From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. 1996 87: 141-151 Four novel mutations in deficiency of coagulation factor XIII: consequences to expression and structure of the A-subunit H Mikkola, VC Yee, M Syrjala, R Seitz, R Egbring, P Petrini, R Ljung, J Ingerslev, DC Teller, L Peltonen and A Palotie Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. Four Novel Mutations in Deficiency of Coagulation Factor XIII: Consequences to Expression and Structure of the A-Subunit By Hanna Mikkola, Vivien C. Yee, Martti Syrjall, Rainer Seitz, Rudolf Egbring, Pia Petrini, Rolf Ljung, Jorgen Ingerslev, David C. Teller, Leena Peltonen, and Aarno Palotie The characterization of naturally occurring mutations isone way t o approach functionally significant domains of polypeptides. About 10 mutations have been reported in factor Xlll (FXIII) A-subunit deficiency, but very little is known about the effects of the mutations on the expression or the structure of thisenzyme. In this study, the recent crystallizaof the three-dimention ofMlllA-subunit and determination sional model wereused for the first time pursue to the structural consequences of mutations in the A-subunit. The molecular analysis of fourfamilies from Sweden, Germany, and Denmark revealed four previously unreportedpoint mutations. Three of the mutations were missense mutations, Arg326 Oln, Arg252 + Ile, and Leu498 Pro, and one was a nonsense mutation, a deletion of thymidine in codon for termination PheE resulting in early frameshift and premature of thepolypeptide chain. In the case of thenonsense mutation, delT Phe8, the steady-state mRNA level of FXlll A-subunit was reduced, as quantitated by reverse transcriptasepolymerase chain reactionand solid-phase minisequencing. In contrast, none of the missense mutations affected mRNA levels, indicating thepossible translation of the mutant polypeptides. However, by enzyme-linked immunosorbent analysis and immunofluorescence, all thepatients demonstrated a complete lack of detectable factor XlllA antigen in their platelets. In the structural analysis, we included the mutations described in this workand the Met242 Thr mutation reported earlier by us. Interestingly, in the three-dimensional model, all fourmissense mutations are localized in theevo- lutionarily conserved*catalytic core domain. The substitutions are at least 15 A away from the catalytic cleft and do not affect any of theresidues known t o be directly involved in the enzymatic reaction. The structural analyses suggest that the mutations are most likely interfering with proper folding and stability of the protein, which is in agreement with the observed absence of detectable M l l t A antigen. Arg326, Arg252, and Met242 are all buried within the molecule. TheArg326 Gln and Arg252 Ile mutations are substitutions of smaller, neutral amino acids for large, charged residues. They disrupt the electrostatic balance and hydrogen-bonding interactions in structurally significant areas. The Met242 Thr mutation islocated in the same region of the core domain as the Arg252 lle siteand is expected t o have a destabilizing effect due t o an introduction of a smaller, polar residue in a tightly packed hydrophobic pocket. The substitution of proline for Leu498 is predicted t o cause unfavorable interatomic contacts and a disruption of the alpha-helix mainchain hydrogen-bonding pattern; it is likely to form a kink in the helix next to the dimer interface and is expected t o impair proper dimerizationof theA-subunits. In the case of all fourmissense mutations studied, the knowledge achieved from the three-dimensional model of crystallized FXlll A-subunit provides essential information about the structural significance of the specific residues and aids in understanding the biologic consequences of themutations observed at the cellular level. 0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology. C catalytic A-dimer until it is needed in The A-subunit of FXIII is expressed mainly in some bone marrow-derived cells such as megakaryocytes/platelets and monocytes/macrophages.’’”5 The intracellular protein is a homodimer of two A-subunits that are identical to plasma -+ -+ -+ ONGENITAL factor XI11 (FXIII) deficiency is a rare bleeding disorder that is inherited inan autosomal recessive manner. Deficiency in FXIII leads to a bleeding diathesis that is characterized by delayed hemorrhages in soft tissues after initially successful primary clot formation. In addition to subcutaneous and intramuscular hematomas, severe bleeding complications such as intracranial hemorrhages occur. The most characteristic feature is neonatal umbilical cord bleeding, which is a symptom that is not associated with other clotting factor deficiencies. Other typical findings are spontaneous miscarriages in pregnant females and defective wound healing.’,’ The characteristic symptoms can be understood by the function of FXIII. FXIII belongs to the family of transglutaminases that are thiol enzymes that catalyze covalent crosslinking of proteins in a variety of tissues and are involved in processes such as blood coagulation, apoptosis, and keratini~ation.~ Of. ~the transglutaminase superfamily, inherited disorders have been reported only in the case of FXIII and keratinocyte transgl~taminase.~.