ST MARY’S SCHOOL NEWSLETTER ISSUE 6 THURSDAY 15 MAY 2014 In Christ we Learn and Grow Ke Hehu Te Kaiwhakatipu Something to SINGH about…. Congratulations!! We were really excited to learn of the engagement of Jaclyn Smith and Stuart Daun in the Easter Holidays. As a School community we wish Jaclyn and Stuart everything of the best and we have started hearing Wedding Bells in the not too distant future. Teacher Only Day Yet another reminder that we have a teacher only Day on Friday 13 June. No staff will be at school. Also note that staff will be starting their Professional development at 3.30pm on 12 June so we politely ask that all children be picked up by 3.15pm on Thursday 12 June. Uniform Please note that Tee shirts should not be visible under the school polo. If children are cold then a School Polar Fleece/ Jersey must be worn. Please also check earrings, hair ties, socks, shoes etc. The BOT have amended our Uniform Policy and a copy will be sent out next month. Uniforms are now available at Academy Apparel -306 Broadway Avenue. Car Park “Rules” Please try and adhere to these simple requests. - Please do not block the driveway by parking in non-designated areas. - Help us by using the pedestrian crossing. This may be trivial for you but it sets a bad example and other children may follow. - Be patient – and most of you are. Staff try their best to get children ready as soon as they see your car. You have to ensure that you are ready to pick them up. By getting out and opening doors and sorting out booster seats you do hold up traffic behind you. We suggest that you find a park and walk your child to your car and then adjust seats etc. - While I cannot tell parents not to talk on mobile phones while driving in the car park I do worry about the safety of our children if distraction causes an accident. Consultation meetings Shortly I will be sending out information on consultation meetings. These will take place on a school evening and to help facilitate these we will invite the different communities/ethnicities on different dates. School Absentee Number – 0210 279 5744 School Bank Account Number 01 0755 0215050 00 Maths / Numeracy Evening - 20 May 6-7 pm We have had just 25 families (7%) indicating that they would be attending our Maths information evening. We intend to help parents understand how maths is taught and more importantly how you can help them at home. We would love to have at least 50 attend. However staff will do their best if only a few arrive. If you do change your mind and want to attend be sure to let your child’s class teacher know. PTA We have a new PTA in place after the AGM on Monday. Terry Gibbons is the new Chairperson and Fi Moffatt is the Secretary/ Treasurer. We have one major fundraiser this term and it is a Car Boot sale. If you would like to help in some way please contact the school office and we will be sure to forward your name to the PTA. We again acknowledge the outgoing PTA for their effort and thank them for a job very well done. New Parents This term we will be inviting new parents (parents who joined us this year) to morning tea to welcome them and introduce them to staff as well as BOT members. Vicky will send out invitations and you are asked to reply to help with catering. ACHIEVING OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL Lachlan Smith and Madison Abraham (pictured above) both entered their first Tae-Kwon-Do tournament in Levin on the weekend, competing in the sparring section. They fought several different opponents scoring points for kicks and punches landed and were awesome competitors, with Lachlan winning the gold medal for the boys section and Madison winning the silver in the girls. CLASS ASSEMBLIES/LITURGIES/MASS Friday 16 May Friday 16 May Friday 23 May Friday 23 May Liturgy Class Mass Assembly Class Mass Room 5 Rooms 3 & 5 Room 4 Rooms 1,4 & 7 Trivia challenge Last month’s trivia answer was Basketball. Test your knowledge on our next quiz: How many times did John McEnroe win the US Open Singles title? • Never • Twice • Four Times • Seven Times “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” We wish to acknowledge and wish the following students who celebrated their birthdays over the past few weeks a very Happy birthday. Travis Kilile, Keegan Renshaw, Jake Warrington, Kurt Kibir, Jacob Wealleans, Jamie Croucher, Tyler Irwin, Karl Laylo, Rose Shijan and Isaiah Nelmes. COMMUNITY NOTICES St Vinnies - Sometimes what we have loved our children and grandchildren don’t, or maybe it’s that ornament your favourite Aunty gave yu that doesn’t fit the décor anymore. Why not donate to St VINNIES for the June Collectable Sale………..Aunty will never know! 52 Rangitikei Street opposite Countdown. Above are some pics of Chris Fortune from “Kids Can Cookl”. Chris demonstrated how to cook apple and spinach crepes with the children where he received mixed reactions. NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK 2014 TERM DATES Term 2 3 4 Start Date Monday 5 May Monday 21 July Monday13 October End Date Friday 4 July Friday 26 September Thursday 18 December FORTHCOMING DATES TO REMEMBER Thursday 22 May Tuesday 27 May Tuesday 27 May Monday 2 June Friday 6 June Monday 9 June Tuesday 10 June Wednesday 11 June Friday 13 June Friday 4 July Friday 4 July BOT Meeting 7.00pm Scripture Reading Competition School Cross Country Queens Birthday – School Closed Inter-School Cross Country World of Maths St Joseph’s Sports Day Support Staff Day TEACHER ONLY DAY “Red Socks Day” Last day of Term 2 Please make very welcome to St Mary’s School Jacob (not pictured) and Grace Dakin and Isabella Langreo. To be wise is to acknowledge that our judgement can be flawed, that we do not always know the necessary facts, facts, that we are not always right. - Pam Brown Vicky Hayward (Editor) Suneal Singh (Principal)
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