Junior Future Planning Night 101 BELMONT HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT 1 BELMONT HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT Ms. Stacie Ross (Last names from A-C) [email protected] Mr. James Brown (Last names from D-J) [email protected] Ms. Genevieve Guellnitz (Last names from K-Mc) [email protected] Mr. Paczkowski ((Last names from Me-Se)) [email protected] Mrs. King (last names Sh-Z) j g@ [email protected] Ms. Vanessa Ranieri (Secretary) [email protected] .ma.us [email protected] 2 Junior Future Plans Prep School Gap p Year Community Service/Career Training P Program/Employment/Military /E l /Mili College Applications 3 Prep School Gives student an extra year to improve academics and strengthen curriculum English and Math teachers plus Guidance Counselor must fill out specific recommendation forms for each school Interviews are highly recommended 4 Gap Year Should be used constructively Students participate in anything from City Year, employment opportunities, community service, travel abroad Can be a great way to gain perspective or participate in something hi different diff prior i to making ki more future f plans l Binders available in Guidance Dept. with different opportunities t iti Gap Year Fairs: www.usagapyearfairs.org 5 College Application Process Standardized Testing College Admissions Process BHS Requirements Application Process NCAA/Financial Aid/Scholarships / p 6 The SAT Reasoning Test Critical Reading (Verbal) – 800 Analogies eliminated Short reading passages added to existing long passages Math – 800 Quantitative comparisons eliminated Includes topics from third year math (Algebra II) Writing – 800 M ltipl choice Multiple h i questions ti (grammar ( r r and d usage)) Student-written essay Duration: 3 hours 45 minutes Cost: $51.00 Registration: Online at www.collegeboard.org or paper registration forms available in Guidance 7 SAT Subject Tests Duration: 1 hour/up h / to 3 tests in one sitting Cost: Basic Registration Fee - $24.50 Language Tests with Listening - $24.00 (plus the basic fee) All other SSubject bject Tests - $13.00 $13 00 Subjects Specific, including: (Be sure to check the website as every subject is not offered at every test date) -English Literature -US US History -French French - Biology -World History -Latin -Chemistry -Math IC & Math IIC -German -Physics -Spanish -Modern Hebrew Languages w/ Listening include: (Listening tests only offered in November) -Japanese -Korean -Chinese Chinese -French French -German -Spanish Spanish SAT I and SAT Subject Tests cannot be taken on the same day *Be sure to check whether your colleges require subject tests and plan accordingly. Some schools require 2 or 3 subject tests. *Register online at www.collegeboard.com 8 This multiple-choice p test covers four skill areas: -English -Reading -Mathematics -Science D Duration: i 2 hours h and d 55 minutes i The Writing Test, which is optional, measures skill in planning and writing a short essay. Duration: 3 hours, 25 minutes with the writing Cost: $36.50 or $52.50 with writing plus Score is based on a scale of 36 9 ACT vs SAT ACT 1-36 Scoring Essay Optional S i Science section i No penalty for wrong answers Less ess emphasis e p as s on o vocabulary vocabu a y Test length-2hours,55 minutes without essay, 3 hours 25 minutes with essay Essay is at the end Math: Alg, Geo, Alg 2, Trig SAT 2400 is highest score; math, CR & Writing up to 800 on each section No Science Penalty for wrong answers More emphasis on vocabulary Test length 3 hours and 45 minutes Essay is at the beginning Math: Alg, Geo., Alg. 2 10 How To Determine Which Test To Take? Take a practice test Wh ddoes the What h college ll require? i ?D Do they h E Even R Require i SStandardized d di d Testing? www.fairtest.org/optstate.html Assess the student strengths P zzle solver=SAT Puzzle Doesn’t work too hard in school, but smart/clever=SAT Grinder, Good grades=ACT G dR Good Reader d with ith a weakk vocabulary=ACT b l ACT Anxious, Does not handle time pressure well=SAT Also, study by using a tutor, on-line, or even buy a book. The student should prepare to get used to the format and the questions of the test. test www.actstudent.org www.collegeboard.com 11 Test Dates SAT SAT DATE January 25, 2014 January 25, 2014 March 8, 2014 May 3, 2014 June 7, 2014 October 2014 2014 *October *November 2014 *December 2014 SAT Subject Tests Availability Available Available Available Available Available Available ACT ACT DATE February 08, 2014 p , April 12, 2014 June 14, 2014 September 2014 October 2014 December 2014 December 2014 Register By Date January 10, 2014 March 7, 2014 , May 9, 2014 TBD TBD TBD Register By Date December 27, 2013 December 27, 2013 February 7, 2014 April 4, 2014 May 9, 2014 TBD TBD TBD What Is the TOEFL iBT (Internet Based) Test? • The TOEFL iBT test measures your ability to use and understand English at the university level. And it evaluates how well you combine your listening, reading, speaking and writing skills to perform academic tasks. • More than 8,000 colleges, agencies and other institutions in over 130 countries accept TOEFL scores. • Many colleges require students whose first language is not English to submit a TOEFL score • http://www.toeflgoanywhere.org/ • **If you plan to take the TOEFL, don’t wait to register! Spots p tend to fill up pq quickly! y 13 If I Qualify for Extended Time in School Do I A Automatically i ll get iit ffor the h SAT and d ACT? ABSOLUTELY NOT! THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT COMPANIES AND BOTH HAVE CERTAIN DOCUMENTION THEY LOOK FOR: The SAT, requires an SSD permission form and an SAT application. Belmont High should have a cognitive test and an achievement test from the past five years on file. The Special ED