147 North Street Hingham, MA 02043-1820 Tel: 781-749-0587 Fax: 781-749-8053 Website: www.stpaulhingham.net Email: [email protected] Rev. Thomas F. Nestor, Pastor Mission Statement: Proclaim the Gospel in word and deed. Awaken and strengthen faith in God. Love God and neighbor. October 19, 2014 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5 pm Sunday: 7 am, 9 am, 11 am Upper Church 10am Family Mass, 5:30 pm Lower Church Daily Mass: 9 am PRAYER Rosary: Monday through Saturday at 8:30am, lower church. Healing Mass: First Tuesday of the month 7pm (Charismatic Prayer Meeting: Every Tuesday of the Month from 7-8pm in the lower church Scriptural Rosary and Chaplet Hour: Thursdays at 7:15pm in the lower church EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First and Third Tuesday of the Month following Morning Mass until 7pm First Friday of each month, 24 hour Adoration following Morning Mass until 8:50am Saturday SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00 - 4:45pm or by appointment. SAINT PAUL PARISH - OCTOBER 19TH - 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER” Saturday, October 18th 5:00pm Henry and Mary Igo Memorial Mass Sunday, October 19th 7:00am Mass For All Parishioners 9:00am The Murphy and Dolan Families 10:00am No Intentions Scheduled 11:00am Robert Abbott 3rd Anniversary Mass 5:30pm Nancy Lanza and Newtown Victims Memorial Mass Monday, October 20th 9:00am The Intentions Of The French Family Tuesday, October 21st 9:00am For The End Of Abortion Wednesday, October 22nd 9:00am Elidia Beninati Memorial Mass Thursday, October 23rd 9:00am Ralph Meissner Friday, October 24th 9:00am Intentions Of Claire Blanchard Saturday, October 25th 9:00am Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Damian Zofchak WEEKEND October 25/26 Saturday, October 25th 5:00pm Joan Canney 11 Anniversary Mass Sunday, October 26th 7:00am Mass For All Parishioners 9:00am Eddie Monahan Memorial Mass 10:00am Sheila Canonico 6th Anniversary Mass 11:00am Robert Armstrong 12th Anniversary Mass 5:30pm Christine Cafferty Anniversary Mass WEEKEND OFFERING October 18/19: $12,081 $2,021 in Loose Cash $1,220 in 36 Loose Checks $3,472 in 97 Online Giving Transactions $5,368 in 138 Envelopes $10,060 in 271recordable gifts averaging $37.12 II Timothy Sommers and Krista Rappold I Ryan Howell and Amanda Washkevich May all of our SICK and DYING be strengthened by our prayers and compassion for them. We remember in a special way: Colin Joyce Elizabeth Leonard Joanne St. George Bob Mazzulli Olivia Valenti Kelly Lennon Fran Brennan Christopher Hidell Don James Roger Sullivan Mary Isley William Handrahan Lawrence Dedian John McHugh and all in need of physical, spiritual, or emotional healing. If you would like to add a parishioner to our prayer list, please call the Rectory (749-0587). PLEASE LET US KNOW WHEN IT IS TIME TO REMOVE A NAME FROM THE LIST. Our Prayer Intention Book (found in the Upper Church on the weekends and the Lower Church on week days) is for the names and intentions of all in need of our prayers. PLEASE INSCRIBE THE NAME ONCE, as the needs will be remembered at Masses throughout the year. If you or someone you know is hospitalized or homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion, please call the Rectory. That God will bring into the divine presence the souls of all who died, especially Peter Fee who was buried this past week, we pray to the Lord. ACTIVE DUTY PARISHIONERS: We wish to keep our “Active Duty” list up to date. If you or your loved one have returned from “Active Duty”, please let us know. Conversely, if there is someone that is currently serving in our armed forces, let us know that as well. Please pray for an end to global violence. In particular, we pray for PEACE in Israel and Palestine. Let us keep the victims of recent violent attacks throughout our nation and the world in our prayers. Almighty God and Father, hold our service men and women in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen. Please keep in your prayers the following men and woman from St. Paul’s Parish who are currently serving in the armed forces, Jamie Byrne, Ryan Hanrahan, Erik DeGiorgi, Michael Freeland, Michael Manning, Justin Eaton, Reed Hayes, Walt O’Donnell, John William Beal, Lawrence Buechs, Anthony Grassini, TJ Bonner, Christopher