OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CHURCH LATHAM, NEW YORK Dear Parishioners, The Feast of the North American Martyrs St. Issac Jogues, John de Brebeuf and companions falls on this Sunday Oct. 19th. The feast commemorates the martyrdom of sic French Jesuit Priests and their two lay companions who came into the Mohawk River valley in the 1640’s to spread the Catholic faith. The shrine at Auriesville (near Amsterdam, NY) honors the place of their martyrdom. Known as “Blackrobes”, because of their religious habits, they ministered to both the Iroquois and Huron Indians here and in Canada. The Martyrs were Canonized by Pope Plus XI in 1930. Their feast is an important reminder of the early roots and sacrifices for our faith here in the Diocese of Albany. We are blessed to have our Diocese consecrated by both the blood of martyrs and by St. Kateri Tekakwitha. The pray of the Mass this week says: “O God, grant that through their intercession the faith of all Christians may be strengthened day by day.” Blessings, Fr. Burke OCTOBER 19, 2014 EVANGELIZATION & CATECHESIS VIRTUS PROGRAM DATES FOR OCT.NOV. & DEC. Tuesday, October 21 Catholic Charities, Albany 10:45 am Tuesday, November 18 Pastoral Center, Albany 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 9 Pastoral Center, Albany 1:00 p.m. Reminder for Grades 4/6, JH & HS and Parents: Personal Safety topics/videos for Grades 4-6 will view and discuss their videos on Saturday, October 25th at 9:00 or 10:15. Our mandatory Safety Training for youth ( JH and HS) is Monday and Tuesday October 20-21. Please make ever y effort to have your child here for Faith Formation on those nights. Parents are more than welcome to stay for the presentation. If you have any questions or need more information, please call Faith Formation office at 785-1605. YOUTH MINISTRY REGIONAL FOOD BANK Group 10A with Mr s. Coons goes to the Regional Food Bank October 27th 6:30-8:30 PM. Please return your release form to the office prior to that date. Parents are reminded to note the time!! PARISH EVENTS OUR ANNUAL COAT DRIVE WILL START OCTOBER 12th AND RUN THROUGH TO NOVEMBER 16th. Boxes ar e located at the side entrance of the Gathering Space. Please bring your gently used coats and jackets. The need is great. We will be assisting our usual organizations, Mary’s Corner, Blessed Sacrament & St. Mary’s in Albany. Any children’s coats will be donated to Mary’s Corner through the Ladies of Charity. CALLING ALL ANGEL TREE VOLUNTEERS! Each year through the generosity of our parish community, we collect and distribute warm clothing for the needy during the first two weeks of Advent. Volunteers are needed for tasks beginning in early November. Whether you are a yearly helper or a first-timer, please call Mark LaSalle at 463-2957, or email at [email protected] r .com if you can help with one or more of the following tasks this year. Tag-Writing: November 2-14 (call before Nov.1) Hanging Tags on the tree: Befor e/After Masses on November 29 and 30 and December 6 & 7. Gift Sorting: December 13 and 14. Gift Pick-up & Delivery: Sunday, December 14, leaving OLA around Noon. Larger vehicles are better for delivery. Thank you Mark LaSalle Please pray for our Confirmation Candidates as they enter into the last few weeks of prayerful preparation for the Sacrament on Saturday November 1st. Take some time to reflect on your own Confirmation and the life of the Spirit within you! Lock-In and Service days Junior High youth ar e invited to a Lock-In on Monday and Tuesday November 3/4. We will spend the over night at OLA and go out for service work on Tuesday during the day. High School youth ar e invited to a Lock-In on Monday and Tuesday November 10/11. We will spend the over night at OLA and go out for service work on Tuesday during the day. Look for sign-up sheets and release forms outside the Faith Formation Office. You can have 24 hours of fun and still be home in time for homework :-) Student Government Cinderella Closet The Shaker High School Student Government operates a Cinderella Closet. We are