10th EFAS Congress Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I Palau Congressos de Catalunya Barcelona, Spain 16th-18th October 2014 Preliminary Programme Register on-line at www.efas.co WELCOME Dear Colleagues, It is with great pleasure that I send you the Preliminary Programme for the 10th EFAS Congress which will be hosted in Barcelona on 16-18 October 2014. The congress received an unprecedented number of abstract submissions and as a result the Scientific Committee devised a Parallel programme of Free Paper Sessions. Combining parallel free papers with the plenary session Keynote Lectures delivered by the finest foot and ankle specialists in Europe this promises to be a stimulating scientific event. We are honoured to have our International faculty participating in the congress in Barcelona and look forward to this session and the ‘Views from Outside Europe’ on Friday 17th October. Besides the excellent scientific and social program of the Congress, Barcelona is a beautiful Mediterranean city with a long tourist tradition that offers visitors not only fun, but also multiple visits and cultural activities. EFAS has grown to become a family of friends and colleagues around Europe who share a common passion for foot and ankle surgery and at our congress we celebrate this so please ensure that you join in the social activities during our 3 days together. We look forward to welcoming you to Barcelona on 16th-18th October. Antonio Viladot EFAS President and Local Host EFAS Scientific Committee Fernando Alvarez Antonio Dalmau Marino Delmi Johannes Hamel Fabian Krause Eduard Rabat David Redfern (Chair) Alexandre Rochwerger Dishan Singh Francesca Vannini Antonio Viladot (Local Host) EFAS Council Members Jean-Luc Besse (France) Bart Burger (Netherlands) Maria Cöster (Sweden) Jacques de Halleux (Belgium) Marino Delmi (Switzerland) Andre Gomes (Portugal) Marco Guelfi(Italy) David Redfern (UK) Manfred Thomas (Germany) Victor Valderrabano (Switzerland) EFAS Council Officers Antonio Viladot (President) Jan-Willem Louwerens (Past-President) Martinus Richter (President-Elect) Don Mc Bride (Treasurer) Yves Tourné (Secretary) Faculty: Speakers & Moderators Per-Henrik Ågren Fernando Alvarez Juan Yanez Arauz Pierre Barouk Stephen Bendall Jean-Luc Besse Bart Burger Gonzalo Concheiro Maria Coster Antonio Dalmau Mark Davies Jacques de Halleux Mariano de Prado Marino Delmi Patrice Diebold Jörn Dohle Norman Espinosa Sandro Giannini Andre Gomes Marco Guelfi Beat Hintermann William Jeffcoate Hong-Guen Jung Hakon Kofoed Fabian Krause Jan-Willem Louwerens Ernesto Maceira Nicola Maffulli Bruno Magnan Xavier Martin Don McBride Manuel Monteagudo Stephen Parsons Eduard Rabat Stefan Rammelt David Redfern Martinus Richter Pascal Rippstein Alexandre Rochwerger Tim Schepers Dishan Singh Kang-Lai Tang Manfred Thomas Yves Tourné Victor Valderrabano Francesca Vannini Jordi Vega Joel Vernois Antonio Viladot Ramon Viladot Jesus Vila y Rico Markus Walther Ian Winson Henry SF Yip 10th EFAS International Congress PRELIMINARY SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 16TH-18TH October 2014 ThursDAY 16TH OCTOBER 2014 07:00 08:00 Registration Opening Ceremony - Room: Marenostrum A. Viladot, EFAS President, D. Redfern, Chair of EFAS Scientific Committee, G. Concheiro, President SEMCPT 08:10-08:20 08:20-08:30 08:30-08:40 08:40-08:50 08:50-09:00 09:00-09:20 Session 1 Symposium: FOREFOOT; The Plantar Plate Joint chair: J.W. Louwerens & A. Rochwerger Room: Marenostrum In Memorium - P. Golano. A. Viladot Mechanics, Pathomechanics and classification. A. Viladot When, why and how I repair the plantar plate. M. Thomas Why and how I manage without plantar plate repair. E. Maceira Minimally invasive options. D. Redfern Discussion 09:20-09:26 09:26-09:32 09:32-09:38 09:38-09:44 09:44-09:50 09:50-09:56 09:56-10:02 10:02-10:15 10:15-10:45 Session 2 FREE PAPERS Joint chair: M. Guelfi & M. Thomas Room: Marenostrum Role of prophylactic antibiotics in lesser toe fusion surgery: A perspective randomized controlled study. J. Mangwani Long-term effect of wearing highheeled shoes. A controlled cohort study. G. Borchgrevimk Does arthrodesis of the first metatarso-phalangeal joint correct the intermetatarsal M1M2. F. Dalat Immediate Fullweightbearing After Tarsometatarsal Arthrodesis For hallux valgus correction. N. Gutteck