held September 17. The programming committee sponsored a flapjack fundraiser at Applebee’s on Sunday, September 21, will feature a Family Movie night October 25 and Rosh Chodesh (It’s a girl thing) on October 27. The committee is currently seeking vendors for the Holiday Boutique, Sunday, November 16, 2014. For those interested in autos, the Ways and Means committee set up a fundraiser with the Orange County International Auto Show, October 2-5 at Anaheim Convention Center. Purchase your tickets at www.ocstudentfundraising.com. Use the pull down menu to find Temple Beth Tikvah and we will receive 100% of the ticket sale. You also qualify for a free subscription to Motor Trend. The publicity committee has updated the website to make sure the front page has a focus on the High Holidays. Tikkun Olam and the Caring Community committees are working together on programs like the Package from Home, Mitzvah Meals and the Gift of Life drive, which will be held on Yom Kippur. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to wish each of you a L’Shanah Tova. With mid-term elections coming we need to learn about issues on the ballot, so we will have a speaker from the League of Women Voters. We are aware of other changes in our world & want to learn more about them. For that we have a series about World Events which changed history. As we retire & our physical & mental capabilities & our spouses change, so do our roles. We would like to start a discussion group so that we will have an outlet & share how we cope with these changes. The group can meet either at TBT Ezra or TBE Ezra. If interested call Ezra 714-776-1103. Special Ezra Programs for October: Be An Informed Voter, Oct 2. A speaker from the League of Women Voters will clarify some issues on the ballot. What’s Up? Oct 6, Bob & Ruth Wilkoff. This program is an informal forum on contemporary issues: political, societal, economic, national & international. There will be topics for discussion & time to share your concerns. Sleep Disorders, Oct 13, Bill Liu, pharmacist. Millions of Americans suffer from sleep disorders & are unaware that help is available. Learn more about what help there is. Events That Changed History, Oct 20, Jerry Silverman. JesusThe Trial of a Teacher. This program explores world history through the study of great events that have shaped history. Constantine I Wins a Battle (312 CE). We will study the impact Constantine had on the Roman Empire & the Future world. The New Testament, Oct 23, Jerry Silverman. Gospels of Luke and John. We continue with Luke which “portrays Jesus as a Jewish prophet whose salvation goes to the whole world..” & John, “known amongst scholars as a “maverick” gospel.” Growing up in Australia, Oct 27, Penelope Kieffer. TBE’s Past Rebbetzen who grew up in Australia will take us back in time to the place where she grew up. Learn about the culture, history & life style there. Laughter Yoga for Seniors, Oct 30, Pamela Leszczynski. Laughter Yoga exercises are simple, structured & entertaining. They are easy & safe & provide a genuine form of physical exercise. People’s participation is invited and not impose. This Yoga appears to lift depression & replace it with appositive outlook. The Life and Music of Fredric Chopin, Oct 30, Pianist Yonnula Renee. Until 1838, Chopin’s career was developing well. He had become one of Paris’ favorite composers & performing pianists. The world was his oyster & he decided to go to Majorca with his lover George Sand, a celebrated French novelist. The trip was planned as a romantic journey, but turned out to be a roller-coaster of emotions… Creative Writing & Memoirs Oct 8 &22 at TBT. Continuing programs: Writing Creatively or Memoirs at TBT; Tai Chi, Strength training, & Yiddish Club at TBE. Cards & games at both TBE and TBT. Further info contact Margalit at 776-1103. For a ride to Ezra Center call Ruth Sheldon at 714-774-0472. Respectfully, Mark Silverstein, Secretary Temple Beth Tikvah Marilyn Silverstein Vaccarino 6 IGGGY UPDATE YOUTH GROUP NEWS My name is Daylen Degelsmith and I am honored to be the new youth director here at Temple Beth Tikvah. Everyone from Kindergarten to 12th grade should start getting really excited for the fun-filled year ahead of us. This year’s National Make a Difference Day event will take place on