New Carlisle Church of the Brethren
219 North Main Street
New Carlisle, Ohio 45344
Tel: (937) 845-1428 Fax: (937) 845-1615
Pastor’s Cell Phone / Voicemail: (937) 546-1196
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, And Friday: 9:00am – 12:00pm
Sunday School: 9:30am. Worship: 10:30am.
Worship: – channel # 992 Time Warner Cable - Monday 5:00 pm & Thursday 6:00 am
October 2014
The Way of Radical
Compassion: Practicing the
Spiritual Path of Jesus
November 15,
9:00am - 4:00pm
New Carlisle Church of the Brethren
219 North
Mark Yaconelli is a writer, speaker, retreat leader, spiritual director, community activist,
youth Main
storyteller, disco dancer,
husband, and father. He is the co-founder and program director for the Center for Engaged Compassion45344
at Claremont School of
Theology which seeks to heal broken people and communities through contemplation, creativity, and compassion.
This workshop will focus on practices and strategies for creating a local, personal storytelling series that
strengthens community, heals shame, cultivates compassion, and builds intergenerational relationships.
Through presentation, ritual, contemplative processes, and narrative exercises participants will develop
the skills and practices for creating their own community storytelling series.
Mark speaks and leads storytelling events each year for various non-profit organizations including Compassion International,
and the 2013 Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren
Mark spent 20 years working with young people and the people who serve them (parents, youth workers, pastors) in
congregational, camp, and conference settings. His research and ministry with young people has been ground-breaking in its
exploration of spiritual direction, contemplation, and ancient spiritual practices as the basis of formation with young people. In
1996, he co-founded the Youth Ministry and Spirituality Project that sought to test the continued next page….
…….integration of contemplative practice and awareness within congregational youth ministry programs.
He directed that project from 1996 to 2006.
Continued from page 1
Interviews and profiles of Mark Yaconelli’s work have appeared in the national media including the Wall Street Journal, ABC
World News Tonight, New York Times Online, Washington Post Online, Christianity Magazine, and CBS Radio. Feature articles
on his work with teens have appeared in The Christian Century, Immerse, Group Magazine, Youthworker Journal, and many
other Christian publications.
Mark Yaconelli holds an MA in Christian Spirituality from the Graduate Theological Union and a Graduate Diploma in the Art
of Spiritual Direction from San Francisco Theological Seminary. He is a popular speaker and retreat leader throughout the
United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Mark lives in Southern Oregon with his wife Jill, and their three children–Noah, Joseph, and Grace.
Thank you to all who
participated in the
Church World Service/
CROP Walk on Sept. 21.
There were 62 walkers, including a lot of
“characters”. As of 9-22-14, $9300.00 had
been collected. Wow! That’s a lot of money
for CWS AND 25% of that ($2325.00) stays
here in New Carlisle for the Food Pantry.
The cut off deadline for donation collection
isn’t until October 10, so that total should be
even higher! Thank you especially to Carol
Dutton and Tony White for representing our
church for this worthy cause!
Evelyn Blount
D'Anne Studebaker
Beth Ehlinger
Robin Snipes
Joseph Larason
Paul Snipes
Marie Strain
Bertie Harbison
Kyle Magato
Paul and Louise Holt
are relocating to
West Chester, Ohio
(Cincinnati) shortly
after October 1 .
Their new address
will be:
9497 Twin Valley Ct.
Cincinnati, OH
The Tuesday afternoon Bible study,
currently called “The Wired Word”,
meets in the social area in the
sanctuary at 1:00 pm. It is led by
Shiela Shumaker. Current events
are taken from the media and the
discussions are focused on how the
Bible relates to what is going on
around us in today’s society. Please
join us, all are welcome
This fall our congregation will be discerning who should be
called into leadership for our church. Several people have
given their time and talents for their term of office, and now
must step down to allow others to guide the church. Church
leadership is a form of service to the church community and
worship to God. In your prayers, ask God who in our church
should be on the team to lead us at this time. Listen for the
answer. Be open to God’s response. It may be you.
Mabel O’Connor wishes to thank everyone
for their prayers and good wishes for her
daughter. She is doing very well. Thank
you so much!
