St. Mark catholic Church and school

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 19, 2014
St. Mark
Church and school
Wilmington, NC 28403
1011 Eastwood Rd.
910 392-0720
1013 eastwood rd.
910 452-2800
October 19, 2014
Twenty-Ninth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Weekend Mass Schedule ~ Horario de Misas
Saturday 5:00 pm—nursery available
Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am;
nursery available during 9:30 and 11:30 only
1:30pm Spanish
(español los domingos a las 1:30,
todos los demás en Inglés)
Daily Mass Schedule
Mon, Wed, Thurs and Friday 8:30am;
Tues 8:30am and 6:00pm
Holy Days please check the bulletin and website
Días Santos por favor revise el boletín
y página web
Reconciliation ~ Reconciliación
Saturdays 3:30pm—4:30pm
Sábados 3:30—4:30
Call the office for individual Reconciliation
Llame a la oficina para hacer una cita
Adoration of the Eucharist
Fridays 9:00am until 9:00pm
Adoración de la Eucaristía
Viernes 9:00am hasta las 9:00pm
Baptism ~ Bautismo
Parish office 910 398-6509
Marriage ~ Matrimonio
Parish office 910 398-6509
Contact the Parish office six months in advance
Comuníquese con el sacerdote
seis meses antes de la boda
Anointing of the Sick or Funerals
Unción de los Enfermos o de Funerales
Parish office 910 398-6509
"The mission of St. Mark Catholic Church
is to invite, inspire, educate, and lead people
to know and love Jesus Christ;
to understand and live their Catholic faith;
to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel
through love and service to one another."
"La misión de la Iglesia Católica de San Marcos
es invitar, inspirar, educar y guiar a la gente
para conocer y amar a Jesucristo,
entender y vivir la fe católica
y proclamar la Buena Nueva del Evangelio
a través del amor y el servicio a los otros ".
First Reconciliation—First Communion
Primera Reconciliación—Primera Comunión
Anne Doyle, 910 398-6511
Confirmation for Youth
Confirmación de la Jovenes
Confirmation for Adults
Confirmación para Adultos
Parish office 910 398-6509
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Paul Townend, 910 792-1931
[email protected]
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 19, 2014
Special Announcements
Ministry Announcements
Volunteers Needed
You have spoken and we were listening.
In our recent parish survey you indicated
that you would like to see more parish wide
functions. In order to make that happen we
need an active Social Committee. If you
enjoy planning get-togethers, this
opportunity might be just right for you. Ask
your friends to join you—the more the
We are looking for volunteers who would be interested in
serving on St. Mark’s Social Committee to help organize our
upcoming Spring Parish Festival and other social
events. Interested parishioners should contact the parish office
for more information (910 398-6509). Please prayerfully consider
donating your time and talent to add fun and fellowship to our
parish events!
Announcements for October
We would like to thank Jim and Rosemarie Stock for their
years of dedicated service to St. Mark Parish as Greeters for
the 5:00pm Saturday evening Mass. Jim and Rosemarie are
taking a much deserved retirement from this Ministry and we
wish them well and ask God to bless them richly.
Greeters come early to Mass and stand in the Gathering
Space to welcome members and visitors alike with a warm smile
and a gentle handshake. If you’ve been looking for a way to get
involved here at St. Mark and a way to meet new people, too,
please consider becoming a Greeter. We can use volunteers at
all Mass times, but we are especially in need for the 11:30am
Mass on Sunday. Greeters work on a rotating basis—how often
you serve would depend on how many are on your Greeting
Team. If you are interested in becoming a Greeter, please
contact Cathie Welch (910 398-6508) for more info.
Eucharistic Adoration
Fridays from 9:00am—9:00pm (with exceptions)
October is Rosary Month
The month of October is dedicated to the
Holy Rosary. To further promote praying the
rosary within the St. Mark community, the
Thursday Morning Mens Prayer Group will
lead the recitation before each weekend
Mass throughout the month. Rather than
only reciting the standard mysteries
for Sunday, the Glorious, we will introduce
the beautiful Luminous as well. Rosaries
made by St. Mark’s Rosary Makers ministry
will be available in the vestibule prior to each
Mass as will be prayer sheets. The rosary will begin thirty
minutes before the start of Mass. As Pope Emeritus
Benedict XVI said, “this prayer helps to put Christ at the
center, as the Virgin did, who meditated within all that was
said about her Son, and also what He did and said.”
Please join us.
October 4th was our one year anniversary of Eucharistic
Adoration extended hours from 9am to 9pm.
This is
amazing…..We know Our Lord is so pleased. Although He does
not need our Praise and Worship, we need to do it. Thank you
Lord, for the grace you have given us to be faithful throughout this
For the past year we have had 42 committed adorers every
Friday for an hour and an average of 15 walk-ins. We thank you
and hope you all continue as we start the next year…..Praise His
Holy name for He is worthy to be praised.
Let us close with a quote from the book of Divine Mercy… “Were
you weak or ill in body surely you would find time to see a doctor
who would cure you?....Come, then to One who is able to give both
strength and health to your soul, and bestow the alms of love on
the Divine Prisoner who watches for you, calls for you and longs to
see you at His side.”