Saturday, October 25 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Pathways of Hope located at 514 W. Amerige Ave. Fullerton, CA. A very diverse list of improvement projects is being developed for our associate volunteers to work on throughout the four homes located at Pathways of Hope’s Fullerton campus, which includes: A little bit about me: I grew up in San Diego and spent my youth years at Temple Adat Shalom and became quite involved with the youth group. I was the religious and cultural vice president of the high school youth group for two years followed by being the president during my senior year. I also spent my childhood at Camp Akiba. Since I was 8 years old, this Jewish summer sleep away camp has been my home away from home. For the past few summers, I have had the opportunity to be a counselor for campers ranging from 2nd graders through 8th graders. Currently, I am a Chapman University student studying psychology, leadership studies, and kinesiology. • Replacing vertical blinds with horizontal blinds • Installing new flooring on stairs • Cleaning and resurfacing patio area • Installing new storage in bathrooms • Installing new faucets and lighting in all bathrooms • Grouting and caulking all bathroom showers • Replacing kitchen cook top and overhead vent • Refinishing two front doors • Prepping and painting several interior areas • Repairing living room and hallway walls with new drywall Building a dividing wall to create two separate garages For more information or to sign up as a volunteer for this exciting project (for an hour or two or the entire day), please contact Marci Raudez; 714-961-6336 x 48-6672. A completed Pathways of Hope Volunteer Waiver and Release is also required by each participating volunteer. Family members and friends are welcome to participate however, they must be at least 15 years of age and accompanied by a participating adult. Community service hours are also available for all student volunteers. Now, a little bit about IGGGY: There are 4 different youth programs here at TBT: Galim (K – 2nd), Garin (3rd – 5th), Gesher (6th – 8th), and ICETY (9th – 12th). Each youth group will have multiple events throughout the year that will focus on spending time in a fun environment with each other and putting interesting and interactive twists on Jewish values and holidays. The high school group, ICETY (Infectious Chavurah of Enthusiastic Tikvah Youth), is mainly run by its own members. ICETY board members get together monthly to come up with their own events while I oversee the group. ICETY is also a part of a bigger, national group called NFTY. The NFTY SoCal region has a handful of fun, weekend getaway events throughout the year and a convention in late winter. Being involved in NFTY events allows Jewish teens from all over the region and country to meet and connect with each other. In addition please be aware of the upcoming open houses for Pathways: I thoroughly enjoyed meeting many of you at the Rosh Hashanah youth service and I can’t wait to have an even bigger and better turn out at Yom Kippur. Stay tuned for information about IGGGY’s up and coming events! L’shanah tovah, Daylen Degelsmith 7 Neshot Tikvah Sisterhood of Temple Beth Tikvah President Dafna Gutterman Past-President Diana Reinstein Membership Diana Reinstein & Denise Spalter Membership-at-Large Angie Cohen & Shiloh Jaramillo Sponsored Onegs Tracy Green Unsponsored Onegs Carmen Feldman & Sheri Weitzman Programs Sherri Chapman & Phyllis Berkley Committee Member-Layla Fritz Religion & Education TBD Ways & Means/Judaica Shop Lisa Barbarick Recording Secretary Fran Sherman Treasurer/Scrip Lisa Brass Tributes Rachelle Wilson Mitzvah Corps Sophia Litt Keep in Touch Mindy Liron & Lisa Marder Historian Lois Thall WRJ Representative Fran Sherman It is time once again to join or renew your membership to Neshot Tikvah. Our mission is to provide experiences, based on our Jewish heritage, that enrich and nurture women of all ages and backgrounds. We provide opportunities for “our sisters” to come together to develop themselves creatively, intellectually, spiritually and socially and we support the greater needs of our congregation, and the larger community. Here are some facts about Neshot Tikvah: Joining Sisterhood means being part of a much larger