IPL SKANDINAVIEN AB ENGINEERING SERVICES IPL SKANDINAVIEN AB ENGINEERING SERVICES IPL SKANDINAVIEN AB är ett svenskt orderproducerande företag med 150 medarbetare fördelad på administration, produktion, montage, underhåll och reparation inom industrirör, stålkonstruktioner och mekaniska installationer. IPL har under åren upparbetat en know-how och kvalitetsnivå, som har skapat tillgång till en mängd intressanta uppdrag. Illustrationerna visar exempel på några av dessa uppdrag. IPL är certifierade enligt ISO 14001, ISO 9001:2000 och EN 729-2. • • • • • • • On/off shore industrin, oil rigs/platforms Petrokemisk industrin Kraftverk – konventionella och Kernkraftverk Cementverk Varvsindustrin – Nybygg – Reparation Livsmedelindustrin Pappersindustrin PREFABRIKATION/MONTAGE • • • • • • Rörinstallationer Stålkonstruktioner Licenssvetsning Reparation Underhåll Instrumentering ENGINEERING • • • • • • Rör – Stål Supervision Planering Cost Control Svetsinspektion QC IPL Skandinavien AB a Swedish engineering and construction company, employing 150 highly skilled people within project management, production and erection of industrial pipeand steel-constructions. IPL has over the years gained a solid know-how and high quality level, which has resulted in participating in numerous interesting projects in Sweden and abroad. The illustrations show examples from some of our project-categories. Certified Quality Systems ISO 14001, ISO 9001:2000 and EN729-2. • On/Off-shore oil industry, oil rigs and platforms • Petrochemical industries, refineries • Shipyards • Pulp paper industry • Cement factories • Food processing industries • Power industry – nuclear and conventional • Process piping, tankfarm piping, steel structures, complete plants, hydraulic systems, piping systems • Prefabrication • Erection • Mechanical installation • Instrumentation IPL undertakes complete super vision, planning, cost control, welding inspection and erection/ prefabrication worldwide. IPL has the capacity and solid experience in placing our expert teams in different projects throughout the world. Innehåll Vision, mission och värderingar Företagspresentation Kvalitet och miljöpolicy Organisationsplan Certifiering Referenser IPL Skandinavien AB är inte som dom flesta andra företag. Vi har inte bara en vision och en mission – vi har en dröm! Att skapa en miljö där vi trivs med att jobba tillsammans och medverkar till att bygga upp ett företag vi kan vara stolta över. VISION Att vara ett engineering och konstruktionsföretag av världsklass, som hjälper våra kunder att lyckas. MISSION Att assistera våra kunder med professionell projekt ledning, produktion och installation av industriella rör och stål konstruktioner av högsta kvalitet - inom avtalad tid och budget. I allt vi gör skapar vi en kultur av partnerskap, entreprenörskap, samarbete och integritet som tillsammans skapar ett engineering och konstruktionsföretag i världsklass. VÄRDEN Parnerskap och kvalitet Partnerskap och kvalitet är för IPL både en filosofi och en livsstil. Vi utvecklar och följer de bästa kvalitets- och ledningsmetoder och implementerar dessa metoder i våra leveranser för att uppnå starka och långsiktiga relationer med våra kunder. Vi lyssnar på våra kunder och vi är engagerade för att uppnå deras totala tillfredsställelse i allt vi utför. Entreprenörskap och deling Vår framgång är baserad på kompetens, engagemang och hänförelse från våra anställda. Därför skapar vi ett klimat bestående av innovation och initiativ där alla får en känsla av ägarskap genom att assistera våra kunder och därmed säkerställa IPL en lönsam tillväxt. Genom teamwork, delning av know-how och expertis ger vi det bästa av IPL till våra kunder. Respekt Som aktör inom en global miljö, känner vi rikedomen som mångfaldigheten medför och välkomnar denna i en övergripande IPL kultur. Vi är respektfulla för våra kollegor, kunder, affärspartners och konkurrenter i allt vad vi gör. Genom att förstå och följa vår vision, mission och värden, arbetar vi tillsammans mot samma mål och fortsätter uppnå den framgång som har tagit oss dit vi är idag. Det representerar vårt kollektiva engagemang