Orlando, Kevin Moore, Keith Jermyn, James Magner Ippolito, and Dominick Healey. This week’s second collection supports Catholic World Missions. By Baptism, all catholics are called to participate in the mission of the Church and share their faith as missionaries. World Mission Sunday gathers support for the pastoral and evangelizing programs and needs of more that 1,150 mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, and remote regions of Latin America. The funds gathered on World Mission Sunday are distributed in the pope’s name by the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, a Pontifical Mission Society. Please visit www.propfaithboston.org for more information. ST PAUL’S CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP Surrendering Our Burden to Jesus will be the focus for our discussion on Tuesday, October 21st from 7:00– 8:00pm in the lower church. “ For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” Matthew 11:30 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Tuesday, October 21, after the 9:00am Mass until Benediction at 6:50pm. Adoration provides us with a chance to be with our Savior one on one. Please stop by church at a convenient time and stay as long as you wish. FAMILY MASS HOSPITALITY In an effort to provide time for families to get to know each other after Mass, we will be offering hospitality in the St. Paul School gym. BUT….WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are in need of families to donate on OCTOBER 26th and November 2nd boxes of munchkins & donuts, juice, and small water bottles. We’ll provide the rest! Contact Jennifer Archibald ( 781-875-1701 or [email protected] to help out! To All Our Cursillo Communities and Friends of Cursillo - Cardinal Sean O’Malley invites you to celebrate Holy Mass opening a new Cursillo Year of the New Evangelization Monday, October 20, 2014 at 7:00pm Immaculate Conception Church 600 Pleasant Street Malden, MA 02148 For directions please visit www.icmalden.com Reception to follow in the Church Hall! All Are Welcome! “ We cannot think of a church without joy and the joy of the church is this: announcing the name of Jesus… Jesus saves us, He walks with us.” Pope Francis BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP First Gathering TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21st 7-8:30PM RECTORY OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES HINGHAM INTERFAITH FOOD PANTRY THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE: NOVEMBER 8/ 9. Our parish will again organize a Thanksgiving food drive for the Food Pantry. Bags labeled with specific needs will be distributed after all of the Masses on the weekend of November 1st and 2nd. Plan to bring your contributions to Mass with you the following weekend, November 8th and 9th. More information to follow. VIRTUS: WHAT IS IT? Protecting God’s Children---As a diocese, we must ensure that children and youth who worship, study, or participate in activities sponsored by our parishes and schools do so in the safest and most secure setting possible. ALL church and school volunteers and staff working with children and vulnerable adults MUST attend a VIRTUS training program. VIRTUS training is taken only ONCE. For information and times of upcoming classes that are held at the Pastoral Center in Braintree visit www.rcab.org. If you have questions about the training, please contact Patricia Mikus (7490587). Do you know the definition for sin? Sin is an offense against reason, truth and right conscience; it is failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods. (Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) 1849) When we sin, we choose self over God, revolting against God in an act of disobedience. In brief, sin is a failure to love ourselves, others, and God resulting in a breach in covenant love. The heart of the gospel is that Jesus Christ came to extend God’s forgiveness to sinners. Without a healthy concept of sin, people tend to see little need for Jesus, the one who frees us from sin. Christians do not talk about sin out of morbid attraction to evil; bad news is not the Christian message. Rather, we talk to stress the good news that God forgives us and in the person of Jesus has rescued us from its effects. To receive Christ’s mercy we need only to