25 Melba Avenue, Lilydale 3140
Telephone 9735 5644 Facsimile 9735 3552
[email protected]
Friday 17 October Issue Number 16
Welcome Back
Welcome back to students for Term 4. This is a busy term with final assessment and exams for VCE
students and Common Assessment Tasks for all others. I encourage students to reflect on the
suggestions made by teachers at the Parent/Teacher/Student 3-Way Conferencing held at the end
of last term and VCE students, in particular, to make sure that they know which work must be
submitted for assessment and how best to prepare for upcoming exams.
Leon Bishop, Principal
October Arts Festival
13 October – 24 October
The October Arts Festival opened this week and
the quality of visual artworks displayed in the
October Arts Exhibition is incredible!
We are very proud of our gifted and budding artists.
Voting closes for the exhibition today and the
winners will be announced next Thursday in a
celebratory luncheon.
Congratulations also to all the talented students
who performed throughout the week. It is fantastic
to see so many students willing get up in front of a
whole school crowd and showcase their talents.
A big thank you to everyone involved and we look
forward to the celebrations continuing next week.
Angela Louis, Head of Arts
Monday 20 October
October Arts Festival
Year 10 Science Lillydale Lake Excursion
Year 10 Home Eco Fish Market Excursion
Tuesday 21 October
October Arts Festival
Philosophy Zoo Excursion
Year 12 Last day of classes
Year 10 Home Eco Fish Market Excursion
Wednesday 22 October
October Arts Festival
8.69 Immigration Museum Excursion
Year 12 Festivities Day
Year 10 Home Eco Fish Market Excursion
Thursday 23 October
October Arts Festival
Maths Comp Awards at Latrobe University
Year 7 Immunisations
Year 9 Boys Immunisations
Year 10 Home Eco Fish Market Excursion
Friday 24 October
October Arts Festival
Year 10 Geography Toolangi Forest Fieldtrip
Year 10 Home Eco Fish Market Excursion
Monday 27 October
Instrumental Music End of Year Concert
Year 10 Home Eco Fish Market Excursion
Science Talent Search Awards at Latrobe
Tuesday 28 October
Year 10 Girls PE Lillydale Lake Excursion
1.20pm - 2.40 pm
Wednesday 29 October
VCAA Exams
VCAA English exam
Thursday 30 October
VCAA Exams
Friday 31 October
VCAA Exams
DOE Cardinia Reservoir Excursion
October 29 to November 21
Please refer to the VCAA website for Exam Timetables
Tuesday 4 November
Melbourne Cup Day
Year 12 English Examination
The Year 12 English Examination is the first VCAA written exam to be
undertaken at the end of the year. The English exam will take place on
Wednesday 29 October and contributes 50% of the students' overall
Study Score for English. Although students will be studying at home in
the lead up to the English Examination, they are encouraged to come
into school and seek assistance from their English teacher. Teachers
will be available during the time that the English class would usually
run, or alternately, you can make other arrangements to meet with your
specific English teacher.
Year 12 English Holiday Revision Classes
The Year 12 students were fortunate to have a series of intensive
revision classes over the last break for English. Over two days,
students had the opportunity to revise over the different areas of study.
A big thank-you to Laura Higgins and Sarah Redgewell who gave up
their time to run the English Holiday Classes.
Writer’s Notebook – Years 7, 8 and 9
As part of their Writing Folio, students in Years 7 to 9 are also keeping
their own Writer’s Notebook. This is a place for the students to store
ideas, photos, song lyrics, quotes and summaries of events that can be
used at a later date as inspiration for writing. We encourage you to
support your child with the use of their Writer’s Notebook outside of
school. If something of interest happens over the weekend, tell your
child to, “Put it in their Notebook.” Students may opt to use their iPad
or a traditional notebook, however, regardless of their choice, all entries
into their Writer’s Notebook need to be stored in the one location.
Friday Frenzy – Years 7, 8 and 9
Each Friday during Form Assembly, students in Years 7 to 9 engage in
Friday Frenzy. This is their opportunity to make an entry into their
Writer’s Notebook. This week’s Friday Frenzy prompt was a visual
prompt. You’ll find the weekly Friday Frenzy Prompt on the Portal. We
encourage you to discuss these prompts with your child so you can
explore the differing ideas that stem from the prompt.