~ FXIII is a transglutaminase that acts as the final enzyme in the blood coagulation cascade. It catalyzes crosslinking of fibrin molecules converting the primary blood clot into a stable form. Additionally, FXIII crosslinks other substrates such as alpha-2-antiplasmin, thus controlling the rate of fibrinolysis,’ and some extracellular matrix proteins such as fibronectin and collagen, thus anchoring the clot into the site of i n j ~ r y . ~ , ~ F3111 circulates in plasma as a heterotetramer composed of two A-subunits that possess the catalytic activity and two B-subunits that probably serve to carry and protect the Blood, Vol 87,No 1 (January l), 1996:pp 141-151 + -+ + + From the Department of Clinical Chemistry, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; the Laboratory Departmentof Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland; the Departments of Biochemistry and Biological Structure, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; the Department of Haematology/Oncology, PhilippsUniversity Hospitals, Marburg, Germany; the Department of Pediatrics, Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden; the Department of Pediatrics, University of Lund, Malmo, Sweden; th,e Department of Clinical Immunology, Skejby University Hospital, Arhus, Denmark; and The Department of Human Molecular Genetics,National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, Finland. Submitted February 16, 1995; accepted August 22, 1995. Supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, the Oskar Ojund Foundation, the Hjelt Research Fund, the American Hearr Association (910080070), the National lnstitutes of Health (HL-50355), and the Medical Faculty of the University of Lund. Address reprint requests to Aarno Palotie, MD, PhD, Department of ClinicalChemistry,University of Helsinki, Meilahti Hospital, Haartmaninkatu 4, SF-00290 Helsinki, Finland. The publication costsof this article were defrayedin part by page chargepayment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/96/8701-0004$3.00/0 141 From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. 142 MIKKOLA ET AL A-subunits. Intracellularly, the dimer is located in the cytosol. The secretion mechanism of FXIII A-subunit has not been elucidated, but it does not follow the conventional secretory pathway through endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi-complex. The catalytic 730-amino acid A-subunit of FXIII is a proenzyme that is activated by thrombin cleavage at Arg37, in the presence of calcium and fibrin(ogen). After activation, the B-subunits dissociate to yield the dimeric A2 enzyme.I6 The three-dimensional structure determination of the A-subunit zymogen dimer by X-ray crystallography has been reAs shown in Fig 3, each A-subunit monomer is folded into four sequential domains: from the amino terminus, they are the beta sandwich, the catalytic core, and beta barrels 1 and 2. The core domain contains most of the residues that are conserved among members of the transglutaminase family, indicating the importance of a conserved core domain structure for transglutaminase activity. It is in this core domain that the catalytic triad residues (Cys314, His373, and Asp396) are located. Each amino terminus activation peptide crosses the dimer interface and occludes the opening to the active site cavity in the other subunit in the dimer. To expose the catalytic residues and render them accessible to substrate, movement of the activation peptide as well as of the beta barrel 1 domain must occur. In efforts to obtain a structure of activated FXIII, crystallographic studies of the thrombin-cleaved and high calcium forms of the protein have been performed. Both the thrombin-cleaved and high calcium structures are very similar to that of the zymogen; in the latter structure, only local protein conformational changes in the calcium-binding site could be observed.” Complementary to the crystallographic structure, the characterization of disease-causing mutations provides biologic evidence for critical residues and regions of the polypeptide chain that are essential for maintaining the structure and/or catalytic properties of the enzyme. In this study, we report four novel point mutations in the A-subunit gene causing FXIII deficiency. Our aim has been to clarify the effects of the different mutations by combining the data from steadystate mRNA and protein expression studies in vivowith the structural knowledge achieved by the three-dimensional model of crystallized FXIII A-subunit. The elucidation of the three-dimensional structure has brought new insights to understanding the relationship between structure and function of the A-subunit. It is a valuable tool to evaluate the mechanism by which each mutation exerts its effects by altering the structure and/or function of FXIII. MATERIALS AND METHODS Patients One German family, one Danish family, and two Swedish families were studied (Fig 1). The patients’ disorders have been previously diagnosed by clinical bleeding tendency and immunologic and func(Table 1). tional determinations of FXIII A-~ubunit~’.~~ Family A from Germany has two affected individuals. The propositus, A-11-10, was born in 1966. His two brothers died neonatally from intracranial hemorrhages. Patient A-11-10 had umbilical cord bleeding and an abnormal bleeding tendency with spontaneous subcutaneous hemorrhages.z6Since 1971, he has been treated prophylactically with placenta-derived FXILI concentrates. The second patient in family A is a girl born in 1986. Her mother is a cousin of the propositus. Patient A-111-4 demonstrated umbilical cord bleeding shortly after delivery, and since the first year of life, she has been in regular prophylactic treatment. Family B from Sweden has two affected girls born in 1989 and 1992. Patient B-11-3demonstrated neonatal umbilical cord bleeding, whereafter FXIII deficiency was diagnosed. Since 1 year of age, she has been treated prophylactically with her father’s plasma. After the regular prophylactic treatment, she has once had a more severe bleeding in the muscles associated with a fracture of the tibia. The bleeding was treated with plasma infusions, and thehealing of wound and fracture was normal. Disease in the younger girl of the same family, B-11-4,was diagnosed neonatally because ofher sister’s disease. She also experienced umbilical cord bleeding, but has since been treated prophylactically as is her sister without any severe bleeding symptoms. Family C from Sweden has one affected girl, C-11-3, born in 1979. She demonstrated umbilical cord bleeding and, thereafter, a tendency for ecchymoses and hematomas after mild trauma. FXIII deficiency was diagnosed at the age of 3 years. She had intracranial bleeding after a mild trauma on her head at the age of 5 years and a rupture of the spleen with serious abdominal bleeding at