OCTOBER 21-24 TH, 2014, OAXACA, MÉXICO , :

Colors and culture
colors, culture and identity : past, present and future
Organizing committee
About us
History of the International Color Congresses organized by the AIC
3rd Mexican Color Meeting, Oaxaca
AIC Interim Meeting, 2014
Important dates for the congress
Modalities of participation
Oral presentations
Poster presentations (infographics)
Remote presentations
Specifications for abstract submission
Poster presentation
Registrations for speakers
Registrations for assistants
Payment of donations
Fees or donations
Tentative program
The State of Oaxaca
Academic activities
Social and cultural activities
Commercial activities
Guidelines for sponsorship, publicity, exhibition, and sale
Sponsorship Platinum sponsors
Silver sponsors Bronze sponsors
It is amazing that with just opening our eyelids, before us, a world of shapes, textures, environments,
shades and other components of the visual world unfold in front us. This world not only brings us closer
to the external world but it comes impregnated with wonderful colors. Despite the undeniable delight that
the sight provides to man, the color is so varied and complex that it can be studied from many angles, all of
them interesting. For example, it can be addressed from different perspectives like physics, anthropology,
psychology, aesthetics, arts, symbols, crafts, culture, production of dyes and paints, perception, restoration,
marketing, publicity, etc. The color is a subject so vast that anyone studying or working on one of these
approaches will not exhaust the subject.
The AMEXINC, A.C. (Mexican Association of Color Researchers) was founded in order to promote and
spread the study of color. It is a nonprofit civil association that, according to its Constitutional Act, aims
to bring together professionals of diverse disciplines related with color in order to disseminate essays and
researches, to promote the exchange of experiences, to organize courses, to realize publications, and to
do, in short, everything related to the culture of color across the country.
As we are aware that Mexico has an enormous capital in chromatic culture, one of the purposes of the
AMEXINC is to organize meetings within the country in order to know of the works in this area. Until
now, the AMEXINC has organized two national meetings: one in 2009 and other in 2012. By October,
2014, the Association plans not only celebrate the Third Mexican Color Meeting but it has the privilege
and responsibility to carry out, for the first time in Mexico, the Interim Meeting of the International Color
Association (AIC). Both will be held in the same venue and dates in Oaxaca. A large audience of color
specialists is expected, not only from Mexico but from the five continents.
This document was prepared in order to release relevant aspects of the AMEXINC and its purposes in the
subject of color. Inside these pages, our partners and friends will find information about the beginnings and
evolution of the Association; how it joined the International Color Association; how to sponsor, advertise
or sell, and the guidelines to participate in the Third Mexican Color Meeting and the AIC Interim Meeting
that will be held the days 21, 22, 23 and 24 of October in the historical, traditional and colorful city of
Oaxaca in Mexico.
For more information, you can visit our pages, which details aspects of the Congress and other subjects
related to the use and application of color that most probably will be of your interest:
Also, you can contact us in the email
[email protected]
“For a culture of the chromatic experience”
The organizing committee 5
Organizing Committee
Congress President:
Carlos I. Aguirre Vélez
Academic coordinator:
Georgina Ortiz Hernández
Press and Media Coordinator:
Alfonso de Lucas Tron
Treasury of the Congress:
Horacio Castillejas
Graphical design:
Iris Vergara Ortiz and Elia Patricia Enríquez Rocha
Electronic communication:
Fausto Aguirre
Diffusion in Universities:
Mónica Cuvelier
Lilia Prado and Victoria Valenzuela
Proceedings coordinators:
Rodrigo Ramírez and Bibiana Solórzano
About us
Although Mexico has a generous tradition in the study and use of color, it had
no associations which bring together, promote and spread the different visions
realized in the subject across the country. From these and many other needs, on
May 12th, 2005, the AMEXINC, A.C. (Mexican Association of Color Researchers)
was founded. It was integrated by a small but enthusiastic group of specialist in
different areas of color, so that, since the beginning it had a multidisciplinary
character. Two years later, in 2007, the AMEXINC became part of the International
Color Association (AIC) being the only representative of this Association across
the country.
In its constitutional act it was clearly established as a nonprofit civil association
whose aims contemplate a range of activities to encourage and promote the study
of color such as:
- To form a multidisciplinary community which incorporates dilettantes, scholars
and general public interested in the culture of color.
- To promote, recognize and spread jobs of those who work, individually or
collectively, apply, and study the color in Mexico.
