Last updated: 20 Oct 2014 VOLUME 2 LIST OF APPROVED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Foreword by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Acting Commander in Chief, Major General Rashid Thani Al Matrooshi As the dynamic environment in our Region progresses, we the UAE Civil Defence Authority, has set forth a number of strategic goals for the delivery of public safety. Our strategic goals observe both the national and Ministry of Interior’s strategic plan by; “Providing an effective firefighting and emergency response system delivered by qualified and well trained people using the latest technologies to ensure lives and properties are safeguarded” As a result, the UAE can be ‘benchmarked’ with other Countries that are witnessing a decline in fires and incidents when compared to the density of population. As an example, the number of fire incidents has been reduced by 39% in 2011 compared to 2010, with a marked reduction in small and medium fire incidents, together with a high percentage achievement of a 9 minute response time for first attendance at incidents. “Providing excellent performance and support during disasters and crises” Confirmation of performance and support are achieved during disasters and crisis situations. Civil Defence Departments conduct a range of joint fire safety and evacuation drills in association with other safety agencies for both the public and private sectors. Evacuation drills carried out in Dubai during 2011 was estimated at 356 drills, which targeted 178,530 persons. Customer satisfaction percentage achieved was 97.2%. The number of drills carried out has increased by 142.4% compared to the target number set out in our annual plan. “Spreading a fire safety and awareness culture across the community “ In this regard, a National Safety campaign was launched targeting ‘domestic safety’ with an achieved target of 50% of homes in UAE being visited during a six month period. This was aimed at preventive awareness and removing violations which threaten public safety. During the campaign, 206,490 houses (61.4% of the total dwellings) were visited, again with a marked customer satisfaction percentage of 92%. Similarly a National Safety campaign was also executed at industrial areas, with teams visiting industrial facilities at different industrial areas across the country. 31,647 facilities were inspected. The teams also managed to correct violation situations in 13,400 facilities and 53,426 people were trained in the basic skills of firefighting and awareness. “Equipping operations with the best and appropriate equipment and technologies” The latest state of the art technologies have been introduced for various services such as, ‘e-engineering’ for online drawing approval and the ’24 x 7 smart system’ for building electronic monitoring and protection. Currently 61.7% of buildings are connected to the system and 95.7% surveyed for connection. In addition, the ‘UAE Fire and Life Safety Code of Practice’ with our Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) is considered a first in the region. This will contribute to reduced costs and effort. Ultimately this will result in a decrease in accidents and improve command and control mechanisms. “Achieving Strategic Partnership with Public/Private and Voluntary Organizations” By ensuring, through careful selection, that products, systems and installers are approved with a listing by Civil Defence, following rigorous third party certification. This ensures that locally we receive the best performance of fire safety products, systems and technologies. ii 20 Oct 2014 VOLUME 2 LIST OF APPROVED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES LPCB is widely recognised as an independent reference for all fire and security safety experts. Their testing laboratories and approvals services together with their leading team of highly qualified expert scientists and engineers, guides us all impeccably towards a qualified framework. Major General Rashid Thani Al Matrooshi Introduction Welcome to the 2014 Edition of the “LPCB Red Book”, the list of approved products and services from LPCB. LPCB is Fire and Security approval brand of BRE Global Ltd. which is part of the BRE Group operating under the BRE Trust. It is an independent third party approvals body offering certification of fire and security products and services to an international market. The LPCB mark and listings signify that products and services have been approved by LPCB. The Red Book is an essential reference for specifiers, regulators, designers and end users of these products and services - if it is listed here, you know it has been checked out by people you can trust BRE Global also offers independent approval of construction products, management systems and in the area of sustainability though its BRE Global Certification and BREEAM brands. Where these have relevance to fire safety and security these are also listed in the Red Book (The details of these schemes are given in the relevant introductory sections.) BRE Global Ltd is also a Notified Body for the purpose of CE marking and European Technical Assessment in connection with the European Construction Product Regulation (CPR) and other European Directives; the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED), Marine Equipment Directive (MED) and Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive (TPED). BRE Global - protecting people, property and the planet. The Red Book is divided into sections which list related groups of products and services such as suppression, security and so on. Each section also summarises the technical basis for the approval of each product or service. The Red Book should always be used in conjunction with rules, regulations and design specifications required by the relevant Authority having jurisdiction. The 2014 edition of the Red Book comprises: Volume 1: 20 Oct 2014 iii VOLUME 2 LIST OF APPROVED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Fire detection and alarm products, systems, and cables Manual fire extinguishing equipment Automatic sprinkler, water spray and deluge systems Fixed fire fighting products and systems Related installers Volume 2: (This Volume) Passive fire protection products Security protection products Fire doors and shutters Smoke and fire ventilation systems Related installers Management Systems Construction products Listings are given in the name of the manufacturer or service provider, in alphabetical order. They can be downloaded free of charge from our website at and also via an App that is available free from Apple iStore (for iPhone and iPad), from Google Play, (for Android phones and tablets) and Windows Store (for Windows 8 phones). Red Book updates Product and services approval details are amended regularly. To ensure that you are using the most up to date information please refer to or download the App. What is Third Party Approval? A frequent concern of stakeholders is in knowing whether a product will perform in accordance with the stated specifications. These concerns can involve such product attributes as safety, health or environmental impacts, durability, compatibility, suitability for intended purposes or for stated conditions, and other similar considerations. These issues can all be addressed through product approvals. Third party approval (or certification) is a conformity assessment process, carried out by a body that is independent of both supplier and customer organisations. It provides confirmation that products and services have met and will continue to meet the requirements of specified standards and other normative documents. LPCB third party product approval schemes are quality assurance schemes and comprise initial type testing and technical evaluation, assessment and surveillance of the manufacturer’s quality system and production procedures, regular audit testing, labelling and listing. iv 20 Oct 2014 VOLUME 2 LIST OF APPROVED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Similarly, LPCB schemes for suppliers of services (installers) are also quality assurance schemes comprising a technical assessment of an installer’s capability, assessment and surveillance of the installer’s quality system and production procedures, regular inspection of completed installations and listing. Benefits of Third Party Approval For specifiers, regulators, insurers, manufacturers and installers, the benefits of an LPCB approval are: For specifiers and regulators: Risk reduction - specifying LPCB approved products and services demonstrates due-diligence and best endeavour and mitigates against possible accusations of negligence. Avoidance of costly mistakes - you can trust LPCB approved products and services to conform each and every time. Time - using Red Book Live to search for and assess products and services can save you time. For manufacturers and installers: Increased global sales - LPCB approval is recognised and specified widely throughout the world. In some territories LPCB approval is a mandatory requirement. Added value of the product or service - LPCB approved products and services are recognised as providing added value given their ability to conform each and every time. Reduced liability - LPCB approved products and services demonstrate due-diligence which can reduce liability for both you and your customers. What does LPCB Approval offer? LPCB offers approvals to existing British, European, International and LPCB’s own Loss Prevention Standards (LPSs). LPCB’s LPS approval schemes for both products and services are essentially level 5 schemes, as described in ISO/IEC Guide 67, with the added requirement to have a quality system certificated to ISO 9001. The technical requirements of LPCB schemes are given in Loss Prevention Standards (LPSs). These documents are drafted by LPCB technical experts in conjunction with appropriate external experts. They are then peer reviewed by representatives from trade bodies, regulators, insurers, specifiers, manufacturers and other suppliers. Finally these documents are approved for use by the BRE Global Governing Body; the Body that oversees all of the certification activities of BRE Global, including LPCB. Product schemes comprise: Initial type testing and evaluation of product, sampled by LPCB. Approval and surveillance of the manufacturer’s (or supplier’s) quality management system to ISO 9001 (if you have products in for testing at LPCB, it generally costs little or no more to achieve ISO 9001 certification). Assessment and surveillance of the manufacturer’s (or supplier’s) factory production control system (FPC). Periodic audit testing of the product from either the factory or marketplace. Labelling or marking as appropriate. Listing of the approved product (service) in the Red Book 20 Oct 2014 v VOLUME 2 LIST OF APPROVED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Installer schemes comprise: Technical assessment of the installation contractor’s capability. Approval and surveillance of the contractor’s quality management system to ISO 9001 or assessment against the requirements of the relevant Loss Prevention Standard where ISO 9001 is not appropriate. (If you have applied for LPCB assessment of your services, it generally costs little or no more to achieve ISO 9001 certification). Regular surveillance inspections of on-going installations. The issue of Certificates of Conformity to demonstrate compliance for each installation. Listing of the approved installer in the Red Book. The LPCB Mark - the Mark you can trust After approval of a product or service the manufacturer or service provider is allowed to place the LPCB certification mark, as shown below , on the product, packaging and literature etc. In September 2011 this image was updated. To this from (Discontinued for new approvals from 1 October 2011) A transition period of up to three years has been allowed for the change, so although we expect many of our clients’ product(s) will already be carrying the new version of the mark, the ‘old’ mark remains valid and you can still rely on the products carrying the old mark where their certificate was issued before 1 October 2011. Together with the mark you should always determine the product/service certificate number and check if a listing still valid by going to Where LPCB holds accreditation through the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS), the approved company is allowed to include the UKAS symbol (the Crown and Tick) alongside the LPCB mark for certain applications e.g. promotional literature or material and stationery, as shown below. (Full details of LPCB accreditation can be found on the UKAS website at <<>>) Where for reasons of space or cost the use of the above full mark is not practical, then the following simplified mark may be applied directly to the product (for some schemes only). The LPCB scheme rules define how and where the marks can be used. vi 20 Oct 2014 VOLUME 2 LIST OF APPROVED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES The LPCB horseshoe is the mark you can trust and it is recognised in over 60 countries around the world by regulators, specifiers, designers and end users. For Fire and Security Products and Services Trust the LPCB Mark The products listed in Volume 2: Part 5 - Construction Products, are approved under our BRE Global Certification brand - the certification mark for this brand is changing. To this from (discontinued for new certificates from 1 January 2014) A transition period of up to three years is being allowed for the change and the ‘old’ mark remains valid where the certificate was issued before 1 January 2014. Other Listings from BRE Global 20 Oct 2014 vii CONTENTS 4 Security protection products SECTION 1.1 Intruder and hold-up alarm system components SECTION 1.2 Alarm transmission equipment and systems SECTION 1.2.1 Supervised premises transceivers (Security) LPS 1277 Issue 3.0 SECTION 2 Safes, strongrooms and secure safe cabinets SECTION 2.1 Safes SECTION 2.2 Secure safe cabinets SECTION 2.3 Deposit safes SECTION 2.4 Strongrooms SECTION 3 Secure enclosures SECTION 4 Key safes SECTION 5 Physical security protection of buildings and other facilities SECTION 5.1 High security doorsets SECTION 5.1.1 High security hinged doorsets with plain leaves SECTION 5.1.2 High security hinged doorsets with glazed leaves SECTION 5.1.3 High security hinged doorsets with other leaf designs SECTION 5.1.4 High security folding doorsets SECTION 5.2.1 Domestic doorsets approved to PAS 23-1 SECTION 5.2.2 Doorsets approved to PAS 24 and EN 1627 SECTION 5.3 High security windows, curtain walling systems and rooflights SECTION 5.3.1 High security windows - external windows SECTION 5.3.2 High security windows - secondary glazing systems SECTION 5.3.3 Curtain walling systems SECTION 5.3.4 Rooflights SECTION 5.4 Domestic security windows SECTION 5.5 Garage doors SECTION 5.6 Security grilles, blinds and barsets SECTION 5.7 Security shutters SECTION 5.8 Perforated security screens SECTION 5.9 Louvre vents SECTION 5.10 Secure walling systems SECTION 5.11 Secure roofing systems SECTION 5.12 Security glazing SECTION 6 Access covers and hatches SECTION 7 Perimeter security products SECTION 7.1 Security fencing SECTION 7.2 Security gates SECTION 7.3 Turnstiles SECTION 8 Vehicle security barriers SECTION 9 Cycle racks and stands SECTION 10 Gas cylinder security devices SECTION 11 Physical security devices for computers and other ICT equipment SECTION 12 Anti-bandit ATM security devices SECTION 13 Database management for asset marking SECTION 14 Asset marking systems SECTION 15 'Theft resistant' electronic products SECTION 16 Padlocks and Padlock Fittings viii 1 3 4 5 9 11 15 17 18 19 34 36 41 42 65 73 76 77 78 79 80 81 83 84 85 86 88 95 100 101 104 112 113 116 121 122 129 131 132 133 134 136 138 139 141 145 146 20 Oct 2014 INDEX A AccentHansen 42 Alifabs Cabinets and Ancillaries Limited 19, 101 Allegion (UK) Limited 43 AluK (GB) Limited 65 Aluroll Limited 86, 95 Aquaguard Security (a division of Aquacast Fabrications Limited) 20, 104, 116 Ascot Doors Limited 43, 96 Asgard Secure Steel Storage (a trading division of Flexiform Business Furniture Limited) 20 Assa Abloy Limited T/A Abloy UK 146 Assa Abloy Limited T/A Assa Abloy Security Doors 44 B Barkers Engineering Limited 21, 116 Bastion Security Products Limited 21 BenweldSecure Limited 21 Bolton Gate Co. Limited 76 Booth Industries Limited 45 Bradbury Security 22, 45, 65, 88, 136 C C W Fields and Son Limited 46, 66 Charter Global Limited 96 Chiron Security Communications Limited 5 Chubb Fire and Security Limited 6 CLD Fencing Systems 122, 129 Clearway Environmental Services (UK) Limited 47 D Datatag ID Limited 139 Design & Supply Limited 48, 66 DoorTechnik 48 Dudley Safes Limited 11, 15 Duplus Architectural Systems Limited 83 E EJ Ardennes 117 Emizon Networks Limited 6 Essex Safety Glass Limited 114 F Fendor Limited 67, 80 Fortress Glass Technology LLP 49, 97 Frontier Pitts Ltd 131 G Gilgen Door Systems UK Limited 97 Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. (Security Equipment Division) 12, 15 H H S Jackson & Son (Fencing) Limited, t/a Jacksons Fencing 123 Hamilton Erskine Limited 114 Hart Door Systems 98 Henry Squire & Sons Limited 147 Heras U.K. Fencing Systems 124 Hodgson Sayers Limited 49 I Icopal S. A. 112 Isoclad Limited 22, 104 J J B Corrie & Co. Limited 125, 129 20 Oct 2014 K Kingsley Plastics Limited 23, 50 L Liddle Doors Limited 23, 51, 67, 89, 135 Lincoln Security Limited 51 Lion Steelworks SDN. BHD. 13 Lowrey Contractors Limited 25, 52, 73, 89, 105 M MaxiDoor AB 53 MCL Industrial Enclosures Limited 25 Morgan Marine Limited 26 MultiSteel Limited 67, 106 N NK Fencing Limited 125 P Peter Savage Limited 118 Premier Security Solutions Limited 68, 107 Prima Doors Limited 53 PSF Wales Limited 26, 54, 102 R R & D Sheetmetal Limited 28, 55, 107 RCS Manufacturing Limited 29, 108 Responsive Engineering Group Limited 138 Retainagroup Limited 139, 141 Romag Limited 115 S Safe Partnership 56 Safeguard Security, a trade name of WBH Industries 90 Selectaglaze Limited 81 Selectamark Security Systems Plc 140, 142 Sentrilock LLC 34 Shellcast Systems Limited 98 Simbars (UK) Limited 90 SMP Security Solutions Limited 13, 15 Stafford Bridge Doors Limited 56, 68, 102 Steelway Fensecure Limited 29, 58, 73, 91, 109 Steelway Fensecure Limited t/a Steelway Brickhouse 119 Sunray Engineering Limited 58, 69, 74, 103 SWS UK 86, 91, 99, 100 T TangoRail Limited 126 Technocover Limited (incorporating TechnoRail and Strataform) 30, 61, 71, 74, 92, 103, 110, 120, 135 The Expanded Metal Company Limited 92, 111, 126, 129 The Parkside Group Limited 72, 78 The Rooflight Company 84 Torterolo and Re S.p.A. 63 Total Flood Solutions 32, 63 Trellicor (Pty) Limited 93, 100 Trimetals Limited 32 U UTC Fire & Security B.V Electronic Key Solutions 34 UTC Fire & Security B.V. 35 UTC Fire & Security BV. 7 ix INDEX W Warrior Doors Limited WebWayOne Ltd x 63 7 Z Zaun Limited 127 20 Oct 2014 Part 4 SECURITY PROTECTION PRODUCTS PART 4: SECURITY PROTECTION PRODUCTS INTRODUCTION The effects of crime on a commercial business can be devastating. Some businesses never recover from the consequential losses; the interruption to business continuity, the theft of capital, stock or intellectual property and even the loss of the entire business premises due to arson. Figures released by the Home Office in 2013 1 based on the 2012 Commercial Victimisation Survey show there were 340 burglaries or attempted burglaries per 1000 commercial premises in urban areas of the UK (206 in rural areas). Forced entry through doors to facilitate the theft of goods and stock being the most commonly reported incidents. Installing security measures that provide early detection of an intrusion attempt and effective physical security that provides a suitable delay to intrusion greatly increases the likelihood that intruders can be apprehended at the scene. This not only reduces the likelihood of such crimes being successful, it acts as an effective deterrent, greatly reducing the chance of being targeted by intruders in the first instance. Using security products approved by LPCB to protect people, property and assets is an effective way of mitigating many of the risks associated with crime and increasingly, the threat of terrorism. LPCB works closely with police, government, insurers, end users, security equipment specifiers and manufacturers to develop methods by which the quality of product performance and product reliability can be assessed effectively. The products listed in this section have been rigorously tested and assessed by LPCB experts to a range of standards. Their on-going conformity is assured through rigorous surveillance programmes involving periodic auditing of production and regular inspection of the products themselves during production. Details of the standards to which the products are approved are given at the front of each subsection relevant to the product type. The range of products listed is extensive and includes physical barrier type products, asset marking, computer protection equipment as well as electronic detection and surveillance equipment. The scope of each product’s approval is described in the relevant section and on the certificates issued to the approved manufacturer. It is important to ensure only products covered by the scope detailed on the LPCB certificate are selected. This is because products outside that scope may not provide an equivalent level of security. 1 Home office publication - Crime against businesses: Detailed findings from the 2012 Commercial Victimisation Survey. June 2013 2 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 1.1 INTRUDER AND HOLD-UP ALARM SYSTEM COMPONENTS This section lists components of intruder and hold-up alarm systems where compliance with the applicable part of the EN 50131 series of product standards has been demonstrated by LPCB experts and most importantly on going assessment confirms the component continues to comply with the requirements. Loss Prevention Standards LPS 1602 (movement detectors) and LPS1603 (control and indicating equipment) have been withdrawn and are superseded by European Standards EN 50131-2-2, EN 50131-2-3, EN 501312-4 and EN 50131-2-5 for movement detectors and EN 50131-3 and EN 50131-6 for control and indicating equipment and power supply equipment. Note: At the time of going to print no intruder and hold-up alarm system components were listed as LPCB approved. Please check for updates. 20 Oct 2014 3 PART 4: SECTION 1.2 ALARM TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS This section lists alarm transmission equipment suitable for use with intruder alarm and hold-up systems. Alarm transmission and fault warning routing equipment suitable for use with fire alarm systems is listed in Volume 1, Part 1, Section 10. Where alarm transmission equipment is suitable for use with both intruder alarm and hold-up systems and fire alarm systems, the entry for the approved equipment will appear in Volume 2, Part 4, Section 1.2 and Volume 1, Part 1, Section 10 of the Red Book. The following standard is currently used for the approval scheme: LPS 1277 Issue 3.0, Requirements for LPCB Approval and listing of Alarm Transmission Equipment Where appropriate within LPS 1277, reference has been made to published standards for intruder alarm and hold-up systems including EN 50131-1 together with the alarm transmission product standards EN 50136-11:1998+A2:2008 and EN 50136-2-1:1998+A1:2001. Particular emphasis is placed on the verification of manufacturers’ claims, by measuring alarm transmission times over the transmission path(s) between the equipment under test and the corresponding receiving centre. The response to the reporting of fault conditions is measured in a similar way. The results of these measurements are expressed in terms of alarm transmission system (ATS) performance criteria classification, using the parameters D, M, T and where applicable S and I. Where: D = Transmission time classification M = Transmission time maximum values T = Fault reporting time classification S = Substitution Security I = Information Security Availability is considered a key parameter under LPCB approval and is therefore included within the requirements of LPS 1277. The resultant performance is expressed using the parameter ‘A’ for Availability. The measured parameters are used to determine the performance classification in terms of ATS level (1 to 6) that when used in conjunction with warning devices provide the security grade of the intrusion and hold-up alarm system (I&HAS) as defined in EN 50131-1. Products compliant with LPS 1277 Issue 3.0 meet ‘enhanced’ ATS performance classifications which includes timed ‘stepped up’ fault reporting after the loss of the primary path and the reporting of a catastrophic failure, in event of the simultaneous loss of multiple transmission paths. To assist specifiers in their selection of the products most appropriate for protecting their risks, the LPCB enhanced performance ratings are included with the product listing entry in the Redbook as an indicator of the level of performance that can be expected from the alarm transmission system. Compliance with relevant safety standards and applicable mandatory EU directives is a pre-requisite of LPCB approval and listing. Regular product auditing and regular factory inspections are carried out by LPCB to ensure high manufacturing standards and continued compliance with the applicable product standard. Note Since LPCB uses national and international standards for the listing of products, in some instances, the requirements of these standards may conflict with the recommendations of local codes of practice. We recommend that specifiers seek advice from the relevant local authorities and amend their specifications accordingly. 4 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 1.2.1 SUPERVISED PREMISES TRANSCEIVERS (SECURITY) LPS 1277 ISSUE 3.0 The equipment listed in this section has been assessed against the requirements and test methods of LPS 1277 Requirements for LPCB Approval and listing of Alarm Transmission Systems and Equipment, Issue 3.0 It is essential that the supervised premises transceivers listed in this section are used in accordance with the appropriate installation instructions and the guidance provided in Annex C of LPS 1277 Issue 3.0 Requirements for LPCB Approval and listing of Alarm Transmission Systems and Equipment. Chiron Security Communications Limited Wyvols Court, Swallowfield, Reading, Berkshire RG7 1WY, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)118 988 0228 • Fax: +44 (0)118 988 1055 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1080a to LPS 1277 Issue 3.0 Supervised premises transceivers (security) - LPS 1277 Issue 3.0 Certificated Products Iris Touch 200 Alarm transmission dialler Iris Touch 220 Alarm transmission dialler Iris Touch 240 Alarm transmission dialler Iris Touch 400 Alarm transmission dialler Iris Touch 420 Alarm transmission dialler Iris Touch 440 Alarm transmission dialler Iris Touch 440R Alarm transmission dialler Iris Touch 440R Alarm transmission dialler Iris Touch 620 Alarm transmission dialler Iris Touch 640 Alarm transmission dialler Galaxy GT20 Alarm transmission dialler² Galaxy GT40 Alarm transmission dialler² 20 Oct 2014 A single path, GPRS supervised premises transceiver, capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 5 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABD, grade 3 options ABD, grade 4 options AB. A single path, Ethernet supervised premises transceiver, capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 6 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABD, grade 3 options ABD, grade 4 options ABD1. A dual path, Ethernet (primary) and GPRS (secondary) supervised premises transceiver, capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 6 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABCD, grade 3 options ABCD, grade 4 options ABCD1. A single path, GPRS supervised premises transceiver, capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 5 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABD, grade 3 options ABD, grade 4 options AB. A single path, Ethernet supervised premises transceiver, capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 6 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABD, grade 3 options ABD, grade 4 options ABD1. A dual path, Ethernet (primary) and GPRS (secondary) supervised premises transceiver, capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 6 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABCD, grade 3 options ABCD, grade 4 options ABCD1. A dual path, Ethernet (primary) and GPRS (secondary) supervised premises transceiver, capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 6 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABCD, grade 3 options ABCD, grade 4 options ABCD1. A dual path, Ethernet (GPRS) and PSTN (secondary) supervised premises transceiver, capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 2 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABC. A single path, Ethernet supervised premises transceiver, capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 6 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABD, grade 3 options ABD, grade 4 options ABD1. A dual path, Ethernet (primary) and GPRS (secondary) supervised premises transceiver, capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 6 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABCD, grade 3 options ABCD, grade 4 options ABCD1. A single path, Ethernet supervised premises transceiver, capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 5 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABD, grade 3 options ABD, grade 4 options AB. A dual path, Ethernet (primary) and GPRS (secondary) supervised premises transceiver, capable of fulfilling:- LPCB Ref. No. 1080a/01 1080a/02 1080a/03 1080a/04 1080a/05 1080a/06 1080a/07 1080a/07 1080a/08 1080a/09 1080a/10 1080a/11 5 PART 4: SECTION 1.2.1 SUPERVISED PREMISES TRANSCEIVERS (SECURITY) LPS 1277 ISSUE 3.0 Certificated Products LPCB Ref. No. LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 5 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABCD, grade 3 options ABCD, grade 4 options ABC. Notes: 1. Testing has demonstrated that some IRIS Touch variants have the capability to achieve a performance commensurate with LPCB performance rating ‘Enhanced ATS 6’ (reporting time classification T6). In practice operation at 'Enhanced ATS 6’ requires a robust and highly stable network where contention is actively managed. The use of private networks is advised. The use of public networks and the internet is not recommended. PIN inputs only shall be used in this configuration. 2. The Galaxy GT20 and GT40 are ‘Honeywell’ branded variants of the Iris Touch 620 and 640 and distributed by Honeywell Security (UK) Ltd. For full details of the approval, you can view a pdf of the certificate by clicking on the product name in the entry on Chubb Fire and Security Limited Unit B, 3A Edison Road, Hams Hall Distribution Park, Coleshill, Birmingham B46 1DA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)800 321666 • Fax: +44 (0)1932 765630 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Sales Enquiries: Chubb Fire & Security Ltd, Chubb House, Staines Road West, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex TW16 7AR, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)800 321666 • Fax: +44 (0)1932 765630 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1078b to LPS 1277: Issue 3.0 Supervised premises transceivers (security) LPS 1277 Issue 3.0 Certificated Products 20118531 Chubb eConnect IP/GPRS G4e 20118533 Chubb eConnect GPRS/PSTN G3e A dual path, Ethernet (primary) and GPRS (secondary) supervised premises transceiver capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 5 with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABCD, grade 3 options ABCD, grade 4 options ABC. A dual path, GPRS (primary) and PSTN (secondary) supervised premises transceiver capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 4 with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABCD, grade 3 options ABC. LPCB Ref. No. 1078b/01 1078b/02 For full details of the approval, you can view a pdf of the certificate by clicking on the product name in the entry on Emizon Networks Limited 1 Allerton Road, Central Park, Rugby CV23 0PA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1858 575754 • Fax: +44 (0)01858 575719 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: [email protected] Certificate No: 1219a to LPS 1277: Issue 3.0 Supervised Premises Transceivers Certificated Products Emizon TCD Dual Path IP/GPRS Grade 4 (ATS 5) product code 5060386680000 with configuration product code 6 A dual path, Ethernet (primary) and GPRS (secondary) supervised premises transceiver capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 5 with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABCD, grade 3 options ABCD, grade 4 options ABC. LPCB Ref. No. 1219a/01 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 1.2.1 SUPERVISED PREMISES TRANSCEIVERS (SECURITY) LPS 1277 ISSUE 3.0 Certificated Products 5060386680116 Emizon TCD Dual Path IP/GPRS Grade 3 (ATS 4plus) product code 5060386680000 with configuration product code 5060386680109 LPCB Ref. No. A dual path, Ethernet (primary) and GPRS (secondary) supervised premises transceiver capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 4plus with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABCD, grade 3 ABC. 1219a/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on UTC Fire & Security BV. Kelvinstraat 7, 6003 DH Weert, The Netherlands Tel: +31 495 583000 • Fax: +31 495 550042 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1062b to LPS 1277: Issue 3.0 Supervised premises transceivers (security) - LPS 1277 Issue 3.0 Certificated Products TDA1400 Alarm transmission dialler TDA1420 Alarm transmission dialler TDA1440 Alarm transmission dialler TDA7400 Alarm transmission dialler TDA7420 Alarm transmission dialler TDA7440 Alarm transmission dialler A single path, GPRS supervised premises transceiver, capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 5 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABD, grade 3 options ABD, grade 4 options AB. A single path, Ethernet supervised premises transceiver, capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 5 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABD, grade 3 options ABD, grade 4 options AB. A dual path, Ethernet (primary) and GPRS (secondary) supervised premises transceiver capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 5 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABCD, grade 3 options ABCD, grade 4 options ABC. A single path, GPRS supervised premises transceiver designed for use in UTC Advisor Advanced and Advisor Master alarm control panels, capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 5 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABD, grade 3 options ABD, grade 4 options AB. A single path, Ethernet supervised premises transceiver designed for use in UTC Advisor Advanced and Advisor Master alarm control panels, capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 5 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABD, grade 3 options ABD, grade 4 options AB. A dual path, Ethernet (primary) and GPRS (secondary) supervised premises transceiver designed for use in UTC Advisor Advanced and Advisor Master alarm control panels, capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 1 to ATS 5 (configurable) with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABCD, grade 3 options ABCD, grade 4 options ABC. LPCB Ref. No. 1062b/01 1062b/02 1062b/03 1062b/04 1062b/05 1062b/06 For full details of the approval, you can view a pdf of the certificate by clicking on the product name in the entry on WebWayOne Ltd 11 Kingfisher Court, Hambridge Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5SJ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1635 231500 • Fax: +44 (0)1635 231539 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1022b/01 to LPS 1277 Issue 3.0 20 Oct 2014 7 PART 4: SECTION 1.2.1 SUPERVISED PREMISES TRANSCEIVERS (SECURITY) LPS 1277 ISSUE 3.0 Supervised premises transceivers (security) LPS 1277 Issue 3.0 Certificated Products 22-5005 WebWay IP/GPRS LPS I&HAS plus configuration part number 1411AD155002 A dual path, Ethernet (primary) and GPRS (secondary) supervised premises transceiver capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 5 with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABCD, grade 3 options ABCD, grade 4 options ABC. LPCB Ref. No. 1022b/01 For full details of the approval, you can view a pdf of the certificate by clicking on the product name in the entry on Certificate No: 1022b/02 to LPS 1277: Issue 3.0 Supervised premises transceivers (security) LPS 1277 Issue 3.0 Certificated Products 22-5015 WebWay GPRS/PSTN LPS I&HAS plus configuration part number 1411AD155004 A dual path, GPRS (primary) and PSTN (secondary) supervised premises transceiver capable of fulfilling:LPCB enhanced performance rating ATS 4Plus with the following BS EN 50131-1 notification requirements: grade 1 options ABC, grade 2 options ABCD, grade 3 ABC. LPCB Ref. No. 1022b/02 For full details of the approval, you can view a pdf of the certificate by clicking on the product name in the entry on 8 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 2 SAFES, STRONGROOMS AND SECURE SAFE CABINETS This section lists safes, strongrooms and secure safe cabinets that have been designed for the secure storage of cash and valuables, but which may also be used to secure other high risk assets, including secure information. The safes, strongrooms and security cabinets listed are graded according to their resistance to manual intervention attack tests. These are undertaken by experienced laboratory test engineers using tools carefully selected to achieve access to the contents of the safe using the minimum time and resistance units possible. Domestic safes and those typically fitted in hotel bedrooms should generally be graded in accordance with EN 14450 Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary Secure safe cabinets. Commercial safes and strongrooms are either graded in accordance with LPS 1183 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of safe storage units - Part 1: Safes and strongrooms or EN 1143-1 Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary Part1: Safes, strongroom doors and strongrooms. Deposit safes are graded in accordance with EN 1143-2 Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary - Part 2: Deposit systems. Specifiers should also consider ensuring safes used for cash recycling (either automated or manual) are approved to: EN 1143-1 to ensure any automated cash issuing devices do not undermine the safes resistance to forced entry attacks. EN 1143-2 to ensure the safe itself and depository systems resist forced entry and fishing/trapping attacks respectively. Cash and Jewellery Ratings Table 1 indicates typical cash and jewellery ratings attributed to safes and strongrooms according to their approved resistance grade. These ratings should only be used as a guide since each insurer defines their own ratings depending on the performance of the safes and the situation in which the safes and strongrooms are to be used. Specifiers are strongly advised to discuss the issue of cash and jewellery ratings with their insurer prior to selecting a safe or strongroom. Table 1: Typical Cash and Jewellery Ratings for Safes and Strongrooms Standard Resistance grade EN 14450 S1 S2 0 I II III IV V VI VII to XIII LPS 1183 and EN 1143-1 Typical overnight cash rating (£k) 2 4 6 10 17.5 35 60 100 150 - Typical overnight jewellery rating (£k) 20 40 60 100 175 350 600 1000 1500 - Compatible Locks The locks that have been approved for use on each of the approved safes and strongrooms are listed in the 'compatible locks' section of each manufacturer’s entry in the Red Book. Specifiers and end users are advised that the performance of the safes to the relevant standards is dependent on them being fitted with the locks listed. Installation and maintenance 20 Oct 2014 9 PART 4: SECTION 2 SAFES, STRONGROOMS AND SECURE SAFE CABINETS It is important to ensure that safes are installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and that all exposed fixings, the substrate into which the device is fitted and the locking mechanisms are regularly checked to ensure that they are in good condition and that they have not been tampered with. 10 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 2.1 SAFES The safes listed in this section are approved by LPCB to one or more of the following standards: EN 1143-1 Secure storage units. Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary. Safes, strongroom doors and strongrooms. LPS 1183 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of safe storage units. Part 1: Safes and strongrooms Copies of LPS 1183 can be downloaded free of charge from Explosion (EX) Designation This optional designation is only applicable to safes achieving grades II and above. This designation indicates a product offers resistance to detonation of a PETN (Pentaerythritol tetranitrate) explosive charge followed by post detonation tool attacks aimed at achieving entry to the safe. Where the use of explosive charges is perceived to be a threat it is recommended products with this designation are selected. Core Drill (CD) Designation This optional designation is only applicable to safes achieving grades IV and above to EN 1143-1. This designation reflects the ability of a product to pass the diamond drill test specified within EN 1143-1, which is designed to demonstrate the product’s superior resistance to methods of forced entry that solely involve the use of diamond core drills. Dudley Safes Limited Unit 17 Deepdale Works, Deepdale Lane, Upper Gornal, Dudley, West Midlands DY3 2AF, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1384 239991 • Fax: +44 (0)1384 455129 Website: Certificate No: 304a to LPS 1183: Issue 4 and BS EN 1143-1: 2005 Free-standing Safes Product Name Europa 0 Europa I Europa II Europa III Europa II (Mk.2) Europa 0 (Mk.2) Europa I (Mk.2) Europa III (Mk. 2) Size Reference 1 to 7 1 to 7 1 to 7 2 to 7 1 to 7 1 to 7 1 to 7 2 to 7 Security Grade 0 I II III II 0 I III LPCB Ref. No. 304a/01 304a/02 304a/03 304a/04 304a/05 304a/06 304a/07 304a/08 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 304c to BS EN 1143-1:2012 Free-standing Safes Product Name Europa 4 Europa 5 Size Reference 1 to 6 1 to 6 Security Grade IV V LPCB Ref. No. 304c/01 304c/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 11 PART 4: SECTION 2.1 SAFES Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. (Security Equipment Division) Plant - 17, Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli, Mumbai 400 079, India Tel: +91 22 679 64771 • Fax: +91 22 679 61509 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 954b to BS EN 1143-1: 2012 and LPS 1183: Issue 4 Free-standing Safes Product Name Size Ref: Euro Cash Grade 3 Euro Cash Grade 4 Euro Cash Grade 5 Euro Cash Grade 6 Euro Cash Grade 0 Euro Cash Grade 1 12 Maximum External Height 1 (mm) - Minimum External Width (mm) 485 Maximum External Width 1 (mm) - Minimum External Depth (mm) 498 Maximum External Depth 1 (mm) - Nominal Weight (kg) Security Grade LPCB Ref. No. T14 Minimum External Height (mm) 485 173 III 954b/01 T19 615 - 435 - 498 - 185 III T23 715 - 550 - 648 - 285 III T28 830 - 580 - 673 - 337 III T35 1030 - 640 - 748 - 453 III T43 1230 - 640 - 748 - 530 III T51 1430 - 630 - 748 - 600 III T63 1730 - 800 - 693 - 768 III T70 1900 - 860 - 748 - 903 III F23 715 - 550 - 648 - 397 IV F28 830 - 580 - 673 - 462 IV F35 1030 - 640 - 748 - 618 IV F43 1230 - 640 - 748 - 727 IV F51 1430 - 640 - 748 - 892 IV F63 1730 - 800 - 693 - 1092 IV F70 1900 - 860 - 748 - 1307 IV P23 715 - 550 - 648 - 397 V P28 830 - 580 - 673 - 462 V P35 1030 - 640 - 748 - 618 V P43 1230 - 640 - 748 - 727 V P51 1430 - 640 - 748 - 892 V P63 1730 - 800 - 693 - 1092 V P70 1900 - 860 - 748 - 1307 V H21 735 - 570 - 665 - 567 VI H26 850 - 600 - 690 - 667 VI H24 790 - 690 - 730 - 720 VI H35 1090 - 690 - 730 - 924 VI H47 1390 - 690 - 830 - 1219 VI H55 1590 - 690 - 830 - 1359 VI H67 1890 - 940 - 830 - 1898 VI Z14 455 555 455 555 465 565 812 0 Z14S 455 555 405 505 370 470 682 0 Z19 585 685 405 505 465 565 902 0 Z19D 485 785 420 620 515 715 1212 0 Z23 485 885 420 620 515 715 1352 0 Z28 600 1000 450 650 540 740 1592 0 Z28W 600 1000 510 710 615 815 1812 0 Z35 800 1200 510 710 615 815 2142 0 Z35W 800 1200 700 900 615 815 2572 0 Z43 1000 1400 510 710 615 815 2452 0 Z43W 1000 1400 700 900 615 815 2932 0 2 0 Z51 1200 1600 510 710 615 815 278 Z51W 1200 1600 700 950 615 815 3312 0 Z59 1400 1600 420 520 420 620 2422 0 Z59W 1400 1600 460 610 420 520 2632 0 A14 455 555 455 555 465 565 1222 I I A14S 455 555 405 505 370 470 100 2 A19 585 685 405 505 465 565 136 2 I A19D 485 785 420 620 515 715 2012 I A23 485 885 420 620 515 715 2112 I A28 600 1000 450 650 540 740 2522 I A28W 600 1000 510 710 615 815 2882 I A35 800 1200 510 710 615 815 3422 I A35W 800 1200 700 900 615 815 4142 I 954b/02 954b/03 954b/04 954b/05 954b/06 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 2.1 SAFES Product Name Size Ref: Maximum External Height (mm)1 1400 Minimum External Width (mm) 510 Maximum External Width (mm)1 710 Minimum External Depth (mm) 615 Maximum External Depth (mm)1 815 Nominal Weight (kg) Security Grade A43 Minimum External Height (mm) 1000 3952 I A43W 1000 1400 700 900 615 815 4762 I A51 1200 1600 510 710 615 815 449 2 I A51W 1200 1600 700 950 615 815 5392 I A59 1400 1600 420 520 420 620 3842 I A59W 1400 1600 460 610 420 520 4242 I LPCB Ref. No. A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 954c to LPS 1183: Issue 4.2 Free-standing Safe Product Name Size Ref. Euro Cash Grade 5 P62 Minimum External Height (mm) 1703 Maximum External Height (mm) 1706 Minimum External Width (mm) 688 Maximum External Width (mm) 691 Minimum External Depth (mm) 748 Maximum External Depth (mm) 751 Security Grade LPCB Ref. No. V 954c/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Lion Steelworks SDN. BHD. Lot 4, Solok Waja 3, Kawasan Perindustrian Bukit Raja, Klang, Selangor 41050, Malaysia Tel: +603 3341 3822 • Fax: +603 3342 7630 E-mail: [email protected] Certificate No: 639a to LPS 1183: Issue 4 Free-standing Safes Product Name Size Reference N1, N2 and N3 N-Series Security Grade III LPCB Ref. No. 639a/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on SMP Security Solutions Limited Halesfield 24, Telford, Shropshire TF7 4NZ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1952 585673 • Fax: +44 (0)1952 582816 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 115a to LPS 1183: Issue 3 Free-standing Safes Product Name Size References1, 2 Community 1414 (39) ED (58) 1814 (50) ED (74) 2316 (103) ED (138) 2916 (130) ED (174) 3520 (230) ED (297) 5020 (328) ED (424) 6020 (393) ED (509) Mini-Vault (702) ED (910) 20 Oct 2014 Security Grade I Fire Resistance to BS 476: Part 20: 1987 60 LPCB Ref. No. 115a/01 13 PART 4: SECTION 2.1 SAFES Product Name Size References1, 2 1814 (50) ED (74) 2316 (103) ED (138) 2916 (130) ED (174) 3520 (230) ED (297) 5020 (328) ED (424) 6020 (393) ED (509) Mini-vault (702) ED (910) 1814 (50) ED (74) 2316 (103) ED (138) 2916 (130) ED (174) 3520 (230) ED (297) 5020 (328) ED (424) 6020 (393) ED (509) Mini-vault (702) ED (910) 60 50 40 (120) ED (165) 90 50 40 (180) ED (247) 90 40 47.5 (171) 92 42 48.5 (187.4) 120 50 40 (240) ED (330) 120 40 47.5 (228) 122 42 48.5 (248.5) 150 50 40 (300) ED (412) Security Grade II Fire Resistance to BS 476: Part 20: 1987 60 LPCB Ref. No. III 60 115a/03 IV - 115a/04 115a/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 115b to LPS 1183: Issue 4 Free-standing Safes Product Name Size References1, 2 Community 1414 (39) ED (58) 1814 (50) ED (74) 2316 (103) ED (138) 2916 (130) ED (174) 3520 (230) ED (297) 5020 (328) ED (424) 1414 (39) ED (58) 1814 (50) ED (74) 2316 (103) ED (138) 2916 (130) ED (174) 3520 (230) ED (297) 5020 (328) ED (424) 60 50 40 (120) ED (165) 90 50 40 (180) ED (247) 120 50 40 (240) ED (330) 150 50 40 (300) ED (412) Community Mk2 Community Security Grade 0 Fire Resistance to BS 476:Part 20: 1987 60 LPCB Ref. No. 0 60 115b/11 V - 115b/05 115b/10 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 14 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 2.2 SECURE SAFE CABINETS The secure safe cabinets listed in this section are approved by LPCB to EN 14450 Secure storage units Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary - Secure safe cabinets. Dudley Safes Limited Unit 17 Deepdale Works, Deepdale Lane, Upper Gornal, Dudley, West Midlands DY3 2AF, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1384 239991 • Fax: +44 (0)1384 455129 Website: Certificate No: 304b to BS EN 14450: 2005 Secure Safe Cabinets Product Name Size Reference Harlech Lite (Level 1) Harlech Lite (Level 2) Home Safe, 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Home Safe, 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Security Level S1 S2 LPCB Ref. No. 304b/01 304b/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. (Security Equipment Division) Plant - 17, Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli, Mumbai 400 079, India Tel: +91 22 679 64771 • Fax: +91 22 679 61509 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 954a to BS EN 14450: 2005 Secure Safe Cabinets Product Name Model Euro-Lite FS10 FS40 FS50 FS45 FS65 FS85 External Width (mm) 325 450 360 490 490 490 External Height (mm) 275 330 430 470 660 860 External Depth (mm) 325 380 400 410 410 410 Weight (kg) Security Level LPCB Ref. No. 26 40 41 56 73 91 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 954a/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on SMP Security Solutions Limited Halesfield 24, Telford, Shropshire TF7 4NZ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1952 585673 • Fax: +44 (0)1952 582816 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 115c to BS EN 14450: 2005 Secure Safe Cabinet Product Name Model Concept 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 20 Oct 2014 External Width (mm) 436 536 491 666 816 1010 1372 External Height (mm) 382 430 489 489 489 608 608 External Depth (mm) 382 382 482 482 482 682 682 Approx. Weight (kg) 34 43 50 63 75 125 162 Security Level S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 LPCB Ref. No. 115c/01 15 PART 4: SECTION 2.2 SECURE SAFE CABINETS Product Name Model Concept 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 External Width (mm) 434 534 489 664 814 1008 1370 External Height (mm) 382 430 489 489 489 608 608 External Depth (mm) 394 394 494 494 494 694 694 Approx. Weight (kg) 50 62 74 92 110 171 221 Security Level S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 LPCB Ref. No. 115c/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 16 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 2.3 DEPOSIT SAFES Safes that incorporate a deposit facility are covered by EN 1143-2 Secure Storage Units - Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary - Part 2: Deposit systems. This describes tests over and above those specified in EN 1143-1 Secure Storage Units - Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary - Part 1: Safes, ATM safes, strongroom doors and strongrooms, and includes ‘forcing’, ‘fishing’, ‘trapping’ and ‘deposit retrieval’. Deposit safes take a number of forms and these affect the classification attributed to them. Deposit safes are normally located within a building and are primarily designed to enable employees to deposit money or other items without having to open the main door of the safe. Deposit safes receive a classification of “D-#” where # is the grade of resistance achieved during testing. Deposit safes range from standard deposit safes with manual operation through to the distributed deposit systems employed by supermarkets. Night safes, on the other hand, are often accessible from the street and are primarily used by financial institutions for providing a secure depositing system for their customers. Night safes receive a classification of “N-#” where # is the grade of resistance achieved during testing. 20 Oct 2014 17 PART 4: SECTION 2.4 STRONGROOMS Strongrooms listed in this section are approved by LPCB to one or more of the following standards: EN 1143-1 Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary - Part 1: Safes, ATM safes, strongroom doors and strongrooms. LPS 1183 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of safe storage units - Part 1: Safes and strongrooms. Copies of LPS 1183 can be downloaded free of charge from our website Strongrooms take two forms: Cast in-situ. The strongroom structure is cast on site where there is insufficient access to manoeuvre prefabricated panels into place. Pre-fabricated. The strongroom is formed on site from pre-fabricated panels, designed to bolt together securely to form the desired configuration. Strongrooms are not only designed to secure larger volumes of cash and jewellery but are increasingly used to store items such as artwork and antiquities, pharmaceuticals, military equipment and highly sensitive documentation. Strongrooms are also increasingly being used to protect large scale IT server hubs due to the high value of the server equipment and business continuity risks associated with the potential loss of such equipment or data. It is important to ensure that all exposed fixings, jointing plates, the substrate into which the device is fitted and the locking mechanisms are regularly checked to ensure that they are in good condition and that they have not been tampered with. It is also important to ensure only those design options listed, such as special cable access or ventilation panels, are incorporated within the strongroom construction as the use of alternative options may undermine the level of security provided by the strongroom. Explosion (EX) Designation This optional designation is only applicable to strongrooms achieving grades II and above. This optional designation indicates a product offers resistance to detonation of a PETN (Pentaerythritol tetranitrate) explosive charge followed by post detonation tool attacks aimed at achieving entry to the strongroom. Where the use of explosive charges is perceived to be a threat it is recommended products with this designation are selected. Core Drill (CD) Designation This optional designation is only applicable to strongrooms and strongroom doors achieving grades VIII and above to EN 1143-1. This designation reflects the ability of a product to pass the diamond drill test specified within EN 1143-1 which is designed to demonstrate the product’s superior resistance to methods of forced entry that solely involve the use of diamond core drills. 18 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 3 SECURE ENCLOSURES Security enclosures that have been assessed to LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers are listed in this section. Each security rating is appropriate to the level of risk to forced entry or removal, and covers everything from the secure storage of tools in the domestic environment, to protection of remote equipment on railway and telecommunications infrastructures. Some examples of applications include: secure site tool and plant storage units, portable office buildings and shipping containers. The use of appropriately rated and installed physical security enclosures will protect the contents of the enclosure from the unwanted attentions of the opportunist or professional intruder. LPS 1175 is based on manual attack testing. It currently defines eight levels of resistance (security ratings) to forced entry into the enclosure and removal of the enclosure from the supporting substrate. The security ratings are determined in terms of attack tools and time available to the intruder. They enable specifiers to select products according to the levels of threat faced. Unless otherwise stated, an enclosure’s resistance to forced entry is rated according to its ability to resist the creation of an aperture through which it is possible to pass a 400 mm by 225 mm elliptical test block. This is considered to be a size through which most intruders could pass. In some cases alternative failure criteria are used as the basis for the security rating attributed to the enclosure. Where used, the alternative failure criterion is designed to suit the enclosure’s intended application, and is noted in the relevant product entry. Further information about the security rating system can be found in LPS 1175, copies of which can be downloaded for free from It is important to ensure that enclosures are installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. All exposed fixings, the substrate onto which the enclosure is fitted, and the locking mechanisms should also be regularly checked to ensure that they are in good condition and that they have not been tampered with. It is recommended that cash and jewellery should preferably be stored in safe storage units or strongrooms approved by LPCB. These are listed in Section 2. Those looking to prevent unauthorised removal of computer equipment should consider using physical protection devices listed in Section 12. Alifabs Cabinets and Ancillaries Limited Rye Close, York Road Business Park, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 6YD, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1653 602890 • Fax: +44 (0)1653 693456 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1136b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Enclosures Product Name Type Alifabs Level 3 Roadside Security Cabinet Stainless steel security enclosure with single leaf doorset Stainless steel security enclosure with double leaf doorset 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Height1 (m) 1.25 Maximum Height1,2 (m) 2.15 Minimum Width3 (m) 0.52 Maximum Width3 (m) 1.0 Minimum Depth (m) 0.3 Maximum Depth (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1.0 3 1136b/01 1.25 2.15 1.50 2.5 0.3 1.0 3 19 PART 4: SECTION 3 SECURE ENCLOSURES Product Name Type Alifabs Level 4 Roadside Security Cabinet Stainless steel security enclosure with single leaf doorset Stainless steel security enclosure with double leaf doorset Minimum Height1 (m) 1.25 Maximum Height1,2 (m) 2.15 Minimum Width3 (m) 0.70 Maximum Width3 (m) 1.0 Minimum Depth (m) 0.3 Maximum Depth (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1.0 44 1136b/02 1.25 2.15 1.50 2.5 0.3 1.0 44 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Aquaguard Security (a division of Aquacast Fabrications Limited) Unit 3 Power Park, Towers Business Park, Rugeley, Staffordshire WS15 1UZ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1889 572625 • Fax: +44 (0)1889 572629 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1020b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Modular Security Cage System Product Name Type Aquaguard Fivesided cage formed from four walls and a roof Minimum Height1 (m) 2.315 Maximum Height1 (m) 2.535 Minimum Width1,2 (m) 0.36 Maximum Width1,2 (m) 4.90 Minimum Depth1,2 (m) 0.36 Maximum Depth1,2 (m) 7.50 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4 1020b/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Asgard Secure Steel Storage (a trading division of Flexiform Business Furniture Limited) 1392 Leeds Road, Bradford BD3 7AE, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1274 706206 • Fax: +44 (0)1274 706247 Certificate No: 596a to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Security Enclosures Product Name Asgard Classic Secure Unit Asgard Compact Secure Unit Asgard Universal Asgard Annexe Nominal Enclosure Height (m) 1.9 1.9 0.7 1.5 Nominal Enclosure Width (m) 1.9 1.1 0.6 1.8 Nominal Enclosure Depth (m) 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.9 Security Rating 1 1 1 1 LPCB Ref. No. 596a/01 596a/02 596a/03 596a/04 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 3 SECURE ENCLOSURES Barkers Engineering Limited Duke Street, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 3NS, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1782 319264 • Fax: +44 (0)1782 599724 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1198b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Modular Security Cages Product Name Type Assetguard CS4 Cage formed from four sides and a ceiling with integral single or double leaf padlockable doorsets Minimum Height1 (m) 1.25 Maximum Height1 (m) 6.15 Minimum Width2 (m) 0.4 Maximum Width2 (m) Unlimited Minimum Depth2 (m) 0.4 Maximum Depth2 (m) 6.0 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4 1198b/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Bastion Security Products Limited 16E Follingsby Close, Follingsby Park, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear NE10 8YG, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)191 419 3777 • Fax: +44 (0)191 497 2997 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1046a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Expandable Security Enclosure Product Name Type Height (m) Width (m) Bastion Enclosure Expanding security enclosure1 with integral entrance doorset 2.469 1.700 Length When Enclosure Is Fully Expanded (m) 2.655 Length When Enclosure Is Contracted (m) 1.700 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 52 1046a/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on BenweldSecure Limited Unit 14A, Hartlebury Trading Estate, Hartlebury, Worcestershire DY10 4JB, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1299 251750 • Fax: +44 (0)1299 253576 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1165a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Cabinet Product Name Malvern Type Security cabinet incorporating a single leaf doorset in the front face 20 Oct 2014 Height (m) 1.25 Width (m) 0.6 Depth (m) 0.45 Compatible Locking Systems 1 and 2 Security Rating1 4 LPCB Ref. No. 1165a/01 21 PART 4: SECTION 3 SECURE ENCLOSURES A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Bradbury Security Dunlop Way, Queensway Industrial Estate, Scunthorpe DN16 3RN, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1724 271999 • Fax: +44 (0)1724 271888 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 312h to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Modular Security Cages Product Name Type Extendor Vulcan Modular cage formed from Extendor Vulcan fixed and opening grilles2 Minimum Height (m) 0.543 Maximum Height (m) 3.974,5,6 Minimum Width (m) 0.48 Maximum Width (m) Unlimited4,6,7 Minimum Length (m) 1.0 Maximum Length (m) Security Rating1 Unlimited4,6,7 2+ LPCB Ref. No. 312h/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 312j to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Modular Security Cages Product Name Type Extendor Eclipse Modular cage formed from Extendor Eclipse fixed and opening grilles1 Minimum Height (m) 0.715 Maximum Height (m) 3.673,4 Minimum Width (m) Maximum Width (m) 0.48 Unlimited2,5 Minimum Length (m) 1.0 Maximum Length (m) Security Rating Unlimited2,5 3 LPCB Ref. No. 312j/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Isoclad Limited 10 Alder Road, West Chirton North Industrial Estate, North Shields, Tyne & Wear NE29 8SD, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)191 258 5052 • Fax: +44 (0)191 259 5742 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 142c to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Modular Security Enclosure System Product Name Product Type Securiclad Enclosure with horizontal laid panels 22 Minimum Height (m) 2.5 Maximum Height (m) Unlimited Minimum Width (m) 2.5 Maximum Width (m) Unlimited Minimum Depth (m) 2.5 Maximum Depth (m) Unlimited Security Rating 3 LPCB Ref. No. 142c/01 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 3 SECURE ENCLOSURES Product Name Product Type Enclosure with vertically laid panels Enclosure with horizontal laid panels Enclosure with vertically laid panels Minimum Height (m) 2.5 Maximum Height (m) 6.0 Minimum Width (m) 0.25 Maximum Width (m) Unlimited Minimum Depth (m) 0.25 Maximum Depth (m) Unlimited Security Rating 2.5 Unlimited 2.5 Unlimited 2.5 Unlimited 4 2.5 6.0 0.25 Unlimited 0.25 Unlimited 4 LPCB Ref. No. 3 142c/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Kingsley Plastics Limited Western Barn Industrial Park, Hatherleigh Road, Winkleigh, Devon EX19 8AP, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1837 83154 • Fax: +44 (0)1837 83529 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1115b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Enclosures Product Name Product Type Nominal Minimum Height1 (m) Nominal Maximum Height1 (m) Heavy Duty SR2 Heavy Duty SR3 Heavy Duty SR4 GRP security enclosure3 GRP security enclosure3 GRP security enclosure3 1.0 Nominal Maximum External Width (m) 5.0 Nominal Minimum External Width2 (m) 0.5 Nominal Maximum External Length (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 15.0 Nominal Minimum External Length2 (m) 0.5 35.0 2 1115b/01 1.0 5.0 0.5 15.0 0.5 35.0 3 1115b/02 1.6 5.0 0.5 15.0 1.25 35.0 4 1115b/03 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Liddle Doors Limited Wagonway Road Industrial Estate, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear NE31 1SP, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)191 483 5449 • Fax: +44 (0)191 489 0698 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 442e to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Security Cabinet (Wall Mounted) Product Name Model Liddle Series 3 Security Box Size 1 wall mounted security cabinet Size 2 wall mounted security cabinet Nominal Cabinet Height (mm) 400 Nominal Cabinet Width (mm) 460 Nominal Cabinet Depth (mm) 240 Security Rating 3 400 400 150 3 LPCB Ref. No. 442e/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 23 PART 4: SECTION 3 SECURE ENCLOSURES Certificate No: 442f to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Cabinet (Wall Mounted) Product Name Model Liddle Series 2 Security Box Size 1 wall mounted security cabinet Size 2 wall mounted security cabinet Size 3 wall mounted security cabinet Nominal Cabinet Height (mm) 400 Nominal Cabinet Width (mm) 460 Nominal Cabinet Depth (mm) 240 Security Rating 2 400 400 150 2 1055 990 350 2 LPCB Ref. No. 442f/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 442h to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Modular Security Enclosures Product Name Type Liddle Series 3 Kiosk Modular enclosure with integral single or double leaf padlockable doorset Modular enclosure with integral single or double leaf padlockable doorset Liddle Series 4 Kiosk Minimum Height1 (m) 1.05 Maximum Height1 (m) 4.0 Minimum Width2 (m) 0.6 Maximum Width2 (m) Unlimited Minimum Depth2 (m) 0.6 Maximum Depth2 (m) 2.8 Security Rating 3 LPCB Ref. No. 442h/01 1.05 4.0 0.6 Unlimited 0.6 2.8 4 442h/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 442i to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Modular Security Cages Product Name Type Liddle Series 3 Cage Modular cage with integral single or double leaf padlockable doorset Modular cage with integral single or double leaf padlockable doorset Liddle Series 4 Cage Minimum Height1 (m) 1.05 Maximum Height1 (m) 4.0 Minimum Width2 (m) 0.6 Maximum Width2 (m) Unlimited Minimum Depth2 (m) 0.6 Maximum Depth2 (m) 2.8 Security Rating 3 LPCB Ref. No. 442i/01 1.05 4.0 0.6 Unlimited 0.6 2.8 4 442i/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 24 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 3 SECURE ENCLOSURES Lowrey Contractors Limited 200 South Liberty Lane, Ashton Vale Trading Estate, Ashton Vale, Bristol BS3 2TW, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)117 9637111 • Fax: +44 (0)117 9637111 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 974b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Modular Security Cage System Product Name Type Lowrey Level 1 Security Mesh Panel System Cage formed from four sides and a ceiling Cage formed from four sides and a ceiling Cage formed from four sides and a ceiling Lowrey Level 2 Security Mesh Panel System Lowrey Level 3 Security Mesh Panel System Minimum Height (m) 1.1 Maximum Height (m) 3.91 Minimum Width (m)1 0.5 Maximum Width (m) Maximum Depth (m) 4.0 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. Unlimited Minimum Depth (m) 0.5 1 974b/01 1.1 3.91 0.5 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 2 974b/02 1.1 3.91 0.5 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 3 974b/03 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 974e to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Modular Security Enclosure System Product Name Product Type Lowrey Level 4 Security Solid Panel System Enclosure formed from four sides and a ceiling Minimum Height (m) 1.1 Maximum Height (m) 3.91 Minimum Width (m)1 0.5 Maximum Width (m) Minimum Depth (m) Maximum Depth (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. Unlimited 0.5 4.0 4 974e/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on MCL Industrial Enclosures Limited Units 3 & 4 Monarch Works, Elswick Road, Fenton Industrial Estate, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2SH, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1782 411611 • Fax: +44 (0)1782 411888 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1121a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 20 Oct 2014 25 PART 4: SECTION 3 SECURE ENCLOSURES Security Enclosure Product Name Product Type Securbilt GRP security enclosure1 Minimum Height (m)2 1.125 Maximum Height (m)2 4 Minimum Width (m)3 1 Maximum Width (m) 25 Minimum Depth (m)3 1 Maximum Depth (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 10 3 1121a/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Morgan Marine Limited Llandybie, Ammanford, Carmarthenshire SA18 3GY, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1269 850437 • Fax: +44 (0)1269 850656 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1051a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Enclosures Product Name Product Type Nominal Minimum Height1 (m) Nominal Maximum Height1 (m) Nominal Minimum External Width (m) Nominal Maximum External Width (m) Morgan Titan SR2 Morgan Titan SR3 Morgan Titan SR4 GRP security enclosure GRP security enclosure GRP security enclosure 1.0 5.0 1.02 1.0 5.0 1.0 5.0 Nominal Maximum External Length (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 14.0 Nominal Minimum External Length (m) 1.02 30.0 23 1051a/01 1.04 14.0 1.04 30.0 35 1051a/02 1.06 14.0 1.06 30.0 47 1051a/03 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on PSF Wales Limited Llys Rhiannon, Cil Yr Ychen Industrial Estate, Landeilo Road, Llandybie, Ammanford, Carmarthenshire SA18 3GY, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1269 851777 • Fax: +44 (0)1269 851747 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 953b to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Modular Security Enclosures Product Name Product Type Hercules SAF 3 Modular enclosure with single leaf outward opening doorset 26 Nominal Minimum External Height (m)1 0.8 Nominal Maximum External Height (m)1 3.2 Nominal Minimum External Width (m) Nominal Maximum External Width (m) Nominal Minimum External Depth (m) Nominal Maximum External Depth (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1.73 25 1.0 10 3 953b/01 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 3 SECURE ENCLOSURES Product Name Hercules SAF 4 Product Type Modular enclosure with double leaf outward opening doorset Modular enclosure with single leaf outward opening doorset Modular enclosure with double leaf outward opening doorset Nominal Minimum External Height (m)1 0.8 Nominal Maximum External Height (m)1 3.2 Nominal Minimum External Width (m) Nominal Maximum External Width (m) Nominal Minimum External Depth (m) Nominal Maximum External Depth (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2.78 25 1.0 10 3 953b/02 1.0 3.2 1.73 25 1.0 10 4 953b/03 1.0 3.2 2.78 25 1.0 10 4 953b/04 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 953c to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Enclosures Product Name Product Type Hercules SAF 2 Security enclosure with integral single or double leaf1 padlockable doorset Nominal Minimum External Height (m) 0.8 Nominal Maximum