the age of 8 years. Both emergencies necessitated FXIII substitution therapy, but the treatment was complicated by inhibitor development against FXIII concentrates. Induction of immune tolerance by using the Malmo treatment protocol was attempted, but the treatment had to be interrupted because she had a serious anaphylactoid reaction against FXIII concentrates.” Family D from Denmark has one affected male, D-1-2, born in 1945. He demonstrated umbilical cord bleeding at birth. He has been treated prophylactically with FXIII concentrate. Analysis of the Gene Encoding FXIII A-Subunit The analysis of the gene coding for the A-subunit was performed mainly as described earlier in detail.28The genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes. Each exon including the introdexon boundaries of the A-subunit gene was amplifiedby polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with specific primers. (The primer sequences were mostly the same as described earlier,28thus, only the primers used to study the mutations reported in this work are shown in Table 2.) Radioactively labeled PCR fragments were analyzed by single-strand conformation polymorphismz9(SSCP) and the regions demonstrating an abnormal migration in the renaturing gel were sequenced directly from the PCR product using solid-phase purification3’ and the Sanger dideoxy chain termination m e t h ~ d . ~ ’ Each identified mutation was screened among family members and 20 to 45 control individuals from the specific country. The screening was performed by solid-phase minisequencing as described earlier?R In principle, the biotinylated PCR product of the mutated area is captured onto solid support. The incorporation of radioactive H’-test nucleotides corresponding to wild-type and mutant alleles is tested by guiding the test nucleotides nexttothe mutation site by a specific primer (Table 2). The incorporation of the two test nucleotides is analyzed separately, and the radioactivity is measured by liquid scintillation counter. The genotype is defined by the ratio of the counts obtained from the mutated andor wildtype test nucleotides.” Quantitation of FXIII A-Subunit mRNA The steady-state mRNA levels associated with each mutation were studied by reverse transcriptase PCRand consequent solid-phase minisequencing, which facilitates allele-specific quantitation of the product. RNA was extracted by the RNAzol kit (Tel-Tec, Friendwood, TX). The reverse transcriptase reaction was performed mainly as described earlier.28The cDNA PCR was performed using From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. FACTOR Xlll MUTATIONS 143 A. 5 6 10 Arg-326-Gln 2 3 1 11 12 Arg-252+11e 4 Q) B. ,, ,, ,, ,, , m a Fig 1. Pedigrees of the families demonstratingthecoseg regation of the identified mutations. The propositi are marked by arrows. The mutation genotype in individuals D-11-1 and D11-2 was not studied. 1 primers listed in Table 2. The! relative amount of each mutated mRNA was quantitated in heterozygotes, where the wild-type mRNA serves as a standard. The ratio of mutated versus wild-type mRNA was determined by the ratio of the counts from the two test nucleotides corrected by the difference of the specific activities (r value). The ratio was compared to the corresponding ratio in genomic DNA in heterozygotes, where the two alleles are present in equal amounts (r = 1). Immunologic Determination of FXIII A-Subunit by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) and ImmunoJ7uorescence The presence of intracellular A-subunit antigen was studied by immunofluorescenceand ELISA. For immunofluorescence, peripheral blood smears were prepared from fresh EDTA blood samples and 2 1 air-dried. The preparations were fixedwith 4% paraformaldehyde immediately before analysis. The slides were washed afterwards with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). The preparations were permeabilized, and aspecific-binding was blocked by incubating for 15 minutes in blocking buffer, which contains 2% saponin and 5% bovine serum albumin inPBS. The primary antibody, a 1:200 dilution of rabbit antiserum for FXIII A-subunit (Clotimmun; Behringwerke, Marburg, Germany) was incubated for 1 hour at room temperature. After several washes with blocking buffer, a 1:50 dilution of the second antibody, fluorescein isothiocyanate (FlTC)-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG (Supertechs, Bethesda, MD), was incubated for 30 minutes at m m temperature. The slides were washed with PBS and covered by Vectashield mounting medium (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA). The slides were analyzed by a Zeiss Axiophot fluorescence microscope (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany). In the patients where the amount of FXIII A-subunit antigen had Table 1. Summary of Mutations and Their Expression and Activity in FXIII-Deficient Patients Family and Origin A. Germany B. Sweden C. Sweden Patient Age (yr) 11-10 Arg326 28 111-4 7 11-3 5 11-4 2 11-3 15 - Mutation - Gln Arg326 Gln Arg252 -,Ile Leu498 Pro Arg661 -t Stop Leu498 Pro Arg661 Stop delT Phe8 -- Allelic mRNA Normal Normal Normal Normal c 10% 4 % A-Subunit Antigen FXlll Activity IEPELSA c l % IFELISA < l % ELSA c l % IFIF- "C-putr inc ~ 2 % Berichrom <2% "C-putr inc <2% Berichrom <5% "C-putr inc ~ 2 % Agar act st <3% Agar act st <3% IEP- Agar act st <3% IFD. Denmark 1-2 49 E. Finland 11-2' 55 delT Phe8 Unknown Met242 Thr Arg661 Stop -- IEP- Stago ~ 3 % Normal ELSA c l % "C-putr inc < l % 3% IF- Abbreviations: IEP, Laurell's immunoelectrophoresisfrom plasma; IF, immunofluorescence from platelets; "C-putr inc, "C-putrescine incorporation into casein; Berichrom, ammonia release assay (Behringwerke);agar act st, agarose gel-embeddedactivity staining; Stago, clot solubility assay on monochloracetic acid. The mutations of patient €4-2 have been reported earlier?' From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. 