“For the Record” Integration of the Canadian Ski Coaches Federation

Integration of the Canadian Ski Coaches Federation
within Alpine Canada Alpin
“For the Record”
October 21, 2014
Lorraine Lafrenière
CEO – Coaching Association of Canada
National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP)
“The integration of CSCF and ACA is an exemplary move by two organizations joining forces to
improve alpine coaching development in Canada. The resources and expertise that both
organizations have, combined, will continue to position NCCP alpine coach development as
leading edge in Canada.”
« La fusion de la FESC et d’ACA est une initiative exemplaire de deux organismes qui unissent
leurs forces afin d’améliorer la formation des entraîneurs de ski alpin au Canada. Les ressources
et l’expertise combinées de ces deux organismes continueront de positionner le PNCE en ski
alpin comme chef de file au Canada. »
Rob Boyd
Head FIS Coach – Whistler Mountain Ski Club, BC
“For decades the CSCF has been a great leader of coach development, reflecting, refining and
improving methods for coaching Canadian racers. The integration of CSCF with ACA will mark a
renewed level of professionalism, tapping further into the latest and best coaching techniques
of the World Cup, and will no doubt redefine the pathways for getting there.
I look forward to this exiting partnership and what the next decade of insights and inspiration
will bring to our coaching world.”
Willie Raine
Athletic Director – Alpine Canada Alpin - Ski Cross
Former coach for U14, U16, FIS and Olympic level athletes
“I am writing to express my excitement with regards to the full integration of the CSCF into ACA. I have
coached at all levels in Canada from K1 athletes to Olympics athletes, represented Canada as an alpine
skiing athlete at the Olympics and was recently hired as the Athletic Director of Ski Cross at Alpine
Canada Alpin. I see tremendous opportunity in the integration of the CSCF into ACA as it will further
enable our sports educators and experts to share our collective resources and expertise in alpine skiing,
para alpine and ski cross. Having been involved in alpine skiing my entire life, I like all of you, share a
passion for skiing and believe in the values and lessons taught by our great sport. I look forward to the
opportunity to help increase the professionalism of my staff on the Canadian Ski Cross Team and the
CSCF membership through this integration of the CSCF into ACA. I have been a proud member of the
CSCF since 1994.”
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«Je vous écris afin de vous exprimer mon enthousiasme concernant la pleine intégration des
activités de la FESC à ACA. J'ai travaillé comme entraîneur au Canada avec des athlètes de
niveau K1 jusqu'au niveau olympique. J'ai aussi représenté le Canada comme athlète en ski alpin
aux Jeux olympiques, et j'ai récemment été embauché comme directeur des affaires sportives de
ski cross au sein d'Alpine Canada Alpin. Je vois cette intégration de la FESC à ACA comme une
occasion exceptionnelle puisqu'elle permettra à nos éducateurs sportifs et nos experts de
partager davantage leur expertise et leurs ressources collectives en ski alpin, para-alpin et ski
cross. Le ski alpin fait partie de ma vie entière et je partage, comme vous tous, une passion pour
le ski alpin, et je crois aux valeurs et aux leçons apprises de notre merveilleux sport. J'ai bien
hâte de contribuer à l'amélioration du professionnalisme de mon personnel et des membres de
la FESC grâce à l'intégration de la FESC à ACA. Je suis fier d'être membre de la FESC depuis
Frank Bernier
Director, Sport Services – Camp Fortune Resort, QC
“I believe that the integration of CSCF and ACA is a positive opportunity for Alpine skiing. That
said, I encourage ACA to reach across the Alpine landscape to better connect with the roots of
our sport. Ski racing is dependent on the base of the pyramid. I would be happy to see an
initiative that would gather all stakeholders with a common purpose. At present the ski world
looks like a campground with many tents and perceived responsibilities, it would be great to see
an inclusive atmosphere that would assemble all with one common goal, grow the sport. The
bigger the base, the higher the peak can rise.”
Dave Hay
Former CSIA Demo Team member and Masters Racer, Mt Washington, BC
"...I am surprised that this hasn't happened ages ago."
