so,unv(VnrusYwuv(s ( MAIL ): P.O.BOX 543 SQUAW VALLEY, CA. 93675 ( WEBSITE): WWW.SQUAWALLEYN EWS.COM ( EMAIL ): [email protected] OCT. 18 zo., NOV.01 ALL PERSONAL pROpERTy ADS ARE FREE ISOME EXAMPLES-HOUSE FOR RENT-CARS-TRUCKS-BOATS LIVE STOCK-TMCTORS-CAR PARTS-OUTBOARD MOTORS-PETS.LAWN TMCTORS-TMILERS -NO GUNS THE BEST & FASTEST WAY IS TO EMAIT YOUR AD TO ( SVN@THEWORKS,COM ) WHEN YOU TYPE OUT YOUR EMAIL AD ON YOUR COMPUTER PLEASE DO NOT DOUBLE SPACE EACH SENTENCE. JUST WRITE YOUR AD IIKE YOU WERE WRITING TO A FRIEND. PLEASE DO NOT USE BOLD TYPE OR UPPER CASE FONT LIKE THE KIND YOU ARE READING NOW. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A COMPUTER OR HAVING TROUBLE GETTING YOUR AD TO ME PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL ME AT (559) 332-22011 THANKs LARRY $ffirra lkfsrJnfffin Fssd & $upply Full Cord $345.SS * tI3 Cord SttS"$S .FIRHWO*N & FRSFANH [N STSf,K Farmer Maintanse Dog Frlday, October 31gt 9$0 to llidnlte Fmmd $t?,ss FttR 4tl LBs {55S} 338-?TgS $TORE HfiURS 'l ilam tn 6pm 7 Days a Week 35fr?5 E. Kings f,ailyon Rd" $qilfrw Vatley Ca. S3fi75 Join us and tfis RICHIE BLUE BAND For a Monstrously Good Time Come early for the Zomble Caks Walkll Prijree for Eest Costumetl! {sss} 3ss-3$t}3 t-sc*t*d S nu,l*s *ft f{ury 1$0 ,p,n g4S er e*ke th* S**}a,,p ffi*xd *.*rn*ff & ?**l*w rt 14 ntrl*p to the Frn*${ l-Mge. $,STSS frl Hrghwa,X 249 t* F*{u-ar*t,*nte CA SAUAVT VNUUUY SOMMUWTY AT LARGf,. Dunlap Baptist Church: Pastor Robert Hudson (559) 338-2525 Sequoia Bible Fellowship: Pastor Roland Ulrich (559)332-2011 zion Mountain Christian center: Pastor steve odom (559) 338-2930 St. Rita's Indian Mission: Father David Enriquez (559) 626-4943 Mtn. Valley Community Churchi Pastor Joe Maxwell (559) 332-2100 Hilltop Chapel: Pastor Rod Davison (559) 336-2454 New Earth Fellowship: ( Seventh-Day Adventist) Elder Jon Shumway (559) 356-3028 Visit our web site ( ) rtt\, :L H.h AMERICAN LEGION POST 621: Meeting 3rd. Wednesday of each month 7 PM at the Bear Mountain Library Activity Center. Call Steve @ (559)336-2498 The Four Seasons Garden Club meets from 5:30 throuqh 7:00 PM March through October & from 3:30 to Q:00 PM November througl! February. Our regular scheduled mEeting are on the 3rd Th[rsday ofthe Month atthe Bear Mountain Librarv Activitv Cente-r Room. Heleh Clinfians' Memorial Art Class meets from 10:00 AM to 12:30 each Monday mornrng at the Bear Mountain Library Activitv Cente-r Room. All level of skills welcome. MOUNTAIN VALLEY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. GO 55: Meets the 1" and 3'd Tuesday of each month at 7pm. 46694 chuckwagon Road in Dunlap (5591 338-1100 FLYING BOBBINS QUILT GUf LD: We meet the second Wed. & the 3rd Sat. of each month at the activity center. Contact Susan @ 338-2790 or Betsy @ 338-3082 EXERCISE CLASS FOR ALf,: Basic stretching & strength training. Meets Bear Mountain active M & W 1:00 - 2:00pm - Rhonda 338-3801 DUNLAP COMMUNITY CLUB: We are here to serve the community. We hold meetings on the second Friday of the month. The meetings st4rt eL7:00 pm. Need the hall for your own Special event? Contact us at 338-2723 (message) or Cherv Hassler ( 338-3096 1Treasurer Foothill Seniois Club weltomes you 2no Thursday of month at 12 noon at Bear Mountain Library Activity Center. Potluck lunch, program, fellowship, get to know your neighbors, be informed of local issues. For more information call 338-2239 Richard or Sylvia. SVPOA: Meets in the Activiiv Center at the Bear Mountain Library for a potluck dinner and monthly program on the third Saturdav of each month. For more info call, Nadine @ (5591 332-2678 BEAR MOUNTAIN FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARYT would like io invite Squaw Valley communitv members to join our erouo and heln promote our library. Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday ofeach month at 5:00 p.m. at the library. Pre Scholer PIiv Time: lnformal plav eroui for kids & moms ages 1-5. Brine a tov to share during play time. Wed. from 10:00 - 12:00 atihe Squaw Vallev Libiarv Attivity Center Startins Sept. l4thTor ftore info. contaclValorie at 332-9229 THE ELK WOMEN SACRED CIRCLE : mdets every Wednesday fr6m 9am-noon to discuss Animal Speah Medicine Cards. and other native sDiritual books and practices. 338-3150 SOUAW VALLEY MOUNfAIN LIONS CLUB: Meetinss to be held on the second Tuesday of each month at the Bear Mduntain activiw center. startine at 6:00PM For mdre information contact ludy Arrib'ere Ph# 332-2632 KINGS CANYON-FOOTHILL REGION: Municipal Advisorv Council - ODen m6etihss to be on the first Wednesday ofeach month at 7pm at the Bear Mountain Library. For more information pli:ase visit uJat ( ) or (5591321.1352 -I - 9:30 Meeting starts a PM. Thursday weigh in at 9AM T.O.F,S: Mondav weieh in at 6:45 PM meetine starts at 7 1OAM 11AM.ileeting are held at the Bear Mountain Library Activity Cehter in Squaw Valley. For more inTo. Call Pat @ f559.l 338-0746 tOY SONG MINISTRIES: Listen to Christian songs I I written by Squaw Valley's own Linda Joy Odom go to bEAR ilIf. FIBER ARTS: 1st. &; znd. Thursdavs of each month from 6PM - 9PM & the last two Sunday of the month from 10AM - 4PM at the Bear Mountain Libr-ary Activity Center. For more info. Call Sandy @ 332-2532 or Dee Dee @ 338-0322 CENTRAL SIERRA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: For more info please call Mary Riffel @ t559) 336-2335 OVERCOMER'S OUTREACH: A Christian 12 steD program meeis on Mondays from 7-9 im at a room at the Dunlap Baptist Church - 397 72 Dunlao Road. For more info'p'leas-e contact Steve or Lincla at [559) 332-2477 tUS'4 KIX : Dance lessons'everv Tues. and Fri. 