admit our sins. This is Our Faith (CCC 1846-1853; 1870-1873) St. Anthony St. Paul The youth meeting took an unexpected turn last week. We were talking about overcoming struggles in life. Most of the group relates this to overcoming struggles during the mission. One noticed that I (Bill Mezzetti) sometimes struggle, hitting the wall, as it is said. Of course, I do struggle, especially the next to last days of the mission I think the wonderful responsibility I have for an entire year. I give the youth everything I have. The next to last day is when everyone realizes this mission is almost over and anxieties about completing the work set in. Some wonder when will that change in me take place, or will it. Some may ask themselves if they gave it their all. Then they thought about me. Here I am viewed as the leader, the strong one, the one who knows what to do. Of course, like all people, I have limitations. Then the most beautiful thing happens and most times it is just the seemingly little things that help. It could be someone handing me nails one at a time or maybe I have to take a minute to explain to the group once again that slow ad steady wins the race. I encourage them not to think about the completion of the entire project but first concentrate on completing the task before you. Mission work is never about what you complete. It is only about what you start. You see, it is not about whether we struggle. We all do and will struggle. The question is who will help us? Can a freshman on his or her first mission possibley help me? The answer is yes, and thank God for that. None of us can be without another. Each of us has to be willing to let others be our guide. Jesus’ command to love one another as I have loved you is for all of us to follow and for all of us to receive. Think about what was written above. Look at it from a different point of view. When you see it you will understand what we do. You will see what I am trying to teach these wonderful young people. Y o u t h Ministry Bill Mezzetti CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSES Notre Dame Academy in Hingham will be hosting two Open Houses this fall for prospective students. NDA welcomes prospective students and their families to visit the campus and tour the building on Sunday, October 19 from 1-3 p.m. or on Thursday, November 6 from 5-7 p.m. Families will have the opportunity to take a tour of the building with a current student, meet faculty and staff and learn about the athletic teams and co-curricular activities. NDA is located on 1073 Main Street, Hingham MA 02043 NDA is a Catholic, college-preparatory school for young women in grades 7 –12. The Academy guides young women in their personal faith formation, challenges students to pursue academic excellence, and encourages social responsibility on behalf of global justice. Boston College High School will host its annual Open House on Sunday, October 26th from 12:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. The event provides prospective families the opportunity to meet faculty, administrators and coaches, to tour the school, and to learn more about all aspects of school life. All interested families are invited to attend and may register online by visiting w w w . b c h i g h . e d u / a d m i s s i o n s BC High is a 151-year-old Jesuit, Catholic school that educates young men in grades 7-12. The school is located at 150 William T. Morrissey Boulevard in Boston, and it draws from 140 communities throughout Greater Boston. Xaverian Brothers High School, 800 Clapboardtree Street, Westwood is hosting an Open House on Sunday, October 26 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Come meet students, teachers, coaches, and administrators and register for the entrance exam. The day will also feature student-led tours, a student presentation, and information about our Francis Xavier Division 7th and 8th grade program as well as the high school program. Register online at xbhs.com/openhouse or contact the Admissions Office at 781-3266392. Fontbonne Academy Sunday, November 9 from 13pm Sacred Heart School, Kingston Sunday, October 19 Archbishop Williams High School Sunday, October 19 from 11am Cardinal Spellman High School - 1pm Thursday, October 23 from 6:30Thursday, November 6 from 6- 8:30pm 8pm ST. PAUL SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Saint Paul School provides a challenging curriculum promoting academic excellence infused with Catholic traditions and values. We welcome visitors to see what makes our students SOAR! Join us for our Open Houses Tuesday, October 28th from 6:00-8:00pm. No RSVP necessary. Please contact Jean Schnorr, Director of Enrollment Managements, for additional information: 781-749-2407 or by visiting www.stpaulschoolhingham.com www.stpaulreligioused.org 781-749-5568 WWW.STPAULSCHOOLHINGHAM.COM OPEN HOUSE - OCTOBER 28 The Pope of New Evangelization On October 22, we will celebrate for the first time the feast of Saint John Paul II. John Paul II, whom most of us have known, called all men and women to the Redeemer, Jesus Christ. He reminded us that only in Jesus Christ can we discover the purpose and fulfillment of human life. He proclaimed that human existence itself is an invitation to communion with God and with one another. He told an age bent of "self-fulfillment" that true human fulfillment only comes from giving ourselves in love to God and to one another. He called us to live a unity of life, wherein the implications of the Christian faith inform the entirety of life with no contradiction or separation. (Read more, www.catholic.org) October: The Month of the Holy Rosary The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. It was instituted to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary in gratitude for the protection that she gives the Church in answer to the praying of the Rosary by the faithful. (Read more, www.Catholic.org) High School Faith Formation No Religious Education classes for grades 9 and 10 will be held today Sunday, October 19. All other classes will meet as scheduled. Thank You Young people preparing for confirmation attended the first retreat of the year this weekend, October 17 and 18. Our thanks go to all those involved in preparing this retreat, especially Father Nestor, High School Teachers, Religious Education staff, and students and their families. Thank you to students in grades 9 and 10 for helping at the Vigil Mass. Lastly, thank you to children in fifth grade Religious Education and their families for supporting the Family Mass ministry today, Sunday October 19. Grade Level Eucharistic Liturgies Be advised that grade level Eucharistic Liturgies will take place on the following dates. Oct 26 at 9am Grade 6 Nov 14 at 10am Grade 2 Nov 16 at 10am Grade 4 Nov 30 at 9am Grades 7 & 8 Dec 13 at 10am Grade 3 Homeschooling Families catechizing their children at home may pick up materials from the Office of Religious Education during office hours. Check our website for further information. Office Hours Religious Education Office Hours are Monday-Thursday, 9am5pm; Fridays 8:30-4:30pm. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, students of Saint Paul School came together at mass to honor Mary, Queen of the Rosary. Students of grade 5, under the direction of Mrs. Deitsch, led us in prayer and meditation. Some students commented on their feelings as follows: “I felt like God was watching over us at the Joyful Mysteries. I felt inspired and I felt like I was Mary in that time. Being in the Mass was a nice and peaceful experience. I felt like I was experiencing the real Joyful Mysteries with Mary. I felt happy watching and participating in the Joyful Mysteries because it made me realize how lucky I am to be in such a wonderful Catholic School! I felt inspired recalling the Joyful Mysteries.” “A NETWORK OF RELATIONSHIPS” is what Pope Francis calls “the church!” He stated on October 10, “Dear young people, Christ is counting on you to be his friends and witnesses to his infinite love.” Saturday, October 25, is known as “Make-aDifference Day” and at our liturgy frequently we sing these words “We are the hands of Christ reaching out to those in need, the face of God for all to see. We are the spirit of hope; we are the voice of peace. Go make a difference in the world!” This is a perfect example of “the church!” and an incentive for all of us to “Go make a difference!” CONTINUAL GROWTH occurs once more in our ExtraCurriculum Programming! Mr. Browne, Director of Music has developed a program which includes a fundamental perspective on vocal enhancement, strengthening in performance, and