If you would like to know more about Eucharistic Adoration call
Bonnie Laurino at 910-508-8822 or Debbie Kotas at 919-656-5785.
Important Announcement for Next Month
Did you know???
The Feast of All Saints falls on a Saturday this year.
This Feast is normally a Holy Day of Obligation when it falls
on a weekday. Though there is no obligation, there will be a
celebration of the Mass on Saturday, November 1, 2014 at
9:00am for the Feast of All Saints.
The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed which
we call All Souls’ Day is celebrated on November 2nd with
the Vigil being held on Saturday November 1st at the
normal 5:00pm Mass. Multiple intentions may be offered
on this day so if you would like to offer Mass for a departed
loved one please use the special envelopes for All Souls
Day. Suggested donation per intention is $10. Envelopes
will be available [in the Gathering Space] for you to
remember your deceased loved ones. Please place one
name per envelope and put in the offertory basket anytime
between now and the end of October. Names of the
departed will be on the altar every day during November,
along with the intention of the day.
There has been much back and forth about
the proper posture following communion, and for
good reason: this is a place in the liturgy where
there is legitimate room for diversity.
The norms in the Diocese of Raleigh are:
“Following the reception of Holy Communion,
individual communicants return to their place in
the Assembly and remain standing. However,
this uniformity of posture does not prohibit
individual communicants from choosing to kneel or sit,”
and after Communion (usually described as once the
Tabernacle is closed), “the assembly may kneel or sit [for a
period of quiet prayer].”
So one may always kneel or sit (especially if old age or
discomfort are an issue), but the preference is to stand
until after all have received.
Questions or ideas? Send them to
[email protected]
Stewardship of Time, Talent & Treasure
Time and Talent
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 19, 2014
St. Mark
Calendar of Events
Oct 19
Welcome Committee will be
in the Gathering Space after AM Masses
K of C Candy Sales for LAMB, Sidewalk after AM
Mass, Sanctuary
Mass, Sanctuary
Little Lambs during Mass, Rm. 2 this week
Mass, Sanctuary
Secular Franciscans, Rm. 7
Misa en Español
Oct 20
Daily Mass, Chapel
Assistance League Rehearsal, Rms. 5 & 6
Pack 215 Cub Scouts, Parish Hall
Adult Scripture Study, Room 7
Oct 21
Daily Mass, Chapel
Daily Mass, Chapel
Charismatic Prayer, Chapel
Catholicism Adult Formation, Parish Hall
Oct 22
Daily Mass, Sanctuary
Our Lady’s Rosary Makers, Rms. 5 & 6
Prayer Shawl Ministry, Church Library
Train the Trainer, Rm. 7
Children’s Faith Formation (Gr. 1-5), School
Sacrament Prep Parents, Parish Hall
6:00pm RCIA Inquiry, Library
6:30pm RCIC/Children’s Faith Formation (Gr. 1-5), School
Sacrament Prep Parents, Parish Hall / en Español, 5 & 6
STS Middle School Faith Formation, School
7:00pm Contemporary Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
Men’s Prayer Group, Rm. 7
Daily Mass, Chapel
CENACLE Prayer Group, Sanctuary
Bible Study, Rms. 5 & 6
Women of the Word, Rm. 7
Gabrieli Schola Cantorum Rehearsal, Sanctuary
BSA 215, Parish Hall
Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
7:00pm Men’s Basketball Outreach, School GYM
Oct 23
Oct 24
8:30am Daily Mass, Chapel
9:00am Eucharistic Adoration, Chapel
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Atrium Rm. 3
Oct 25
Oct 26
Reconciliation, Confessionals
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Atrium Rm. 3
Vigil Mass, Sanctuary
International Seamen’s Center
in the Gathering Space after Mass
International Seamen’s Center
in the Gathering Space after AM Masses
Mass, Sanctuary
Mass, Sanctuary
Little Lambs during Mass, Rm. 6
Mass, Sanctuary
Secular Franciscans, Rm. 7
Misa en Español
Trunk or Treat, Rear Parking Lot
CROSSWALK , (Post Confirmation), Parish Hall
To reserve parish facilities (church or school), contact Cathie Welch at:
[email protected]
Second Collection Today
World Mission Sunday
October 19, 2014 is World Mission Sunday, a
day when we not only pray for those most in need
in our world, but also assist them by our annual
special collection, which assists missionaries
throughout the world in providing direct service as
they spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to all
people. While we may not serve as missionaries,
we do participate in their work in attending to those
who are poor, the sick, and the downtrodden of the
world, as we support missionary efforts through our
prayers and financial support. Thank you for your
great generosity.
Stewardship Thought
“Render therefore to Caesar
the things that are Caesar’s
and to God the things that are God’s.”
Matthew 22:21
Everything we are and everything we have
belongs to God. We aren’t “owners” of
anything, we are merely “stewards” of the
gifts God has given each of us. All God is
asking is that we give back a portion of
what He gave us. This is the essence of
Stewardship. God should be our first priority
in everything. All else comes second.
Mass Attendance—Oct 4/5
Sat 5:00
Sun. 7:30
Sun. 9:30
Sun. 11:30
Sun. 1:30
Stewardship of Treasure
OFFERTORY for the week of Oct 4/5, 2014
Electronic-AUTO DRAFT
Loose Cash
Total for Oct 4/5
YTD as of October 4/5
+ $3,197.00
(Parking, Parish Hall, Activity Ctr.
and Columbarium Prev. Bal.)
