606 Cedarwood Drive Friendswood, TX 77546-4551

606 Cedarwood Drive
Friendswood, TX 77546-4551
281-482-1391 281-482-4886 (fax)
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
October 19 , 2014
5:30 PM Vigil Mass
7:30 AM, 9:30 AM,
11:30 AM &
5:30 PM (Life Teen)
First Saturdays
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday & Friday
6:30 PM
4:00—5:00 PM Saturday
Morning Prayer
8:10 AM
Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday & Friday
Daily Rosary
after 8:30 AM Mass
Monday, Tuesday
Thursday & Friday
(except First Friday)
1st Friday Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
9:00 AM—5:45 PM
Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
4:30 PM Tuesday —
5:45 PM Wednesday
The Priests who serve Mary Queen Catholic Church are
Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette.
Pastor: Fr. James H. Kuczynski, M.S.
Parochial Vicar: Fr. Benny Thadathilkunnel, M.S.
Deacons: Darrell Moulton, 281-482-0939
Paul Robison, 713-416-1585
Priest in Residence: Fr. Maurice “Moe” Linehan, M.S.
Fr. Lamartine Eliscar, M.S.
Pastoral Administration
Office Administrator
Administrative Assistant
Bookkeeper I
Bookkeeper II & Capital Campaign Admin.
Carla Martin, ext. 311
Rhonda Hansen, ext. 315
Susan Silva, ext. 313
George Rodgers, ext. 313
Anita Shorosky, ext. 310
Coordinator of Ministries & Functions
Rose Mary Baez, ext. 219
Pastoral Formation
Director, Adult Faith Formation
RCIA Coordinator
Director, Elementary Faith Formation
Administrator, Faith Formation
Director, Youth Ministry &
Senior High Faith Formation
Director, Junior High Faith Formation
& Confirmation
Administrative Assistant, Youth Ministry
Music Ministry
Director, Parish Music Ministry
Director, Life Teen Music Ministry
Adam G. Martinez, EdD, ext. 319
Amy Schauss, ext. 334
Cindy Newman, ext. 333
Alice Malek, ext. 328
New to the Parish?
Have you been here
awhile but haven’t
If you are new to Mary Queen parish or visiting, please
stop by with any questions regarding our parish. We
would love to meet you!! If you have been attending Mary
Queen Church and consider this your parish, please
register with the Parish Office so we can keep an
accurate census.
Registration forms can be found in the:
Parish Office
Welcome Desk (in Church narthex)
Church’s website
Come Worship With Us!
Our Parish community worships together at Sunday
Mass, daily Masses, Holy Hour and Morning Prayer.
Manny Bourque, ext. 317
Renee Bourque, ext. 329
Kyle Turner, ext. 318
Russell Bolduc, ext. 227
Food Pantry/Social Concerns
Coordinator, Food Pantry/
Social Services Ministry
Chris Austgen, 281-482-1950
Facilities Management
Facilities Manager
Maintenance Coordinator
Chuck Turner, 832-618-4647
Charles Ganter, ext. 310
Join us for Morning Prayer each weekday
(except Wednesday) at 8:10 AM.
We pray the rosary after the 8:30 AM daily Masses
(except Wednesday & First Fridays).
Support Staff
Sacramental Life
Sacrament of Baptism:
Congratulations for Choosing Life!
Parents should contact the Parish Office to register and for
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Peace Be With You! Saturday
New Bulletin Submission Time & E-Mail Address
4:00—5:00 PM or by appointment.
Sacrament of Matrimony: The Lord Bless You! Contact one
of the priests at least seven months in advance for preparation.
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: The Healing Love of
Christ Surround You! If you know someone who is sick or in the
hospital, contact the Parish Office so we can visit and include
them in our prayers.
Christian Initiation of Adults: Journey With Us In
Faith! For inquiry into the Catholic Faith, contact the Parish
All Bulletin announcements must be submitted on
[email protected]. During the Easter &
Christmas seasons, the bulletin is due to Messner
Publication at least a week and a half ahead of the
Sunday bulletin date. Please keep this in mind if you have
an announcement to submit.
Ministry / Organization events for the calendar must be
submitted to [email protected].
