INTERNATIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTE Full-Time Course Information JANUARY SEMESTER INTAKES: (17 weeks ) JUNE (17 weeks ) OCTOBER (12 weeks ) 2015 “Investing in Quality & Affordable Education for your Future” CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS-FACULTY OF BUSINESS STUDIES Certificate in Sales (CIS) Certificate in Business (CIB) Certificate in HR Management Certificate in Accounting (CHRM) (CIA) Program Structure The Certificate in Business requires completion of 5 units successfully. Program Structure The Certificate in Sales requires completion of 5 units successfully. Program Structure The Certificate in Human Resource Management requires completion of 5 units successfully. Program Structure The Certificate in Accounting requires completion of 5 units successfully. Code No. Unit Name Code No. Unit Name Code No. Unit Name Code No. Unit Name 1002 Business Communication 1003 Microsoft Office Training 1012 Basic Accounting 1013 Principles of Management 1014 Business Maths 1002 1003 1012 1006 1007 1002 1003 1012 1015 1011 1002 1003 1012 1014 1009 After successful completion of CIB students can articulate into Diploma in Management. After successful completion of CIS, students can articulate into Diploma in Marketing. Business Communication Microsoft Office Training Basic Accounting Fundamentals of Marketing Salesmanship Business Communication Microsoft Office Training Basic Accounting Principles of HR Management Organizational Behaviour After successful completion of CHRM, students can articulate into Diploma in Human Resource Management. Business Communication Microsoft Office Training Basic Accounting Business Maths Business Administration. After successful completion of CIA, students can articulate into Diploma in Accounting programs. DIPLOMA PROGRAMS-FACULTY OF BUSINESS STUDIES Diploma in Management Diploma in DIPLOMA IN Human Resource Diploma in Accounting (DIP.MGT) Marketing (DIP.MKT) Management (DIP.HRM) (DIP.ACC) Program Structure The Management requires completion of 10 units successfully. Program Structure The Marketing requires completion of 10 units successfully. SEMESTER ONE SEMESTER ONE 2041 2042 2011 1001 2017 2041 Business Writing 2042 Office Application 2011 Business Law 1001 Accounting 1 2017 Introduction to Economics Code No. Unit Name Business Writing Office Application Business Law Accounting 1 Introduction to Economics SEMESTER TWO SEMESTER TWO Code No. Unit Name 2045 2016 2015 2047 2043 2044 2046 2018 Marketing Management Entrepreneur & Small Business Business Organisation & Management Strategic Management HR Management 2043 2044 PORT MORESBY Campus: LAE Campus: Scratchley Road, Badili P.O Box 6322, BOROKO. NCD. Ph : 320 2800 Fax :320 0513 Mobile: 7685 0523 Marketing Management Entrepreneur & Small Business Consumer Behaviour Retail Marketing E - Marketing Cnr Frigate & Butibum St, Voco Point P.O Box 618,LAE, Morobe Prov. Ph : 472 2790 Fax: 472 0199 Mobile: 7342 8032 Email: [email protected] Program Structure The Accounting requires completion of 10 units successfully. SEMESTER ONE SEMESTER ONE Code No. Unit Name Code No. Unit Name Program Structure The Human Resource Management requires completion of 10 units successfully. Code No. Unit Name Code No. Unit Name SEMESTER TWO SEMESTER TWO 2032 2033 2035 2036 2037 2013 Auditing 2014 Taxation 2048 Cost and Budgeting 2 2010 Accounting 2 2049 Financial Reporting 2041 2042 2034 1001 2027 Business Writing Office Application Human Resource Law in PNG Accounting 1 Introduction to Psychology Code No. Unit Name Leading & Managing People Strategic HR Management Contemporary Issues in HRM International HRM HR Development ITI ENB Distance Centre: P.O Box 47 Warangoi Rabaul ENB Ph: 940 1966 Fax: c/- 320 0513 Contact: Mobile: 7295 0131 Mobile: 7009 0719 Email: [email protected] ITI WNB Distance Centre: P.O Box 694 Morokea Town Kimbe WNB Ph: 983 4922 Fax: 983 5873 Mobile: 7239 2136 Email: [email protected] Website : Email: [email protected] 2041 2042 2011 1001 2012 Business Writing Office Application Business Law Accounting 1 Cost and Budgeting 1 Code No. Unit Name ITI Kokopau Distance Centre: Autonomous Region of Bougainville P.O Box 701 BUKA ISLAND A.R.O.B Mobile: 7079 5833 / 7177 1368 Email: [email protected] ADVANCE DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTING (ADIP.ACC) Program Structure The Advance Diploma in Accounting requires completion of 10 units successfully. CERTIFICATE IN COMPUTING (CIC) Code No. Unit Name 3009 3010 3011 3015 3016 1008 1005 1004 1003 1002 Financial Accounting Management Accounting Intermediate Audit Introduction of Economics Elements of Information System SEMESTER TWO Code No. Unit Name 3012 3013 3014 3017 3018 Specialised Accounting Practice Corporate Tax Professional Ethics Quantitative Methods of Business Principles of Management and Marketing Diploma in Internet Technology ( DIP. INTECH ) Program Structure The DIP. in Internet Technology requires completion of 10 units successfully. SEMESTER ONE 2041 2042 2003 2004 2050 SEMESTER TWO Business Writing Office Application System Analysis & Design Programming ( VB ) Data Management ( MySQL ) SEMESTER TWO 2051 2052 2025 2055 2056 Object Oriented Programming Computer Hardware Interfacing Project Management Information System Management Database Application Development ENTRY REQUIREMENTS * DIPLOMA COURSES registration followed by approved installments.) ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTING K6,000 (K1,200 on registration followed by approved installments.) DIP. IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY K7,600 (K1,200 on registration followed by approved installments.) Program Structure The DIP. in Information System requires completion of 10 units successfully. Code No. Unit Name 2051 Object Oriented Programming 2052 Computer Hardware Interfacing 2025 Project Management 2006 E-Commerce 2007 Web Design K6,800 (K1,200 on Diploma in Information System ( DIP. IS ) 2041 2042 2003 2004 2050 Code No. Unit Name COURSE FEES After successful completion of CIC, students can articulate into a variety of computing diplomas Code No. Unit Name Business Writing Office Application System Analysis & Design Programming ( VB ) Data Management ( MySQL ) CERTIFICATE COURSES K2,850 ( K1,200 on registration followed by approved installments ) Introduction to Programming Database Development Introduction to Computing Microsoft Office Training Business Communication SEMESTER ONE Code No. Unit Name CERTIFICATE COURSES Successful completion of Grade 10 * with PASSES in English & Mathematics ITI Entry Test for matured working class (Conditions Apply ). DIPLOMA COURSES completion of grade 12 with * Successful “C” or above in English & Mathematics from * * * Program Structure The Diploma in Networking requires completion of 5 units successfully. Program Structure The Certificate in Computing requires completion of 5 units successfully. SEMESTER ONE Code No. Unit Name DIPLOMA IN NETWORKING (DIP.NW) recognized schools/institutions including matriculation centers “D” Grade plus ITI Entry Test Adults with relevant work experience of 5 years and over Completion of certificate courses from recognized private and government institutions with pass grades 2015 FACULTY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SEMESTER ONE Code No. Unit Name 2041 2042 2003 2004 2050 Business Writing Office Application System Analysis & Design Programming ( VB ) Data Management ( MySQL ) SEMESTER TWO Code No. Unit Name 2051 2052 2025 2053 2054 Object Oriented Programming Computing Hardware Interfacing Project Management Computer Communication Network Interfacing Diploma in Information Technology ( DIT ) Program Structure The DIP. in IT requires completion of 10 units successfully. SEMESTER ONE Code No. Unit Name 4001 4002 4003 4004 4009 System Analysis & Design Data Management Professional Practice Object Oriented Systems Development Data Structures & Algorithm SEMESTER TWO Code No. Unit Name 2005 4006 4007 4008 4010 Programming Computer Communications Computer Organisation System Principle Web Page Design DURATIONS CERTIFICATE COURSE [17 wks] 17 weeks (Standard semester - Jan & June) 12 weeks (October) DIPLOMA COURSES [34 weeks] 17 weeks (Standard semester - Jan & June) 12 weeks (October) ADVANCE DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTING [34 weeks] Jan/June DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [34 weeks] Jan/June ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTING Successful completion of Diploma in Accounting course from ITI, * Or * from recognised private & government Institutions WHY STUDY AT ITI CAREER PATH OF DIPLOMA HOLDERS. Fully maintained and well designed computer laboratories Students who complete the ITI Diploma are eligible to access degree courses and services offerded by: Air conditioned seminar rooms University of Southern Queensland (USQ) in study areas of Business & IT and Commerce. The Evening classes available with affordable transport fees . mode of study can be either on - campus at Toowoomba Queensland Australia or distance mode. Approved by National Training Counsil -NTC Reg.No#009 (POM) Association of Accounting Technicians ( AAT - Australia ) Approved by National Training Counsil -NTC Reg .No # 074 (LAE) Certificate of practising Accountants of Papua New Guinea (CPA PNG) Business Courses Offered on distance education mode Ancharya Bangalore B School (ABBS -India) - A world class University and obtain a degree in 3 years Special Corporate Training courses in IT, Business and Management Griffith University - Study in Brisbane Australia with 5 locations to choose from. Special Corporate Training Facilities A member of the International Federation of Training & Development Organization ( IFTDO ) Application form Please print in BLOCK LETTERS COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS TO AVOID DELAYS IN PROCESSING OFFER LETTERS INTERNATIONAL ( Put a TRAINING tick in the appropriate boxes ) D I S TA N C E A P P L I C A N T S D O N OT U S E T H I S A P P L I C AT I O N F O R M . A P P R O P R I AT E F O R M I S AVA I L A B L E AT D I S TA N C E D E PA R T M E N T. INSTITUTE Title: Mr [ N TC : 0 0 9 & 0 7 4 ] 2. Contact Details 1. Personal Details Mrs Miss Other Address in PNG or overseas ( if known ): Given Name: Surname: Preferred Name in full: / Date of Birth: Gender: / Male (day / month / year) Female Place you reside: Home / Work Telephone: Place of Birth: Fax: Home Province: Mobile Phone: Nationality: E-mail ( if available ): 3. Education Details (Secondary education - highest level achieved) Completed: Yes No Year complete: Country / Province / City / Town: 5. Employment history If you believe you have relevant employment experience, please attach relevant details. 4. Tertiary and further education Institution attended: Country / Province / City / Town: Completed: Yes No Year complete: transcripts or mark sheets. 