och är vår vägvisare för att bemöta förväntningarna från alla intressenter, tillfredsställa våra kunders affärs behov, förse givande karriärer och genererar hållbar lönsam tillväxt - nu och i framtiden. IPL Skandinavien is not like most other companies. We do not only have a vision and mission – we have a dream! To create an environment where we enjoy working together and contribute to build a company we can be proud off. VISION To be a world class engineering and construction company, helping our clients succeed. MISSION To help our clients with professional project management, production and erection of industrial pipe- and steel constructions of highest quality, to fully satisfy client objectives, on time and on budget. In all we do, we foster a culture of partnership, entrepreneurship, teamwork and integrity, building a world class engineering and construction company. Entrepreneurship and sharing Our success is based on the competence, commitment and enthusiasm of our employees. Therefor we promote a climate of innovation and initiative, where all are empowered with a sense of ownership in supporting clients, thus ensuring IPL’s profitable growth. Through teamwork, sharing our knowhow and expertise, we bring the best of IPL to our clients. Respect Acting in a global environment, we recognize the richness that diversity brings to the company and welcome this diversity while embracing the overall IPL culture. In all we do, we are re-spectful of our fellow colleagues, clients, business partners and competitors. VALUES Partnership & Quality For IPL partnership and quality are both a philosophy and a way of life. We develop and fol-low the best management practices and we entrench these approaches into client relationships and delivery frameworks in order to establish strong and long term relationships with our cli-ents. We listen to our clients and we are committed to their total satisfaction in everything we do. By understanding and adhering to our vision, mission and values, we work together toward the same goals and continue to achieve the success that’s brought us to where we are today. It represents our collective commitment and roadmap for meeting the expectations of all our stakeholders, satisfying our clients’ business needs, providing rewarding careers and generating sustainable profitable growth - now and into the future. FÖRETAGSPRESENTATION IPL Skandinavien AB är ett svenskt orderproducerande bolag inom rör- och stålindustrin, som leverantör till industrianläggningar, fabrikation, prefabrikation, montage, reparation, service och underhåll samt alla former av svetsning med certifierade svetsare på nykonstruktion och producerande anläggningar. IPL Skandinavien AB har kapacitet och erfarenhet inom följande industrisektorer: IPL Skandinavien AB har deltagit i projekt inom följande kategorier: • • • • • • • Rör och stål system; engineering, prefabricering, montage och underhåll. IPL Skandinavien AB är ISO certifierade på kvalitet- och miljösystem SS-EN ISO 9001 och SS-EN ISO 1401. • Instrumentering och kontrollsystem; detaljerade projekt, inköp och instrument leverans, pre-kalibrering, installation, loop checkning och start-up. Företaget är extern certifierade i EN ISO 3834-2 vilket är det högst möjliga inom svetsning. Alla svetsare är certifierade enligt EN 287-1 • Elsystem; låg/medium spänning, material och utrustningar, inköp och leverans, installation, start-up. IPL Skandinavien AB har varit verksam i Varberg sedan 1986. • Turn Key prefabricerade system (skid mounted); samarbete med utländska processingenjörs företag med specifik “know how” på olika industriella områden. Kraftverksindustri (kärnkraft - konventionell) Varvsindustri Petrokemisk industri Pappersindustri Livsmedelsindustrin Andra processindustrier KVALITET OCH MILJÖPOLICY IPL Skandinavien AB är i ständig utveckling och väl förberedda på att uppfylla omvärldens, samt kundernas krav och förväntningar inom både kvalitets och miljö området. Vår totala kvalitetsnivå skall ge så nöjda kunder som möjligt, så att de finner det naturligt att köpa våra tjänster i framtiden. • IPL skall följa aktuella lagar och