organization, the Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ). WRJ provides a wealth of networking and learning opportunities to Jewish women everywhere. WRJ provides funds that support student Rabbis through their education. WRJ provides money and services for women and children in need in this country and around the world. Your TBT Sisterhood provides the beautiful Shabbat Onegs each week. Your TBT Sisterhood provides camperships for the children of our congregation to attend summer camps. Your TBT Sisterhood has been proud sponsors of numerous TBT functions. Your TBT Sisterhood celebrates with each Bar/Bat Mitvah and Confirmant and recognizes the occasion with a Judaic gift. Your TBT Sisterhood provides programs several times a year for women to get together for socialization, learning, and fun. And these are just a few of the contributions Sisterhood makes. If you have not sent in your Neshot Tikvah dues yet, you still have time. We are happily accepting registrations and asking that each lady of TBT consider joining to help support our commitment to the women of TBT, our congregation, and the larger community. All paid up members are invited to join us for an evening under the sukkah on Tuesday October 14, at 6:30 PM. This event is free for paid up members and includes fun with friends, entertainment and dinner. B'Shalom, Diana Reinstein & Denise Spalter Co-Membership VPs Past President/ Parliamentarian Diana Reinstein 8 N E S H O T T I K V A H T R I B U T E Margaret Cady Bruce Melcer- Birthday Victoria & Jerry Levin Bruce Melcer- Birthday Sylvia & Leo Schmidt Jerry & Sheila Harman- Loss of sister Barbara & Art Levine Karen Block- Get well Jerry Harman- Loss of sister Tracy & Tom Green Jerry Harman- Loss of sister Elaine Asa- Granddaughter’s engagement Karen Block- Thinking of you F U N D Lois & Howard Thall Rosenstein Family- Loss of father Rosenstein Family- Loss of brother Callie & Alan Katz Mickey Warner- New grandson Elaine Asa- Safe trip Lynda & David Trachtman Jerry Harman – Loss of sister Sent From Sisterhood Alan & Callie Katz-Thank you Jerry & Sheila Harman- Loss of sister Karen Block- Get well Call Rachelle Wilson Embossed Card with gold lined envelope $18.00 Gold Sentiment – oversized gold card $10.00 (714) 325-3678 or e-mail: Colorful Card $ 6.00 [email protected] Standard Tribute $ 3.00 for Tributes Packet of 10 Standard Tributes $27.00 August Oneg Sponsors th Thanks to the families of the following who sponsored our September 5 oneg in honor of their birthdays: Alyssa Bloomfield, Liliana Jaramillo, Lisa Brass, Jill Perkins, Elaine Asa, and Sheri Weitzman, as well as Chris & Audrey Prezgay and friends in honor of Rebecca Prezgay’s Bat Mitzvah Thank you! You are invited to attend TBT's Sisterhood annual Membership Dinner Tuesday, October 14, 6:30pm at TBT Admission is your paid dues of $54 RSVP to the temple 714 871-3535 no later than October 7 As well as supporting our temple in so many ways..... Your Sisterhood membership means you are part of a nationwide organization of Reform Jewish Women. Your Sisterhood membership helps train future Rabbis, support youth programming, educational and special programs. Your Sisterhood membership promotes leadership and social justice. Your Sisterhood membership benefits programs for women and children in Israel and around the world. Come for an evening of friendship, food and fun! 9 CEMETERY LOT SALE Mount Olive - Costa Mesa $3,500.00 and up/Plot* Pacific View - Newport Beach $9,000.00 and up/Plot* (plus $75 per plot transfer fee charged by cemetery) ADVANTAGES OF PRE-PLANNING Takes decision making burdens off your loved ones Provides peace of mind Saves on funeral arrangements Stops annual industry inflation of cemetery plots Allows you to communicate your wishes TERMS OF SALE With 25% down, the balance can be paid over a 6-month period with no interest. *If non-affiliated with Temple Beth Tikvah, cost is $4,025.00 and up at Mt. Olive and $10,350.00 and up at Pacific View. For details please contact Benjamin Berkley at (714) 871-6440 (day) or (714) 944-9573 (evenings & weekends) Remember and Commemorate Life Cycle Events Establish a permanent memorial to a loved one. Commemorate a happy family event for all time. Acknowledge the feeling for another …their happiness…their sadness You can do this