Brooke Addison, Head of English
Year 11 Examination
With the Year 11 Examinations commencing on 11 November,
students should ensure that as well as undertaking their usual class
work and homework, they are also scheduling specific blocks of time to
revise. All Year 11 students were given a holiday homework and
examination preparation booklet in order to assist them with their study.
In English, Year 11 students will undertake a three hour exam, with an
additional 15 minutes for Reading Time. Students will be assessed on
all areas of study that have been undertaken this year.
Junior Mathematics
Students in Years 7 and 8 will be working on this semester’s Common
Assessment Tasks which involve students investigating a range of
problem solving tasks. The students are required to explore a variety
of techniques they could use to solve the problems and record their
techniques and discoveries in a journal. Through this process we have
had a number of students come up with some very effective and
incredibly insightful techniques that we’d like to encourage parents to
explore with their child – we’re sure you’ll be as impressed as we are.
Year 11 into 12 Orientation
Year 11 into 12 Orientation is a four day program this year and will run
from Monday 17 November to Thursday 20 November. Year 11
students have been told that their attendance each day is vital, as we
will begin the 2015 English coursework and compulsory holiday
homework will be distributed.
Next year’s text books will be different to this year text book – they will
still be Maths Quest by Jacaranda and very similar to what we are
currently using, however, the current edition is no longer available so
we have needed to change to the Victorian version of the text book
which we feel is a better text. These books will be on the 2015 Booklist
released in a few weeks’ time.
Year 10 Romeo and Juliet Incursion
All Year 10 students are currently studying William Shakespeare’s
Romeo and Juliet. As part of their study our Year 10 students were
educated, entertained and engaged by members of the Complete
Works Theatre Company through a dynamic and interactive
performance of the play on Thursday 16 October. Congratulations to
Tyler Isaacs, Emily Svarnias, Hayden Pierson and Jess Koncic who
participated in the performance. Their performances were outstanding
and were thoroughly enjoyed by all in attendance.
Middle School Mathematics
Year 9 students will sit their Mathematics examination on Thursday 4
December. Students will be permitted to take in a single A4 sheet of
notes on both sides to help them with formulas and terminology in the
examination. They will also be permitted to take in their own calculator.
Students will be assessed on the content from Semester 2.
Year 10 Examination
Parents and students are reminded that the Year 10 English
Examination will run on Thursday 27 November during Periods 1, 2 and
3. The Examination will be broken up into two parts: Romeo and Juliet
Text Response Essay and a Language Analysis Essay.
Year 9 Examination
The Year 9 English Examination will be held on Friday 28 November
and is a compulsory component of the Year 9 course. Not only should
students be completing their regular coursework, they should also be
undertaking examination revision; paying particular attention to
persuasive language devices and the texts that have been studied in
Semester 2 Writing Folio – Years 7, 8 and 9
Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 are continuing with their Writing Folio in
Semester 2. Students are encouraged to conference regularly with
their teacher to ensure they are keeping up with the demands of the
Year 10 students will also be sitting their exams the first week of
December. They will be permitted to take in two A4 sheets of notes on
both sides to help them with formulas and terminology in the
examination. Students will be expected to use their CAS calculators in
the examination to demonstrate their ability to use technology which is
a crucial aspect of the curriculum. Calculators will not be provided on
the day and it is an expectation that every student will have their own
VCE Mathematics
VCE students are now finishing their coursework and preparing for the
upcoming examinations.
Year 12 Examinations
Further Mathematics – Examination 1
(Multiple Choice – notes and calculator)
 3.00pm - 4.45pm Friday 31 October
Further Mathematics - Examination 2
(Extended Response – notes and calculator)
 9.00am – 10.45am Monday 3 November
Mathematical Methods - Examination 1
(No Notes or Calculator)
 9.00am – 10.15am Wednesday 5 November
Mathematical Methods – Examination 2
(Notes and Calculator)
 3.00pm – 5.15pm Thursday 6 November
Specialist Mathematics – Examination 1
(No Notes or Calculator)
 9.00am – 10.15am Friday 7 November
Specialist Mathematics – Examination 2
(Notes and Calculator)
 3.00pm – 5.15pm Monday 10 November
Year 12 Teachers will be available to assist students in their ‘Study
Week’ during their regular class times.
