PRECIOUS BLOOD CHURCH JASPER, INDIANA A Note from Bonnie Meadows October 19, 2014 Stewardship of Treasure Dear Parishioners, Collection for October 11/12: $ 13,841 I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful fall weather. This is my favorite time of the year! I love watching the fall colors come alive on the trees. It reminds me to take the time to thank God for all of His creation. Amount Needed Weekly: $ 15,250 Shortfall This Sunday: $ (1,409) Shortfall Year-To-Date: $ (6,433) Children’s Weekly Collection: $ 0 Children’s Year-To-Date: $ 8 Adoration Chapel: $ 297 Fall brings back memories of when my daughters were young and we would pick out pumpkins. That was a tough job to find the perfect one to carve. Once we got the pumpkins home, it was time to do some carving! My favorite part was cutting it open and letting them clean out the inside of the pumpkin. It took them a while to get used to the cold, wet, stringy feeling…the faces they made! But once they got the hang of it, they had a fun time! What a mess! We had a great time deciding how we would carve the eyes, nose, and mouth. Believe me, we had some funny looking pumpkins on our porch! But it didn’t matter it was something we did as a family. As I look back, we had a fun time! Mess and all! We even washed and roasted the pumpkin seeds. That was a yummy snack after the pumpkins were lit on the porch. My daughters are grown now, but maybe we all can get together to carve some pumpkins. It would be interesting to see what we can come up with now. I’m sure something more complicated! I will share with them the Pumpkin Prayer I came across a couple of months ago. I would also like to pass the prayer on to you. As you get ready to carve your pumpkins with your children or grandchildren, take the time to read this prayer: "Come to learn. Go forth to serve. Trust in Divine Providence." Our Staff Shares What Catholic education means to me: “We can teach and develop moral character, influencing who they will become, not just teaching standards.” Dear God, As I carve my pumpkin, help me say this prayer: Open my mind so I can learn about You; Congratulations to Eric Sargent (Cut the top of the pumpkin) 130 Sunshine Dr., Jasper Take away all my sins and forgive me for the wrong things I do; (Clean out the inside) Our $100 Cash Bonanza Winner Open my eyes so Your Love I will see; on October 12th. (Cut eyes shaped like hearts) I'm sorry for turning up my nose to all You've given me; (Cut a nose in the shape of the cross) Also, to Susan Berg, Jasper Our October Quilt-of-the-Month Winner Open my ears so Your Word I will hear; (Cut ears shaped like the Bible) Open my mouth so I can tell others You're near; (Cut mouth in the shape of a fish) Let Your Light shine in all I say and do! Amen. (Place a candle and light) Brian J. Woebkenberg, M.D. Take some time to enjoy the fall season! God bless, Bonnie ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Weekly Readings and Mass Intentions Saturday, October 18 Reading: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Lk 10:1-9 4:00 p.m. Harold Schnarr (A) Sunday, October 19 Reading: Is 45:1, 4-6; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 8:00 a.m. People of the Parish 10:30 a.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Ray & Catherine Seger Family Monday, October 20 Reading: Eph 2:1-10; Lk 12:13-21 8:00 a.m. No Mass Tuesday, October 21 Reading: Eph 2:12-22; Lk 12:35-38 * 8:00 a.m. Jim Harris, Jr. Wednesday, October 22 Reading: Eph 3:2-12; Lk 12:39-48 8:00 a.m. Charles R. Nicholson Thursday, October 23 Reading: Eph 3:14-21; Lk 12:49-53 8:00 a.m. Clara (Rusch) Moore Friday, October 24 Reading: Eph 4:1-6; Lk 12:54-59 8:00 a.m. Mike & Cecelia Eckert (A) Saturday, October 25 Reading: Eph 4:7-16; Lk 13:1-9 8:00 a.m. Albert & Adela Schlachter 4:00 p.m. Alvin Burger (A) Sunday, October 26 Reading: Ex 22:20-26; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 8:00 a.m. Robert J. & Frances Becher (A) 10:30 a.m. People of the Parish Ministry Assignments Saturday, October 25 — 4:00 p.m. Gift Bearers: Mike & Carol Schmitt Family Servers: Luke Ackerman, Amanda Ackerman, Camden Knies, Nicolette Eckert Eucharistic Ministers: Darlene Schnell, Jan Uebelhor, Bernita Heim, Mary Jo Hart, Kent Reyling, Visitor, Visitor Hospitality Ministers: Randy Voegerl, Mike Patterson, Herb Welp, Leon Goepfrich Lector: Visitor Sacristan: Stephanie Schepers Sunday, October 26 — 8:00 a.m. Gift Bearers: Mike & Mary