while providing needed assistance to your Jewish Community! Serving the North Orange County Jewish Community since 1964 PLEASE JOIN US … Yahrzeit: Lighted Plaques, a permanent memorial to your loved ones, located in the lobby and lighted on Yahrzeit dates $400 Yahrzeit: Unlighted Plaques located in the Sanctuary $300 Simcha Leaves: Grow on the Tree of Life in our Sanctuary to commemorate happy events in the lives of your friends and family $100 1 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 Fund Donations: General Fund: Donations to supplement needed funds for the general expenditures of TBT $18 and up Sanctuary Funds: Torah Repair Fund: $18 and up Prayer Book Fund: $45 Inscribed Chumash: $75 Clergy Funds: $18 and up Rabbi Appleby’s Discretionary Fund Cantor Avdee’s Discretionary Fund Education Funds: $18 and up IGGGY ~ TBT Youth Group Religious School Discretionary Fund Religious School Scholarship Fund – Nachor Fund Harold Cohen Poetry Fund Shayna Rosenberg ECLC Education Fund Adult Education Fund Rabbi Asa Education Fund Additional Funds: $18 and up Neshot Tikvah ~ TBT Sisterhood $18 and up TBT Men’s Club $18 and up Holocaust Memorial $18 and up Caring Community $18 and up Torah Study $18 and up Legacy Bricks $360 Holocaust Memorial Plaques $1,800 and up 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 27 For October events please see the back of the Scroll. Upcoming November Events Israeli Dancing/Havdalah (6:30p) Men’s Club Meeting (6:30p) Wine/Cheese Reception (7:00p); Family Service (7:30p) Veteran’s Day Activities during Oneg Bar Mitzvah of Benjamin Zinnel (10:00a) Kristallnacht Program/Service (4:00p) “Cast Out the Heretic” – Film (7:00p) Mosaics Class (7:00p) Religious School Parent Meeting (6:30p) Holocaust Class (7:00p) New Member Shabbat Dinner & Honors (6:30p/7:30p) Grade 6/7 Shabbat Morning Service/Lunch (10:00a) Holiday Boutique (11:00a) Global Day of Jewish Learning (1:00p) “The Disputation” – Film (7:00p) Mosaics Class (7:00p) TBT Board Meeting (7:30p) TBT Eats Out – TBA Tot Shabbat (5:30p) Guest Speaker at Services – Cong. Ed Royce (7:30p) Rosh Chodesh Celebration @ Angie Cohen’s House (7:00p) “To Build & Be Rebuilt – Adult Education (7:00p) Interfaith Thanksgiving Service (7:00p) THANKSGIVING (office/ECLC closed) Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Saturdays 10 Ongoing at TBT… 8:00a: Morning Minyan (Suspended till Nov 17th) 10:00a: Yoga 11:30p: Mahjongg 10:30a: ORT Pan Game; 6:00p: Mahjongg 10:00a: EZRA Bridge; 7:30p: Kol Tikvah Rehearsal 8:00a: Morning Minyan (Suspended till Nov 17th) 11:30p: Mahjongg 9:00a: Bagels & Torah Study October Smachot (Happy Occasions) Children’s Birthdays Ari Nachshon Rebecca Prezgay Joseph Golumbic Sophie Genow Alexander Moskowitz Paul Arrey, Jr. Sean Sendowsky Jared Boren Benjamin Zinnel Amanda Esterson Natassia Feldman Dean Gutterman Zachary Fogel Eli Simon October 5 October 5 October 8 October 10 October 10 October 13 October 14 October 15 October 15 October 18 October 25 October 25 October 29 October 31 Adult Birthdays Allen Solomon Ariel Feldman Rachel Baranick Jan Cogan Sanford Opperman Steven Poggi Cantor Michael Avdee Pamela Levine Loryn Cocos October 1 October 4 October 5 October 5 October 8 October 8 October 12 October 12 October 13 Daniel Kaplan Barbara Rothbart Stan Sackler Karen Gottlieb Katherine Sapiro Karen Guth Sergio Sendowsky Linda Saslow Shoshana Mandel October 13 October 13 October 13 October 14 October 14 October 15 October 16 October 20 October 21 Minnie Schechter Chad Cline Steven Stredler Faye Kwate DeAnn Richter Edward Rosenthal Sydelle Jass Steven Belasco Kevin Simon October 21 October 22 October 22 October 24 October 24 October 26 October 28 October 30 October 31 Anniversaries Maxwell & Sophia Litt Phillip & Susan Marks Jefferey & Denise Schwartz Marc & Paula Esterson Steven & Cara Stack Wayne & Jill Foran October 1 October 1 October 1 October 4 October 7 October 14 Temple Beth Tikvah Wish List Religious School Scholarship Funds Fire Alarm Replacement Project Video Camera CD Players Sean & Sharon Paden Jesse & DeAnn Richter David & Joy Simon David & Andi Shandling Jonathan & Michelle Gottlieb Michael & Loryn Cocos October 15 October 18 October 26 October 28 October 29 October 30 Are you celebrating a birthday or anniversary this month? If