When Ruth Lightener was able to drive and get out, she enjoyed coming to
church to listen to the practicing of music. She’d come in early and sit in the
same pew and listen to Janie practice the pieces that she would be playing
during the worship service. Ruth loved hugs! She enjoyed the positive attention,
she needed the positive attention. She appreciated my invitation for
Thanksgiving several years ago. We had such a nice visit. Others were invited,
but they had other plans so it was just the two of us,. She enjoyed our time
together. That is a nice memory. Thank you Ruth for your life here at the New
Carlisle Church of the Brethren.
Your friend, Alyce
Nursery care givers are needed for the Sunday
school hour. Right now we don’t have children using
the nursery during that time, but we need people to
be on call in case the need is there. There are only 4
people on the list and they are on call every month.
We could also use more volunteers during worship.
Please let the office know if you are willing to play
during worship and/or Sunday school.
Good Food
Good Fellowship
Good Fun
Mark your calendars for
the morning of November
23 . You will not want to
miss this!
Chick E. Lee & KoKo
Pat Krabacher has written a very
informative letter regarding EYN
and the relief efforts that are
going on in Nigeria. There are
copies of the letter in the
information rack at the back of
the sanctuary available for you
to read.
Mike & Sue Wilson
Bryan & Shannon Snipes
The Brethren Heritage Center Needs Volunteers
The Brethren Heritage Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving
Historical and current information concerning the various Brethren bodies which have
a rich heritage dating to 1708 in Schwarzenau, Germany. Southwestern Ohio was
hosen for the location of the center due to the large number of Brethren living in the
Miami Valley Region. The Brethren bodies involved with the Brethren Heritage
Center are: Church of the Brethren, Conservative Grace Brethren International,
Dunkard Brethren, Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches, German Baptist Brethren,
Old Brethren, Old Brethren German Baptist, Old German Baptist Brethren, Old
German Baptist Brethren-New Conference, Old Order German Baptist, The Brethren Church. They are seeking
volunteers. To find out more , contact the center at:937-833-5222 or by e-mail:
[email protected] or you can visit their website at:
The Center is located at 428 N. Wolf Creek St., Suite H1 in Brookville, OH 45309 and they are open
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 am – 4 pm.
In Ministry the Month of October
Ministers: Our
Missionaries: All
Senior Pastor: Dr. Andrew J.O. Wright
Associate Pastor: Rev.Vicki
Administrative Assistant: Jan White
Deacons on Call: Bob & Sharon Smart – 845-8396
October 5
October 12
October 19
Octoner 26
Carol Burns & Tara Studebaker
Bettie Penry & Pat Demmitt
Arthena Cook & Nancy White
Greg & Karen Slattery
Kara Snipes & Kristina Schmitt
Anton Pike & Dillon Tipton
Kristina & Anna Schmitt
Casey Snapp & Ben Tipton
October 5
October 12
October 19
October 26
S.S. Nursery
Mindy Tipton
Robin Snipes
Bettie Penry
Tara Studebaker
Worship Nursery
Pat Krabacher
Robin Snipes
Rita Lane
Shannon Snipes
October 5
October 12
October 19
October 26
Worship Leader
Pete Lane
Gary Ehlinger
Evelyn Shroyer
Diane Moore
Deacon Prayer
Rita Lane
Beth Phares
Pete Lane
Janet Taylor
Evelyn Shroyer
Evelyn Shroyer
Debi Wright
Debbie Meade
Power Zone
Wendy St. Peter
Janet Taylor
Nancy White & Kathy Florkey
Leadership Announcements: Mike Meade
Sign Curator:
Adult Choir Director: Paul Brown
Band Director: Vicki Ullery
Keyboards: Jane Stamper
Handbell Director: Sharon Smart
Son Singer’s Choir Director: Debi Wright
Seekers Book Club Selections For 2014
October 24 – THE AVIATOR’S WIFE by Melanie Benjamin
November 28 – UNDER THE WIDE STARRY SKY by Nancy Horan
Thank you Pat Demmitt
for washing and ironing
the kitchen curtains.
What a difference it
The Book Club meets the 4 Friday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in the Church
library. All are welcome to read and join in on the discussions.