The influence of hindfoot malalignment in hallux valgus surgery. D. Perez Prieto Does MRI enhance the detection rate of Mortons neuroma in daily practice? C. Plaas TMT-1-arthrodesis using a plantar plate. Biomechanical, anatomical and clinical results. K.Klos Discussion Coffee Break, Exhibition & Posters 09:14-09:20 09:20-09:26 09:26-09:32 Session 2A FREE PAPERS Chair: F. Alvarez Room: Tetral Plantar fascia anatomy and its relationship with Achilles tendon and paratenon. C. Biz The role of fasciae in the pathogenesis of civinini-morton syndrome. C. Biz Which type of lower leg walking cast provides the best ankle immobilization and foot unloading? N. Keijsers 09:32-09:38 09:38-09:44 09:44-09:50 09:50-09:56 09:56-10:02 10:02-10:08 10:08-10:14 10:14-10:20 10:20-10:45 The footprint of the Achilles tendon. A cadaveric study. M. Ballal Role of SPECT-CT as a diagnostic tool in symptomatic patients after foot and ankle Surgery. S. Horriat Medial approach for double hindfoot arthrodesis: first 16 cases. A. Ruiz Nasarre Prospective data on a three component press-fit prosthesis for hallux rigidus, 24 months followup. S. Wassink The clinical relevance of osteoarthritis within the metatarsosesamoid joint in hallux valgus. P. Bock Outcome of open anatomic reduction and temporary arthrodesis in ligamentous Lisfranc injuries. F. Krause Endoscopic release for Flexor hallucis longus tenosynovitis. O. El Shazly A novel minimal invasive chevron technique. Midterm results in comparison to the classical method. G. Kaufmann Coffee Break, Exhibition & Posters 10:45-10:55 10:55-11:05 11:05-11:15 11:15-11:25 11:25-11:35 11:35-12:00 12:00-14:00 Session 3 Symposium: SPORTS; The Achilles Joint chair: E. Rabat & D. McBride Room: Marenostrum Defining insertional, non-insertional & Haglund’s Achilles pathology. S. Bendall The role of modern biologics and the evidence. N. Espinosa The role of the gastrocnemii. P. Barouk The Zadek osteotomy in distal Achilles pathology. P. Rippstein Arthroscopic treatment options for Achilles pathology. I. Winson Discussion Lunch, Exhibition, Industry Workshops and Posters. 14:00-14:10 14:10-14:20 14:20-14:30 14:30-14:40 14:40-14:50 14:50-15:15 Session 4 Symposium: SPORTS; Arthroscopy Joint chair: B. Magnan & J. Vega Room: Marenostrum (VIDEO based presentations) “My technique and tips for….” Posterior ankle endoscopy. N. Espinosa Arthroscopy/endoscopy of subtalar joints /sinus tarsi. X. Martin Arthroscopic Subtalar Fusion. S. Parsons Tendonoscopy in the foot & ankle. J. Vega Hallux MTPJ arthroscopy. M. Walther Discussion 15:10-15:16 15:16-15:22 15:22-15:28 Session 5 FREE PAPERS Joint chair: J. Vila y Rico & M. Cöster Room: Marenostrum Combined Arthroscopic Management of Concurrent Posterior and Anterior Ankle pathologies. N.M.N. Abdelatif Ilizarov fixator with or without Arthroscopy? For Treatment of pilon fractures A prospective comparison. H. el-Mowafi Matrix-Associated Stem cell Transplantation (MAST) in Chondral Defects is Safe and effective. M. Richter 15:28-15:34 15:34-15:40 15:40-15:50 15:50-16:20 Results of arthrodiastasis in postraumatic ankle osteoarthritis in a young population: Prospective Comparative Study. M. Herrera-Perez Reliability Of The Lisfranc Fracture Dislocation Injury Radiological Classifi cation (Modified Hardcastle Classification System). M. Shady Discussion Coffee Break, Exhibition & Posters. 16:25-16:30 16:30-16:35 16:35-16:40 16:40-16:45 16:45-16:50 16:50-16:55 16:55-17:00 17:00-17:05 17:05-17:10 17:10-17:25 17:25 Session 6 POSTER SESSION Joint chair: J. de Halleux & Y. Tourné Room: Marenostrum Closing the forefoot surgical exposure. We need to lower the tourniquet and do active hemostasis? E. Gardella Use of the reverse Coleman block test for early diagnosis of the medial foot column insufficiency. Z. Posoldova The pathophysiology and treatment of central biomechanical metatarsalgia. M.G. Minicelli Total ankle replacement in patients with severe bleeding disorders. A.Barg No correlation between Bone cyst volume and clinical symptoms in patients with ankle replacement. E. Hamborg-Petersen Comparison of the Early Results of Distal Metatarsal Mini-invasive Osteotomy and Weil Osteotomy. N. Yeo A comparison study of percutaneous chevron osteotomy with standard chevron osteotomy in hallux valgus. S. Palmer New Arch Index classification for dynamic plantar