Debt Reduction Received YTD
Construction Debt YTD
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 19, 2014
Ministers of Holy
C o m mu n i o n
Training Sessions will
be held during the
Times and dates will be
published in the bulletin one
month prior to each training. If
you have questions regarding
EMHC’s please call Ron
Probst at 910-620-2717,
questions regarding Camillus
please call David Powell at
910 350-8936.
“You have put
on Christ, in Him you
have been baptized.
Alleluia, alleluia!”
Baptism Preparation classes
in English are held on the
second Tuesday of each month
at 7:00pm.
Clases de preparación
Bautismal en español se
celebra el primer sábado de
cada mes y comenzará
puntualmente a las 9:30 am.
For more information please
call (910) 398-6509.
Couples must contact the
office six months prior to their
planned wedding date to enter
Pre-Cana preparation.
For information about
wedding preparation contact the
office of the Pastoral Secretary,
at 910 398-6509.
Liturgy and Worship
Intentions for Oct 18—Oct 26, 2014 / Usher Team C—Usher Team A
Mass Schedule
5:00 pm
CTK 6:00 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
Team C
11:30 am
Mass Intention
Cameron Walsh (living)
Requested by
John & Caryn Walsh
Pro Populo
† Mr. & Mrs. A. McHale
the Paye family
† Theresa Rice
William & Barbara Carshaw
Spanish Mass
1:30 pm
† Alfred Ladouceur
the Welch family
8:30 am
† Michael Winkler
Brenda & Joe Wells
8:30 am
† William Tease
Jackie Wilson
† Edmond Hoelzer
Marion Hoelzer and family
8:30 am
† Steve Must
† Ed Karam
Pat & Clancy Must
Charles & Dianne Cadden
8:30 am
8:30 am
† William G. Pope
Joe & Brenda Wells
† Eleanore Clark
Bob & Judy Perry
† Bill Williams
† Stephen Marano
Norma Williams
the Perniciaro family
Team A
celebrated away
by Fr. Michael
5:00 pm
CTK 6:00 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
Spanish Mass
Thomas & Elizabeth
Pro Populo
† Linda Riesmeyer
Anne Doyle
William & Barbara Carshaw
1:30 pm
Additional intentions are now available, with two Masses on Tuesdays
and concelebrated Masses on Wednesdays and Fridays.
You will be notified if intentions should have to be moved to different dates.
For a Mass Intention for a loved one, living or deceased (†), please contact Cathie Welch
in the church office—Room #10 or call (910) 398-6508.
Sanctuary Candle
& Flowers
Scripture Readings
October 19—October 26, 2014
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21
is offered this week
in Memory of Russell Welch
by the Welch family
Our Deceased
We pray always and
everywhere for all the souls
of the faithful departed
family and friends of our
St. Mark
Parish Community.
this week are provided by
our St. Mark
Parish Community
To make donations for altar
flowers or the sanctuary candle
in honor or in memory of a loved
one, please come by or call the
parish office (910) 398-6508.
Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100; Lk 12:13-21
Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85; Lk 12:35-38
Eph 3:2-12; Is 12; Lk 12:39-48
Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33; Lk 12:49-53
Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24; Lk 12:54-59
Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122; Lk 13:1-9
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 19, 2014
Liturgy and Worship
The Power of Prayer—Please Pray for Our Sick
May They and Their Caretakers Know God’s Peace
Please make your prayer requests by emailing: [email protected] or by calling the church office (910) 392-0720.
Rose Arato
Bobby Bailey, Sr.
Helen & Nicholas Bak
Evelyn Bass Hood
Angela Beal & Baby Chance
Scott Braswell
Dawn Brown
Frank & Jeanne Bua
John Burton
Joyce Bussewitz
Mayela Cajar
Elvira Carrera
Charles Cassella
Mark Cassella
Lou Celender
Alice Choma
David Coleman
Robert Colon
Tony Croom
Kitty DeMaria
Mary Derck
Darrell & Sharon Dismukes
Krystyna & Tony Droz
Margie Duke
Brian Ennis
Anna and John Evanko
the Foreman Family
Christine & Bernard Foppe
David Foreman
Betsy Frase
Taresa Gausman
Infant Ryleigh George
Claudia Good
Sue Good
Susan Goodlow & Infant Twins
Bob Gustafson
Sue Hack
Kim Hashim
Sandy Hill
Anne Hirchak
Bob Huntley
Bob Johnson
Janet Philips Johnson
Patricia Johnson
Clint Jones
Joseph Kloiber
Phyllis Knight
Ann Kurtz
Ted Lang
Doug Langan
Darlene Larkins
Michael Lauro
Betty Leddick
Courtney Lenaburg
Bob Lord
Alison Magnin
Trudy Mallon
Joan Malloy
Tony Manha
Rose Martyn
Maddie McPherson
Alex Monticello
Mary Catherine Moore
Jane Mruczek
Emory Oeser
Michael J. Oeser
Leigh Oliverie
Charlotte O’Neill
John O’Neill
Mildred Paluch
Judi Paschall
Robin Pestone
Billy E. Philips
Amelia Quarto
Beth Richards
Jess Roggina
Rich Romanowski
Phil Rose
Gregory Sarajak
Bernadette Secondo
Connie Siers
Margaret Smith
Major Aaron Smithley
Rose Sordellini
Ed Stapleton
Diane Starzee
Marjorie Steck
Jim Stock
Lonnie Taylor
Phillip Thalheimer
Lori Tufts
Felice Van Eron
Jennifer Van Eron Viscosi
Carmen Vera
Fr. Joe Vetter
Joe Wagner
Fr. John Walsh
Helen Zawisza
If your name or that of a loved one has been removed, it is because it appeared for six weeks or more and you did not request an
extension. If prayers are still needed, you may request that a name be placed back on the list at any time.
