october, 2oL4 N IRC NEWSLETTER National Gonvention for CA Students 17'n & 18* Decemb er,2014 Venue: Siri FortAuditorium, Khel Gaon Marg, Siri Fort Road, Delhi [Io N.don l Convendon for 110 049 be organized by Board of Studies of lGAl and hosted by NIRC of IGAI] CULTURAL EVENING The - : 17'n December,2014 (06.00 P.H. - 09.00 P.M followed by Dinner.) CA Studentr - 2014 will be organized by th€ Board ot Studies ofthe lCAl and hoGted by No(hem India R€gbnal Council (NIRC)ofthe lCAlIn Slrl Fort Auditorium, Khel Gaon ltarg, Sl.l Fo Road, Itelhl - ll0 Oil9. Tho tschnical sossions on various iopics will be ho€ted on th€ wgbsitg of the NIRC of lCAl (www-nirc-k:ai-oru). Students from all over India are invitEd to Fgist r for th. above sald Conyendon. The r€gisFalbn form for th€ above mentioned Convenlion has bg€n host€d on th6 wsbsite of the NIRC of the lCAl awww.nlrc-lcal.orol and has also been published in this Newsletter Interest€d Studenb are also invit€d to submil their Pape(s) of about 5-Z pagg! and will be given at o€t I 5 to 20 mlnute3 for Presedatlon and/or a proposal to organlz.. Technlcal S..sion. The s€lectod pap€.s will b€ publishod in lt|e Papcr Book/Backgroundgr together with photogruph of th€ concsm€d stud6nt. Th6 Student speakers can pa.tlclpaie only In 2 Conv.nltoGrconforences organized by Board of Studies of lCAl In a year and a d.claratlon to thls efr9ct ahall bo submittod at tho timo of acc.Idng the Invlt.tlon .s paper p]gaenter. No Pa lclpailon f.e wlll be chrrg€d from tho Papor Prss.nter8 a€lected fror the above said Conrrention. lt has b€en d€cid€d to lElmbur3e lo and fro travol expenro! (AC 2 tioryfirst class railway fare (including service tax paid) or ai arE by any aidine, whichever is less to students Pap€r PF..nteG from outside Delhi/New Delhi and DA @ Rs.l500r- per day for maxlmum of 5 day! irduding th6 joumey time on ptoduction of travel tickets and blll of hotel. There would be no r6striction to travel by Rajdhani and Shatabadi Trains. The main goal to organlze the said Students' Convontion is to provide a forum to exchange th€ id6as b€sides aharp€n the communic€tion and pr€sontation skills and focus on tangibl€ thoughts,/perceptjons in accordan@ with syllabus of CA Course. The Convenllon will definitely provide an opportunity to wid€t att€ntion towards skill, personality and creatiory'fE€ flow of id€as and assist in unearth talent. ACCOMMODATION; Two Nights accommodation (16" evening & 17'evening)would be availabb for outstation students aftending both days of the Convention @ Rs. 450/- per night excluding taxes, if any, on sharing basis. (Please send the duly ftlled Registation Form along with requisite fee or Paper(s) fo'CA. Amit Threja, Dy. Secretary Northem India Regional Council of the lCAl, lCAl Bhawan, Annexe Building, 4' Floor, Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi-110 002" Contact Nos. : 011-30100510/500, E-mail : [email protected]) Northern lndia Regional Gouncil last 0ate of to submit the The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India tmm is 13tr - touemDer, Participation Form for GA Students Parivar Prastuti - Gultural Evening by CA Students on 17* Decemb er, 2014 2014. (FOR CA STUDENTS ONLr) Venue - Siri FortAuditorium, Khel Gaon Marg, Siri Fort Road, Delhi - I or am| | [interested rr9r g-tw to lu perform lt tE PEI tul ttt [in| the evening of 17' Decembel2014 and wish to perform in the following activity(ies): 110 049 on the Please Affix Recent Passport Size Photograph Please Tick p.rro.rn."n..: 1.Song ! 2.Dan@ n s.eroupoance n a.Pby ! 5.Co-ordinator! (Pteasa sed the dutyt fit|€d Regtstatloo Form 60 'CA. Amit Threja, Dy. Socretary Northem India Regional Council of the lCAl, lCAl Bhawan, Annexe Building, 4tr Floor, lndraprastha Marg, New Delhi-110 002" Contac-t Nos. : 011-301005'10/500, E-mail : [email protected]) T.|m .nd Condltlm.: 1.Ate5mofo9€rts}i.|bG€tEb6tamong6ta||thototE]nUm!€rofpadidpanbintho|lE€p€c{v€eiego.yonth6bs|soff'rFdonEncodUlitu€fndE b€ o.gsnis€d bylhe NIRC ofthe lCAlon 30" No\€m!€.,2014 (Lnr.tlve) to9.30 A.M. to 5.30 PM.in tno iCAl Bhawan. 52-s+54, irEttutorEtArEa. Vctrw r.raar. StratrOara, (Nosr Ka*irdooma Court) DolhFllo032. The dedsion ottE Judg* shattbe fnatand Uncna €no€au6. 2. The o.lsnlzor ofthe prcgEmr|e, i.e. NIRC ot lCAl has tutt rigr b chango t|€ lrucruE of rE p.osmir1r|6 and io all@/not b allow tho pstormrnc€. 3. In t|o ov€nt of F€tsdEnEnucanc€llatlon/tiang€ of the Alditods at any tme, t|o tr€sh dab/s / wnu.t ghr€n by fE orsanizors will b6 nnal 4. All piops / dGss€s to te llsod by U€ prrtijpants havs to b€ b|r||rgft by nhe pa dpanb t|€rm€tv€!. 5. I$o Padidpation F€e Date: (Signature of Participant)
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