19TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST have worshiped ourselves and the things we have made. Forgive us, restore us in the knowledge of whose we are, and make us alive to serve you with faith, hope, and love. (Silence) OCTOBER 19, 2014 9:00 A.M. *DECLARATION OF PARDON OUR MISSION Faith witnessed, faith celebrated, faith to embrace the future so that all may be whole and fully alive in Christ. *GLORY BE TO THE FATHER ***** Proclaiming the Word A TIME FOR CHILDREN #579 PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Gathering Around the Word “Let the first note of the prelude be a call for personal meditation in preparation for worship.” PRELUDE “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” CHORAL INTROIT J. S. Bach OLD TESTAMENT LESSON “Come To Jesus” Tracy Lash - Soloist NEW TESTAMENT LESSON ANTHEM “I Heard the Voice” WELCOME L: The Lord be with you. P: And also with you. SERMON ANNOUNCEMENTS & CHURCH CONCERNS SHARING THE GOOD NEWS MINUTE FOR MISSION *HYMN Matthew 22:15-22 (p.34 in the pew Bible) “Jesus Is Given A Coin” Rev. Thomas J. McKinnon, Jr. Responding to the Word “Help Us Accept Each Other” #358 Melody Nissley PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE CALL TO WORSHIP L: The Spirit of God calls to us, P: With sighs too deep for words. L: The Spirit of God calls to us, P: Claiming us, L: Summoning us to become more than we now are. All: Calling us by name: God’s children. *HYMN Isaiah 45:1-7 (p.1022 in the pew Bible) “Sing Praise to God, Who Reigns Above" THE LORD’S PRAYER “Debts” p.16, The Presbyterian Hymnal CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE “Hear Our Prayer, O Lord” Hear our prayer, O Lord, Hear our prayer, O Lord, Incline Thine ear to us, And grant us Thy peace. #483 *PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Unison) Majestic and merciful God, we come to you a wayward people. We have forgotten your intentions for us; we have rejected the way of Christ; we have disregarded the power of your Spirit; and we PRESENTATION OF GOD’S TITHES AND OUR OFFERINGS OFFERTORY “Blessed Jesus At Your Word” *DOXOLOGY AND PRAYER OF DEDICATION Wayne Kerr #592 Bearing and Following the Word into the World *HYMN "Our God, Our Help in Ages Past" PRAYER CONCERNS: The Middle East #210 *BENEDICTION *CHORAL RESPONSE *POSTLUDE “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” “Hark The Voice of Love and Mercy” Wayne Kerr *All those who are able may stand. ******Latecomers will be seated at this time and during the singing of the hymns. WE WELCOME VISITORS TO OUR WORSHIP SERVICE THIS MORNING AND INVITE YOU TO JOIN US AGAIN. We are a Stephen Ministry congregation. Fritz Carlson Jere Duke Ann Campbell Anna Locks Clifford Betty Esther Witmer Reese Culbertson Leroy Longenecker David Martin Ginny Murphy Mark Wills Noble Johnson Mary Carpenter Sharon Sims & Family Jonathan Dwyer Joan Betty John & Gwen Haspel Jane Howard THIS WEEK IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH: ANNOUNCEMENTS USHERS: FLOWERS: NURSERY: Pat & Paul Garrigan Brian Family in memory of Pat Open Thanks to Dr. Ross Ellison and Tracy Lash for providing us with today’s music. FELLOWSHIP TIME: Everyone is invited to the Fellowship Hall following worship for refreshments provided by the Hospitality Team. Mount Joy NGA (new garments always) is having their annual clothing drive for needy families in the area. They have asked Donegal Church to collect NEW pairs of socks and underwear with sizes ranging from adults to children. Place your garments in the basket provided in the Narthex and Fellowship Hall by October 26. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: Pick up a shoebox available in the breezeway, along with items to get you started. By filling a shoebox with toys, school supplies, hygiene items, t-shirts, socks, caps, hair clips, etc. we are giving hope to children who have so little. Boxes will be collected November 2 and 9. Any member who is a veteran, meet for a group picture Sunday, November 2, at 10:15 a.m. (following the 9:00 a.m. service of worship). Marianne Trout Josh Fessler Ferguson, MO Benson Family Sara Parke Marty Brandt Walter Wills Maria Martin Richards Family Rich McGough Esther Murphy Jackie Chesley Laura Vago Carol Osnato Bill Craven Kathy Guindon Ginny Ranck Lauryn Zeman Austin Miller Toni Schultz David Franke Christian Wills Joan Mains “Our Girls” Luke Frishkorn Spicer Family Fran Dunn Malaysia Airlines Fight 370 & 17 Families Kyle Cleis Ebola Virus Crisis Del Marcelle Family Rachel Rohrbaugh Drager Family Sara Brubaker Clyde Coulson Today---gift card & The Ultimate Cloth® sales immediately following 9:00 a.m. worship; and just prior to “Back Door Church Service”. Pet Pantry Collection, today, October 19. Special Meeting of the Congregation, today, immediately following the 9:00 a.m. service of worship to receive and vote on the Nominating Committee’s Slate of Officers. Your Administrative Assistant will be on vacation this week. Sandy will be back in the office Tuesday, October 28. Donegal Men will meet Wednesday for breakfast, fellowship, & prayer, at Gus’s Keystone Restaurant. In by 7:30, out by 