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Beginner throuEh advanced. Dance lessons are held at the Bear Mt. Librarv. For more info, stop in or call Catherine @338-0475 FOOTHILL FILLIES: We aie ladies who love hrjrses. Come join us for our monthly luncheon meeting, third Thursday of each month. Christine @ 338-2296 MouNratn RoDEo AssoctATtoN meets the 4'" Tuesdav of each month at 7:30pm in the Bear Mountain Library ffioard.Weoffer|otsofdifferentfun|oca|comrhunityeVentsa!theRodeo we hav6 planned for this year. WebGiounijs. NEW & OLD MEMBERS WELCOMED. Check us out to see what site: or friend us on Facebook. Please call Sharon at 284-5082 or Gerri at 269 6303. Squaw Valley - Dunlap Miramonte - Pinehurst Badger - Wonder Valley SQUAW VALLEY'; Original Real Estate Office Locally Owned and Staffed License tt 01351708 SINCE 7976 $t1u*w Lonnie Work, Realtor/Broker Cheyenne Mullins, Broker Assoc. Joyce Berube, Office Mgr. 1'kX l*!' "We Sell The Mountains" ffi*litl t3' 31151 HWY 180, Squaw Valley CA 93675 For pictures and more property (559) 332 - 2881 information, see our website at ******,r:r**{.***,r!r***'}'r.'***:+*-iiffiffHarutiHj-i;ffi:fiiJ;----*:}'r.'('.***********{.**{.,t ltnique Ranch Property... 27 acret and 2 ponds - $2500@ extensively This is some ofthe finest foothill property you will ever see. With Very Private... 7g8g manufactured home on 5.3 ac - This Bbrgba MH is in excellent condition. It has been PENDING full floors, new cabinets, granite counters, and more. Will go FHA or VA Older 2-story Custom 3/3 on nat 5 acrcs - PENDING remodeled with new concrete siding, dual pane windows, and length covered concrete patios. Inside are new wood plank nearly 2? acres, it has a neat "ramada" style 2br2ba cabin/MH, a 2 story barn style shoP, two ponds (one is year round). Here is the core ofcreating your "dream" family ranch or farm. Cabin in Historic Wihonia Ut'llage - SOID !! get-away cabin in historic Wilsonia Village at library w/fireplace, massive Great mountain 1982 true custom 2-story... 9br3ba, kitchen & great room rvith full window wall, 360 wrap-around Grant Grove in Kings Canyon National Park. Cabin was built in 1939, has 96osfw/ rbrrba plus loft. Rare opportunity to get decks on upper floor, gGosqft garagelshop/hobby room. Very private 5 acres at 3,4,oo ft elevation... and, a chestnut orchard, too. private property in one ofthe prettiest places in California. a 50 Acres - Ultra-Private Ranch Estate - $925,000 2007 Benton Custom Home w/3br3ba - PENDING This may be the nicest home on the rnountain... a plantation style Beautiful 2,og?sqft home with wide open floor plan, island kitchen, home rvith over 8,?oosqft w,/ 9br3.5ba ofultra-custom living with a formal dining area, huge great roor! nice master, & ssosqft garage. gourmet kitchen and unbelievable master suite. AND... Pool w/ Two attic storage areas w/ double dormers. Very private setting on glass block shower, awesome outdoor kitchen, pond, barn, & morell hillside 5ac rvl valley view. AND. . . s.5kw solar power system. Improved 1ac V barn, well, electicily, and 2 pads - I TOOOO Near Hury 78O - Grat 5 acr6 V older doublewide MH $7740@ Very private 5 acre parcel on Chuckwagon that has a gogpm well, Outstanding 5ac only r/z mile from Hwy t so. Land is mostly level pump & pressure system, electricity, two pads, and a nice barn with and fully fenced. Improved with 1973 2br2ba doublewide that is dirt floor. Ultra-private setting with 2 seasonal creeks. Owner will livable but needs some work. Outbuildings include detached parking shed/shop and washroom/storage building. Neat property!!! consider carrying for qualilied buyer. Near HwrdSO custom plus 2br2ba MH - T234,1M, Priuate 9.24 ac Mini-Ranch 1br2ba nnch home - $275 M 'br3ba Great older custom 5brgba ranch home on nice corner 5 acres only Excellent 9.2,1ac at 3,5ooft in Miramonte. Very secluded setting w/ t.5 miles from Hwy l80. Also includes 2br2ba manufactured home nice Sbrzba ranch horne (r,6o8s0 plus large barn, 2 story shop w/ in decent condition. Nice 2ox4,o barn. Property has 2 wells, 2 septic bunkhouse above, outdoor cabana w/woodstove, dog kennels, & systems, and 2 electrical services. Very nice offering. much more. Terrific fully useable land w/great views & seclusion. Lots-Land-Others Chuckwagon -.l.?ac, well, power, barn, z pads OWC g 7o,ooo New-Sand Creek - Nearly level 5ac,,logpm well Pending $ 88,5oo Ba)'wood - Cul-de-sac hillside 12ac in 2legal lots $ 15,ooo g 95,ooo Chuckwagon - Nice 5acw/ 2 creeks & a spring...OWC Pending Ripple -Older s/zMH, xlnt g 8o,ooo Squaw Valley Rd -fudgetop 3 ac w/2 pads & elec OWC $ 45,ooo Ennis - Great Sacvt/ pad &zogpm well on creek g 4o,ooo Ne]v - HWY 945 - Small cabin lot in the pines (.