§9.1 Momentum and Newton’s second law of motion Collisions: All around us (cars, buses) Grand astronomical scale (stars, galexies) Nuclear, atomic and molecular physics The impulse-momentum theorem relates the change in the momentum of a system to the total force on it and the time interval during which this total forces acts. 1 §9.1 Momentum and Newton’s second law of motion 1. momentum (1)a single particle of massr m r r dr Define: p = m v = m dt (2)a group of particles of mass m1, m2, …, mi, … r r r p = ∑ pi = ∑ m i v i Position vector i of center of mass i 2. the center of mass Total mass r r d r The total momentum of p = M CM ? a system of particle: dt r r r r dr d ⎛ mr ⎞ p = ∑ pi = ∑ mi i = M ⎜⎜ ∑ i i ⎟⎟ dt dt ⎝ i M ⎠ i i §9.1 Momentum and Newton’s second law of motion (1)The position vector of mass center (weighted average) Define: r r mr rCM = ∑ i i M i m r m r m r = 1 r1 + 2 r2 + L + N rN M M M That is z m1 r r1 O x m2 C r r 2 rr c r mN rN y r r r r m 1 r1 + m 2 r2 + L + m N rN rCM = m1 + m 2 + L + m N Total mass of the particle system: M = mtotal = m1 + m 2 + L + m N 2 §9.1 Momentum and Newton’s second law of motion The components in the Cartesian coordinate system: For the system composed of single particles N ∑ r r CM = i=1 N r m i ri x CM = M ∑ m i xi i =1 M N z m2 m1 r r1 r r2 r rc m i yi i =1 M N r rN m N O x y CM = C ∑ y z CM = ∑ i=1 m izi M §9.1 Momentum and Newton’s second law of motion For the common objects as essentially continuous distribution of matter: z dm( x, y, z ) r r x o x CM = M y r r CM = ∫ r rdm M y CM = z CM = ∫ xdm ∫ M yd m ∫ M zd m M 3 §9.1 Momentum and Newton’s second law of motion Example 1: P420 56(b) y 3m l Solution: m l l 2m x m × 0 + 2ml + 3ml / 2 7 l = 6m 12 m × 0 + 2m × 0 + 3ml sin 60o 3 3l = = 6m 12 xCM = yCM §9.1 Momentum and Newton’s second law of motion Example 2: A thin strip of material is bent into the shape of a semicircle of radius R. Find its center of mass. y Solution: dφ dm since the symmetry, R φ we obtained x CM = 0 1 1 π M y CM = y d m = ( R sin ) dφ φ M ∫ M ∫0 π R π 2R = ∫ sin φ d φ = = 0 .637 R π 0 x π 4 §9.1 Momentum and Newton’s second law of motion (2) Momentum of system of particles r r r r r dri drCM d ⎛ mi ri ⎞ ⎟⎟ = M = M ⎜⎜ ∑ p = ∑ pi = ∑ mi d d dt t t⎝ i M ⎠ i i r r r drCM ptotal = M = MvCM dt (3) Kinetic energy of system of particles r r r rri = rrCM + rir′ v i = vCM + v i′ z O r ri mi r ri′ r rCM x C y §9.1 Momentum and Newton’s second law of motion The total Kinetic energy of the whole system 1 1 r r KE total = ∑ m i v i2 = ∑ m i v i ⋅ v i i 2 i 2 r r r r 1 = ∑ m i (vCM + v i′ ) ⋅ (vCM + v i′ ) i 2 r r r ∑i m i v i′ = 0 1 2 2 = ∑ m i (vCM + v ′i + 2vCM ⋅ v i′ ) i 2 r r 1 1 2 = ∑ m i vCM + ∑ m i v i′ 2 + vCM ⋅ ∑ m i v i′ 2 i 2 i i KE total = 1 1 2 MvCM + ∑ m i v ′i 2 2 i 2 5 §9.1 Momentum and Newton’s second law of motion 3. Momentum and Newton’s second law (1)dynamics of a single particle r