To request that a name be added to the list of Prayers for the Sick, please call Cathie Welch at (910) 392-0720, ext. 249 or you can email
your request to: [email protected]
Sacramental Emergencies After Hours: In the event of TRUE LIFE THREATENING EMERGENCIES ONLY
Those needing the Anointing of the Sick after regular office hours or weekends please call (910) 399-1591.
Reflection on the Faith
Paul V. Abbe, Director of Religious Education, 910 398-6526 / [email protected]
LIVING and SHARING the Faith, in a neo-pagan, post-modern culture.
In the last words of the Gospel according to St. Matthew, we read the charge which our risen Lord gave to the eleven Apostles, and
through them to the Church:
All authority, in heaven and on earth, has been given to Me. Go, therefore and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and
of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…
But, just like Peter and Paul and all other apostles and evangelists and teachers, we need to understand the culture in which we live,
and the audience we are attempting to reach. We must recognize that we live in a neo-pagan culture, made up of men and women who
have been immersed in, and have swallowed whole, the postmodern world-view – the intellectual trend of our age which proclaims:
the certainty of uncertainty; a suspicion of authority, (especially religious authority);
the rejection of universal truth, (aka, “the dictatorship of relativism”); disdain for all rules;
self-generated meaning; and, the deification of the individual, (among other things… but
this list should be recognizable…)
Sadly, that culture includes many Catholics who accept whole-heartedly the tenets of postmodernism, but only accept the tenets of the
Faith which do not violate their postmodern “faith.” Which brings us to the current cultural crisis to affect us as Catholics who live in the
state of North Carolina. The attempt to affirm the sanctity of marriage as a union between a man and a women, (GOD’S definition, not
Man’s), through the use of civil law has been declared null and void by the action (or inaction) of nine individuals – despite the voice of the
people heard clearly at the polls in many states. And now we are surrounded by cheers for “marriage equality”, and are witnes sing the
oxymoron of “gay marriage.” What is our response as those who hold to the teachings of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church?
We pray FIRST for our bishops and priests, that they be strengthened for the battle ahead, given the faith and fortitude necessary to
uphold the Faith in the midst of culture that denies even the most clear witness of Natural Law, of anatomy and biology, let alone the
special revelation of God’s Word. SECOND, we pray for all the mothers and fathers, (and catechists), who must help our sons and
daughters understand that marriage can only EVER be a sacred union between a man and a woman, and that no agency of Man will ever
have the authority to redefine what the Lord God ALONE has authority to define. And, to teach them that this position is not one of hate,
but of a LOVE that must speak the TRUTH, and which can not and will not ever affirm the LIE which has poisoned the minds of so many.
LAST, but certainly NOT LEAST, we pray for all those men and women, who find themselves suffering from same-sex attraction – pray
that we will be faithful in sharing with them the life-changing love of God, and His life-fulfilling call to holiness, and that they will be given
the grace and faith and COURAGE to choose the path which alone can bring true happiness and fulfillment in this life, and the promise of
eternal life in the world to come. “For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his soul.”
Browse the global website for Courage/Encourage an apostolate of the Roman Catholic Church :
Courage for those with same-sex attraction and Encourage for their families—both are endorsed by the Pontifical Council for the Family.
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 19, 2014
Spiritual Growth Opportunities & Support
Biblical/Scriptural Learning for Adults
Support Ministries
Weekly Bible/Scripture studies are a staple of St. Mark Parish
Life. For more information, please see descriptions of our groups
via ACCESS under Available Activities or contact the leadership
of our Study Groups.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Ladies from the parish meet on the 2nd and 4th
Wednesday of the month at 1:00pm in the library to knit or
crochet shawls for those in need of consolation for loss or
illness. If you would like more information or you would like
to participate, please contact Jackie Ennis 910 686-3659.
Monday Evening Adults meet at 7:00pm in the Cana/
Conference Room #7 during the school year. “The current group
is full for The Lamb’s Supper study. The next study will begin
in January.”
Courageous Women now meets on Wednesday mornings
(every other week) in the Cana/Conference Room #7 at 9:30 AM.
For more information or to join this group, please contact Carolyn
Landenberg (910) 679-4048 or email [email protected] .
Thursday Morning Bible Study is held in Rooms 5 & 6
beginning with social time at 9:00am and class begins promptly at
9:15. Nursery is available during this weekly study Contacts are:
Mike Hession at 910-232-3676 or [email protected] or Sue
Hack at 910-512-2380.