liaison or Ms. Turner will register your student online only for the accommodations. The parent is responsible for filling out the actual SAT application. When approved, CollegeBoard will assign an SSD number that can be used for the rest of the student's high school career. The ACT, ACT req requires ires the extended-time e tended time or the special testing form to be sent with ith the application. ACT would like any relevant assessments along with the accommodations page of the IEP or 504 plan. Do not forget the payment as well. Contact your child's liaison or Ms Turner for help For SAT only: Extended-Time process is now on-line.; Parents still need to turn in signed permission form 14 Factors in College Admissions High g School Transcript p Standardized Test Scores SAT, Subject Tests, ACT & TOEFL (Some schools are test optional www.fairtest.org) Application Essay Counselor Recommendation Teacher Recommendations-usually 2 academic teachers from Junior Year–sent by the teachers Activities/Extra-Curricular 15 College Admissions Policies Early Action Early Action – Single Choice Early Decision Rolling Regular O Open E Enrollment ll Waitlist Deferred 16 Applying to College Paper or Online Vi i W Visit Websites bi www.nameofschool.edu (example: www.tufts.edu) www tufts edu) Common Application www commonapp org www.commonapp.org (Over 500 schools are now on the Common Application) *Be sure to check if your schools have supplemental essay questions 17 College Visits and Interviews 18 BELMONT HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS English – 4 years……………….................21 credits (Including Senior Thesis) Social Studies – 3 years………................15 credits W ld Hi World History t Modern World History American Studies Math – 4 years……………………………..20 years 20 credits Science – 4 years………............………...20 credits Fine and Performing Arts – 1 year………..5 credits Foreign g Language g g – 2 yyears……………..10 credits Physical Education and Health……………8 credits 4 years – 2 credits per year Grade 9 – Wellness I required Grades 10-12 –PE Classes, sports or outside contracts *PASS - MCAS English, Math and Science *40 Hrs. of Community Service 19 GPA 20 Getting Started with the Application Process -Students need to set up a common application account at commonapp.org (summer or September) -Senior S i E English li h classes l will ill meet with ihG Guidance id iin September to go through all of this. -Students Students must then link their common application account with their Naviance account. -Students will sign off on the FERPA statement in Naviance. -Students must list all schools they plan to apply to in their Naviance account so that the high school can directly upload their transcript and counselor recommendation for schools that accept this. 21 Seeing Your Guidance Counselor Students can make an appointment to go over their future plans ((college p g applications, pp ggap p yyear, career planning,…). p g ) Parents are welcome to attend this meeting. Students who plan on applying Early Action or Early Decision should notify their counselor and schedule an appointment at the start of their senior year (Late September/Early October 2014) . Come prepared. Students should bring a list of 6-8 potential colleges g theyy have researched to the meeting. g Use the resources available to you. Review the College Planning Guide on the Guidance Website prior to the meeting and d use Family l Connection. 22 Parts of the Application Student should send: Application: Student Information and family information R Resume (optional ti l): ) Sample S l on the th guidance id webpage b under d fformsAlways fill out the Application portion completely before sending additional info. Standardized Test Results: Official score reports p sent directlyy from College Board and/or ACT Essay(s) Supplement: Possible additional essay/info required by some schools who h use the h C Common A Application li i Special Talent (athletics, fine and performing arts) Application Fee (waivers available – ask your counselor) COUNSELOR WILL SEND Transcript Counselor Recommendation/School Report Form Special Education Information (if requested by student and/or parent) 23 TRANSCRIPT 24 OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT RELEASE FORM NAME_______________________________________ YOG_______ DATE___________ I authorize Belmont High School to release my high school transcript including the following information to schools listed below: X GPA FIRST QUARTER GRADES (After close of Quarter 1) X X MID-YEAR REPORT (includes Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 grades) FINAL TRANSCRIPT (this will automatically be sent to the school you plan to attend) College Name Early Decision Early Action Mail Method (CA/EA/M) Application Deadline CA = Common Application, EA = Electronic Application, M = US Mail *_____________________________________________ Student Signature (If 18 or older) *_____________________________________________ Parent Signature *My signature waives my right to see any school recommendations. Each student needs to submit this form to Mrs. Sceppa in the guidance office at least three weeks prior to their application deadline/December vacation in order for any school information to be sent to colleges. There is a $10 processing fee. 25 Teacher Recommendations 26 BHS Transcript Release Deadlines College Application Deadline Belmont High School Deadline October 1stt, 2014 September 10th, 2014 November 1st, 2014 October 11th, 2014 November 15th, 2014 October 25th, 2014 December 1st, 2014 November 8th, 2014 December 15th, 2014 November 25th, 2014 January 1st, 2015 November 29th, 2014 January 15th, 2015 December 13th, 2014 The Guidance department submitted over 2,500 transcript packages last year. All transcript requests tthat at are a e received ece ved by the t e corresponding co espo d g deadlines dead es above will be sent/uploaded by the college application deadlines. All late transcript requests will be processed in the order they are received. 