Mass Intentions
This Week in the Parish
Sunday, October 19, 2014
9:30 & 11:30 AM Masses: Children's Liturgy of the Word (St. Cecilia Room)
After 11:30 AM Mass: Baptisms (Church)
After all Masses: Mary Queen Ministry Fair (Church Plaza)
7:00 AM Parish Blood Drive (La Salette Hall)
9:00 AM Adult Bible Study (Room 119)
9:30 & 11:30 AM CCE Classes (Parish Center)
9:30 AM RCIA - Children & Teen Session (Parish Center)
1:00 PM Bible Study - W.O.R.D. (Retreat House)
6:45 PM Life Teen Night (Parish Center)
Monday, October 20, 2014
7:30 AM Stretching for Strength Class (Mini Hall)
6:00 PM Special Friends (Mini Hall)
6:30 PM Baptism Interviews (Pastoral Office Conference Room)
6:30 PM Tiger Den (Room 116) & Bear Den (Room 118)
6:30 PM Divorce Care Forum Meetings (Retreat House)
6:30 PM Ministry of Care Meeting (Room 110 / Library)
6:30 PM Webelos I (Room 119) & Webelos II (Room 114/115)
6:30 PM Wolf Den (Room 117)
6:30 PM Women's ACTS Faith Sharing Group (Bride's Room)
7:00 PM Boy Scout Troop #452 Meeting (La Salette Hall)
7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal (St Cecilia Room)
7:00 PM Edge Core Team Meeting (Room 110/Library)
7:00 PM La Salette Prayer Group (La Salette Hall - St Anne Family Room)
7:00 PM RCIA Inquiry Session (Main Hall)
7:30 PM Life Teen Core Team Meeting (Youth Room)
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
4:00 & 7:00 PM CCE Classes (Parish Center)
4:30 PM Exposition for 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration (St. Joseph Chapel)
7:00 PM Men's Council Prayer Group (La Salette Hall - St Anne Family Room)
7:15 PM Witnessing the Faith (Room 114/115)
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
9:00 AM Meditation Prayer Group (Bride's Room)
9:15 AM Women's ACTS Faith Sharing Group (Room 120)
9:30 AM Queen's Bee Quilters (Mini Hall)
9:30 AM Special Friends Reading Class (Room 118)
4:00 & 5:30 PM CCE Classes (Parish Center)
5:45 PM Benediction concludes Eucharistic Adoration (St Joseph Chapel)
6:45 PM Edge Night (Parish Center)
7:00 PM Stewardship Council Committee Meetings (Retreat House)
7:00 PM Women's ACTS Faith Sharing Group (Bride's Room)
7:30 PM Life Teen Music Practice (St Cecilia Room)
Thursday, October 23, 2014
9:30 AM Special Friends Reading Class (Room 118)
12:30 PM Rosary for Our Nation (La Salette Hall - Divine Mercy Chapel)
6:30 PM ACTS Women's Faith Sharing (Bride's Room)
6:45 PM First Reconciliation Parent/Child Meeting #2 (Parish Center)
7:00 PM Bay Area Serra Club Meeting (Mini Hall)
7:00 PM Mary Queen Eucharistic Minister Training (Church)
Friday, October 24, 2014
7:30 AM Stretching for Strength Class (Mini Hall)
5:30 PM Wedding Rehearsal - Rodgers and Arnold (Church)
6:30 PM Scout Pack Meeting (Main Hall)
Saturday, October 25, 2014
After 5:30 PM Mass - Bay Area Serra Club taking orders for Christmas wreaths
7:30 AM Men's ACTS Faith Sharing group (Room 110/Library)
7:30 AM Men's Ministry Prayer Group (Retreat House)
9:00 AM Wedding Preparation - Rodgers & Arnold (Bride's Room)
9:30 AM FTCM Semester II (Main Hall)
2:00 PM Wedding - Rodgers and Arnold (Church)
4:00 PM Reconciliation (Church)
Saturday, October 18
5:30 PM John Ridout—Birthday Blessings, Floyd Crow ,
Living and Departed Loved Ones of Clint & Dottie Carlin
Sunday, October 19
7:30 AM All Our Parishioners, Sonia Bocangel, Anthony Giglio
9:30 AM Robert H. Elpers, Barbara Zwingman, Mike Whitley
11:30 AM John Michael Garry, Trinh Bui, Josephine Giardina
5:30 PM Scott & Terri Ryan and Family, Niko Kafarela,
Living and Departed Family Members of the RiveronZamora Family
Monday, October 20
8:30 AM Margory Dirksmeyer, Sherry Smith, Phil Bossert
Tuesday, October 21
8:30 AM Charles Trovato—Birthday Blessings, Celvey Walsh,
