LEVENSHULME METHODIST CHURCH Woodfold Avenue, Levenshulme, Manchester M19 3AP Web Site: www.levenshulme-methodist.org Minister: Deacon Al Henry Tel: 0161 224 0410 or 07951 894739 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 19th October 2014 We welcome all our visitors to worship today. If this is your first time please make yourself known to one of our Stewards who are wearing Steward badges. If you do not have a home church, why not make Levenshulme Methodist Church your own? Please pick up a visitor welcome leaflet near the entrance. We serve tea and coffee after the service and invite you to stay and meet other members of the congregation. Bibles, for use during the service, can be found in the swivel stand as you enter the Church. Please feel free to take one as you enter and return it after the service. Thank you. The use of mobile phones disturbs members of the congregation and interferes with the amplification system. If you have a mobile phone please SWITCH IT OFF and keep it switched off during the whole of the service. Thank you. Sunday 19th October 10:45 am Preacher Church Stewards Junior Steward Clavinova Welcome Stewards Reader Reading(s) Cashier Refreshments Gospel Church Steward(s) 1:00 pm Tuesday 21st October 7:00 pm Wednesday 22nd October 10:30 am Wednesday 22nd October 7:30 pm Thursday 23rd October 7:00 pm Morning Worship – Church Anniversary Service and dedication of Stewards and Pastoral Leaders. Deacon Al Henry Joana Amponsah & Susan Kinsey Afia Amponsah Sue Dunn David Thompson & Linda Williams Cheryl Graham Ps 84 v 1-6 (H & P 860) & 1 Corinthians 3 v 10-11 & 16-23 David Thompson Carmen Ward & Gloria Griffiths-Robinson Fiona & David Fulton Preparation for the Messy Church Light Party which will be an all-age activity during half term on Wednesday 29th October from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm. All are invited to the preparation and the event. Please come with ideas of crafts, games, songs and activities on the theme Light. Drop-in café until 12:00 noon - informal time to meet the community. All are welcome. Safeguarding Training for pastoral leaders, stewards, key holders, preachers and those who deal with children or vulnerable adults. If you have not yet done the training, please register with Julie Portland, our Safeguarding Officer, or Deacon Al Henry, our Minister. Discussion on our church “Moving to the Future” with the Rev Rod Hill, District Resourcing for Mission Officer. Members of the congregation are invited. BRITISH SUMMER TIME ENDS PLEASE REMEMBER TO PUT YOUR CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR NEXT SATURDAY The Traidcraft Autumn catalogue is now available from Janet Hignett PRAYER LIST Please remember, in your prayers, the following members and friends of the Church who need our special thoughts and prayers: Brian, Perlita, Ruby, Swanston, Davood. If you know of someone you wish to add to the weekly prayer list, please see one of the Church Stewards prior to the start of the service. Sunday 26th October 10:45 am Preacher Church Stewards Junior Steward Clavinova Welcome Stewards Reader Reading(s) Cashier Refreshments Gospel Church Steward(s) 1:00 pm Wednesday 29th October 10:00 am 2:30 pm 7:00 pm th Thursday 30 October 7:00 pm Morning Worship Ms Julie Portland Val Turner & Timmy Ariyo Maren Fulton Afia Amponsah Beresford Aymer & Geoff Darwent Linda Williams Janet Hignett Fulton Family Susan & John Kinsey Messy Church until 12:30 pm Levy Tea at the Library Leadership Team Meeting Bible Study & Prayer until 8:30 pm. All are welcome. Please note that this is the last Bible Study meeting until the Spring. 150th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS In May next year we celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the building and opening of this Church. Plans for the occasion are in hand. You can help. Recipes and Reflections. Cheryl Graham has offered to compile a booklet of favourite recipes and reflections to be published next year to commemorate the 150th Anniversary. Cheryl writes: I intend to collect as many short reflections of Levenshulme Methodist Church over the years, and favourite recipes from congregation members, and put them together in a book for sale to raise funds for our anniversary year. Please keep your recipes simple and your reflections and memories short and concise, so I can use as many of them as possible in the one book. Please hand your contributions to me or a Church Steward, as soon as possible. Logo Your ideas for an anniversary logo will be appreciated. The design criteria are that the logo must be Christian in nature, must recognise 150 years, must be associated with Levenshulme Methodist Church and must be simple. Please hand your design ideas on A4 paper to one of the Church Stewards by the end of November. Photographs Jim Jackson needs photographs of Levenshulme life and the life of the church for a slide show and display. If you have any suitable old photographs please see Jim.
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