r r r dp d(m v ) = = ma F total = dt dt (2)dynamics of a system of particles (a)The velocity of the center of mass:r r mi vi r r r v dm r mi dri ∑ drCM d mi ri ∫ i 或 vCM = = ∑ =∑ = M dt M M dt dt i M (b)The acceleration of the center of mass: r r m i ai r ∑ 2r dm a r d v CM d rCM ∫ i a CM = = = or M M dt dt 2 §9.1 Momentum and Newton’s second law of motion (c)Momentum of a system of particles r r r drCM ptotal = M = MvCM dt (d) Newton’s second law for the system of particles r m v d ( r r ∑ i i) r r dptotal dvCM i Ftotal = = =M = MaCM dt dt dt The longer the total force acts on a system, the longer the system is subjected to an acceleration and the greater the change in its velocity. 6 §9.1 Momentum and Newton’s second law of motion (e) Internal and external forces The forces from other particles within the system of particles is called internal force. The forces from sources outside the system of particles is called external force. The total force of the system: r r r r r Ftotal = F1 + F2 + L + Fi + L + FN r r r r = F1in + F1ex + F2 in + F2ex + L r r r = F1ex + + F2ex + L + Fi ex + L §9.1 Momentum and Newton’s second law of motion According to Newton’s third law r r Fin = ∑ Fi in ≡ 0 i because r F1ex m1 r F2ex r r F F12 21 r F3ex r F13 r F31 m2 r F23 r F32 m3 r r r r d p1 F 1 = F 1 ex + F 1 in = d rt r r r dp2 F 2 = F 2 ex + F 2 in = dt LLL r r r r dpN F N = F N ex + F N in = dt 7 §9.1 Momentum and Newton’s second law of motion r r Consider Fin = ∑ Fi in ≡ 0 i The sum of the equations all above is r r r r r d r F1 ex + F2 ex + L + F N ex = ( p1 + p 2 + L + p N ) dt r r r r dptotal dvCM Ftotal = =M = MaCM dt dt §9.2 Impulse-momentum theorem 1. Impulse-momentum theorem of a single particle r r r r p d because = Ftotal Ftotal dt = dp dt r r let dI = Ftotal dt --differential impulse The impulse of the total force on the particle r r r tf r pf r r r r I = ∫ dI = ∫ Ftotal (t)dt = ∫r dp = p f − pi = ∆p ti pi 8 §9.2 Impulse-momentum theorem 2. The Cartesian components of the impulse I I x = y = ∫ ∫ ∫ Iz = t f ti t f ti t f ti total dt = ∆px y total dt = ∆p y Fx F F z total d t = ∆ p z Fx total Fx ave t ti O tf 3. Impulse and average impulse force r r t2 r I = ∫ Ftotal dt = Fave ∆t t1 t2 Ix = ∫ Fx aved t = Fx ave∆t I y = Fy ave∆t Iz = Fz ave∆t t1 §9.2 Impulse-momentum theorem 4. Impulse-momentum theorem of a system of particles r r dptotal For a particle system = Ftotal dr t r I total = ∫ tf ti r F total d t = ∫ pf r pi r r d p total = ∆ p total Components in the Cartesian coordinate system: tf I x total = ∫ Fx totaldt =∆p x total ti tf I y total = ∫ F y totaldt = ∆p y total ti tf I z total = ∫ Fz totaldt = ∆pz total ti notice: r Fin total = N ∑ i =1 r F i in ≡ 0 r tf r I in total = ∫ Fin totaldt ≡ 0 ti 9 §9.2 Impulse-momentum theorem Example 1: throw a ball of mass 0.40kg against a brick wall. Find (a)the impulse of the force on the ball;(b)the average horizontal force