pressure measurements. N. Stolwijk Treatment of the insertional achilles tendinopathie through a transtendinous approach. C.Plaass Discussion Adjourn 16:20-16:26 16:26-16:32 16:32-16:38 16:38-16:44 16:44-16:50 16:50-16:56 16:56-17:02 17:02-17:08 17:08-17:14 Session 6A FREE PAPERS Chair: F. Vannini Room: Tetral Realignment osteotomy in fibular malunion: mid-term results in 19 consecutive patients. A. Barg A new rule for the use of radiography in acute ankle injuries. I. Spanos Akin Osteotomy in Hallux Valgus surgery with or without staple. G. Mancheno Anatomy of the insertion of the tibialis posterior tendon. C. Plaass Mid- to long-term outcome of modified Triple Arthrodesis. J. Röhm A biomechanical comparison of osteosynthesis of intra-articular calcaneal fractures in cadavers. K. Klos A prospective anlaysis of the results of Endoscopic Gastrocnemius Recession Procedure using a single portal technique. G. Thevendren Comparative analysis of functional results, quality of life, and sport activities, after lower limb joint replacement. M. C. Lomberget Daubie Sport Activity after AMIC-aided Repair of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus. M. Wiewiorski 17:14-17:20 17:20-17:26 17:26-17:32 17:32 Treatment of extended osteochondral lesion of talus by a vascularized bone graft. B. Hintermann Understanding therapy resistant plantar fasciitis; The difference in plantar pressure between patients with a chronic plantar fasciitis and healthy controls during gait. E. Hoefnagels Early Results and Learning Curve for an MIS Approach for Medial Displacement Calcanceal Osteotomy V. Borse Adjourn 18:30 – WELCOME RECEPTION Venue: Mediterranean Gardens of the Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I FRIDAY 17TH OCTOBER 2014 08:00-08:25 08:25-08:35 08:35-08:55 08:55-09:20 Session 7 Symposium: DIABETES; CHARCOT ARTHROPATHY Joint chair: S. Bendall & M. Delmi Room: Marenostrum Aetiology and Current Medical Therapy In Charcot Arthropathy Of The Foot and Ankle. W. Jeffcoate Should we reconstruct; does it really work? P.-H. Ågren When & how to intervene in acute dislocation of a Charcot midfoot. J. W. Louwerens Total Ankle Replacement and Diabetes. J.-L. Besse 09:20-09:26 09:26-09:32 09:32-09:38 09:38-09:44 09:44-09:50 09:50-09:56 09:56-10:10 10:10-10:40 Session 8: FREE PAPERS Joint chair: P.-H. Ågren & A. Gomes Room: Marenostrum Arthroscopis Arthrodesis of the Isolted Talo-Navicular Joint. A. Parsons Simultaneous Tibial Osteotomy and Total Ankle Replacement in Severe Misaligned and Arthritic Ankles. C. Schweizer Interest of tantalum for arthrodesesreconstruction of TAR revision: preliminary results in five cases. M.C. Lomberget Daubie Total Ankle Replacement using the Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement, follow up of 200 cases. J. Froekjaer A 1-14 years follow-up of 308 STAR total ankle replacements. A prospective single centre study. N.C. Jensen 3-year results after cartilage reconstruction with autologous matrix induced chondrogenesis (AMIC). M. Walther Discussion Coffee Break, Exhibition & Posters 09:20-09:26 09:26-09:32 Session 8A: FREE PAPERS Chair: A. Rochwerger Room: Tetral Results of Minimally Invasive Calcaneal Osteotomy for Hindfoot Deformity Correction. D. Redfern Ankle fracture fixation: does grade of surgeon influence quality of reduction? V. Roberts 09:32-09:38 09:38-09:44 09:44-09:50 09:50-09:56 09:56-10:02 10:02-10:10 10:10-10:40 Comparison of Iliac Crest Graft and Demineralised Bone Matrix Augmentation in Arthrodesis surgery. J. Widnall Surgical treatment of displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures, bone grafts are required? R. Rivero Salvage of Talar Bone Stock Loss with a Custom Designed Talar Component in Revision Arthroplasty. J. Wagener Does Objective Change in VAS Reflect the Patient’s Subjective Opinion? H. Ribee Percutaneous distal osteotomy of lesser metatarsals for treatment of metatarsalgia. B. Magnan Discussion Coffee Break, Exhibition & Posters Session 9 International Guest Session “VIEWS FROM OUTSIDE EUROPE” Joint chair: A. Viladot & M. Richter Room: Marenostrum 10:40-10:55 Fresh Frozen Allograft for reconstruction of massive osteochondral defects of the talus. J.Y. Arauz, FLAMeCiPP 10:55-11:10 Reconstruction of the Chronic Subtalar Instability using the Semitendinosus Allograft Tendon and Biotenodesis Screws. H.G. Jung, KFAS 11:10-11:25 The New Classification And Treatment Of Plantar Fasciitis With Calcaneous Spur Under Endoscopy. K.L. Tang, COFAS 11:25-11:40 Modified distal soft tissue procedure in Hallux valgus surgery. H.S.F. Yip, APSFAS 11:40-11:45 Discussion 11:45-13:15 13:15-14:30 Session 10 EFAS GENERAL ASSEMBLY General Assembly and Council Elections. Lunch, Exhibition and Industry Workshops. 