144 MIKKOLA ET AL - to be scrutinized, a more sensitive method, ELISA, was also applied. The materials for ELISA were supplied by Dr Metzner, Behringwerke AG. The cytoplasmic fraction of three times freezethawed platelets were incubated in microtiter wells that were coated with rabbit anti-FXIII A-subunit antibody. The detection of the amount of A-subunit antigen was performed using the peroxidase reaction. m: 2- v3 ;!e - u 2.2 u P - z* 5 0 0; +z q z : V V u e a Functional Determination of FXIII A-Subunit e $ 3 g l uj $ 2 is $f 8$ In the patients with missense mutations, the transglutaminase activity was further studied by ''C-putrescine incorporation assay. The transglutaminase activity was analyzed in three times freeze-thawed platelets as described earlier." .q2 Modeling of the Protein Defects .E 8 0 .- f i = ? 8I- g E V z u a T t ~ w g El , t m r c 0 0 c 0 c 0 c w w w w ._ S ga- m . - 2 .: x = 51 w 8 w E b x x x x v) e m - z- n c c a V V V 8L & & V U I - "+ 5 % g g p g .g u u a yoa! E uYu"u%g E -e E .i z b u- &gb82g Q UF-0I-l- B l-l=q"!i : b e < t - s o 4: k? E ._ I Vt 5 ~ u s w V p f '2 u * 0) a z E p- .pOuu o Z 5 7 .C Analysis of the Gene Encoding FXIII A-Subunit E;;EEg$E c Using SSCP as an initial screening method and for subsequent direct sequencing of the shifted fragments, four novel mutations were identified in the gene coding for the A-subunit (Fig 2). Three of the mutations were missense mutations: a G-to-A transversion in exon 8, causing the substitution of glutamine for arginine at amino acid position 326; a G-toT transversion in exon 8, resulting in the substitution of isoleucine for arginine 252; and a T-to-C point mutation in exon 12, changing the amino acid leucine 498 to proline. The fourth mutation was a deletion of thymidine in codon TTT for phenylalanine 8, resulting in a frameshift and a premature termination codon. No other mutations were detected by sequencing the coding regions. In family A, patient A-11-10 demonstrated the Arg326 Gln mutation in a homozygous form. Patient A-111-4, whose mother is a cousin of patient A-11-10, demonstrated the Arg326 --t Gln mutation in the heterozygous form. In her paternal allele, patient A-111-4 demonstrated the k g 2 5 2 Ile mutation, thus being a compound heterozygote for the two mutations. In family B, the two sisters demonstrated the Leu498 Pro mutation in a heterozygous form. In the other allele, they had a C-to-T point mutation in exon 14 resulting in Arg661 4 Stop alteration, which we have previously detected in six Finnish FXIII-deficient families." In family C , the patient demonstrated the deletion of thy- z n v ) " r: z g gs 4 ;e, m - N N 8 ;, ,c m N 0 f 3 .-% I- V w & wa &J3%2". ;. &E& i=?28?$# E 'E ap '6 E % g j ; E E g : e:szgsE2: .E E i E 2 8 2 3 P ~ u : o+-uauI-_cu = zs??z?g 5 0 0 c ;a a u u c a V O V O . ? V o u U O 5 C ;.5 u : a u : a n c - u ~z JCI L C% iC: ; C 2 C C C eeeeeegg c ._ 2 RESULTS O 1 t 1 t o t o T 1 , m N . - w ~ e c Q r . - w u J w u l w w w w 1 c .@{@q $ E ? 5 0 = U u u g u 3 5 The three-dimensional structure of the A-subunit zymogen dimer, as determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction," was used as a template for modeling the four single-residue missense mutants (see Fig 3). Coordinates for the wild-type structure were pbtained by refinement against diffraction data from 10.0 to 2.65 A resolution using the program X-PLOR.33The geometry for the moslel is good (root mean square deviation from ideality is 0.013 A for bond lengths, 2.2" for bond angles, 25.7" for torsion angles, and 1.6"for improper torsion angles). Individual atomic temperature factors have been refined (average B = 25.8 A'), and the crystallographic R factor is 21.6%. Models for the mutants were generated using the As there are two crystallographically indepengraphics program 0.34 dent subunits in the asymmetric unit of the crystal, the average of the two values is given for interatomic distances cited in the text. The coordinates for the experimentally determined wild-type structure have been deposited with the Protein Data Bank (identifying code: 1 ggt). Figures are drawn with the program MOLSCRIPT.35 c c c c c c E = = = _ c = = _ c = :.0 m 0 ) g ; 2) m -T $E",% t t " 0$ a$ a$ - ; 1 ' 2 * + + + From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. FACTOR Xlll MUTATIONS 145 Family A control homozygous compound patient control heterozygous patient C A T G C A T G G T A C G T A C 4- 4- G -> A Arg326 -> Gln G -> T Arg252 -> Ile Family B Family C 0 compound heterozygous patient control control C A T GC A T G homozygous patient C A T GC A T G del T Phe8 -> frameshift T -> C Leu498 -> Pro Fig 2. Sequencing gels demonstrating four novel point mutations are shown. (a) The mutations in family A are a G-to-A transversion in exon 8 that changes the codon CGA into CAA, resulting in Arg326 -, Gln substitution(homozygous patient A-11-10), and a G-to-T transversion in exon 6 that changes the codon AGA into ATA, resulting in Arg252 Ile substitution (compound heterozygous patient A-111-41. (b) The CTG into CCG, resulting in Leu498 Pro substitution (cornpound mutations in family B are a T-to-C transversion in exon 12 that alters the codon heterozygous patient 8-11-3). and the Arg661 -, Stop mutation (reported earlier; not shown in the figure). (c) The mutation in family C is a deletion of thymidine in codonT7T for phenylalanine 8 in exon 2 altering the reading frame after alanine 7 (homozygous patient C-11-31. The same mutation was detectedin heterozygous form in family D. + - From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. MIKKOLA ETAL 146 Table 3. Relative Quantitation of AllelicmRNA Transcripts in Heterozygotes Mutated Allele Test Nucleotides (mutanthild type) Arg326 Gln Arg252 Ile Leu498 Pro delT Phe 8 T/C* T/G CTT G/T -+ r Appr Mutant Level mRNA DNA cDNA Gen 0.88 2 0.21 0.90 z 0.22 1.07 f 0.24 0.04 z 0.03 0.87 2 0.16 0.91 t 0.16 1.17 2 0.13 1.02 z 0.12 Normal Normal Normal <5% The r value has been obtained from the amount of radioactivity measured from the H3 test nucleotides incorporated into the RT-PCR product (mutant cpm/wild typecpm, corrected by the specific activities of thenucleotides). Abbreviations: Gen DNA, genomic DNA; appr mutant