+ acre) $ 14,5oo Wonder Valley - Morain - X'lnt l.92ac... OWC g 9o,ooo CornIlower - Hillside sac, I pads & greatview...OWC g 48,ooo Greenhill - "Killer" valley view lot,5ac, well, pad Cardinal - Awesome valley view lot w/ pad & storage g 65,0tltl Crow - Neat Eac off George Smith w/ excellent views g 3o,ooo g 9o,ooo Primrose - Great valley view 5ac w/ well & large pad g 65,000 Cornflower - Buildable 5 acre hillside parcel Silver - Near Hwy 18o, awesome 960 views, great 5ac $ 60,00() Chaparral - Nice Wonder Valley l.lac lot, views $ 3o,ooo g 35,ooo Hilltop Wonder Valley, panoranic view lot, lg. oaks Squaw Valley Rd - 2.3 ac, level w/ well & septic 55,ooo $ g 95,ooo Raven - Great corner 4, acres, neat valley view. . . OWC $ 5o,ooo Shorewood - Buildable hillside 6 acres. .. OWC g 55,ooo Iris-Hillside5+ acres rvl large pad & drive... OWC g 45,ooo Geranium - Outstanding valley view 5ac... OWC Silver - Nice 5ac near Hwy l8o, great views... OWC g 45,ooo Geranium - Awesome view lot, 3,,1.oo ft level... OWC g 5o,ooo Partridge - 5 acre view lot, private setting $ ,1o,ooo Sand Creek - Great corner lot w/ excellent terrain $ 5o,ooo Cornflower - south slope 5 acres, excellent vier'vs $ 35,OOO Sand Creek - Commercial 2.6 ac next to Country Store $ 59,ooo SQUAhI VALLEY REALTY - l,le proudLy introduce our nehl associote broher, cheyenne l'uLLins. Cheyenne uss born and raised in DunLdp and is fron one of the area's oLdest faniLies. She hos been o reaL estate broher since 2OO4 and hos a background Ln reoL estate, financing, and insurance. She Looks foruord to representing both buyers and seLLers of nountain property, she is personabLe, knouLedgeabLe, dnd diLigent. Give her a caLL todoy to discuss seLLing your property or ftnding the property that is right for you. SHE 'KNUIS THIS MOUNTAIN" ! ! ! Partridge-OlderS/zMHw/ I I oosf garagelshop, 5 ac level 5ac, pole barn, z wells PH# (559) 332 -2201 Email us at [email protected] PAID AD SECTION $OO FOR 3 MONTHS Thrr:n]r Yeu *'*,r f*g*f,*ng, *,ho drat'6hl hy the+slng EXC ELLENT I/CENS ED LOCAL CONT RACTOR New - Repair - Remodel - All Trades - Hrly. or Bid Local References - Lic.# /CA GB #739747 a, 'K'[mot* Suv Sfsrh''#..;,r;..l*'t. ;.*, n ru.*ry'kar .:$ 'r{,1't*'r :"::rg'r'* o' ti: s.4?! FURNITURE & CABINET REFINISH'NG Furniture Repair & Slnpping - Free Pickup & Delivery cal Robert MorUan @ 336-2615' {{t\ l,,,r 'l #ir l.$.,e 'w ;l"**;ru..e !r*re li.,a \ ",,t w r,,.e,., * tl r:l'xr,l :,* '{'t ?t+:,".*+l.r"i;t ,t .L\t:tL.nt*,rtd '4i$. 1,1.i$S !Y3$+'$.rj *,::l?n b{:'r':if1jj, re+t'i.t*.*i::t Steve @ (559) 356-0999 : !l:ii :ri % SfifiTllli ll I frsi i:h+r li'.:, tl"ni*t i'if,iii q''rrlvl *l*l t"r11*ral :,:l Irtftidl$.{dt llr bqeh qa'!*": 'w.rotj I'lo,.ir p,r l;,,r'+ r lq;a$l1r4;1 vfi t*!t::, ry g.*t t r t*ri,, fi,i;t tr',','* l,l$ nr:;,t,F!,c.!:*,F.r41ric,l+ {:i tltl{.: !,ci lu,rjr.a:r,v,t; u*'* T $*s*, i{-q..ffM .,| * ',{) HilITIffiS.:SE FREE CLASSIFIED ADS START HERE YARD SALE ', :rnffplrF[' r'''ff'H [J fi$.,l{. , ''.. Multi-family Yard Sale Sat. & Sun. Oct. 18-19, 8:00 am to 3:00pm. 36057 Ruth Hill Rd. On top the mountain between Sage & Cardinal Ln. $80Eilf,llHlHssuL ,I${l:,;fii'$iii..1iilll;;| , rulifdfL as,sH Oct. 18 & 19 Sat. & Sun. 8am to Spm 51098 Green Hill Rd. Off Chuck Wagon Rd. YARD SALE & BOUTIQUE XiFTITITTTTrFTIT:ilT 9am to 2pm Nov.15 31667 E. Kings Canyon corner of HWY.180 & Indian Guide Rd. Wanted used motor home in good condition. Must be able to be reg, smoged, For more info please call Ed. @ (55e) 338-2e0e For Sale Woodstove I Blower $350.00 Please call 338-0726 I have a 4X8 utility trailer freshly painted with 4 ft high sides. Asking $325.00 Contact Jack at 559-638-8121 Thanks Greg @ Twin Valleys Restaurant for your : x4'}*.*6**4E'I,i.1.i&tf-t#}a$$sd'L}st}sl::[i'iit;trV[;'.:.i:.::::i::;'i YARD SALE Wanted 1 bedroom or mother in law apt. type of a rental for a couple. We have excellent references . Please call Lee at (559) 646 4421 :; 1 o*' .- a --r - ahtD,$ELF $snvx , rrmd$ ' i ,i;i,l.ii:i:i.::i.i;i;:i;. di $ fi:#* 4'nffiO& Lic # 311211 a t-r - -IrY -rl COlTSTRI.]CTION g*nsral engineering help in sending in this ad. Larry Antique Leather Rifle Case made by Schoellkopf. lt will handle a bolt action rifle with a scope and has a cover. lt is 36 inches long and can be used as a saddle scabbard or as a carrying case. This is an extra heavy duty case and is in excellent condition as I only used it a few times. $125.00 call 559-338-2296 or e-mail at [email protected] and I will send you some pictures ' $pecializing in site development lncNuding all grounduuork & utilitiss: Water. Electrical . $euusr r Drainage . Fads " $Eptics . Roads r Trsnching . [rrl/ I I II rl II W lIr lIr I I t;I il - /lTl I I I T f I t I E.ILfuJ ;I;!IJirt)!lr,:.! ] t I I fL,/ t\ I l I} l(r r.l I I r.l I rl r I I t I THANK voul lf! it: i AT COST OR E.FLpW! MANY rrEMS59-9- Matfress $ets rl||ow lopg _ 3 Taflqs,-cotltrit2Entu r*ini'rgg J3#13il*",T$fi:llis3ee r*#'ry t249 -qt tfig r-', -ffi;fril;-t$?.***r,-S F,ifl cigg ^Full -do;o ,n,.,,i, truri2999 inchderloset'Fredllelivery m*so"IBfk#,ffiji,*ffi st4f n'n"s,:1"#$ree*". & UP B*tlltlltlllr,aAll Bedroom / Living Room r Curloi ;'ttt- eUffi Appliances Priced To Go! tf \ \ I l ll \ TI \ \- -/ ll tL'.,, jt '.1 ol:., lf,lll, {{r Dl Ntl ;7:EI-- ,'FEL'Ji flr IDinettec +i N I I I I HWY180 5 Acre Lot - $125.000 Great 5 acre lot on Highway 180 in the heart of Squaw Valley directly east of the Squaw Valley Library This property is very usable with all 5 acres being flat, open land. Commercial well drilled on the property with 6 casing. Ready to build property! 33484 & 33486 Wolverine Lane, Squaw Valley,Ca. $293,000 TWO IDENTICAL 3 BEDROOM,2 BATH 1850 SQ FT. \A/ESTERN HOMES ON GORGEOUS 5 ACRE PROPERTY JUST MINUTES FROM HWY 180 The propertyfeatures a large fenced pool. play house, teetertotter. 112 basketball court.covered picnic area wrth large table, swing set, tree house and even a small zip line. Listed by. Cameron Pryor - Lic #01884655 - (559) 916-4946 - [email protected] www Email us at [email protected] PAGE I PH# (55e) 332 -2201 2 !riitgt;,i!.n!.rnk , j/ill4V/ii'/jjif'r'?titiE|Wl!Lj ,.,,,..'