14:30-15:00 15:00-15:10 THE PRESIDENT’S LECTURE: ‘The Past, Present And Future of Total Ankle Replacement’. H. Kofoed President’s Farewell and Inauguration of New President. 15:10-15:20 15:20-15:35 15:35-15:45 15:45-15:55 15:55-16:05 16:05-16:15 16:15-16:45 Session 11 Symposium HINDFOOT: The adult Acquired Flatfoot Joint chair: R. Viladot & D. Singh Room: Marenostrum Anatomy, pathology and classification of adult acquired flatfoot. M. Delmi Current Concepts / Treatments for stage II disease. B. Hintermann I don’t need a tendon transfer in stage II disease. M. Monteagudo Why and how I use an arthroeresis screw. F. Alvarez Treatment in stage III and IV. J. Dohle Discussion Coffee Break, Exhibition & Posters. Room: Marenostrum 16:45-16:51 16:51-16:57 16:57-17:03 17:03-17:09 17:09-17:15 Session 12 FREE PAPERS Joint chair: B. Burger & F. Alvarez Room: Marenostrum The radiologic prediction of ankle arthritis in pes cavovarus. F. Krause Free and Pedicled Flaps for Reconstruction of the Weight-bearing Sole of the Foot: A comparative analysis. V. Struckmann Percutaneous Calcaneal Osteotomy: A Cadaveric Study. J. Vernois Tibiotalocalcaneal Fusion Using a Retrograde Triple Bending Nail is Safe and Effective - 1-Year-Followup Results. M. Richter Discussion Session 12A FREE PAPERS Chair: A. Dalmau Room: Tetral Flecting Osteotomy of Distal Tibia for Salvage of the Unstable Osteoarthritic Ankle. L. Bolliger Outcome of first tarsometatarsal joint fusion with small fragment tplate and an inter-fragmentary. N.M.N. Abdelatif AFCP French Total Ankle Replacement Registry: activity report of first 18 months. J.-L. Besse A new scoring system for sesamoid displacement in hallux valgus. J. Widnall Early stages of Charcot with immediate weight bearing protocol:Radiological and functional findings. A. Godoy-Santos 16:45-16:51 16:51-16:57 16:57-17:03 17:03-17:09 17:09-17:15 17:15-17:20 17:20-17:25 17:25-17:35 Session 13 Round Table “MIS & OPEN TECHNIQUES IN THE FOREFOOT” (CASE LED DEBATE) Joint chair: A. Viladot & D. Redfern Room: Marenostrum Case 1: 42yr old marathon runner with isolated stiff hammered 2nd toe (iatrogenic short 1st ray) but only occasional mild associated metatarsalgia. My open surgical solution. Y. Tourné My MIS solution. E. Rabat Panel & floor debate. 17:35-17:40 17:40-17:45 17:45-17:55 Case 2: 75yr old lawyer with bilateral multiple triplanar lesser toe deformties (mild asymptomatic hallux valgus) but minimal metatarsalgia. My open surgical solution. M. Guelfi My MIS solution. J. Vernois Panel & floor debate. 17:55-18:00 18:00-18:05 18:05-18:15 18:15 Case 3: 36yr old female with symptomatic type II/III bunionette. My open surgical solution. P. Diebold My MIS solution. M. de Prado Panel & floor debate. Adjourn 20:30 – EFAS CONGRESS & PRESIDENT’S DINNER Venue: Xalet de Montjuic SATURDAY 18TH OCTOBER 2014 08:10-08:16 08:16-08:22 08:22-08:28 08:28-08:40 Session 14 FREE PAPERS Joint chair: F. Vannini & S. Rammelt Room: Marenostrum Biomechanical comparison of suture-anchor and augmentation with Internal Brace for ATFL REPAIR. M. Willegger PedCAT for 3D-Imaging in Standing Position Measures Angles More Accurate than Radiographs or CT. M. Richter Arthrodesis of the First Metatarsophalangeal joint: A Biomechanical Study of Fixation Methods. E. Harris Discussion 08:40-08:50 08:50-09:00 09:00-09:10 09:10-09:30 Session 15 Symposium RESEARCH: BIOLOGICS IN THE FOOT & ANKLE Joint chair: S. Giannini & X. Martin Room: Marenostrum Augmentation of bone union. V. Valderrabano Hyaline cartilage repair. A. Dalmau Tendon / Ligament repair. N. Maffulli Discussion EFAS RESEARCH AWARD 2014 Room: Marenostrum 09:30-09:45 09:45-10:00 10:00-10:15 10:15-10:21 10:21-10:27 10:27-10:33 10:33-10:39 10:39-10:50 10:50-11:20 Chair: G. Matricali Biomechanical Analysis of screw fixation with different head design for Lapidus Arthrodesis. M. Willegger Unilateral vs. simultaneous bilateral primary hallux valgus correction surgery. Prospective analysis. A. Kroell Postoperative oxygenation and metabolism of the soft tissue covering total ankle replacement. F. Linde Session 16 FREE PAPERS Joint chair: J. Dohle & J.