GLAD TIDINGS of the People of Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church PC(USA) Online News at OCTOBER 2014 WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY AND THE PEACE & GLOBAL WITNESS OFFERING PEACE & GLOBAL WITNESS OFFERING: BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS LET US BREAK BREAD TOGETHER... World Communion Sunday offers us a distinctive opportunity to experience Holy Communion in the context of the global community of faith. The first Sunday of October has become a time when Christians in every culture break bread and pour the cup to remember and affirm Christ as the Head of the Church. On that day, we remember that we are part of the whole body of believers. What you’ve known as the Peacemaking Offering has been transformed into the Peace & Global Witness Offering. This new Offering will have a greater global reach, more significant impact, and bring peace to people through Christ. On Sunday, October 5, we invite you to wear to worship, clothing that is either from your heritage or clothing from another culture, and gather around the table to share in communion with all of the world. We will once again be blessed with Rev. Eily Marlow, a member of our community, lead us in worship. Come, come to the table—we’ll meet you there. 1 The Peace & Global Witness Offering is received during the Season of Peace, which ends on World Communion Sunday. HOW IS MY DONATION USED? Your gift enables the larger church to promote the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of injustice across the world. Edgcumbe will retain 25% of this Offering to sustain our local peacemaking ministries and the remaining 75% will go to Presbyterian Mission Agency for global peacemaking efforts. Checks can be made to EPC with “Peacemaking” in the memo line. It's fall and we've restarted choir. It's good to be singing together again. You will find us meeting most Thursday evenings from 7-8:30 and Sunday mornings from 9-9:30. All are welcome to join us...for a Sunday, a Season or for the whole year! To get on our rehearsal and singing schedule, please contact Deb Carlson at [email protected]. If there are other music gifts out there, we would love to have you share them with us. Please contact Deb about this as well. A Word from Your Session... decided to resign from Session. Craig has been thinking about this for some time, and believes that this is the right time for him to step down. Craig has helped guide Session for several years, through some difficult times as the church and session addressed the pastors’ request for sabbatical, and as the church engaged in one of our central mission objectives, to build trust in our congregation. I am thankful for Craig's wisdom through this process, and will miss his presence. Craig has said he welcomes people to contact him if you We do recognize with some sadness, the have any questions, or just want to thank resignation of two members of our him for his service. working church team, and are grateful for the service they have offered. Our As always, if you have questions or church administrator, Bruce Sullivan, concerns, feel free to contact your elders decided to resign his position as of on session. September 22. Bruce has been a kind and gentle presence in the office for the Peace to all, past year. In addition, Craig Jahren has Bryan Kingsriter We are grateful to have had the capable help from Rev Stephen Robertson who is serving as moderator during our pastors’ sabbatical. Stephen has brought a calm competence and wisdom to our process. We have been fortunate to have him. He will moderate our next session on October 9 as well. Along with Rev. Robertson, our two primary interim worship leaders, Eily Marlow and Lisa Largess have provided a stability for the central tasks of our church during this time. 2 WHO DO I CONTACT? With the recent loss of an office administrator and our pastors away on sabbatical, it may not always be clear who to contact about what. This list should help you know who to contact for your needs. CHURCH OFFICE We hope to have a volunteer in the office 2-3 days a week over the next few weeks to answer phone calls and light duties until plans can be made for staffing the office. Meanwhile, please contact the following people regarding the specified requests. SESSION Bryan Kingsriter, elder – (651)487-2292 [email protected] Eleta Pierce, elder – (651)222-3494 [email protected] Brian Manwarren, clerk – (651)356-1613 [email protected] Stephen Robertson, temporary moderator [email protected] General Office Questions or Concerns: Church Office— (651) 698-8220 If no answer, then contact: Bryan Kingsriter, elder – (651)487-2292 [email protected] Eleta Pierce, elder – (651)222-3494 [email protected] FELLOWSHIP/CONGREGATIONAL CARE Margot Dailey, deacon – (651)690-3598 [email protected] Lorenz Fett, deacon – (651)230-5773 [email protected] Marge Litman, deacon – (651)456-0041 [email protected] Frank Alden – (651) 224-2451 [email protected] Todd Barnes - (651) 334-6584 [email protected] Eleta Pierce, elder – (651)222-3494 [email protected] Bulletin & Newsletter Submissions: Eleta Pierce – (651)222-3494 [email protected] BUILDING & GROUNDS Lorenz Fett, deacon – (651)230-5773 [email protected] Brian Manwarren – (651)356-1613 [email protected] PERSONNEL Faith Dietz - (651) 603-0481 FINANCE [email protected] Brian Dietz, treasurer – (651)603-0481 Kathy Young - (651) 207-1050 [email protected] [email protected] Eleta Pierce, financial secretary – (651)222-3494, [email protected] 3 4 Continued prayers for peace for Cindy Hanson, who is now on hospice at home, and for strength for Brian Manwarren, Cindy’s daughters and their family. † Prayers for comfort for Ray Quintana on the recent passing of his father. † Prayers of healing for those who are ill or who have recently been hospitalized, including Bruce McCall, Annie Young, Montell Pierce. Prayers of gratitude for the wonderful gift of the congregation of Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church. † † Call for Art: Why Do You create? We are putting out a call to the entire community and neighborhood for pieces of art that you have made. The results of your creative process can be paintings, drawings, writing, music, etc. Let us know what you have. Bring in your work beginning on Saturday Sept. 27th, or by appointment, long with a written statement to hang with your art. Include your name, the title of the work and a few sentences about the piece. The show will run from Oct. 5th – Nov. 2nd. A free reception open to the public will be held on Thursday Oct. 9th from 4-6:30 p.m. Music and readings will be part of the reception. Questions or to make an appointment to drop off your art contact: Carol Schweickhardt, 651 468-9888, [email protected] or Elaine Kingsriter Allen, 651 487-2292, [email protected] Birthdays: Margot Dailey, 10/11 Anniversaries: Edith & Bob Ekstrand, 10/1 Congratulations and Best Wishes to Chris Neve (son of Carolyn and Chuck Neve) for his marriage to Danica Young in August. Thanks to Meredith Holt for the lovely quilt currently hanging in the Sanctuary. All graphics in this publication, (unless a business logo), are © 1983-2014 by Communication Resources, Inc. and used with permission. 5 Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church 2149 Edgcumbe Road St. Paul, MN 55116 Phone: 651-698-8220 Sunday Worship—10:00 a.m. Fellowship—11:15 a.m. Sun. Rev. Phil GebbenGreen, Co-Pastor [email protected] Rev. Julie GebbenGreen, Co-Pastor [email protected] Deb Carlson, Director of Music [email protected] Brian Manwarren, Clerk of Session Brian Dietz, Treasurer Eleta Pierce, Financial Secretary Marisol Guevara, Janitorial The deadline for articles for the November issue of Glad Tidings is October 15th. Saturday, October 18 5:00 p.m. In our back yard worship space, by the fire pit. Acoustic guitar and singsing-along songs. Stay afterwards for roasted hot dogs and s’mores! (no worship Sunday, October 19) 6 Place Stamp Here
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