Year 11 Examinations will begin on Tuesday 11 November 11 and
continue until Friday 14 November. More details about these
examinations times will be out soon.
Mathematics Talent Quest
Over the past few months Year 8 and 9 students, under the guidance
of Laura Kaspar, have been working on projects that they could enter
into the Mathematical Association of Victoria (MAV) Mathematics
Talent Quest. The students submitted these projects at the end of July
and they were then judged by a panel of teachers and MAV personnel.
Our students did exceptionally well.
Congratulations to all students and big thank you to Laura Kaspar for
giving up her time to work with the students on their projects.
Year 8
Borden Krause
Julia Korkman
Bailey Johnson
Ashleigh Pop
High Distinction
Year 9
These students received a High Distinction and most impressively won
the title of State Champions for their category
Madeleine Smart
Kahlia Johnson
Charley Kitto
Brianna Johnson
Ellie Searle
Chloe Anderson
All the teams will be presented with their awards at Latrobe University
on October 23.
The Year 9 girls were also asked to
write an article for the MAV
VCE Music Performance Examination
Last Wednesday, the Year 12 Music Performance students underwent
their VCAA Performance Examinations at Aquinas College in
Ringwood, where they each presented a program of musical works of
no less than 20 minutes' duration. There is a tremendous amount of
preparation and a huge investment of time and effort required for a
VCE performance subject, not to mention the level of focus and
courage required to perform in front of a panel of assessors, and we
congratulate all of our Year 12 musicians on their accomplishments this
year and wish them the very best with the remainder of their studies.
VCE Drama Performance Examination
The Year 12 Drama students are performing their Solos for
assessment today, Friday 17 October in front of the VCAA at
Mooroolbark Community Centre. Students have been working
tirelessly over the past few months in preparation for this task and we
wish them the very best of luck.
Instrumental Music End of Year Concert
 Monday 27 October
 School Hall
 6:30pm
We invite all family and friends of Instrumental Music students to come
along to the End of Year Concert on Monday 27 October in the School
Hall. The concert will begin at 6:30pm with all students receiving
information about the performance night during form assembly today,
Friday 17 October.
Students are reminded to attend all rehearsals for their band/ensemble
leading up to the concert. On the day, a period will be given to each
band/ensemble to rehearse their pieces with their band/ensemble
leader. An exciting night of music ahead; we will be sad to farewell
some of our Senior VCE students. See you there!
Bands performing
Rookie Band
Stage Band
Concert Band
Funk Band
Rookie Guitar Ensemble
Hendrix Guitar Ensemble
Percussion Ensemble
Vocal Ensemble
Battle of the Bands - October Arts Festival
Congratulations to all Bands who participated in the Battle of the Bands
heats in September. This Friday, 17 October, the Middle School
Quadrangle will be rocking with five bands battling it out in the 2014
Battle of the Bands Grand Final.
Each band made it through the heats with exceptional musical skill and
performance quality. Local music studio and shop Valley Music from
Lilydale have offered a FIRST PRIZE of 4 free rehearsals in their studio
rooms. Representatives from the shop will be coming out to judge the
competition. We wish best of luck to all students competing!
September Soiree 2014
Performance night of solos, duets and small ensembles
Congratulations to all students who participated in the September
Soiree held at the Treble Clef Jazz Lounge last term. The venue was
alive with music from student solos, duos and group performances.
Special thanks to Ms Ventura who ran the night and rehearsals during
the day with students. A big thank you to all of the family and friends
who came to watch students perform their fantastic work!
In the article they commented on
the experience being very
rewarding and one that will
encourage them to be better
Mathematicians in the future.
Marcus Whitby, Head of Maths
Instrumental Music – Queensland Tour
Stage Band, Concert Band, Funk Band and selected Battle of the
Bands students will be visiting Queensland in Term 4 for the
Instrumental Music Tour! We are excitedly putting together the music
and a rehearsal schedule for all students who will be participating in the
tour. Students are advised to check the tour notices on the
Instrumental Music Notice Board in the PAC hallway.
Instrumental Music Dates Term 4
Friday 17 October (lunchtime)
 Battle of the Bands Grand Final
Monday 27 October, 6.30pm, School Hall
 Instrumental Music End of Year Concert
Angela Louis, Head of Arts
Humanities students have been actively participating in a wide array of
educational activities that are designed to improve their understanding
of the world, their critical thinking skills, and their resilience.