-L. Besse Room: Marenostrum An evaluation of retrospective SF-12 and FFI outcome scores in elective foot and ankle surgery. J. Widnall The diagnostic value of SPECT-CT in foot and ankle surgery - a comparison with MRI. C. Plaass Venous thromboprophylaxis in foot and ankle surgery. N. Saragas Comparison of the SEFAS and the AOFAS score. M. Cöster Discussion Coffee Break, Exhibition & Posters. 11:20-11:30 11:30-11:40 11:40-11:50 11:50-12:00 12:00-12:10 12:10-12:20 Session 17 Symposium TRAUMA Joint chair: A. Dalmau & F. Krause Room: Marenostrum Current evidence for optimal management of calcaneal fracture. T. Schepers Current evidence for optimal management of Achilles rupture. M. Richter The osteoporotic ankle fracture – recognition and treatment options. S. Rammelt Avoiding syndesmotic malreduction and treating this complication. M. Davies Arthroscopic ATFL reconstruction. J. Vega Discussion 12:20-12:30 EFAS RESEARCH AWARD 2014 – PRESENTATION Joint chairs: G. Matricali & V. Valderrabano Room: Marenostrum 12:30-12:45 EFAS AWARDS 2014 – PRESENTATION CEREMONY Joint chairs: A. Viladot & D. Redfern EFAS Best oral clinical paper award EFAS Best poster award Room: Marenostrum 12:45 Closing Ceremony (followed by light lunch and depart / afternoon social excursion) num Sponsors SPONSORS EFAS gives special thanks to its Platinum Sponsors for their continued support; INDUSTRY WORKSHOPS Sponsors Delegates are invited to participate in workshops arranged by industry during the congress programme. Please note that while EFAS has facilitated the scheduling of these workshops the society has no responsibility for the content of same and attendance is at the discretion of each participant. Buffet lunch will be served in the Exhibition Area during the congress. The workshops are scheduled for 40 minutes to allow delegates to enjoy lunch and visit the industry stands in the Exhibition area. THURSDAY 16th OCTOBER 2014 – 13.00-13.40 Title: INFINITY Total Ankle Replacement - Creating the Future Presenter: Wright Room: Llevant b please contact the EFASTitle: Secretariat, MinimallyEmail: Invasive Hindfoot Stabilization with HyProCure® Congress Major Sponsor Presenter: Lukasz Kolodziej Room: Mestral Title: Ankle Reconstruction Fusion vs. Prosthesis Presenter: Rodrigo Diaz-Fernandez, Federico Usuelli Room: Ponent Title: AMIC© Talus - Different Surgical Approaches Presenters: (Chair) Victor Valderrabano, (Presenters) Markus Walther, Martin Wiewiorski Room: Tramuntana FRIDAY 17th OCTOBER 2014 – 13.40-14.20 Title: TIC Fusion with 611, Angle Ankle Fusion Nail Sponsors for their continued support of the society. Presenter: Jean-Luc Besse tinum Sponsors Room: Mestral d Sponsors Club please contact the EFAS Secretariat, Email: Title: Hands on Experience: Foot & Ankle Solutions Presenter: Integra Room: Ponent Title: Stabilization of the Medial Column with VA Plates Presenter: Jan-Willem Louwerens Room: Tramuntana Title: MICA The Evolution of Foot Surgery Presenter: To be Confirmed Room: Llevant NeoFit® MTP Plate I.B.S.® S Snap-off Screw I.B.S.® C Compression Screw I.B.S.® N Neutralisation Screw DuaFit® PIP Implant OS2® C Compression Staple Koren® Suture Anchor Single use instruments for extremity surgery, always sterile, complete and ready for use. LET THE FUTURE ENTER YOUR PRACTICE In2Bones - 28, chemin du Petit Bois - 69130 Ecully - FRANCE - ✆ +33 (0)4 72 29 26 26 - FAX +33 (0)4 72 29 26 29 [email protected] - www.in2bones.com GENERAL INFORMATION Organisation & Congress Secretariat European Foot and Ankle Society EFAS Secretariat, 76a Upper Georges Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 230 2591 Fax: +353 1 230 2594 Email: [email protected] Website: www.efas.co Barcelona, Spain The city is the capital of Catalunya, a region of Northern Spain that has its own unique culture, traditions and personality. Barcelona is home to masterpieces of many great architects including Antoni Gaudí whose work is admired around the world as being one of the most unique and distinctive styles in modern architecture. Barcelona now boasts a new seafront area and the famous La Rambla leads down to the refurbished Port Vell which has