Michel Paquette
Directeur, académie de ski - École secondaire du Mont-Sainte-Anne, QC
Director, Ski Academy - École secondaire du Mont-Sainte-Anne, QC
« La FESC m'a beaucoup aidé à comprendre le ski alpin et les paramètres qui affectent sa
performance. La FESC m'a aussi fait comprendre des concepts que le milieu d'éducation
québécois utilise maintenant. La FESC est en avance sur le ministère de l'Éducation du Québec à
plusieurs points de vue. Je souhaite qu'ACA protège ce point fort de la FESC. Les deux
organisations ont toujours travaillé pour le même objectif. Maintenant, elles vont travailler
ensemble. Le côté éducatif de la FESC va sûrement aider ACA et elle-même va donner la
possibilité à la FESC d'être plus près de l'Équipe nationale. Tous les candidats aux stages auront
le sentiment d'être plus près de l'Équipe nationale. La motivation des entraîneurs régionaux sera
plus grande. »
"The CSCF has done an excellent job of helping me understand alpine skiing and the parameters
that affect performance. The CSCF has also made me understand concepts that are now used in
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the education system in Quebec. The organization is ahead of Quebec’s Ministry of Education in
several areas, and I hope ACA will protect this key strength of the CSCF. The two organizations
have always worked towards the same goal, and now they will work together. The educational
orientation of the CSCF will surely help ACA, and ACA will give the CSCF an opportunity to be
closer to the National Ski Team. All course candidates will also feel closer to the National Ski
Team, and the regional coaches’ motivation will increase.
Steve Argue
U 18 Coach – Devil’s Glen Country Club, ON
“I have been fortunate to observe and participate with the growth and progression of the CSCF from the
beginning. The organization as it stands now is very strong, through the efforts of past leaders,
members, board members and our association with other sports groups. The inclusion of the NCCP, skill
development and core coaching competency programs have made us stronger. We did not arrive at this
point without having long range goals, taking risks or facing tough challenges. Ski racing and coaching
programs from the grass roots level to World Cup level have become more sophisticated. In order to rise
to this challenge, do we maintain the status-quo or do we look down the road to offer better coaching
programs and enhance our athlete performance on the world stage?
The proposal to integrate the CSCF within Alpine Canada is an exciting opportunity to become a stronger,
unified national ski racing organization. We should all be proud of the accomplishments of the CSCF and
look forward to a new chapter in coaching excellence at every level with Alpine Canada.”
Jim Davis
U14 Coach Team Panorama, BC
"The integration of CSCF within ACA is an exciting opportunity which I believe will ultimately
lead to better coach education, and by extension, better athlete development at all levels".
Matt Distefano
CSCF Course Facilitator and Presenter, ON
"There's so much potential good that can come from the integration of the CSCF and ACA - a
chance for both organizations to learn from each other and bring respective strengths that help
everyone from the club coach to national team athlete. My hope is that one of the synergies will
be greater opportunities for well-educated domestic coaches to work at the national team level.
Ralph Ferguson
Head Coach - Caledon Ski Club, ON
“As a long-term member of both the CSIA and CSCF, I am eagerly looking forward to the
possible integration of the CSCF and ACA. I have been able to become a better ski
coach/instructor as a member of both organizations through mentorships, certification levels
and professional development. Being a member of both organizations has given me insights into
ski development and education that neither one alone can possibly offer. The CSIA and CSCF are
both strong national organizations that offer the best in ski education and coaching techniques
that help develop and promote excellence in skiing and ski racing across Canada.”
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Rick Cook
Head Coach – Devil’s Glen Country Club, ON
“Having been involved as a facilitator with the CSCF for over a decade, I have been fortunate to
be a small part of the development of the coach education system as it stands today. I have
witnessed many changes over the years to the CSCF as an organization, from leadership
changes, to system upgrades and technologies, a complete overhaul and integration of
competency-based training and ongoing educational training and many more exciting
evolutions through the years. There has been discussion about integration with ACA for some
time. Although there has always been a connection to ACA, coaches and athletes of the
National Team, the concept of a complete integration with ACA as our national governing body
has always been a vision that I have supported, and promoted.
The evolution and changes I have witnessed through the years and recent news of the
integration of the CSCF/ACA impacts me as a coach in many ways…
We have always been unified in spirit and passion, we have always kept the ultimate goals of
developing the best coaches and athletes in the world, and we have all wanted to be a part of
something bigger to feel a part of the national team of coaches…. We have always wanted to
have that patch on our jacket, or the logo on our hat, dawn that uniform with sponsorship
badges that says we are a part of a ski nation and have that ultimate connection to our ski
heroes on the Canadian National Ski Team… we want to belong to the ultimate goal of any
coach or athlete alike…. As a coach I would be more than proud to be a member of Alpine
Canada Alpin and become a truly unified nation of coaches, being a part of something bigger. I
look forward to the next decade of evolution in coaching.”