Paul Gittinger
Wednesday, October 22
6:30 PM Dylan Bynum, Frank Walls,
Living and Departed Loved Ones of Ben & Beth Drone
Thursday, October 23
8:30 AM Grace Rowland, Ryan Saiidi, Michael Saiidi
Friday, October 24
8:30 AM Rafael Garza, Jorge Gomez, Paul Gittinger
Saturday, October 25
5:30 PM Pam Pesl, Ligia E. Soares de Sousa,
Living and Departed Loved Ones of Millie Talley
Sunday, October 26
7:30 AM Melanie Sarmiento, Annette Smiddy
9:30 AM Barbara Zwingman, Gary Shirley,
David & Rita Hedges—Anniversary Blessings
11:30 AM All Our Parishioners, Cheri Trevino,
Dolores & Daniel Bukowski—Anniversary Blessings
5:30 PM Jeep & Katie Turner Family, Mike & Kris Buttacoli Family,
Thomas & Bridget Fletcher Family
Parish Financial Information
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Envelopes: 525
Master’s Plan: $1,970.00
Food Pantry Report for September 2014
Food Assistance
Utility Assistance
Other Expense
Total Expense
Today’s Gospel
Gospel : Matthew 22:15-21
Let us pray in thanksgiving for one another, for the
witness and strength we give to each other, and let
us keep thanking God for each other always.
Keep your priorities clear.
Daily Readings
Monday, October 20
Ephesians 2:1-10, Luke 12:13-21
Tuesday, October 21
Ephesians 2:12-22, Luke 12:35-38
Wednesday, October 22
Ephesians 3:2-12, Luke 12:39-48
Thursday, October 23
Ephesians 3:14-21, Luke 12:49-53
Friday, October 24
Ephesians 4:1-6, Luke 12:54-59
Saturday, October 25
Ephesians 4:7-16, Luke 13:1-9
Sunday, October 26
Exodus 22:20-26, 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10,
Matthew 22:34-40
October 19, 2014
Am I praying correctly
after Communion?
Are we supposed to pray a specific prayer
after we genuflect and kneel in the pew
before we take our seats? What about after
Communion? I want to be sure I’m doing it
There is no particular prayer to say when we
genuflect, enter the pew, and kneel for a while.
Genuflecting and kneeling are powerful expressions and prayers in themselves—we kneel only to
But these gestures can become mere routine
unless we accompany them with a moment of
awareness and recollection and maybe a prayer like
“I adore you, O Christ, and I bless you, because
by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.”
Neither are there required prayers to say in the
moments after holy Communion as we return to the
pew. But this is a most special time. Giving it a
name, we call it thanksgiving. We silently remain
focused on the astonishing passion and affection of
Jesus in giving himself to us to eat and make part
of ourselves. It’s what gives us eternal life, the
personal life of Jesus in that Bread we eat. It’s
what makes possible the living of a truly Christian
life, the holy energy in that Body of Jesus.
So much depends on awareness; so much
depends on gratitude. Prayer books may help us
enter a time of thanksgiving. But surely we can
know enough to say, “Jesus, I love you.”
Choose one of the following activities as a way to
further reflect on the Sunday readings:
Have a family discussion about Church values and
teachings, and civil values and teachings. What social
injustices in our society can be addressed through
political involvement? How can our family speak out on
issues of violence, abortion, capital punishment, welfare,
euthanasia, poverty?
Discuss the phrase, “Give to God what is God’s.” What
belongs to God? How can your family show respect for
God and all God’s creation?
Every day of life is a gift from God. Gather in a circle and have
family members hold hands. Ask each person to thank God
for one of their gifts: “Thank you, God, for ____________.”
Conclude with the following prayer: “May we use our gifts to
glorify you by the way we live our lives.” Amen.