bestämmelser samt vår egen mijöstandard. Vi skall upprätta detta genom att: • IPL skall bevara naturens resurser genom att använda miljövänliga material och hushålla med energi och vvatten samt minska spill och avfall när det är tekniskt och ekonomiskt försvarbart. • IPL´s alla anställda skall känna till kundens krav/förväntningar inom både kvalitet och miljö. • IPL skall stimulera alla anställda, kunder och leverantärer till ett ökat miljömedvetande. • IPL sätter in de resurser som erfordras för att säkerställa krav, oavsett storlek, vad gäller kvalitet och miljö. • IPL skall samarbeta med våra kunder / leverantörer vid kvalitets- och miljöförbättringar. • IPL´s medarbetare är förtrogna med IPL´s kvalitets- och miljösystem och deras kompetens utvecklas i den omfattning som är nödvändig för att uppfylla kraven. • IPL skall regelbundet ge ut en miljöredovisning där miljömålen redovisas ORGANISATIONSPLAN Ledning QA/QC Ekonomi och HR Försäljning Projekt Rör och stål erektion Prefabrikation Mekanisk Instrumentering CERTIFIERING ILLUSTRATED ACTIVITIES Ringhals AB Mechanical maintenance contract. Pipe and steel contracts of carbon and stainless steel in all sizes. Preemraff Göteborg Maintenance contract for valves and instruments Pipe and steel construction work. Midroc Elektro AB Volvo Hisingen - Installation of cables for new prototype facility Preemraff Lysekil - Responsible for dismantling, calibration and reinstallation of level gauges Preemraff Göteborg - Installation of instrument components in control room. Process Kontroll AB Nynäs AB - Instrumentation, including small bore piping. Preemraff Göteborg - Dismantling, calibration and reinstallation of valves. Ringhals AB - Installation of small bore pipes and transmitters. Forsmark AB - Installation of small bore pipes and transmitters. Rafnes NO -Calibration of valves KMW Energi AB - Vbg Energi Kraftvärmeverk Instrumentation and pipe fitting Installation and welding of piping Overall QC for pipe- and steel works. Midroc Rodoverken AB Rodoverken workshop - Fitting and welding of carbon steel pipe spools Porsgrunn Norway - Installation of prefabricated pipe spools for new facilities Esso Slagen Norway – Installation and welding of pipe- and steel constructions for revision work Alstom Power AB Ringhals AB - Modification of the hydraulic system on R3 Ringhals AB - Modification of the hydraulic system on R4 Ringhals AB - Prefabrication and installation of all pipe systems and steel structures for the new Moister Separator Re-heaters and Low Pressure Preheaters on R4. Carbon steel pipes ≤ DN500 Aarsleff AB Uddevalla – Installation and welding of steel work for the new IKEA building Karlskrona – Installation and welding of steel work on the harbor Malmö – Installation and welding of steel work for the new police building in Malmö Balcke Dürr - Forsmark AB Prefabrication and installation of all pipe systems and steel structures for the new Moister Separator Re-heaters on TU1 and TU2. Stainless steel Pipes ≤ DN400 Danstoker A/S Vbg Energi kraftvärmeverk - Installation and welding of carbon steel pipes ≤ DN200 Leirvik Sveis A/S, Stord Snorre and Sleipner project. Special welding of Stainless- and Carbon steel Piping systems TIG-, Dual shield-, Outer Shield- and electrode welding References: Birger Larsen, Frode Rogne Aker Stord A/S, Stord Snorre TLP Project Special welding of pipe- and steel structures. SMO, stainless and carbon steel. TIG-, Dual Shield-, Outer Shield- and electrode welding Reference: Agnar Jan Helland Norwegian Contractors, Hinna Prefabrication - welding and erection of pipe systems and deck structures. Stripping of Northsea barge, seafastening STATOIL MONGSTAD refinery - Pipe installation and welding GULLFAKS C - Installation and welding of pipe systems and supports in lower domes. Erection and welding of steel skirts OSEBERG A - Mechanical outfitting, installation of piping, steel structures, pumps, -welding, - mechanical completion STATTFJORD C - Mechanical outfitting of mini-cells TROLL - Mechanical outfitting, installation of piping, steel structures, pumps, -welding. References NC: Kjell Rustad, Stein Uldal Moss