.,q. PAID AD SECTION $60 FOR 3 MONTHS SEWING-SEWING-SEWING #*twfup .flw,p**t ## Call Donna for vour sewinq needs. Hemminq & oeneral type of 'sewing. CaIl Donna @ 338-2369 - lfilr rttrttstf tit t$#t#rrdtttf,#t :rlr*** f*r p, (i{ f S.ii fi il^{ f 3.k**#x gt Celebrdiut of Prase ,\'"s:gtr{ttg{ .'r{l REFLECTIVE ADDRESS SIGNS CURBS - MAIL - BOXES - GRAPE POSTS #'S HOME - BUS - APTS.- CONDOS f J .1,h1*''*r*{, l"r'"t r n irapl l6!r"'t ;r n\ vf t't*\: {}:'$ S t't +l 3l eirn ifl # hve?{"*h l,p: 1 I lfl * *1|*t Tsrs Spirit & the Word in Bedanced Ministry GALL STEPHEN @ (559) 447-7098 ";!;::::ti: #ltudrles day f{rglrf I;00 prn Folfier#sfirp and 8i$$p $fady FREE CLASSIFIED ADS START HERE ,,k.',.*''*F.w+'*,y;atii$,;j;;;t1.1",:X#|:I::;*i;Uff;;''* ,:i:i..; il:,: :l;;::11,, !n;:,i, i.ii'i: :tl:t;:i; '''*""*''"''+"''"* ';|..ii Greenhouse film wanted. approx. 30ft. X 30ft. Reasonable. Tom 559-901-5643. Wanted Old Rain Gutters Looking for old metal rain gutters. Call or text 559-305-3558 Horse manure (dried) w/very small amount of mini shavings. Good for composting. Small horse trailer full & will do local delivery. Text or call (559) 903-1725. ['f#tgrg #ry#ry#r]s Is uvsJrmffI#l Boutique style items for sale. Tutu's, Bows, Bubblegum necklaces, f;rrr*rf ry.r' S{'rfr liur.{. *,,u* {,fr "'l Burlap and Mesh wreaths, Wood craft work such as bird houses, flower boxes,hand painted signs, and Custom party decor such Tu,,, as favor tags, banner, center pieces... 559 289-9720 MORfiAN PAI NTINC Boutique style items for sale. Tutu's, Bows, Bubblegum necklaces, CLEAN, QUALITY !ryORK INTERISR & EXTERIOR FRESSURH !ryASHING Burlap and Mesh wreaths, Wood craft work such as bird houses, flower boxes,hand painted signs, and Custom party decor such as favor tags, banner, center pieces... 559 289-9720 3brl2ba home for rent in Squaw Valley, close to George Smith and HWY 180. Outside animals allowed, room for 2 horses, possibly more in cross fenced 5 Acres. call Cheyenne @ (559) 790-6432 LOCAL RESIDENT FOR 30 YIARS CALL FOR HSTIMATH Couple looking for either a rental or a mother in law size apt. will trade for house keeping & cooking for for rent. Lee (559) 646-442t a } "-f;f*f.r"{J5 elder couple as payment t559) 336-2615 Tom Senior Atlas Works milling machine you pick up. "qo srzs.oo (ssg) 332-2786 Craftsman band saw 12" for wood work. fl S17s.oo (sse) 332-278G 0 For Sale. Parmak Electric Fence Charger - new, never used. Solar Pak 6 low imped. 6 volt battery. 25 mile range 5125.A1so, used Par- mak Electric Fence Charger, 6 volt battery, 25 mile range $75. Please call 338-0099 TSTAtsLISHED TS26 Helping You Lower Your Fumping Cost Repairr To All Brands Of Fumps - Water Treatrnerrt Oomestic Anrt Ag $ervice Checks 1 I29 "F" Stre€t Raedlay, Ca. {559} 638-2235 PUI\nfl TRf,f, Rf,.ALTY & PROPfl.RN I[ A.NAqflJ4fl.NT oF'sQuAwv*t-lrY For more information on these properties Visit us @ www. p inetreerealty sv. c om s59-332-1333 Kings Canyon Rd. Squaw CA 9367 5 31 105 E,. 9{ornes for Sa[e Off Hwy 180 for an Easy Commute S325.000 Here it is! A oaved road that leads back to a secluded 3 bdrm 2ba,2 story home nestled on a charmin s^ 1 .eg ac of mostly all usable land risht off Hwv I 80 for an easy commute to town. Remotleled with sranitetounter tops throuEhout. Stay cozy with a nic-e enclosed sittins room with a woodburnins stove durine the-winter thdt ovei" see's the above sround oooliv/ a nice redwood deck foicooline off tlurine the summer. Well maintained Vesetable sarden alons with a variety of fruit trEes including peach. pear and appl e. 2 out buildings'iihich are ap:prox. I 0xl2 siorage shed and a 30x2U workshbp or hob6y room. Seasonfl creek and nicbly landscaped. Must see to appreciate.. $135.000 Snacious 1977 2bd.2 ba. Mfs. home 1440 sq. ft. on 3.09 acres. mostlv all usable land. Fenced Hopewell Rd. cross fenied. new kitchen. new windo-ws, new flooring. a musl see to appreciate. & $149.000 Spacious 1977 2bd.2 ba. Mfe. home on 4.69 acres, all usable land. Fenced & cross fenced. carry wl20%o down. Ruth Hill Rd. Seaso.nal poird. 2 car detached gar. OwnEr may S160.000 4bd.2ba. Home 2 car attached sarase on 5.26 acres. fireolace. sreat views.26 GPM. elevated on the lot for maximum orivacv. nice rock fofrrations. Short Sale Diablo l-ane $165,0Qq 3 bd.2 baMfg. no-. on l2.l septic. Near shop also h-as water, septic 8- & acres. 2 lots, 40 x 50 shop, lg pad above home w/power, water & H-opewell Rd. - power. $180,000 2 Homes on 14 agles with Great Views. Both, dfireplaces. I has added enclosed porch. 3 car.detached garage. Both have covered decks to enjoy the vrews. Clover L^ane private home with stunninq views on 5 acres. 