TAIPAN MANAGEMENT CO. Taipan Group DIRECT OWNER -- PREMISES FOR RENT TEL: (852)2574-0338 FAX:(852)2838-2159 803 Eastern Commercial Ctr., 397 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, H.K. 9-Oct-14 DIRECT OWNER 直接業主 DIRECT OWNER Please visit our web-site : www.taipan8.com.hk District Address # Vacant date * Viewing Mid-Level Available Now Size Bed + Bath Room Room 麥當勞道96號寶樺臺 室 麥當勞道 號寶樺臺25樓 號寶樺臺 樓C室 Flat C, 25/F., Birchwood Place, 96 Macdonnell Rd., Hong Kong 2,018 2.5 + 2 Rates , M/F per Month List Rent R: $5,611 M: $5,400 $100,000 R: $1,670 M: $2,758 $60,000 Discourt Rent Sale Price Conditions Features $80,000 (Exclusive) Not for Sale (不包價) Carpark L2, #21 $48,000 (Exclusive) Not for (不包價) Sale Carpark UG/F, UE48 SV, AQ, Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. ( two hours before. ) Mid-Level Available Now 半山聯邦花園維也納閣5字樓C 半山聯邦花園維也納閣5字樓C室 Flat C, 5/F., Vienna Crt, Realty Garden, 1,350' 2+1 41 Conduit Rd., Mid-Level, H.K. Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. ( two hours before. ) Mid-Level Available Now 半山龍騰閣6字樓A 半山龍騰閣6字樓A室 Flat A, 6/F., Dragon View Court, 5 Kotewall Rd.,m Mid-Level, HK Available Now 司徒拔道 玫瑰新村D座 樓2室 室 玫瑰新村 座1樓 1/F., Flat 2, Blk. D,Villa Monte Rosa, 41A Stubbs Road, HK. Renovation 2yr b/4 Painted 1622' 3+2 R: $1,918 M: $3,291 $60,000 $48,000 $98,000 Exclusive (不包價) $79,000 Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. ( two hours before. ) Stubbs Road MV, Balcony, Pool 2,300' 3+2 R: $2,975 M: $4,575 (不包價) SV, B, AQ, Not for Sale Carpark 3/F, #1 Painted New A/C Garden View Not for Sale AQ, B., Carpark no. 304 Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. ( two hours before. ) Happy Valley Available Now 雲地利道雲地利大廈7字樓B 雲地利道雲地利大廈7字樓B室 Flat B, 7/F., Ventris Court, 1800' 3+2 R: $2,033 M: $1,800 $72,000 15 Ventris Road, Happy Valley, H.K. Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. ( two hours before. ) Happy Valley 跑馬地黃泥涌道79號8字樓 Available Now 8/F., No. 79 Wong Nai Chung Rd., Happy Valley, H.K. 1,495' 2+2 R: $2,120 M: $1,450 $62,000 $68,000 Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. ( two hours before. ) Happy Valley 跑馬地黃泥涌道79號9字樓 1,495' R: $2,495 Available Now 9/F., No. 79 Wong Nai Chung Rd., 2+2 M: $1,450 太古城四期漢宮閣 3字 字 H室 室 757' R: $874 3/F., Flat H, Han Kung Mansion Taikoo Shing, HK. 2+2 M: $1,067 $35,000 Exclusive (不包價) $28,000 Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. ( Two hours before. ) North Point 北角海峰園崇峰閣41字樓B 北角海峰園崇峰閣41字樓B室 Available Now Flat B, 41/F., Sugn Fung Court, 723 R: $901 2+1 M: $1,153 Exclusive (不包價) $55,000 $27,000 Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. ( two hours before. ) Available Now $50,000 Exclusive (不包價) $22,000 Happy Valley, H.K. Taikoo Shing $58,000 (Exclusive) Not for Sale (不包價) (Exclusive) (不包價) Harbour Heights, 3 Fook Yum Rd., Racing Course View Amah Quarter Racing Course View Not for Sale Racing Course View Not for Sale Not for Sale Not for Sale New Renovation Not for New Renovation SV Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. ( Two hours before. ) Kowloon Tong Available Now 畢架山花園二期19座6字樓C 畢架山花園二期19座6字樓C室 1,051' R: $1,454 Flat C, 6/F., Blk 19, Beacon heights, Phase II, 19 Lung Ping Rd., Kln. 3+2 M: $2,361 $31,000 Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. ( Two hours before. ) Discovery Bay Available Now 愉景灣蘅峰蘅欣徑7號 樓B室 室 愉景灣蘅峰蘅欣徑 號2樓 1,311' Caperidge Drive, No. 7, Flat B, 2/F., R: $1,880 M: $1,597 $45,000 R: $1,880 M: $1,597 $45,000 Peninsula Village, Discovery Bay, N.T. Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. ( Two hours before. ) Discovery Bay Available Now 愉景灣蘅欣徑9號2樓B 愉景灣蘅欣徑9號2樓B室 Caperidge Drive, No. 9, 2/F.,Flat B Discovery Bay, HK. 1,311' 3+2 Available Now 愉景灣康慧台康頤閣4樓F 愉景灣康慧台康頤閣4樓F室 Flat F, 4/F., Glamour Court, 919 3+2 R: $1,194 M: $1,377 Exclusive Sale (不包價) $36,000 (Exclusive) Not for (不包價) Sale $36,000 $28,000 Hillgrove Village, Discovery bay. 2 years Before New Renovation SV,AQ,F., Not for Sale Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. ( Two hours before. ) Discovery Bay $25,000 Exclusive (不包價) $23,000 (Exclusive) Not for (不包價) Sale Star TV Club New Renovation SV, Club, Star TV Phase 4 New Renovation 2yr B/4 Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. (Two hours before) Discovery Bay Available Now 愉景灣 旭暉閣 14字 字 D室 室 Jovial Court, 14/F., Flat D Discovery Bay, HK. 891' 2+2 R: $1,115 M: $1,179 Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. ( Two hours before. ) 第 1 頁 $28,000 $23,000 (Exclusive) Not for Sale (不包價) SV Star TV Club Phase 4 For Rent District Address # Vacant date * Viewing Discovery Bay Available Now Size Bed + Bath Room Room 愉景灣 寶晶閣 13字 字 C室 室 Crystal Court, 13/F., Flat C Discovery Bay, HK. 727' 2+1 Rates , M/F per Month R: $1,037 M: $1,449 List Rent $25,000 Discourt Rent Sale Price $20,000 (Exclusive) Not for (不包價) Sale Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. ( Two hours before. ) Discovery Bay Available Now 愉景灣頤峰村翠山閣5樓F 愉景灣頤峰村翠山閣5樓F室 Greenfield Court, Flat F, 5/F., 856 2+1 R: $673 M: $1,112 $22,000 Greenvale Village, Discovery bay. Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. ( Two hours before. ) Discovery Bay Available Now 愉景灣蘅峰村彩暉閣3 愉景灣蘅峰村彩暉閣3樓G室 Flat G, 3/F., Verdant Court, Peninsula, 718 2+1 R: $821 M: $884 $21,000 3 Capevale Drive, Discovery bay. $18,000 Exclusive (不包價) $17,000 (Exclusive) (不包價) Available After Festival City, Tower 3, Flat NC, 46/F., 27-Oct-14 1 Mei Tin Road, Tai Wai, Shatin, N.T. 1,103' 3+2 SV Star TV Club Phase 3 SV, Club, Star TV Not for Sale Phase 5 New Renovation New Renovation SV, Star TV Club Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. ( Two hours before. ) Tai Wai, Shatin 沙田大圍名城3座46樓 沙田大圍名城 座46樓NC 座46樓NC室 NC室 Conditions Features Phase 4 R: $1,457 M: $2,304 $31,000 $25,000 (Exclusive) Not for (不包價) Sale $12,000 $10,000 (Inclusive) Not for (包價) Sale $11,000 $9,000 (Inclusive) Not for (包價) Sale Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. (Two days before) Tin Shui Wai Available After 31-Aug-14 天水圍柏慧豪園6座47樓E 天水圍柏慧豪園6座47樓E室 656' Flat E, 47/F., Tower 6, Central Park Towers, 2 Tin Yan Rd., Yuen Long, N.T. Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. (Two days before) Tin Shui Wai Available After 25-Aug-14 嘉湖山莊翠湖居5座4樓 嘉湖山莊翠湖居5座4樓E 5座4樓E室 Chestwood Court, Kingswood Villas, FlatE 579 2+1 4/F,Blk5, 8 Tin Shui Rd, Yuen Long, N.T. Garden View Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. (Two days before) Tin Shui Wai 嘉湖山莊景湖居14座 嘉湖山莊景湖居14座2樓B室 Available After Kenswood Court, Kingswood Villas, FlatB 15-Oct-14 2/F,Blk14, 2 Tin Lung Rd, Yuen Long, N.T. 811' 3+2 $15,000 $12,000 (Inclusive) Not for Sale (包價) Viewing : Please call Taipan to make appointment at 2574 0338. (Two days before) Carkpark 大圍 名城 車位 General Rent : Break Clause: Deposits: List Rent: Defects: Decoration: Furniture: ABBREVIATIONS: FF=Fully Furnished SV=Sea View B.=Balcony SR=Store Room 大圍美田路1號名城R220 大圍美田路1號名城R220號車位 R220號車位 $4,000 CP No. R456, Festival City, 1 Mei Tin Rood, Tai Wai, Shatin, N.T. Not for Sale Available Now All the above rental is exclusive of Gov't Rates and Management Fee but inclusive of Crown Rent. Will cost 1/4 months rent up front Large company lease: 2 x monthly rental Personal or small company lease: 3 x monthly rental Tenancy agreement will display a higher list rent discounted to the agreed net rent All functional defects up to 14 days of handover will be on Taipan's account (excludes decorative defects) Negotiable Negotiable UF=Unfurnished SF=Semi-Furnished (Appliances only / Furniture as per existing) MV=Mountain View POOL=Swimming Pool CP=Car Park CCP=Covered Car Park AQ=Amah Quarter RF=Roof F=Facility NFS=Not For Sale TV=Star TV available 第 2 頁 For Rent
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