[email protected]
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Prayer Groups &
Scripture Studies
Adult Bible Study on Sundays
Join us each Sunday 9:00 – 11:00 AM in Room 119 for
an in-depth look at the Sunday readings.
Christian Meditation Prayer Group
All are invited to join us on Wednesdays, from 9:00—
10:00 AM in the Bride’s Room (enter through the side
door of the church). Contact Sandy at 281-482-1784 or
[email protected].
Our Lady of La Salette Prayer Group
Join us on Mondays in La Salette Hall—Divine Mercy
Chapel at 7:00 PM. We praise the Lord and exercise the
gifts of the Holy Spirit. Join us for worship, song,
teaching, testimonies and prayer for healing. For
information, contact Brother Roger at 281-648-2764.
Men’s Ministry Prayer Group
All men are invited to join us on Saturday mornings in the
Retreat House from 7:30 AM—9:30 AM.
Parish Social Ministry
Our Daily Bread—New Ministry
Our Daily Bread serves the
homeless in Galveston with great
dignity and compassion. This soup
kitchen serves breakfast and lunch
Monday through Friday. We are
very excited to have the opportunity to serve with
them. We are in the process of putting together two
teams (and subs) who will work at Our Daily Bread
on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. The
Mary Queen Team will be responsible for cooking,
serving lunch and clean up afterwards. We will meet
at Mary Queen at 8:30 AM and return around 1:00
PM. If you have the heart (and availability) to serve
God’s people in need, by serving the homeless in
Galveston, please contact Chris Austgen at 281482-1950 or [email protected].
The Food Pantry Needs Bags
The Pantry is running very low on grocery bags.
Please bring us your plastic or paper grocery
bags. You may leave them in one of the
collection trunks or bring them to the pantry
between 10:00 AM—2:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Come to the Water
Men’s Council Prayer Group
All men are invited to join us for prayer and reflection on
Tuesdays from 7:00—8:30 PM in La Salette Hall.
All who are thirsty, come to refresh your spirit
as we seek our baptismal call to Holiness……
Are we truly living out our baptismal call with
a contrite heart to Love our Neighbor?
Love of God and Love of Country
All are invited to join us every Thursday at 12:30 PM in
La Salette Hall—Divine Mercy Chapel. We pray the
Rosary for the needs of our country. We study the
writings of the Founding Fathers of the Republic, deeply
rooted in the Christian faith. We also discuss events,
legislation and social trends that are shaping the
country's direction.
WORD—Worshipping Our Redeemer Daily
Young Adult Scripture Study
Mary Queen Young Adults (ages 18 - 35) are invited to
join us Sunday afternoons at 1:00 PM in the Retreat
House for a light lunch and Scripture Study. We will
spend time each week in prayer and focusing on the
weekly Mass readings. For more information, please
email [email protected].
For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so
also faith without works is dead. James 2:26
All are welcome as we join together, with a merciful heart,
in this monthly Faith Sharing Group. We will come
together as the body of Christ to embrace the “Works of
Mercy” and discuss how we can reach out to the poor,
the hungry, the sick and the sorrowful. Please join us in
La Salette Hall on Wednesday, October 29th from 7:008:30 PM. Please contact Terri Kettle at 713-560-4503 or
[email protected] for more information.
Mary’s Garden
Our first crop is in the ground! We are looking for
volunteers who will be assigned to a “Garden
Team”. Each team is responsible for tending to
the garden one week each month. No experience
necessary. If you would like more information or
would like to volunteer contact Chris Austgen at
281-482-1950 or [email protected].
Alice Malek, Administrator, Ext. 328
Cindy Newman, Director, Ext. 333
We could use just a few more VIRTUS-trained volunteers to
work with the younger children. Could you, would you?
Call Cindy to inquire or volunteer.
Sunday, 9:30 AM - PreK4 aide
- PreK3 aide (Dec-Apr.)
Tuesday, 4:00 PM - First grade catechist
Although they don’t ask for it, or receive it every week, we do
recognize the children who make the extra effort to use these
envelopes. It shows an
intentional stewardship.
“Give to God what belongs to God.” Mt 22:21
Draw a line from your name to the gifts of time or talent you
mentioned on your envelope.
Greg B.
Megan B.
Ava C.
Jake C.