9-21-2014 Dunkard Service
Anyone walking into our Worship Service on Sunday,
September 21 would have thought they had walked back in
time. It truly was a wonderful reenactment of a service held
100 years ago. Men sat on the left, the women and children
on the right. The sanctuary was unadorned and no piano or
instruments were used during the service. Many of the
women dressed in the manner of the Dunkard women of the
period. After the service, everyone gathered at the home of
the Smart’s for a carry-in picnic.
Thank you Meijer shoppers. We cleaned
up in aisle 2! We received a check from
Meijer for $171.90. That is money from
you shopping at Meijer and using your
Meijer card. No gimmicks, just rewards in
the way of free money for us. If you want
to help us out, check out the brochure in
the information rack in the Sanctuary.
PRAYER LISTS_____________________________________________
Continued Prayer for …
Pastor Andrew & family, Church Leaders, Deacons, Church Board, Teachers, Carol Miller (Tony White’s sister has MS),
Carolyn Whittington (diagnosed with ALS, daughter of Harold & Flora Erbaugh), Pat White (Tony White’s mother), Janet
Harris (Evelyn Shroyer’s sister), baby Ryan Albritton & Slattery family, Cameron Platt (Cheryl Schock’s grandson –
asthma), Skip Castle, Marge Skillings, Thelma Studebaker, Jason & Angela Skillings and family, Irene Roser, Mabel
Reece Brad G. Schock (Dana Schock’s son), Ruth Lightner family, Rob Schock, Connie Dershem (friend of Kathy
Florkey), Mr. Dave Cottrell (lung issues), Bobby Muth (kidney failure),Kaili Black (friend of Shirley Petry, diagnosed with
leukemia), Deanne Thatcher (friend of Mike Meade, chronic granulocytic leukemia), Jim Maxon and family on the loss of
his mother (friend of Rusty Shore), Steve Cox family, Pat Tracy, Rebecca Dahli, Marjorie Petry & family
Our Military
Andrew Krabacher, Benjamin Doggett, George Lemmer, Justin Palcic
Remember our Shut-Ins
Brethren Home: NCCoB Cheer Block 10 Wilmington Place: Lois Sherman
Brookhaven: Dan Sprinkle Forest Glen Health Campus: Phoebe Pyles
Dayview Care Center: Linda Fields, Jack Smart, Velma Taylor
Belle Manor: Shirley Bell
Dan Sprinkle
One Country Lane
Brookville, OH 45309
Lois Sherman
The Sanctuary
264 Wilmington Ave.
Room 105A
Dayton, OH 45420
Shirley Bell
Belle Manor Nursing
107 N. Pike St.
New Carlisle, OH 45344
Phoebe Pyles
Forest Glen Health
2150 Montego Dr.
Springfield, OH 45503
Our 160th conference will be held at the Happy Corner Church of the
Brethren on October 10-11, 2014. The theme is "We are God's
servants--working together." I Corinthians 3:9. Our Moderator is Tom
Friday Schedule:
Dayview Care Center
1885 N. Dayton Lakeview Rd
New Carlisle, OH 45344
Linda Fields, Jack Smart,
Velma Taylor
Our heroes from the
July Blood Drive are:
Carol Belhorn, Pete
Lane, Jim Phares,
Paul Mohler and Alyce
Replogle. These people
don’t do this for the recognition, they do it to save lives,
but give them a heroes thank you anyhow!
1-5 PM -- Church Leadership Pre-conference Gathering
4 Pm-- Displays may be set up
5 PM Registration begins
6:30-7:30 Business session in sanctuary
7:30 PM--Worship
Saturday Schedule:
8 AM-- Registration
9-Noon-- Business
Noon-1:30 Lunch
1:30-4 PM-- Business
Our love and sympathy go out
to the family of Steve Cox. Steve
passed away last week but gave
the gift of life to several people
by being an organ donor. What
a beautiful blessing in the midst
of turmoil and grief. Steve is the
grandson of George and Velma
Custer and the nephew of Jim
and Janet Taylor.