External Height (m) Nominal Minimum External Width (m) Nominal Maximum External Width (m) Nominal Minimum External Depth (m) Nominal Maximum External Depth (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2.8 0.63 2.8 0.375 2.8 22 953c/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 953f to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Modular Security Enclosures Product Name Type Nominal Minimum External Height (m) Taurus SAF 3 Modular single skin enclosure with single leaf outward opening doorset 0.85 20 Oct 2014 Nominal Maximum External Height1 (m) 2.9 Nominal Minimum External Width2 (m) 1.7 Nominal Maximum External Width Nominal Minimum External Depth3 Nominal Maximum External Depth Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 5.0 0.4 2.8 3 953f/01 27 PART 4: SECTION 3 SECURE ENCLOSURES Product Name Taurus SAF 4 Type Nominal Minimum External Height (m) Nominal Minimum External Width2 (m) 1.422 Nominal Maximum External Width Nominal Minimum External Depth3 Nominal Maximum External Depth Security Rating 0.85 Nominal Maximum External Height1 (m) 2.9 Modular single skin enclosure with double leaf outward opening doorset Modular single skin enclosure with single leaf outward opening doorset Modular single skin enclosure with double leaf outward opening doorset 5.0 0.4 2.8 3 0.85 2.9 0.7 5.0 0.4 2.8 4 0.85 2.9 1.422 5.0 0.4 2.8 4 LPCB Ref. No. 953f/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on R & D Sheetmetal Limited Unit 1A, Victoria Court, Colliers Way, Clayton West, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD8 9TR, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1484 864886 • Fax: +44 (0)1484 866505 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1034a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Modular Security Enclosure Product Name Product Type Security Evo IV Enclosure formed from four sides and a ceiling Enclosure formed from four sides and a ceiling Enclosure formed from four sides and a ceiling Enclosure formed from four sides and a ceiling Security Evo V Security Evo VI Security Evo III Minimum Height (m) 1.9 Maximum Height (m) Minimum Width (m) Maximum Width (m) Minimum Depth (m) Maximum Depth (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2.7 1.1 Unlimited 0.8 Unlimited 4 1034a/01 1.9 2.7 1.1 Unlimited 0.8 Unlimited 5 1034a/02 1.9 2.7 1.1 Unlimited 0.8 Unlimited 6 1034a/03 1.9 2.7 1.1 Unlimited 0.8 Unlimited 3 1034a/04 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 28 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 3 SECURE ENCLOSURES RCS Manufacturing Limited Unit 2, Weston Works, Tyseley, Birmingham, West Midlands B11 3RP, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)208 7868787 / +44 (0)121 706 0222 • Fax: +44 (0)121 765 4585 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1103a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Modular Security Enclosure System¹ Product Name Type Modusec Level 1 Multisided enclosure incorporating a ceiling2 Multisided enclosure incorporating a ceiling2 Multisided enclosure incorporating a ceiling2 Multisided enclosure incorporating a ceiling2 Multisided enclosure incorporating a ceiling2 Modusec Level 2 Modusec Level 3 Modusec Level 4 Modusec Level 5 Minimum Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Height (m) 6.0 Minimum Width (m) 1.83 Maximum Width (m) 1.8 6.0 1.8 Maximum Depth (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. Unlimited Minimum Depth (m) 0.43 Unlimited 1 1103a/01 1.83 Unlimited 0.43 Unlimited 2 1103a/02 6.0 1.83 Unlimited 0.43 Unlimited 3 1103a/03 1.8 6.0 1.83 Unlimited 0.43 Unlimited 4 1103a/04 1.8 6.0 1.83 Unlimited 0.4473 Unlimited 5 1103a/05 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Steelway Fensecure Limited Queensgate Works, Bilston Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV2 2NJ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)121 521 4521 • Fax: +44 (0)121 521 4551 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1071b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Modular Security Cage System Product Name Product Type Steelway Level 1 Security Mesh Panel System Steelway Level 2 Security Mesh Panel System Cage formed from four sides and a ceiling Cage formed from four sides and a ceiling 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Height (m) 1.1 Maximum Height (m) 3.91 Minimum Width (m)1 0.5 Maximum Width (m) Minimum Depth (m) Maximum Depth (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. Unlimited 0.5 4.0 1 1071b/01 1.1 3.91 0.5 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 2 1071b/02 29 PART 4: SECTION 3 SECURE ENCLOSURES Product Name Product Type Steelway Level 3 Security Mesh Panel System Cage formed from four sides and a ceiling Minimum Height (m) 1.1 Maximum Height (m) 3.91 Minimum Width (m)1 0.5 Maximum Width (m) Minimum Depth (m) Maximum Depth (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. Unlimited 0.5 4.0 3 1071b/03 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 1071e to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Modular Security Enclosure System Product Name Product Type Steelway Level 4 Security Solid Panel System Enclosure formed from four sides and a ceiling Minimum Height (m) 1.1 Maximum Height (m) 3.91 Minimum Width (m)1 0.5 Maximum Width (m) Minimum Depth (m) 0.5 Unlimited Maximum Depth (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4.0 4 1071e/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Technocover Limited (incorporating TechnoRail and Strataform) Henfaes Lane, Welshpool, Powys SY21 7BE, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1938 555511 • Fax: +44 (0)1938 555527 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 450b to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Security Cabinets Product Name Half Location Apparatus Case (LAC/H) Full Location Apparatus Case (LAC/F) Half Location Apparatus Case (LAC/H) Full Location Apparatus Case (LAC/F) Nominal Enclosure Height (mm) 1850 Nominal Enclosure Width (mm) 575 Nominal Enclosure Depth (mm) 535 Security Rating 3 LPCB Ref. No. 450b/01 1850 1010 535 3 450b/02 1850 575 535 4 450b/03 1850 1010 535 4 450b/04 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 450c to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Modular Security Cabinets and Building Systems Product Name Product Type WMC/DV4 Walk-In Modular Building System 30 Minimum Height (mm) 1500 Maximum Height (mm) 3000 Minimum Width (mm) 1000 Maximum Width (mm) 5000 Minimum Depth (mm) 1000 Maximum Depth (mm) 10000 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4 450c/01 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 3 SECURE ENCLOSURES Product Name Product Type CB1/DV4 Small modular secure cabinet system with single leaf doorset Small modular secure cabinet system with double leaf doorset Walk-in modular building system Small modular secure cabinet system with single leaf doorset Small modular secure cabinet system with double leaf doorset CB2/DV4 WMC/DV3 CB1/DV3 CB2/DV3 Minimum Height (mm) 900 Maximum Height (mm) 2000 Minimum Width (mm) 650 Maximum Width (mm) 5000 Minimum Depth (mm) 450 Maximum Depth (mm) 1500 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4 450c/02 900 2000 1350 5000 450 1500 4 450c/03 1500 3000 1000 4000 1000 10000 3 450c/04 900 2000 650 5000 450 1500 3 450c/05 900 2000 1350 5000 450 1500 3 450c/06 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 450i to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Modular Security Cage System Product Name Product Type Ultrasecure security cage system Cage formed from one side and a ceiling supported by existing adjacent walls Cage formed from two sides supported by existing adjacent walls Cage formed from two sides and a ceiling supported by existing adjacent walls Cage formed from three sides supported by existing adjacent walls 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Height (m) 0.501 Maximum Height (m) 6 Minimum Width (m) 0.502 Maximum Width (m) Unlimited Minimum Depth (m) 0.502 Maximum Depth (m) 6 Security Rating 0.501 6 0.632 Unlimited 0.632 Unlimited 3 0.501 6 0.632 Unlimited 0.632 6 3 0.501 6 0.762 Unlimited 0.632 Unlimited 3 3 LPCB Ref. No. 450i/01 31 PART 4: SECTION 3 SECURE ENCLOSURES Product Name Product Type Cage formed from three sides and a ceiling supported by existing adjacent walls Cage formed from three sides supported by existing adjacent walls Cage formed from four sides and a ceiling Minimum Height (m) 0.501 Maximum Height (m) 6 Minimum Width (m) 0.762 Maximum Width (m) Unlimited Minimum Depth (m) 0.632 Maximum Depth (m) 6 Security Rating 0.501 6 0.762 Unlimited 0.632 Unlimited 3 0.501 6 0.762 Unlimited 0.762 6 3 LPCB Ref. No. 3 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Total Flood Solutions Unit 12, Llanelli Gate, Dafen, Llanelli SA14 8LQ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)845 456 7175 • Fax: +44 (0)1554 759 866 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1177b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Enclosures Product Name TFS-140-4 Type Security enclosure with integral single leaf doorset Nominal Height (m) 2.215 Nominal Width (m) 2.41 Nominal Depth (m) 1.0 Security Rating 4 LPCB Ref. No. 1177b/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Trimetals Limited Sunrise Business Park, Higher Shaftesbury Road, Blandford Forum, Dorset DT11 8ST, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1258 459441 • Fax: +44 (0)1258 480408 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 899a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Bicycle and Motorcycle Store Product Name Type Model Protect a Cycle Protect a Bike Bicycle store Motorcycle store Motorcycle store Motorcycle store Standard pent roof model Wide pent roof model Extra wide pent roof model Nominal Internal Height1 (m) 1.28 2.0 2.0 2.0 Nominal Internal Width (m) 1.8 1.4 1.6 1.7 Nominal Internal Depth (m) 0.84 2.7 2.7 2.7 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 12 23 23 23 899a/01 899a/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 899b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 32 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 3 SECURE ENCLOSURES Bicycle Store Product Name Protect a Cycle Pro Type Bicycle store Nominal Internal Height1 (m) 1.28 Nominal Internal Width (m) 1.94 Nominal Internal Depth (m) 0.84 Security Rating 22 LPCB Ref. No. 899b/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 33 PART 4: SECTION 4 KEY SAFES Key safes listed in this section are approved to LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and freestanding barriers. Unless otherwise stated, the security rating attributed to each key safe relates to the key safes’ resistance to the following methods of attack: Forced entry into the key safe to remove a key stored within it. Unauthorised removal of the key safe from the supporting substrate. It is recommended that the security ratings of the key safes used to store keys are at least equivalent to those of the products (e.g. doorsets) the keys operate. This is particularly important if the key safes are located in unprotected areas, for example, on the outside of properties. This is to ensure the key safe does not compromise the resistance to forced entry provided by the products that the keys operate. Sentrilock LLC 7701 Service Center Drive, West Chester, Cincinnati OH 45069, USA Tel: +1 513 618 5800 • Fax: +1 513 618 5801 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1096a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Key Safes Product Name Model Realtor® Lockbox NXT-M Wall mounted key safe with smart card access and digital keypad Installation Instructions SL30236 Rev. B.0 Security Rating 2 LPCB Ref. No. 1096a/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on UTC Fire & Security B.V Electronic Key Solutions Kelvinstraat 7, 6003 DH Weert, The Netherlands Tel: +31 495 583000 • Fax: +31 495 550042 E-mail: [email protected] Europe, Middle East, Africa sales: UTC Fire & Security, Supra Asset Protection Solutions, Kouterveldstraat 2, B-1831 Diegem, Belgium Tel: +32 478 98 32 81 E-mail: [email protected] UK sales: The Key Safe Company, 24 The Furlong, Berry Hill Industrial Estate, Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire WR9 9AH, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1905 770333 E-mail: [email protected] Certificate No: 1062d to LPS 1175: Issue 7 34 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 4 KEY SAFES Key Safes Product Name Model TRAC-Vault BT SMART L Wall mounted key safe operated by IrDA fob Part No. 002177 Instructions P/N10103266P1-01 (rev A) April 2014 Security Rating 2 LPCB Ref. No. 1062d/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on UTC Fire & Security B.V. Kelvinstraat 7, 6003 DH, Weert, The Netherlands Tel: +31 495 583000 • Fax: +31 495 550042 E-mail: [email protected] Europe, Middle East, Africa sales: UTC Fire & Security, Supra Asset Protection Solutions, Kouterveldstraat 2, B-1831 Diegem, Belgium Tel: +32 478 98 32 81 E-mail: [email protected] UK sales: Supra UK Ltd, 24 The Furlong, Berry Hill Industrial Estate, Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire WR9 9AH, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1905 770333 E-mail: [email protected] Certificate No: 1062a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Key Safes Product Name Model Supra P500 Wall mounted key safe with twelve button combination Wall mounted key safe with twelve button combination Wall mounted key safe with twelve button combination incorporating an alarm switch Supra Consumer 500 Supra P500 with alarm switch Part No. 002045 002049 002046 Installation Instructions P/N10102761P1-01 Revision F P/N10102770P1-01 Revision K P/N10102761P1-01 Revision F Security Rating 1 LPCB Ref. No. 1062a/01 1 1062a/02 1 1062a/03 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 35 PART 4: SECTION 5 PHYSICAL SECURITY PROTECTION OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER FACILITIES With much attention being placed on the role of emerging technologies in the fight against crime and terrorism, it is often easy to become detracted from the basics. However, good physical security is the bedrock of effective security. Without the delay to intrusion provided by effective physical security, detection simply tells you the intruder has been and gone. It is therefore always important to ensure suitable physical security measures are in place and that those measures provide sufficient delay to enable the intruder to be detected and a suitable response mounted in order to apprehend the intruder. The delay provided by physical security equipment is typically measured in terms of the tools and time required to achieve entry through the physical security equipment. These combine to indicate the effort required by an intruder in order to gain unauthorised access through the physical security barrier. Using physical security equipment that achieves a higher rating, or using a layered approach to physical security, can greatly increase the effort an intruder needs to exert in order to gain entry. That effort extends beyond the physical effort required to overcome the physical security equipment. It also includes the effort required to plan and prepare for the attack. The greater the investment in the planning and preparation that a criminal believes is required to conduct a successful attack, the less likely they are to conduct that attack unless the return on that investment is sufficient. As the security ratings increase, the size and weight of tools required to compromise the products also increases. Using larger, heavier tools increases an intruder’s likelihood of being detected through natural surveillance. They can also slow down the intruder if they have to carry those tools onto the site being attacked. This also increases the risk to the intruder of being caught. The greater that risk, the less likely the criminal is to conduct the attack in the first instance. So how do security managers and other specifiers confirm whether a physical security product will afford a suitable delay against the tools and techniques likely to be employed by a determined intruder? LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers confirms the resistance to forced entry provided by security products, systems and building materials. While previous versions of the standard specified six levels of resistance (security ratings), the latest versions (Issue 6 and 7) specify eight security ratings. The levels of risk on which the security ratings in Issue 6 and 7 are based are represented in the following chart. LPS 1175 supports the assessment, approval and specification of security doors, shutters and grilles together with many other products and systems designed to prevent unauthorised access by mechanical means. These include: Access covers Cladding systems Containers Curtain walling systems Fences Folding doorsets Garage doorsets Gates and turnstiles Hinged doorsets Partitioning systems Roofing systems Security enclosures Security grilles Security screens Sheds and tool stores Shutters Skylights Sliding doorsets Strongpoints Temporary buildings Vehicles Walls Windows LPS 1175 is based on manual attack testing with the resistance provided by the products measured in terms of the attack tools and time available to the attacker. It enables specifiers to select products according to the risk. Further information on the security rating system and attack tools can be found in the standard itself, which can be downloaded for free from 36 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5 PHYSICAL SECURITY PROTECTION OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER FACILITIES HIGH RISK LPS 1175 SR 8 LPS 1175 SR 7 LPS 1175 SR 6 LPS 1175 SR 5 LPS 1175 SR 4 LPS 1175 SR 3 LOW RISK Products certified to this standard provide 20 minutes of resistance to extreme means of attempting forced entry into higher value storage areas. Products certified to these standards provide 10 minutes of resistance to professional means of attempting forced entry into higher value storage areas using a wide range of tools including mains powered tools. Products certified to these standards resist experienced attempts at forced entry using a wide range of tools including battery powered tools lasting up to 10 minutes (SR4 and SR5) or 5 minutes (SR3). LPS 1175 SR 2 Products certified to this standard provide 3 minutes of resistance to determined attack by an opportunist burglar using a range of techniques including those that involve creation of noise. LPS 1175 SR 1 Products certified to this standard provide 1 minute of resistance to opportunist attempts at entry using a range of techniques including those that create noise such as those involving breaking glass. In addition to certifying products to LPS 1175, LPCB also offers approval of products to the following standards: PAS 24 EN 1627 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK -External doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk. Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters - Burglar resistance Requirements and classification. PAS 24: 2012 is primarily aimed at domestic applications where intruders will generally use stealth to avoid detection. This version of the standard covers residential doors and windows. Previous versions of PAS 24 only covered residential doorsets, while windows were previously covered by BS 7950. The approval issued to previous versions of PAS 24 and BS 7950 will be withdrawn in the first quarter of 2014. The levels of resistance offered by products approved to PAS 24 is generally lower than that provided by products approved to LPS 1175, especially if the products incorporate glass or in situations where the criminal can make sustained amounts of noise while attempting entry. Nonetheless, Secured by Design (SBD) have reported a significant reduction in domestic burglary as a result of the use of products approved to PAS 24. EN 1627 is the European standard aimed at façade security products used in domestic and commercial situations. Its lower levels, i.e. up to resistance class 3, are primarily aimed at situations where criminals are more likely to use stealth for fear of attracting attention when attempting to force entry into premises. The scope of products that can be approved to LPS 1175, PAS 24 and EN 1627 are summarised in the following table:- 20 Oct 2014 37 PART 4: SECTION 5 PHYSICAL SECURITY PROTECTION OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER FACILITIES Physic al security product LPS 1175: Issue 7 (i) Acces s covers and hatches C ladding s ys tem s C urtain w alling D oors ets (C antilevered) D oors ets (Folding) PAS 24: 2012 ( ii) EN 1627: 2011 (iii) (iv) (iii) D oors ets (H inged) D oors ets (R evolving) D oors ets (Sliding) Gates and tu rns tiles Partitioning s ys tem s R ooflights and s kylights R oofing s ys tem s Second ary glazing s ys tem s Security grilles Security s creens Security s hu tters Tem porary buildings Walls and ceilings Window s (v) (vi) (v) Notes: (i) LPS 1175: Issue 7 covers many other types of product extending beyond those listed above. (ii) PAS 24:2012 has replaced PAS 24:2007+A2:2011 and BS 7950:1997. Please email [email protected] if you require further information on those standards. (iii) Folding doorsets and sliding doorsets with any frame member longer than 3 m are not covered by PAS 24:2012. (iv) The following types of hinged doorset are not covered by PAS 24:2012: • Double swing hinged doorsets, i.e. those hinged doorsets with leaves that open in both directions. • Doorsets with leaves with two halves, e.g. stable doorsets. • Doorsets with any frame member longer than 3 m. • Doorsets that are not rectangular e.g. arched doorsets. (v) PAS 24 2012 and EN 1627:2011 do not define how products designed to be used in the horizontal plane, such as rooflights, should be tested. (vi) The following types of window are not covered by PAS 24:2012: • Windows incorporating top hung open-in casements, side swing casements, horizontally sliding sashes or louvered vents. • Windows with any frame member longer than 3 m. • Windows that are not rectangular, e.g. round or arched windows. Specifiers should note that, although the working times specified for grades 2, 3 and 4 in EN 1627 match those defined for ratings 2, 3 and 4 in LPS 1175 (i.e. 3 minutes, 5 minutes and 10 minutes respectively), LPS 1175 covers risks associated with a far wider array of tools and attack methods, including those that involve noise. Specifiers should not assume products approved to EN 1627 achieve the ‘equivalent’ ratings when tested to LPS 1175. The quality of the testing conducted to EN 1627 relies heavily on the knowledge and experience of the test engineers conducting that testing. Therefore, in order to ensure products approved by LPCB deliver the protection expected, LPCB only recognises tests conducted to EN 1627 by BRE Global’s highly experienced 38 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5 PHYSICAL SECURITY PROTECTION OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER FACILITIES team of test engineers or by other laboratories that have suitably demonstrated their competence to conduct tests to EN 1627 to an equally high standard. Detailed comparisons of EN 1627 and LPS 1175 are available from the Security Team (email [email protected]) Hotel Doorsets In addition to these standards, LPCB has drafted a standard for Hotel Doorsets. LPS 1268 Specification for the testing and classification of hotel bedroom doorsets covers many aspects of the doorset’s performance, from security performance through to fire resistance, acoustic and general durability. Copies of the standard are available free of charge and can be obtained by emailing [email protected] Product Selection When selecting a security door, shutter, grille or other façade element, it is important to note aspects such as the size, locking systems, modes and directions of opening, and the type, size and location of any glazing incorporated within the product or system. All can affect the level of security provided by the product. These aspects of each certified product have therefore been described to enable selection of the most appropriate product for the desired application. Where options, such as glazed in-fills within door leaves, are not covered in the listing, those options fall outside the scope of that product’s approval. Unless otherwise stated, the security ratings attributed to the products listed require all lock bolts to be fully engaged and any deadlocking mechanism provided must be engaged. If a product is shown to achieve more than one security rating: The lower rating indicates the security rating achieved by the product when in the ‘minimum locked condition’. That locked condition occurs when the opening element (e.g. door leaf) is closed and only automatic latching mechanisms are engaged. The higher rating indicates the security rating achieved by the product when in the optimum locked condition. That locked condition occurs when all locking points are engaged and deadlocked. Installation, Service and Maintenance It is important to ensure products are installed and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and that all exposed fixings, the substrate into which the device is fitted and the locking mechanisms are regularly checked to ensure that they are in good condition and that they have not been tampered with. For added peace of mind, we recommend products are: Installed by companies certified to LPS 1271 Requirements for the LPCB Approval and Listing of companies installing fire and security doors, doorsets, shutters and active smoke/fire barriers. Serviced and maintained by companies certified to LPS 1197 Requirements for the LPCB Approval and Listing of companies inspecting, repairing and maintaining fire and security doors, doorsets, shutters and active smoke/fire barriers. It is also recommended to ensure their scope of approval to these standards covers the product to be installed, serviced or maintained. A list of currently approved installation, service and maintenance companies is provided in Volume 2 of the Red Book. 20 Oct 2014 39 PART 4: SECTION 5 PHYSICAL SECURITY PROTECTION OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER FACILITIES Other Performance Attributes LPCB also offer approvals of a range of other performance attributes alongside security. These include: 40 Acoustics Durability Fire Resistance Impact Resistance Operating Forces Thermal Performance Weathertightness 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1 HIGH SECURITY DOORSETS Doorsets listed in this section are approved to LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and freestanding barriers. Section 5.1.1 lists high security plain leaf hinged doorsets. Section 5.1.2 lists high security glazed hinged doorsets. Section 5.1.3 lists high security hinged doorsets with other leaf designs, such as those incorporating mesh or fixed bars. Section 5.1.4 lists high security folding doorsets. Hinged doorsets approved to PAS 23-1 are listed in section 5.2.1 while doorsets approved to the following standards are listed in section 5.2.2: PAS 24 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK -External doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk. EN 1627 Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters - Burglar resistance Requirements and classification. 20 Oct 2014 41 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES AccentHansen Greengate Industrial Park, Greengate, Middleton, Manchester M24 1SW, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)161 284 4100 • Fax: +44 (0)161 655 3119 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 021d to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Doorset Configuration SecureShield 2 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf hinged security doorset with unequal leafs2 Double leaf hinged security doorset with equal leafs Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf hinged security doorset with unequal leafs2 Double leaf hinged security doorset with equal leafs Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf hinged security doorset with unequal leafs2 Double leaf hinged security doorset with equal leafs Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf hinged security doorset with unequal leafs2 Double leaf hinged security doorset with equal leafs SecureShield 3 SecureShield 4 SecureShield 5 SecureShield 6 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.5 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.61 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.5 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.25 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 021d/01 1.5 2.61 1.3 2.5 2 021d/02 1.8 2.5 0.7 1.3 3 021d/03 1.8 2.5 1.3 1.8 3 1.8 2.5 1.3 2.5 3 1.8 2.53 0.7 1.3 4 1.8 2.53 1.3 1.8 4 1.8 2.53 1.3 2.5 4 1.8 2.32 0.7 1.3 5 1.8 2.32 1.3 1.8 5 1.8 2.32 1.3 2.2 5 1.8 2.32 0.7 1.3 6 1.8 2.32 1.3 1.8 6 1.8 2.32 1.3 2.2 6 021d/04 021d/05 021d/06 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 42 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Allegion (UK) Limited Millen Road, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 2BQ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1795 476161 • Fax: +44 (0)1795 422463 Website: Certificate No: 322a to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Martin Roberts SD5003 Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorsets Single leaf, inward opening hinged security doorsets Martin Roberts SD5001 Minimum Clear Opening Height (m) 0.951 Maximum Clear Opening Height (m) 3.049 Minimum Clear Opening Width (m) 0.503 Maximum Clear Opening Width (m) 1.322 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 3 322a/01 0.951 3.049 0.503 1.322 1 322a/02 0.951 2.25 0.503 1.322 1 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 322d to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type SD500201 Single plain leaf outward opening doorset Double plain leaf outward opening doorset SD500202 Minimum Clear Opening Height (m) 1.7 Maximum Clear Opening Height (m) 2.25 Minimum Clear Opening Width (m) 0.7 Maximum Clear Opening Width (m) 1.2 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 322d/01 1.9 2.25 1.4 2.5 21 322d/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Ascot Doors Limited Britannia Way Industrial Park, Union Road, Bolton BL2 2HE, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1204 545801 • Fax: +44 (0)1204 545800 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 131d to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Doorset Configuration Centurion A355 Single leaf, outward opening hinged doorset 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Clear Opening Height (m) 1.8 Minimum Clear Opening Width (m) 0.7 Maximum Clear Opening Height (m) Maximum Clear Opening Width (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2.5 1.35 41 131d/01 43 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Product Name Doorset Configuration Centurion A364S Single leaf, outward opening hinged doorset Double leaf, outward opening hinged doorset Single leaf, outward opening hinged doorset Double leaf, outward opening hinged doorset Centurion A364D Centurion A363S Centurion A363D Minimum Clear Opening Height (m) 1.8 Minimum Clear Opening Width (m) 0.7 Maximum Clear Opening Height (m) Maximum Clear Opening Width (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2.94 1.35 41, 2 131d/02 1.8 1.4 2.94 2.61 41, 3 131d/03 1.8 0.7 2.94 1.35 31, 2 131d/04 1.8 1.4 2.94 2.61 31, 2 131d/05 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Assa Abloy Limited T/A Assa Abloy Security Doors 21 Ferguson Drive, Knockmore Hill Industrial Park, Lisburn, Northern Ireland BT28 2EX, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)28 9266 2200 • Fax: +44 (0)28 9260 3600 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 852a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Powershield Glen Single Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset2 Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset2 Powershield Glen Double Powershield Stangford Single Powershield Stangford Double Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.4 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.2 Security Rating1 LPCB Ref. No. 3 852a/01 1.8 2.4 1.4 2.4 3 852a/02 1.8 2.4 0.75 1.2 4 852a/03 1.8 2.4 1.4 2.4 4 852a/04 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 852b to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Safeguard Trenchard Single Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Safeguard Fenwick Single 44 Minimum Clear Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Clear Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Clear Opening Width (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2.4 Minimum Clear Opening Width (m) 0.76 1.2 3 852b/01 2.4 0.76 1.2 4 852b/02 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval , may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Booth Industries Limited P.O. Box 50, Nelson Street, Bolton, Lancashire BL3 2AP, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1204 366333 • Fax: +44 (0)1204 380888 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 816a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Belmont Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset with overpanel2 Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset3 Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset with overpanel2,3 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.0 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 3.011 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.8 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.31 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 3 816a/01 2.3 4.01 0.8 1.31 3 2.0 3.011 1.6 2.6 34 2.3 4.21 1.6 2.6 34 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Bradbury Security Dunlop Way, Queensway Industrial Estate, Scunthorpe DN16 3RN, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1724 271999 • Fax: +44 (0)1724 271888 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 312d to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Hinged Doorsets Product Name Type 'M2M¹' Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Minimum Clear Opening Height (m) 1745 Maximum Clear Opening Height (m) 2475 Minimum Clear Opening Width (m) 740 Maximum Clear Opening Width (m) 1210 Compataible Locking Systems Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1, 2, 4 and 5 1 312d/01 1745 2410 740 990 3 1 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 312e to LPS 1175: Issue 7 20 Oct 2014 45 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Product Type 'M2M³' Single leaf outward opening doorset Double leaf outward opening doorset4 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.745 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.43 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.74 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.18 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 31, 2, 3 312e/01 1.745 2.43 1.15 2.20 31, 2, 3 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 312f to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Product Type 'M2M²' Single leaf outward opening doorset Single leaf outward opening doorset with side and/or over panels Double leaf outward opening doorset1 Double leaf outward opening doorset with side and/or over panels1 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.0 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.43 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.74 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.18 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 312f/01 1.0 3.93 0.74 4.18 2 1.0 2.43 1.15 2.20 22 1.0 3.93 0.74 5.20 22 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on C W Fields and Son Limited Station Road Industrial Estate, Epworth, Nr. Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN9 1JZ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1427 872368 • Fax: +44 (0)1427 873057 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 940a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Fields Security Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset 46 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 0.705 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.605 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.382 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.997 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 940a/01 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Product Name Type Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset with fixed/removable over panels1 Single leaf inward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf inward opening hinged security doorset with fixed/removable over panels1 Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset2 Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset with fixed/removable over panels1, 2 Double leaf inward opening hinged security doorset2 Double leaf inward opening hinged security doorset with fixed/removable over panels1, 2 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 0.955 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 3.055 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.382 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.997 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 940a/02 0.705 2.605 0.382 0.997 2 940a/03 0.955 3.055 0.382 0.997 2 940a/04 0.705 2.605 0.685 1.915 2 940a/05 0.955 3.055 0.685 1.915 2 940a/06 0.705 2.605 0.685 1.915 2 940a/07 0.955 3.055 0.685 1.915 2 940a/08 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Clearway Environmental Services (UK) Limited 11 Landau Way, Darent Industrial Park, Erith, Kent DA8 2LF, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1322 332211 • Fax: +44 (0)1322 339582 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1001a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Temporary Security Doorset Product Name Configuration Toreadoor Single leaf, outward opening, hinged temporary3 security doorset Minimum Structural Opening Height1 (m) 1.61 Maximum Structural Opening Height1 (m) 1.93 Minimum Structural Opening Width1 (m) 0.37 Maximum Structural Opening Width1 (m) 0.76 Minimum Structural Opening Depth2 (m) 0.045 Maximum Structural Opening Depth2 (m) 0.25 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1 1001a A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 47 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Design & Supply Limited 13 Pant Industrial Estate, Merthyr Tydfil, Mid Glamorgan CF48 2SR, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1685 350114 • Fax: +44 (0)1685 723276 E-mail: [email protected] Certificate No: 694b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Desray 2 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset1 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset1 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset incorporating over panels 2 Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset incorporating over panels1, 2 Desray 1 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.2 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.3 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 694b/01 1.8 2.2 1.5 2.5 2 694b/02 1.8 2.21 0.75 1.3 1 694b/03 1.8 2.21 1.5 2.2 1 694b/04 2.29 3.21 0.75 1.3 1 694b/05 2.29 3.21 1.5 2.2 1 694b/06 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on DoorTechnik Moor Lane, Thorpe-on-the-Hill, Lincoln LN6 9BW, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1522 693522 • Fax: +44 (0)1522 508494 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1084a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type X15 Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.354 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.540 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.522 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.237 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 31 1084a/01 1.354 2.540 0.974 2.398 31 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 48 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Fortress Glass Technology LLP 5 Cloughmore Road, Hydepark Industrial Estate, Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland BT36 4WW, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)28 9034 2655 • Fax: +44 (0)28 9034 2651 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1236a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type BBS 3 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset BBS 4 BBS 5 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.75 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 3.445 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.8 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.45 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 3 1236a/01 1.75 3.445 1.45 3.08 31 1.75 2.6 0.8 1.45 4 1.75 2.6 1.45 2.6 41 1.75 2.6 0.8 1.45 5 1.75 2.6 1.45 2.6 51 1236a/02 1236a/03 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Hodgson Sayers Limited Unit 15, Tanfield Lea (North) Industrial Estate, Tanfield Lea, Stanley, Co. Durham DH9 9NX, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1207 292020 • Fax: +44 (0)1207 292050 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1135a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 High Security Doorsets Product Name Type Colossus Single leaf outward opening security doorset Single leaf outward opening security doorset with overhead panels 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.10 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.50 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.93 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.42 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 1135a/01 2.40 4.40 0.93 1.42 2 49 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Product Name Type Double leaf outward opening security doorset Double leaf outward opening security doorset with overhead panels Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.10 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.50 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.42 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 2.40 Security Rating 2.40 4.40 1.42 2.40 21 LPCB Ref. No. 2 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Kingsley Plastics Limited Western Barn Industrial Park, Hatherleigh Road, Winkleigh, Devon EX19 8AP, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1837 83154 • Fax: +44 (0)1837 83529 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1115a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Heavy Duty SR2 Single leaf outward opening hinged GRP doorset with a plain padlockable leaf Double leaf outward opening hinged GRP doorset with plain padlockable leaves of equal sizes1 Single leaf outward opening hinged GRP doorset with a plain padlockable leaf Double leaf outward opening hinged GRP doorset with plain padlockable leaves of equal sizes1 Single leaf outward opening hinged GRP doorset with a plain leaf Double leaf outward opening hinged GRP doorset with plain leaves of equal sizes Heavy Duty SR3 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 0.918 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 3.118 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.518 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.413 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 1115a/01 0.918 3.118 0.922 2.712 2 0.918 3.118 0.518 1.413 3 0.918 3.118 0.922 2.712 3 0.918 3.118 0.518 1.413 3 0.918 3.118 0.922 2.712 32 1115a/02 1115a/03 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 50 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Liddle Doors Limited Wagonway Road Industrial Estate, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear NE31 1SP, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)191 483 5449 • Fax: +44 (0)191 489 0698 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 442a to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Minimum Height (m) Minimum Width (m) Maximum Height (m) Maximum Width (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. LD Series 4 Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset 1.8 0.75 2.25 1.15 4 442a/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 442b to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Minimum Height (m) Maximum Height (m) Minimum Width (m) Maximum Width (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. Liddle Series 3 Single leaf outward opening hinged doorset Double leaf 1 outward opening hinged doorset 1.8 2.2 0.75 1.2 3 442b/01 1.8 2.2 1.4 2.0 3 442b/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 442g to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Liddle Series 4 Single leaf outward opening doorset Double leaf outward opening doorset1 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.15 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.1 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4 442g/01 1.8 2.15 1.40 2.0 4 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Lincoln Security Limited 79-83 High Street, Lincoln LN5 8AA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1522 532038 • Fax: +44 (0)1522 536060 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1147a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 20 Oct 2014 51 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Vigilant Single leaf outward opening doorset Single leaf outward opeing doorset with over panel Double leaf outward opening doorset2,3 Double leaf outward opening doorset with over panel2,3 Single leaf outward opening doorset Single leaf outward opeing doorset with over panel Double leaf outward opening doorset2,3 Double leaf outward opening doorset with over panel2,3 Vanquish Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.4 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.5 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.8 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.3 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 31 1147a/01 1.6 3.5 0.8 1.3 31 1.4 2.5 1.3 2.1 31 1.6 3.5 1.3 2.1 31 1.4 2.5 0.8 1.3 44 1.6 3.5 0.8 1.3 44 1.4 2.5 1.3 2.1 44 1.6 3.5 1.3 2.1 44 1147a/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Lowrey Contractors Limited 200 South Liberty Lane, Ashton Vale Trading Estate, Ashton Vale, Bristol BS3 2TW, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)117 9637111 • Fax: +44 (0)117 9637111 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 974d to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Product Type Lowrey Level 4 Single Leaf Security Doorset Lowrey Level 4 Double Leaf Security Doorset Single leaf outward opening plain leaf doorset Double leaf outward opening plain leaf doorset Minimum Height (m) 1.0 Maximum Height (m) 2.4 Minimum Width (m) 0.6 Maximum Width (m) 1.3 Security Rating 4 LPCB Ref. No. 974d/01 1.0 2.4 1.2 2.6 4 974d/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 52 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES MaxiDoor AB Norra Bangatan 46, 71832, Frövi, Sweden Tel: +46 581 37780 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1188a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type MDSR3 Single leaf outward opening doorset Single leaf outward opening doorset with over panel Double leaf outward opening doorset2,3 Double leaf outward opening doorset with over panel2,3 Single leaf outward opening doorset Single leaf outward opening doorset with over panel Double leaf outward opening doorset2,3 Double leaf outward opening doorset with over panel2,3 MDSR4 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.4 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.5 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.8 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.3 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 31 1188a/01 1.6 3.5 0.8 1.3 31 1.4 2.5 1.3 2.1 31 1.6 3.5 1.3 2.1 31 1.4 2.5 0.8 1.3 44 1.6 3.5 0.8 1.3 44 1.4 2.5 1.3 2.1 44 1.6 3.5 1.3 2.1 44 1188a/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Prima Doors Limited Newby Road Industrial Estate, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire SK7 5DA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)161 487 3286 • Fax: +44 (0)161 487 3285 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1160a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Prima Secureguard SR1 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset1 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.0 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.5 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.7 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.2 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1 1160a/01 2.0 2.5 1.2 2.5 1 53 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Product Name Type Prima Secureguard SR2 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf outward opening hinged security padlockable doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset1 Double leaf outward opening hinged security padlockable doorset1 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset1 Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset with removable side and/or overpanels1 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset1 Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset with removable side and/or overpanels1 Prima Secureguard SR3 Prima Secureguard SR4 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.0 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.5 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.7 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.2 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 1160a/02 2.0 2.5 0.7 1.2 2 2.0 2.5 1.2 2.5 2 2.0 2.5 1.2 2.5 2 2.0 2.2 0.7 1.2 3 2.0 2.2 1.2 2.65 32 2.3 4.21 1.5 4.65 32 2.0 2.2 0.7 1.2 4 2.0 2.2 1.2 2.65 42 2.3 4.21 1.5 4.65 42 1160a/03 1160a/04 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on PSF Wales Limited Llys Rhiannon, Cil Yr Ychen Industrial Estate, Landeilo Road, Llandybie, Ammanford, Carmarthenshire SA18 3GY, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1269 851777 • Fax: +44 (0)1269 851747 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 953d to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Hercules SAF2 Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset fitted with single point locking hardware MK.II Hercules SAF3 54 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 0.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.9 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.48 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.45 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 21 953d/01 0.8 2.9 0.7 2.6 21 0.62 2.922 0.688 1.508 3 953d/02 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Product Name MK.II Hercules SAF4 Type Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset fitted with two-point locking hardware Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset fitted with single point locking hardware on the active leaf Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset fitted with two-point locking hardware on the active leaf Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset fitted with single point locking hardware Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset fitted with two-point locking hardware Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset fitted with single point locking hardware on the active leaf Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset fitted with two-point locking hardware on the active leaf Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.112 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.3452 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.688 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.508 Security Rating 0.62 2.922 1.288 2.858 3 1.112 2.3452 1.288 2.22 3 0.62 2.922 0.688 1.508 4 1.112 2.3452 0.688 0.98 4 0.62 2.922 1.288 2.858 4 1.112 2.3452 1.288 1.9 4 LPCB Ref. No. 3 953d/03 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on R & D Sheetmetal Limited Unit 1A, Victoria Court, Colliers Way, Clayton West, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD8 9TR, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1484 864886 • Fax: +44 (0)1484 866505 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1034b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorset Product Name Security Evo IV Security Evo V Product Type Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset1 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Height (m) 2.53 Minimum Width (m) 0.8 Maximum Width (m) 1.1 Security Rating 4 1.8 2.53 1.4 2.1 4 1.8 2.53 0.8 1.1 5 LPCB Ref. No. 1034b/01 1034b/02 55 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Product Name Security Evo VI Security Evo III Product Type Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset1 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset1 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset1 Minimum Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Height (m) 2.53 Minimum Width (m) 1.4 Maximum Width (m) 2.1 Security Rating 5 LPCB Ref. No. 1.8 2.53 0.8 1.1 6 1034b/03 1.8 2.53 1.4 2.1 6 1.8 2.53 0.8 1.1 3 1.8 2.53 1.4 2.1 3 1034b/04 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Safe Partnership 3 East Street, Wareham, Dorset BH20 4NN, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1929 551100 • Fax: +44 (0)1929 553300 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 835a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Safe Doorset SR1 Single leaf outward opening hinged security timber doorset Single leaf outward opening hinged security timber doorset Safe Doorset SR2 Minimum Clear Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Clear Opening Height (m) 2 Minimum Clear Opening Width (m) 0.675 Maximum Clear Opening Width (m) 0.825 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 835a/01 1.8 2 0.675 0.825 21 835a/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Stafford Bridge Doors Limited Bedford Road, Pavenham, Bedford MK43 7PS, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1234 826316 • Fax: +44 (0)1234 826319 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 516c to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Doorsets Product Name Product Type Hendon Single leaf inward opening doorset 56 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.9 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.5 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.7 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.4 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 516c/01 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Product Name Sandhurst Wilton Halton Product Type Single leaf outward opening doorset Double leaf1 inward opening doorset Double leaf1 outward opening doorset Single leaf inward opening doorset Single leaf outward opening doorset Double leaf1 inward opening doorset Double leaf1 outward opening doorset Single leaf inward opening doorset Single leaf inward opening doorset Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.9 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.5 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.7 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.4 Security Rating 1.9 2.5 1.4 3.0 22 1.9 2.5 1.4 3.0 22 1.9 2.5 0.7 1.4 3 1.9 2.5 0.7 1.4 3 1.9 2.5 1.4 3.0 32 1.9 2.5 1.4 3.0 32 1.9 2.5 0.7 1.4 4 516c/03 1.468 2.5 0.7 1.4 4 516c/04 LPCB Ref. No. 2 516c/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 516a to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Wilton Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Halton Wilton Halton Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.9 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.5 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.7 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.4 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4 516a/03 1.468 2.5 0.7 1.4 4 516a/04 1.9 2.5 1.4 3.0 4 516a/06 1.9 2.5 1.4 3.0 4 516a/07 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 57 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Steelway Fensecure Limited Queensgate Works, Bilston Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV2 2NJ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)121 521 4521 • Fax: +44 (0)121 521 4551 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1071d to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Product Type Steelway Level 4 Single Leaf Security Doorset Steelway Level 4 Double Leaf Security Doorset Single leaf outward opening plain leaf doorset Double leaf outward opening plain leaf doorset Minimum Height (m) 1.0 Maximum Height (m) 2.4 Minimum Width (m) 0.6 Maximum Width (m) 1.3 Security Rating 4 LPCB Ref. No. 1071d/01 1.0 2.4 1.2 2.6 4 1071d/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Sunray Engineering Limited Kingsnorth Industrial Estate, Wotton Road, Ashford, Kent TN23 6LL, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1233 639039 • Fax: +44 (0)1233 625137 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 234c to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type ExcluDoor 3 Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset10 Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset with multi-point locking systems Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset with two single point locks Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset with a single point lock Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset with multi point locking systems10 ExcluDoor 4 ExcluDoor 3 ExcluDoor 4 ExcluDoor 4 F.R. 58 Minimum Clear Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Clear Opening Height (m) 2.4 Minimum Clear Opening Width (m) 1.4 Maximum Clear Opening Width (m) 2.4 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 3 234c/01 1.8 2.4 1.24 2.4 4 234c/02 1.8 2.4 0.75 1.24 4 234c/03 - 2.25 - 1.1 3 234c/04 1.8 2.25 0.75 1.24 4 234c/05 1.8 2.4 0.75 1.24 4 234c/06 1.8 2.4 1.24 2.4 4 234c/07 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Product Name Type ExlcuDoor 4 F.R. Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset with multi point locking systems Minimum Clear Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Clear Opening Height (m) 2.4 Minimum Clear Opening Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Clear Opening Width (m) 1.24 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4 234c/08 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 234d: Part 1 to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type ExecDoor 1 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset1 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset incorporating over panels2 Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset incorporating over panels1,2 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.21 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.3 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1 234d/17 1.8 2.21 1.5 2.2 1 234d/18 2.29 3.21 0.75 1.3 1 234d/19 2.29 3.21 1.5 2.2 1 234d/20 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 234d: Part 2 to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type ExecDoor 2 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset1 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.2 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.3 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 234d/03 1.8 2.2 1.5 2.5 2 234d/04 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 234d: Part 3 to LPS 1175: Issue 7 20 Oct 2014 59 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type ExcluDoor 3 Mk2 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset2 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset4 Single leaf inward opening hinged security doorset ExcluDoor 3 Mk3 F.R. ExcluDoor 3 Mk2 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 3.0751 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.24 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 3 234d/01 1.8 3.0751 1.24 2.4 3 234d/02 1.8 2.753 0.75 1.24 3 234d/13 1.8 2.753 1.24 2.4 3 234d/14 1.8 2.8 0.75 1.24 3 234d/21 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 234d: Part 4 to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type ExcluDoor 4 Mk2 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset4 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset4 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset7 ExcluDoor 4 Mk2 F.R. ExcluDoor 4 Mk3 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.01 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 3.0752 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.24 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 43 234d/05 1.8 3.0752 1.24 2.4 43 234d/06 1.8 2.755 0.75 1.24 43 234d/07 1.8 2.755 1.24 2.4 43 234d/08 1.8 2.4 0.75 1.24 46 234d/11 1.8 2.4 1.24 2.4 46 234d/12 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 60 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Certificate No: 234d: Part 5 to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type ExcluDoor 5 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset1,2 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.4 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.24 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 5 234d/09 1.8 2.4 1.24 2.4 5 234d/10 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 234d: Part 6 to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type ExcluDoor 6 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset1 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.4 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.24 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 6 234d/15 1.8 2.4 1.24 2.4 6 234d/16 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Technocover Limited (incorporating TechnoRail and Strataform) Henfaes Lane, Welshpool, Powys SY21 7BE, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1938 555511 • Fax: +44 (0)1938 555527 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 450f to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Doorset Configuration Sentinel UltraSecure Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double1 leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double1 leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double1 leaf outward opening hinged security doorset 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.35 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 0.75 1.2 3 450f/01 1.8 2.35 1.2 2.185 32 450f/02 1.8 2.35 0.75 1.2 4 450f/03 1.8 2.35 1.2 2.185 4 450f/04 1.8 2.35 0.75 1.2 5 450f/05 1.8 2.35 1.2 2.3 5 450f/06 61 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Product Name Doorset Configuration Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double1 leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double1 leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.7 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.35 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 0.75 1.2 3 450f/07 1.7 2.35 1.2 2.35 32 450f/08 1.7 2.35 0.75 1.2 4 450f/09 1.7 2.35 1.2 2.35 4 450f/10 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 450a to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type UltraSecure DS1/DV4 Single leaf hinged outward opening security doorset Double leaf hinged outward opening security doorset UltraSecure DS2/DV4 Minimum Clear Opening Height (m) 0.9 Maximum Clear Opening Height (m) 2.9 Minimum Clear Opening Width (m) 0.5 Maximum Clear Opening Width (m) 1.3 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4 450a/03 0.9 2.9 1.2 2.6 4 450a/08 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 450d to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Ultra Secure DS1/DV3 Single leaf hinged outward opening security doorset Single leaf hinged outward opening security doorset Double leaf hinged outward opening security doorset Ultra Secure DS1/LS3 Ultra Secure DS2/DV3 Minimum Clear Opening Height (m) 0.9 Maximum Clear Opening Height (m) 2.9 Maximum Clear Opening Width (m) 0.5 Maximum Clear Opening Width (m) 1.3 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 3 450d/01 0.9 2.3 0.5 1.1 3 450d/02 0.9 2.9 1.2 2.6 3 450d/03 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 62 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Torterolo and Re S.p.A. Via Cornareto 180, 17017 Cosseria (SV), Italy Tel: +39 019 516901 • Fax: +39 019 517097 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1056a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorset Product Name Type Protection 30 Single leaf, outward and inward opening hinged security doorset Minimum Nominal Structural Opening Height (m) 1.95 Maximum Nominal Structural Opening Height (m) 2.47 Minimum Nominal Structural Opening Width (m) 0.6 Maximum Nominal Structural Opening Width (m) 1.0 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 21 1056a/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Total Flood Solutions Unit 12, Llanelli Gate, Dafen, Llanelli SA14 8LQ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)845 456 7175 • Fax: +44 (0)1554 759 866 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1177a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type TFS1050 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset with wicket door2 TFS1060 TFS1110 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.165 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.8 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.2 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4 1177a/01 1.8 2.165 1.5 2.0 41 1177a/02 1.8 2.165 0.8 1.2 4 1177a/03 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Warrior Doors Limited Unit 4, Kings Road Industrial Estate, Tyseley, Birmingham, West Midlands B11 2AX, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)121 706 8400 • Fax: +44 (0)121 706 4399 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1045a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 20 Oct 2014 63 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.1 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH PLAIN LEAVES Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Warrior 4SP-SL Single leaf outward opening hinged steel doorset Single leaf outward opening hinged steel doorset Single leaf inward opening hinged steel doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged steel doorset Single leaf outward or inward opening hinged steel doorset1 incorporating side screens Double leaf outward opening hinged steel doorset2 incorporating side screens Warrior 4-SL Warrior 4-SLi Warrior 4-DD Warrior C4-SLS Warrior C4-DDS Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.5 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.6 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.322 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4 1045a/01 1.8 2.5 0.6 1.322 4 1045a/02 1.8 2.5 0.6 1.322 4 1045a/03 1.8 2.5 1.064 2.260 4 1045a/04 1.8 2.5 0.944 7.322 4 1045a/05 1.8 2.5 1.408 8.260 4 1045a/06 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 64 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.2 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH GLAZED LEAVES AluK (GB) Limited Imperial Park, Celtic Way, Newport NP10 8BE, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1633 810440 • Fax: +44 (0)1633 816004 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 975a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Hinged Security Doorset Product Name 'LPS 1175 Commercial Door' Type Single leaf bidirectional glazed aluminium doorset with anti-finger trap hinges and two deadlocks on the leading edge Minimum Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Height (m) 2.2 Minimum Width (m) 0.9 Maximum Width (m) 1.2 Security Rating 21 LPCB Ref. No. 975a/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Bradbury Security Dunlop Way, Queensway Industrial Estate, Scunthorpe DN16 3RN, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1724 271999 • Fax: +44 (0)1724 271888 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 312e to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Product Type 'M2M³' Single leaf outward opening doorset Double leaf outward opening doorset4 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.745 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.43 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.74 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.18 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 31, 2, 3 312e/01 1.745 2.43 1.15 2.20 31, 2, 3 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 312f to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type M2M² Single leaf outward opening doorset Single leaf outward opening doorset with side and/or over panels 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.0 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.43 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.74 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.18 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 312f/01 1.0 3.93 0.74 4.18 2 65 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.2 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH GLAZED LEAVES Product Name Type Double leaf outward opening doorset1 Double leaf outward opening doorset with side and/or over panels1 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.0 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.43 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.15 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 2.20 Security Rating 1.0 3.93 0.74 5.20 22 LPCB Ref. No. 22 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on C W Fields and Son Limited Station Road Industrial Estate, Epworth, Nr. Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN9 1JZ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1427 872368 • Fax: +44 (0)1427 873057 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 940a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Fields Security Type Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Security Rating 2 LPCB Ref. No. 940a/01 2 940a/02 2 2 940a/03 940a/04 2 2 940a/05 940a/06 2 2 940a/07 940a/08 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset with fixed/removable over panels Single leaf inward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf inward opening hinged security doorset with fixed/removable over panels Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset with fixed/removable over panels Double leaf inward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf inward opening hinged security doorset with fixed/removable over panels A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Design & Supply Limited 13 Pant Industrial Estate, Merthyr Tydfil, Mid Glamorgan CF48 2SR, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1685 350114 • Fax: +44 (0)1685 723276 E-mail: [email protected] Certificate No: 694b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Desray 2 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset 66 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.2 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.3 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 694b/01 1.8 2.2 1.5 2.5 2 694b/02 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.2 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH GLAZED LEAVES A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Fendor Limited Spire House, Spire Road, Glover Industrial Estate, Washington, Tyne & Wear NE37 3ES, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)191 417 0170 • Fax: +44 (0)191 438 1686 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 712b to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type SecureLine Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorsets Single leaf inward opening hinged security doorsets Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorsets Double leaf inward opening hinged security doorsets Minimum Clear Opening Height (m) 2.0 Maximum Clear Opening Height (m) 2.6 Minimum Clear Opening Width (m) 0.85 Maximum Clear Opening Width (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1.4 2 712b/01 2.0 2.6 0.85 1.4 2 2.0 2.6 1.5 2.8 2 2.0 2.24 1.5 2.8 2 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Liddle Doors Limited Wagonway Road Industrial Estate, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear NE31 1SP, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)191 483 5449 • Fax: +44 (0)191 489 0698 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 442b to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Liddle Series 3 Type Single leaf outward opening hinged doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged doorset Minimum Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Height (m) 2.2 Minimum Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Width (m) 1.2 Security Rating 3 LPCB Ref. No. 442b/01 1.8 2.2 1.4 2.0 3 442b/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on MultiSteel Limited MultiSteel House, 117-119 Brent Terrace, London NW2 1LL, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 8208 8300 • Fax: +44 (0)20 8208 8209 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 818a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 20 Oct 2014 67 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.2 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH GLAZED LEAVES Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Minimum Height (m) Maximum Height (m) Minimum Width (m) Maximum Width (m) Multisteel 'Mag Lock' Single leaf outward opening doorset1, 2 Single leaf outward opening doorset1, 2 1.83 2.43 0.647 1.83 2.43 0.575 Multisteel '3 Point Mul-TLock' Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1.377 Compatible Locking Systems 1 1 818a/01 1.425 2 2 818a/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Premier Security Solutions Limited Unit 2, 19-21 Roebuck Road, Hainault Business Park, Hainault, Essex IG6 3TU, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 8559 8295 • Fax: +44 (0)20 8502 6888 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1097a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type SBD2 Single leaf outward opening doorset with side/over panels Single leaf outward opening portcullis style doorset incorporating side screens Single leaf outward opening portcullis style doorset incorporating over panels Single leaf outward opening doorset without side/over panels Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.2 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 6 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.82 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 6 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 1097a/01 1.2 2.067 0.82 6 2 2.2 6 0.52 1.22 2 1.2 2.067 0.52 1.22 2 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Stafford Bridge Doors Limited Bedford Road, Pavenham, Bedford MK43 7PS, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1234 826316 • Fax: +44 (0)1234 826319 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 516c to LPS 1175: Issue 7 68 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.2 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH GLAZED LEAVES Hinged Doorsets Product Name Product Type Hendon Single leaf inward opening doorset Single leaf outward opening doorset Double leaf1 inward opening doorset Double leaf1 outward opening doorset Single leaf inward opening doorset Single leaf outward opening doorset Double leaf1 inward opening doorset Double leaf1 outward opening doorset Single leaf inward opening doorset Single leaf inward opening doorset Sandhurst Wilton Halton Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.9 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.5 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 0.7 1.4 2 516c/01 1.9 2.5 0.7 1.4 2 1.9 2.5 1.4 3.0 22 1.9 2.5 1.4 3.0 22 1.9 2.5 0.7 1.4 3 1.9 2.5 0.7 1.4 3 1.9 2.5 1.4 3.0 32 1.9 2.5 1.4 3.0 32 1.9 2.5 0.7 1.4 4 516c/03 1.468 2.5 0.7 1.4 4 516c/04 516c/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Sunray Engineering Limited Kingsnorth Industrial Estate, Wotton Road, Ashford, Kent TN23 6LL, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1233 639039 • Fax: +44 (0)1233 625137 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 234d: Part 2 to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type ExecDoor 2 Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged security doorset1 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.2 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.3 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 234d/03 1.8 2.2 1.5 2.5 2 234d/04 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 234d: Part 3 to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type ExcluDoor 3 Mk2 Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 3.0751 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.24 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 3 234d/01 69 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.2 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH GLAZED LEAVES Product Name ExcluDoor 3 Mk3 F.R. ExcluDoor 3 Mk2 Type Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset2 Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset4 Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 3.0751 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.24 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 2.4 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 3 234d/02 1.8 2.753 0.75 2.4 3 234d/13 1.8 2.753 1.24 2.4 3 234d/14 1.8 2.8 0.75 1.24 3 234d/21 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 234d: Part 4 to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type ExcluDoor 4 Mk2 Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset4 Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset4 Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset7 ExcluDoor 4 Mk2 F.R. ExcluDoor 4 Mk3 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.01 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 3.0752 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.24 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 43 234d/05 1.8 3.0752 1.24 2.4 43 234d/06 1.8 2.755 0.75 1.24 43 234d/07 1.8 2.755 1.24 2.4 43 234d/08 1.8 2.4 0.75 1.24 46 234d/11 1.8 2.4 1.24 2.4 46 234d/12 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 234d: Part 5 to LPS 1175: Issue 7 70 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.2 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH GLAZED LEAVES Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type ExcluDoor 5 Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset1,2 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.4 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.24 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 5 234d/09 1.8 2.4 1.24 2.4 5 234d/10 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 234d: Part 6 to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type ExcluDoor 6 Single leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset Double leaf, outward opening hinged security doorset1 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.4 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.24 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 6 234d/15 1.8 2.4 1.24 2.4 6 234d/16 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Technocover Limited (incorporating TechnoRail and Strataform) Henfaes Lane, Welshpool, Powys SY21 7BE, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1938 555511 • Fax: +44 (0)1938 555527 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 450f to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Sentinel UltraSecure Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double1 leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.35 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.75 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.2 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 3 450f/01 1.8 2.35 1.2 2.185 32 450f/02 1.8 2.35 0.75 1.2 4 450f/03 71 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.2 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH GLAZED LEAVES Product Name Type Double1 leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double1 leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Single leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Double1 leaf outward opening hinged security doorset Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.35 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.2 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 2.185 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4 450f/04 1.7 2.35 0.75 1.2 3 450f/07 1.7 2.35 1.2 2.35 32 450f/08 1.7 2.35 0.75 1.2 4 450f/09 1.7 2.35 1.2 2.35 4 450f/10 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on The Parkside Group Limited Unit 5, The Willow Centre, 17 Willow Lane, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4NX, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 8685 9685 • Fax: +44 (0)20 8646 5096 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1117a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 and BS EN 1627: 2011 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Comar 7 Single leaf bidirectional glazed aluminium doorset with antifinger trap hinges and two deadlocks on the leading edge2 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.37 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.64 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.25 LPS 1175 Security Rating1 EN 1627 Resistance Class1 LPCB Ref. No. 2 3 1117a/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 72 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.3 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH OTHER LEAF DESIGNS Lowrey Contractors Limited 200 South Liberty Lane, Ashton Vale Trading Estate, Ashton Vale, Bristol BS3 2TW, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)117 9637111 • Fax: +44 (0)117 9637111 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 974a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Mesh Panel Security Doorsets Product Name Type Lowrey Level 1 Single Leaf Mesh Security Doorset Single leaf outward opening mesh panel doorset Double leaf outward opening mesh panel doorset Single leaf outward opening mesh panel doorset Double leaf outward opening mesh panel doorset Single leaf outward opening mesh panel doorset Double leaf outward opening mesh panel doorset Lowrey Level 1 Double Leaf Mesh Security Doorset Lowrey Level 2 Single Leaf Mesh Security Doorset Lowrey Level 2 Double Leaf Mesh Security Doorset Lowrey Level 3 Single Leaf Mesh Security Doorset Lowrey Level 3 Double Leaf Mesh Security Doorset Minimum Height (m) 1.0 Maximum Height (m) 2.4 Minimum Width (m) 0.6 Maximum Width (m) 1.3 Security Rating 1 LPCB Ref. No. 974a/01 1.0 2.4 1.2 2.6 1 974a/02 1.0 2.4 0.6 1.3 2 974a/03 1.0 2.4 1.2 2.6 2 974a/04 1.0 2.4 0.6 1.3 3 974a/05 1.0 2.4 1.2 2.6 3 974a/06 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Steelway Fensecure Limited Queensgate Works, Bilston Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV2 2NJ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)121 521 4521 • Fax: +44 (0)121 521 4551 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1071a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Mesh Panel Security Doorsets Product Name Product Type Steelway Level 1 Single Leaf Mesh Security Doorset Single leaf outward opening mesh panel doorset Double leaf outward opening mesh panel doorset Single leaf outward opening mesh panel doorset Steelway Level 1 Double Leaf Mesh Security Doorset Steelway Level 2 Single Leaf Mesh Security Doorset 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Height (m) 1.0 Maximum Height (m) 2.4 Minimum Width (m) 0.6 Maximum Width (m) 1.3 Security Rating 1 LPCB Ref. No. 1071a/01 1.0 2.4 1.2 2.6 1 1071a/02 1.0 2.4 0.6 1.3 2 1071a/03 73 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.3 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH OTHER LEAF DESIGNS Product Name Product Type Steelway Level 2 Double Leaf Mesh Security Doorset Double leaf outward opening mesh panel doorset Single leaf outward opening mesh panel doorset Double leaf outward opening mesh panel doorset Steelway Level 3 Single Leaf Mesh Security Doorset Steelway Level 3 Double Leaf Mesh Security Doorset Minimum Height (m) 1.0 Maximum Height (m) 2.4 Minimum Width (m) 1.2 Maximum Width (m) 2.6 Security Rating 2 LPCB Ref. No. 1071a/04 1.0 2.4 0.6 1.3 3 1071a/05 1.0 2.4 1.2 2.6 3 1071a/06 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Sunray Engineering Limited Kingsnorth Industrial Estate, Wotton Road, Ashford, Kent TN23 6LL, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1233 639039 • Fax: +44 (0)1233 625137 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 234f to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Hinged Louvred Security Doorsets Product Name Type ExcluLouvre® Door 3 Single leaf outward opening hinged louvred doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged louvred doorset Single leaf outward opening hinged louvred doorset Double leaf outward opening hinged louvred doorset ExcluLouvre® Door 2 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.0 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.4 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.5 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.5 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 3 234f/01 1.0 2.4 1.5 2.4 3 1.0 2.71 0.5 1.5 2 1.0 2.71 1.5 2.4 2 234f/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Technocover Limited (incorporating TechnoRail and Strataform) Henfaes Lane, Welshpool, Powys SY21 7BE, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1938 555511 • Fax: +44 (0)1938 555527 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 450j to LPS 1175: Issue 7 74 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.3 HIGH SECURITY HINGED DOORSETS WITH OTHER LEAF DESIGNS Hinged Mesh Panel Security Doorset Product Name Ultrasecure SCD1 Ultrasecure SCD2 Product Type Single leaf outward opening mesh panel doorset Double leaf outward opening mesh panel doorset Minimum Height (m) 1 Maximum Height (m) 3 Minimum Width (m) 0.5 Maximum Width (m) 1.2 Security Rating 3 LPCB Ref. No. 450j/01 1 3 1.2 3 3 450j/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 75 PART 4: SECTION 5.1.4 HIGH SECURITY FOLDING DOORSETS Bolton Gate Co. Limited Waterloo Street, Bolton, Lancashire BL1 2SP, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1204 871000 • Fax: +44 (0)1204 871049 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 026-2b to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Folding Security Doorsets Minimum Clear Opening Width (m) 1.70 Maximum Clear Opening Height (m) 6.00 Maximum Clear Opening Width (m) 4.65 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4 Minimum Clear Opening Height (m) 3.00 4 026-2b/01 6 3.00 2.60 6.00 7.00 4 8 3.00 3.55 6.00 8.00 4 4 3.00 1.70 6.00 4.65 5 6 3.00 2.60 6.00 7.00 5 8 3.00 3.55 6.00 8.00 5 Product Name Type Number of Door Panels Superfold 4000 Sliding folding panel security door set1 Sliding folding panel security door set1 Sliding folding panel security door set1 Sliding folding panel security door set1 Sliding folding panel security door set Sliding folding panel security door set Superfold 5000 026-2b/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 76 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.2.1 DOMESTIC DOORSETS APPROVED TO PAS 23-1 Doorsets listed in this section are approved to PAS 23-1 General performance requirements for door assemblies - Part 1. Single leaf, external door assemblies to dwellings. This standard describes a series of test methods and a range of criteria relevant to the general performance of single leaf, single swing, external door assemblies to dwellings. The scope of the standard covers inward and outward opening doorsets, with or without integral or coupled side panels and fanlights. Where such features are covered by the LPCB certificate, details are included within the product’s listing. The scope of the standard does not cover the installation of the product nor does it cover double leaf doors, sliding doors, folding doors, tilt and slide doors, and pivoted doors, or doors with any frame member over 3m. Since the products listed in this section were approved to PAS 23-1, the standard has been superseded by PAS 24: 2012 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK -External doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk. The approvals issued to PAS 23-1 will be withdrawn in the first quarter of 2014. Where possible, the approvals will migrate to PAS 24. Doorsets approved to PAS 24 and EN 1627 Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters - Burglar resistance - Requirements and classification are listed in section 5.2.2, while doorsets approved to LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers are listed in section 5.1. 20 Oct 2014 77 PART 4: SECTION 5.2.2 DOORSETS APPROVED TO PAS 24 AND EN 1627 Doorsets listed in this section are approved to: PAS 24 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK -External doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk. EN 1627 Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters - Burglar resistance Requirements and classification. PAS 24 describes a series of test methods and a range of criteria relevant to the general performance of single and double leaf, single swing, hinged, sliding, folding sliding (bi-fold), inward and outward opening external door assemblies for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk. The scope of the standard covers doorsets with or without integral or coupled side panels and fanlights. Where such features are covered by the scope of the LPCB certificate, details are provided in that products’ listing. PAS 24 does not cover the doorsets’ resistance to attempts at forced entry involving creation of significant noise, such as attempts involving deliberately breaking glass panels. Furthermore, the standard does not cover the products’ installation, nor does it cover double swing doors, or doors with any frame member over 3m. EN 1627 is the European standard for burglary resistance of pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters. It specifies six levels of attack resistance (resistance classes). The lower three resistance classes are aimed at situations where the intruder is likely to use stealth in order to avoid detection. Products approved to those resistance classes may therefore not suit environments in which it is considered the intruder will be willing to make noise when attempting to gain entry. The quality of the testing conducted to EN 1627 relies heavily on the knowledge and experience of the test engineers conducting that testing. Therefore, in order to ensure products approved by LPCB deliver the protection expected, LPCB only recognises tests conducted to EN 1627 by BRE Global’s highly experienced team of test engineers or by other laboratories that have suitably demonstrated their competence to conduct tests to EN 1627 to an equally high standard. Details of hinged doorsets approved to LPS 1175 are contained in section 5.1. The Parkside Group Limited Unit 5, The Willow Centre, 17 Willow Lane, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4NX, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 8685 9685 • Fax: +44 (0)20 8646 5096 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1117b to BS EN 1627:2011 Hinged Security Doorsets Product Name Type Comar 7PI Commercial Door (Security Option) Single leaf bidirectional glazed aluminium doorset with anti-finger trap hinge and two deadlocks on the leading edge2 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.37 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.64 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.25 EN 1627 Resistance Class1 LPCB Ref. No. 3 1117b/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 78 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.3 HIGH SECURITY WINDOWS, CURTAIN WALLING SYSTEMS AND ROOFLIGHTS The windows, curtain walling systems and rooflights listed in this section are approved to LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers. The products listed in this section are generally designed for use in commercial applications. External security windows are listed in section 5.3.1, secondary glazing systems are listed in section 5.3.2, curtain walling systems are listed in section 5.3.3 and rooflights are listed in section 5.3.4. Windows approved to the following standards are listed in section 5.4 BS 7950 Specification for enhanced security performance of windows for domestic applications. EN 1627 Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters - Burglar resistance Requirements and classification. PAS 24 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK -External doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk. Products approved to LPS 1175 generally offer much higher protection against forced entry than products approved to BS 7950, EN 1627 or PAS 24. This is because products approved to LPS 1175 are subjected to physical attack tests with a wide range of tools aimed at overcoming all aspects of the product including aspects omitted by BS 7950, EN 1627 and PAS 24 such as the glazing (BS 7950 and PAS 24) and the fixings used to install the product (BS 7950, EN 1627 and PAS 24). LPCB has also published a standard for glazing and security glazing films which employs the principles contained within LPS 1175. LPS 1270 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant security glazing units covers the resistance to manual attack of the glazing material. It enables specifiers to select new or replacement glazing that affords levels of security equivalent to that of the frame or façade in which it is to be employed. Glazing approved to LPS 1270 is listed in section 5.12. 20 Oct 2014 79 PART 4: SECTION 5.3.1 HIGH SECURITY WINDOWS - EXTERNAL WINDOWS Fendor Limited Spire House, Spire Road, Glover Industrial Estate, Washington, Tyne & Wear NE37 3ES, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)191 417 0170 • Fax: +44 (0)191 438 1686 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 712a to LPS 1175: Issue 5.1 Security Windows Product Name Style SecureLine SR2 Fixed light window SecureLine SR3 SecureLine SR4 Top hung opening light window Fixed light window Top hung opening light window Fixed light window Minimum Clear Opening Height (m) 0.96 Maximum Clear Opening Height (m) 2.0 Minimum Clear Opening Width (m) 0.86 Maximum Clear Opening Width (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2.0 2 712a/01 1.0 2.0 0.90 2.0 2 0.96 2.0 0.86 2.0 3 1.0 2.0 0.90 2.0 3 0.96 2.0 0.86 2.0 4 712a/02 712a/03 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 80 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.3.2 HIGH SECURITY WINDOWS - SECONDARY GLAZING SYSTEMS Selectaglaze Limited Alban Park, Hatfield Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL4 0JJ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1727 837271 • Fax: +44 (0)1727 844053 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 683a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Secondary Security Glazing Systems Product Name Type Series 42 'Level 1' Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Series 42 'Level 2' Series 50 'Level 1' Series 50 'Level 2' Series 55 'Level 1' Series 55 'Level 2' Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system 20 Oct 2014 Style Minimum Height (m) Maximum Height (m) Minimum Width (m) Maximum Width (m)1 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. Single fixed light unit 0.3 3.02 0.3 2.02 1 683a/10 Single fixed light unit 0.3 3.02 0.3 2.02 2 683a/11 Single fixed light casement 0.4 3.23 0.4 3.23 1 683a/01 Single light inward opening top hung casement Single light inward opening side hung casement top hung casement Single fixed light casement 0.43 1.53 0.574 3.23 1 0.574 3.23 0.43 1.53 1 0.4 3.23 0.4 3.23 2 0.43 1.53 0.574 3.23 2 0.574 3.23 0.43 1.53 2 0.4 3.23 0.4 3.23 1 0.4 3.23 0.8 4.03 1 0.4 3.23 1.2 5.03 1 0.4 3.23 1.6 6.03 1 0.4 3.23 2.0 6.03 1 0.8 4.03 0.4 3.23 1 1.2 5.03 0.4 3.23 1 0.4 3.23 0.4 3.23 2 0.4 3.23 0.8 4.03 2 0.4 3.23 1.2 5.03 2 Single light inward opening top hung casement Single light inward opening side hung casement Single demountable fixed light unit 2H multiple fixed light demountable unit 3H multiple fixed light demountable unit 4H multiple fixed light demountable unit 5H multiple fixed light demountable unit 2V multiple fixed light demountable unit 3V multiple fixed light demountable unit Single demountable fixed light unit 2H multi-light demountable unit 3H multi-light demountable unit 1 683a/02 683a/03 683a/04 81 PART 4: SECTION 5.3.2 HIGH SECURITY WINDOWS - SECONDARY GLAZING SYSTEMS Product Name Series 55 'Level 3' Series 85 'Level 3' Series 55 'Level 3' Series 85 'Level 1' Series 85 'Level 2' Series 95 'Level 1' Series 95 'Level 2' Type Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Secondary glazing system Style Minimum Height (m) Maximum Height (m) Minimum Width (m) Maximum Width (m)1 Security Rating 4H multi-light demountable unit 0.4 3.23 1.6 6.03 2 5H multi-light demountable unit 0.4 3.23 2.0 6.03 2 2V multi-light demountable unit 0.8 4.03 0.4 3.23 2 3V multi-light demountable unit 1.2 5.03 0.4 3.23 2 Single demountable fixed light unit 2H multi-light demountable unit 0.4 3.2 0.4 3.2 3 0.4 3.2 0.8 4.0 3 3H multi-light demountable unit 0.4 3.2 1.2 5.0 3 4H multi-light demountable unit 0.4 3.2 1.6 6.0 3 5H multi-light demountable unit 0.4 3.2 2.0 6.0 3 2V multi-light demountable unit 0.8 4.0 0.4 3.2 3 3V multi-light demountable unit 1.2 5.0 0.4 3.2 3 Twin light horizontally sliding casement Twin light horizontally sliding casement Twin light vertically sliding casement Twin light vertically sliding casement 0.65 2.62 1.0 3.02 1 683a/05 0.65 2.62 1.0 3.02 2 683a/07 1.0 3.02,4 0.65 2.6 2,4 1 683a/08 1.0 3.0 2,4 0.65 2.6 2,4 2 683a/09 1 LPCB Ref. No. 683a/06 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 82 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.3.3 CURTAIN WALLING SYSTEMS Duplus Architectural Systems Limited 370 Melton Road, Leicester LE4 7SL, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)116 261 0710 • Fax: +44 (0)116 261 0539 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1048d to BS EN 1627:2011 Secure Walling System Product Name Type Lightspan 50 Curtain walling system incorporating glazed infills when installed in straight runs1 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 0.36 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 7.0 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.36 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 7.0 Resistance Class LPCB Ref. No. RC2N 1048d/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 83 PART 4: SECTION 5.3.4 ROOFLIGHTS The Rooflight Company Wychwood Business Centre, Milton Road, Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxfordshire OX7 6XU, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1993 833108 • Fax: +44 (0)1993 831066 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 929a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Fixed Rooflights Product Name Type Plateau Secured by Design: Level 2 Plateau Secured by Design: Level 3 Fixed rooflight Fixed rooflight with integral security bars Minimum Length (m) 0.96 Maximum Length (m) 1.76 Minimum Width (m) 0.96 Maximum Width (m) 2.76 Security Rating 2 LPCB Ref. No. 929a/01 0.96 0.96 0.96 2.76 3 929a/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 84 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.4 DOMESTIC SECURITY WINDOWS Windows listed in this section are approved against the requirements of BS 7950 Specification for enhanced security performance of windows for domestic applications. The scope of windows covered by BS 7950 is restricted to the following: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Casement windows - inward and outward opening side hung, outward opening top hung and inward opening bottom hung. Tilt/turn and turn/tilt windows. Fixed lights and dummy vents. Top swing. Vertical sliding. BS 7950 does not assess the resistance to entry by breaking glazing nor does it directly assess the fixing method employed. The concept of ‘enhanced security’ in this product standard is based upon a relationship between forced human intervention techniques with basic hand tools and resistance to entry under multi-directional loading and hard and soft body impact tests. The standard provides a means of evaluation of resistance to opportunist attack. The standard does not provide a means of evaluating the protection provided against unauthorised intrusion to the levels of attack or scope of entry methods covered within LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers. It is recommended that specifiers requiring windows outside the scope of BS 7950 or windows that exhibit resistance to methods of forced entry not covered by BS 7950, specify windows that have been approved to LPS 1175 (see products listed in section 5.3). Alternatively, specifiers should consider specifying additional window protection; such as grilles, shutters or secondary glazing systems; approved to LPS 1175. In addition to approving windows to LPS 1175 and BS 7950, LPCB also offer security performance approval of windows and other façade elements to EN 1627 Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters - Burglar resistance - Requirements and classification as well as approvals covering other aspects of window performance, including weathertightness, thermal performance, fire and acoustics. LPCB has also published a standard for glazing and security glazing films which employs the principles contained within LPS 1175. That standard is LPS 1270 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant security glazing units covers the resistance to manual attack of the glazing material. It enables specifiers to select new or replacement glazing that affords two levels of security equivalent to that of the frame or façade in which it is to be employed. Glazing approved to LPS 1270 is listed in section 5.12. 20 Oct 2014 85 PART 4: SECTION 5.5 GARAGE DOORS Theft of equipment from garages is fairly common due to the value of equipment often stored within them and the ease with which burglars can overcome many garage doors. Burglars also target garages that provide access to the inside of the house via internal pedestrian doors because the burglars can: Attack the internal doorset unobserved by people in surrounding properties; and/or Use tools stored within the garage to aid their entry into the house. Specifying garage doors that provide proven levels of resistance to forced entry therefore plays an important part in reducing: Theft of equipment from garages. Theft of items from houses resulting from entry through adjoining garages. Garage doors listed in this section meet the requirements of either: LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers, or EN 1627 Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters - Burglar resistance Requirements and classification. In addition to fitting approved garage doors, specifiers keen to improve the security of their garages should also consider using security enclosures approved to LPS 1175 and fitting intruder detection equipment approved by LPCB and installed by a competent installer. Please refer to section 3 for a list of approved security enclosures and section 1 for a list of approved intruder detection equipment. Aluroll Limited Unit 12, Artillery Business Park, Park Hall, Oswestry, Shropshire SY11 4AD, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)800 977 8975 • Fax: +44 (0)1691 671 482 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 931a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Garage Doors Product Name Type Elite Internally face fitted double skin insulated roller shutter Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 0.9 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 5.2 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.9 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 5.0 Maximum Door Area (m2 ) 20 Compatible Locking Devices Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. B 1 931a/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on SWS UK Hornby Road, Claughton, Lancaster LA2 9LA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1524 772400 • Fax: +44 (0)1524 772411 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 390b to LPS 1175: Issue 5.3 86 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.5 GARAGE DOORS Garage Doors Product Name Type SeceuroGlide Excel Garage door Minimum Height (m) 1 Minimum Width (m) 1.5 Maximum Height (m) 3.85 Maximum Width (m) 5.2 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1 390b/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 87 PART 4: SECTION 5.6 SECURITY GRILLES, BLINDS AND BARSETS Security grilles, blinds and barsets listed in this section are approved to either: LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers, or EN 1627 Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters - Burglar resistance Requirements and classification. Bradbury Security Dunlop Way, Queensway Industrial Estate, Scunthorpe DN16 3RN, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1724 271999 • Fax: +44 (0)1724 271888 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 312a to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Security Grilles Product Name Type CX2 Single gate collapsible security grille Double gate collapsible security grille Minimum Height (m) 0.7 Maximum Height (m) 3.0 Minimum Width (m) 0.4 Maximum Width (m) 3.0 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1 312a/04 0.7 3.0 0.4 6.0 1 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 312g to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Grilles Product Name Extendor Vulcan Type Fixed security grille Minimum Height (m) 0.45 Maximum Height (m) 3.88 Minimum Width (m) 0.3 Maximum Width (m) 5.75 Security Rating1 2 0.625 2.7 0.39 5.75 2+ 0.625 2.7 0.44 11.52 2+ 0.625 2.7 0.39 5.75 2+ 0.625 2.7 0.44 Unlimited2 2+ Single sash collapsible security grille Double sash collapsible security grille Single sash flexi collapsible security grille Double sash flexi collapsible security grille LPCB Ref. No. 312g/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 312i to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Security Grilles Product Name Extendor Eclipse Type Fixed security grille Single sash collapsible security grille Double sash collapsible security grille 88 Minimum Height (m) 0.5 Maximum Height (m) 3.58 Minimum Width (m) 0.3 Maximum Width (m) 5.75 Security Rating 3 0.625 2.7 0.39 5.75 3 0.625 2.7 0.44 11.51 3 LPCB Ref. No. 312i/01 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.6 SECURITY GRILLES, BLINDS AND BARSETS Product Name Type Minimum Height (m) 0.625 Flexi single and multiple sash collapsible security grille Maximum Height (m) 2.7 Minimum Width (m) 0.44 Maximum Width (m) Unlimited1 Security Rating 3 LPCB Ref. No. A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Liddle Doors Limited Wagonway Road Industrial Estate, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear NE31 1SP, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)191 483 5449 • Fax: +44 (0)191 489 0698 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 442d to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Fixed Security Bar Sets Product Name Type Liddle Series 2 security bar set Reveal mounted security bar set Liddle Series 3 security bar set Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 0.4 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 3.0 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.4 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 3.0 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 442d/01 0.1 2.54 0.1 2.54 2 0.4 3.0 0.4 3.0 3 0.1 2.54 0.1 2.54 3 Internally or externally face fixed security bar set Reveal mounted security bar set Internally or externally face fixed security bar set 442d/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Lowrey Contractors Limited 200 South Liberty Lane, Ashton Vale Trading Estate, Ashton Vale, Bristol BS3 2TW, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)117 9637111 • Fax: +44 (0)117 9637111 