1472 sq. ft. 3 br. 2 ba. Enclosed lamilv room. $220.000 Very luilt in 2006,'indoor laundry. Attached 2 iar garage. Open kitchen with breaklast bar. lndoor laundry, Wood Stove. Close in for easy corirmute. Broncd Lane $250,000 Unique Custom Home on 4.432 acresof mostly all usable land. 3 seasonal streams. Main tloor master bedroorir has large master ba., Extra large showerV2 shower heails.2nd bd. up stairs has walk in closet plumbed for a llZ bath. Large loft couldtre 3rd bedroom. over looks ihe laree livins room with wood stove. This propeny. Kitchen has iranite counter tops and walk in Dantry. Good size launilrv room. Beautiful park like seitini,. Two story Dutch-style Barn was iri the process ofbeinl renovaled. renovaiions have been bompleted,Very private setling on co-mer lot with 75 GPM well. Sassalras Lane $264,000 Upgraded 4 bd. 2 314 ba. 2170 sq. ft. fireplace in lamilv room. Marble floorins. sranite counter tops, tank lesd water heater. solar panels, 2'car aftached qaraqe. fenced & cross fenced. Ab"ove eround nool. firuit trees. Jacuzzi Tub. too many upgrades to list them dll hdre. All on 4.96 acres Fartridg'e Lane .C.ots for Safe $25,000 Roundtree Lane2 Lots totaling 9.92 acres small pad &-driye, mix ofterrain, gentle slope to steep to flat. Very Private $30,000 Parcel 4 Bryson Lane Partly fenced nice location w/great views, seasonal stream, mixture of land some usable 5.35 ac $32,000 3 83 I6 Squaw Valley Rd. Nice lot in lower Squaw Valley. Close in for easy commute. 2.3 acres gentle slope up. $35,000 Lot 227 Ruth Hill Rd. 9.17 acres hillside lot with great views $43,000 Ruthtlill Rd. N-ice elevated comer parcel w/excellent views, property is at 2700 ft. elevation., secluded building site on top. Fenced on 3 sides, Power and telephone al sbeet. $45,000 Lot 683 Thistle Lane Upper Squaw Valley sits about 3400 ft. elevation corner lot with great Sierra Views. 4.12 acres $45,000 Barberry Lane 4.96 acres hillside lot w/panoramic views, small landing for future development, permitted shed. $98.000 3i88 | Ceorge Smith Rd. 4.I Acres - Very private setting lmproved w/Well. Septic. Power. Paved Drive. partly lenced Second pad seasonal stream. man made fcind. Only min-utes to Hwy 180. $149,900 Bus iness.oppodg n it) corner of H*ry 180 onlce. all Ienceo. & Hopewell Rd. lmproved w/well f or f.ease New 3 bd.2 ba. House with 2 car attached garage. Sl150.00 per mo. + $1200 deposit. power 20x60 greenhouse & 20x40 Squaw Valley Rd. PAID AD SECTION $60 FOR 3 MONTHS SUMMER'S PET CARE 15 yrs. Vet.-Tech. Pet.Sitting eXperience. I care about vour-pets Please call (7601 521-2448 FREE FILL DIRT OR DG. You dig & you haul close to the Country Store (559) 439-4592 {'tttlr,laIr, Esttt: z"ur.'rt " t,;,:t;rug'arus EIttalgr &rugnttzt. $envtng fdmilfttafn tnmrna*nltles 3fr Years Experienf;e FREE CLASSIFIED ADS NOWAVAILABLE The "Message to America" T-Shirts The message on the front is "America, Hold onto God's Hand" On the back it reads Second Chron.T'.14 Available in sizes Sm. To 3x Gray/BlueAlVhite Crew-Neck or V-Neck Contact: Nancy Borders (559) 246-6009 Fh- tsffil fi$s-r43$ Lic,,# ,$fi7475 Squaw Valley, Ga. Army Camouflage Cold Weather Field Jacket, used, very good condition. Size is "Small Long." $25.00. Automatic Pet Feeder. Size is about 1.5 gallons. lt works, but needs a timer. $5.00. Please call 338-3974. Dirt Bike Chest Protector by Fly Racing adult smallmedium. Some scrapes, but no cracks $15.00. Child Atlas Snow-Shoes in good shape, two pairs. $20.00 each or both for $35.00. Please call 338-2974. Leave message if no answer. 1997 cab-over camper for regular or short bed truck. 1 queen bed, one twin, small table. fuC and heater; refrig. everything work. its ready to camp now. $1975 and its yours. call joe spain 559-332-2732 FOR SALE; HEAVY DUTY DR WOOD CHIPPER/ SHREDDER LIKE NEW FITS A 3PT TRACTOR HITCH, COST $35OO.OO NEW, SELL FOR $15OO,OO CALL 332-9453 For Sale 96 Dodge Ram Ext. cab PU, 2500,4x4, manual trans. A/C. 5.9 L 360 cid. New radiator, thermostat, belt, front brakes, tires. Has blown head gasket. Asking $1200.00 Ph# 338-0726 I am looking for used tractor disc blades. I want to use them as bases for our softball games. 559-246'9297 Sierra View CONSTRUCTION * New Hor'es Lic'# 936281 * Remoclels * Garages,/Workshops * Decks/Patios " Roofing * Siding * Windows ...and more! nfi,F,i'.?_:Y:|*,a, {il: ';fr[tra, i,,f "wi;;.;;iig Cttt'vitr Kreider [559) 2SO'57L6 Tristan Krcider (5se] 6LA-447e Quality Craftsrnanship and Satislied Customers is our Policy! See photos of our work at I . || ' BBB ffi LOVEHIELL'$ PRffiPNNE SERVICE, INC. 3SS42 E. Klngs Canyon Road trunlap, Catrifornia 9362{ 33fi-2s95 ffiWKffiffiffi "The Reward Of A Thing Well Done, ls To Have Done lt." -Ralph Vl/aldo Emer$on ;:r::::l:ir::r:j:.::r:f:::.:r:: :;t#:.:: Hard \rVork, Fair Prices, Made In Fresno. ffi, ffit$ru:ffi:F'ffi:ffi Well Pump Service & Repair Water Pressure Tanks Water Storagfe Tanks Solar Water Pumps Press u re Boosting Apptications County Certified Well Testing Escrow well certification Water Quality Analysis 3-Phase Agricultura I Pum ps Electrical & Plumbing* ry\s# -cf \ Get it done right the first time. Grundfos Pumps are made right here in Fresno from 304 stainless steel, No Overtime or weekend chargesYou don't choose when the pump goes out why should you have to pay extra for it? Follow us on Facebook for tips and pics. Nerison Pump Service, Josh Morrison, Owner CA Lic # 9| 0021 *applies to trade related work only. PH# (5591 332-2201 Email us at [email protected] PAID AD SECTION $CO FOR 3 MONTHS REFLECTIVE ADDRE S S SIGNS HOME - BUS - APTS. - CONDOS - CURBS MAIL BOXES - GRAPE POSTS #'S GALL STEPHEN - (559) 447-7098 FREE CLASSIFIED ADS I have quite a few cubicle panels and wooden desk tops that I salvaged from a bank. I will sell them cheap so I can get them out of the weather before the rains hit. Call 559-246-9297 i EODY SHOF -J Collision Repair & Insurance Work Shane King * Owner ffius {559} 638-9378 Fa# (559}S38-6il78 16SS E" Manning Reedley, CA 03654 Do you have old computer hard drives that you want to throw away? Please bust it open first and take out the