www.dcs-computing.com R&D MODEL & SOFTWARE DEV SOFTWARE & SUPPORT CONSULTANCY 2-day Short Course LIGGGHTS® LIGGGHTS® LIGGGHTS® DEM DEMEngine Engine •• •• •• •• •• Fully Highly parallel scalable, & open efficient source solver Surface Million+mesh Particles import & motion Highly Arbitrarily extendable moving and meshes customizable For Wear desktop prediction & clusters 1 Win Large & GUI variety version of contact available models www.dcs-computing.com LIGGGHTS® – Open Source DEM 2 day short course Goals of the course • a short introduction into C++ • learning the basics of numerical particle simulations with the "Discrete Element Method" (DEM) • Participants learn to use and modify the Open Source DEM package LIGGGHTS®, www.liggghts.com. • Participants learn apply this knowledge to specific problems Schedules • The course is scheduled for Feb. 02.-03., 2015 • The courses will be held at Science Park Linz, Austria, directions will be provided • Participants have to bring their own Laptops (8 GB RAM min.) • Course language is English, material is also provided in English Course Fee Category 1) A. PhD student under 30 2): B. Academic affiliates 2): C. Other: 440€ + Austrian VAT (20%) 640€ + Austrian VAT (20%) 840€ + Austrian VAT (20%) Lecturer The course will be held by Dr. Christoph Kloss (managing director of DCS Computing and main developer of the LIGGGHTS® code) as well as other experienced associates of the DCS Computing GmbH. REGISTRATION FORM Registrations should be sent at least 3 weeks before the course starts and payment should be sent at least 2 weeks before the course starts. Title ______ Surname ________________________________ First name __________________________ Organization _________________________________________________________________________ VAT Nr.:_____________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Postcode ______________________________ Tel. _______________________ Fax. _______________Email:_________________________________ COURSE FEE CATEGORY: __________________________ After registration, DCS COMPUTING GmbH will issue an invoice for the course. ACCOMMODATION – The participants are responsible for booking own accommodation. The following hotels are proposed: • Austria Trend Hotel Schillerpark (****), http://www.austria-trend.at/Hotel-Schillerpark/en/ • Hotel am Domplatz (****), http://www.hotelamdomplatz.at/de2/index.php • Austria Classic Hotel Wolfinger (***),http://www.hotelwolfinger.at/ • Harry’s Home (***), http://www.harrys-home.com/en/linz/harrys_home_linz.html I confirm that I comply with the registration / cancellation policy I understand that I will work on my own computer. Date and signature: _____________________________ Please send completed form by e-mail to [email protected] 1) After registration, DCS Computing GmbH will issue an invoice for the course. The following policy applies: The course fee has to be paid at least 2 weeks before the start of the course. Cancellation policy: If you cancel less than two weeks prior to course start, you have to pay the full fee, but you are eligible to take part in one of the next course runs with a discount of 35%. If there is less than 4 participants, DCS reserves the right to re-schedule the training. Each course is restricted to a maximum 10 participants 2) Please send confirmation along with registration form 2 www.dcs-computing.com R&D MODEL & SOFTWARE DEV SOFTWARE & SUPPORT CONSULTANCY 2-day Short Course CFDEM®coupling CFDEM®coupling CFD-DEM Engine • • • • Fully parallel & open source Resolved and unresolved models Highly extendable & customizable For desktop & clusters 3 www.dcs-computing.com CFDEM®coupling – Open Source CFD, CFD-DEM 2 day short course Goals of the course • introduction to linux and C++ in Open Source CFD to ‚get started' • Learning to modify Open Source CFD for specific purposes • introduction to the CFDEM®coupling (CFD-LIGGGHTS) • Learning to postprocess CFD results with paraview and octave Schedules • The course is scheduled for Feb. 04.-05., 2015 • The courses will be held at Science Park Linz, Austria, directions will be provided • Participants have to bring their own Laptops (8 GB RAM min.) • Course language is English, material is also provided in English Course Fee Category 1) A. PhD student under 30 2): B. Academic affiliates 2): C. Other: 440€ + Austrian VAT (20%) 640€ + Austrian VAT (20%) 840€ + Austrian VAT (20%) Lecturer The course will be held by Dr. Christoph Goniva (managing director of DCS Computing and main developer of the CFDEM®coupling code) as well as other experienced associates of the DCS Computing GmbH. REGISTRATION FORM Registrations should be sent at least 3 weeks before the course starts and payment should be sent at least 2 weeks before the course starts. Title ______ Surname ________________________________ First name __________________________ Organization _________________________________________________________________________ VAT Nr.:_____________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Postcode ______________________________ Tel. _______________________ Fax. _______________Email:_________________________________ COURSE FEE CATEGORY: __________________________ After registration, DCS COMPUTING GmbH will issue an invoice for the course. ACCOMMODATION – The participants are responsible for booking own accommodation. The following hotels are proposed: • Austria Trend Hotel Schillerpark (****), http://www.austria-trend.at/Hotel-Schillerpark/en/ • Hotel am Domplatz (****), http://www.hotelamdomplatz.at/de2/index.php • Austria Classic Hotel Wolfinger (***),http://www.hotelwolfinger.at/ • Harry’s Home (***), http://www.harrys-home.com/en/linz/harrys_home_linz.html I confirm that I comply with the registration / cancellation policy I understand that I will work on my own computer. Date and signature: _____________________________ Please send completed form by e-mail to [email protected] 1) After registration, DCS Computing GmbH will issue an invoice for the course. The following policy applies: The course fee has to be paid at least 2 weeks before the start of the course. Cancellation policy: If you cancel less than two weeks prior to course start, you have to pay the full fee, but you are eligible to take part in one of the next course runs with a discount of 35%. If there is less than 4 participants, DCS reserves the right to re-schedule the training. Each course is restricted to a maximum 10 participants 2) Please send confirmation along with registration form 4
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