- To train and validate the knowledge and skills through courses taught by experts
and to provide advice to professionals and companies related to the subject.
- To strengthen the Mexican identity through the study and use of the traditional
colors and to disseminate the artistic, cultural, artisanal and folkloric manifestations
of Mexico.
- To participate as representative in national and international forums.
In summary we can say that AMEXINC functions are encompassed in its motto
“For a culture of the chromatic experience”.
History of the international color
congresses organized by the AIC
The International Color Association (AIC) comprises color associations from
Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Holland,
Hungary, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa,
Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand and United States.
The AIC is an association that has global reach. Its aims focus on promoting the
research of all the aspects of color, the dissemination of the knowledge obtained
from these researches, and to promote its application to the solution of problems
in the fields of science, art, design, and the industry in an international background.
The general congress of the AIC is held every four years and it covers all the
aspects of color. And in the intervening years they held thematic meetings focused
in certain areas.
The first general congress of the AIC was realized in 1969 in Stockholm, and the
most recent will be in July, 2013 in Newcastle and it will be the twelfth.
Some of the recent interim meetings were: AIC2010 in Buenos Aires, AIC2011 in
Zurich, and AIC2012 in Taipei. After the general congress in 2013 a new cycle of
interim meetings will begin with the AIC2014 in Oaxaca, Mexico.
The congresses provide a unique forum for researchers, academicians, architects,
artists, industrials, engineers, designers, illumination experts and business leaders
with whom they can share ideas, interact and learn the state of art of various
fields. 8
3rd Mexican color
meeting, Oaxaca , 2014
The constitutional act of the AMEXINC specifies that one of the aims of the
AMEXINC is “to disseminate and promote a culture of color, sharing information
and experiences in multiple disciplines about the subject.” In order to comply
with this statutes, the AMEXINC organizes national meetings every three years.
On this basis, and taking in account the date of its foundation, the AMEXINC has
held two events so far:
- The first Mexican Color Meeting was held on September, 2009 in the Antiguo
Palacio de Medicina, UNAM, in downtown in México City, and
- The second Mexican Color Meeting held in October, 2012 in the facilities of the
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City campus.
For this one occasion, the third Mexican Color Meeting is incorporated to the
International Color Congress what give the event a national and international
character. 9
AIC Interim meeting, 2014
At the request of the AMEXINC, on July 4th, 2011, the president of the
International Color Association, Mrs. Berit Bergström, send a letter giving the
endorsement to celebrate the AIC Interim Meeting in Oaxaca. This confirmation
made to AMEXINC the responsible of planning and organizing all the aspects of
the meeting under the guidelines established by the AIC.
Based on the multidisciplinary character of the study of color, the aim of the
congress was established as: “To promote the rapprochement of companies and
professionals of the related areas in order to share experiences, exchange products,
present results of researches, strengthen links, and show technological innovations,
among others.” With this purpose, the culture in color was chosen as the subject,
taking into account that the culture is present in every intellectual manifestation in
time and space. In this way, all the aspects of color were encompassed what makes
sense with the motto of the meeting: “Color, culture and identity: past, present
and future” which open the door to all kind of manifestations of the study and use
of color encompassed on the following topics:
ART AND DESIGN: Plastic arts, graphic design, industrial design, fashion and
trends, architecture, interior design, packaging, photography, advertising, image
and personality and cosmetology.
HISTORY AND FOLKLORE: Anthropology, archaeology, textile design, popular
arts, color and identity, crafts, global culture, local cultures and restoration.
HUMAN DISCIPLINES: Psychology, perception, sociology, psychophysics,
anthropology and ethnography.
SEMIOTICS AND TEACHING: Meaning of the colors, new technologies for the
teaching, advertising and communication.
TECHNOLOGY AND COLOR INDUSTRY: dyes, food engineering, computing,
measuring instruments, art materials and production of natural and artificial
SCIENCE AND COLOR: Physics, optics, chemistry, neurology, illumination,
medicine and chromotherapy. 10
Important dates for the Congress
Reception of abstracts: August 1st, 2013 – January 31st, 2014
Abstracts evaluation: February 1st, 2014 – April 30th, 2014
Consignment of abstracts acceptances: May 1st, 2014 – May 15th, 2014
Reception of full papers: May 1st, 2014 – November 31st, 2014
Registration: Early payment fee: May 16th, 2014 – July 31st, 2014
Registration: Normal payment fee: August 1st, 2014 – September 30th, 2014
Publication of the final program: October 2014
Workshops of the 3rd Mexican Color Meeting: October 21st, 2014
AIC2014 – 3rd Mexican Color Meeting: October 22- 24, 2014 11
Modalities of participation
The papers will be presented in three modalities: oral presentations, posters
(infographics) and remote. The participant will choose their preference but the
Academic Committee will determine if an oral presentation might whether be a
poster presentation. This should not be considered detrimental to the quality of the
paper as this opinion may be due to the times available for the oral presentations.