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 974g to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Fixed Security Barsets Product Name AntiIntruder Product Type Individual security barset Individual security barset Individual security barset Modular security barset 20 Oct 2014 Installation Minimum Height (m) 0.55 Maximum Height (m) 2.1 Minimum Width (m) 0.55 Maximum Width (m) 2.1 Security Rating 3 External face fixed 0.45 2.0 0.45 2.0 3 Internal face fixed 0.45 2.0 0.45 2.0 3 Reveal mounted 0.55 Unlimited1 0.55 Unlimited1 3 Reveal mounted LPCB Ref. No. 974g/01 89 PART 4: SECTION 5.6 SECURITY GRILLES, BLINDS AND BARSETS Product Name Product Type Modular security barset Modular security barset Installation External face fixed Minimum Height (m) 0.45 Maximum Height (m) Unlimited1 Minimum Width (m) 0.45 Maximum Width (m) Unlimited1 Security Rating 3 0.45 Unlimited1 0.45 Unlimited1 3 Internal face fixed LPCB Ref. No. A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Safeguard Security, a trade name of WBH Industries Unit 5, 229 Torrington Avenue, Coventry CV4 9HN, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)2476 470 600 • Fax: +44 (0)2476 471 600 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 418a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Grilles Product Name Type LPC1 System Single gate, collapsible security grille Double gate, collapsible security grille Minimum Height (m) 0.594 Maximum Height (m) 3.0 Minimum Width (m) 0.233 Maximum Width (m) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 6.0 1 418a/01 0.594 3.0 0.405 12.0 1 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Simbars (UK) Limited 46 Ashton Vale Road, Ashton, Bristol BS3 2HQ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)117 953 1444 • Fax: +44 (0)117 963 1444 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 932a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Fixed Security Bar Sets Product Name Type Simbars security bar sets SR3 Reveal mounted security bar set Simbars security bar sets SR4 Internally face fixed security bar set Reveal mounted security bar set Internally face fixed security bar set Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 0.6 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 8.0 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.6 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 6.0 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 3 932a/01 0.14 7.54 0.14 5.54 3 0.225 8.0 0.225 6.0 4 0.227 7.54 0.29 5.54 4 932a/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 90 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.6 SECURITY GRILLES, BLINDS AND BARSETS Steelway Fensecure Limited Queensgate Works, Bilston Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV2 2NJ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)121 521 4521 • Fax: +44 (0)121 521 4551 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1071g to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Fixed Security Barsets Product Name Steelway AntiIntruder Product Type Individual security barset Individual security barset Individual security barset Modular security barset Modular security barset Modular security barset Installation Minimum Height (m) 0.55 Maximum Height (m) 2.1 Minimum Width (m) 0.55 Maximum Width (m) 2.1 Security Rating 3 External face fixed 0.45 2.0 0.45 2.0 3 Internal face fixed 0.45 2.0 0.45 2.0 3 Reveal mounted 0.55 Unlimited1 0.55 Unlimited1 3 External face fixed 0.45 Unlimited1 0.45 Unlimited1 3 Internal face fixed 0.45 Unlimited1 0.45 Unlimited1 3 Reveal mounted LPCB Ref. No. 1071g/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on SWS UK Hornby Road, Claughton, Lancaster LA2 9LA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1524 772400 • Fax: +44 (0)1524 772411 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 390d to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Grilles Product Name Type SeceuroGuard 1001 Single gate collapsible security grille Double gate collapsible security grille Fixed security grille SeceuroGuard 1001 "Fixed" SeceuroGuard 1001 "Floating" SeceuroGuard 1001s SeceuroGuard 1001s "Fixed" 20 Oct 2014 Single and multiple gate collapsible security grille Single gate collapsible security grille Double gate collapsible security grille Fixed security grille Minimum Height (m) 1 Maximum Height (m) 3 Minimum Width (m) 0.4 Maximum Width (m) Unlimited Security Rating 1 1 3 0.5 Unlimited 1 1 3 0.4 Unlimited 1 1 3 0.4 Unlimited 1 1 3 0.4 Unlimited 1 1 3 0.5 Unlimited 1 1 3 0.4 Unlimited 1 LPCB Ref. No. 390d/01 390d/02 91 PART 4: SECTION 5.6 SECURITY GRILLES, BLINDS AND BARSETS Product Name Type SeceuroGuard 1001s "Floating" Single and multiple gate collapsible security grille Minimum Height (m) 1 Maximum Height (m) 3 Minimum Width (m) 0.4 Maximum Width (m) Unlimited Security Rating 1 LPCB Ref. No. A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Technocover Limited (incorporating TechnoRail and Strataform) Henfaes Lane, Welshpool, Powys SY21 7BE, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1938 555511 • Fax: +44 (0)1938 555527 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 450m to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Fixed Security Barsets Product Name Type 'Ultra Secure' WB/DV/3 modular barset¹ Reveal mounted security barset Internally face fixed security barset Reveal mounted security barset Internally face fixed security barset 'Ultra Secure' WB/DV/4 modular barset¹ Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 0.53 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) Unlimited2 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.53 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) Unlimited2 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 3 450m/01 0.4 Unlimited2 0.4 Unlimited2 3 0.53 Unlimited2 0.53 Unlimited2 4 0.4 Unlimited2 0.4 Unlimited2 4 450m/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on The Expanded Metal Company Limited P.O.Box 14, Longhill Industrial Estate (North), Hartlepool TS25 1PR, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1429 867 388 • Fax: +44 (0)1429 866 795 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 731d to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Fixed Security Window Guard Product Name Type Class 3 Window Guard Rectangular security window guards with square vertical bars1 Rectangular security window guards with round vertical bars2 92 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 0.5 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 4.0 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.5 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 2.0 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 3 731d/01 0.5 4.0 0.5 2.0 3 731d/02 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.6 SECURITY GRILLES, BLINDS AND BARSETS A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Trellicor (Pty) Limited 20 Aberdare Drive, Phoenix Industrial Park, Durban, South Africa Tel: +27 31 500 4301 • Fax: +27 31 507 2129/3973 Certificate No: 474a to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Security Grilles Product Name Model Type Trellidor Trojan II - T1000 Standard Single gate collapsible security grille Single gate collapsible security grille Single gate collapsible security grille Single gate collapsible security grille Double gate collapsible security grille Double gate collapsible security grille Single gate collapsible security grille Single gate collapsible security grille Double gate collapsible security grille Double gate collapsible security grille Flexi Fixture Double Double flexi Trellidor Trojan II EMESC T1000 Standard Flexi Double Double flexi Minimum Height (m) 1.195 Minimum Width (m) 1.0 Maximum Height (m) 3.0 Maximum Width (m) 5.0 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 474a/04 1.195 1.0 3.0 5.0 2 1.195 1.0 3.0 5.0 2 1.195 2.0 3.0 10.0 2 1.195 2.0 3.0 10.0 2 1.780 1.0 3.0 5.0 2 1-780 1.0 3.0 5.0 2 1.780 2.0 3.0 10.0 2 1.780 2.0 3.0 10.0 2 474a/05 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 474b to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Security grilles Product Name Model Type Trellidor Plus T900 Standard Single gate collapsible security grille Single gate collapsible security grille Single gate collapsible security grille Flexi Fixture 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Height (m) 0.945 Minimum Width (m) 0.6 Maximum Height (m) 3.0 Maximum Width (m) 5.0 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1 474b/01 0.945 1.0 3.0 5.0 1 0.945 0.6 3.0 5.0 1 93 PART 4: SECTION 5.6 SECURITY GRILLES, BLINDS AND BARSETS Product Name Model Type Double Double gate collapsible security grille Minimum Height (m) 0.945 Minimum Width (m) 1.0 Maximum Height (m) 3.0 Maximum Width (m) 10.0 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 94 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.7 SECURITY SHUTTERS Security shutters listed in this section are approved to either: LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers, or EN 1627 Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters - Burglar resistance Requirements and classification. LPCB also offers approvals covering other aspects of shutter performance including weathertightness, thermal performance, fire and acoustics. Aluroll Limited Unit 12, Artillery Business Park, Park Hall, Oswestry, Shropshire SY11 4AD, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)800 977 8975 • Fax: +44 (0)1691 671 482 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 931a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Security Shutters Product Name Type E37 Elite Externally face fitted double skin aluminium roller shutter Internally face fitted double skin aluminium roller shutter Internally face fitted double skin insulated roller shutter Internally face fitted aluminium roller shutter with vision slats Internally face fitted aluminium roller shutter T77 Elite (1) V77 Elite E77 Elite Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 0.9 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 4.0 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.77 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 3.0 Maximum Door Area (m 2) Compatible Locking Devices Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 8.5 A 1 931a/01 0.9 4.0 0.77 3.0 8.5 B 1 0.92 5.2 0.9 5.0 20 B 1 931a/02 0.92 5.2 0.9 5.0 25 B 2 931a/03 0.92 5.2 0.9 5.0 25 B 2 931a/04 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 95 PART 4: SECTION 5.7 SECURITY SHUTTERS Ascot Doors Limited Britannia Way Industrial Park, Union Road, Bolton BL2 2HE, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1204 545801 • Fax: +44 (0)1204 545800 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 131b to LPS 1175: Issue 3 Security Shutters Product Name Type A320 Rolling shutter Minimum Height (m) 2 Maximum Height (m) 7 Minimum Width (m) 2.5 Maximum Width (m) 9 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4 131b/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 131e to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Security Shutters Product Name Centurion Model A305SS-EX A305PS-EX A305SA-EX A305PA-EX A305PG-EX A310SS-EX Type Roller shutter with solid single skin steel lath Roller shutter with perforated single skin steel lath Roller shutter with solid single skin aluminium lath Roller shutter with punched aluminium lath Roller shutter with punched and glazed aluminium lath Roller shutter with solid single skin steel lath Security Rating 1 1 1 1 1 2 LPCB Ref. No. 131e/01 131e/02 131e/03 131e/04 131e/05 131e/06 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 131f to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Shutters Product Name Centurion Model A305SS A305PS A305SA A305PA A305PG A310SS A315 Type Roller shutter with solid single skin steel lath Roller shutter with perforated single skin steel lath Roller shutter with solid single skin aluminium lath Roller shutter with punched aluminium lath Roller shutter with punched and glazed aluminium lath Roller shutter with solid single skin steel lath Roller shutter with reinforced double skin aluminium lath Security Rating 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 LPCB Ref. No. 131f/01 131f/02 131f/03 131f/04 131f/05 131f/06 131f/07 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Charter Global Limited Innovation House, Boulton Road, Reading, Berkshire RG2 0NH, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 845 050 8705 • Fax: +44 (0) 845 050 8707 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1075a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 96 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.7 SECURITY SHUTTERS Security Shutters Product Name Model Type Obexion SR2 Ultra Internally face fitted roller shutter Internally face fitted roller shutter Built-in roller shutter Built-in roller shutter SR3 Ultra Integr8 SR2 180LS Ultra SR3 180LS Ultra Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.0 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 6.0 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 1.0 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 3.2 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 1075a/01 2.0 6.0 1.0 3.2 3 1075a/02 2.0 6.0 1.0 3.2 2 1075a/03 2.0 6.0 1.0 3.2 3 1075a/04 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Fortress Glass Technology LLP 5 Cloughmore Road, Hydepark Industrial Estate, Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland BT36 4WW, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)28 9034 2655 • Fax: +44 (0)28 9034 2651 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1236b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Shutters Product Name Type Axalux Internally face fitted roller shutter with double skin steel laths Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 0.5 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 12.0 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.5 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 7.0 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 3 1236b/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Gilgen Door Systems UK Limited Securiparc House, Alfreton Trading Estate, Wimsey Way, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 4LS, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)8700 005255 • Fax: +44 (0)8700 005256 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1123a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Shutters Product Name Rolegard-High Security 20 Oct 2014 Model SR4-DSHD SR2-SS SR2-INS SR3-SS SR3-SSHD SR3-INSHD Type Roller shutter with reinforced double skin steel lath2 Roller shutter with solid single skin steel laths Roller shutter with foam filled insulated laths Roller shutter with solid single skin steel laths Roller shutter with solid single skin steel laths Roller shutter with foam filled insulated laths Security Rating1 4 2 2 3 3 3 LPCB Ref. No. 1123a/01 1123a/02 1123a/03 1123a/04 1123a/05 1123a/06 97 PART 4: SECTION 5.7 SECURITY SHUTTERS A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Hart Door Systems Redburn Road, Westerhope Industrial Estate, Westerhope, Newcastle upon Tyne NE5 1PJ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)191 214 0404 • Fax: +44 (0)191 271 1611 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 016c to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Shutter Product Name Type Terror Screen Internally face filled roller shutter Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 2.2 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 8.0 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.9 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 9.0 Locking Devices1 Security Rating2 LPCB Ref. No. Hart Door Systems Limited manual slip bolt system or Hart Door Systems Limited automatic slip bolt system 4 016c/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Shellcast Systems Limited Camel House, Six Ashes, Bridgnorth WV15 6ER, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1562 750 700 • Fax: +44(0)8712 453 553 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 707a to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Security Shutters Product Name Model Type Linframe CD38.1 Built-in rolling shutter Built-in rolling shutter Built-in rolling shutter Built-in rolling shutter Built-in rolling shutter Built-in rolling shutter Built-in rolling shutter CD38.2 CD38.3 CD38/P.1 CD38/S.1 CD60.1 CD60.2 Minimum Clear Opening Height (m) 0 Minimum Clear Opening Width (m) 0.4 Maximum Clear Opening Height (m) 6 Maximum Clear Opening Width (m) 5 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1 707a/01 0 0.4 6 5 2 707a/02 0 0.4 6 5 32 707a/03 0 0.4 6 3 1 707a/04 0 0.4 6 3 1 707a/05 0 0.4 6 5 1 707a/06 0 0.4 6 5 2 707a/07 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 98 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.7 SECURITY SHUTTERS SWS UK Hornby Road, Claughton, Lancaster LA2 9LA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1524 772400 • Fax: +44 (0)1524 772411 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 390a to LPS 1175: Issue 5.3 Security Shutters Product Name Type Lath Solid Minimum Height (m) 0.9 Maximum Height (m) 4.0 Minimum Width (m) 0.9 Maximum Width (m) 3 Security Rating 1 LPCB Ref. No. 390a/02 SeceuroShield 3801 SeceuroShield 7501 SeceuroVision 7501 Roller shutter Roller shutter Roller shutter Solid 0.6 4.7 0.9 6 1 390a/04 Perforated 0.6 4.7 0.9 6 1 390a/05 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 99 PART 4: SECTION 5.8 PERFORATED SECURITY SCREENS Perforated security screens (otherwise referred to as security screens and void protection screens) listed in this section are approved to either: LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers, or EN 1627 Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters - Burglar resistance Requirements and classification SWS UK Hornby Road, Claughton, Lancaster LA2 9LA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1524 772400 • Fax: +44 (0)1524 772411 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 390c to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Perforated Security Screens Product Name Type SeceuroMesh Fixed security screen Minimum Height (m) 0.25 Minimum Width (m) 0.25 Maximum Height (m) 2.54 Maximum Width (m) 1.29 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1 390c/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Trellicor (Pty) Limited 20 Aberdare Drive, Phoenix Industrial Park, Durban, South Africa Tel: +27 31 500 4301 • Fax: +27 31 507 2129/3973 Certificate No: 474c to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Perforated Security Screens Product Name Model Type Griffinguard Standard Fixed security screen Fixed security screen Double Minimum Height (m) 0.4 Minimum Width (m) 0.4 Maximum Height (m) 1.3 Maximum Width (m) 2.5 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1 474c/01 0.4 1.4 2.6 2.5 1 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 100 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.9 LOUVRE VENTS Louvre vents listed within this section are approved to LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, stongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers. Unless otherwise stated, the approvals relate to the louvre vent’s resistance to the creation of a hole large enough for a person to pass through, as indicated by the 225 mm by 400 mm elliptical test block defined in LPS 1175. It is recommended specifiers select louvres rated to resist the creation of smaller holes if the louvres are to be used within the close proximity of equipment that needs to be protected from tampering/removal, or lock operating hardware that does not require a key (e.g. thumbturns, lever handles, push pads or panic bars). For guidance, the test blocks used are: Type Test Block Notes Local penetration 8 mm (+3 mm/-0 mm) by Represents the louvre panel's likely resistance to creation of a 25 mm (+3 mm/-0 mm) hole through which a piece of wire, screwdriver, lever or other rectangular section such device can be passed. Such an attack may be attempted by an intruder wishing to operate a panic bar, emergency lever handle or other non-deadlocked device capable of releasing the boltwork on the item in which the louvre panel is mounted or on an item directly adjacent to that in which the louvre panel is mounted. Hand hole 60 mm (+3 mm/-0 mm) diameter Complete access Elliptical section of 400 mm (+3 mm/-0 mm) major axis by 225 mm (+3 mm/-0 mm) minor axis Represents the louvre panel’s likely resistance to creation of a hand hole. Such an attack may be attempted by an intruder wishing to: • Operate a thumbturn to release the boltwork on the item in which the louvre panel is mounted or on an item directly adjacent to that in which the louvre panel is mounted. • Retrieve an item from the protected side of the louvre panel e.g. an item on display behind a shop window, a set of door keys or a set of car keys. Represents the louvre panel’s resistance to creation of a hole through which an elliptical test block measuring 400 mm by 225 mm may be passed. This replicates the size a person may be able to pass through and reflects the test block defined in LPS 1175: Issue 7. Alifabs Cabinets and Ancillaries Limited Rye Close, York Road Business Park, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 6YD, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1653 602890 • Fax: +44 (0)1653 693456 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1136a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Louvre Vents Product Name Type Alifabs Security Louvre Vent Level 3 Single louvre vent unit 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Height1 (m) 0.25 Maximum Height1 (m) 2.0 Minimum Width2 (m) 0.25 Maximum Width2 (m) 1.0 Security Rating3 3 LPCB Ref. No. 1136a/01 101 PART 4: SECTION 5.9 LOUVRE VENTS Product Name Type Alifabs Security Louvre Vent Level 4 Double louvre vent unit Single louvre vent unit Double louvre vent unit Minimum Height1 (m) 0.25 Maximum Height1 (m) 2.0 Minimum Width2 (m) 0.63 Maximum Width2 (m) 2.13 Security Rating3 3 LPCB Ref. No. 0.25 2.0 0.25 1.0 4 1136a/02 0.25 2.0 0.63 2.13 4 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on PSF Wales Limited Llys Rhiannon, Cil Yr Ychen Industrial Estate, Landeilo Road, Llandybie, Ammanford, Carmarthenshire SA18 3GY, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1269 851777 • Fax: +44 (0)1269 851747 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 953e to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Louvre Vents Product Name Type Hercules SAF 3 Louvre Hercules SAF 4 Louvre Steel security louvre vent Steel security louvre vent Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 0.2 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) Unlimited1 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.2 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) Unlimited1 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 32 953e/01 0.2 Unlimited1 0.2 Unlimited1 42 953e/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Stafford Bridge Doors Limited Bedford Road, Pavenham, Bedford MK43 7PS, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1234 826316 • Fax: +44 (0)1234 826319 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 516b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Louvre Vents Product Name Type SR4 Louvre Steel security louvre vent Minimum Louvre Height1 (m) 0.35 Maximum Louvre Height1 (m) 2.5 Minimum Louvre Width2 (m) 0.35 Maximum Louvre Width2 (m) 1.15 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4 516b/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 102 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.9 LOUVRE VENTS Sunray Engineering Limited Kingsnorth Industrial Estate, Wotton Road, Ashford, Kent TN23 6LL, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1233 639039 • Fax: +44 (0)1233 625137 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 234g to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Louvre Vents Product Name Type ExcluLouvre® 2 Fixed louvre panel system Fixed louvre panel system ExcluLouvre® 3 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m)1 0.715 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m)1 5.0 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m)1 0.315 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m)1 Unlimited Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 234g/01 0.715 5.0 0.315 Unlimited 3 234g/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Technocover Limited (incorporating TechnoRail and Strataform) Henfaes Lane, Welshpool, Powys SY21 7BE, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1938 555511 • Fax: +44 (0)1938 555527 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 450h to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Louvre Vents Product Name Type Louvre Vent Modular louvre vent system1 Minimum Louvre Module Height (m) 0.2 Maximum Louvre Module Height (m) 11 Minimum Louvre Module Width (m) 0.6 Maximum Louvre Module Width (m) 1.21 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 5 450h/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 103 PART 4: SECTION 5.10 SECURE WALLING SYSTEMS Walling systems listed in this section are approved to LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing or intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers. In order to comply with the terms of the approval, the walling systems must be designed and installed in accordance with the relevant system manuals noted within the product entry. Unless otherwise stated, the approvals cover: Plain systems. That is, the approval excludes service penetrations, ducts or other openings such as doors and windows. Resistance to the creation of an access hole, within the area of the barrier, through which it is possible to pass a 225 mm by 400 mm elliptical test block defined in LPS 1175. It is recommended that evidence is sought to confirm the compatibility of any doors, windows, etc. to ensure the combined assembly offers the required security rating. Where such compatibility has been proven, this is indicated in the relevant listing. Aquaguard Security (a division of Aquacast Fabrications Limited) Unit 3 Power Park, Towers Business Park, Rugeley, Staffordshire WS15 1UZ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1889 572625 • Fax: +44 (0)1889 572629 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1020c to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Modular Secure Partitioning System Product Name Type Aquaguard Partition formed from wall and ceiling panels supported by existing adjacent walls3 Minimum Height1 (m) 2.315 Maximum Height1 (m) 2.535 Minimum Width1,2 (m) 0.36 Maximum Width1,2 (m) 4.90 Minimum Depth1,2 (m) 0.36 Maximum Depth1,2 (m) 7.50 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4 1020c/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Isoclad Limited 10 Alder Road, West Chirton North Industrial Estate, North Shields, Tyne & Wear NE29 8SD, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)191 258 5052 • Fax: +44 (0)191 259 5742 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 142d to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Secure Partition Walling System Product Name Securiclad 104 Product Type Walls with horizontally laid panels Walls with vertically laid panels Minimum Height (m) 2.5 Maximum Height (m) Unlimited Minimum Width (m) 2.5 Maximum Width (m) Unlimited Security Rating 3 2.5 6.0 0.25 Unlimited 3 LPCB Ref. No. 142d/01 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.10 SECURE WALLING SYSTEMS Product Name Product Type Walls with horizontally laid panels Walls with vertically laid panels Minimum Height (m) 2.5 Maximum Height (m) Unlimited Minimum Width (m) 2.5 Maximum Width (m) Unlimited Security Rating 4 2.5 6.0 0.25 Unlimited 4 LPCB Ref. No. 142d/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Lowrey Contractors Limited 200 South Liberty Lane, Ashton Vale Trading Estate, Ashton Vale, Bristol BS3 2TW, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)117 9637111 • Fax: +44 (0)117 9637111 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 974c to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Secure Partitioning Systems Product Name Product Type Lowrey Level 1 Security Mesh Panel System Partition formed from wall panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Partition formed from wall and ceiling panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Ceiling formed from ceiling panels Partition formed from wall panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Partition formed from wall and ceiling panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Ceiling formed from ceiling panels Partition formed from wall panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Lowrey Level 2 Security Mesh Panel System Lowrey Level 3 Security Mesh Panel System 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Height (m) 0.52 Maximum Height (m) 3.8 Minimum Width (m) Maximum Width (m) 0.53 0.614 3.91 N/A Maximum Length (m) N/A Security Rating Unlimited Minimum Length (m) N/A 0.53 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 1 N/A 0.5 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 1 0.52 3.8 0.53 Unlimited N/A N/A 2 0.614 3.91 0.53 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 2 N/A N/A 0.5 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 2 0.52 3.8 0.53 Unlimited N/A N/A 3 1 LPCB Ref. No. 974c/01 974c/02 974c/03 105 PART 4: SECTION 5.10 SECURE WALLING SYSTEMS Product Name Product Type Partition formed from wall and ceiling panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Ceiling formed from ceiling panels Minimum Height (m) 0.614 Maximum Height (m) 3.91 Minimum Width (m) Maximum Width (m) 0.53 N/A N/A 0.5 Maximum Length (m) 4.0 Security Rating Unlimited Minimum Length (m) 0.5 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 3 LPCB Ref. No. 3 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 974f to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Secure Partitioning Systems Product Name Product Type Lowrey Level 4 Security Solid Panel System Partition formed from wall panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Partition formed from wall and ceiling panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Ceiling formed from ceiling panels Minimum Height (m) 0.52 Maximum Height (m) 3.8 Minimum Width (m) Maximum Width (m) 0.53 0.614 3.91 N/A N/A Maximum Length (m) N/A Security Rating Unlimited Minimum Length (m) N/A 0.53 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 4 0.5 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 4 4 LPCB Ref. No. 974f/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on MultiSteel Limited MultiSteel House, 117-119 Brent Terrace, London NW2 1LL, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 8208 8300 • Fax: +44 (0)20 8208 8209 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 818b to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Modular Security Screen Product Name Type Multisteel 'Security Screen' Modular security screen1 with access control doorset2, 3 106 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.9 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 5 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.79 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 4 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1 818b/01 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.10 SECURE WALLING SYSTEMS Product Name Type Modular security screen1 with deadlocking doorset4 Modular security screen5 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 1.9 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 5 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.7 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 4 Security Rating 1.9 5 2 6 2 LPCB Ref. No. 2 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Premier Security Solutions Limited Unit 2, 19-21 Roebuck Road, Hainault Business Park, Hainault, Essex IG6 3TU, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 8559 8295 • Fax: +44 (0)20 8502 6888 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1097b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Modular Security Screen Product Name Type SBD2 Modular security screen1 Minimum Structural Opening Height (m) 0.32 Maximum Structural Opening Height (m) 6 Minimum Structural Opening Width (m) 0.23 Maximum Structural Opening Width (m) 6 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 1097b/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on R & D Sheetmetal Limited Unit 1A, Victoria Court, Colliers Way, Clayton West, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD8 9TR, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1484 864886 • Fax: +44 (0)1484 866505 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1034c to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Secure Partitioning Systems Product Name Type Security Evo III Partition formed from wall panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Partition formed from wall and ceiling panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Height (m) 2.35 Minimum Width (m) Maximum Width (m) 0.8 1.9 2.7 0.8 Maximum Length (m) N/A Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. Unlimited Minimum Length (m) N/A 3 1034c/01 Unlimited 1.1 Unlimited 3 107 PART 4: SECTION 5.10 SECURE WALLING SYSTEMS Product Name Type Security Evo IV Partition formed from wall panels supported by existing adjacent walls 1 Partition formed from wall and ceiling panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Partition formed from wall panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Partition formed from wall and ceiling panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Partition formed from wall panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Partition formed from wall and ceiling panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Security Evo V Security Evo VI Minimum Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Height (m) 2.35 Minimum Width (m) Maximum Width (m) 0.8 1.9 2.7 1.8 Maximum Length (m) N/A Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. Unlimited Minimum Length (m) N/A 4 1034c/02 0.8 Unlimited 1.1 Unlimited 4 2.35 0.8 Unlimited N/A N/A 5 1.9 2.7 0.8 Unlimited 1.1 Unlimited 5 1.8 2.35 0.8 Unlimited N/A N/A 6 1.9 2.7 0.8 Unlimited 1.1 Unlimited 6 1034c/03 1034c/04 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on RCS Manufacturing Limited Unit 2, Weston Works, Tyseley, Birmingham, West Midlands B11 3RP, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)208 7868787 / +44 (0)121 706 0222 • Fax: +44 (0)121 765 4585 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1103b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Secure Partition Walling System¹ Product Name Modusec Level 1 Modusec Level 2 108 Type Partition formed from wall panels supported by existing adjacent walls2 Partition formed from wall panels supported by existing adjacent walls2 Minimum Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Height (m) 6.0 Minimum Width (m) 0.43 Maximum Width (m) Unlimited Security Rating 1 LPCB Ref. No. 1103b/01 1.8 6.0 0.43 Unlimited 2 1103b/02 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.10 SECURE WALLING SYSTEMS Product Name Modusec Level 3 Modusec Level 4 Modusec Level 5 Type Partition formed from wall panels supported by existing adjacent walls2 Partition formed from wall panels supported by existing adjacent walls2 Partition formed from wall panels supported by existing adjacent walls2 Minimum Height (m) 1.8 Maximum Height (m) 6.0 Minimum Width (m) 0.43,4 Maximum Width (m) Unlimited Security Rating 3 LPCB Ref. No. 1103b/03 1.8 6.0 0.43,4 Unlimited 4 1103b/04 1.8 6.0 0.4473,4 Unlimited 5 1103b/05 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Steelway Fensecure Limited Queensgate Works, Bilston Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV2 2NJ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)121 521 4521 • Fax: +44 (0)121 521 4551 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1071c to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Secure Partitioning System