Sarah C.
Nicholas C.
Aisling F.
Mairéad F.
Erin H.
Kendall L.
William L.
Hailey M.
Joseph M.
Aidan S.
Alec S.
Avery S.
Ethan S.
Katie S.
Ingrid S.
Kirstin S.
William S.
Abdiel V.
Brian V.
Ethan V.
putting God first each week
horse riding
feeding the dog
wash & put away dishes
feeding the cat
cleaning the house
helping parents
standing up
math, counting
riding bikes
mowing the yard
cub scouts
playing with little sister
making a lemonade stand
and donating money to a
sick friend
Next LifeTeen:
Sunday, October 19th, ”Word of Mouth”
6:45—8:35 PM
Fundraising Event
Please mark your calendar for the 2nd Annual Mary
Queen Chili & Gumbo Cook-Off Fundraiser on
Sunday, November 2nd. We need lots of high school
students to help make this parish event a success! There
will be sign up sheets on the youth room door. You will
receive funds credited towards a summer camp or
conference! Sign up now!
Women’s Luncheon
We need great high school students to help serve at the
Women’s Luncheon on Saturday, November 1st from
10:00 AM—2:00 PM. Sign up sheets will be on the youth
room door. Service hours will be given upon request for
organizations such as National Honor Society, etc.
Next Edge:
Wednesday, October 22nd, ”Destination Heaven”
6:45—8:30 PM
Jr. High Dodgeball
Mark your calendars for dodgeball on Tuesday, October
28th from 6:30-8:00 PM at St. Bernadette’s gym. The
cost is $4 and includes pizza. Sign up sheets can be
found by the Edge bulletin board.
Ministry Fair
Where is God calling you to serve and share your time and talent in your parish?
What will you give back to God from the blessings you have received?
Come discover the many opportunities to share your talents in our faith community.
All are invited to visit with the Mary Queen Ministries on the Church Plaza
after all Masses on Saturday, October 18th and Sunday, October 19th
The Mary Queen Adult Choir
The Choir needs more singers for
the new liturgical season. The
choir at Mary Queen is a group of
volunteers who enjoy singing and
praising God through song. They share their time
and talents by leading the musical worship at the 9:30
AM Mass every Sunday. Rehearsals are Mondays
from 7:00—9:00 PM in the Church. If you are
interested in joining the choir, please contact Russell
Bolduc at [email protected] or
281-482-1391, ext. 227. We are in need of voices for
all sections; sopranos, alto, tenor, & bass.
Adult Orchestra
If you are skilled in a musical instrument (brass, wind,
strings), and are interested in sharing your
talent during liturgies, please contact
Russell. We practice the 1st & 2nd
Tuesday of the month from 7:00 - 9:00 PM
in the Church.
Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord” describes what the
children do quite well at Mary Queen Church!
Rehearsals are on Tuesday, at 5:30 PM, in the Choir
Room. The only requirements for this group are to come
with a child-like heart and the desire to sing and have fun.
We invite all children in grades 3rd through 6th (no
exceptions) to come join this wonderful group, and we will
all learn how to sing unto the Lord together.
Parish Events and News
parish? Welcome to our faith
community! We welcome all
new parishioners to a luncheon
on Sunday, October 26th from
1:00—2:30 PM, in the Parish
Center. Please come join us for food and
fellowship. Meet the priests, fellow parishioners and get
a tour of our church. We hope to see you there! Please
RSVP to Beth Turner at [email protected].
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) inquiry period
has begun. If you are interested in the RCIA process,
then you are invited to join us during our October and
November sessions on Mondays.
October 20th, November 3rd,
November 10th, November 17th
Each session is held in the
Main Hall from 7:00 to 9:00 PM.
If you have any questions about the RCIA process,
[email protected].
Restore Hope
Mary Queen Church offers a support group, RESTORE
HOPE, to women who have had an abortion at any time
during their lives. This ministry seeks to help them heal,
experience God's love and mercy, and find forgiveness
within a small group setting. All information is kept
confidential. If you are interested or would like more
information, please contact the group facilitator
at [email protected].
Our next session is Monday, October 20th
at 6:30 PM in the Retreat House.