magnet. I will buy the magnets from you. 559-246-9297 Country picture has a very nice wood frame 23" W X 19" H. Frame is medium walnut brown with 3/4" beige inlay strip to highlight picture. Canvas oil painting is 11 112"x 15 112". Picture has an old weathered barn with neutral colors, blue sky with clouds. $20. Gall 2502620 Squaw Valley Tapen Chest Freezer. Works very well. $75.00 obo ask for Heather 559 250-1299 or Dianne 559 3329704. fplfT Hf#cfrfc & 5*rr Call Steve fcr a Prafessional Job at {sss} 338-0777 pH {SSg} 33S-04S2 *" Cf;:t-L t55S} SS2-S91fi Residential Comrnercial Remodel 24 Haur $ervice Nsw installing $alar Panel$ $$$ Cash Far Junk Cars $$$ Also available " do-it-yourself,' & save up with Or Without Papers tc fi0% over the s*$t of a stafidfrrd lnstslfed soler panel systern N Flatbed , * * l r Jump$tfrrts Lockouts $t*rage Available Teiw Aways At Owners Expen,se Located in $quaw Valley, Cfi. ln Business cver 30 years $ervics Call$ * Licensed & Bonded t$fu& #{#i#.qg-own* CTIMPER TIIAIVDIRT TRACTORWORK 4 WD G rade We work 365 days r-Loader-Backhoe -7 days a week-2[ hrs. a day NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL We will beat any valid Written estimate bV 20% WE MAKE DIRT LOOK GOOD ( 559) 392 - 5068 BHAR Rrfff U NTAilH rJ-IEEA i--ffinsxysft * ,ffTxxr ugxx" Fa'rs $rn74 n Kins* to B:FLAv*RsoF ICE CffigAful 3gg*$Sg$ -rr lJrt rf a5!rt* PfgHAffiFTHHFIsf*TH T&'' fi TOPFING FOR $T0"95 ;w,h I pb-ifi I u I*M $peeialt,y Fixea suhstiturinn I 332-S$gS No Addinal siscouRts or How sERvl!{G GLUHTE!{ FREE !F{ $ELECT Open 7 days a week 10 nm s[EE$ r {}ne nd{.rp#n ,p*r srd€r *ct grcg,d cn ri-::Y-":\::*Y-"::): t* lCI Bm 332*969$ (}n* cdlup,$n pgr order ncrt g*trd an xny olher sp**ral* I I I I I GUESS WHAT !! Mountain Apples Are Here 664 Elwood Rd.-112 mi. East of Bear ML Pizza on Hwy. 180 turn left go apx. 1 mi. on Elwood Rd. Located on the right side of the road. OPEN-SaI.sun. 9am to 4pm We have 13 type's of apples to choose from $1.50 a pound or by the box. .. BEST DAGG GUMM APPLES IN SV. .. GOT EGGS ?...Call The Egg Lady @338-2331 to order. E-mail : [email protected] $2.50/ dz, You Pick up Dail#'s Chimney $ervice Fi replace$" ins erts nuloo ristavm clearrirrg & rninor repalrs Serving Squmnr Valley and the susrormding Muu ntairr Comrnunltfies for 17 years. CALL AOUG s38$fiS2 Farm Fresh Pastured Chicken Eggs available $3.00 a dozen. ln Squaw Valley (559) 240-2307 REE CLASSIFIED ADS START HER Found 10 goats on my property east of the Cat Haven. Please describe to collect your goats. For more info. Please call ( 559) 338-2342 ask for Edward or Eliza- r''{{ SffH Field Services ilr'##i#is# f$ stH44v5 0tr ffiffi'ffi:fi**ry f,qH Fi*ld {^" [1., fr i; i{.. 'l' ..4!d"\g\ {J$J $+rvies*, beth For Sale Kids saddles - pleasure saddles-roping saddles-for more info. Please call (559) 972-0080 For Sale AZPECA HORSE 3 yrs.old call Rodger for more info. (559) 0080 For sale- 1986 27 ft. FleetwoodA//ilderness 5th wheel. Fair condition. $4,000 OBO [email protected] (559) 978-8551 8' x 16' gooseneck trailer with ramps. Good clean 8x16 wood deck. 7k (two 35001b axles) two tires per axle. Adjustable neck, brake away battery and switch, electric brakes, 10 ply tires, spare tire, adjustable gooseneck, front drop legs, stake pockets, multiple tie downs and ramps. Please call 559-960-6571. $2500.00 or best offer. 'w,,:f Tnlr1 {f{t ifu, riii"sj&ffiw -,ufaXxBi4ll$ff dffi:ffi'{t {;+Fai,%njWw"a}i**ffi##.ff wtAi t/.;Ek tfiliit &ffi| d;ffi * #: hi W ffii tWE #1lff;€ # s# i#w"44.w 'Tt'{ L#,wi;4& @{ Tlle Squaw Val*ey fifiedical Office is cpen and u,'e are pleased thet Dr.Scnal Petel ND, and .StefanPentschev, M.D. are frere to give quality health cara to r:ur cornn'lunity. I,AIALK-INS WELCOME t55e) 332-93eE Tues. Wed. Thur.. & Frl, S-5 Closed for Lurrch 12;S0 . t:30 Twin Quilt and Pillow Sham Set for Sale - Like new, used less than 3 months. Basic color is dark green & olive green. Also has some cream & a little orange. Scalloped edges. Paid $60, will sell for $25.00. For more info. Please call (559)-787-2743. ffiHHGNt BfflTE Memory Foam Twin Mattress Topper - 3" thick. Very comfortable. Paid $70 00 new and used only 2 months. Selling price is $25.00, firm. (559)-787-2743. t)*lnHfi FOR SALE- FTREWOOD (OAK,PtNE,CEDAR) STOCK UP FOR WINTER.. CALL ALLAN OR MARSHA FOR PRTCES- 336-9204 NP 2Pulled from a running truck. 208 transfer case. K5 Blazer - Jeep Wagoneer $200.00 (559) 960-6571 {_w":; Y,i:lll id'i;l:iJi"ll,;.*r,'C [*+;rrl+Jf rttl] *$. {"lr:ril* - lrt,$t{J,ii:'ii}i"ijr $.;N:,1ir'qift"r,lirg'r,:1 1 t-' $!1q,1x,*{ S4;:1.t,1 199 i^]'g '1g.,;ll:i*o i.:ilu*;1r'11,,*jt tr t;il;: *r,'j;j 'i**:r{i t I:'* 't'.if;ilt; f{g;rry, lr;,,y ,ir .1 t i b,!,,t: **,i:,t'ii,',:; PHfiillfr; {S$S} 63ff-t340 i. lt':;,b , ,lJ.; ';:. ero,.r^11;.'..rr iii ";ir.j i'il ,,yt ;: r+r'i "1rjji .'el':uiii.{'{.j',*1,:' *,* ? i ij,^r.