rehearsal for mass and special events! Class is on Thursdays from 7:45-8:15am. GIVING BACK! AIDAN HOGAN, HELENE INGOLDSBY AND SARAH KERRIGAN, graduates of Saint Paul School are “giving back” to the Church Community through their gift of Faith! They are part of the Religious Education program and volunteering to be Christ-bearers to those children who attend the classes. CATE HEALY, also a graduate of SPS, serves as a tutor in the Homework Club which is part of the Afterschool Program at Saint Paul School. Cate also is a witness in reaching out to help others! SAVE THE DATE! SAINT PAUL SCHOOL will host an Open House this fall for its PK-Grade 8 classes on Tuesday, October 28 from 6-8p.m. No reservation is required. Tours are also available upon request; please contact Jean Schnorr, Director Enrollment, at [email protected] or (781) 7492407. ST. JOSEPH’S RETREAT HOUSE 781-383-6024 or www.csjretreatcenter.org or email [email protected] Directed and Private Day Of Reflection GLASTONBURY ABBEY 781-749-2155 or www.glastonburyabbey.org Spiritual Enrichment October 21st, and 28th at 6:30pm. Sr. Rosemary Ryan, MMS, MD “Ethical Decision-Making at the End of Life.“ This is a 3-part program with a different aspect of the topic presented each week. No registration required. Suggested donation $20 per class. Faith and Film Series Thursday, October 23rd at 6:30pm. “ Bless e, Ultima.” We invite you to a light supper that will be provided during the film. Discussion will follow. Facilitator: July Dwyer, All are welcome! Donations gratefully accepted. For further information about programs please contact Joan 781-749-2155 ext 200 TIME OUT RETREATS “A LOOK AT THE VIEW” A Spirituality for Everyday Living mini– retreat led by Peggy Patenaude of Taking Time Out Wednesday, November 12th at Sacred Hearts Retreat Center in Wareham, MA 10:00am—12:30pm.Cost is $20 pre-registration is required. Contact Peggy at 508-548-9149 or [email protected]. WOMENS RETREAT: On the Way will be held January 16-18, 2015 at Miramar Retreat Center inDuxbury, Ma For more informationcontact Peggy Patenaude at 508-548-9149 or [email protected] PRAYER GROUP ON THURSDAY EVENINGS Every Thursday evening you are invited to pray at 7:15pm a Scriptural Rosary/ Chaplet in the lower church. All are welcome to pray in front of the Tabernacle for Special Intentions. Booklets are available to follow along. Please come and join us praying the rosary for peace and healing. Prayer is so powerful. For more information call Judy or Artie Boyle at 781-749-8846. Come and bring a friend. RECTORY OFFICE - 781-749-0587 Monday - Thursday, 8:30am - 5pm Friday, 8:30 - 3pm Office email: [email protected] Rev. Thomas F. Nestor, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Paul Soper, Priest in Residence Deacon Joseph Harrington [email protected] Mrs. Patricia Mikus, Pastoral Associate [email protected] Ms. Susan Troy, Pastoral Care Coordinator [email protected] Mr. Sal Bartolotti, Music Director Mrs. Linda Resca, Business Administrator [email protected] Mrs. Cynthia Sullivan, Administrative Assistant OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 781-749-5568 - www.stpaulreligioused.org Sr. Tania Santander Atauchi, Director of Religious Education [email protected] Ms. Jane O’Regan, Religious Ed Asst and Faith Formation Coordinator [email protected] Mr. Bill Mezzetti, Youth Minister [email protected] SAINT PAUL SCHOOL 781-749-2407 - www.stpaulschoolhingham.com Mrs. Christine Evans, Principal [email protected] Mrs. Holly Breen, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Mrs. Jean Schnorr, Director of Enrollment [email protected] DEACON JOE HARRINGTONÊS BLOG Visit Deacon JoeÊs blog at joeharrington.blogspot.com Do you want to get a monthly inspirational email? Subscribe at [email protected] For those unable to participate in our weekend Masses, please consider the Masses on CATHOLIC TV. Mass schedules and other informative shows are available at --- www.CatholicTV.com. (Comcast 268, Verizon FiOS 296) COHASSET COLLISION CENTER 179 Rt. 3A, Cohasset, MA www.cohassetcollision.com 781.383.3001 Committed to Excellence William J. Cavanaro, Owner NSON’S E B GARAGE DALEY & WANZER Family Owned and Operated Since 1916 Weekly Trips to and from Florida Local & Long Distance Joe Hubbard • 781-335-9604 265 Bridge