6. Program / Course selection Please complete the relevant section for each program / course you wish to undertake and the semester of commencement. Kimbe Location: Port Moresby Lae Program / Course Diploma in Information System Diploma in Internet Technology Diploma in Networking Diploma in Accounting Diploma in Marketing Diploma in Management Diploma in Human Resource Management Advanced Diploma in Accounting Diploma in Information Technology ITI Program / course commencement Year: Year: Year: Year: Year: Year: Year: Year: Year: Year: Year: Year: Year: Year: January January January January January January January January January January January January January January June June June June June June June June June June June June June June October October October October October October October October October October October October Do you wish to apply for Exemption / Credits? Yes No (If yes, please refer to seperate exemption application form. Application for exemption are only considered once you have provided 7. Are you applying for Evening Classes (5 - 9pm )? Yes No (If no skip and go to 8.) If Yes, do you require transportation for drop off? Yes No (If no skip and go to 8.) 10. Other information How did you first learn about ITI? You may tick more than one. Internet Exhibition / Seminar If yes, where do you exactly stay? Newspaper / Magazine / poster 8. Request for learning support Television Is there any thing that may affect your learning (for example impairments to your mobility, sight, hearing reading or writing)? Yes No If yes, please indicate your needs on a seperate sheet of paper and attach to this application. 9. Sponsorship Corporate visit Recommended by ITI student / staff 11. Disclaimer I grant ITI permission to provide my parent(s), Guardian(s) or sponsors when requested, with any information pertaining to my application to study, ongoing academic progress, results and attendance. Yes Parents Self-sponsor Employer, Name of employer: Other, ( please specify ): To ensure your application is processed without delay, attach certified copies of academic certificate and transcript signed by a lawyer, commissioner of oath, district, court house, ITI administration / ITI local representative. PLEASE PROVIDE ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE & TRANSCRIPT FOR SIGHTING BY THE ADMINISTRATION. Failure to comply with the following may result in delaying the processing of your application. DO NOT SEND OR POST YOUR ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. 13. Fee Refund Policy No 12. Application checklist Check that you have: Completed all sections of the Application form. Read Conditions of Enrollment, Deferral and Fee Refund Policy. Declared and signed the Application form. Check that you have attached: Certified copies of your academic qualification. Any relevant employment documentation. Recommendation letter from sponsor Reimbursement of funds is strictly administered by the Registrar and the Management. In any event of cancellation or withdrawal, the refunds of any paid fees will only be considered under the following conditions; 13.1 All correspondence regarding refund / excess payment must be in writing. 13.2 Before commencement date of course, full refund less K150.00 for administration costs will be paid. 13.3 After commencement date of course; 13.3.1 Withdrawals during the first week, 80% of THE TOTAL COURSE FEES will be refunded. ITI will withhold 20% of the total cost fee 13.3.2 Withdrawals during the second week , 70% of THE TOTAL COURSE FEES will be refunded. ITI will withhold 30% of the total course fee. 13.3.3 Withdrawals during the third week , 60% of THE TOTAL COURSE FEES will be refunded. ITI will withhold 40% of the total course fee. 13.4.4 After third week of the commencement date of the course NO REFUND will be made. 13.4 Excess Payments: any excess payments of specified course fees will be reimbursed after realization of the deposit made. 13.5 Reimbursement will be processed upon return of all course materials and original receipts of payment. 13.6 If a student wishes to defer his / her course until a later semester(s), ITI will hold the fees until the commencement of the new semester. The fees paid will be subject to course fee changes ( if any ) in the new semester. A fee of K150.00 will be charged on deferral. 13.7 If the student subsequently withdraws, the refund policy will apply at the date the Institute was advised in writing. Two weeks notice will be allowed for administrative clearance. 13.8 All withdrawals & excess payments will be made payable to the sponsor. 14. Declaration I declare that the information supplied by me in this form and relevant attachments is true and correct at the time of lodgement. I accept all liabilities for all fees payable for the specific course. I agree to abide by the above policies relating to Refund, Deferral and any regulations that may apply on registration. Applicant’s Signature: Date: (dd / mm / yy ) ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY Ensure that the applicant has successfully completed the application requirments below. Please, CROSS CHECK THE ORIGINALS ITI Admin, Application checklist Complete all sections of the Application form. Read and understood the Refund Policy. Declared and signed the Application form. Check that the applicant had attached; Certified copies of academic qualification. Any relevant employment documentation. Recommendation letter from sponsor. The Information contained in this application form was correct at the time of publication. However, the International Training Institute reserves the right to alter, amend or delete details at anytime without notice
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