27 Missing Information It is your responsibility to request that your transcript package be sent to colleges and ensure that it is received. If you followed f ll d the h BHS procedure d (see ( SENDING YOUR TRANSCRIPT), your transcript package was mailed or uploaded to the colleges you indicated on your transcript release form within three weeks of your request request. It usually takes colleges 3-4 weeks to process materials once they are received. Do not panic if the college has not updated your application sstatus a s on o their e website webs e within w thee 3-4 3 4 week wee window. w dow. After the 3-4 week window, call the office of admissions to verify which materials are missing. Come to the guidance office ASAP, to verbally inform Mrs. Sceppa, pp the gguidance secretary, y of anyy missingg information. Your materials will be faxed and re-mailed ASAP. 28 NCAA Clearinghouse Making Sure You Are Eligible to Participate in College Athletics Division I and II prospective athletes need to register online at www.ncaaclearinghouse.org l i h Signed copy of transcript Release Form to Guidance secretary (end of junior year) who will mail a certified copy of the student student’ss transcript (including final grades for junior year and senior year) to NCAA Clearinghouse. Transfer students must send official transcripts from all previous schools Eligibility is determined by GPA in core courses as outlined by the Clearinghouse in conjunction with SAT/ACT results. SAT/ACT must be sent directly from the testing agencies to the clearinghouse-#9999 is the code for the NCAA. Test results will not be accepted if sent from the school. 29 Financial Aid FAFSA – Free Application for Federal Student Aid is used to apply for federal and state grants, work-study and loans. www. a sa.ed.gov www.fafsa.ed.gov MEFA – The Massachusetts solution for College Financing. www.mefa.org 800-449-6332 CSS/Profile – Many private schools require the Profile (or their own financial aid application) in addition to the FAFSA. www.collegeboard.com ll b d TERI - Non-profit agency, one is located in The Boston Public Library, and can help with the FAFSA forms www.tericollegeplanning.org www tericollegeplanning org BHS sponsors a Financial Aid Seminar in December. 30 Scholarships Scholarship – Any scholarship information we receive is posted on Naviance Town Scholarships and BHS Scholarships – Applications are available to the student through Naviance in February of their senior year. Free online search services www.fastweb.com www.finaid.org www.collegeboard.com 31 College Fair at BHS October 7-9PM Representatives from ~150 Colleges BHS Field House We encourage g seniors, juniors j and sophomores p to come learn more about various colleges and universities. 32 Resources BHS - Summary of College Admissions data available in the Guidance office and on Family Connection/Naviance / Various Publications: Barrons, College Board, Princeton Review etc… The Internet: Try the list of helpful websites on the Guidance webpage as a starting i point i http://www.belmont.k12.ma.us/bhs/guidance/search/websites.htm BHS College Planning Guide http://students belmont k12 ma us/collegeplanning http://students.belmont.k12.ma.us/collegeplanning Family Connection/Naviance http://connection.naviance.com/belmonths Guidance Office Bulletin Board is frequently updated with information pertaining to Gap Year, Employment Opportunities, and Military Information 33 Using Family Connection ( (Naviance) ) www.connection.naviance.com/belmonths On-line Resource for Planning & Advising Overview for Students and Parents 34 Overview What is Family Connection? How do I access it? H ddo I sign How i iin?? What can I do with it? How does it help career and college planning? 35 What is it? Web based resource that supports course, Web-based course career, career and college planning Specific to our school (Uses comparative data from past BHS students) Linked with Counselor’s Office, a service that we use in the counseling office Junior In-School Training Planned on Navigating Naviance 36 How is it accessed? • • • • Family Connection is on the Web and accessible through the Guidance webpage http://connection.naviance.com/belmonths Student accounts Unless you are a new student, you were registered last year in the guidance office. Your username and password should be your email address and password to that email address If you can can’tt remember your password, password click on the link that says FORGOT MY PASSWORD and a temporary password will be sent to your email account. 37 What can it do? Complete Share plans Surveys Compare p colleges g Links to selected third-party resources Track deadlines Produce scattergrams Sh schedule Show h d l off college ll visits i it 38 Please take a look at your Naviance Family Connection Student Tutorial Handout. Handout 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 College Profile 46 College Compare 47 Applications 48 Things to Remember Sign up for SAT/ACT Collegeboard.org Actstudent.org Teacher Recommendations Explore Naviance (Family Connection) Research/Visit Schools Summer Homework: k develop d l draft d f off college ll essay 49 Appointments with Guidance You are welcome to make an appointment with your child and his/her counselor in addition to utilizing the resources above. above We strongly recommend reading the BHS College Planning Guide before scheduling an initial college planning meeting. 50 Questions? 51
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