mRNA level, approximate mutant mRNA level. * The Arg326 Gln mutation was analyzed from the antisense direction. antigen in platelets was analyzed using ELISA and/or immunofluorescence (Fig 3). In addition to the patients described in thisreport, a Finnishpatientwhowaspreviouslyshownto represent a compound heterozygote for the Met242 -P Thr and the Arg661 + stop mutations was also included in the analysis. Using polyclonal monospecific antiserum for the A-subunit, the antigen level in all the patients’ platelets was below the detection limit (Table l ) . Analysis of Transglutaminase Activih In the case of the patients with missense mutations, isolated platelets were also assayed for transglutaminase activity using the “C-putrescine incorporation method. Transglutaminase activity could notbe demonstrated in any of the cases (Table l ) . + midine in a homozygous form. Additionally, the same mutation was detected in the Danish patient D-1-2 in the heterozygous form, whereas in his other allele, the mutation has not been detected. To discriminate between a disease mutation and a common polymorphism, the prevalence of each mutation in the normal population was analyzed by solid-phase minisequencing. From each country, 25 to 45 control individuals were screened for the specific mutations, but none of the mutations were found in the 50 to 90 chromosomes studied. Analwis of the Steady-state mRNA Level of FXIII ASubunit The steady-state transcript levels ofthemutated alleles were analyzed in both the affected individuals and heterozygous carriers. The method for quantitation was solid-phase minisequencing, which facilitates specific detection of different allelic products. Relative quantitation of the allelic transcripts was performed in heterozygotes, where the wild-type transcript serves as a quantitative standard (Table 3). All three missense mutations (Arg326 + Gln, Arg252 -* Ile,and Leu498 -* Pro) resulted in a steady-state mRNA level equal to the wild-type allele. This is demonstrated by the ratio of the incorporated mutant versus wild type test nucleotides in minisequencing. The ratio was close to I in the cDNA PCR products of the heterozygotes carrying the missense mutations, and equal to the corresponding ratio in genomic DNA. In contrast, the steady-state mRNA levels of the two nonsense mutations (delT Phe8 and Arg661 + Stop) were reduced drastically. The allelic transcript with the delT Phe8 mutation in the heterozygous carriers was hardly detectable, which is approximated to be less than 5% of the level of thewild-typeallele (Table 3). The levelofArg66I -* Stop mRNA was reduced to less than IO%, which is a finding that has been consistent in the Finnish patients with the same mutation.2x Analysis of the Intracellular Antigen bv ELBA and Immunoplrorescence To study further the expression of the mutated alleles at the cellular level, the presence of intracellular FXIlI A-subunit Modeling of the Protein Defects Caused by Individual Mutations Met242 -* Thr. Residue Met242 is nearthe carboxyl terminus of a helix in the core domain. near the beta sandwich. The sidechain of this residue is surrounded by a predominantly hydrophobic environment (Fig 4A). Replacing this methionine with a threonine residue isprobably the least extreme of the four single-residue missense mutations presented here, as it is possible for the sidechain hydroxyl group of the threonine to form a hydrogen-bond with a nearby residue (Thr242 OH to 0 Leu239 = 2.6 A). However, substitution with the smaller threonine residue would create a vacuum in the structure, which in turn could lead to a misfolded or destabilized folded molecule (Fig 4B). Arg 252 + Ile. Residue Arg252 is located in a loop between two core domain helices that are near the beta sand- Fig 3. Stereoview of the domain structure of the FXlll A subunit, as determined by x-ray crystallography. The protein is drawn as a coil with the central catalytic core domain in bold and the three surrounding beta domains. An asterisk marks the location of the active site ofthe molecule. From the amino terminus activation peptide, the four sequential domainsare beta sandwich, catalytic core, beta barrel 1, and beta barrel 2. Alpha carbon atoms belonging t o Thr, 2. Arg-252 Ile, 3. the four missense mutations (1. Met242 Arg326 Gln, 4. Leu498 Pro, and 5. Arg661- Stop) are represented as white spheres. - - - - From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. 147 FACTOR Xlll MUTATIONS Fig 4. Structural consequencesofthe Ma242+Thr mutaion. The protein backbone is shown as a ball-and-stick structure. Sidechain fragments of Met242 (A), Arg252, and the modeled Thr242 mutant (B) are also shown. TheMet242 is a buried residue whose sidechain packs against that of Arg252 in a roughly antiparallel menner. Replacement of Met242 with a smallerthreonine residue creates a destabilizing void in thestructure. Although the chemical environment at this site can accommodatethe Thr242 mutant to some extent (a possible hydrogen bond to the mainchain of Leu239 is shown as a dashed line), the substitution of a small polar residue for a buried hydrophobicamino acidis expected to yield a destabilized structure. the other two catalytic triad residues (His373 and Asp396) are located. Asn207 is at the carboxyl terminus of another core domain helix (residues 198 to 207) that is distant in terms of amino acid sequence and is partially exposed to solvent. The hydrogen bonds involving the Arg326 sidechain atoms serve to tie the active site helix to other parts of the core domain. Replacing Arg326 with a glutamine residue would at best preserve only one of the hydrogen bonds to the carbonyl oxygen atom of Ala332 andeliminate the interaction with Asn207 (Fig 6B). The charge on the guanido group of Arg326 has no obvious compensation, and it seems probable that the helix dipole provides the c~mpensation.