1)Office Closed
9:00 am Ladies Aid
5:00 pm Comm. Dinner
6:00 pm Bells
6:30 pm SBB*
7:30 pm Adult Choir
5) 8:00
Prayer in Parlor
8:30 Son Rise Café
8:30 LBU Rehearsal
9:30 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
6:00 Hispanic Worship
4:45 pm Son Singers
5:00 pm Worship broadcast
on TW ch 992
Heritage of Flight Fest.
12) 8:00
Prayer in Parlor
8:30 Son Rise Café
8:30 LBU Rehearsal
9:30 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
12:00 Deacon Carry-in
6:00 Hispanic Worship
Cookies 4 Campers
19) 8:00
Prayer in Parlor
8:30 Son Rise Café
8:30 LBU Rehearsal
9:30 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
6:00 Hispanic Worship
20)Newsletter Deadline
26) 8:00
Prayer in Parlor
8:30 Son Rise Café
8:30 LBU Rehearsal
9:30 Sunday School
10:30 Centennial Service
6:00 Hispanic Worship
Birthday Cookies
4:45 pm Son Singers
5:00 pm Worship broadcast
on TW ch 992
7:00 pm A Place Apart in
Choc. Room
4:45 pm Son Singers
5:00 pm Worship broadcast
on TW ch 992
1:00 pm Wired Word Bible
Study in Sanctuary
7:00 pm Hispanic Bible
Study in Choc. Room
3)Office Closed
Heritage of
Flight Festival
9) 6:00 am Worship
broadcast on TW ch 992
10:00 am Bible Study in
5:00 pm Wt. Watchers in
Fellowship Hall
7:00 pm Joyful Noise Band
in Choc. Room
9:00 am Bulletin Deadline
10 – 3 CBO in Choc. Room
16) 6:00 am Worship
5:00 pm Comm. Dinner
6:00 pm Bells
6:30 pm SBB*
7:30 pm Adult Choir
7:00 pm Hispanic Bible
Study in Choc. Room
5:00 pm Comm. Dinner
6:00 pm Bells
6:30 pm SBB*
7:30 pm Adult Choir
22) Office Closed
9:00 am Ladies Aid
9:00 am Ladies Aid
7:00 pm Hispanic Bible
Study in Choc. Room
5:00 pm Comm. Dinner
6:00 pm Bells
6:30 pm SBB*
7:30 pm Adult Choir
29) Office Closed
4:45 pm Son Singers
5:00 pm Worship broadcast
on TW ch 992
7:00 pm A Place Apart in
Choc. Room
1:00 pm Wired Word Bible
Study in Sanctuary
7:00 pm Hispanic Bible
Study in Choc. Room
broadcast on TW ch 992
9:00 am Bulletin Deadline
10:00 am Bible Study in
9:00 am Ladies Aid
15) Office Closed
1:00 pm Wired Word Bible
Study in Sanctuary
2)6:00 am Worship
8) Office Closed
9:30 am Greenville Gang
1:00 pm Wired Word Bible
Study in Sanctuary
9:00 am Ladies Aid
5:00 pm Comm. Dinner
6:00 pm Bells
6:30 pm SBB*
7:30 pm Adult Choir
broadcast on TW ch 992
10:00 am Bible Study in
5:00 pm Wt Watchers in
Fellowship Hall
7:00 pm Joyful Noise Band
in Choc. Room
23) 6:00 am Worship
broadcast on TW ch 992
10:00 am Bible Study in
5:00 pm Wt. Watchers in
Fellowship Hall
7:00 pm Joyful Noise Band
in Choc. Room
30) 6:00 am Worship
broadcast on TW ch 992
10:00 am Bible Study in
5:00 pm Wt. Watchers in
Fellowship Hall
7:00 pm Joyful Noise Band
in Choc. Room
7:30 pm Mojo Brass in
9:00 am Bulletin Deadline
3 – 8 Joyful Noise Band in
Choc. Room
1 – 3 Joyful Noise Band in
Choc. Room
7:30 pm Mojo Brass in
9:00 am Bulletin Deadline
1:00 pm Book Club in
1 – 3 Joyful Noise Band in
Choc. Room
7:30 pm Mojo Brass in
9:00 am Bulletin Deadline
7:30 pm Mojo Brass in
*Stressed But Blessed