ASX Stock Market Game and Investment Club
Thirty students are currently involved in the Australian Stock Exchange
‘ASX Share Market Game’ and a big thank you to Ewan Humphreys
and Christina Xynos for giving up their Thursday lunchtimes to assist
me to run this activity.
It is wonderful to see students logging on to the Australian Stock
Exchange to monitor their positions, check out pricing activity via charts
and to place orders during their own time. This game is reaching its
conclusion and many students have learnt a valuable lesson. Stock
markets do not just go up! Many began by making a profit but the
turmoil to hit financial markets over the last few weeks has left many of
them with sizeable ‘paper’ losses. It is great to hear students
discussing trends and dividend payments as they decide on how to
invest their hypothetical $50,000.
Year 8 Geography students visited the Immigration Museum this week
as part of their studies on ‘Interconnectedness. Thank you to Trent
Morton and Adam Sherwin for organising this informative trip.
Year 9 Geography students will be visiting the Port of Melbourne
Authority in November as part of their studies on ‘Interconnectedness.
This will give them the opportunity to recognise the importance of trade
to our lifestyles and how trade connects us with the rest of the world.
Thank you to Catherine Edwards for organising this excursion.
Year 10 Geography students will be visiting the Toolangi State Forest
on October 24 to further their understanding of forestry resources and
sustainability. Thank you to Jamie Pointon for organising this trip.
A select group of students will be involved in a Model UN Conference
at Yarra Hills College, Mooroolbark in November.
Year 12 students will have their last day of classes on Monday 20
October and they begin the VCAA exams at the end of the month.
Please check the VCAA website for the official exam timetable.
Year 11 VCE and Year 10 students will be sitting examinations for
revision and practise purposes during the end of November and early
December. Year 11 students sitting a Unit 3 / 4 subject will be
completing their Year 12 Examination as per the VCAA timetable. We
wish all students good luck and good fortune and remind them that
good results flow from hard work.
Ipads and Laptops Year 7-10
If your child has a laptop or Ipad it is very important that it is brought to
all Humanities classes charged and with the required downloads.
Teachers make use of these for research, ebooks, information
distribution, presentations, viewing ‘Click View’ documentaries and
submission of work, to name just a few. Students without computers
will always be given the opportunity to borrow a laptop but there are not
enough to lend to students with their own computers.
SAC Redemption for Humanities VCE Students
If you are unwell and miss a VCE SAC, you will be required to bring a
medical certificate or a detailed note from your parent or guardian
explaining your absence to the VCE Co-Ordinators. Once the absence
is approved your teacher will book you in for SAC Redemption, which
will be the immediate Tuesday following your absence. SAC
Redemption runs from 3:00pm until 4:30pm and is the only way you
can sit a missed VCE SAC. It is important that a missed SAC is
completed promptly because all feedback to students has to be
delayed until everybody has sat the SAC. This actually hinders
learning outcomes because delayed feedback loses its relevance.
Toby Robertson, Head of Humanities
Eastern Region Athletics
On Friday 10 October, a team of around 25 students travelled to Knox
Athletics Track to compete in the Eastern Zone Athletics Carnival.
Against very strong competitors, the Lilydale High Team competed with
a high level of determination and had some great success, finishing 9th
out of 44 schools and taking home a total of 19 medals for the day,
including 7 Gold medals.
Medal Winners
Ryan Patterson
2 Gold Medals and 1 Silver Medal; 1500m, 800m and 400m
Lily Peacock
2 Gold Medals and 1 Silver Medal; 800m, 400m and 1500m
Molly Dixon
2 Gold Medals; 1500m and 800m
Tyler Weeks
1 Gold Medal and 1 Silver Medal; Discus and Shot Put
Lily Thompson
2 Silver Medals; 1500m and 800m
Lucas Taylor
1 Silver Medal; 1500m Walk
Jack Videion
1 Silver Medal; Long Jump
Lee Taylor
1 Silver Medal; 1500m Race Walk
Jack Nolan
1 Silver Medal; Shot Put
Kate Betts
1 Silver Medal; Triple Jump
James Laven
1 Bronze Medal; 1500m
Cael Elliot
1 Bronze Medal; Shot Put
Reptile Room Fundraising Event
Cakes and Baked Goods
Fish and Feather are holding a ‘Pet Goods Sale and Family Fun
Day’ on Saturday 25 October to help raise money for the Reptile
Lilydale High School will be running the ‘Sausage Sizzle’ and doing
‘Face Painting’ as well as running a ‘Cake Stall’ on the day.