Women of the Word Thursdays 11am - 12: 30pm. For more
W hitaker
[email protected] or 910-371-0724. See inside the
front cover of the bulletin today for a special announcement.
Prayer Groups
St. Mark Respect Life
Mary (910) 319-7911
Deacon Orlando Perez [email protected]
CENACLE OF LIFE - Every Thursday after morning Mass.
We will pray two rosaries for life after the 8:30 AM Mass. Please
come and join us in praying with Our Blessed Mother before Her
Son in the tabernacle for an increased respect for the dignity of all
human life.
Natural Family Planning (NFP)
For information, contact Allison Lamporte at (910) 279-6860 or
[email protected]
Charismatic Prayer Group
The Blessed Trinity Charismatic Prayer Group meets for
prayer, praise, sharing and intercession on Tuesday evenings
following the 6 PM evening Mass in the Chapel.
The first
Tuesday Mass intention is always for Life, Marriage and Religious
Freedom. All are welcome to attend any prayer meeting. If you
want to know more about the prayer group or the Catholic
Charismatic Renewal, contact any member of the leadership
team: Carl Rilling at 910 392-6064, or Mary Jo Harrington at
[email protected].
Men’s Morning Prayer Group
We’re looking for a few good Catholic men to engage in
spiritual combat. Every Thursday morning before the break of
dawn, men meet for an hour or more to pray the rosary and
study the Mass reading for the upcoming Sunday. Once
fortified, you’ll be able to more actively participate on Sunday
through better understanding of the scriptures. No experience
necessary. We provide everything. All that’s missing is you.
Join us Thursday mornings in Conference Room 7 at 6:30
Empty Cradle
Empty Cradle support group meets at St. Mark Church
on the third Wednesday (Nov 19) of each month except
December, at 6:30 pm. We are a support group for parents
that have experienced ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, still
birth and infant loss. For more information, please contact
Nora Golden at: [email protected]
Faith Development & Fraternities for Adults
Wondering? Seeking a welcome? Saint Mark's program
of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) can help you. If you
have questions about the Catholic faith, please drop by for
Inquiry any Wednesday evening at 6:00pm in the church
library or contact Sandy at 910 686-9056 or Paul at
910-792-1931 or you can send an email to Paul at:
[email protected]
The local fraternity meets at 1:00pm on
the third Sunday of the month (TODAY—
Oct. 19) in the Cana Conference Room (7) in
the education wing of St. Mark Church. For
information on the Secular Franciscan Order,
please contact Brenda Wells at (910) 2568765 or Margaret Horan at (910) 579-3212.
Knights of Columbus 12017
St. Mark Catholic Church
Dedicated to charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism,
fund-raising programs and social events. Meets
the 3rd Thursday of each month. (See Contact: James Laraia, 937
-609-1753, [email protected]
Fr. James E. Waters Columbiettes Auxiliary
The Columbiettes is an auxiliary of the Knights of
Columbus committed to Marian devotion and extensive
community social outreach. Members are Catholic
women in good standing. Being married to a Knight is
not a requirement of membership.
The Columbiettes are currently selling
To order yours contact: Pat Conlon,
910 790-3751, or email: [email protected]
The Ancient Order of Hibernians is a fraternal group
for men of Irish descent and is complimented by the Ladies
Ancient Order of Hibernians. For more information on
these groups, and the charities they support, please
contact: Maureen and Jim Quinn 910 686-5151.
Faith Formation and School News
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 19, 2014
Pre-K thru Gr. 5
St. Mark Catholic School News
Anne Doyle, (910) 398-6511
[email protected]
910 452-2800 [email protected]
Children's Faith Formation
Service Projects for October
The children are busy collecting loose change in baby
bottles during this month of Respect Life. All money will go
to our local Respect Life Group. We will also be having a
guest speaker to speak to the children about respecting life
and what we can do!
Our students are praying each month for our priests
and seminarians, especially on their birthdays! Stop by the
Children's Faith Formation bulletin board in the hallway to
pick up a prayer card and pray along each day with our
children! Let us continue to support our priests and
Our 5th graders are busy learning about the Rosary and
praying it!
During this month of October we are
encouraging our families to gather together and start
praying a family rosary. If you need rosaries, please stop
by the Children's Faith Formation office and get a
rosary. What a wonderful way to honor Mary during this
month of October!
Ms. Mary Myers, Principal
7th & 8th Science at St. Mark
Atoms, mixtures, pressure changes, oh my! Just some of the
exciting topics the 7th and 8th graders are focusing on this first
quarter in science. The 7th graders are exploring the everchanging part of the earth known as our atmosphere, while
learning a more detailed version of the water cycle, understanding
the relationship with our sun’s energy particularly how all
molecules react to her radiation, and are trying their luck at
predicting the weather. The 8th graders are enjoying the many fun
“labs” they have that encompass units on matter and chemical
changes. They have “built” model atoms, made compounds
learning about ionic and covalent bonding, made ice cream and
learned what type of mixture it is and why, explored chemical
reactions with “elephant toothpaste” and will be creating their own
non-Newtonian fluids when they make their version of “gluep”. It
has been a busy first quarter!