exerted on the ball, if the ball is in contact with the wall for 0.01s. Solution: (a) I x = pxf − pxi v1 = −30m/s p xi = mv 1 = 0.40 × ( −30) v 2 = 20m/s = −12kg ⋅ m/s p xf = mv 2 = 0.40 × 20 x = 8.0kg ⋅ m/s I x = p xf − p xi = 8.0 − (12) = 20 kg ⋅ m/s §9.2 Impulse-momentum theorem t (b) I x = ∫ f Fx dt = Fx ave ∆t ti Fx ave = Ix 20 = = 2000N ∆t 0.01 35o Example 2: a base ball of mass 0.14kg is moving horizontally at speed of 42m/s when it is truck by the bat. It leaves the bat in a direction at an angle φ=35º above its incident path and with a speed of 50m/s. (a)Find the impulse of the force exerted on the ball. (b) Assuming the collision last for 1.5 ms, what is the average force? (c)Find the change in the momentum of the bat. 10 §9.2 Impulse-momentum theorem r r r r Solution : (a) I = p f − pi = ∆p I x = p fx − pix = ∆px = mv fx − (−mvix ) = mv f cosφ + mvi = 11.6kg ⋅ m/s r pi r pf yr θ I φ x I y = p fy − piy = ∆p y = mv fy − mv iy = mv f sin φ − 0 = 4.0kg ⋅ m/s Magnitude I = I x2 + I y2 = 12.3kg ⋅ m/s θ = tan direction −1 Iy Ix = 19 o §9.2 Impulse-momentum theorem r r I 12.3 (b) Fav = = = 8200N ∆t 0.0015 θ = tan −1 Iy Ix = 19 o r pi r α ∆pbat r pf yr θ I φ x (c) According to the Newton’s third law, the change in momentum of the bat is equal and opposite to that of the ball. Magnitude ∆p = I = I x2 + I y2 = 12.3kg ⋅ m/s direction α = 180o − tan −1 Iy Ix = 171o 11 §9.2 Impulse-momentum theorem Example 3: Coal drops from a stationary hopper of height 2.0 m at rate of 40 kg/s on to conveyer belt moving with a speed of 2.0 m/s, find the average force exerted on the belt by the coal in the process of the transportation. h r v A §9.2 Impulse-momentum theorem Solution: Choose the mass element of the coal as the particle y △m r p1 ∆px = p2 x − p1 x = p2 = ∆mv ∆py = p2 y − p1 y = p1 = ∆mv′ = ∆m 2 gh v = 2.0m/s r p2 r r r p2 − p1 = ∆p α β x According to the impulse-momentum theorem r r tf r r I = ∫ Fdt = Fav ∆t = ∆p ti 12 §9.2 Impulse-momentum theorem ∆p x p2 ∆mv = = = qv = 80 ( N ) ∆t ∆t ∆t ∆p y p1 ∆m = = = = q 2 gh = 125.2 ( N ) ∆t ∆t ∆t r Fx av = F y av y Fav = Fx av + F y av = 149 ( N ) △m r p1 The angle with respect to the x axis α = tan -1 F y av Fx av = tan -1 p2 r r r p2 − p1 = ∆p α β x 125.2 = 57.4o 80 §9.2 Impulse-momentum theorem the average force exerted on the belt by the coal F ′ = 149 ( N ) β = 180o − 57.4o = 122.6o y △m r p1 r p2 r r r p2 − p1 = ∆p α β x 13 §9.3 the rocket: a system with variable mass A rocket is propelled forward by rearward ejection of burned fuel (gases)that initially was in rocket. The forward force in the rocket is the reaction to the backward force on the ejected material. The total mass is constant , but the mass of the rocket itself decreases as material is ejected. Assuming: initial mass of the system is m0; initial speed of the system is v0; final mass of the system is m´; speed of ejected gases with respect to the rocket is