~~ Replacing Arg by a neutral residue in this location almost certainly upsets the electrostatic balance in this region of the protein. A third consequence of substitution with the smaller glutamine sidechainis the creationof a void within the molecule. As a result, itis likely that the Arg326 Gln mutation would either prevent the foldingof the coredomain or lead to a folded but destabilized structure. Leu498 Pro. TheresidueLeu498islocatednearthe carboxyl terminus of a helix that is on the surface of the catalytic core domain Fig 7).Atthecarboxylterminusof this helixis a turn containingresiduesatthedimer inmface (Ty1-500 Gly501); , the turn leads to a short segment of beta structure and thento a flexible extended stretch of peptide that links the catalytic core and beta barrel1 domains. The Leu498 sidechain is fairly accessible to solvent and not tightly packed in a hydrophobic envhnment. The mainchain phi torsion angle of -68" is close to the ideal value -60" of for a proline residue; however, mutating Leu498to a proline would generatea number of short interatomic contacts involving proline ring carbon atoms and render the residue's mainchain nitrogen atom unavailable to participate in the hydrogen-bond scaffold in the + + wich. The sidechainof this residue is completely buried and participates in a number of hydrogen-bonding interactions with two residues that are slightly amino terminal to it (Fig SA; Arg252 NE to 0 Met247 = 3.1 A, Arg252 NH1 to OD1 Asp243 = 2.8 A, Arg252 NH2 to OD1 Arg243 = 2.7 A, Arg252 NH2 to 0 Met247 = 2.9 A). These hydrogen bonds are critical in securing the conformation of the loop. The arginyl charge in this case is compensated by the carboxyl ofAsp243.ReplacingArg252withanisoleucineresidue wouldhaveseveraldeleteriouseffects.First,thesmaller isoleucine sidechain would resultin a vacuum in the molecule, because Arg252 is a buried residue. Second, all of the hydrogen-bonding interactions involving the Arg252 sidechain would be eliminated; as the isoleucine sidechain is not able to make any hydrogen bonds to stabilize the structure (Fig 5B). Third, the lack of electrostatic compensation would likely cause Asp243 to rotate into the solvent and disrupt the mainchain conformation for a substantial section of the sequence. The Arg252-B Ile mutant, which is a substitution of a small hydrophobic residue for a large, buried, charged amino acid, would likely interfere with protein folding or result in a misfolded or destabilized structure. Arg326 -B Gln. ThecatalyticCys314residue is atthe amino terminus of the longest helix in the subunit; Arg326 Fig 5. Structural consequencesof the Arg252 Ile mutation. Here is located near the carboxyl end of this helix. The Arg326 protein loop containing Arg29 isrendered in ball-and-stick form residue is completely buried in the core domain. Its sidechain the with only mainchain atoms drawn. Sidechain fragments for Arg252 nitrogen atoms are involved in hydrogen bonds to mainchain (A), Asp243, and the modeled lle252 mutant (B) are also shown. In carbonyl oxygen atoms belonging to two other core domain the wild-type structure, Arg252forms a salt bridge with Asp243 and also hydrogen bonds to the mainchain carbonyl of Met247; these residues (Fig 4A; Arg326 NE to 0 Ala332 = 2.9 A, Arg326 interactions are represented by dashed lines. The Arg252 Ile mutaNH1 to 0 Asn207 = 2.6 A, Arg326 NH2 to 0 Ala332 = tion involves the removal of a buried,positively charged residue,the 3.0 A). Ala332 is in the beta strand immediately following elimination of structural electrostatic interactions, and the introductheCys314-containing, or activesitehelix; this strand is tion of a smaller sidechain fragment. This mutation is expected to prevent proper folding or yield an unstable, misfolded structure. located in the central beta sheet in the core domain, where + - From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. MIKKOIA ET AL 148 DISCUSSION Fig 6. Structural consequencesofthe Arg326 -.Gln mutation. The protein backbone near Arg326 is shown as solid lines connecting alpha carbon atoms. The sidechain fragments of Arg326 (A) and the modeled Gln326 mutant (B) are drawn as ball-and-stick structures, as arethe mainchain atomsof the two residues (As11207 and Ala332). which are hydrogen-bonded to the Arg326 sidechain. Thehydrogen bond interactions are represented by dashed lines. Also shown are the sidechain fragments of the catalytic triad residues (Cys314, His373, and Asp3961, which are a little more than 15 A away. The Gln mutation, which involves the loss ofa positively Arg326 charged sidechain,the removal of two structural hydrogen bond interactions, andthe introduction of a smaller sidechain fragment, are expected to prevent proper protein folding or yield a destabilized structure. - Compared with other congenital bleeding disorders, significantlyless is knownaboutthegeneticbackgroundof FXIII deficiency.Untilnow,about 10 different mutations have been reported by us and others in the gene of FXIII A-subunit. So far, no large deletions or other genomic rearrangements have been detectedin this gene. The mutations reported thus far consist of point mutations that result in premature terminationof t r a n s l a t i ~ n , ~possible ~ * " ~ ~ ~defective ~plicing'~ or amino acid alterati0n,2~.~~.'"' or minor deletions that result in frameshift (Fig 9):'In the case of the amino acid alterations, the actual consequences of the mutations have been unclear due to the lack of both structural knowledge of the protein and expression data of the mutations. In this study,we have analyzed the molecular basis of the disease in fourFXIII-deficientfamilies.UsingSSCPand direct sequencing, we have identified four novel mutations in the geneof FXIII A-subunit. Three of the mutations were point mutations resulting in a single-amino acid alteration (Arg326 + Gln,Arg252 + ne. andLeu498 + Pro), and one of them was a deletion of thymidine resulting in early frameshift and termination of translation (del T Phe8). The Arg326 + Glnmutation in theGermanfamilyhas been detectedindependentlyalso by Dr U. Grundmann,Behringwerke, (personal communication, November 1994). The mutations reported earlier in the geneof the A-subunit have been mostly uniquefor each family. The only exception