Ramirez Family Servers: Lane Abell, Kiersten Woehler, Tyler McCormick Eucharistic Ministers: Dave Kunkel, Martha Smith, Brian Woebkenberg, Ann Shappard, Ralph Schwenk, Sally Sternberg, Eric Schue Hospitality Ministers: Dan Buechlein, Jason Buechlein, Doug Libbert, Greg Buechlein Lector: Joe Brake Sacristan: Joe Schoenbachler Sunday, October 26 — 10:30 a.m. Gift Bearers: Scott & Audrey Fischer Family Servers: Caleb Lehmkuhler, Jacob Ahlbrand, Peyton Ahlbrand, Becca Schitter Eucharistic Ministers: Ron Schitter, Bob Atwood, Judy Atwood, Eric Sargent, Andy Welsh, Peggy Merkel, Marilyn Wolf Hospitality Ministers: Brad Ahlbrand, Joe Schitter, Linda Shaneyfelt, Bill Shaneyfelt Lector: Angie Schitter Sacristan: Sharlene Schitter * = School children attend this Mass. SCRIP News Fall Break and Halloween are just around the corner! Now is the time to purchase “SCRIP” and put it to good use for those needed essentials. Costumes and candy … Decorations and treats ... If you are planning to buy these items anyway, use “SCRIP” to earn your family tuition credit. Are you traveling over Fall Break? Don't forget that there are “SCRIP” cards available for gas stations and hotels, too!!! Or are you staying local? We've got you covered with a variety of local vendors that participate in the “SCRIP” program. It's the easiest way to support our school and reduce your tuition cost by earning credit for your family. Don't delay...... buy “SCRIP” today!!! Next weekend’s volunteers: 4:00 p.m. — Karla Hopf, Tammy Hurm 8:00 a.m. — Krista Libbert, Ann Shappard 10:30 a.m. — Brenda Erny, Kim Johnson St. Mary Church, Ireland Mass Schedule Monday & Thursday - 7:30 a.m. Tuesday & Wednesday - 6:00 p.m. Saturday - 5:30 p.m. Sunday - 7:00 and 9:15 a.m. PRECIOUS BLOOD CHURCH JASPER, INDIANA October 19, 2014 Parish Calendar for the Week Area Announcements Today (Sunday) Today (Sunday) 1) The Ireland K of C - Fall BBQ At the Ireland K of C Home. Barbeque chicken and chops with trimmings. Serving begins at 9:00 a.m. until sold out. 2) St. Isidore Catholic Church Shooting Match Bristow. Ham & turkey shoot begins at 11:00 a.m. (CDT). Lunch served beginning at 10:30 a.m. 3) Benefit for Jackie Lynch - Schnitzelbank Restaurant from 10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Drive-thru only - $10 per meal - includes 1/4 fried chicken or Bratwurst Dinner with German fries, baked beans, and slaw. Jackie is battling an aggressive form of breast cancer. All proceeds will help pay mounting medical expenses. 4) Pilgrimage to Monte Cassino Shrine - 2 p.m. (CDT) Sermon by Fr. Timothy Sweeney, OSB, “Mary at the Cross”. The Monte Cassino Shrine is located one mile east of the Archabbey. Children’s Liturgy of the Word - Gr. 1-3 during 10:30 a.m. Mass Children’s Church (ages 4-5) during 10:30 a.m. Mass. Meet in the Gathering Area. Monday, October 20 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. Quilting in the Quilters’ Room 6:00 p.m. Finance Commission Meeting - St. Mother Theodore Guerin Conference Room 6:30 p.m. P.B.S. PTO Meeting - Endress Hall 6:30 p.m. Contemporary Ensemble Rehearsal - Church Tuesday, October 21 7:00 p.m. Men’s Club Meeting - Classrooms in the basement Wednesday, October 22 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. Quilting in the Quilters’ Room No Religious Education Classes - Fall Break Thursday, October 23 No School - Fall Break 6:30 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal - Church Friday, October 24 No School - Fall Break Saturday, October 25 3:00 - 3:45 p.m. Reconciliation Sunday, October 26 Children’s Liturgy of the Word - Gr. 1-3 during 10:30 a.m. Mass Children’s Church (ages 4-5) during 10:30 a.m. Mass. Meet in the Gathering Area. Coming Our Way October 30 5:30 p.m. “Over 75” Party - Endress Hall November 2 Spaghetti Dinner - after 10:30 Mass Parish Announcements Tue., Oct. 21 - Men’s Club Meeting - 7 p.m. The meeting will take place in the school basement. Come, be a part … and bring a friend! Short meeting followed by cards, refreshments, and fellowship. All parish men 18 years of age and older are invited to attend! If you have any questions, please contact Tim Erny at 827-4543. Weekday Mass Intentions Available There are dates available for weekday Mass intentions for the months of November and December. Anyone interested in requesting a Mass intention, please come to the Parish/School Office or call Barb Trambaugh at 482-4461, ext. 100. Congratulations to Mike & Carol Schmitt who will celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary at the 4:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, October 25. May God bless them with many more years together! Today (Sunday) - Sacred Relics of The Saints: Treasures Of The Church: St. Joseph Parish presents a teaching and exposition of Sacred Relics on at 1:00 p.m. Father Carlos Martins of the Companions of the Cross will be there with his very special ministry to teach about these holy objects. He will bring with him over 150 relics. Those in attendance will be able to examine and venerate each relic. You are encouraged to bring your articles of devotion (such as rosaries, holy cards, etc.) and pictures of ill friends/family members which you will be able to touch to the reliquaries as a means of intercession. BOSCO NEWS Every Wednesday the Bosco House is open after school until 5 p.m. for dropping in (high school). Our youth ministry adoration hour is also Wednesdays from 5-6 p.m. at the Precious Blood chapel. Come join us for an hour of quiet prayer. Bible Storying at the Bosco House after Religious Education from 8:30-9:30 p.m. each week (high school). Come check out this imaginative way of reflecting on Scripture. There will be a call-out meeting for anyone interested in more information on the diocesan Pilgrimage For Life trip to Washington, D.C., January 21-24. The meeting will be Tue., Oct. 21, at 6 p.m. in Kundek Hall in the St. Joe Parish Center. The trip is open to all in high school and older. If you can't make the meeting and are interested, contact Carley for trip information. We are headed to God's Country in Perry County on Sun., Oct. 26, for an All Saints' Day Party on their beautiful grounds. We will meet at the Bosco House at 1 p.m. and return by 7 p.m. Please RSVP to Carley at [email protected], or 812-481-2442 by Wed., Oct. 22. Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto The St. Boniface grotto is modeled after the grotto at Lady of Lourdes in France and was built beneath St. Boniface Church in 1914. The flood of 1937 filled the grotto with 3 feet of water damaging several statues and causing it to close soon after. The grotto reopened in 1972 as a minimuseum, displaying St. Boniface relics. Tours are led by volunteers on Sundays during October, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (CDT) Private tours can be arranged by appointment anytime. The grotto is located at 418 North Wabash in Evansville. For more information contact Bob Koressel at 812-625-0035. The Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand are offering a workshop, “Praying with Icons,” on November 1-2 at Kordes Center on the grounds of Monastery Immaculate Conception in Ferdinand. Learn the ancient art of icons and the spirituality of praying with these holy images. Presented by Sister Jeana Visel, OSB. Workshop runs from 9:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. on Nov. 1, and 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Nov. 2. Cost $165, includes a room and four meals. Commuter cost $105, includes three meals. Registration due October 29. For more information or to register, call 367-1411, ext. 2915, or visit TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Religious Education C.L.O.W. Facilitators: Wed., Oct. 22 - No Religious Education Classes … Enjoy the Fall Break! Oct. 26: Lisa Hempfling & Kim Johnson Nov. 2: Katie Bower & Annie Stout Wed., Oct. 29, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. - Religious Education class for al middle school students here at Precious Blood. All high school students will meet at St. Mary Church, Ireland, for a presentation on the meaning behind the feasts of All Saints and All Souls. Children’s Church Facilitators: Oct. 26: Bonnie Meadows & Harry Seng Nov. 2: Brenda Obermeier Lauren Obermeier R.C.I.A. If you or someone you know is interested in learning about the Catholic faith, please call Bonnie for more information about Inquiry Sessions. For further information, please contact Bonnie Meadows at 482-4461, ext. 240, or email [email protected]. Children’s Church and Children’s Liturgy of the World As many of you know, here at Precious Blood Church we offer the children an opportunity to attend Children’s Church or Children’s Liturgy of the Word during the 10:30 am Mass. Fr. Gary and Fr. Jeff will call forward the children to go and hear the word of God in a way that is age appropriate. The children who participate in CLOW (children grades 1-3) will learn about the gospel in the Precious Blood Preschool Room. The children who participate in Children’s Church (Preschool – Kindergarten) will be in the Gathering Area. We are in need of more adult leaders for each program. Please take the time to pray and think about becoming a leader. The lesson plans are very simple to follow. As the adult leader, you will receive a leader’s guide two weeks before your scheduled Sunday. As a leader, you will need to read the lesson plan a couple of times, and you will be ready to go! There will be a teenage or adult helper scheduled with you. This is a great opportunity to show your children, that not only is their school education important, but so is their religious education. If you have been thinking about getting involved with Children’s Ministry but are not quite sure, I invite you to sit in on either program to see how it works. I just ask that you let the leader know that you are interested and would like to join them to see if it is right for you. Also, if you would like more information on becoming a leader, please give me a call. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. God bless, Bonnie PRECIOUS BLOOD CHURCH JASPER, INDIANA October 19, 2014 Dear Parish Family, Sunday, November 2, 2014 After 10:30 Mass Endress Hall Tickets: $6.00 per family Tickets will be on sale after weekend Masses on October 18/19 and October 25/26. (Sponsored by the Stewardship Committee) Mass at St. Thomas Chapel You and your family are invited to attend Mass with Father Ray Brenner at the St. Thomas Chapel this Tue., Oct. 21, at 7:00 a.m. The St. Thomas Chapel is located in the new St. Thomas Medical Center, 600 West 13th Street in Jasper. All are welcome to attend. The Prayer Shawl Ministry is going well! Thanks to all our crocheters and knitters! You are the ones who make this ministry happen and continue to be successful! The recipients of the crocheted and knitted items are most appreciative that the parish includes them in their love and prayers in their time of need or celebration. Some receivers have literally clung to their gift, feeling the support and prayers coming from our Precious Blood family. This important ministry is very valuable and rewarding! Many of you have received or given a Prayer Shawl or Lap Robe to a family member or friend. Our Baby Blankets go to our little ones who become new members at the time of Baptism. The crocheted items are always available in the Parish/School office. Contact me or come to the office and the secretaries will be glad to help you pick out your special item. In order for this ministry to continue its success, we are in constant need of crocheters and knitters. Sometimes, the supply gets low because of the demand of these items. We have enough lap robes for now. We are in need of baby blankets and prayer shawls. If you enjoy crocheting or knitting during the cold winter months, and you want to help this ministry, please let me know. If you have not crocheted or knitted before and you want to learn, let us know that too! We gladly give FREE lessons, have a good time, and enjoy each other’s company in a relaxed setting. We have yarn for you to pick out for your project as well as easy patterns. May God bless you and your family! You can contact me at 482-4461, ext. 130 or [email protected]. Sister Betty Koressel The following openings are available: TEC * 2:00 p.m. on the 1st Sunday of the month November 15-17, 2014 * 3:00 p.m. on the 4th Sunday of the month Teens Encounter Christ is a three-day experience for young people who are searching for goals, for acceptance, for meaning, and for community. Teens can expect to meet youth from other areas of the Diocese, find how God fits in your life, and encounter the Risen Jesus Christ. You will have time to reflect on your life, ideas, hopes, and dreams away from home, school, and/or work. You can find an application and more information at * 3:00 a.m. on the 4th Monday of the month This is open to anyone who would like to spend quiet time in prayer. This is a great opportunity for those who are thinking of taking an hour … one time per month. Please think about committing a quiet hour each month in prayer at the chapel. If you would like to make a commitment of time in prayer at the chapel, send your request to [email protected] or call 630-8382. TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
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