In addition to our studies, we have tackled the big SCIENCE
FAIR research/experiment project where each student, 6th-8th,
designs and facilitates a science experiment from beginning to
end. In collaboration with our very own research expert, our
media specialist, Mrs. Patricia Burns, we have been fortunate to
spend some quality time in the library with her guidance with
relearning the Big 6 research model. This model will help our
students tackle any project where research is involved. It helps
them learn how to be more efficient with their searching so that
they are able to narrow down and access the most relevant and
reliable sources available to them. We are looking forward to
another amazing showing of these projects at our school fair on
Thursday, January 22nd!
Youth Ministry
Next Sacrament Preparation Parent Meeting (for all
Grade 2/RCIC Year 2 parents) will be held THIS WEEK
on Wednesday, October 22nd during our Faith
Formation time. The meetings will be held in the
Parish Hall - 4:15 - 5:30 and 6:30 - 7:45. Please plan on
attending one of these session times if your child is in 2nd
grade or Year 2 Out of Sequence classes. SMCS 2nd
grade parents are also expected to attend one (1) of these
meeting times. The meeting will also be offered in Spanish
during the 6:30 time frame in Rooms 5 and 6 with Deacon
Orlando Perez.
Melissa Quaranto
910 398-6510 / [email protected]
“Faith is a flame that grows stronger the more it is shared and passed on,
so that everyone may know, love and confess Jesus Christ.”
Youth Ministry 2014-2015
STS (“Search the Scripture – See the Savior”)
will meet again this Wednesday, October 22.
We will continue our in depth study of the Old Testament.
FaithLife (Confirmation I and II) meets TONIGHT.
Classes meet every 1st and 3rd Sunday from 6-7:30pm.
CROSSWALK will meet again next Sunday, October 26. Join us
M a r k
y o u r
calendars! This year we
will have our Can you
Saint? activity on the
weekend of Nov. 1/2
after all the Masses
outs ide
t he
Fa ith
Formation office. More
info to follow but mark
this date on your
calendar kids to stop by
for games, food, and a very special guest speaker.
CROSSWALK is open to High School students
(and their friends!).
We meet every 2nd and 4th Sunday from 6-7:30pm.
T-shirts are available to registered
CROSSWALK group members!
Sunday, November 9
(in place of typical CROSSWALK gathering)
We will have an evening Glow Run (time TBD)
and speaker on what it means to be the Light of the World.
Follow us on Instagram to hear about all the great
things we have going on! @smccyouth
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 19, 2014
Happening TODAY
Our Welcome Committee will be in the Gathering Space after
Masses THIS weekend. If you are new to the Parish or if you are
interested in helping to welcome our New Members, please stop
by and talk to the Welcome Committee leaders this weekend.
Knights of Columbus 12017
Our St. Mark Knights will be accepting donations for the
Least Among My Brethren project—assisting
those with intellectual disabilities.
Please see the Knights
after Masses to contribute.
This Week
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Parables of the Kingdom—Part Two starting October 23
Social begins at 9:15, class at 9:30. Meet us in Rooms 5 & 6
(Babysitting will be available in the Nursery.)
Some of the most memorable teachings of Jesus were delivered
as parables and are found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and
Luke (the Synoptic Gospels). This study focuses on the parables
unique to Matthew, and those developed by Luke. The study
explores different ways the parables can be interpreted while
allowing participants to use their own judgment. The parables offer
a glimpse into the kingdom of God and invite us to think in new and
fresh ways.
This study has 6 sessions, incorporating an introductory
session and 5 lessons, and includes interesting and informative
videos and group discussions. For additional information: contact
Mike Hession at 910-232-3676 or via email at: [email protected].
Materials cost $15.00 per participant. If you already have the
Commentary from Parables 1 the cost is $8.00. Donations to cover
this cost are greatly appreciated.
Ministry Update
“Bread for Life . . .” A Gleaning Ministry
Claudette Fiskin, M.S.W., Director
“Bread for Life . . .” was recently approved by the local branch
of the Food Bank to provide pantry services to the Robert Taylor
Senior Homes near the downtown area. Currently an additional 55
aging in place low income seniors are receiving partial pantry
services, and that data base is expected to exceed 75 in the near
As a reminder, the mission of “Bread for Life . . .” is very
simple: “ . . .feed the hungry”. (Matthew 25) By implication, often
the hungry are also the poor, so our Ministry strives to do this
work of the Church by delivering services to the often overlooked
elderly in our area.
Administrative level volunteers are needed for the vital work
BFL engages in. In addition to managerial, this Ministry is looking
for the volunteer with the “servant” heart; the desire and ability to
become a team player; and a friendly and positive demeanor
when carrying out the volunteer assignment.
Please call me at (910) 343-5276 if you are interested in
further information regarding the volunteer opportunities with
“Bread for Life . . .”.
St. Anthony of Padua . . . . . Pray for us.
St. Mark Parishioners . . . . . Pray for us.
Parish Life and Community News
What’s New?
Men’s Outreach Basketball
Men’s pick-up games — Thursdays 7:30am-9:30pm
in the School GYM. Come out for fun and fellowship
and get in shape at the same time. Watch the bulletin
for any cancellations.