* :rf,i';i"} t 4'*"' ;il,: 5 $TE.EI ButtffitNfrS DUNLAP COMMUNITY CLUB EVENTS: CHRISTMAS CRAFT BOUTIQUE SATURDAY DEC. 5TH BOOTHS AVAILABLE EVERv call 338-2322 MoN - rHURs - sUN = FULL BAR...MEMBERS NFL FOOTBALL & GUEST WELCOME UPCOMING NEW OFFICER NOMINATIONS FOR 2015 msg.338-2723 Joyce 356-1964 Chery338-3096 [email protected] Clubhouse Available For: WEDDINGS ^'REUNIONS- MEETINGS Email us at [email protected] Seeking part time bookkeeper/office person. Please call 559-338-0888 before 3:00 pm. PAGE I PH# (559) 332-2201 6 Mountain Valley Construction has a new Email Ad. mou ntai nval levconst@hotmai l. com Looking for house cleaner and some cook- l'ttluffitfl'.lft ing. Please call 559-338-0888. lfrcr:llsy FREE CLASSIFIED ADS START HERE f,s:nstrustilsn, For Sale elec. Organ ( Technics ) in very good cond. Comes with bench asking $100.00 Ph# 338-0849 'Wrtrr& Harley golf cart not running make offer-for more info. Please call-Gell # 392-1253 or Home # 332'2012 Ge:ner#f Contracling Picnic kitchen table 4 pc.Set asking $100.00 for more info call Cell # 392-1253 or Home # 332-2012 C*nrmsrcial I I ndu*lripl Resid,ential Uesign / Suildr For Sale 1984 Corvette asking $8,500 or trade for best Harley Davison bike. For more info. Call T Art Morgas at (559) 787-3581 For Sale Arabian horses take your choice . Asking $800.00 ea. For more info. Gall T Art Morgas at (55e)-787-3581 Csnstruction ftrlan agement Barns Sust,grn Argnas .{ ^.-' NBB lek alss I rt * I { l} do: Home Repairs Jp;bs $rn'all -'H0fiey ,Ds*s" & l"{x1a"l:1;*qi ,4t[,f :[;{uX lf hl! Ifi 'ge#&& } ffi: fif{lce {$Sg} S33-S2?$ Cell {SS9} *03-f$tl Fax {5591 33?-?7'tS EfulAlL mounta inva lleyconst@rhotm a tke's Autn & Truck REpATff y0 utr Ps t4figffi,s rffi OKg sFEf, IAU$?I Fsr# #e#ffed $enrar fida,st#r leclrnirian A.$.H. f, eftiflsd flilaeter Techniclan 2Oo/o Senior Discounts - Free Estimates Fully Insured & Licensed Professional $ervice Trimming . Growning 'Air Out 'Transplanting Stump Grinding ,Shrub Trimming $haping' Pruning' Chipping & Trees Removal Ralph 559-277-2173 ,$p**iali;rng in #gS#'S fip,q*{ife #iagnosls & Repalr /n flie $guaw Vall*y'ffiu'nlap a/BF is nouv your Fasfe.r * Lrss Fxpensive S €xperf Sesler Affernafjve cslj rbflke af ts,s$J ssO-r$ss 40+ Yssrs Experigr?o# at ss#sfy'rng |FFr,,';::':::, t{|i.#Fil s#$fstnersl ARn# fi0?S3175 VYE ACGEPT MOsr DESIT CAROS ACCSPT CRSDIT CAftDS c r *ge*fr sH f*r S**l..d SrtErEfr* tfl#fu;* tr Sfe dssvtr t,$ &e#*ttdffi furf ..** lhe $Srlct'u Hnllt? & fimle p frr&il *n Thur. tlayol f,.OME fiHE, fiillIJIE ALL!! HAVE DIHHER AHD HfiHffH VETERAN$ EHJfiY a sne pnund RIB EYE STEAK SERVED WfTH ALL THE TRIMfuIINGS {Mastsr Griller Danny Hall} $ATURDAY, ["!OVEF,{BER 8, ZSt4 NO HfiST FAR fiFET,IS AT4 PM, BINNER FR I\,T 5 FMTO7 PI1,4 NITY C ET{TER, DUNLAF RfiAD- DUNLAF, f,N D Ut'-I LAP TOfu{ hf, U ADULT$ SEt, f;H]LDREN UNDER T2 $T'I WALK*INS OK BUT WE FREFER ADVANCE TICKET FURf,HA$E FilR ]NFfiRMATJfiN f;ALL LES AT 55S-?SS-Sfi38 #R sss*336-24.SS RAFFLE AND FIiNI{ER TIf,I{ET$ ARE AVAILABLE FR#M A FfiST S?T I\,{HMBER fiR AI THE FilfiR THHRE WILL FH DOOR PRIZES AI{F ALSO A FRAWIruG AT 7 FM F#R THH TJRTUIT JUPGH 41* CAUGH/4S TAIIHHR SHfiTGU I-.IHHF T.{OT BH FRHSHI'JT Tfi WIN RAFFLH TIf,KHTS ARH S3 HACH OR $S FSR TUVfi O't"[".20/4 Besr Mouttto:in Actiuitg Center SITSS E. Kings Canyon Rd., S quaw Valley, C alifornia l0-l2am school Pre- 9-l I am TOPS Playgroup I l:30am-3pm 2-3pm Srs. Exer- cise 3 4 10am-l2pm .l4K Line Danc- 7am-l2pm MV Irire Dept Quilt Club ing 6-9pm Fiber Arts 7:30-9:30pm AA %675 6 7 I 9 IO II 9-12pm Art Class 2-3pm Seniors Exercise Class 6:30-8pm TOPS 7-9pm SV Camera l0am-12pm J4K- l0-12am Pre- Linc Dancing l-3pm CV Indian school Playgroup 9-11am TOPS I l:30am-12pm FH Seniors Brd lOam-l2pm J4K Line Danc- eln Mono Lan- Mtg ing 7:30-9:3Opm guage Grp 7-1Opm Com- l2-3pm FH Sen- AA munity Svcs Club Health 6-7:30pm SVPOA Brd Mtg 10-3pm FB Quilt Guild 2-3pm Srs. Exercisc l2-4pm West- Dist. iors 6-9pm Fiber Arts t2 I3 LIBRARY I4 I5 l6 t7 I8 CLOSED l0am-l2pm J4KLine Dancing 1:30-4pm Flu CIinic 4-9pm MV 4-H 10-l2am Pre- 9-l lam TOPS lOam-l2pm school Playgroup 11:30am-3pm 2-3pm Srs. Exer- Quilt Club l0am-3m FB Quilting Guild 6-9pm SVPOA cise 5:30-8pm Garden Club J4K-Line Dancing 7:30-9:30pm 6-Spm Activity Legion Post #621 Ctr Board Mtg & Auxiliary 2I 22 l0-12am Pre- 23 24 25 9-l lam TOPS l0am-l2pm Line Dancing 4-6pm Fresno Co Mental Health Brd school Playgroup I 1:30am-3pm l-4pm Vietnam War & the 2-3pm Srs. Exer- Quilt Club J4K-Line Dancing 7:30-9:30pm 28 10am-12pm J4K- 29 30 3I 10-l2am Pre- 9-l lam TOPS Line Dancing 6-8:3Opm CAC, CSA 35-B 7:30-9pm Mtn school Playgroup l:30am-3pm Quilt Club l0am-12pm J4K-l-ine Dancing 9-12pm Art Class 2-3pm Seniors Exercise Class 6:30-8pm TOPS jtx t9 10am-4pm Fiber Arts 20 9-12pm Art Class 2-3pm Seniors Exercise Class 6:30-8pm'l'OPS 7-9pnt SV Camera Club 26 77 10am-4pm 9am-12pm Art Class 2-3pm Seniors llxer- Fiber Arts cise Class 6:30-8pm TOPS 10am-l2pm J4K- 7-9pm American cise AA - Riffelholf Winery Vietnamese Culture AA 2-3pm Srs. Exer- 1 cise 7:30-9:3Opm 7-9 Bunco AA Rodeo Assn ilAtt€flrtgflf juit, oi to"iut gtoup We may be callcd lhe Shannon Valley Property Owners Association (SVPOA) but we're really neighbors and fticnds (property owners and rcnters) who gather the 3rd Saturday of every month at 6:00p.m. at the Bear Mountain Activity Centcr for a delicious potluck and enlightening/fun program. For information please contact Emily Mccormick 338-2631. We'd love to have you. Everyone's welcome and you don't have to be a memb€r to come! AUILDING$ GOLNTN STATX g#r ges- t#fi,k rffilrns. hsrs* bilrn$ playh*un*;s, chi*ksn *flsps & fl#S h*uss$. Y**r $ffufre fsr shsds, Sx8... . ..$x5fr0 8x?il. ....$?S0il 8x.12......$20f;'il 8x'i4........S2H,X 10x1*. .. .S2?5,X 1,flx1!......$235il $tandsr,'J Fegtl"rres Stroltger fiool s1'stem 4x4 Fressure Treat*rl Skids 2x4 oressure treated Joists 1S rncrrsg fiIl Derlier 3/4" Slurdifls'rr ill yrvor:d lleroring Srr';nd ExterrCIr 25 year GAF Cosnpssltrfif] Shrrrgles Frntestive drrp e.dg* Smart Fanef Sturdiel walls 2x4 studs 1S rncfies on ,[erlt*r !,:,.:.', t******** l. :.. ',"t,'; ,''. , ilil-iili.i..i. t ': '"1 ""''' '"' .',,i...,'.'