Product Name Product Type Steelway Level 1 Security Mesh Panel System Partition formed from wall panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Partition formed from wall and ceiling panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Ceiling formed from ceiling panels Partition formed from wall panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Partition formed from wall and ceiling panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Ceiling formed from ceiling panels Steelway Level 2 Security Mesh Panel System 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Height (m) 0.52 Maximum Height (m) 3.8 Minimum Width (m) 0.53 Maximum Width (m) 0.614 3.91 N/A Maximum Length (m) N/A Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. Unlimited Minimum Length (m) N/A 1 1071c/01 0.53 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 1 N/A 0.5 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 1 0.52 3.8 0.53 Unlimited N/A N/A 2 0.614 3.91 0.53 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 2 N/A N/A 0.5 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 2 1071c/02 109 PART 4: SECTION 5.10 SECURE WALLING SYSTEMS Product Name Product Type Steelway Level 3 Security Mesh Panel System Partition formed from wall panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Partition formed from wall and ceiling panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Ceiling formed from ceiling panels Minimum Height (m) 0.52 Maximum Height (m) 3.8 Minimum Width (m) 0.53 Maximum Width (m) 0.614 3.91 N/A N/A Maximum Length (m) N/A Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. Unlimited Minimum Length (m) N/A 3 1071c/03 0.53 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 3 0.5 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 3 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 1071f to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Secure Partitioning System Product Name Product Type Steelway Level 4 Security Solid Panel System Partition formed from wall panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Partition formed from wall and ceiling panels supported by existing adjacent walls1 Ceiling formed from ceiling panels Minimum Height (m) 0.52 Maximum Height (m) 3.8 Minimum Width (m) Maximum Width (m) 0.53 0.614 3.91 N/A N/A Maximum Length (m) N/A Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. Unlimited Minimum Length (m) N/A 4 1071f/01 0.53 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 4 0.5 Unlimited 0.5 4.0 4 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Technocover Limited (incorporating TechnoRail and Strataform) Henfaes Lane, Welshpool, Powys SY21 7BE, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1938 555511 • Fax: +44 (0)1938 555527 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 450k to LPS 1175: Issue 7 110 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.10 SECURE WALLING SYSTEMS Secure Partitioning System Product Name Product Type Ultrasecure security mesh panel system Walling system Ceiling system Minimum Height (m) 0.501 Maximum Height (m) 6 Minimum Width (m) 0.502 Maximum Width (m) Unlimited Minimum Length (m) N/A Maximum Length (m) N/A Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 3 450k/01 N/A N/A 0.50 Unlimited 0.50 6 3 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on The Expanded Metal Company Limited P.O.Box 14, Longhill Industrial Estate (North), Hartlepool TS25 1PR, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1429 867 388 • Fax: +44 (0)1429 866 795 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 731b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Secure Partition Wall Systems Product Name Type Securilath HD1 Standard Securilath HD1-PB Partition wall system Partition wall system Partition wall system Partition wall system Securilath MD1 Securilath HD1 Twin Minimum Wall Height (m) 1.2 Maximum Wall Height (m) 3.0 Minimum Wall Width (m) 0.6 Maximum Wall Width (m) N/A1 Security Rating2 LPCB Ref. No. 2 731b/01 1.2 3.0 0.6 N/A1 1 731b/02 1 1 731b/03 3 731b/04 1.2 3.0 0.6 N/A 1.2 3.0 0.6 N/A1 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 111 PART 4: SECTION 5.11 SECURE ROOFING SYSTEMS Roofing systems listed in this section are approved to LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers. In order to comply with the terms of the approval, the roofing systems should be designed and installed in accordance with the relevant system manuals noted within the product entry. The styles of tile/panel included within the scope of approval, the range of roof pitches to which they can be fitted and the accessories that are covered by the scope of approval are also noted in each product entry. Icopal S. A. Parc Industriel des Hauts Sarts, Rue de Hermee 186, Herstal, Belgium Tel: +32 4240 5151 • Fax: +32 4240 5199 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: UK sales, marketing, distribution and technical enquiries: Decra Roofing Systems Limited, Unit 4, Crompton Fields, Crompton Way, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 9QB, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1293 545058 • Fax: +44 (0)1293 562709 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 834a to LPS 1175: Issue 5.3 Security Roof Tiling Systems Product Name Decra Classic Decra Stratos Decra Elegance Decra Plus Overall Tile Size (mm) 1324 x 410 1290 x 360 1324 x 410 1324 x 410 Tile Cover (mm) 1260 x 370 1230 x 320 1260 x 370 1260 x 368 Security Rating 1 1 1 1 LPCB Ref. No. 834a/01 834a/02 834a/03 834a/04 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 112 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.12 SECURITY GLAZING This section includes security glazing that has been approved to one or more of the following standards: LPS 1270: Issue 1 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant security glazing units EN 356: 2000 Glass in Building - Security Glazing. Testing and classification of resistance against manual attack EN 1063: 2000 Glass in building. Security Glazing. Testing and classification of resistance against bullet attack. LPS 1270 was developed because it was considered the method for classifying the attack resistance of security glazing specified within the current European standard (EN 356: 2000) was incompatible with that employed within LPS 1175: Issue 7 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers. This was because: EN 356: 2000 does not classify glass according to its resistance to different levels of attack based on the tools and time available to an intruder. The tests contained within EN 356: 2000 do not evaluate the glass’s susceptibility to attacks involving the creation of small holes through which locking hardware may be manipulated and/or protected items, such as items on display within shop windows or display cases, may be removed. The LPS 1270 classification system contains three digits. Each digit describes the glazing’s resistance to creation of a different size of hole, as described in the table below. Digit Type Test Block Notes 1 Local penetration 8 mm (+3 mm/-0 mm) by 25 mm (+3 mm/-0 mm) rectangular section Represents the glazing’s likely resistance to creation of a hole through which a piece of wire, screwdriver, lever or other such device can be passed. Such an attack may be attempted by an intruder wishing to operate a panic bar, emergency lever handle or other non-deadlocked device capable of releasing the boltwork on the item in which the glazing is mounted or on an item directly adjacent to that in which the glazing is mounted. 2nd Hand hole 60 mm (+3 mm/-0 mm) diameter Represents the glazing’s likely resistance to creation of a hand hole. Such an attack may be attempted by an intruder wishing to: st 3rd Complete access 20 Oct 2014 Elliptical section of 400 mm (+3 mm/-0 mm) major axis by 225 mm (+3 mm/-0 mm) minor axis • Operate a thumbturn to release the boltwork on the item in which the glazing is mounted or on an item directly adjacent to that in which the glazing is mounted. • Retrieve an item from the protected side of the glass e.g. an item on display behind a shop window, a set of door keys or a set of car keys. This reflects the size of aperture specified in LPS 1175: Issue 7. The digit confirms the glazing’s resistance to creation of a hole through which an elliptical test block measuring 400 mm by 225 mm may be passed. This replicates the size a person may be able to pass through and reflects the test block defined in LPS 1175: Issue 7. 113 PART 4: SECTION 5.12 SECURITY GLAZING Essex Safety Glass Limited Units 1-3, Moss Road, Witham, Essex CM8 3UG, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1376 520061 • Fax: +44 (0)1376 521176 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 997a to LPS 1270: Issue 1 Laminated Security Glazing Product Name Type ESG Secure LPS 001/13 ESG Secure LPS 112/17 ESG Secure LPS 123/19 ESG Secure LPS 123/23 ESG Secure LPS 223/31 ESG Secure LPS 224/40 ESG Secure LPS 234/44 ESG Secure LPS 235/57 Laminated single glazing unit1, 2, 3, 4 Laminated single glazing unit1, 2, 4, 5 Laminated single glazing unit1, 2, 4, 5 Laminated single glazing unit1, 2, 4, 5 Laminated single glazing unit1, 2, 3, 4 Laminated single glazing unit1, 2, 3, 4 Laminated single glazing unit1, 2, 4, 5 Laminated single glazing unit1, 2, 3, 4 Nominal Total Thickness (mm) 13 Nominal Weight (kg/m2 26.6 Security Rating 001 LPCB Ref. No. 997a/01 17 28.8 112 997a/02 19 31.2 123 997a/03 23 36 123 997a/04 31 50.1 223 997a/05 40 62.2 224 997a/06 44 59.2 234 997a/07 57.5 90 235 997a/08 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Hamilton Erskine Limited 17 Moss Road, Ballygowan, Newtownards, County Down BT23 6JQ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)28 9752 1754 • Fax: +44 (0)28 9752 1024 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1100a to LPS 1270: Issue 1 Laminated Security Glazing Product Name Type Tecdur TSG SC12 Laminated single glazed unit Laminated double glazed unit Laminated single glazed unit Laminated double glazed unit Laminated single glazed unit Tecdur TSG SC12 DGU Tecdur TSG SC14 Tecdur TSG SC14 DGU Tecdur TSG SC40 BR4NS Nominal Total Thickness (mm)1 12 Nominal Weight (kg/m2 ) 19 Security Rating 112 LPCB Ref. No. 1100a/01 30.4 34 112 1100a/02 14 22 123 1100a/03 32.4 37 123 1100a/04 40 55.8 235 1100a/05 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 114 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 5.12 SECURITY GLAZING Romag Limited Leadgate Industrial Estate, Consett, Co. Durham DH8 7RS, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1207 500 000 • Fax: +44 (0)1207 591 979 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1244a to LPS 1270: Issue 1 Laminated Security Glazing Product Name Type ProtectGlaz 001/84 ProtectGlaz 001/133 ProtectGlaz 001/134 ProtectGlaz 012/104 ProtectGlaz 012/152 ProtectGlaz 112/159 ProtectGlaz 112/179 Laminated single glazing unit Laminated single glazing unit Laminated single glazing unit Laminated single glazing unit Laminated single glazing unit Laminated single glazing unit Laminated single glazing unit Nominal Total Thickness (mm) 8.46 Nominal Weight (kg/m2 14.3 Security Rating 001 LPCB Ref. No. 1244a/01 13.3 26.3 001 1244a/02 13.4 26.4 001 1244a/03 10.46 16.7 012 1244a/04 15.26 28.7 012 1244a/05 15.89 26.9 112 1244a/06 17.89 31.9 112 1244a/07 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 115 PART 4: SECTION 6 ACCESS COVERS AND HATCHES Many important facilities, especially those of utility companies, are unmanned and remote from the main business. At the request of the utility companies, access covers protecting items such as valves, switchgear and meters are now security rated to provide protection against malicious attack. LPCB approves access covers to LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers. The approval procedures and conditions that apply to access covers are the same as those that apply to security doors and shutters. It is important that specifiers only select access covers that are covered by the scope detailed on the certificate since products that fall outside that scope may not provide an equivalent level of security. It is also important to ensure that the products are installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and that all exposed fixings, the substrate into which the device is fitted and the locking mechanisms are regularly checked to ensure that they are in good condition and that they have not been tampered with. Aquaguard Security (a division of Aquacast Fabrications Limited) Unit 3 Power Park, Towers Business Park, Rugeley, Staffordshire WS15 1UZ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1889 572625 • Fax: +44 (0)1889 572629 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1020a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Horizontal Access Cover Product Name Type Aquaguard Single leaf horizontal upstand access cover Double leaf horizontal endhinged upstand access cover Plain aperture capping plate Aperture capping plate incorporating an Aquaguard 'dipping' cover Aperture capping plate incorporating an Aquaguard access cover Chamber Solution Minimum Width1 of Internal Opening (mm) 450 Maximum Width1 of Internal Opening (mm) 1200 Minimum Length2 of Internal Opening (mm) 450 Maximum Length2 of Internal Opening (mm) Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 1200 4 1020a/01 600 1500 600 2600 4 600 3500 600 3500 4 600 3500 600 3500 4 600 3500 600 3500 4 1020a/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Barkers Engineering Limited Duke Street, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 3NS, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1782 319264 • Fax: +44 (0)1782 599724 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1198a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 116 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 6 ACCESS COVERS AND HATCHES Horizontal Access Covers Product Name Type1 Coverguard 4 Single leaf horizontal access covers Twin leaf horizontal access covers (end hinged) Twin leaf horizontal access covers (in-line hinged) Minimum Length of Internal Opening (mm) 350 Maximum Length of Internal Opening (mm) 1000 Minimum Width of Internal Opening (mm) 350 Maximum Width of Internal Opening (mm) 1000 Security Rating2 LPCB Ref. No. 4 1198a/01 1200 2200 600 1100 4 1200 2400 600 1100 4 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on EJ Ardennes ZA de Braux, Rue des Aulnes, 08120 Bogny sur Meuse, France Tel: +33 (0)3 24 52 37 37 • Fax: +33 (0)3 24 32 02 10 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1187a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Horizontal Access Covers Product Name Type Defenso AG SR4 Single leaf horizontal hinged upstand access cover Twin leaf end-hinged horizontal upstand access cover Multi-leaf inline hinged horizontal upstand access cover Single leaf horizontal hinged flushfit access cover Twin leaf end-hinged horizontal flush-fit access cover Multi-leaf inline hinged horizontal flush-fit access cover Single leaf horizontal hinged flushfit access cover Defenso FF SR3 Defenso FF SR4 20 Oct 2014 Minimum Width1 of Internal Opening (m) 0.3 Maximum Width1 of Internal Opening (m) Maximum Length2 of Internal Opening (m) Compatible Padlocks Security Rating3 LPCB Ref. No. 1.1 Minimum Length2 of Internal Opening (m) 0.3 1.1 B, D and F 4 1187a/01 1.1 2.0 1.1 1.8 B, D and F 4 0.6 1.1 1.1 Unlimited B, D and F 4 0.3 1.1 0.3 1.2 A to F 3 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.2 A to F 3 0.3 1.0 1.0 Unlimited A to F 3 0.3 1.1 0.3 1.2 A to F 4 1187a/02 1187a/03 117 PART 4: SECTION 6 ACCESS COVERS AND HATCHES Product Name Type Twin leaf end-hinged horizontal flush-fit access cover Multi-leaf inline hinged horizontal flush-fit access cover Minimum Width1 of Internal Opening (m) 1.0 Maximum Width1 of Internal Opening (m) 0.3 Maximum Length2 of Internal Opening (m) Compatible Padlocks Security Rating3 2.0 Minimum Length2 of Internal Opening (m) 1.0 1.2 A to F 4 1.0 1.0 Unlimited A to F 4 LPCB Ref. No. A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Peter Savage Limited Liberty House, Liberty Business Park, Attleborough, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV11 6RZ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)24 7664 1777 • Fax: +44 (0)24 7637 5250 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 989a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Horizontal Access Cover Product Name Type Garrison Upstand SlideLOK LPC4 Single leaf horizontal upstand access cover Twin leaf horizontal inline hinged upstand access cover Single leaf horizontal flush-fitting access cover Twin leaf horizontal inline hinged flush-fitting access cover Single leaf horizontal flush-fitting access cover Twin leaf horizontal inline hinged flush-fitting access cover Single leaf horizontal upstand access cover Twin leaf horizontal inline hinged upstand access cover Garrison Flush TopLOK LPC3 Garrison Flush TopLOK LPC4 Garrison Hybrid TopLOK LPC3 118 Minimum Width1 of Internal Opening (mm) 450 Maximum Width1 of Internal Opening (mm) 1200 Minimum Length2 of Internal Opening (mm) 450 Maximum Length2 of Internal Opening (mm) 1450 Compatible Padlocks Security Rating3,4,5 LPCB Ref. No. A, C, E, G, I and J 4 989a/01 450 1200 900 2900 A, C, E, G, I and J 4 300 1200 300 1500 A to J 3 300 1200 600 3000 A to J 3 300 1200 300 1500 A, B, E to H and J 4 300 1200 600 3000 A, B, E to H and J 4 300 1200 300 1500 A to J 3 300 1200 600 3000 A to J 3 989a/02 989a/03 989a/04 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 6 ACCESS COVERS AND HATCHES Product Name Type Garrison Hybrid TopLOK LPC4 Single leaf horizontal upstand access cover Twin leaf horizontal inline hinged upstand access cover Single leaf horizontal upstand access cover Twin leaf horizontal inline hinged upstand access cover Twin leaf horizontal end hinged upstand access cover Quad leaf horizontal upstand access cover Garrison Upstand TopLOK LPC4 Minimum Width1 of Internal Opening (mm) 300 Maximum Width1 of Internal Opening (mm) 1200 Minimum Length2 of Internal Opening (mm) 300 Maximum Length2 of Internal Opening (mm) 1500 Compatible Padlocks Security Rating3,4,5 LPCB Ref. No. B, F, H and J 4 989a/05 300 1200 600 3000 B, F, H and J 4 300 1200 300 1800 B, F, H and J 4 300 1200 600 3600 B, F, H and J 4 600 2400 300 1800 B, F, H and J 4 1200 2400 1200 3600 B, F, H and J 4 989a/06 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Steelway Fensecure Limited t/a Steelway Brickhouse Brickhouse Lane, West Bromwich, West Midlands B70 0DY, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)121 521 4524 • Fax: +44 (0)121 521 4551 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 645a to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Horizontal Access Covers Product Name Type Sentry Single leaf horizontal access cover Single leaf horizontal valve cover Single leaf horizontal ventilator cover Twin leaf in-line hinged horizontal access cover Twin leaf end-hinged horizontal access cover Minimum Length of Internal Opening (mm) 300 Maximum Length of Internal Opening (mm) 1200 Minimum Width of Internal Opening (mm) 300 Maximum Width of Internal Opening (mm) 1100 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4 645a/01 200 300 200 300 4 645a/02 200 500 200 500 4 645a/03 1200 2200 600 1000 4 645a/04 1200 2200 600 1500 4 645a/05 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 119 PART 4: SECTION 6 ACCESS COVERS AND HATCHES Technocover Limited (incorporating TechnoRail and Strataform) Henfaes Lane, Welshpool, Powys SY21 7BE, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1938 555511 • Fax: +44 (0)1938 555527 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 450a to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Horizontal Access Covers Product Name Type Ultra Secure DV Single leaf horizontal access cover8 Single leaf horizontal access cover8 Twin leaf horizontal access cover8 Twin leaf horizontal access cover8 Triple leaf horizontal access cover8 Triple leaf horizontal access cover8 Single leaf flush access cover Twin leaf flush access cover Triple leaf flush access cover Multiple leaf flush access cover Ultra Secure DV (Small Lock) Ultra Secure DV4 Twin Leaf (End Hinged) Ultra Secure DV4 Twin Leaf (In-line Hinged) Ultra Secure DV4 Triple Leaf (In-line Hinged) Ultra Secure DV4 Triple Leaf (Special) SHH1/DV SHH2/DV SHH3/DV SHHM/DV Minimum Internal Opening Length (mm) 150 Maximum Internal Opening Length (mm) 1100 Minimum Internal Opening Width (mm) 150 Maximum Internal Opening Width (mm) 1100 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 4 450a/01 150 1100 150 1100 4 450a/02 1100 2200 1100 1800 4 450a/04 1100 2400 600 1100 4 450a/05 1800 3600 600 1100 4 450a/06 1800 3600 1100 1800 4 450a/07 400 1200 400 1200 3 450a/09 1200 2400 400 1200 3 450a/10 1500 3000 400 1200 3 450a/11 2000 120007 2000 2400 3 450a/12 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 450n to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Horizontal Access Covers Product Name Type UltraSecure Single leaf horizontal upstand access cover4 Twin leaf in-line horizontal upstand access cover5 Minimum Width1 of Internal Opening (mm) 325 Maximum Width1 of Internal Opening (mm) 1250 Minimum Length2 of Internal Opening (mm) 325 Maximum Length2 of Internal Opening (mm) 1250 Security Rating3 LPCB Ref. No. 4 450n 1200 2550 325 1250 4 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 120 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 7 PERIMETER SECURITY PRODUCTS This section lists perimeter security products such as fences, gates and turnstiles that have been approved to LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers. While previous versions of the standard specified six levels of resistance (security ratings), the latest version (Issue 6 and 7) specifies eight security ratings. The levels of risk on which the security ratings are based in Issue 6 and 7 are represented in the following chart. HIGH RISK LPS 1175 SR 8 LPS 1175 SR 7 LPS 1175 SR 6 LPS 1175 SR 5 LPS 1175 SR 4 LPS 1175 SR 3 LOW RISK 20 Oct 2014 Products certified to this standard provide 20 minutes of resistance to extreme means of attempting forced entry into higher value storage areas. Products certified to these standards provide 10 minutes of resistance to professional means of attempting forced entry into higher value storage areas using a wide range of tools including mains powered tools. Products certified to these standards resist experienced attempts at forced entry using a wide range of tools including battery powered tools lasting up to 10 minutes (SR4 and SR 5) or 5 minutes (SR 3). LPS 1175 SR 2 Products certified to this standard provide 3 minutes of resistance to determined attack by an opportunist burglar using a range of techniques including those that involve creation of noise. LPS 1175 SR 1 Products certified to this standard provide 1 minute of resistance to opportunist attempts at entry using a range of techniques including those that create noise such as those involving breaking glass. 121 PART 4: SECTION 7.1 SECURITY FENCING CLD Fencing Systems Unit 11, Springvale Business Centre, Millbuck Way, Sandbach, Cheshire CW11 3HY, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1270 764751 • Fax: +44 (0)1270 757503 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 999a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Fencing Systems Product Name Type Nominal Height (m) Securus SR1 Welded mesh security fencing system2 2.4 Maximum Post Centres (m) 2.515 Securus SR2 Vertical bar and mesh panel security fencing system3 2.4 2.515 0°, 9.5° and 18.4° Securus SR1TE Welded mesh security fencing system3 2.4 2.520 0°, 9.5° and 18.4° Securus Lite Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 2.4 and 3.0 2.44 1.8 3.02 0°, 3.6°, 4.8°, 9.5°, 18.4° and 26.6° 0° and 3.6° 1.8 2.52 2.0 Dulok-6 Dulok-8 122 Gradients Angles in Fence Line Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 0°, 9.5° and 18.4°4 100° to 170°, 180°, 190° to 260°, 270° 100° to 170°, 180°, 190° to 260°, 270° 100° to 170°, 180°, 190° to 260°, 270° 90° to 270° 1 999a/01 2 999a/02 1 999a/03 1 999a/04 90° to 270° 1 999a/05 4.8° 90° to 270° 1 3.02 0° and 3.6° 90° to 270° 1 2.0 2.52 4.8°, 9.5° and 18.4° 90° to 270° 1 2.0 1.265 26.6° 90° to 270° 1 2.4 3.02 0° and 3.6° 90° to 270° 1 2.4 2.52 4.8° and 9.5° 90° to 270° 1 2.4 1.265 18.4° and 26.6° 90° to 270° 1 3.0 2.52 0° 90° to 270° 1 1.8 3.02 0° and 3.6° 90° to 270° 1 1.8 2.52 4.8° 90° to 270° 1 2.0 3.02 0° and 3.6° 90° to 270° 1 2.0 2.52 4.8°, 9.5° and 18.4° 90° to 270° 1 999a/06 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 7.1 SECURITY FENCING Product Name Dulok-25 Ultimate Extra SR1 Type Nominal Height (m) Gradients Angles in Fence Line Security Rating 2.0 Maximum Post Centres (m) 1.265 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3 Welded mesh security fencing system3,6 Welded mesh security fencing system3,6 Welded mesh security fencing system3,6 Welded mesh security fencing system3,6 Welded mesh security fencing system3,6 26.6° 90° to 270° 1 2.4 3.02 0° and 3.6° 90° to 270° 1 2.4 2.52 4.8° and 9.5° 90° to 270° 1 2.4 1.265 18.4° and 26.6° 90° to 270° 1 3.0 2.52 0° 90° to 270° 1 2.0 3.02 0° and 3.6° 90° to 270° 1 2.0 2.52 4.8° and 9.5° 90° to 270° 1 2.0 1.265 18.4° and 26.6° 90° to 270° 1 2.4 3.02 0° and 3.6° 90° to 270° 1 2.4 2.52 4.8° and 9.5° 90° to 270° 1 2.4 1.265 18.4° and 26.6° 90° to 270° 1 3.0 2.52 0° 90° to 270° 1 2.0 2.485 0°, 3.6° and 4.8° 1 2.0 1.239 9.5° and 18.4° 2.4 2.06 0°, 3.6° and 4.8° 2.4 1.0397 9.5°, 18.4° and 26.6° 3.0 2.06 0° 90°, 100° to 170°, 180°, 190° to 260°, 270° 90°, 100° to 170°, 180°, 190° to 260°, 270° 90°, 100° to 170°, 180°, 190° to 260°, 270° 90°, 100° to 170°, 180°, 190° to 260°, 270° 90°, 100° to 170°, 180°, 190° to 260°, 270° LPCB Ref. No. 999a/07 999a/08 1 1 1 1 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on H S Jackson & Son (Fencing) Limited, t/a Jacksons Fencing Stowting Common, Ashford, Kent TN25 6BN, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1233 750393 • Fax: +44 (0)1233 750178 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 913a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 20 Oct 2014 123 PART 4: SECTION 7.1 SECURITY FENCING Security Fencing System Product Name Jakoustic Class 3 Type Height (m) Timber security fencing system1 2.5, 2.75, 3.0 or 3.25 Post Centres (m) 0.125 to 2.4 Gradients 0° to 18.5° Angles In Fence Line 90°, 180° or 270° Security Rating 3 LPCB Ref. No. 913a/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 913b to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Security Fencing Systems Product Name Type Height (m) Trident 4 Vertical bar and mesh panel security fencing system1 Vertical bar and mesh panel security fencing system1 3.6 Trident 5 4.2 Post Centres (m) 0.260 to 2.57 0.260 to 2.57 Gradients Angles in Fence Line Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 0° to 5.7° 90°, 180° or 270° 90°, 180° or 270° 4 913b/01 5 913b/02 0° to 5.7° A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Heras U.K. Fencing Systems Herons Way, Balby, Doncaster DN4 8WA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1302 364551 • Fax: +44 (0)1302 322401 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 890a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Security Fencing Systems Product Name Type Nominal Height (m) Post Centres (m) 2.84 Gradients Angles In Fence Line1 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. Contour Standard Capped Railings 1.8, 2.0 and 2.4 16.5°3 1 890a/01 1.8, 2.0 and 2.4 2.84 1.65°3 1 890a/02 Railings 1.8, 2.0 and 2.4 2.755 17°3 1 890a/03 Contour Security Mitred Top Railings 1.8, 2.0 and 2.4 2.755 17°3 1 890a/04 Contour Fullered Top Railings 1.8, 2.0 and 2.4 2.84 16.5°3 1 890a/05 Contour Point Top Railings 1.8, 2.0 and 2.4 2.84 16.5°3 1 890a/06 Contour Square Bar Capped Top Railings 1.8, 2.0 and 2.4 2.84 16.5°3 75° to 105°, 165° to 195° and 255° to 265° 75° to 105°, 165° to 195° and 255° to 265° 75° to 105°, 165° to 195° and 255° to 265° 75° to 105°, 165° to 195° and 255° to 265° 75° to 105°, 165° to 195° and 255° to 265° 75° to 105°, 165° to 195° and 255° to 265° 75° to 105°, 165° to 195° and 255° to 265° Contour Mitred Top Railings Contour Security Capped 1 890a/07 124 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 7.1 SECURITY FENCING Product Name Type Nominal Height (m) Pallas Xtra Welded mesh security fencing system Welded mesh security fencing system Welded mesh security fencing system Welded mesh security fencing system Welded mesh security fencing system Welded mesh security fencing system Welded mesh security fencing system 1.8, 2.0, 2.4 and 3.0 Zenith Post Centres (m) 2.53 Gradients Angles In Fence Line1 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 0°2 1 890a/08 1.8 2.44 0.7° 1 890a/09 2.0 2.44 4.67° 2.4 2.44 13.8° 3.0 2.44 23.5° 4.2 2.44 37.6° 5.2 2.44 37.6° 175° to 185° and 265° to 275° 175° to 185° and 265° to 275° 175° to 185° and 265° to 275° 175° to 185° and 265° to 275° 175° to 185° and 265° to 275° 175° to 185° and 265° to 275° 175° to 185° and 265° to 275° 1 1 1 1 1 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on J B Corrie & Co. Limited Frenchmans Road, Petersfield, Hampshire GU32 3AP, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1730 237100 • Fax: +44 (0)1730 264915 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1194a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Fencing Systems Product Name Corrie Secure Type Welded mesh security fencing sytem2 Nominal Height (m) 2.5 Maximum Post Centres (m) 2.44 Gradients 0° to 26.6° Angles In Fence Line1 135° to 170°, 180°, 190° to 225° Security Rating 1 LPCB Ref. No. 1194a/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on NK Fencing Limited 40 Trailcock Road, Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland BT38 7NU, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)28 9335 1172 • Fax: +44 (0)28 9336 4336 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 951a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Security Fencing Systems Product Name Ibex Hi Security Type Welded mesh security fencing system Height (m) 1.8 to 3 Post Centres (m) 1 to 2.46 Gradients 0° to 5.71° Angles in Fence Line 90° to 315° Security Rating 1 LPCB Ref. No. 951a/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval , may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 125 PART 4: SECTION 7.1 SECURITY FENCING TangoRail Limited CRH House, Units 1-3, Prothero Industrial Estate, Bilport Lane, Wednesbury, West Midlands WS10 0NT, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)844 8360008 • Fax: +44 (0)844 8360009 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 942a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Security Fencing Systems Post Centres (m) 2.84 Gradients1 1.8, 2.0, 2.1 and 2.4 2.84 16.5°3 Railings 1.8, 2.0, 2.1 and 2.4 2.755 17°3 TangoRail TR250 Railings 1.8, 2.0, 2.1 and 2.4 2.755 17°3 TangoRail TR300F Railings 1.8, 2.0, 2.1 and 2.4 2.84 16.5°3 TangoRail TR300P Railings 1.8, 2.0, 2.1 and 2.4 2.84 16.5°3 TangoRail TR400 Railings 1.8, 2.0, 2.1 and 2.4 2.84 16.5°3 Product Name Type Height (m) TangoRail TR100 Railings 1.8, 2.0, 2.1 and 2.4 TangoRail TR200 Railings TangoRail TR150 Angles In Fence Line2 75° to 105°, 165° to 195° and 255° to 265° 75° to 105°, 165° to 195° and 255° to 265° 75° to 105°, 165° to 195° and 255° to 265° 75° to 105°, 165° to 195° and 255° to 265° 75° to 105°, 165° to 195° and 255° to 265° 75° to 105°, 165° to 195° and 255° to 265° 75° to 105°, 165° to 195° and 255° to 265° 16.5°3 Security Rating 1 LPCB Ref. No. 942a/01 1 942a/02 1 942a/03 1 942a/04 1 942a/05 1 942a/06 1 942a/07 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on The Expanded Metal Company Limited P.O.Box 14, Longhill Industrial Estate (North), Hartlepool TS25 1PR, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1429 867 388 • Fax: +44 (0)1429 866 795 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 731c to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Security Fencing Systems Product Name 1576 Type Expanded metal mesh security fencing system Height (m) 2.4 Maximum Post Centres (m) 3 Security Rating 2 LPCB Ref. No. 731c/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Certificate No: 731e to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Fencing System Product Name 1576 Class 3 126 Type Twin-skinned expanded metal mesh fencing system Height (m) 2.465 Post Centres (m) 0.5 to 3.0 Gradients1 0° Angles in Fence Line2 90°, 180° and 270° Security Rating 3 LPCB Ref. No. 731e/01 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 7.1 SECURITY FENCING A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Zaun Limited Steel Drive, Wolverhampton WV10 9ED, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1902 796699 • Fax: +44 (0)1902 796698 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1164a to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Fencing Systems Product Name Type Nominal Height (m) HiSec Super-10 Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using baseplated posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using baseplated posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using baseplated posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using baseplated posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground square-sectioned posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground square-sectioned posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground square-sectioned posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground square-sectioned posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground square-sectioned posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using baseplated square-sectioned posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using baseplated square-sectioned posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using baseplated square-sectioned posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground rectangular-sectioned posts HiSec 358 20 Oct 2014 Maximum Gradient (°) 2.4 Maximum Post Centres (m) 2.976 Angles in Fence Line (°)1 180 to 200 and 270 Security Rating LPCB Ref. No. 2 1164a/01 2.4 1.470 11.5 180 to 200 and 270 2 3.0 2.976 5.8 180 to 200 and 270 2 3.0 1.470 11.5 180 to 200 and 270 2 2.4 2.976 5.8 180 to 200 and 270 2 2.4 1.470 11.5 180 to 200 and 270 2 3.0 2.976 5.8 180 to 200 and 270 2 3.0 1.470 11.5 180 to 200 and 270 2 2.0 2.992 0 180 to 260 and 270 1 2.4 2.992 5.73 180 to 260 and 270 1 2.4 1.467 11.56 180 to 260 and 270 1 3.0 2.992 5.73 180 to 260 and 270 1 3.0 1.467 11.56 180 to 260 and 270 1 2.0 2.992 0 180 to 260 and 270 1 2.4 2.992 0 180 to 260 and 270 1 3.0 2.992 0 180 to 260 and 270 1 2.0 2.925 0 180, 190 to 260 and 270 1 5.8 1164a/02 127 PART 4: SECTION 7.1 SECURITY FENCING Product Name Duo8 Type Nominal Height (m) Maximum Gradient (°) 2.4 Maximum Post Centres (m) 2.925 Angles in Fence Line (°)1 180, 190 to 260 and 270 Security Rating Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground rectangular-sectioned posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground rectangular-sectioned posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground rectangular-sectioned posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground rectangular-sectioned posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using baseplated rectangular-sectioned posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using baseplated rectangular-sectioned posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using baseplated rectangular-sectioned posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using inground posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using baseplated posts Welded mesh security fencing system mounted using baseplated posts Welded mesh security fencing system with integral cranked topping and either in-ground posts or base-plated posts 2.4 1.4 12.09 180, 190 to 260 and 270 1 3.0 2.925 5.86 180, 190 to 260 and 270 1 3.0 1.4 12.09 180, 190 to 260 and 270 1 2.0 2.925 0 180 and 270 1 2.4 2.925 0 180 and 270 1 3.0 2.925 0 180 and 270 1 2.0 3.025 5.66 180 1 2.0 1.475 11.5 180 1 2.4 3.025 5.66 180 1 2.4 1.475 11.5 180 1 2.0 3.025 0 180 1 2.4 3.025 