currently seeking donations of gently used or new formal attire. If you have any gowns, shoes, suits, or any accessories that could be worn to a formal event, please bring them to the Shaker High School main office. Thank you. TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PASTORAL CARE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING is held Tuesdays fr om 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. and Wednesdays, by appointment, in the Varden Room. We would like to keep in touch with our parishioners who are in the hospital, nursing home or are homebound. Because of the HIPAA Privacy Regulations we may not be aware of these transitions. Please call the Parish Nurse, Marge Jones, in the Pastoral Care Office at 785-0234 ext. 104. NURSES NOTES PASTORAL CARE Our Pastoral Care team here at OLA consists of 25 volunteers who offer their time in the following areas: Hospital visits to St. Peter’s, Albany Medical Center, Memorial, Samaritan and St. Mary’s hospitals on a weekly basis. Conduct a Communion service weekly on Thursdays at Emeritus at Colonie Manor (Father Burke celebrates Mass on first Fridays). Make home visits and bring Communion to our homebound on a weekly and monthly basis. Send get well cards to those who are hospitalized. Send hand written greeting cards on a seasonal basis to our homebound and those living in Care facilities. Send sympathy cards to our newly bereaved Parishioners. Attend wakes and funerals. Run errands and donate time for elderly parishioners who have medical appointments and cannot leave their spouses unattended at home. Provide assistance in the area of gathering information for elderly parishioners who are looking into assisted living facilities or senior Housing. These volunteers donate anywhere from an hour a month to several hours a month and would be happy to have you join the team. Please call 7850234 x104 or better yet just stop in the Pastoral Care office any Tuesday or Wednesday, “we’ll leave the light on for you”. “The Souls of the Just are in the Hands of God” Please remember in prayer parishioners who have died: Ruth M. Johnson William J. Luby Jean Springborn Thomas Fredette Margaret “Jane” Oakley We pray for OLA families who have lost a family member Philip Rosney, brother of Peg (Jack) Bateman Louis Foro, father of Louis T. (Kim) Foro Please call the parish office if you wish to have a family member remembered in prayer FINANCE & STEWARDSHIP Weekly Budget $9,500 Offertory Collection for 10/12/14 $8,138 4:30 PM $2,536 7:30 AM $1,917 9:00 AM $2,022 11:00 AM $1,663 Thank you. CONGRATULATIONS & THANKS THANKS To BOWEN & PARKER BROS. Funeral Home 273-4162 for sponsoring an ad in our bulletin Once again the Ladies of Charity of the Diocese of Albany extend a sincere THANK Y OU to those parishioners of OLA for their generous donations of baby formula to be given to the clients of Mary’s Corner, Cohoes. We also are most grateful to the members of the OLA Knitting Group for the beautiful blankets which are being distributed to our clients. Mary’s Corner is an outreach center serving families in Cohoes, Green Island and Watervliet. Your generosity is deeply appreciated. Bless you and your kind pastor, Father Burke! Joyce Roman Ladies of Charity WHAT IS MERCY? “Mercy” is an important word in the Catholic Church. We begin every Mass with the prayer, “Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy, Lord, have mercy.” The corporal and spiritual works of mercy articulate what our lives should be about as followers of Jesus. “Mercy is active compassion towards another in unfortunate circumstances,” according to The Encyclopedia of Catholicism. “Mercy requires not only a feeling of sympathy but also an intention to ease the other’s misfortune, if possible.” To live with mercy does not mean we need to allow others to take advantage of us; rather, being merciful means approaching life with the intention of helping those who are hurt or who are not being served. OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CHURCH LATHAM, NEW YORK OCTOBER 19, 2014 Masses