Rosenberg Verft, Stavanger Welding of steel structures and pipe systems to Phillips Petroleum Co. Carry over work, Gullfaks B, installation and welding of pipe systems, carbon steel, SMO, stainless steel References MRV: Børge Larsen, Smidt-Svensen Increasing the height of the welding production hall, during running production Reference: A. Svidal (Kværner) Aker Verdal, Verdal Welding of deck sections to Aker Stord Reference A.V.: Knut Åsland Kværner Installation, Stavanger Shell Refinery, Sola - installation of new heat exchanges including connection pipe systems. Sleipner project - Special welding of Stainless- and Carbon steel Piping systems References KBI: Arne Svidal (Kværner Brug Oslo) S. Uhrdal Kværner Brug, Oslo R.E.O. Oslo - modifying of pipe systems and mechanical installations. Reference KB: Arne Svidal Nymo, Grimstad Statoil, Sleipner - Erection and welding of pipe systems in process module. Supply boat Viking Troll - Extension of length and hight ELF Petroland, module K6-D - Welding of pipe systems Hydro Project M30 - BFA7, - Complete prefabrication, installation, flushing, hydrotesting and documentation of De Luge System - Installation and welding of pipe systems and supports in well head area. References Nymo: Rolf Uhrfjeld, Jens Sætra Kristianssand Mek, Verksted GULLFAKS B Total pipe inst. and welding in processmodule “M3”. Planning, Supervision, QA, QC, Detail drawing, Documentation. Aker Verdal A/S Various pipe contracts on semisubmersibles Aker H3. Welding of jackets. Steel contracts on condeep production platforms. Pipe contracts on condeep production platforms. Planning, supervision, Detail drawing, QC. Customer: Stord Elektro, Norway Electrical installation on platforms “EKOFISK” - Supervision - Field Engineering. A.N.C. Stavanger, Norway Supervision - planning. Piping - steel structures. Christiani & Nielsen A/S, Norway Welding of riser pipes (condeep). Supervision - planning. Asea A/S, Kristianssand, Norway Electrical installations on Valhall Development - drilling facilities. Erection and welding of steel skirts. OSEBERG A - Mechanical outfitting, installation of piping, steel structures, pumps. Welding and mechanical completion. STATTFJORD C - Mechanical outfitting of mini-cells. TROLL - Mechanical outfitting, installation of piping, steel structures, pumps, and welding. Vigor A/S & Co., Norway Special welding for offshore industry. Valhall Module “A” Flare Boom and Bridge Structure. Special welding of pipes and constructions. T-joint and Y-joint. Welding of jacket platform “Benin”. Construction and welding of deck for same. Norsea Base, Stavanger, Norway Special welding. Execution of welding procedures. Prefabrication and erection of seafastening on barges. Prefabrication and erection of circular steel skirts and corrugated plates for Stattfjord C. Maintenance and repair of several rigs at onshore base. Maintenance and repair work at operating offshore oil rigs. Kvaerner Engineering A/S Engineering - pipe design on condeep. Instruction of Kvaerner personel within the field of piping. Nylands Verksted, Norway Special welding and prefabrication of modules for ”Stattfjord B”. Supervision. Welding-inspection according to offshore standard specifications. Kvaerner Group A/S “Stattfjord B” Prefabrication of modules. Welding of same. Installation of prefabricated modules. Installation and welding of pipes in cells and shafts. “Stattfjord C” Prefabrication of decks in shafts. Fabrication of “Column and Universal Joint” for North East Frigg Mounting and welding of Fenders - Anodes - Ladders - Bulbfalts - M-E-K & G Section N.C. A/S, Stavanger, Norway Prefabrication - welding and erection of pipe systems and deck structures. Stripping of Northsea barges, seafastening. Supervision - QC. STATOIL MONGSTAD refinery - Pipe installation and welding. GULLFAKS C - Installation and welding of pipe systems and supports in lower domes. A.O.C., Norway Management “Brent C”. Supervision - planning. Steel structures - electrical installations. - Jacked fasteners - Padeyes - Decks in Central shaft Welding of circular seam on Column - Section H to J. Fabrication of “Tripod, Piles, Deck