become a popular leisure area. A gastronomic city, Barcelona has an abundance of fine restaurants and due to its wonderful Mediterranean climate visitors can dine al fresco in October in temperatures of 18° (65F). Congress Venue – Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I The venue for the EFAS Congress is the Hotel Rey Juan I Carlos, part of the Palau Congressos de Catalunya complex. Encircling the Palau and hotel are 25,000m² 19th century Gardens which makes the location an oasis on the edge of Barcelona city. Located on the Diagonal, the city’s main avenue, the venue is a walking distance from shopping, cultural and financial centres and guests can take the Metro into the city centre. SOCIAL PROGRAMME Thursday 16th October Welcome Reception 18:30 - 20:00 Welcome Reception including Spanish Wines and Tapas served in the lush 19th Century Mediterranean gardens of the Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I. Tickets: 1 ticket free per Full Delegate Registration fee and €20 for Extra Tickets FRIday 17th OCTOBER Congress and President Dinner 20:30 Guests will be transported to Xalet de Montjuic on the hillside with spectacular views overlooking Barcelona for an evening of fine wines, dinner and excellent Spanish hospitality. Tickets: €65 SATURday 18th October Cava Tasting, Cellar Visit & Gourmet Dinner at Cava & Hotel Mastinell 16:00 Guests will travel to El Penedes region – 30 minutes from Barcelona – to have a guided Cellar Visit, Cava Tasting and Private Gourmet Dinner with Wines. Tickets: €60 Insurance Registration Fees do not included insurance and delegates are advised to arrange their own travel insurance. Cancellation No refunds of registration fees are available after 1st September 2014. Cancellation of accommodation reservations must be received in writing to the Secretariat and are subject to the Group cancellation policy of the Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I. Visas For delegates who may need to apply for a visa for entry in Spain please refer to: http://www.barcelonacity.com/v/visa_requirements/ How to reach Barcelona By Air: Barcelona El Prat Airport (IATA: BCN ICAO: LEBL) is situated 14kms from the City. The congress venue is 15 minute by car or taxi from the airport and the taxi fare c€20. By train/metro to journey is 40 minutes. Take the train from the Airport to Sants Estació station. From the station, take the metro line number 3 (green line) to Zona Universitaria and the hotel is a short walk from the metro stop. The venue is very accessible for access to the motorways to Madrid, France and the Mediterranean coastline. Exhibition and Sponsorship There are opportunities for industry to participate in an exhibition at the 10th EFAS Congress. Request an information pack from the EFAS Secretariat at efas@ eventplus.ie – Tel: +353 1 230 2591. Congress Language The main congress language is English. Simultaneous Translation EnglishSpanish is being provided courtesy of the SEMCPT in the plenary sessions in the Marenostrum room only during the congress. Accreditation The organisers have applied for EACCME Accreditation for this congress Registration and Accommodation Online Registration is available on the EFAS website: www.efas.co Registration Fees for delegates include: Congress & Exhibition entrance fees, congress bag with final programme and book of abstracts, coffee breaks, lunches (Thursday, Friday & Saturday) and Welcome Reception. Please note that Accommodation, Congress Dinner, Tours and Accompanying Persons fees are not included in the delegate registration fees. Hotel Accommodation: The reduced rate EFAS rooms allocation in the Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I is now fully booked. Hotel Accommodation is available in the Senator Hotel Barcelona which is 10 minute walk from the congress venue. Online reservations are possible at http://www.senatorbarcelonaspahotel.com PARTNER AND FAMILY PROGRAMME PARTNER AND FAMILY PROGRAMME There will will be be aaprogramme tours available for accompanying persons and a special There programmeof of tours available for accompanying persons and a special afternoon tour on Saturday following the Congress. afternoon tour on Saturday following the Congress. Please of of 1515 persons areare required forfor all all tours to proceed. Please note note that that minimum