B-The Warrensburg-Lake George News Thursday, August 16, 1962 Miss Ashton Barbara Burch Weds D u a n e Engaged to Perry in W b g Ceremony Ronald Houck Mr. and Mrs. R a l p h Burch, 240 Main St., Warrensburg, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Barbara, to D u a n e P e r r y , s o n of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Perry, Schroon River Rd. , Warrensburg, on Saturday, August 11 at the F i r s t Presbyterian Church. T h e R e v . T. Francis Smith performed t h e double ring ceremony. The attendants were Miss Dianne Burch, sister of the bride and Jerry Perry, brother of the b r i d e groom . The former Miss Burch is a graduate of Warrensburg C e n t r a l School, class of 1962 and is p r e s e n t l y employed for the U p state Telephone C o . , at Chestertown. The bridegroom, a graduate of Warrensburg C e n t r a l School, class of 1960, is e m ployed by Robert Sweet, Warrens- BEREANS CLASS T O MEET The members of the Bereans burg. class will m e e t at t h e home of The c o u p l e are residing on M i s s M a b l e T u c k e r , 88 River S t . , Summit S t . , Warrensburg. on Friday, August 17, at 7:30 Pre-nuptial Showerswere given P . M . The leader of the evening by M r s . Thomas Fisher, Mrs. Earl Fuller and Miss D i a n n e will be the R e v . William Knecht Burch. Trenary. Run 137, August 7, 1962 - Frank Olden, Sr. transported from Glens Falls Hospital t o home on HarringRun 135, August 4, 1962 - Mrs. H i l l R d . Crew, B. Maltbie and G. Anna Pastor, 197Broadway, SaraSprague. nac Lake, transported from WarRun 138, August 12, 1962 - Earl rensburg Fire House to Saranac Bartlett, 116 River St., transported Lake. This was a relay which to the Glens Falls Hospital. Crew, originated in Newark, N . J . , with R. Tracy and D. Brown. Roseville, N . J . Squad, Catskill Run 139, August 14, 1962 Squad and Mechanicville Squads D o u g l a s Tyrrell, Pottersville, t a k i n g part. Crew, J. Smith and N.Y. and Charles G i p e , S c h e n e c J. Leonard. tady transported from scene of Run 136, August 6 , 1962 - John accident on Lake George Rd. t o L, Sullivan transported from 12 Glens Falls Hospital. Crew, G. Main St. t o the Glens Falls HosSprague and R . Frulla. pital. Crew, C a l . Engle and H. Li AMBULANCE | OUR © U S E D CARS ARE BIG O N SAVINGS LONG ON SATISFACTION Shop at our @ sign for variety and value! '60 Corvair 700, 4 dr. Black, Powerglide, radio _ 1375.00 '58 Ford V8 IfcMtta 500, 2 dr., auto, trans, radio 795.00 '57 Pontiac Cheftain 4 dr. hydr. trans., radio 690.00 '56 Plym. Savoy V-8 4 dr., std. trans., radio 375.00 '60 Chevy 6 Fleetside V% ton Pickup, radio 1295.00 '50 CMC Pickup 200.00 Maltbie's Oarage Co., Inc. Warrensburg Phone NA 3-3881 —Wanted for Cash — MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS — BANJOS GUITARS — MANDOLINES — ETO. OLD AND NEW FIRE ARMS BOUGHT AND SOLD Diamond Point-Warrensburg Road Phone Warrensburg NA 3-9630 THE GAS SERVICE (ff PEOPLE PREFER IT'S METERED TO HOLD BOOK SALE The Ricahrds Library, Warrensburg, w i l l hold a public book sale Tuesday, August 2 1 , from 10:00 A. M . until 4:00 P . M . Look, Men! AN ACCURATI METE! register! the amount of oat that you U M . WILEY'S YOUR SUPPLY Is chtcked and '«pl»rv ishtd regularly without any attention on your part. PROMPT INSTALLATION! has added their WALKOVER m o c c a s i n toe. Brown & White ties to that wonder group of Men's Shoes. at a pair And all Men's newest Foot Pal ventilated styles Adirondack Gas & Appliance Service PHONE 3951 NORTH CREEK. N.Y. NOW $11.70 2 pairs for $23.00 WILEY'S 19 WARREN ST. c THURMAN SERVICE & SUPPLY CO.- 3 HARDWARE SUPPIES ELECTRIC and PLUMBING SUPPLIES RADIO and TV SALES and SERVICE ELECTRIC and PLUMBING CONTRACTING SHOE SALE HUSH PUPPIES $6.95 Regularly $9.95 SUMMER PLAY SHOES Regularly $3.95 to $4.95 Now $2.00 to $2.95 Athol N. Y. Phone NA 3-5927 On these hot days give the wife a break! BROWN'S SHOE STORE 148 Main St. Phone NA 3-9566 Warrensburg, N. Y. Bring the family to dinner at '60 Ford V8 Fairlane 4 dr., std. trans., radio 1245.00 '59 Ford V8 Custom 4 dr. auto, trans., radio 1195.00 Mr. a n d Mrs. W i l l i a m D. Ashton of Lake George have a n nounced the e n g a g e m e n t of Mr. Ashton's daughter, Carol Lynne, to Ronald Bruce Houck of 826 East Franklin S t . , T r o y . Miss Ashton was graduated from Piqua Central High School and is a junior in the School of Nursing, Ohio State University, Columbus. Mr. Houck graduated from Troy High School and is presently a senior in Ohio State University School of Education. No d a t e has been set for the wedding. STONEHOUSE ANTIQUES Wilsey's Restaurant 190 Main Street Warrensburg Good Wholesome Meals at Reasonable Prices Children's Portions Served S h o p - GLENDALE T FURNITURE for your greatest savings 0a Fine Furniture And Bedding OPEN 9 AM to 11 PM Dariag Oar PUBLIC NOTICE Effective Immediately Government Surplus Recipients who are capable of picking up their orders should do so at the Town of Warrensburg Storehouse on the due date between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M. Persons who need absolute delivery should notify Louis Fisher, Superintendant of Town Highways, ahead of the due date. Untitled Document FURiiirURE GLENDALE FURNITURE C O . Rente 9. Just North of Glens Falls Dial RX 2-1108 FREE DELIVERY Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com OPEN EVENINGS TERMS
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