so, mark the occasion by making a contribution to the Sisterhood for our first Friday of the month family service! Your name will be listed in the program for that evening, and your contribution will also be listed in the Scroll. Thanks to all who help us out by making our Shabbat sweet with their contributions. OCTOBER YAHRZEIT LIST Friday, Oct. 3 – Saturday, Oct. 4 (Note: Friday service 7:00p at LDSC, Saturday service 9:00a at LDSC – ticket Needed, contact Temple office) Edward Gross September 28 Irving Kassman September 28 Alan Katz September 28 Max Opperman September 28 Ida Sheinblum September 28 Celia Bolasny September 29 Robert Erwin September 29 Herman Goldman September 29 Shalom Gutterman September 29 Julius Reinstein September 29 Jim Farris September 30 Marcia Goldberg October 1 Eron Appleby October 2 Michael Lipshy October 2 Gertrude Ritchie October 2 Joseph Sendowsky October 2 Jean Friedman October 3 Celia Kagan October 3 Rochelle Lazar October 3 Ettie Bargman October 4 Sol Frand October 4 Alan Bernard Glass October 4 Meira Imus October 4 Sarah Rubin October 4 Morris Sires October 4 Sara Sugar October 4 Friday, Oct. 10 – Saturday, Oct. 11 Harry Brown III October 5 Henry Dockswell October 5 Scott Eames October 5 Lillian Glatstein October 5 Lester Kohn October 5 Herbert Nagler October 5 Julio Rajmaliuk October 5 Lily Stein October 5 Lillian Bart October 6 Tillie Jarcho October 6 Hyman Tavris October 6 Edythe Fine October 7 Nettie Goren October 7 Rose Weiss October 7 Nathalie Ackerman October 8 Jane Berman-Purdy October 9 Ilene Kouzel October 9 Eli Gold October 10 Albert Taback October 10 Cecil Donenfeld October 11 Alfred Kaufman October 11 Erich Kaufman October 11 Ottilie Kaufman October 11 Helene Levy October 11 Solomon Levy October 11 Bernard Northcutt October 11 Julia Reinstein October 11 Friday, Oct. 17 – Saturday, Oct. 18 Leonard Bloom October 12 Pesya Carolinsky October 12 Zelda Leland October 12 Sidney Leo October 12 Edward Oppman October 12 Edith Burns October 13 Nathan Sosnovich October 13 Sidney Glasser October 14 Aurelia Morlett October 14 Michael Rothbart October 14 Donna Stratton October 14 Ida Weiser October 14 Dick Blosser October 15 Esther Asa October 16 Miriam Freed October 16 Susan Hamrell October 16 Rose Levine October 16 Anita Monick October 16 Edward Rubin October 16 Bill Weiser October 16 Morris Weiss October 16 Harold Coleman October 17 Basilia Hernandez Jaramill October 17 Fannie Klietz October 17 Harris Levine October 17 Mildred Miller October 17 Abraham Silverstein October 17 Jacob Worms October 17 Sara Worms October 17 Marie Owen October 18 Helen Scharps October 18 Friday, Oct. 24 – Saturday, Oct. 25 Arthur Cohen October 19 Lois De Land May October 19 Max Hara October 19 Elizabeth Nemirovsky October 19 Baby Steinberg October 19 Wendy Klatzker October 20 Deborah Opperman October 20 Sylvia Teplitz October 20 Reuben Brenkel October 21 Herta Cohen October 21 Ethel Epstein October 21 Jack Genow October 22 Rose Kendall October 22 Norman Mendlinger October 22 Donald Notick October 23 Sharlene Roth October 23 Mark Schmidt October 23 Sarah Erenburg October 24 Cecelia Lewinson October 24 Abraham Noar October 24 Florence Pattison October 24 Motl Goldin October 25 Iris Loew October 25 Daniel Mount October 25 Rose Schmilowitz October 25 Louis Weiner October 25 12 Friday, Oct. 31 – Saturday, Nov. 1 Ruth Brent October 26 Lottie Hirsch October 26 Louis Katz October 26 Ema Leibovich October 26 Charles Rosenberg October 26 Betty Ruben October 26 Miriam Phillips October 27 Toby Randall October 27 Katie Sorokin October 27 Morton Hecht October 28 Julius Helbon October 28 Lewis Kaffesieder October 28 Andre Posalski October 28 Louis Boyarsky October 29 Herbert Hamrell October 29 Diane Lampel October 29 George Marhefka October 29 Samuel Fleisig October 30 Melvin Kohen October 30 Lester Rose October 30 Ida Cutler October 31 Alison Glaser October 31 Leo Shapiro October 31 Helen Fink November 1 Kelly Tripp November 1 Memorial Plaque “MAY THE MEMORY OF THE RIGHTEOUS BE A BLESSING.” YAHRZEIT AND GENERAL DONATIONS Remembered By Elaine Asa Rachel Baranick Mr/Mrs Jerry Bekier Mr/Mrs David Bialosky Dr/Mrs Richard Blake Robert Cohen Mr/Mrs Richard Collender Selma Dirnbach Carmen Flashner Mr/Mrs Lionel Gayron Debbie & Carol Gelfer Hon/Mrs Mitchel