Contact: Jack Ellsworth—
If you are curious about the Catholic Faith or interested in
entering the Catholic Church, now is a great time to come to an
Inquiry. Inquiry sessions are each Wednesday evening at 6:00pm
in the church library. Our RCIA classes for this year will begin
on October 29th at 7:00pm. We meet in the Cana/Conference
Room [#7]. For more information, contact Paul Townend at 910792-1931 or email Paul at: [email protected] .
Coming in November . . .
Do you struggle with trying to explain what it means to live a
moral life? Would you like to learn more about life in Christ?
Deacon Orlando Perez is pleased to present a new course for
adults entitled “Introduction to Christian Morality:
Life in
Christ.” This course will help participants to grasp the foundations
of moral principles and convictions in the Roman Catholic
tradition. Catechists are encouraged to register as this course is
part of the Basic Certification process for our Diocese. We begin
on Thursday, November 6th. Classes will be held on Thursdays
from 6:30-8:30pm, Nov 6, 13, 20 and Dec 4, 11 and 18. The fee for
this class is $20.
Space is limited, please use this link
to register on the Diocesan website:
Once on the Diocesan website select OFFICES and then
Doorways to Formation in the Faith.
Look for and select
Introduction to Christian Morality beginning November 6th and
follow the prompts to the registration page.
Questions about the class can be addressed to Deacon Orlando
by calling his office line (910) 398-6507 or emailing him at:
[email protected] .
Community Outreach
Annual Collections for Domestic Violence Victims
set for the first weekends of Nov (1/2) and Dec (6/7)
For seven years now I have been making cheerful, hand-picked,
personal gift bags for the Domestic Violence Shelter Christmas
event for the ladies, teen girls and teen boys (all ages 15 up). I
make over 100 bags each year and I am in need of your help to
have enough items to put in these many bags. Listed below are
items needed, for male and female, but are not limited to:
Perfume (Samples, small bottles or testers are fine), Cologne
Lotions, Body spray, Body soap, Hand soap, Body sponges
Shampoo and Conditioner, Hair accessories, Deodorant,
Candles, Fragrance Oil,
Diaries, Small Note Pads, Stationary, Small photo albums
Decorative writing pens, Small picture frames,
Watches, Jewelry (necklaces, earrings, bracelets, etc.)
Makeup, Lip gloss, Chap Stick, Nail Clipper sets, Nail polish
Wallet for him or her, Purses, Belts
Socks, Gloves, Scarves, Slippers
Tissue paper (any color) and Ribbon
Any help you can offer for these deserving victims would be
greatly appreciated. Contact: Sonya Leonard 910 232-0396,
[email protected]
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 19, 2014
Sister Parishes & Staff Directory
At our Sister Parish
St. Stanislaus Church
Celebrates 17th Annual Polish Festival
St. Stanislaus Church in Castle Hayne,
NC will celebrate their 17th Annual Polish
Festival on Saturday, November 1, 2014
from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM on the church
grounds in Castle Hayne. Admission is
free and there is plenty of parking on the
church property.
Festival patrons can look forward to genuine Polish foods
including kielbasa, stuffed cabbage, pierogi, potato pancakes,
Polish beer, brewed by the Front Street Brewery, and
desserts. We also offer a variety of hand crafted items and
Polish souvenirs for sale. The Chardon Polka Band from Ohio
will delight everyone with crowd favorite music that is sure to
have you toe-tapping and dancing non-stop. For the young
folks, there are always lots of games and activities. Festival
goers are invited to try their luck on the raffle, the grand prize
is $2,000 cash with a second prize of $1,000 and a third prize
of $500. There is something for everyone! St. Stanislaus
Church is located at 4849 Castle Hayne Road (Hwy 133) in
Castle Hayne. The parking lot entrance is on Marathon Ave.
For more information, please call 910 675-2336 or visit their
Next weekend, representatives from the International
Seamen’s Center will be in the Gathering Space after Masses to
share information about their Christian ministry to the over 7000
seamen who come through the Wilmington Port each year.
Please stop by to find out how this group tries to serve the
temporal and spiritual needs of these men who are so far away
from home.
On October 30th, St. Mark Parish Hall will be the site of the
ISC 2014 Homecoming Dinner from 6:30-8:30pm. There will
be a presentation by the Mayor’s Office and Cpt. Henry Helgeson,
USCG retired and Fr. Len Williams, Director of the Charleston
Port & Seafarers Society will speak.
ISC is a 501(c)3
organization. There is NO charge to attend, but space is limited
and those attending are asked to PLEASE bring an Open Heart.
RSVP is required by 10/24/14 to: [email protected]
Rev. Patrick A. Keane
[email protected]
Rev. Michael J. Burbeck
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Orlando Perez 910 398-6507
[email protected]
Sandy Ellsworth / Denise Morrison 910 398-6509
[email protected]
Church Office
Cathie Welch 910 398-6508
[email protected]
Mary Myers 910 452-2800
[email protected]
Melissa Porter 910 398-6517
PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR [email protected]
Caleb Strittmatter 910 398-6515
[email protected]
Frank DeMonte 910 398-6512
[email protected]
Alex Hill 910 398-6514
[email protected]
Paul V. Abbe 910 398-6526
[email protected]
Wilmington Catholic Radio
CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION Anne Doyle 910 398-6511
Pre-K thru Grade 5 [email protected]
Grades 6-12
Melissa Quaranto 910 398-6510
[email protected]
Sincere thanks to our advertiser of the week:
William V. Gierie, DDS, MS, PA ~ parishioner
Please support our advertisers. They make this bulletin possible.