Oral presentations
PowerPoint presentations must be in English although the presentation must be in
English, French, German or Spanish. The jobs will be grouped in related or similar
themes so the participant will integrate with a group of academics working in
the same specialty area. The exposition will start on time so the early presence
of the authors is required. The individual expositions will have 15 to 20 minutes
while the roundtables shall not exceed the time established in the program. Every
roundtable will have a responsible that will be in charge of moderating times, make
comments, conduct question sessions and deliver the certificate of participation.
The expositors who want to make a PowerPoint presentation must provide the
file fifteen minutes before the beginning of the roundtable. The equipment for the
presentations (computers and projectors) will be provided by the venue, however,
the participants who want to use their own computers can do it, but if they are
MAC they should bring their adaptors.
Poster presentations
The posters should be properly printed in accordance with the specifications
outlined in this document. At the beginning of the meeting they must be delivered
in the table that will be installed for that purpose. The designated staff will put
them into place. The program will have allocated time for visitors to attend the
poster area, hence it is convenient the presence of the authors for an exchange
of opinions.
By an additional fee of 100 USD, the interested parties may request a poster
printed in the best quality. To this end, they must send a note requesting the
service, the file in PDF format and the bank deposit voucher scanned. If you want
an invoice you must add 16% of VAT.
Remote presentations
The remote presentations will be only of magisterial lectures. There will not be
space for other oral presentations.
The persons, companies, educational
institutions, academic or other type of
associations wishing to receive the live
broadcast or rebroadcast may request
it for an additional fee which will be
released in due course. The election
of the lectures will be based on the
program to specify the name of the
presentation, lecturer, date and hour.
The transmission will be subjected
to the conditions of the network for
sending and receiving the signal. 13
Specifications for
abstract submission
The abstracts can be in Spanish or English, the official languages. If the paper is
written in Spanish, the same text in English must be added. When the paper is in
English it is not necessary to include it in Spanish. The abstracts of the magisterial,
oral and poster presentations must be included in the speakers’ registration found
in the pages of this document and must conform to the following specifications to
be included in the congress proceedings:
All texts must be in Word format with Arial font, justified and 1.5 line spacing
Title of the work: 14, bold, centered and uppercase. Leave a space of 14 points
Name(s) of the participant(s): Surname and name of every author in one line.
Arial 11, left alignment, space
The collective works must start with the name of the project coordinator. If
everyone has the same hierarchy they must be written in alphabetical order
Emails: Arial 11, left alignment
Institutions or companies: Arial 11, left alignment
Abstract: Arial 11, bold, lowercase, left alignment, space.
Body of the abstract: Inside a justified box with an extension of 250 words,
single spacing, without references, figures, indentation or spaces between
paragraphs. It must be clear and it must address the relevant aspects of the
work, with the objectives and contributions it offered in the study or use of
Key words (title): bold, space.
Key words: Arial 11, normal, lowercase. Words that identify the subject field;
not more than seven, separated by comas.
Note: The texts must not have frames or being in PDF or other format than the
Poster presentation
According to the national and international character of the congress, the posters
realized in Spanish must have the corresponding text in English too; the posters
in English not necessarily must include the text in Spanish. The abstracts of the
posters must be submitted via email during the speakers’ registration along with
the requested data. The posters must conform to the following guidelines:
The texts must be in Word format, with Arial and justified, at least in two columns
to make it readable. The font size will be determined by the authors according to
the quantity of text and images. The presentations must have the following data:
Title: in bold, uppercase and centered.
Name(s) of the participant(s): Last name and name of every author in one line.
Arial, left alignment.
The collective works must begin with the name of the coordinator of the
project. If everyone has the same hierarchy they must be written in alphabetical
Emails: Arial, left alignment, space.
Institutions or companies: Arial, left alignment, space.
Country of origin: Arial, left alignment, space.
Abstract: Arial, bold, left, space.
Abstract body: Arial, justified, with key words.
As for the content, the text must include an introduction, objectives, relevant
aspects of the subject, contributions and conclusions. The bibliography includes
only references cited on the text in accordance to the format established by
the APA.