Goldberg Michelle Gottlieb Mr/Mrs Sid Jacobson Alan Katz Mildred Kouzel Peggy Kravitz Mr/Mrs Stewart Lawrence Jeanne Lichman In Memory Of Ben Carl Harry Chinn Paul Chinn Murray Hill Rasha Berger Mayer Bekier Michael Dorofijew Frances Blake Myra Epstein Julian Collender Herman Robinson Albert Monzon Beatrice Gayron Florine Gelfer Ruth Fishman Rose Sukonick Jeff Gorelick Rose Levin Ruth Fishman Rosalind Katz Marcia Goldberg Mae Miriam Freedman Seymour Lawrence Edward Lichman General Fund Nanc Hemp Anonymous in honor of learners and the teachers The Subeck, Cline & Goodman Families in memory of our beloved husband, father, & grandfather, Alan Subeck Peter & Marilyn Gwosdof Mitchel & Janice Goldberg – 50th anniversary Jerry & Sheila Harman Karen Block – speedy recovery Marvin & Jane Goodman Jerry Harman – loss of sister, Eunice Karen Block – get well Elaine Asa David Trachtman – 75th birthday Joan Friedman Karen Block – get well Dick & Estelle Blake – birth of 7th great grandchild Elaine Asa – engagement of granddaughter, Devorah Les & Louise Sussman Jerry Harman – loss of sister, Eunice Lois Saltman - birthday Roger & Karen Spalter Greg & Denise Spalter – birthdays Herb Weiller Etta Brown – loss of husband, David Susi Waldbaum Etta Brown – loss of husband, David David & Harriet Boyarsky Joan Filowitz – speedy recovery Jeanne Lichman birth of new grandson, Gage Jerome & Cheryl Waldbaum Etta Brown – loss of husband, David Jerry & Sheila Harman Micki Fisher – speedy revoery Remembered By Mr/Mrs Felix Livits Lynn Manson Fred Nadel Raisa Nemirovsky Allan Night Mr/Mrs Jan Perkins & Ryan Ruhe Carol Goodman Fran Rose Stan Sackler Minnie Schechter Judy Semless Howard Sloane Dr/Mrs Harvey Socol Lou Ann Taback Barbara Talento Ludmela Tsyrlin Mickey Warner Mr/Mrs David Weiner Jay Weinschenker In Memory Of Shlomo Livshits Golda Portnoi Debbie Harclerode Irma Nadel Lev Nemirovsky S.D. Night Travis Ruhe Ruth Roman David Rose Steven Sackler Sadie Altschuler Adele Semless Harry Sloane Mel Gilbert Charles Kates Alvin Pollock Ben Levin Sarah Levin Lidya Khodash Roman Tsyrlin David Warner Alfred Solow Irving Weinscheiner Rabbi Teri Appleby Discretionary Fund Roger & Anna Nanes Jerry Harman – loss of sister, Eunice Moe & Priscilla Locketz Baby Naming of great granddaughter, Josephine Project Legacy Fund Henry & Eileen Cohen David Trachtman – 75th birthday Gabi Trachtman – promotion to Captain Steve & Steffanie Belasco Rebecca Prezgay – Bat Mitzvah Rivi Alch – loss of husband, Mark Selma Greenbery – loss of Karen Golen Stan & Lila Pesner Etta Brown & Family – loss of husband, David Rabbi Asa Education Fund Ed Goldstein & Ruth Smith Elaine Asa Rabbi Teri Appleby - appreciation Henry & Deborah Hallgarten Mitchel & Janice Goldberg – 50th Anniversary Gary & Beverly Steinberg David Trachtman – 75th birthday Micki Fisher – get well soon Joan Filowitz – speedy recovery Harvey & Elaine Socol Jerry Harman – loss of sister, Eunice Karen Block – speedy recovery Dick & Estelle Blake – new great grandchild Elaine Asa – engagement of granddaughter, Devorah David Trachtman – 75th birthday Joan Filowitz – speedy recovery in memory of Rita Geller Felix Oster in memory of Rabbi Haim Asa DONATIONS CONTINUED ON PAGE: 14 13 RABBI SEARCH COMMITTEE UPDATE WELCOME TO TBT Jim & Anne Kalen Welcome Back Rob & Linda Saslow Silvie & Simone Saslow Welcome Back James & Michelle Rettinger Stanley Adelman Bert & Shirley Bonem Karen Guth Daniel & Gayle Kaplan Erno & Charlotte Ross Ira Newman Members of the Search Committee extend a sincere thank you to Rabbi Teri Appleby and to over 100 members who participated in one of the many "gatherings" held throughout our community in August and September. The primary focus of the discussion groups facilitated by Rabbi Appleby was to gather input from TBT congregants which would help identify the characteristics we should seek in our next rabbi. Lively discussions centered around positive experiences at TBT and how synagogue life is evolving as demographics are changing and the world is becoming progressively more secular. Temple Beth Tikvah members agree that our next rabbi should have these characteristics: Strong interpersonal skills, relates to people of all ages, open to input, develops rapport easily (is caring, welcoming, compassionate, perceptive, comforting, accessible, approachable) Passionate