..,i..ii.iili.' ii....l .i li.i ''i...i.'...i-i:','j.,.,.'.',,.',,, l::i+:i;iii:i:i.::.i.,:...":tl1;.....:l.:.;i..'...ii..i.i,ii. 1 S,ecurer lrtvegtrnent Gall (5591 351-1 626 for informiltion or to order \t1ffimn Smart$ide sa'*ing x4 g*ni-t;*e'*nr>d trim Premrqrn'! LFr , ff,u*lity ssufits visit N"I$ frt StrCIng. lockirtg door Fi,.,e l,ear"lirarled on rrlgteltsl an,C l'luor HMAIL: { inf*ffirgaldsnstatebuildings"esrn } \ryiHB$lTfr : ( unffi,gnl#enstatehuilding$.nsrn ) 1S1?fi ffi Kings f,a*yfin nd. $a*g*r" ,frA, ' Heirlo.r* q,e,Ql}ola' \"/ J 3'li1,T-:T"lll;-.3.'ffi]*l'#;i^ To all of our loyal customers and new friends. Sequoia Heirloom is proud to offer this year's edition of delicious heirloom tomatoes... over the next few weeks we will have a great mix of cherry, grape, globe, ribbed. oxheart, pear, and beefsteak varieties that explode with flavor. lf you have never tried an heirloom, you are in for a real treat. Now accepting credit/debit card purchases through SQUARE !! AND... you'll love our famous Pineapple Habanero Salsa... Try a iar today. Open from 12-6pm (Call 28 7 -7178 tor available days) 7'?tatryatt ?ilalrt MVFffi I_{AL{-*WEET{ N[G[-{T #cr" 31, 2$1 FATV{.ILY TR-HAT FU}'T h{[GI.{T' F'**M * CSST'{JK{f, C*NTEST * TR"EATS smffip ssslHrp 30250 E Kings Conyon Roqd Nexl to Squow Volley Post Office Weldon, Broker; - cell: 559-799-4042 Janis, Broker; - cell: 559-375-252I Bill, Realto@ - cell: 559-287-1896 Tom, Realtor@ - cell: 559-978-0997, j-q : $ ii,*lJl|*,[ 8.,f 0' i Djjgw* :..,.'i;,uii; 2001 Home 1745 sf 1984 MFG Home L44O sf 3 Bed/2 Bath Lots of Trees 10 Acres Awesome tirj"tiJ,$.tl U-f ;; ;:, i"*t:,: L976 Home Views L:;:i",t P t|, ||t.f"|* $*{-n ii Seasonal Creek 3 Bed/Z Bath 5.2 Acres Large Shop Mature Trees Open Meadows 39.76 Acres Fenced ond (rossed Fenced i /89, ooo /60 ooo :;.... 1BB4 sf 3 Bed 2 Bath 4.9 Acres Possible Seller Frnonting ,l 5".'*";il;;iR.[.0]tlP";, ,19{9, ooo l|igh Sierro Views 6 /eo ooo Seasonal Creek Mature trees Fenced on 3 Sides In Williamson Gentle Terroin i /66. OOO ffi f "trjp'.ffiltiffi ri#tr;1inii+iir:i::r;;tr1,1!/!ffi :,'ili:ffi,n"u 'ptt#tr**i; 2001 MFG Home 1258 sf 3 Bed/2 Bath New Carpet 4.1 Acres Possible Seller Finonring i/4g,ooo 2135 AC 40 AC 39.7 AC 24 AC 3.9 AC 10 AC 9.5 AC 3.3 AC 2.9 AC 2.3 AC 2.4 AC 5.2 AC 4.0 AC l;*-i;l',,;.;ifi,l[,Y,1.8,Q:;i,,ifl*,,ffiri High exposure lccation just west of Mt. Valley Community Church. Site is r:,iostly level and all useable. HWY 180 f ronloge /86, OOO Dry Creek St Nicholas Road Dunlap Road Primrose HWY 180 Panorama Ln Panorama Ln Palomino Dr Palomino Dr Squaw Valley Rd Squaw Valley Rd Totem Ln Fawn Ln $2,700.00 $165,000 $120,000 $99,900 $85,000 $60,000 $65,000 $44,900 $64,900 $25,950 $30,000 $30,000 $33,900 2135 ocre cottle ronch, plus recreotion ond hunting. Scenic terroin with rolling foothill postures, fenced ond cross fenced, obundont grosslond, scottered ooks, monzonitos ond sycomores. This is noture ot its best, with noturol streom fed ponds thot enoble plentiful wildlife including quoil, deer, turkey ond wild pigs. Rustic one room cobin with running woter ond generotor. Attroctively priced to sell. APN's OO7-2OO-OO4, OO7-14O-O21, 009-l l0-013. Possible seller finoncing for o quolified buyer with 50% down poyment. The property is in the Williomson Act / Ag Preserve ond benefits from lower toxes. The zoning is Foothill Agriculturol. 4.9 AC 4.8 AC 4.9 AC 5.0 AC 5.0 Ac 4.9 AC 4.8 AC 4.7 AC 4.8 AC PENDING Panorama Ln Glearview Ln Primrose Ln Cornflower Wildmint Ln Marigold Ln Pintail Ln Bronco Ln Cornflower Hopewell $35,000 $36,000 $39,000 $49,000 $49,950 $52,500 $55,000 $65,000 089,000 $75,000 Come by the office for details on which Lots have improvements and owner financing. *iiffn &,* *@^r*ganW {nffi Weldon, Broker; - cell: 559-799-4042 Janis, Broker; - cell: 559-375-252L Bilf, Realtor@ - cell: 559-287'1896 Tom, Realtor@ - cell: 559-978-0997| 30750 E Kings Conyon Rood Nexl lo Squow Volley Post Office 332'.2110 ,ru+ii,,tli,ll, ,i#,,e,*;* 1996 Home L77I sf Cabin 3 Bed/2 Bath FamilV/Living 4.7 Acres 841 sf 2 Bed 1 Bath .1 Acres 3 Bed/2 Bath Possible Owner Finoncing with $50,000 Down Greol Volue Mounloin Relreol Greol locolion i999, L973 MFG Home 512 sf 1 OOO 6999, OOO f / /o, ooo 1992 MFG Home 1997 Home 1370 sf 3 Bed 2 Bath 4.37 Acres 3 Bed 2 Bath 4.99 Acres Greot Views Quile Lotolion i /69, ooo f /96, 9OO 3 Bed/2 Bath Family/Living 2.3 Acres 3 Bed 2 Bath 4 Acres Privole 5elling 8/8O, Shop ,l / 75, OOO OOO *#ffi ffi 1058 sf 1993 Home 1650 sf 1994 Home 1920 sf 1996 MFG Home 1560 sf 3 Bed 2 Bath 5 Acres Greol Locolion 1985 Home 1800 sf 1980 Home 3376 sf 3 Bed 2 Bath 4.7 Acres 6 Bed/5 Bath Large Pool 8.6 Acres Iour Todoy Tour lo See All i /69, OOO i499, 3 Bed 1984 Home L976 sf i OOO / 79, OOO **'Hfi$ 1979 MFG Home t740 sf 3 Bed 2 Bath 4.97 Acres 2006 Home 1871 sf 4 Bed 2 Bath 1.19 Acres Move-in-Reody RTDUTID i/ / IEALTOR@ FRESNO iA DRE License i9/O, OOO & TULARE MLS #01522362 1 Bath Pinehurst Area Great year round or vacation home. Greol Gel-Awoy i97,600 1996 Home I72B sf 1 Bed 2 Bath 4.52 Acres 3 Bed 2 Bath 4.3 Acres Move-in-Reody Mu //95, i999,OOO All informolion conloined herein is deemed relioble, bul is nol guoronfeed by Gronite Reo/ty Atl Listings ore subiecl to prior sole, chonge, or wilhdrowol wilhoul notice. & sl OOO Morlgoge lnc. See
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