WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE Coordinated Image Exploitation Cpt Lars Olander Swedish Armed Forces Intelligence and Security Centre WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE Imagery Exploitation What are the operational requirements for the Imagery Intelligence and or the Imagery Exploitation capabilities of today? WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE Spectrum of Conflict Territorial Integrity High Supporting Civilian Authorities WAR in Sweden! Detecting Intelligence Ops Establish Pattern of Life Risk Indications and Warnings ISAF Update maps and DEMs KFOR Mission training Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace National Exercise Low Tempo Low Recognition and Targeting High Precision Guided Munitions and CDE/BDA WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE Army, Air Force and Joint Reqts Army Reqts Air Force Reqts Joint Reqts WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE LDP (Laser Designator Pod) Litening III Designator/ Rangefinder Laser - Illumination for laser guided munitions Marker Laser - Illumination/ marking of targets for other a/c, such as wingman Laser spot detector/ tracker WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE LDP (Laser Designator Pod) CCD-sensor, 0.6-0.7µm, 659*494px Narrow – 0.7° * 0.7° Medium – 3.5° * 3.5° FLIR-sensor, 3-5µm, 640*512px Narrow – 0.77° * 0.77° Medium – 2.8° * 2.8° Wide – 24° * 18° Videolänk till markförband WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE SPK39 (Spaningskapsel 39) SPK39 IV (Incident and Visual) Wet film and EO sensors SPK39 V (Visual) EO sensor Number of pods: 6 + 1 Number of pods: 2 WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE TUAV 03 Weight: 170 kg Wingspan: 4m Mission duration: 6 h Range: 125 km WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE TUAV 03 Thermal Imager: Detector: 3-5μ 640×480 Pixels Fields of View (FOVs): Wide, Medium, Narrow, Super-narrow Day TV: Automatic Video Tracker: Correlative Detector-type, band: Color 1/6”, Near IR Optical F.O.V.: 1.0°-22.5° Electronic Zoom: 1:2 Total Zoom: 1:45 WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE TUAV 03 Ground Station, SSIC Manufactured by SAAB Container based Shares many design features with Gripen MSS-IA Ground Station WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE However… While the amount of different topics and tasks grows ever bigger, the trend is for Armed Forces to get smaller and smaller… We need to do more with less… …but from the information perspective MUCH more! WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE IA training Goal: Create professionals that with interoperability, agility and flexibility can handle most if not all tasks given to them. Remember: Army and Air Force IAs share many of the same skill set requirements! WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE Sensor types In order to be flexible and agile while staying interoperable, our IAs need to be able to work with data from many different types of sensors. This requires competent ground stations. For now, EO and IR. Remember: The Army and the Air Force employ similar types of sensors! WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE The ”Rolls-Royce” approach For most Armed Forces, IMINT resources are scarce. We need to be able to do EVERYTHING. Reaching that level of proficiency takes time. WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE PoW for the near future • Enhance further: – National training programme – Cooperation with partners – A common ground station – Pooling and sharing, including reachback – Network Centric aspects WWW.FORSVARSMAKTEN.SE Vision: Coordinated Image Exploitation Capability • Enabling: – The distribution of all applicable tasks over many sites and IAs, dependent on time and context requirements – Full cross-systems and cross-command interoperability of IAs, with no loss in effect • Risk: – Psychological effects of the operational area entering the office – Not understanding the warfighters in our civilian midst
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