Rob Crossan
Manager Race Programs – Blue Mountain Resort, ON
“It is always exciting when quality organizations join forces to create new opportunities for all
the stakeholders. The SnowStars program and AIM 2 WIN long term skier development
guidelines are proof that the relationship is strong. I know when I raced for Canada, having
Canadian coaches and staff was the catalyst for a great team!”
Ken Ellis
Head Coach – Mansfield Ski Club, ON
“I see Integration as an opportunity for ACA and our National Teams to benefit from the vast
array of talent, experience and commitment that the CSCF membership collectively possess – it
is about what can move up rather than what can get pushed down.”
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Glenn Wurtele
Former BC Team Head Coach and Men’s Head Coach Canadian Alpine Ski Team
“I strongly support the initiative to integrate the CSCF with ACA and I hope this will allow both
organizations to work together and grow stronger in unison.”
Mark Sharp
Program Director – Team Panorama, Invermere, BC
“Canada has to ask itself, do we want to be a power nation in this sport in the future? We have
the kids, the hills, the expertise and passion but we never seem to have ONE system plan.
For several reasons we struggle to develop a large pool of potential athletes to the highest
levels. We also struggle to develop Canadian coaches to the highest levels. Nothing will change
unless we have a serious, integrated, long term strategy that starts right now!
The CSCF/ACA merger has real potential to bring these two critical areas together. With the
right brain trust collaborating for every level, this gives us hope for a new future in this sport.”
Brianne Law
Athletic Director – Alpine Canada Alpin - Para-Alpine
“CSCF-ACA integration is exciting for everyone, including Para-Alpine. One of the biggest assets
for all three of our national teams are our coaches, and continuing to increase alignment in
coaching education in this country is critical to the future of our sports."
Max Gartner
High Performance Coach – Gold Mettle, AB
"I am delighted to see that the project we started at ACA is coming to completion. I am a very
strong believer that great coaching is essential for a successful program. It makes perfect sense
to align coaching education for ski coaches with its National Governing Body. This will
guarantee a common philosophy from the grassroots to the World Cup level. It will open the
doors for aspiring Canadian coaches to get exposure to developments at the elite level and will
result in more Canadian coaches working for our National Teams."
Graeme Buckrell
Head Coach Osler Bluff Ski Club, ON
“It is so important for our country to work at one unit. This merger will allow clear and direct
leadership from the top and this can only benefit all the ski clubs in Canada. I certainly applaud
those who have put in all the hard work that will benefit many.”
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Paul Kristofic
Vice-President Sports, Alpine Canada Alpin
“The foundation for Canada's future ski sport success is rooted in the quality of athlete skill development
and proficiency we can achieve as a country. Canadian coaches are charged with this mandate and are
our biggest asset to achieving this. Quality coaching education is critical to delivering the very best to our
Canadian athletes as they shape the future international successes in our sport. The alignment and
integration of the CSCF and ACA is a logical and positive step towards reaching our athletic goals to be
internationally competitive at every level of competition with well trained, technically proficient
Benjamin Thomsen
Canadian Cowboy – Men’s World Cup Downhiller
“I understand that CSCF is joining ACA, very exciting! I was in the gondola the other day and was
thinking about my coaching growing up. The advantages I had over others as a result of both
my parents being top level coaches was powerful. I was very tied in with what coaches and
athletes were working on or training at a World Cup level. Connecting coach and athlete
development is certain to inspire and support a new generation of racing excellence.”
Grant Rutherglen
Former Red Mountain Racers U10 Coach, BC – CSCF Hall of Fame
“I agree with and I am in total support of the CSCF integration with ACA. We worked together
when we first started and it makes sense to work together again. … all the partners need to step
up their genuine support for the CSCF and its successful history if we are going to move forward
successfully. The first few years there is a need for CSCF staff to be present as a key part in this
Tomaz Senk
Head Coach – Georgian Peaks Ski Club, ON
“It’s about time, not sure why this has taken so long.”