We are therefore asking for donations of baked goods to sell on the
day. Due to food handling requirements all donated items will need to
be labelled with a list of ingredients and the date it was baked. Labels
can be provided for anyone who needs them. Please contact Narelle
Smith if you have any questions. All items need to be received at the
school before 3pm on Friday 24 October.
Thank you in advance for all your support.
Congratulations to all those that participated, and we wish the seven
students that have progressed through to the School Sports Victoria
State Track and Field Championships on Friday 17 October all the
Laura Attard, Interschool Sports Coordinator
Apprentice Auto Spray Painter
 Slammed Creations – Lilydale Car Restoration
‘Slammed’ builds classic cars and restoration; a very unique
opportunity. They have built many trophy winning show cars and also
sponsor burnout champion cars and organise the ‘Black Saturday
Remembrance Cruise’.
Reptile Room Update
Over the September holidays we finished building our first lot of cages,
with a big thanks to everyone who has helped us out financially to be
able to get this far. The zoo keepers and their families have worked
tirelessly to complete this stage of the building process. We are now
waiting for final plans to start building the extension to the room which
will hold some of our zoo style habitat enclosures and most excitingly,
our crocodile tank. There is still a lot to be done and we’d like to thank
those who have offered their assistance so far.
Once we can make a start on the extension we’ll be in touch with those
who have offered help and if anyone else is interested in helping out
with building project and / or building materials we would really
appreciate your assistance.
Please feel free to contact Marcus Whitby on 9735 5644 or
[email protected].
For more details regarding the apprenticeship contact Stacey Kinsmore
on 5962 6175 or 0421 321 203.
Year 12 students
Year 12 students wishing to apply for courses through VTAC are
reminded to visit the VTAC website ( soon to lodge
their application form.
Remember that you can change your application form after your ATAR
has been released (until 12 noon December 22). Application fees rise
from $28.00 to $93.00 if you apply after 30 September.
2014 Melbourne Open Days - (University and TAFEs)
November 20, 2014 (Thursday)
NMIT 4pm- 7pm
December 11, 2014 (Thursday)
NMIT 4pm- 7pm
Craig Harris and Tim Kogelman, Careers Practitioners
Lilydale Market Place
33-45 Hutchinson St, Lilydale
Trading Hours:
 Monday to Wednesday 9am - 5.30pm
 Thursday 9am - 7.30pm
 Friday 9am - 9pm
 Saturday 9am -5pm
 Sunday 10am -4pm
Ph: 9738 7603 Fax: 9738 7605
A Quote to Ponder:
— Benjamin Franklin, American inventor and statesman (1706-1790)
Students are expected to be punctual for the start of school (form
assembly 8.40am) and each lesson. A student who is late for school
must sign the late book in the Junior, Middle or Senior School Office
and provide a satisfactory written note of explanation.
Finally, please don’t hesitate to call us or your child’s form teacher, with
any questions or queries in relation to our program this term.
A lunchtime detention will be given if such a note is not provided.
If it is necessary to leave before the end of a school day, a signed note
written by a parent or guardian must be given to the Junior, Middle or
Senior Office Assistants before the start of school and a pass will be
Prompt payment will ensure your child’s place on the camp, as places
are limited to 220 students. Once the places have been filled, students
will go on the waiting list.
Term 4
We welcome everyone back and hope that you and your family had a
safe and enjoyable vacation. This term brings with it a number events
and activities for our Year 7 students:
October 14 to 24
October 23
November 4
December 12
December 15
December 18
Principal’s Awards
The Lilydale High School Principal Awards are in recognition of
students who are excelling in their classroom practices. They is
awarded to students who have been conscientious and engaged in the
classroom and who have been a great example to their peers. These
recipients of the Principal's Awards were awarded their certificates at
the end of last Term:
Jacklyn Jury
Teale Clinton
Kieran McKernan
Callum Doyle
Darcey White
Connor Mosdall
Bailey Luscombe
Mitchel Luakart
Curtis Jeffrey
Year 9 Camp 2015
Middle School is offering the 2015 Year 9 students the opportunity to
go to Queensland for a six-day camp from Sunday 3 May to Friday 8
The cost of the camp is $670.00 (subject to change, depending on
student interest).