about Judaism and Israel (energetic, engaging, outgoing, charismatic, enthusiastic, inspires others to reach higher) ************************************************** Well-rounded (has a strong pulpit presence, loves teaching children and adults, wants to meet the needs of individual members, provides board and professional leadership, is scholarly and wise, yet humble and open to input) ************************************************** E.C.L.C. Discretionary Fund Michael & Micki Fisher in memory of Benjamin Klein in memory of Richard & Eunice Fisher DONATIONS (continued from page 13) Torah Study Fund Ludmela Tsyrlin to help with floor repair Bob & Dora Cohen to help with floor repair PLEASE DONATE YOUR CANS AND BOTTLES For several years now we have been collecting cans and bottles. The money is going for TBT people in need…..It started with the helping one family and has continued on. Please leave your cans and bottles at the Temple or give them to Gary Gruber. Then, Max Litt and Tom Green will sort them and take them to the recycler (as we have been doing for the last several years). If you have been donating, then thank you. If not, then please donate to this worthy cause. The decision of who the money goes to will be decided by the Men’s Club Tikkun Olam committee. ************************************************** Donation to the Meal of Condolence for Rabbi Haim Asa: Sam & Leslye Prum Donations in honor of High Holy Day Honors: Dick & Estelle Blake Marvin & Jane Goodman Michael & Karen Block Peter & Marilyn Gwosdof Mark & Joan Filowitz Fred & Cindy Jacobson Joan Friedman Alan & Callie Katz Mitch & Janice Goldberg Rabbi Art & Barbara Levine Ed Goldstein Elisabeth Leyson Max & Sophia Litt ************************************************** THANK YOU My heartfelt gratitude is extended to the 25 plus TBT members who attended memorial services for my son, Durand, on July 30, 2014. I was overwhelmed by the presence of so many of you. I also wish to thank all who made contributions to TBT in memory of Durand and I'm sorry I cannot thank each of you individually. The love and support from TBT at this time meant more to me than words can ever express. Marty Baker-Jordan SAVE THE DATE May 3, 2015 TBT GALA CELEBRATION More details to come! 14 L’Shanah Tovah! Am Yisrael Chai Kol Ha Kavod IDF Jay A Happy & Healthy New Year. Michelle, Jonathan, Josh, & Noah Gottlieb A happy, prosperous, and peaceful New Year to all our friends. Lynette & Bob Northcutt and family. L’Shanah Tovah to all our friends and family. The Cobrink Family L’Shanah Tovah to our TBT Family. The Filowitz and Arrey Families L’Shanah Tovah! Judy & Bernie Kotkin L’Shanah Tovah! Max, Sophia & Breanna L’Shanah Tovah to TBT! Estelle and Jerry Jewel L’Shanah Tovah to all our friends and fellow members of TBT. Mitchel & Janice Goldberg L’shanah Tovah! Mela Tsyrlin & family A peaceful & healthy New Year to all our TBT friends. Howard & Valerie Sloane L’Shanah Tovah to all our TBT friends. Erica & Michelle Temple Beth Tikvah's 1 (It's a Girl Thing!) OCTOBER MEETING SHALOM! TEMPLE BETH TIKVAH 1600 N. Acacia Avenue Fullerton, CA 92831 1:00-3:00 p.m. TEMPLE BETH TIKVAH and UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CONGREGATION IN FULLERTON'S HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE Sunday, November 16, 2014 11 am - 4 pm Free Admission! 1600 North Acacia Avenue Fullerton, CA 92831 On-site parking available. Over 20 vendors with handmade arts, crafts and/or products to help you with your Holiday Shopping! VENDORS WANTED! For more information, please call Angie Cohen (714)694-1727 Raffle Prizes! VENDOR APPLICATION Holiday Boutique Date and Time: Sunday, November 16, 2014 from 11:00am to 4:00pm Set up Time: 9:00am-11:00am, Clean Up Time: 4:00pm-5:00pm Location: Temple Beth Tikvah/Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Fullerton, 1600 North Acacia Avenue, Fullerton 92831 Cost: $20 for Residents, $35 for Non-Residents, plus 20% of Sales Profits. Please bring a raffle item valued at $10 or more. This is an indoor event at Temple Beth Tikvah & Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Fullerton. It is a free event to the public. Each vendor will be will supply its own 6’ table and 2 chairs. Bring your own table cloths, your