St. (Rte. 3A), Weymouth Movers of Fine Furniture and Antiques 781.925.0015 Nantasket, MA 5% Discount with this ad 749-0424 / 749-9791 Joanna Argiro Complete Automotive Repairs Joanna’s House of Beauty, Inc. Specialists in European Socolor, Foiling, Make-up & Waxing, Highlighting, Lowlighting & Perms Cornrowing and updo’s Matrix, Paul Mitchell • System Biolage, Sexy Hair & Aquage Products Your Local Pest Control Experts Preschool - Grade 12 www.sacredheartkingston.com 781-331-9022 286 Main St., Hingham • Walk in Service Tue, Wed: 9:30-7pm • Thurs: 9-7pm • Fri: 9-5pm • Sat 8-4pm www.WatchAll.com Douglas L. Helm, MD Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery Brigham and Women’s Surgical Associates at South Shore Hospital Specializing in Adult and Pediatric Reconstructive and Hand Surgery including Skin Cancer Hand & Wrist Fracture Care – Hand Arthritis – Tendinitis – Carpal Tunnel Syndromes Please call 781-624-4242 for a new appointment or second opinion This Space Available For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Parish Representative Dan Linnell 1-800-888-4574 x3426 Email: [email protected] HARRY SHAW ACCOUNTANT Professional Prof al Photography Pho hy Susan Hagstrom portraits*weddings*real estate*sports [email protected] • 617-827-2422 ENERGY 39 ADAMS STREET, BRAINTREE “Solid Service since 1919” tel. 781/ 749-9078 102 Station Street PLUMBING • HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING Please remember St. Paul’s in your will Lic.#15278/3654c E-mail: [email protected] 781-843-0415 We’d love to see you! With our compliments... Chef ’s Choice Appetizer with Dinner • Fresh Baked Goods with Sunday Brunch World Class Menu. Fresh & Fabulous. Daily. 415 Whiting Street, Hingham, MA 02043 • 781-340-7300 • www.thequarry.co FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. OCTOBER 3, 2014 2:47 PM ST. PAUL, HINGHAM, MA 03-0131 CAMELOT APARTMENTS Janet Fay Johnson COLUMBIAN SQUARE, SOUTH WEYMOUTH Direct: 617.429.1777 • Office: 781.749.1600 Email: [email protected] Web: www. jackconway.com Convenient to So. Shore Hospital, Bus Lines, Church & Shopping 321 Main Street, Hingham, MA 02043 PREDOMINANTLY SENIOR OCCUPIED (We Love Seniors) DEL REALTY 781-331-1100 IARIA BROS. INC. 33 Oak St. Hingham, MA 02043 MARY MORRISON 781-749-4040 Cell: 781-264-5131 185 Lincoln Street, (Rt. 3A) Hingham, MA 02043 [email protected] WILLIAM RAVEIS REAL ESTATE !"#$#%&'%()(*#+(,'(-#./,0+(12$2%3 AJ’S GULF 40 North St., Hingham, MA 02043 AJ’S AUTOMOTIVE Complete General Repairs EXPRESS Specializing in Geriatric Care Management and In-Home Services for Seniors The Best Possible Care~ At Home We provide a wide range of affordable services including: Personal Care, Housekeeping, Transportation, Companionship and Total Home Management Licensed ~ Bonded ~ Insured In Home No Cost Consultation “Full Convenience Store” All Makes & Models • Towing [email protected] 179 Lincoln Street 12 Crow Point Lane www.communityhomecarema.com 749-8160 749-9611 SITE DEVELOPMENT, SEPTIC SYSTEMS LOAM - SAND - GRAVEL - STONE 781-749-9468 DOM fax 781-749-6173 167 Washington Street, Norwell, MA 781-569-4970 3804 Tuckers Lane Hingham, MA 02043 339-236-6762 ly Daniel P. Connolly ng Plumbing & Heating ASPHALT SPECIALISTS Call 781-335-8703 No job too small Duncan MacKellar Insurance Agency 835 Broad Street, East Weymouth All Forms of Insurance Since 1897 (781) 335-1170 150 North Street Hingham, MA 02043 T. 781-740-4060 Lic #23055 MAUREEN DORAN Vice President, ABR, SRES COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE, 56 S. St., Hingham [email protected] • 1-617-680-2300 Cell ALWAYS AVAILABLE TO SERVE YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Brian Carnes (8 837-0040 (866) “GIVE THE GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR” WEEKLY TRASH SERVICE! DOLLY’S NURSERY SCHOOL & SUMMER CAMP 14 Pine St. Hingham, MA 02043 (781) 749-4213 www.dollysnurseryschool.com Jonathan Hay Smith Yacht Sales Hingham Shipyard 781-635-5541 [email protected] smithyacht.com FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. OCTOBER 3, 2014 2:47 PM Thomas Auto Body Shop Complete Auto Body & Fender Work 24 Hr Towing Insurance Estimates Days 749-1010 Nites 749-8399 15 Fort Hill St., Hingham ST. PAUL, HINGHAM, MA 03-0131
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