0 180 1 2.42 3.025 0 180 1 5.86 LPCB Ref. No. 1 1164a/03 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 128 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 7.2 SECURITY GATES CLD Fencing Systems Unit 11, Springvale Business Centre, Millbuck Way, Sandbach, Cheshire CW11 3HY, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1270 764751 • Fax: +44 (0)1270 757503 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 999b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Gates Product Name Lockmaster Type Single leaf inward opening security gate1 Double leaf inward opening security gate1 Height (m) 2.44 Minimum Width (m) 0.6 Maximum Width (m) 3 Security Rating 2 2.44 1.2 6 2 LPCB Ref. No. 999b/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on J B Corrie & Co. Limited Frenchmans Road, Petersfield, Hampshire GU32 3AP, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1730 237100 • Fax: +44 (0)1730 264915 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1194b to LPS 1175: Issue 7 Security Gates Product Name Corrie Secure Type Single leaf inward opening pedestrian gate1 Height (m) 2.5 Width (m) 1.725 Security Rating 1 LPCB Ref. No. 1194b/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on The Expanded Metal Company Limited P.O.Box 14, Longhill Industrial Estate (North), Hartlepool TS25 1PR, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1429 867 388 • Fax: +44 (0)1429 866 795 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 731a to LPS 1175: Issue 5 Vehicle and Pedestrian Gates Product Name Alleygator™ Type Width (mm) Pedestrian alley gate 810, 1000, 1100 and 1600 2150, 2300, 2450, 3010 and 3300 2150, 2300, 2450, 3010 and 3300 810, 1000, 1100 and 1600 2150, 2300, 2450, 3010 and 3300 2150, 2300, 2450, 3010 and 3300 Vehicle alley gate Vehicle alley gate incorporating inner pedestrian alley gate Pedestrian alley gate Vehicle alley gate Vehicle alley gate incorporating inner pedestrian alley gate 20 Oct 2014 Height (mm) 2350 Security Rating 1 LPCB Ref. No. 731a/01 2350 1 731a/02 2350 1 731a/03 2350 1 2 731a/04 2350 21 731a/05 2350 1 731a/06 2 129 PART 4: SECTION 7.2 SECURITY GATES A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 130 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 7.3 TURNSTILES Frontier Pitts Ltd Crompton House, Crompton Way, Manor Royal Industrial Estate, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 9QZ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1293 548301 • Fax: +44 (0)1293 560650 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1059a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Full Height Turnstile Product Name Type Number of Rota Arms Walkway Width (m)1 Nominal Overall Unit Width 2 1.380 Nominal Overall Unit Depth 2 1.390 Security Rating3, 4, 5 LPCB Ref. No. 0.5 Nominal Overall Unit Height (m)2 2.387 Terra Diamond Grade 3 Terra Diamond Grade 4 Single full height turnstile Single full height turnstile Four 3 1059a/01 Four 0.5 2.387 1.380 1.390 4 1059a/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 131 PART 4: SECTION 8 VEHICLE SECURITY BARRIERS Vehicle security barriers and their associated foundations are evaluated against the requirements of PAS 68: 2010 Impact test specifications for vehicle security barriers. Barriers are classified according to the following measurements after a single impact by a vehicle of a defined mass, velocity and angle of impact: The distance the vehicle passed beyond the plane of the barrier. The distance the major debris dispersed beyond the plane of the barrier. While many products placed on the market claim to deliver performance commensurate with that required in PAS 68, few claims are supported by independent approvals such as that provided by LPCB. This leaves specifiers vulnerable to changes to the products specification which may not be evident when presented with a copy of a type test report. The products’ performance is a factor of its design, quality of manufacture and how it is installed, maintained and used. LPCB’s approval scheme therefore targets these factors. In doing so, LPCB certification and Red Book listing provides specifiers and users independent assurance that the impact classification allocated to vehicle security barriers reflect their performance when installed and maintained in accordance with the product instructions. LPCB also offers optional approval confirming a vehicle barrier’s resistance to manual attacks aimed at undermining the barrier’s ability to prevent a vehicle passing it unhindered in accordance with LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers. The scope of LPCB approvals is due to be extended to cover vehicle barriers to the forthcoming revised PAS 68 standard and ISO standard as well as the CEN Workshop Agreement CWA 16221: 2010 Vehicle security barriers. Performance requirements, test methods and guidance on application. This section will include vehicle security barriers such as: Fixed bollards Rising bollards Road blockers Drop arm barriers In addition to ensuring the barrier resists vehicle impact, it is important to ensure control equipment used to operate raising bollards, blockers and other powered barriers is suitably resistant to being tampered with to prevent the barrier being operated. Specifiers should therefore consider specifying such equipment should be housed within suitably secure enclosures related to LPS 1175. Secure enclosures rated to LPS 1175 are listed in Section 3. 132 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 9 CYCLE RACKS AND STANDS This section lists cycle racks and stands that have been approved to LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers. The approval confirms the resistance to unauthorised removal of cycles from the products listed when those products are installed and maintained in accordance with the approved instructions, and cycles are secured to them in accordance with the instructions provided with the product. If a product incorporates a locking mechanism, that mechanism’s resistance to attack is covered by the security rating attributed to the product. In such cases, details of the locking mechanism(s) covered by the approval are included within the product listing. However, if the product relies on the user’s cycle lock to secure the cycle to it, the performance of the user’s lock is not covered by the scope of the approval and it is the user’s responsibility to ensure the cycle lock they use offers appropriate resistance to attack. The approval does not cover the products’ ability to prevent: • • Removal of any individual components from the cycles. Vandalism to the cycles. In addition to approving the cycle racks and stands listed in this section, LPCB also approve: Security enclosures designed to secure cycles to LPS 1175. Those products are listed in Section 3 (Secure enclosures). Padlocks to LPS 1654 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of padlocks. Those products are listed in Section 16 (Padlocks and padlock fittings). 20 Oct 2014 133 PART 4: SECTION 10 GAS CYLINDER SECURITY DEVICES This section lists gas cylinder security devices that have been approved to LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers. The approval covers the resistance to unauthorised removal of gas cylinders provided by the security devices when installed and maintained in accordance with the approved instructions. While previous versions of the standard specified six levels of resistance (security ratings), the latest versions (Issues 6 and 7) specifies eight security ratings. These range from opportunist (1 minute attacks using easily concealable hand tools) up to extreme methods of attacks (20 minute attacks using a wide range of hand tools, power tools and thermal cutting equipment). Further details of the grading system can be found in LPS 1175, copies of which can be downloaded free of charge from The approval does not cover the resistance to unauthorised operation of the gas cylinders when secured by the devices listed. Product Selection When selecting a gas cylinder security device, check that the product’s approval covers the types and sizes of cylinders to be secured, the compatible locking systems listed and the substrates to which the devices may be fixed in order to provide secure anchorage - all can affect the level of security provided by the product. To enable selection of the most appropriate product for the desired application, the listing defines the gas cylinders that are covered by the scope of approval in terms of the supplier, supplier reference and following dimensions: Key: ha = Height of cylinder, including foot ring and neck ring and/or valve cap hb = Height of cylinder to base of neck ring hc = Height of cylinder to edge of shoulder hd = Height of foot ring da = Diameter at base of neck ring/valve cap db = Diameter of cylinder To achieve the security ratings: (a) the gas cylinder security devices must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions; (b) all locks must be fully engaged and deadlocked; and 134 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 10 GAS CYLINDER SECURITY DEVICES (c) all exposed fixings, the substrate onto which each device is fitted and the locking mechanism(s) must be regularly checked to ensure they are in good condition and that they have not been tampered with. Liddle Doors Limited Wagonway Road Industrial Estate, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear NE31 1SP, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)191 483 5449 • Fax: +44 (0)191 489 0698 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 442c to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Gas Cylinder Security Devices Product Name Model Type Liddle Series 2 Bottle Storage Frame LD Type A (CL2) LD Type A (SO2) LD Type A (NH3) LD Type B (CL2) LD Type B (SO2) LD Type B (NH3) LD Type C (CL2) LD Type C (SO2) LD Type C (NH3) LD Type D (CL2) LD Type D (SO2) LD Type F (CL2) LD Type F (SO2) LD Type F (NH3) Three bottle storage frame Three bottle storage frame Three bottle storage frame Two bottle storage frame Two bottle storage frame Two bottle storage frame Four bottle storage frame Four bottle storage frame Four bottle storage frame Six bottle storage frame Six bottle storage frame Single bottle storage frame Single bottle storage frame Single bottle storage frame Compatible Gas Cylinders 1, 4, 5 and 6 Security Rating 2 2 2 3 2 1, 4, 5 and 6 2 2 2 3 2 1, 4, 5 and 6 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 1, 4, 5 and 6 2 2 2 3 2 LPCB Ref. No. 442c/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Technocover Limited (incorporating TechnoRail and Strataform) Henfaes Lane, Welshpool, Powys SY21 7BE, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1938 555511 • Fax: +44 (0)1938 555527 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 450e to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Gas Cylinder Security Devices Product Name Ultrasecure Cylinder Clamp Type Single cylinder clamp Gas Cylinders 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Security Rating 2 LPCB Ref. No. 450e/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 135 PART 4: SECTION 11 PHYSICAL SECURITY DEVICES FOR COMPUTERS AND OTHER ICT EQUIPMENT At the request of the Association of British Insurers, the LPCB developed LPS 1214 Specification for testing and classifying physical protection devices for personal computers and similar equipment for the performance of security equipment designed to prevent removal of computer and other office equipment: The standard currently defines two categories of protection. Both categories of protection device prevent theft of the complete computer for three minutes allowing a response by Police or security guards, while Category II products also prevent removal of the computer chips for the same period. Suitable applications for products certified to LPS 1214 are described below: Category I: Prevent unauthorised removal of personal computers (PCs), file servers, printers, facsimile machines and other high value equipment for example where access is important for use and the component value is low. Category II: Prevent unauthorised removal of or access to personal computers (PCs), file servers, printers, facsimile machines and other high value equipment for example where the PC is both important and highly valued and/or the component value is high. Specifiers requiring category II protection devices should ensure that they select a device suitable for their particular equipment and that there is suitable ventilation of the computer in accordance with any instructions and warranty conditions supplied with the computer. In order that they will provide the required protection, the approved equipment must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and be in the locked condition with keys removed and held in a secure location. It is recommended that users regularly check that all exposed fixings and locking mechanisms are in good condition and that they have not been tampered with. In addition to approving physical protection devices for personal computers and similar equipment to LPS 1214, LPCB also evaluate and approve the following equipment designed to secure larger volumes of ICT equipment to LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers: Racking systems Modular enclosures Composite panelling systems designed for constructing data halls. Security products approved to LPS 1175 Security Rating 2 provide an equivalent resistance to forced entry as that provided by an LPS 1214 Category I device. It is also recommended that ICT equipment is marked with an asset management marking system approved to LPS 1225 Requirements for the LPCB approval and listing of asset marking systems and registered on a secure asset database certified to LPS 1224 Requirements for companies providing secure asset registration services. Marking devices and secured database services are listed in Sections 13 and 14. Bradbury Security Dunlop Way, Queensway Industrial Estate, Scunthorpe DN16 3RN, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1724 271999 • Fax: +44 (0)1724 271888 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 312b to LPS 1214: Issue 2 136 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 11 PHYSICAL SECURITY DEVICES FOR COMPUTERS AND OTHER ICT EQUIPMENT Server Security Cabinets Product Name Ventis Server Safe Sun Safe System Vault Type Model - Height (mm) 2127 Width (mm) 725 Depth (mm) 1100 Security Category II Server enclosure with single door in front and rear Server enclosure with single door in front and rear Server enclosure with single door in front and rear Server enclosure with single door in front and rear Server enclosure with single door in front and rear Server enclosure with single door in front and rear Server enclosure with single door in front and rear Server enclosure with single door in front and rear Server enclosure with double door in front and rear Server enclosure with double door in front and rear Server enclosure with double door in front and rear Server enclosure with double door in front and rear Server enclosure with double door in front and rear UKT-SUNSAFE-1 2160 725 1500 II UKT-SUNSAFE-2 2160 725 1265 II UKT-SUNSAFE-3 2160 725 1100 II UKT-SUNSAFE-6 1000 725 1000 II UKT-SUNSAFE-7 1000 725 900 II Made to measure: min. size 1000 600 600 II Made to measure: max. size 2500 1000 2000 II UKT-SUNSAFE-4 2160 1000 1500 II UKT-SUNSAFE-5 2160 1000 1853 II UKT-SUNSAFE-8 2160 1000 1265 II Made to measure: min. size 1000 700 600 II Made to measure: max. size 2500 2000 2000 II LPCB Ref. No. 312b/03 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 137 PART 4: SECTION 12 ANTI-BANDIT ATM SECURITY DEVICES A number of ATMs have been attacked while being replenished because this is when the cash cassettes are generally the most vulnerable to removal from the ATM. Products listed in this section are designed to prevent the unauthorised removal of cash cassettes from the ATM safe when the ATM safe door is open. The products have been approved to LPS 1175 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free standing barriers. LPS 1175 is based on manual attack testing and currently defines eight levels of resistance to entry. These are measured in terms of attack tools and time available to the attacker. This enables specifiers to select products according to the risks that they and their property face. Due to the intended application of these products, the entry criteria used to assess these products in accordance with clause 4.3 of LPS 1175 is defined in the notes relating to each of the products listed. Although the evaluation and approval covers attempts to remove the products from the ATM safes to which they are fitted, they do not cover the attack resistance of those ATM safes. Responsive Engineering Group Limited Kingsway South, Team Valley, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE11 0SH, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)191 497 3430 • Fax: +44 (0)191 497 3431 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 870a to LPS 1175: Issue 6 Anti-Bandit ATM Security Device Product Name Lockpoint ATM Duress Guard Compatible ATMs NCR 84 ATM incorporating an NCR 5884 'UL291' ATM safe NCR 87 ATM incorporating an NCR 5887 'UL291' ATM safe Security Rating 3 3 LPCB Ref. No. 870a/01 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 138 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 13 DATABASE MANAGEMENT FOR ASSET MARKING The essential requirements of LPS 1224: Issue 2 Requirements for Secure Database Registers were developed as a result of needs identified by the Police, Insurers and Home Office. LPS 1224 ensured that Police and other legitimate enquirers can confirm ownership of property 24 hours a day while ensuring full details of property ownership are held securely and in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Therefore, under the requirements of LPS 1224: Issue 2, the database operator must: (i) Have an established track record in the field of asset registration of at least one year. (ii) Operate the database in accordance with a documented set of procedures in accordance with the requirements defined in LPS 1224. (iii) Offer a telephone check line service manned by trained operatives. In accordance with Government policy, the service shall be available 24 hour a day and shall be free of direct charge to the enquirer, e.g. it shall not be chargeable to the enquirer as a premium rate telephone service. More recently LPS 1224: Issue 3 Requirements for companies providing security asset registration services was developed. This covers database services provided over the internet as well as those which may be accessed using other media. This section lists companies that run databases that have been assessed and approved to either version of LPS 1224. Datatag ID Limited 3000 Hillswood Drive, Hillswood Business Park, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 0RS, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1932 895304 • Fax: +44 (0)1932 796797 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 665a to LPS 1224: Issue 2 Secure Database Register Product Name Datatag ID Secure Database Telephone Number 08450 700 440 Web Address as above LPCB Ref. No. 665a/01 A copy of the certificate may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Retainagroup Limited Unit 5, St John's Court, Foster Road, Ashford Business Park, Ashford, Kent TN24 0SJ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1233 506400 • Fax: +44 (0)1233 506401 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 493a to LPS 1224: Issue 2 Secure Database Register Product Name International Security Register Telephone Number 07000 111333 Web Address As above LPCB Ref. No. 493a/01 A copy of the certificate may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 139 PART 4: SECTION 13 DATABASE MANAGEMENT FOR ASSET MARKING Selectamark Security Systems Plc 1 Locks Court, 429 Crofton Road, Locksbottom, Kent BR6 8NL, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1689 860757 • Fax: +44 (0)1689 860693 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 497b to LPS 1224: Issue 3 Secure Database Register Product Name Selectamark Secure Asset Register BikeRegister Security Level 2 2 LPCB Ref. No. 497b/01 497b/02 A copy of the certificate, including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 140 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 14 ASSET MARKING SYSTEMS The following marking devices listed have been tested to LPS 1225 Requirements for the LPCB approval and listing of asset marking systems. LPS 1225 specifies requirements for the composition and performance of an asset marking system such that, when used according to the manufacturer’s instructions, the asset marking device may: i) Enable the marked asset to be traced to the legal owner via a secure database register linked to the marking system employed. ii) Act as a theft deterrent in the first instance by virtue of known existence. It is assumed that the part of the asset to which the asset marking device is applied is at least equal in resistance to removal from the asset as the asset marking device employed. The two-part classification indicates the resistance of the product to eradication of ownership traceability and resistance to complete removal of marking without leaving evidence of previous existence. This gives the enduser the option of selecting a product to suit the required application. Complete removal of the marking and restoration of the asset gives maximum resale value to the stolen asset; however the standard does not take into account replication or replacement of components as part of asset restoration. The overall classification designation achieved is given by two numerals separated by a plus sign. The first numeral represents the resistance rating to erasure of traceability and the second numeral to complete removal/asset restoration. The two classifications are both on a scale of one to eight. Classification ‘1’ performance relates to that which should be expected as a minimum for marking devices used in the retail trade and other public areas equipped with CCTV and security staff. Classification ‘8’, on the other hand, is aimed at marking devices applied to assets that have a high value and this will be the subject of a more determined level of effort by the criminal in order to prevent traceability or completely remove the mark. Long term durability of the system and associated components are beyond the scope of this standard, as are the performance requirements of any covert marking technology incorporated in the system. Although this standard specifies that the product instructions shall include hazard data, confirmation of the authenticity of such data is not addressed. All approved marking devices are marked with a unique asset identification code. The LPCB certification mark and reference numbers relating to the marking device and database, and the telephone number of the database will also be marked on the marking device, or where this is not viable, on separate warning labels which are supplied with the marking device. In addition to LPS 1225, LPCB is currently working with manufacturers and specifiers to finalise standards classifying the performance of “microdot”, “trace chemical” and RFID marking systems. Please contact the Security Team (email: [email protected]) for more information. Retainagroup Limited Unit 5, St John's Court, Foster Road, Ashford Business Park, Ashford, Kent TN24 0SJ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1233 506400 • Fax: +44 (0)1233 506401 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 493b to LPS 1225: Issue 3 Overt Asset Marking Systems Product Name Substrate The Retainagroup Marking and Registration System for Vehicles Float glass 20 Oct 2014 Resistance Rating Classification 2+8 Database Ref. No. LPCB Ref. No. 493a/01 493b/01 141 PART 4: SECTION 14 ASSET MARKING SYSTEMS Product Name Substrate Marking and Registration System for Vehicles Laminated glass Toughened glass ABS Plastic The Retainagroup Marking and Registration System for Office and Household Equipment Resistance Rating Classification 2+8 Database Ref. No. 2+8 493a/01 1+2 493a/01 LPCB Ref. No. 493a/01 493b/02 A copy of the certificate, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Selectamark Security Systems Plc 1 Locks Court, 429 Crofton Road, Locksbottom, Kent BR6 8NL, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1689 860757 • Fax: +44 (0)1689 860693 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 497a to LPS 1225: Issue 3 Overt Asset Marking Systems Product Name Type of Marking Device Compatible Substrate Resistance Rating Classification Selectamark (7mm) Glass etching compound 'Blue' etching compound 'Blue' etching compound 'Blue' etching compound 'Blue' etching compound 'Blue' etching compound Float glass 'Blue' etching compound 'Blue' etching compound 'Blue' etching compound 'Blue' etching compound 'UV-Orange' etching compound 'UV-Orange' etching compound 'UV-Orange' etching compound 'UV-Orange' etching compound 'UV-Orange' etching compound Supermark (5mm) 142 'UV-Orange' etching compound 'UV-Orange' etching compound 'UV-Orange' etching compound 'UV-Orange' etching compound Label and 'Blue' etching compound Label and 'Blue' etching compound LPCB Ref. No. 1+8 Database Reference Number 497b ABS plastic 1+2 497b 497a/02 Enamel finished steel 1+1 497b Leather 1+2 497b Polycarbonate 2+5 497b Polymethyl Methacrylate ("Perspex") Planed softwood timber 1+3 497b 1+1 497b Planed hardwood timber Plywood 1+1 497b 1+1 497b PVC 1+2 497b ABS plastic 1+2 497b Enamel finished steel 1+1 497b Leather 1+2 497b Polycarbonate 2+5 497b Polymethyl Methacrylate ("Perspex") Planed softwood timber 1+3 497b 1+1 497b Planed hardwood timber Plywood 1+1 497b 1+1 497b PVC 1+2 497b ABS plastic 1+3 497b Enamel finish steel 1+2 497b 497a/01 497a/03 497a/04 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 14 ASSET MARKING SYSTEMS Product Name Type of Marking Device Compatible Substrate Resistance Rating Classification Label and 'Blue' etching compound Label and 'Blue' etching compound Label and 'Blue' etching compound Polycarbonate 1+4 Database Reference Number 497b Polypropylene 1+2 497b Polymethyl Methacrylate ("Perspex") Planed softwood timber 1+4 497b 1+2 497b Planed hardwood timber Plywood 1+2 497b 1+2 497b PVC 1+3 497b ABS plastic 1+3 497b Enamel finished steel 1+2 497b Polycarbonate 1+4 497b Polypropylene 1+2 497b Polymethyl Methacrylate ("Perspex") Planned softwood timber Planed hardwood timber Plywood 1+4 497b 1+2 497b 1+2 497b 1+2 497b PVC 1+3 497b ABS plastic 1+2 497b Enamel finished steel 1+1 497b Polycarbonate 2+5 497b Polymethyl Methacrylate ("Perspex") PVC 1+3 497b 1+2 497b ABS plastic 1+2 497b Enamel finished steel 1+1 497b Polycarbonate 2+5 497b Polymethyl Methacrylate ("Perspex") PVC 1+3 497b 1+2 497b ABS plastic 1+2 497b Enamel finished steel 1+2 497b Polycarbonate 2+5 497b Polymethyl Methacrylate ("Perspex") PVC 1+3 497b 1+2 497b ABS plastic 1+3 497b Enamel finished steel 1+2 497b Label and 'Blue' etching compound Label and 'Blue' etching compound Label and 'Blue' etching compound Label and 'Blue' etching compound Label and 'UV-Orange' etching compound Label and 'UV-Orange' etching compound Label and 'UV-Orange' etching compound Label and 'UV-Orange' etching compound Label and 'UV-Orange' etching compound Selectamark (5mm) Label and 'UV-Orange' etching compound Label and 'UV-Orange' etching compound Label and 'UV-Orange' etching compound Label and 'UV-Orange' etching compound 'Blue' etching compound 'Blue' etching compound 'Blue' etching compound 'Blue' etching compound 'Blue' etching compound 'Ice Blue' etching compound 'Ice Blue' etching compound 'Ice Blue' etching compound 'Ice Blue' etching compound Selectamark (7mm) Supermark (5mm) 20 Oct 2014 'Ice Blue' etching compound 'Ice Blue' etching compound 'Ice Blue' etching compound 'Ice Blue' etching compound 'Ice Blue' etching compound 'Ice Blue' etching compound Label and 'Ice Blue' etching compound Label and 'Ice Blue' etching compound LPCB Ref. No. 497a/05 497a/02 497a/07 497a/06 143 PART 4: SECTION 14 ASSET MARKING SYSTEMS Product Name Type of Marking Device Compatible Substrate Resistance Rating Classification Label and 'Ice Blue' etching compound Label and 'Ice Blue' etching compound Polycarbonate 1+4 Database Reference Number 497b Polymethyl Methacrylate ("Perspex") Polypropylene 1+4 497b 1+2 497b PVC 1+3 497b Label and 'Ice Blue' etching compound Label and 'Ice Blue' etching compound LPCB Ref. No. A copy of the certificate, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 144 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 15 'THEFT RESISTANT' ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS This section lists ‘theft resistant’ electronic products that have been assessed to LPS 1650 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of ‘theft resistant’ electronic products. This includes: In-car entertainment systems DVD players and writers Health care equipment Laptops and tablets Mobile telephones MP3 players PDA’s Personal computers Projectors and wipe boards Printers Satellite navigation devices Televisions and screens The attributes that make these products particularly desirable to thieves can be summarised into six elements and these elements are often referred to by the acronym CRAVED (Concealable, Removable, Available, Valuable, Enjoyable and Disposable). Whilst each element can be used to determine which products are likely to be stolen, the frequency at which the thefts occur may ultimately depend on just one attribute, the ease at which the item can be disposed. The intention of LPS 1650 is to encourage the use of effective security features that make it difficult to return the product to a ‘re-saleable’ condition if stolen, thus reducing the level to which they are craved by criminals. Whilst the standard does not specify any one particular design of anti-theft technology it includes requirements for the performance of the following types: Denial of service technologies, such as PIN codes, removal coded panels and electronic keys - Use of effective denial of service technology can prevent the product being enjoyed by persons other than the legitimate owner(s). Asset marking systems (overt and covert) linked to secure databases providing traceability to the legal owner of the product - Asset marking that cannot be removed without damaging the product can make it harder for the thief to dispose of the item and reduce the value of the goods if removal is attempted. Anchoring devices providing mechanical resistance against unauthorised removal of the product - Secure fixing to a solid mounting surface can increase the effort required to remove the product. Alarm/signalling technologies providing warning of attempted removal - An audible alarm could make the product less concealable. The requirements and tests of LPS 1650 permit the assessment and rating of the performance of the antitheft security features built into or supplied with the product. Where appropriate reference is made to specific requirements of standards such as LPS 1224 Requirements for secure database registers, LPS 1225 Requirements for the LPCB approval and listing of asset marking systems, LPS 1214 Specification for testing and classifying physical protection devices for personal computers and similar equipment and a number of other applicable European standards. The overall security performance rating is indicated by a series of security performance classifications. To meet the minimum requirement of LPS 1650 products must achieve at least one denial of service classification. The security performance rating is expressed in the following format: 20 Oct 2014 145 PART 4: SECTION 16 PADLOCKS AND PADLOCK FITTINGS This section lists padlocks and padlock fittings that have been approved to one or more of the following standards: LPS 1654: Issue 1 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of padlocks EN 12320:2012 Building hardware - Padlocks and padlock fittings - Requirements and test methods LPS 1654 was developed because it was considered the method for classifying the attack resistance of padlocks specified within the current European standard (EN 12320) was incompatible with that employed within LPS 1175: Issue 7 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers. This was because: The manual attack tests defined in EN 12320 did not take into consideration the wide range of tools and attack techniques available to an attacker. The tools, attack techniques and available working time defined in EN 12320 did not correspond with the security rating classification system defined in LPS 1175. The security ratings defined in LPS 1654 are loosely based upon domestic risks (security ratings 1 and 2), commercial risks (security ratings 2, 3 and 4), high security risks (security ratings 5 and 6) and extremely high security facilities (security ratings 7 and 8). When selecting padlocks, it is important to consider whether the hasp and staple, padbar or other device to which the padlock is fitted offers comparable resistance to manual attack. The following definitions are used in this section: Padlock with closed shackle - A padlock with ‘shoulders’ on the top of the body that partially protect the shackle. Padlock with open shackle - A padlock with no ‘shoulders’ on the body, as illustrated in the figure below. Shackle clearance - The distance between the top of the padlock body and the underside of the shackle, as illustrated in the figure below. Assa Abloy Limited T/A Abloy UK Portobellow Works, School Street, Willenhall, West Midlands WV13 3PW, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1902 364500 • Fax: +44 (0)1902 364501 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1245a to LPS 1654: Issue 1 146 20 Oct 2014 PART 4: SECTION 16 PADLOCKS AND PADLOCK FITTINGS Padlocks Product Name Type Abloy PL340/25 Abloy PL342 Abloy PL350/25 Abloy PL362 Abloy PL601 Abloy PL645 Abloy PL654 Abloy PL660² Padlock with open shackle Padlock with closed shackle Padlock with open shackle Padlock with closed shackle Padlock with open shackle Padlock with shackle protector Padlock with shackle protector Padlock with closed shackle and hasp and staple Padlock with closed shackle Padlock with open shackle Abloy PL662 Abloy PLLW340/25 Abloy PLLW350/25 Abloy PLLW362 Shackle Clearance (mm) 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 20.0 22.0 22.0 25.0 Compatible Cylinders A to D, F and H A to D, F and H A to D, F and H A to D, F and H B, D, F and H A to D, F and H A to D, F and H D, F and H Security Rating1 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4+ LPCB Ref. No. 1245a/01 1245a/02 1245a/03 1245a/04 1245a/05 1245a/06 1245a/07 1245a/08 25.0 25.0 D, F and H E and G 3+ 2+ 1245a/09 1245a/10 Padlock with open shackle 25.0 E and G 3+ 1245a/11 Padlock with closed shackle 25.0 E and G 3+ 1245a/12 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on Henry Squire & Sons Limited Unit 2, Hilton Cross Business Park, Cannock Road, Featherstone, Wolverhampton WV10 7QZ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1902 308052 • Fax: +44 (0)1902 308051 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Certificate No: 1179a to LPS 1654: Issue 1 Padlocks Product Name SS50S SS50 M3ARX SS50CS SS50C M3ARX SS65S LEV3 SS65 M3ARX LEV3 SS65CS LEV3 SS65C M3ARX LEV3 Type Padlock with open shackle Padlock with open shackle Padlock with closed shackle Padlock with closed shackle Padlock with open shackle Padlock with open shackle Padlock with closed shackle Padlock with closed shackle Shackle Clearance (mm) 26.0 Compatible Cylinders Manufacturer Squire Compatible Cylinders Model 6 pin Security Rating1 2 26.0 Medeco M3 ARX 2+ 16.0 Squire 6 pin 2 16.0 Medeco M3 ARX 2+ 29.0 Squire 6 pin 3 29.0 Medeco M3 ARX 3+ 19.0 Squire 6 pin 3 19.0 Medeco M3 ARX 3+ LPCB Ref. No. 1179a/01 1179a/02 A copy of the certificate, confirming the full scope of approval including notes relating to the superscript references in the above table, may be viewed online by clicking on the product name in the associated entry on 20 Oct 2014 147
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