The opening day, the authors must submit their posters properly printed and
measuring approximately 90 cm x 120 cm. The poster will remain in its place
during all the congress; when it finish, the author or responsible will remove it.
The Organizing Committee will not be responsible for the material that remains
after the event. 15
The workshops are academic activities realized one or two days before the
congress. They are theoretical and practical courses in English or Spanish where
the specialists in the study or use of the color share their knowledge in a program
previously approved by the academic committee and which clearly established the
objectives, subject, activities and documentary support. Since the workshops are
activities conducted before the congress inauguration, they are not part of it; in
fact, they will be held outside the facilities of the venue in appropriate spaces that
would meet the objectives of the program. For example, the textile dyeing course
will be held in the Oaxacan Textile Museum.
The workshops are independent and they have a separate registration process
and fees that may vary according to its duration, the materials that are to be used,
equipment and infrastructure. The fees and places will be specified in the program.
Those interested in conducting workshops must fill a form that will be in the web
page in due course with the following data:
A resume specifying the area of specialty of the speaker.
Workshop name
Duration in hours
Equipment and infrastructure needs
Although the courses will be open to all the interested parties, they must be
approved by the Academic Committee which will evaluate its quality. The
workshops will have a maximum duration of 8 hours daily (four hours in the
morning and four in the afternoon).
The number of attendees may vary according to the facilities and infrastructure.
The professor will receive recognition and an hourly compensation established by
the Academic Committee according to the characteristics of the course. All the
attendees will receive a certificate of participation. 16
The registration for the congress will have three modalities: as participant, as
attendee, and remote.
Speakers’ registration
The participation in the congress, whether with an oral or poster presentation, is
subjected to a protocol subject to the following stages:
Submission of the abstracts with the guidelines established by the Academic
Committee, the filling of the form of the speakers’ registration and the content
included in this document.
Once received, the organizing committee will send to the interested parties a
document confirming the reception of the papers. If the latter does not arrive
within a maximum period of one week you must notify this to the Organizing
The abstracts will be evaluated by national and international specialists in the
corresponding field of study.
After the evaluation, the dictum will be send by email. If the paper is approved,
even with observations, the participants can make their payment in U.S. dollars
(USD) or Mexican pesos (MX) according to the equivalence at the moment of
the payment.
The voucher must be scanned and sent to the Organizing Committee; upon
receipt, the participant will be duly registered.
Assistants’ registration
The assistants will have the right to attend all the academic events considered
in the congress, not including the workshops. Those interested can make their
payments in advance so they can have the discounts offered by the Organizing
Committee. 17
Fees or donations
The payments will vary in accordance to the modalities specified in the following
Before July 31st , 2014
After August 1st, 2014
$ 300.00 USD
$ 350.00 USD
$ 200.00 USD
$ 250.00 USD
In collective works, whether oral or poster presentation, the interested parties
must add $100.00 USD for each certificate of participation that will be given
We will apply a 20% discount to these fees for groups over ten people, students
with student card and agreements with companies or educational institutions.
AMEXINC partners will have a 30% discount.
Payment of donations
Donations may be made by different means taking into account that they must be
made in a single installment.
Bank check: Deposit money in the account 0162515024 in BBVA Bancomer to
name Asociación Mexicana de Investigadores del Color, A.C.
Electronic transfer: It can be made to the CLABE 012 180 00162515024 2 to name
Asociación Mexicana de Investigadores del Color, A.C. (AMEXINC).
In all cases, you must scan the voucher specifying the tax data of the company or
institution to make the invoice.
In the congress website the online payment will be enabled through PayPal. 18
The venue will be the Hotel Misión de los Ángeles Oaxaca, located in Calzada
Porfirio Díaz No. 102, C. P. 68050, Oaxaca, Oaxaca. It is located thirteen blocks
from downtown, five minutes form the buses terminal and twenty minutes from
Oaxaca National Airport “Benito Juarez”. The hotel is in a quiet area without
access problems; it has all the amenities of a four star hotel; it has seven meeting
rooms with capacities from 10 to 1,200 people and 37,000 square meters of green
The congress fee does not include lodging or food. Reservations will be made
by the interested party in direct contact with the hotel Misión de los Ángeles
or place of choice. The Organizing Committee has established agreements for
discounts granted to people who make reservations before December 31st, 2013.
If you want to see a virtual tour of the hotel you can visit:
For further information you can call (951)5020100. Toll free 01800-6270440. You
can also visit the website www.misionde losangeles.com and in Facebook as Misión
de los Ángeles.