and Bridges”. Supervision - project coordination. Customer: GMC, Norway Welding of various pipe systems and steel structures. Welding of modules for “Heimdal” Seafastening for same. Management - inspection. Welding inspection. Customer: Kvaerner Brug A/S BP ULA 3. - Prefabrication and assembling of mezzaninedeck. Fabrication and welding of Nodal centres, branching points. Project management - planning - Supervision - Q.C. Customer: Kvaerner Rosenberg K.E.M.I. J.V. Statoil Gasterminal Kaarstø Norway Process piping Prefabrication and erection of pipe modules Area 50-52-54. Utility. Prefabrication, erection and welding of pipes all dimensions from 1/2 inch to 36 inch stainless steel, carbon steel and copper/nickel. Constr. and erection of special supports, gangways. Installation of valves, instrumentation, fire fighting equipment, etc.. Cost Control - supervision - engineering. (Design and calculations) Documentation Customer: Kvaerner Egersund a.s Prefabrication, installation and welding of pipe systems, steelstructures and deck sections at Brage Drilling Module and Tower. Compl. inst. and welding of hydraulic pipe systems. Planning, Supervision, Commisioning and documentation. Customer: Aalborg Værft Offshore A/S Fabrication of modules for Tyra Field. A module - processmodule. Mounting and welding of steel structures, mounting of decks, crane-foundation, buffers, padeyes, bulkhead, gangways, ladders, cable-trays and external constructions for life boats, etc. B module - generatormodule. Erection and welding of steel structures and decks, mounting and welding of bulkhead, bumpers, submezzanine deck, planking, cable-trays and external structures for life-boats, etc. Mounting and welding of brackets and supports for components and pipes. Project-management and planning. Components and pipes Project management and planning Cost Control - Supervision - Engineering (Design and calculations) Documentation NCL POWER PLANTS RINGHALS I+II+III+IV, SWEDEN Mannesmann Rohrbau Pipe contracts all sizes and alloys. Special pipe welding. Bracket manufacture and mounting. Job planning - control - supervision. Design - Isometric- detail- and as built drawing. Carlo Gavazzi Scandinavia AB Manufacture of instrumentation, piping, installation. Instruments pipe contracts 2” - 6 m/m ball piping. Special welding stainless - carbon steel. Job planning - loop checking - instrument calibration. Isometric drawing - as built drawing. NCL POWER PLANT FORSMARK, SWEDEN U.R.G. German Babcock Pipe contracts all sizes and alloys. Svenska Maskinverken & Asea Atom Instrumentation. Special welding. Instrument pipe contracts 4” - 6 m/m. Job planning - supervision. Correction of drawings for erection. Isometric drawing - as built drawing. Carlo Gavazzi Scandinavia AB Pipe contracts 6 mm to 2 inch of stainless steel. Planning - Supervision - as built drawing. ARG Stal Laval Turbine Pipe Projects Pipe contracts - erection of pipes from turbine. Special welding. Manufacture and mounting of special brackets. Job planning - supervision. Design of special brackets. NCL POWER PLANT BARSEBACK, SWEDEN Mannesmann Rohrbau Same as Ringhals I+II+III+IV. Same as Ringhals I+II+III+IV. NCL POWER PLANT OSCARSHAMN III, SWEDEN Carlo Gavazzi Scandinavia AB Pipe contracts 6 mm to 2 inch. Manufacture of instrumentation modules. Special welding of stainless and carbon steel. Autom. welding. Ami machine. Construction and installation of special brackets and supports Erection of system 354, Scram System, incl.modules and special-welding on drifthousing in reactor including construction and installation of special brackets. Project management - Planning - Supervision - Job Preparation (Drawings) - As built drawing. VARIOUS PROJECTS - FOREIGN COUNTRIES F.L. Schmidt & CO. A/S, Denmark Installation, Repair and Overhaul of Mill-, Gear- and Furnace Systems in Concrete Factories in Egypt, Tyrkey, Vietnam, Yemen, Chile, Columbia and Peru. Supervision and inspection of Installation, Repair and Overhaul of Mill-, Gear- and Furnace Systems in Concrete Factories in Egypt, Tyrkey, Vietnam, Yemen, Chile, Columbia and Peru. Customer: Grootint BV, Holland