minimumnumbers numbers persons required tours to proceed. Tour individual and and lunch lunch isisnot notincluded. included.Tours Tourcan canbebe booked using Online Tour prices prices are are individual booked using thethe Online Registration form at www.efas.co. Registration form at www.efas.co Thursday 16th October th Thursday October ●16 Morning Walking Tour: 09:30-13:30 Morning Walking Tour: 09.30-13.30 Barcelona’s Gothic Roman and Medieval Quarter including Ramblas, 4th Century Barcelona’s Gothic Roman and Medieval Quarter including Ramblas, 4th Century Gothic Palace, Subterranean areas and the walled city. Gothic Palace, Subterranean areas and the walled city. Cost: €40.00 (Guests transport to centre city centre an agreed meeting point) Cost: 40.00 (Guests taketake own own transport to city to antoagreed meeting point) ● Afternoon Tour: 14:00-18:00 14.00-18.00 Afternoon World Tour: of Gaudi: visit some of Gaudi’s most notiable works Passeig de Gracia, World of Milà, Gaudi: some of Gaudi’s most notiable works Passeig de Gracia, Casa Lavisit Sagrada Familia and Park Güell. Casa Milà, La Sagrada Familia and Park Güell. Cost: €65.00 Cost: 65.00 Friday17 17th October October Friday Morning ● Morning Tour: 10:00-13:00 Tour: 10.00-13.00 Barcelona Stadium – ‘Camp Nou’ Experience, Barcelona Stadium – ‘Camp Nou’ Experience,FC FCBarcelona. Barcelona. Cost: 40.00 Cost: €40.00 th ● Full Day Tour: 09:30-17:00 Full Day Tour: 09.30-17.00 Girona Figueras: Visit Girona, Romancity citywith withancient ancienttemples temples 14th Century Girona andand Figueras: Visit Girona, Roman 14th Century Cathedral and the town of Figueras where Salvador Dali lived and worked. Cathedral and the town of Figueras where Salvador Dali lived and worked. Cost: €105.00 Cost: 105.00 th Saturday Saturday18 18thOctober October Tour: 09.30-13.30 Morning ● Morning Tour: 09:30-13:30 Montserrat: Visit the spectacular Monastery built into the Mountains. Montserrat: Visit the spectacular Monastery built into the Mountains. Cost: 55.00 Cost: €55.00 Special ● Special Evening Tour: 16:00-21:30 Evening Tour: 16.00-21.30 Cava & Hotel Mastinell, Penedes Region. Cava & Hotel Mastinell, Penedes Region. Cost: 60.00 Cost: €60.00 (Return Transport, GuidedGuided Cellar Visit, Cava Tasting and Privateand Gourmet Dinner with Wines) (Return Transport, Cellar Visit, Cava Tasting Private Gourmet Dinner with Wines) FORTHCOMING EFAS MEETINGS CALENDAR 2014 2014 FORTHCOMING EFAS MEETINGS CALENDAR Contact: [email protected] ,Website: www.efas.co Contact:FORTHCOMING [email protected] ,Website: www.efas.co CALENDAR EFAS Fax: MEETINGS Tel: +353-1-230-2591, +353-1-230-2594 EFAS MEETINGS CALENDAR Tel:FORTHCOMING +353-1-230-2591, Fax: +353-1-230-2594 Contact: [email protected] ,Website: www.efas.co Contact: [email protected] www.efas.co Tel: +353-1-230-2591, Fax: ,Website: +353-1-230-2594 Tel: +353-1-230-2591, Fax: +353-1-230-2594 10th EFAS International 10th 2014 EFAS International Congress Congress th th 2014 16th-1816 October, Hotel ReyHotel Juan Carlos, Palau de Congressos Catalunya,de Barcelona, Spain -18th October, Rey Juan Carlos, Palau de de Congressos Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain 10th EFAS International Congress th 2015 16 -18thInternational October, HotelCongress Rey Juan Carlos, Palau de Congressos de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain 2015 10th EFAS rd 3 EFAS Cadaver Course th 3rd th EFAS Cadaver Course October, Hotel Rey JuanBarcelona, Carlos, Palau de Congressos de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain 5th16 -6th -18 February, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain (LIMITED TO 30 PLACES) th th 2015 5 -6 February, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (LIMITED TO 30 PLACES) 3rd EFAS Cadaver Course 17th EFAS Course 2015 th Instructional th 517th February, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (LIMITED TO 30 PLACES) th -6 EFAS Instructional 233rdrd-24 April, Elzenveld, Antwerp,Course Belgium EFAS Course rd Cadaver th 23 -24 April, Elzenveld, Antwerp, Belgium th 5th-6 February, de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (LIMITED TO 30 PLACES) 17th EFAS Course EFAS Specialty DayInstructional at Universitat EFORT Congress th rd-24th April, Elzenveld, Antwerp, Belgium 27th -2923 May, Prague, Czech Republic EFAS