Important Dates
October Arts Festival
Year 7 Immunisations
Melbourne Cup Day
Year 7 Luna Park
End of Year Program Starts
Year 7 Awards Assembly
Hilda Knight, Katie Wilson, John Box & Daniel Toma
Year 7 Coordinators
Bailey White
Keely Fox
George Harries
Ella Van der Brink
Cailtlin O'Halloran
Lachlan Hubben
Mimi Song
Callum French
Merinda Reid
Student Success
Many of our Year 7 students achieve extraordinary things outside the
school environment and we are always happy to mention this as it
helps celebrate their amazing success. If you know of any
achievements that the Year 7 Coordinators could mention at an
assembly or in our section of the newsletter, we would greatly
appreciate it if you would let us know.
One of our Year 7 students, Brydon Griffiths, has run over 140km so
far in his efforts to raise money for the Reptile Room. He has also
raised more than $4,500 which is an amazing effort. Last weekend he
ran 10km in the Melbourne Marathon and aims to run a further 50km
over the next few weeks. He is to be encouraged and praised for this
incredible effort!
Payment for Camp
2nd Payment
3rd Payment
Friday 21 November, 2014
Friday 6 February, 2015
Friday 20 March, 2015
All Year 8 students received a copy of the Year 9 Camp notice in Form
Assembly today, Friday 17 October. A copy of the notice is available on
the school website under Camps.
If there are any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact
the Year 9 Coordinators.
Year 8 Coordinators
Thursday 23 October
Year 9 Boys Immunisations – Period 3
Tuesday 4 November
Melbourne Cup Day
Thursday 27 November
Year 10 English Exam
(normal classes following the exam)
Friday 28 November
Last day Year 10 classes
Year 9 English Exam
(normal classes following the exam)
Monday 1 December to Wednesday 3 December
Year 10 Exams
Thursday 4 December
Year 9 Maths Exam
(normal classes following the exam)
Students NOT returning for 2015
Year 9 and 10 students not returning to Lilydale High School next
year are reminded to return the school notice distributed to all students
in Form Assembly on Monday 13 October, by next Monday at the
latest. A copy of the notice is available from the Middle School Office.
Middle School Coordinators
Tuesday 21 October
Wednesday 22 October
Friday 7 November
Wednesday 29 October – Friday 21
Tuesday 11 – Friday 14 November
Monday 17- Thursday 20 November
Friday 21 November
Last day Year 12 classes
Year 12 Festivities Day
Last day Year 11 classes
VCAA Exams
Year 11 Unit 2 Exams
Year 11 into 12 Orientation
Year 11 Award Ceremony
Periods 1 - 2
VCE Exams
Students completing Units 1/2 will sit internal exams. Students
completing Units 3/4 (including Year 11 students) will sit external VCAA
External VCAA exams can’t be rescheduled. End of Year VCAA
exams run from October 29 to November 21. Please refer to the VCAA
website for exam timetables (
Year 11 into Year 12 Orientation
Year 11 students going into Year 12 in 2015 will be involved in a ‘Head
Start’ program from Monday 17 November- Thursday 20 November.
During this week they will begin their Year 12 course, meet their Year
12 teachers and receive holiday homework from their teachers to
ensure they are adequately prepared to begin their final year of VCE in
2015. Attendance is compulsory.
Lilydale High School
Takes great pleasure in inviting
Year 12 students of the school and their guests
To the
Tuesday 9th December 2014
“The Peninsula”
Shed 14, Central Pier, 161 Harbour Esplanade,
7.00 pm until 12.00 am
Dress: Formal or Lounge
Meal and Presentations
Cost is $95.00 per person
Please purchase tickets online from the school website by
Tuesday 21st October 2014
We would love to see all students and families there on the evening,
celebrating not only all the achievements and hard work of the Year 12
students, but their years together at Lilydale High School.