Offices in Mexico City are located in: Varsovia 38, second floor, office 201, Col.
Juarez, Mexico, C.P. 06600. D.F. Tel.: 5525-0046. 19
Oaxaca state
Oaxaca, one of the 32 states that are part of the Mexican Republic, is located
southeast of Mexico City. Its capital city is Oaxaca de Juarez. The state is known
for its people, crafts, manners, food, archaeological sites like Monte Alban y Mitla,
touristic zones and the mosaic of its many ethnic groups. It is estimated that at least
one third of the total population are speakers of indigenous languages (5% does
not speak Spanish). The state groups the 53% of the indigenous language speakers
in Mexico. In October it is autumn but the weather is warm or temperate. The
average temperature is a maximum of 26 °C (78° F) and a minimum of 13 °C
(56°F). Oaxaca is well communicated, the federal highway 135 leads to Puebla
and then to the city of Oaxaca. Several bus lines depart from Mexico City and
held constant runs to the city of Oaxaca on journeys that last about 6 hours. The
airport Oaxaca-Xoxocotlan (IATA code: OAX) is approximately 7 km (4.3 miles)
south of the center of the capital. 20
Given that the purpose of the congress is to promote the rapprochement, exchange
and diffusion of ideas about color, AMEXINC has planned several activities:
Academic activities
The axis of the congress is the exchange and diffusion of the subject of color
and for this purpose the program has a wide variety of activities aimed at the
exchange of knowledge, the development of technical and visual abilities related to
color. The program includes magisterial conferences of national and international
personalities; oral presentations; symposia; workshops; coffee talks; posters
exhibition; remote conferences, and printing of the congress proceedings and
articles in extensive.
Social and cultural activities
The social and cultural approach of the program has provided gifts for the
participants, a banquet, the enjoyment of the hotel facilities, buffet meals and
the presentation, by the Oaxaca State Ministry of Tourism of a Calenda and
Guelaguetza, colorful festivities of Oaxaca. We have also schedule optional tours
in the city of Oaxaca, Monte Alban, Mitla and the marvelous convent of Santo
Domingo, among many other attractions offered by the city. As it can be seen, in
our program the fun is included, so we expect that the participants not only have
a wide and enriching spectrum of color but a rainbow of beautiful memories to
enjoy and share.
Commercial activities
Facilities will be given to those wishing to advertise their services and products
through the different media that AMEXINC will put at your fingertips. They will
also have the opportunity to display or make sales in strategic spaces inside the
congress. Hereby we specify the fees and procedures. 21
Guidelines for sponsorship,
publicity, exhibition, and sale
Although AMEXINC was created as a civil nonprofit association, its statutes
authorize the attainment of resources through different means in order that it can
achieve the purposes for what it was created. While the congresses are meeting
points, it is a fact that they require generous financial support and moreover in
this occasion in which two important events are provided: the most important
national meeting event and the annual congress of the AIC that will be held in
the same venue and dates. On this basis and with the idea of a shared benefit
we call the public institutions and private companies to favor us with its support
and preference through the different sponsorship, advertising, display and sales
packages considering that your market will be directly related with your offering:
the color. We ask you to read carefully the different proposals AMEXINC has
designed and among whom you sure will find the one that best adapt to your
budget and needs. 22
The sponsorship is an important source of financing for congresses under the
principle that all parts are beneficiated. On this basis, AMEXINC has designed
three wonderful packages to choose the one that best suits your budget and
Platinum sponsors
The platinum level is the highest package. The platinum sponsors obtain all the
benefits of the congress: diffusion of their logo through different media; three
square meters for display and sales; a full color whole page of advertising in the
congress printed program, three complimentary passes for the congress and two
for the banquet.
Silver sponsors
Is the middle level, it includes the diffusion of the logo through different media;
two square meters for display and sales, black & white half page of advertising in
the congress printed program and two complimentary passes for the congress.
Bronze sponsors
Is the lowest level of sponsorship; it includes the diffusion of the logo through
different media; two square meters for display and sale and two complimentary
passes for the congress. 23
For further and updated details and information on the event visit our websites:
and in the social networks
Twitter @AMEXINC1
Or through the email: [email protected]
“For a culture of the chromatic experience”
Mexico, D.F. May 15th, 2013
Yours sincerely
The Organizing Committee of the 3rd Mexican Color Meeting and International
Color Congress, Oaxaca, 2014.