Welding of steel structures for special crane “Svanen” to heavy lift of bridgestructures at “Storebæltsbroen”. Assembling and welding of steel structures for offshore platforms. Prefabrication, welding and erection of pipe systems in offshore platforms for Norsk Hydro and Statoil. Supervision - documentation. Brdr. Gram Contractors, Denmark Bulgaria - Erection and installation of complete refrigeration system in cold storage plant. Engine room - piping - evaporation coolers. ATLAS Industries, Denmark USA - Installation of complete refrigeration system in fishmeal produktion plant. Chile - Prefabrication of complete evaporation plant for food industry. Poland - Complete erection, installation and commissioning of double Vacuum Cold Oil Refinery. Chile/Peru/USA/Canada - Calibration, service, and repairs of PCR rotors - freeze drying units, and other high tech units for the food processing industry. IPL Skandinavien AB, Sweden Extension of tank vessel at Marstrand, Sweden. Extension of all double buttom tanks with necessary reinforcement. Sonnicho, Norway Electrical installations on ships at Nylands Verksted. Instrumentation on ship at Nylands Verksted. Stal Refrigeration, Sweden Ice rinks in Sweden. Airconditioning plants in Sweden. Refrigeration plants in Pripp Breweries, Sweden. Refrigeration plants in dairies, Sweden. Saipam, Italy Jacketed piping at Scan Raff, Sweden. Special welding. Kema Nord, Sweden Stainless steel - and pipe contracts at Kema Nord. Electrical installations. Instrumentations. Supervision. Tehdasputkitus-regi Schinco, Norway Pipe contracts all sizes at Saga Petrokemi. Special welding. Supervision. Nylands Verksted (Aker Gr.), Norway Installation of storage tanks at Tofte Cellulosefactory, incl welding. Pipe contracts on ships. Steel contracts on ships. Carlo Gavazzi, Sweden Electrical installation at Lysekill Refinery Instrumentation. Electrical installation at Ringhals I+II+III+IV. Supervision. AC Elektro, Norway Electrical installation in paper factory in Skien and Hydro in Porsgrunn. Ega A/S, Norway Electrical installations at Saga Petrokemi. Instrumentation. Planning - supervision OK Refinary, Sweden Service and maintenance on all pipe- and steelconstructions, pressure vessels, valves and instrumentations. STEIN Industrie, France Prefabrication, installation and welding of pipesystems, steelstructures, supports, gangways, platforms, ladders, air- and coalducts, during construction of and commissioning at Vestkraft Conventional Powerplant. Supervision, planning, commissioning and documentation. Costumer: GEC ALSTHOM - SDEM Handling, Assembling, Jacking, Alignment and Welding of Approach Spans Steel Girder Joints at Storebaelt East Bridge, Denmark. DY-Aalborg Aluminiumskonstruktioner A/S Erection and Welding of Aluminum Ship Sections on Catamaran Ferrys, including alignment and post Plate Straightness heat- and welding repairs. ATLAS Industries A/S Prefabrication - Assembling and welding of PCR rotors Freeze drying units and other high-tech units for the food processing industri -Stainless steel and carbon steel - Piping installations connected to the above. Complete erection, installation and commissioning of Single Vacuum Cold Oil Refinery. Brdr. Gram A/S Production of pressure vessels for refrigeration systems. Installations and erection of refrigeration systems in cold storage plants, slaughter houses, etc.. Installation and welding of pipe systems for refrigeration in special gas recovery units for petrochemical plants. Ørskov Stålskibsværft A/S Prefabrication and installation and welding of piping for engine room and hydraulic systems and series of new constructions - overall piping. Repairs and alterations of ships. ISO - metric drawings for prefabrication of piping in ships. Ålborg Boilers A/S Boiler installion and welding of piping and steel structures at conventional powerplant “Fynsværket”. Dansk Kraftemballage A/S, Kolding Installation of new production lines, including erection of stainless steel glue kitchen system, and piping connections for production. Prefabrication, erection, installation and preventive service of complete steam piping system