Bulletin Deadline is Wednesday, 11 days prior to publication.
For information, contact Cathie Welch 910 398-6508.
email submissions to: [email protected]
you may Cc to: [email protected]
Parish Life/Community
Special Announcements
Spiritual Growth
For further information on this organization,
please visit their website:
p. 10
p. 7
p. 4 & 5
p. 4
p. 9
Making You More Aware
Deanery & Diocesan News
Faith Formation/School News
Liturgy & Worship
Mass & Sacraments
Parish Directory
HOURS 9:00AM-4:00PM, Mon.—Fri.
PHONE 910 392-0720 ~ FAX 910 392-6777
p. 8
p. 2
p. 6
p. 3
Ken Dieppa, Chair 832 534-3772
[email protected]
Melissa Dupuis, Chair 910 619-6609
[email protected]
James Laraia, Sr.—Grand Knight
937 609-1753
Pat Conlon 910 790-3751
[email protected]
Mary Fimbel 910 319-7911
Paul Townend 910 792-1931
[email protected]
Joseph Damitz 910 686-4279
[email protected]
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 19, 2014
Connect with the Diocese
You will find the Diocese, your
favorite ministries, parishes
and schools on our Diocesan
Facebook page! Like us here:
You are invited to follow the Diocese and Bishop
Michael F. Burbidge on twitter @RaleighDiocese and
@BishopBurbidge. Diocesan tweets include current
news items. Bishop Burbidge’s tweets include daily
reflections and reports from events he is attending. If
you are not on Twitter, you can still receive the Bishop’s
messages by simply texting
follow bishopburbidge to phone
number: 40404.
Diocese launches new video series,
"Raleigh to Rome" - a weekly Catholic
news brief of local and global Catholic
news hosted by Billy Atwell. Watch and
subscribe to the Raleigh to Rome You
Tube channel.
You are invited to take part in the national 40 Days for
Life prayer vigil. The campaign of focused prayer will
continue through November 2 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00
p.m. each day.
Contact [email protected]
for more information or to sign up for a time to pray.
Looking to the Year Ahead
World Meeting of Families and Evangelization
Visit the World Meeting of
Families website:
to see how the Family is the
“School of the Gospel”. Text
“NEW” to 84576 to
our monthly new
evangelization newsletter!
Watch daily for online registration this fall at:
to secure your space at WMOF! All families will need to
register individually through their website according to the
WMF organizers. Hotel rooms will be available to those
who register first. Weekend rates will surely climb if there
is an official announcement of the Pope’s visit.
Deanery and Diocesan News
Word of Life
“God’s infinite love for each one of us helps us to grasp our
identity and our worth. The recognition of this dignity leads us to
respect and protect each person’s life…”
2014 Respect Life Program pamphlet, Advance Medical Directives:
Planning for Your Future, USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
“El infinito amor de Dios para cada uno de nosotros nos ayuda a
comprender nuestra identidad y nuestro valor. Reconocer esta
dignidad nos lleva a respetar y proteger la vida de cada
Folleto del Programa Respetemos la Vida 2014, Directivas
anticipadas para el cuidado médico: planes para el futuro,
USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
Available Support
If you are suffering from an abortion, experience the
love of Jesus Christ at a Project Rachel weekend
retreat November 7-9. The weekend retreat, for both
women and men, will combine discussions, spiritual
exercises, and the sacrament of Reconciliation, a Memorial
Service, and a Mass of the Resurrection. Participation is strictly
confidential and offers a beautiful opportunity to experience God’s
love, forgiveness, and compassion. For more information or to
register for the retreat, contact Project Rachel at
[email protected] or call (919) 852-1021. The cost is $125
for lodging, meals and all retreat materials. If you have a financial
burden, some assistance is available. Registration deadline is
October 31, 2014.
"Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to
God what belongs to God." Have we worked to make our
marriage of God, or is it of the worldly things? Come and
learn how to bring God into your marriage. The next Worldwide
Marriage Encounter Weekends are Nov 7-9, 2014 in Atlantic
Beach, NC and Feb 6-8, 2015 in Asheville, NC . Early sign up is
highly recommended.
For more information visit our website at:
or contact us at
[email protected]
or phone us at 704-315-2144
Divorced? Remarried?
Planning to marry someone who is divorced?
Do you have questions about freedom to marry in the Catholic
Church? Did you know that the Tribunal is available to answer
these and any other questions you may have about remarriage in
the Church? Please contact Mrs. Vikki Newell (919-821-9759)
with your questions, or you may wish to visit our website http:// for further information. We
welcome the opportunity to help you.
For questions about divorce,
here at St. Mark you may contact:
Deacon Orlando Perez
910 398-6507
[email protected]
Courage, an apostolate of the Roman Catholic Church and the
Diocese of Raleigh, ministers to those with same-sex attractions
(Courage) and their loved ones (Encourage). Courage and
Encourage have been endorsed by the Pontifical Council for the
Browse the global website:
for more information and resources.
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 19, 2014
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 19, 2014