display and a raffle item valued at $10 or more. If outside, bring your own pop-up. Space is without/ limited electricity. Participation is subject to approval. Make checks payable to Temple Beth Tikvah. Please write the Vendor’s name on check Memo as used on the application, if not already imprinted as such. Include a self-addressed, stamped No.10 envelope for a confirmation/decline letter. Mail your application, fee, and SASE to Temple Beth Tikvah, 1600 N Acacia Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92831. Vendor/Seller/Contact Name: ______________________________________________________________ Business Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________________ Home/Business ________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________________________ State ________ Zip ________________ Describe your crafts or product to be sold: (Be specific, include price range and a photograph. Or you can email a photo to [email protected]) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Temple Beth Tikvah and Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Fullerton are not responsible for any lost, stolen, damaged, or missing items or property. Furthermore, Vendor/Seller agrees to sell at their own risk and assumes all liability. TBT and UUCF do not guarantee sales. =============================================================== TBT use only Postmark date: _________ Payment Received By:___________ Check # ________ Amount Paid: $__________ Date Confirmation Letter sent _________ Booth #___________ 1600 North Acacia Avenue Fullerton, California 92831 Temple Beth Tikvah Phone (714) 871-3535 UUCF Phone (714) 871-7150 Friday, October 17, 2014 7:30 p.m. SCROLL ADVERTISING RATES Business Card Quarter-page Half-page Full-page 1 month 3 months $25.00 $67.50 $50.00 $135.00 $75.00 $202.50 $100.00 $270.00 (based on 8-1/2x11 inch paper) 12 months $270.00 $540.00 $810.00 $1,080.00 These rates reflect a 10% discount for 3 months or more Luis Wood Finishing Garage Doors Cabinets Furniture Staining Paining Water Lacquer Louis finished the beautiful display cabinet, built by Barry Kancigor, located in the Samuel R. Silverstein Memorial Library in the Asa Center for Lifelong Jewish Learning. (949) 294-4930 Professional Real Estate Services (Property management, Sales, Purchases, Leases, Investments, Short sales, Broker opinion of value, RE Careers) Mike Cocos Licensed California Broker Full time professional since 1987, General Manager Office 714-996-3000 Ext. 1307 Text / Cell: 714-612-4610 License # 00960721 Email: [email protected] Web: ERArealestateca.com PACO’S CARPET INSTALLATION COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL CARPET VINYL HARDWOOD REPAIRS (installers of carpet for TBT’s remodeled sanctuary and social hall) Alberto Hdez. (714) 420-3956 Pager (714) 298-6267 Email: paco’[email protected] Our City Bagelry Since 1994 Authentic New York style bagels in the comfort of our California cities. Baked daily on our premises using natural, fresh ingredients. 1225 E. Yorba Linda Blvd. Placentia, CA 92870 (714) 572-0220 Supplier of bagels for TBT’s weekly “Bagels & Torah” Dave’s HanDyman service NO JOB TOO SMALL (or TOO BIG!) Distinctive Smiles G. Mitchell Turk, D.D.S., M.A.G.D. Master of the Academy of General Dentistry References: Stan and Lila Pesner, Marilyn and Ken Roberts (And, If I can keep them happy - Well??) David Miller – (714) 905-4727 Carpenter - - Plumber - - Painter - - ANYTHING Make Our Simcha Tree Grow… Special Honor…New Job… Graduations… Birthdays… Wedding… Anniversaries… Birth of a Child, Grandchild… To purchase a Simcha Leaf Contact the Temple Office (714) 871-3535 [email protected] 1122 E. Lincoln Avenue, Suite 208 Orange, CA 92867 (714) 921-2110 Email: [email protected] Endorsed by Temple Beth Tikvah Members … Eileen & Henry Cohen Ann & Jon Goldman Tracy & Tom Green Marlene & Marc Spiegel EARTHQUAKE OR OTHER DAMAGE Furniture Refinishing Restoration & Repair 714-526-3553 Eric Silletta Temple Beth Tikvah 1600 North Acacia Avenue Fullerton, California 92831 THE SCROLL NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID FULLERTON, CA RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED PERMIT NO.775 DATED MATERIAL Issue 9 of 12 October 2014
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