Divorce Care is a weekly support group and seminar
series where you’ll learn how to deal with the pain of the
past and look forward to rebuilding your life. Start when
you can, come as often as you can. The cost is just $15
per person (includes workbook). Call Joanie at 832-8787905 for information or to pre-register.
World Mission Sunday
Today is World Mission Sunday!
We are invited today to reach out
and help build the Church in
Mongolia, the world’s youngest
Catholic Church, as well as local
Missions, in the most remote
areas across our world. Your
prayers and generous gift to the
Society for the Propagation of
the Faith in the collection today help the work of
priests, religious and lay leaders in Mongolia and
throughout the Missions who offer the poor, practical
help and the experience of God’s love and mercy,
His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in
your daily prayers. Please be as generous as you
can to today’s collection. For more information,
please visit www.IAmAMissionary.org.
There will be a blood drive today, October 19th,
beginning at 8:00 AM, in La Salette Hall. All donors
who have checked in by 1:30 PM will be
screened. Donors are reminded to eat a hearty
breakfast and bring ID. Eligible donors
need to be 17 years old, weigh at
least 110 pounds and be in good
health. Teens who are 16 years old,
weigh a minimum of 122 pounds and
are in good health, can donate
provided a parent or guardian signs a
consent form. (Available at sign-in
desk) For more information contact
Colette at 713-870-8092.
If you have yarn that you would like to
donate, please drop off at the reception
desk in the Parish Center.
Come and share your gifts, while growing in our faith
together. We meet on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM. If you are
interested, contact Cindy Dittrich at 832-282-6346 or
[email protected].
Parish Events and News
Welcome to our New Receptionist
Join us in welcoming Anita Shorosky
to the Mary Queen Pastoral Staff.
Anita has been a member of Mary
Queen for many years and has been
a Volunteer at the Receptionist Desk
for several months. Please stop by
and introduce yourself to our new
Open Position - Director of Life Teen Music
Mary Queen Church has a part-time Director of Life Teen Music
Ministry position available. The successful candidate will have
singing and playing experience with Life Teen or comparable Catholic
youth program and an in depth knowledge of music and music theory
(formal training a plus). Pro-audio knowledge and sound mixing and
the ability to learn quickly is a must. The candidate must also have
the desire to lead teens in praise and worship as well as lead by
example in prayer, praise and worship. Excellent communication skills
are necessary for collaboration with Pastor, Office Administrator and
Pastoral Staff. For more information or to apply, please contact Carla
Martin at 281-482-1391, ext. 311 or email at
[email protected].
Chili & Gumbo Cook-Off
Get your teams ready or your spoons handy. The
Mary Queen Youth Council is sponsoring its 2nd
Annual Mary Queen Chili and Gumbo Cook-Off
Fundraiser. Competition is Sunday, November
2nd from 12:00 Noon — 4:00 PM in the church
parking lot. Team entries are $50.00 per team. The
Youth Council will be selling tasting kits for
spectators; which will consist of bowl, spoon and
napkins. Entry forms may be found on the Youth
Room door or at the Reception Desk in the Parish
Center. For more information or questions please
contact Kyle at [email protected]
or 281-482-1391 extension 318.
The 12th Annual
Women’s Ministry Fall Luncheon
Saturday, November 1st, 2014
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Mary Queen Catholic Church
Main Hall
Silent Auction - Lunch - Entertainment
For Auction Item Donations please contact:
Susan Jennings: (713)569-5850 or
[email protected]
Carol Cadena: (832)691-1296 or [email protected]
Tickets: $30 - Sold at the Church Reception
Desk Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Proceeds benefit our Parish Ministries
and The Bay Area Serra Club!
Thank you for your support!
Matt & Suzie Fleming
Matt & Suzie joined Mary Queen in 1979.
Their wedding was one of the first
performed in La Salette Hall (former
church). They have 3 daughters and 6
beautiful grandchildren. Suzie serves in
the following ministries: Eucharistic
Minister, Lector, Ministers of Care,
Adoration, CCE Catechist, and joins in
helping with the festival. Matt is a member
of the Knights of Columbus 4th Degree, prepares and
serves lunch each Friday during Lent to the Knights and
Pastoral Staff, ACTS retreats, sponsors a booth at the
festival and assists with technology tasks at the church
as needed. They recently completed a 500 mile
pilgrimage, walking the Camino de Santiago Trail. The
Flemings continue to give their time and talent to Mary
All members of Mary Queen are encouraged to explore and find a
ministry that interests you. If you give your time and talents then
through God’s grace you will be rewarded tenfold.