and valves. Prefabrication and erection of various platforms and gangways. Corr-Pack A/S, Vejen Installation of new production lines, including erection of stainless steel glue kitchen system, and piping connections for production. Prefabrication, erection, installation and preventive service of complete steam piping system and valves. Design and documentation. Partner Technic A/S Assembling and welding of piping systems in purification units for cleaning of polluted earth/soil. Sønderjyllands, Højspændingsværk Pipe contracts for LT systems in conventional powerplant. Design engineering Documentation Nylands Verksted, Norway Erection of engine testing facility for F-16 fighters at Military Airfield Skrydstrup, Dk. Henry Søby A/S Installations of refrigerating systems in cold stores in Denmark, Sweden and on ships in Denmark. Helsingør Værft Pipe design on ships. Detail drawing for prefabrication of pipes and installation of cable trays at ships. Engineering/Design. Aalborg Værft Offshore A/S Fabrication of modules for the Tyra Field. A module - processmodule. Mounting and welding of steelconstruction, mounting of deck, crane-scaffolding, buffers, padeyes, bulkhead, gangways and ladders, deck and external construction for lifeboats, etc.. Mounting and welding of cable-trays. B module - generatormodule. Mounting and welding of steelconstructions and deck, mounting and welding of bulkhead, bumpers, submezzanine deck, planking and cable-trays. Mounting and welding of external constructions for lifeboats, etc. Mounting and welding of brackets and support for components and pipes. Project-management and job-planning. Cost-control - supervision - engineering. Design and calculations Documentation Aalborg Værft Offshore A/S Modules for Tyra Field. Welding of padeyes. Welding of bumpers. Welding of seafastening. Welding-inspection. Supervision. Sabroe Søby A/S Erection of refrigeration systems in cold storage plants, slaughterhouses, etc.. Refrigeration in slaughterhouses. Electrical installations instrumentation. Refrigeration in fish filet factories. Refrigeration in slaughterhouses. De Forenede Bryggerier Repair and maintenance of machinery in bottle-sections \1 and \2. Barry Wehmiller, England Erection of bottle-cleaner. Fredericia Bryggeri, Denmark. Goriværk Installation of productionline for woodprotection liq. Engineering and Documentation. Dannebrog Værft A/S Shiprepairs and alterations of bow to bulb constructions. PIPE LINE ACTIVITIES ALFA Laval Zeta A/S Special welding of pipe systems in stainless steel and carbon steel. Ove Arkill A/S, DK Cellulose-welding (down-hill) of main pipe-line for natural gas. Frøslev - Egtved. Per Aarsleff A/S, DK Cellulose-welding (down-hill) of main pipe-line for natural gas. Frøslev - Gråsten. Cellulose-welding (down-hill) of main pipe-line for natural gas. Vejle - Gedved Prefabrication of valve-stations for natural gas. Frøslev - Gråsten. Scan-Pipe Naturgasconsortium, DK Cellulose-welding (down-hill) of main pipe-line for natural gas. Egtved - Storebælt. Furthermore IPL SKANDINAVIEN AB has executed several contracts in the remaining parts of the world: Prefabrication of modules for offshore projects, Germany. Cold Storage plant in Libya, Africa - Steel Structure erection. Cold Storage plants in Iran - Turn-key. Gas filling station in Iran - Steel structure erection. Slaughterhouses in Poland - Turn-key. Fish processing plants in Peru, Chile and USA - Turnkey. Cattle slaughterhouse in Sudan, Africa. Spray drying plants in Europe. Etc., etc., etc. IPL SKANDINAVIEN AB can place experienced personnel at your disposal all over the world, for the execution of demanding engineering, construction and erection tasks. Our know-how and experience show on site: no conflicts and fully maintained schedules. In our workshop we prefabricate pipe- / steelstructures, pipesupports, and pressure vessels of all sizes. IPL SKANDINAVIEN AB ENGINEERING SERVICES Annebergsvägen 4 · 432 95 Varberg · Sweden · Tel +46 (0)340-645300 · Telefax +46 (0)340-645310 Email: [email protected] · Internet: www.ipl-skandinavien.se
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