Specialty Day at EFORT Congress th th 17th27 EFAS -29Instructional May, Prague,Course Czech Republic rd th EFAS Advanced Symposium EFAS Specialty Day at EFORT Congress 23 -24th April, Elzenveld, Antwerp, Belgium th Tower Hotel & Conference Centre, Genoa, Italy 4th-5th December, 27 May, Prague, Czech Republic EFAS-29 Advanced Symposium 4th -5th December, Tower Hotel & Conference Centre, Genoa, Italy EFASEFAS Specialty DaySymposium at EFORT Congress 2016 Advanced th th th th May, 4TH 27 EFAS4-29 Cadaver Course Prague, Czech Republic -5 December, Tower Hotel & Conference Centre, Genoa, Italy 2016 February, Barcelona, Spain TH 4 EFAS Cadaver Course EFAS Advanced Symposium 2016 February, Barcelona, Spain 18ththEFAS th Instructional Course TH 4 Location -5 December, 4 EFAS CadaverTower CourseHotel & Conference Centre, Genoa, Italy April, TBC February, Spain 18th EFASBarcelona, Instructional Course Foot International 2016TBC April, Location 2016 EFAS, 18thi-FAB EFASCongress Instructional Course TH DAF, 4rd-25EFAS Course th 23 JuneCadaver 2016, Urania, April, Location TBC Berlin, Germany Foot International 2016 February, Barcelona, Spain EFAS, DAF, i-FAB Congress THER EVENTS 2014 notified to EFAS) th Foot International 2016 23rd-25 June(as 2016, Urania, Berlin, Germany TH ST 18thEFAS, 5th IFFAS Triennial Scientific Meeting, 19 -21 September, 2014, Chicago, USA. EFAS Instructional Course DAF, i-FAB Congress information: www.iffas.org rd more April,23For Location TBC -25th June 2016, Urania, Berlin, Germany OTHER EVENTS 2014 (as notified to EFAS) 5th IFFAS Triennial Scientific Meeting, 19TH-21ST September, 2014, Chicago, USA. Foot International 2016 OTHER EVENTS 2014 (as notified to EFAS) For more information: www.iffas.org DAF, 5th IFFAS Triennial Scientific Meeting, 19TH-21ST September, 2014, Chicago, USA. EFAS, i-FAB Congress For2016, more information: www.iffas.org 23rd-25th June Urania, Berlin, Germany 3rd EFAS Cadaver Course 5th - 6th February 2015 Faculty of Medicine University of Barcelona Register Online www.efas.co Course Limited to 30 Participants Foot Surgery Smart Toe® II Intramedullary implants for PIP and DIP arthrodesis Anchorage® Plating systems for fore-foot and midfoot surgery Asnis® Micro Cannulated screw system Fixos® Headless and Snapoff screw system VariAx® Foot Locking plating system EasyClip® Range of superelastic staples SonicPin® Innovative solution for implant anchoring Percutaneous Reamers Stainless steel reusable reamers MemoStep® Heated shape memory fixation devices Stainless Steel Varisation Staples K-Snap® Break-off ostheosynthesis devices with buffer head Want more information ? Don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] This document is intended solely for the use of healthcare professionals. A healthcare professional must always rely on his or her own professional clinical judgment when deciding whether to use a particular product when treating a particular patient. Stryker does not dispense medical advice and recommends that healthcare professionals be trained in the use of any particular product before using it in surgery. The information presented is intended to demonstrate the breadth of Stryker product offerings. A healthcare professional must always refer to the package insert, product label and/ or instructions for use before using any Stryker product. Products may not be available in all markets because product availability is subject to the regulatory and/or medical practices in individual markets. Please contact your Stryker representative if you have questions about the availability of Stryker products in your area. Stryker Corporation or its divisions or other corporate affiliated entities own, use or have applied for the following trademarks or service marks : Stryker, Anchorage®, Asnis® Micro, EasyClip®, FIxos®, K-Snap®, MemoStep®,Percutaneous Reamers, Smart Toe® II, Sonic Pin®, Stainless Steel Varisation Staples and VariAx® Foot. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners or holders. The products listed above are CE marked according to European Medical Device Directive. This material is not intended for distribution outside the EU and EFTA. Mkt Lit-MTXFOOTAD01EN MTX-7492-14 Copyright © 2014 Stryker Stryker Trauma AG - Bohnackerweg 1 - 2545 Selzach - Switzerland
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