We Pray For …...
Adrienne Albers
Tonya Atherton
Justine Bailey
Karen Barber
Mary Behne
Patricia Belan
Lynn Berkenbausch
Stacy Bernaducci
Annie Bishop
Landon Blair
Joan Blake
Brody Blakely
Rudy Blakey
Tom Blume
Lon Bosley
Brad Bumber
Corine Carpenter
Lucy Claussen
Angie Corso
Anetta Courtney
Courtney Family
Bob Craig
Lillie Cruse
Dustin Davis
Dennis DeGeorge
Rachael Dent
Roger DelValle
Mary Belan Doggett
Duran Family
News Around The Area
Saturday, October 25, 2014
8:00—11:00 AM
Catholic Charities Food Fair at Guadalupe Center
326 S. Jensen Drive
Houston, TX 77003
Dress cool, sorting and distribution of food is outdoors. We will
help sort and distribute food to 200 clients. Anyone over age 7
years old is welcome. If you would like to form a group to attend
or are an individual who would like to attend and carpool to this
event, please contact Terri Kettle at 713-560-4503 or
[email protected] for more information.
The Villa
Saturday, October 25, 2014 10:00am-12:00pm
This is a transitional complex that helps women and
children escape from domestic violence. This is an
opportunity to offer your spirituality and gifts to assist
these women in moving toward spiritual freedom. If you
feel called to attend this event please contact Terri
Kettle at 713-560-4503 or [email protected].
Joe Falco
Angie Feaster
Mary Ann Fernandez
Gunner Kayde Floyd
Sydney Floyd
Rebecca Frankhouser
Friedrichsen Family
Shirley Geerts
Stacie George
Urban Giesler
Angela Gorrell
Rosalie Greco
Mary Louise Hancock
Dorothy Handwerk
Ed & Georgia Handwerk
Teresa Hartnett
Rubye Hassenmiller
Robert (Bob) Hoyer
Joseph Irene
Kent Kaufhold
Ray Kaufhold
Billie Kearney
Willy Kik
Andy & Marie Kotch
Robert Knight
Eric Krieger
Helen Krieger
Kathy Krieger
Stacy Krieger
Amiee Laputka
Bernie Laputka
Ruby Lavender
Pearlie Leger
Lynn Leenhouts
Julia Longoria
Carol Lorance
Carol Lowe
Terry Marsh
C.J. Massingill
Dixie McInwraith
Tommy McLain
Marta Moncada
Jacob Monnat
Louise Moore
Al Morrey
Bill Nelson
Catherine Neville
Hoc Nguyen
Diana O’Connor
Leo Orona
Johnny Palumbo
Wayne Parnell
Linda Parnell
Janeen Peirson
Catherine Pendleton
Bridgett Powell
Kurt Racca
Ed Reyes
Connie Reynolds
Mary Riveron
Evelyn Rose
Lynne Royce
Neal Rudd
Margaret Kilo Sanosi
Glenn Skrabanek
Vera Smart
Jill Smith
Mary Starkweather
Liz Strassner
Dixie Suit
Hal Taylor
Warren Thornton
Tommy Tobin
Lawrence Tracey
Tung Tran
Bonnie Vargo
Patty Jo Vento
Tracie Waggoner
Bruce Wahl
Dale & Ann Wolford
Lord Jesus, who went about doing good and healing all, we ask
you to bless our friends who are sick. Give them strength in
body, courage in spirit, and patience with pain. We ask this
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
We offer the Vigil Candle as a Memorial Candle each
week to interested parishioners who would like to
request that it burn “In Memory of” or “In Honor
of” a loved one, living or deceased. Contact the
Receptionist in the Parish Office at 281-482-1391. The
name of your loved one will be published in the bulletin
and near the Sanctuary Candle in the Church.
Marriage, and
Family Counselor
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Russell R. Boone, D.D.S.
Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, Parishioner
221 E. Edgewood, Friendswood
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Annette Woods
M.A., L.P.C., LMFT