has been the Arg66 1 + stop mutation that we have previously detected in six Finnish families, reflecting the enrichment of one mutation due to founder effect in the genetic isolate of helii (Fig 7). These effects would forcea kink in the helix that may in itself interfere with the folding of the subunit or destabilize the structure. Kinking of the helix would at the very least result in altering the position and conformation of the tum at its carboxyl terminus, which would disturb some of the subunitto-subunit interactions that occur at the dimer interface. The influence of the helix kink may extend to altering the conformationandflexibilityofthenearbylinkingpeptide,whichwe postulate is importantin the activation of the enzyme." Substitution of Leu498 with a proline residue, then, is predicted to interfere with the correct folding of the subunit. The misfolding of the structure is expected to result in impaired dimerization. Arg661- Srop. The A r g 6 6 1 residue is located at the beginning of the third beta strand in the carboxyl terminus barrel 2 domain. A premature stop of translation at residue 661 would yield a shortened polypeptide chain that is missing70 residues second subunit second subunit at the carboxyl terminus. As a result, more than two thirds of in dimer in dimer the barrel 2 domain, containing five of the seven beta strands, is deleted from the molecule (Fig 8). The missing portion of thesubunitincludesthefour-strandedbetasheetthatpacks Fig 7. Structural consequences of the Leu498 Pro mutation. against the catalytic core domain and one of the exposed strands Stereoview of the protein near bu498. The chain of the subunit containing the Leu498 residue is shown as crosshatched ball-andin the second, exposed beta sheet in the barrel 2 domain. It is stick model. The open ball-and-stick model is thesecond subunit in unlikely that the barrel 2 residues that are translated will fold the A2 dimer. Sidechain fragments of the wild-type Leu498 and of intothetwobetastrandsobservedinthewild-typecrystal the modeled Pro498 mutant are labeled. Substitution of the leucine structure,becausetheprematurestopmutationleadstothe by a proline residue at thisposition creates a numberof unfavorable short contacts and disrupts the mainchainhydrogen bonding exposureofthehydrophobicfaceofthetwo-strandedbeta (dashed line) that is characteristic of alpha helix structure. The exsheet.Inthe Arg661 Stopmutant,thebarrel 2 residues pected result is a distortion of the helix causing it to kink, which in that are translated are expected to fold into a smaller, altered turn would change the conformation of the subunit at the dimer conformation that is very different from the structure of the interface. The Leu498 mutation is expected to yield a misfoldedstrucbarrel 2 domain in the wild-type structure. ture that is destabilized or incapable ofdimerizing properly. - + From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. FACTOR Xlll MUTATIONS 149 In the caseof each of the six patients included in our study, a complete lack of FXIII A-subunit antigen and activity in plasma and/or platelets was demonstrated. This suggests that the mutations would result in either the absence of synthesis of the A-subunit or strongly altered properties of the mutant protein. In the case of the two nonsense mutations, the Arg661 Stop mutation and the frameshift mutation caused by the deletion of thymidine, the steady-state transcript levels were verylow.Thereductionofsteady-statemRNAlevelhas been associated with stop-mutations and frameshift mutations also in other genes?* probably because of low efficiency of mRNA processing and nucleocytoplasmic trans+ port:'" - Fig 8. Structural consequences of the Arg661 Stop mutation. This residueis located in the carboxylterminus beta banel 2 domain; its alpha carbonatom is shown as a large, labeled sphere. The polypeptide chain aminoterminal to this residue is drawn as a coil structure, while the portion of the molecule carboxyl terminal t o Arg661 is shown as smaller, alpha carbon spheres connected by thin lines. A premature end of translation at position 661 would lead to a loss of most of the barrel2 domain, andas a result, the protein is expected to misfold into a structure whose carboxyl terminus is very different from that observed in the wild type. Finland.= Now the Arg661 -+ Stop mutation has also been found in a Swedish family in the heterozygous form. The deletion of thymidine in phenylalanine8 is also anew example of a more widely spread mutation in FXIII A-subunit. It was detected in a Swedish patient in the homozygous form and in a Danish patient in the heterozygous form. activation R-sandwich peptide B II + R-barrel 0-barrel1 domain core 2 Cys-314 H19373 l 1Asp396 184 I 51 731 5 , ,.........,.,.,...,.,. . . . . . . . . ., ,...... . ........,.,. . . . . . . .. ,_....._._._...:,:,:,: .. .. ..,.......... ,......__ _ . . .::::.:.:.: . . . .: .:_........ , , , . ...................................... . . . . . . ., , , . , .(, _ . (.,.,.,.(.,.,.,.(,,. .......................... 37 43 I In the case of both nonsense mutations, the absence of detectable A-subunit antigen would be explained by the deficiency in mF2NA template for protein synthesis. Even if some of the Arg661 Stop mutant polypeptide would be translated, its beta-2 barrel is expected to fold into a very different form due to the lack of more than two thirds of its amino acid sequence. In the case of the deletion of thymidine,onlysevenaminoacidsoftheA-subunitsequence would be in proper reading frame, thus obviously leading to complete lack of the polypeptide. Interestingly, the patient C-II-3, who is homozygous for the frameshift mutation, has developed inhibitors against FXIII substitution therapy. It could be speculated whether the mutation type would have a predisposing effect to the formation of an antibody. Inhibitors against FXIII substitution therapy in congenital FXIII deficiency are very rare.In addition to this patient, only two other cases have been reported, but in neither of them is anything known about mutation the Furthermore, about 20 cases of acquired inhibitors against endogenous FXIII have been reported:' 628 ._....._ ............................................. ........................ .. .. .. .. .. . . ...... ,.,.,.,.............. . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . m IV v VI vn VI11 IX x XI XI1 - m1 XIV xv I l77 Am-260' C~S Arg-326 +Qln Fig 9. Sequential arrangement of the Fxlll A-tubunit polypeptide and the corresponding cDNA showing the lmation of the mutations reported thus far. The position of the exons areindicated by roman numbers and the sizes of the exons are marked. Theactivation peptide and the four sequential domains as well as the three catalytic triad residues are markedon the polypeptide. Seven of eight clear missense mutations are located in the core domain, further indicating the signFflcance of the conserved structure of the core domain. (Forfurther details of the mutations, see for references: delAGGlu43," Arg681 His/splicing,= Argl7l stop," Am60 Lys," Tyr441 -. Stop," Gly501 + Arg." Arg260 Qs," Ala394 + Val.") - - - - From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. 150 MIKKOLA ET AL In contrast with the nonsense mutations, the mRNAs of all three different missense mutations (Arg252 -+ ne, Arg326 -+ Gln, and Leu498 Pro) were expressed in amounts compa-+ rable with normal, based on quantitation of the levels of the two different allelic transcripts in heterozygotes. These results, as well as the previous mRNA results from the Met242 Thr mutation, are in agreement with the general observations that missense mutations do not alter the quantity of mRNA. Nevertheless, in none of the cases included in this study could any A-subunit antigen be demonstrated in the platelets by immunofluorescence. In an effort to understand the possible effects of the three missense mutations identified in this work and the Met242 Thr and Arg661 Stop mutations reported earlier by us,28 each mutation site was mapped onto the three-dimensional structure of the wild-type A2 zymogen that had been determined by X-ray crystallographic method^.'^ The four missense mutations are located in the core domain, but none of them affects any of the catalytic triad (Cys314, His373, Asp396) or other residues likely to be directly involved in cataly~is.'~.'~ Furthermore, all four mutation sites are located at least 15 A from the active site of the molecule, and thus, the mutations are not expected to interfere with the enzymatic mechanism. Our structural analysis of the mutations indicates that the consequences are more likely to be disruption of proper protein folding or destabilization of the ensuing structure. The Arg326 "* Gln mutation is a clear example of an amino acid substitution likely to prevent protein folding or to result in a misfolded or unstable structure. This arginine is absolutely conserved among 16 members of the calciumdependent transglutaminase family, including even the nonenzymatic human protein 4.2, which is an indication of its structural importance. Substitution of the buried, positively charged Arg326 with asmaller, uncharged glutamine residue is predicted to create a destabilizing void in the molecule, eliminate two of the three hydrogen bonds observed in the crystal structure, and destroy the electrostatic balance of the molecule. Arg252 is conserved among 13 of the 16 transglutaminase sequences. Two of the transglutaminase proteins that do not have an arginine at this position (P 4.2 and annulin) lack the aspartic acid at position 243 as well. The third, rat prostate transglutaminase, has a shortened loop in this region. The Arg252 "* Ile mutation is another example of substitution of a buried, charged arginine residue with a smaller, uncharged (in this case, hydrophobic) amino acid that is incapable of participating in the same hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions. As a result, this mutation is also predicted to interfere with protein folding or to lead to a misfolded or destabilized structure. Met242 is another core domain residue with a sidechain buried in the molecule. A methionine in this position is peculiar to FXIII; 13 of the other transglutaminases have a slightly shorter hydrophobic leucine residue at this position. The Met242 Thr substitution is expected to have a less drastic effect than the other three missense mutations, although the mutant is also predicted to lead to a misfolded or destabilized folded molecule. It is interesting to note that the side-chain moieties of Met242 and Arg 252 pack against -+ -+ -+ -+ each other in an antiparallel manner. Both the Met242 Thr and Arg252 + Ile mutations yield smaller buried amino acid sidechains at the mutation site and a vacuum in the same region of the core domain. Although these mutation sites are located far from the active site of the molecule (about 25 A), the alteration of amino acid size and chemical nature brought about by the residue substitutions maybe enough to destabilize the molecule or even interfere with proper folding. The Leu498 residue is conserved among only four of the transglutaminase sequences. This is not surprising, as this residue, located in a core domain alpha helix, is partially exposed to solvent, and this site is, thus, expected to more easily accommodate some variation in amino acid type. The substitution of leucine 498 witha proline is a mutation, however, that has dramatic structural consequences. The constraints of the proline ring introduce unfavorable close interatomic contacts and disrupt the mainchain hydrogenbonding pattern that is characteristic of helix structure. As a result, the proline mutant is predicted to fold with a kinked helix, which in turn is expected to destabilize the molecule or even interfere with dimer formation. Our analyses of these four missense mutations predict that each would interfere with folding or lead to misfolded and unstable structures, which, in turn, is assumed to result in premature intracellular degradation of the mutant polypeptides. 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