for the Week Week of October 20-26, 2014 MONDAY-St. Paul of the Cross, Priest 6:30 Communion Service at St. Ambrose 9:00 Donald Farrell (1st Anniv.) by the family John Dale by Dave & Pat Carnevale Father Ruffino Maloney by Mel & Charlyn Pettit TUESDAY 6:30 Maria Falco by her loving family Brian Gross by Ryan Hanrahan Intentions of Linda Triplett by Joyce Bellinghausen Horace LaBier by his daughter Beverly-Jean Silvernail 9:00 Liturgy at St. Ambrose WEDNESDAY-Blessed John Paul II, Pope 6:30 Liturgy at St. Ambrose 9:00 John J. Hanrahan by the family Donald Lampariello (7th Anniv.) by his wife Kay Theresa Beauregard by Lou Frances & James Fanniff by Jean & Bob Fanniff THURSDAY-St. John of Capistrano, Priest 6:30 COMMUNION SERVICE 9:00 Liturgy at St. Ambrose FRIDAY– St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop 6:30 Liturgy at St. Ambrose 9:00 Henrietta Diehl by the family Nella McMillan by the family Robert Schlesinger by the family Jean Springborn by Bunny & Al Dupuis SATURDAY 8:00 (St. Joseph’s Provincial House) 9:00 Liturgy at St. Ambrose 4:30 Flora Casolo (4th Anniv.) by the family Ollie Amash (3rd Anniv.) by her husband Matthew Gorka by OLA Faith Formation Office Robert Green by Bunny & Al Dupuis Betty A. Kosinski by Helen Graves SUNDAY-Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 Ruth Johnson by Barbara Farrell Edward J. Esposito, Sr. by Mary Ann Singleton Marie Perfetti by Marjorie Morelli 9:00 La Bier & Silvernail Families by Beverly-Jean Silvernail Dorothy Belair by Raymond Belair Helen Lansing by her son and family Viktors & Jadviga Keiriss 11:00 Nicholas Renchkovsky by his family Intentions of the Kenny Family (50 yrs at OLA) by Kenny Family Douglas & Jon Jones by the family Margaret “Jane” Oakley by Peggy & Mark Austin CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD is held for children in grades 2 and up during the 9:00 a.m. Mass each Sunday. RAINBOW PROGRAM & CHURCH MICE PROGRAM for children in gr ade 1 and under takes place during the 9:00 a.m. Mass each Sunday. Please note: All children and visitors are always welcome to join us for prayers, a song, MINISTERS SCHEDULES October 25-26, 2014 4:30 PM Lector 1 Lector 2 Host 1 Host 2/T Host 3 Cup 1 Cup 2 Cup 3 Cup 4 Altar Server 1 Altar Server 2 Altar Server 3 7:30 AM Lector 1 Lector 2 Host 1 Host 2/T Host 3 Cup 1 Cup 2 Cup 3 Cup 4 Altar Server 1 Altar Server 2 Altar Server 3 9:00 AM Lector 1 Lector 2 Host 1 Host 2/T Host 3 Cup 1 Cup 2 Cup 3 Cup 4 Altar Server 1 Altar Server 2 Altar Server 3 11:00 AM Lector 1 Lector 2 Host 1 Host 2/T Host 3 Cup 1 Cup 2 Cup 3 Cup 4 Altar Server 1 Altar Server 2 Altar Server 3 Janice Garzia Harley McDevitt Joseph Picchi Caroline Condon Ronald Condon Loretta Brzac Albert Dupuis Margaret Griffin Jennie Bauer Emily Brzac Julia Brzac Patrick Germaine Rick Pratt Edna Mae Reilly Joseph Clemens Annette Mielewski Thomas Kelly Jack Reilly Kathy Corbett Robert Fanniff Christian Germaine Cameron Germaine Cory Germaine Eileen Anderson Judith Wilson Mary Anne Conley Charles Barnes Kathy Dix David Sawyer Lynne Doty Joseph Rourke Richard Doty Jacob McCormick Christopher McGarvey Ashley McCormick Peggy Turnbull Joanne FitzGibbon Matthew McCue Daniel Healy Catherine Fournier Mary Ellen Egelston Maria Arango William Hammarstrom Marie Healy James Cook TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SCRIPTURE & LITURGY Introduction to the Liturgy of the Word Isaiah 45:1,4-6 We are to worship God alone, the God who calls us by name. Psalm 96 “Give the Lord glory and honor. 