8:15. BDC Team Practice, Wednesday, October 22, 6:45 p.m. Choir Rehearsal, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. SSBB, Saturday, October 25, 8:00 a.m. at Simp-lee Seafood. LOOKING AHEAD IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH: Reformation Sunday, October 26. Wear your plaids! Consecration Sunday, October 26. PW Coordinating Team Meeting, Sunday, October 26, 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Worship Team Meeting, Sunday, October 26, 10:30 a.m. “BDC” in sanctuary. Over 70’s Luncheon, Sunday, October 26, 12:30 p.m. November Newsletter Deadline is Sunday, October 26. All interesting and informational articles can be placed in the secretary’s mailbox in the Communication Center or church office or you may e-mail it. Camp Donegal will have their Annual Harvest Happening event on October 28, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The theme for the day is “The Good Earth”. Come and spend the day on these beautiful and peaceful grounds enjoying fall and its colorful brilliance. The delightful Mueller twins, Verna and Viola, will share with you the beautiful creations that come from their abundant gardens. You will also have the opportunity to make seasonal lasting creations using dried flowers and gourds. The cost for this event is $15.00 per person and includes all activities, refreshments and lunch. Pick up a flyer in the Communication Center. WORK DAY for Church and Grounds Clean-Up, Saturday, November 8 (rain date November 15), 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Breakfast at Simplee Seafood in Mount Joy at 7:45 a.m. if you wish to partake. Sign up in the Communication Center or Fellowship Hall. Oct/Nov/Dec issue of THESE DAYS, Daily Devotions for Living by Faith, is available in the Narthex. The Deacons would appreciate a donation of $1.00 for this service. Donegal Acorns Softball Team is once again selling the TARGET DISCOUNT CARDS for the Etown/MtJoy area as well as for the Lancaster area. This is our primary fundraiser for the year and we appreciate your patronage. See Warren Pennypacker, Mitch Forry or any of our Acorn players for your card. Thank you in advance for your continued support of the Acorns. BIRTHDAYS: Please remember the following members of the Donegal Family with a card, phone call, and particularly in your prayers on their birthdays: Oct. 20 – Tony Adair Oct. 24 – Pete Hopper Oct. 20 – Anthony Carothers Oct. 25 – Kerry Johnson Oct. 25 – Beth Forry Operating Fund – Giving Portion: 10/12/14 (Attendance 102) Giving Giving Actual * Budget * Last Week $ 5,251 $ 4,185 YTD (10/12/14) $ 181,164 $ 171,585 * Giving includes Envelopes only Operating Fund – Actual Through 09/30/14: Income $ 244,026 Expense $ 249,734 Difference $ (5,708) Total Expansion Costs: $1,836,171.75 Interest Mortgage Balance: $1,192,300.00 Current Mortgage Balance: $ 629,463.71 Check the bulletin board in the Communication Center for opportunities and happenings in the community. NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT The Slate of Officers for the Class of 2017: Ruling Elders being ordained: Carla Douple (First Term) Michelle Luther (First Term) Ruling Elders being installed: Tina Enck (Second Term) Mitch Forry (Second Term) Karen Karnes (First Term) Gloria Straub (First Term) Deacons being ordained: Bill Latimore (First Term) Deacons being installed: Steve Douple (Second Term) Phyllis Landis (First Term) Members- At-Large being installed: Pat Garrigan (First Term) Recognizing those who terms that have expired: Ken Ginder (Elder) Althea Johnson (Elder) Steve Landis (Deacon) Suzanne McKinnon (Member-At-Large) Joanne Myers (Elder) John Nissley (Deacon) DONEGAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1891 Donegal Springs Rd., Mt. Joy, PA 17552 (717) 653-1943 FAX (717) 653-1352 e-mail [email protected] Web Page www.DonegalPC.org Pastor Director of Music Organist Administrative Assistant Treasurer Sexton Nursery Caregiver Thomas J. McKinnon, Jr. Clark Lash Ann Gecelosky Sandy States Donald H. Betty Brian Bourassa Marisa Seubert CLASS 2014 CLASS 2015 SESSION Dawn Bourassa David Labagh Matt McGough Tina Enck Mitch Forry Ken Ginder Althea Johnson Joanne Myers Mandy Pennypacker DEACONS Lydia Cleis Nancy Ehrhart Kirk Luther Frances Mateer Dianna Wills Steve Douple Steve Landis John Nissley STEPHEN LEADERS Tom McKinnon Mary Lou Kocher Melody Nissley STEPHEN MINISTERS Ellie Heller Phyllis Landis Melody Nissley – Moderator Kristi Elkner Nancy Ehrhart John Nissley Jonas Nissley Tracy Lash Tim Bittner 426-4021 342-3261 818-7802 653-2763 295-1711 892-6606 898-0090 CLASS 2016 Norene Fessler Fred Kepner Cherry Lee Landis Val Dunn Kristi Elkner Missy Foltz Linda Bayer Judy Weidman PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Elizabeth Conroy – Vice Moderator CHOIR MEMBERS Frank Ehrhart Karen Karnes Norene Fessler Lisa Kuzdro Eleanor Heller Philip Landis Althea Johnson John Landis Bob Mains Linda Mains Susan Landis Tom McKinnon Valerie Dunn Beth Sturgis Diane Bittner Please speak with Pastor Tom if you feel God is leading you to unite with us. Thank you!
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