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b We have received the gospel not only in word, but in the power of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 22:15-21 “Repay to Caesar what belongs the Caesar and to God what belongs to God. Isaiah speaks of Cyrus in our first reading today. Cyrus was a king of Persia who conquered Babylon and liberated the Jewish people. In this reading, we see that it was the Lord who called Cyrus into action on behalf of the Jews. This reading gives a good preparation for the Gospel story about repaying to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. For in the end, does not everything belong to God? Music for the Weekend of October 18-19, 4:30 & 11:00 Entrance Let Us Go to the Altar 318 Psalm Psalm 96 Offertory Only This I Want 514 Communion Christ Be Our Light 604 Recessional Praise to the Lord 194 PASTORAL CARE WEEK This Sunday will begin Pastoral Care Week here in our Albany diocese and all over the world. Pastoral Care Week is marking its 30th year Anniversary and this year’s theme is “Spiritual Well-Being.” Pastoral Care is a Christian concern for one’s neighbor. It is the Church’s mission to be of service. A service that touches a person-in-process-of redemption, bringing the healing power of our loving God to those who are sick. At Our Lady of the Assumption, we seek to perform this service in response to the needs of each parishioner and those of the greater Church. Each visit by a Pastoral Care person brings the presence of God to those whom they minister to. Our life as Pastoral Care people should be one of prayer and deepening a relationship with our Lord. To date we have approximately 25 laypersons (in a parish of over 2000) who volunteer by visiting Hospitals, Nursing Homes, and Assisted Living facilities. They also bring communion to those who are homebound. We give thanks for these men and women of the parish for the outstanding care and support they provide to all of us in need. BEYOND THE PARISH “WURST NIGHT” @ THE COLONY ELKS 2192 Saturday, October 25th. Serving German Beer for $3.75 from 5:00-10:00 p.m. and the German Food Platter from 5:00-8:00 p.m. German Music and Dancing by John & Gary from 7:00-10:00 p.m. Tickets for Music:$5.00 in advance at the Bar or $8 at door. German Food Platter: $11.00 German Band Cover Charge: $5.00 Total cost for Food and Music: $16.00 advanced purchase or $19.00 at the door. Proceeds for this event will benefit many local charities including United Cerebral Palsy Home Care Program. WE ARE NOT FOR SALE—HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN NYS Please join us on Monday, October 20, 2014, at St. Thomas the Apostle School Cafeteria, for another “Food for Thought” Event entitles, “WE ARE NOT FOR SALE-HUMAN ‘TRAFFICKING IN NYS”. Our three speakers—Carl J. Boykin, Director of Human Trafficking Prevention, NYS Criminal Justice Services; Doreen Gylnn, CSJ, Justice Coordinator of the Sisters of St. Joseph at Carondelet and member of the Anti-Trafficking Task Force of the Capital Region; and Ms. Jill Peckenpaugh, Director of U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Albany Field Office– will raise awareness of the crime of human trafficking and its victims. The evening will begin with a baked ziti dinner at 6:00 p.m. followed by the program at 7:00 p.m. The dinner and program are free; a freewill offering will be accepted that evening. Reservations are required for the dinner and/or just the program by calling Marie Copeland, 439-4050, or [email protected]. MARRIAGE MOMENTS by Susan Vogt A trip down Memory Lane #8:Remember your wedding day. Perhaps it was very formal; perhaps you eloped. Either way, it was your day of public commitment for the rest of your lives. Recount your respective feelings and memories of the day. If you feel adventurous or playful perhaps you’d like to reenact the day. Renew your vows. PARENTING POINTERS by Susan Vogt (Respect Life Month) Consider all lives that are threatened or suffering in our society today, no matter the age. What life issue is dearest to your heart? (Abortion, Capital Punishment, Gun Control, Supporting Single Mothers, Poverty…) Tell your child why. Can you take one action together such as read up on it, donate, write letters, take political action, pray…? A Family Perspective by Bud Ozar Jesus was exasperated when he scolded: “Why do you put me to the test?” It is natural for children to test parents; this is how they learn and how we teach limits, rules and values. Be like Jesus in today’s gospel; he was firm, honest and direct.
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