ve. §9.3 the rocket: a system with variable mass The system: rocket and exhausted gases At instant t: The total mass of the rocket: m m The total momentum of the rocket: r r pi = m v At instant t+dt: mass of the rocket m + dm (dm < 0) Mass of the exhausted gases − dm r r m + dm Velocity of the rocket v + dv Velocity of the exhausted gases r r ve + v − dm r v r r v + dv r ve 14 §9.3 the rocket: a system with variable mass The total momentum of the system r r r r r p f = (m + dm)(v + dv ) + (−dm)(ve + v ) r r r r r r = mv + mdv + dmv + dmdv − vedm − dmv r r r = mv + mdv − vedm The change of the momentum in m + d m time interval dt r r r − dm dp = m dv − v e dm r r v + dv r ve Ignore the resistant force of air, according to the impulse –momentum theorem r r r dI = Ftotaldt = dp §9.3 the rocket: a system with variable mass r r r dp dv r dm Ftotal = =m − ve dt dt dt r r r dm dv =m Ftotal + v e dt dt r r dm Fthrust = v e --thrust of the rocket dt 1For ra vertical flying F total = − mg ˆj r r r r d I = Ftotaldt = dp ˆ ve = −ve j r d v = d vˆj 15 §9.3 the rocket: a system with variable mass then − mg dt = m dv + v e dm Integrate the both sides of the equation (assuming that all fuel is exhausted at instant t ´) t′ − ∫ gd t = 0 ∫ vm v0 m′ dm m0 m dv + v e ∫ The maximum speed of the rocket m v m − v 0 = v e ln 0 − g t ′ m′ m v m = v 0 + v e ln 0 − g t ′ m′ §9.3 the rocket: a system with variable mass 2For a horizontal flying r r r F x total = 0 , v e = − v e iˆ , d v = d v iˆ r r r dm dv dm dv Q Ftotal + v e =m = ∴ − dt dt m ve v m = v 0 + v e ln m0 m′ If v0=0, then v m = v e ln m0 m′ 16 §9.3 the rocket: a system with variable mass 3Step rocket: vm = v0 + ve1lnN1 + ve 2lnN2 + L+ venlnNn if v0 = 0 v e 1 = v e 2 = v e 3 = 2500 m ⋅ s -1 N1 = N 2 = N 3 = 6 vm = 2500 ⋅ ln6 3 = 13440 m ⋅ s -1 then It is enough for the launch of a satellite. Question: What will be the effect of the air resistant force? §9.3 the rocket: a system with variable mass 三 17 §9.3 the rocket: a system with variable mass 长征2号C火箭 光荣的长征火箭家族 中国已经自行研制了四大系列12 种型号的运载火箭: 长征1号系列:发射近地轨道小 卫星. 长征2号系列:发射近地轨道中 、大型卫星,和其它航天器. 长征3号系列:发射地球同步高 轨道卫星和航天器. 长征4号系列:发射太阳同步轨 道卫星. §9.3 the rocket: a system with variable mass 1970年4月……2003年5月:发射70次,将54颗国产卫 星,27颗外国卫星,4艘神舟号无人飞船送入太空。 成功率91%(美国德尔塔火箭:94%,欧空局阿丽亚 娜火箭:93%,俄罗斯质子号火箭:90%)。 2003年10月15日:长征2号F运载火箭成功发射神舟5 号载人飞船。 宇航员杨力伟 长征3号A火箭发射的东 方红三号通信卫星 18 §9.3 the rocket: a system with variable mass 神州1号 神州4号 神州2号 神 州 5 号 升 空 神州3号 §9.3 the rocket: a system with variable mass 10月15日,我国在 酒泉卫星发射中心进行 首次载人航天飞行。9 时整,“神舟”五号载 人飞船发射升空。 10月16日6时23 分,“神舟”五号载人飞船 在内蒙古主着陆场成功着 陆,实际着陆点与理论着陆 点相差4.8公里。返回舱完 好无损。航天英雄杨利伟自 主出舱。我国首次载人航天 飞行取得圆满成功。 19 神州5号拍摄的中国版图 沙漠化的中国!!! 从图片上我 们可以清晰看 到我国大部分 土地没有被绿 色植被所覆 盖,而是以赤 裸裸的黄色直 接面向宇宙, 多年的干旱和 毫无节制的滥 砍滥伐使我们 的绿色极度匮 乏! §9.3 the rocket: a system with variable mass 2005年10月12日:长征2号F型运载火箭成功发射神舟6号载人飞船。 报道:“我们在神舟五号的基础上继续攻克多项载人航天的基本技术, 第一次进行了真正有人参与的空间科学实验。” 神舟6号矗立在发射台上 宇航员费俊龙、聂海胜 20 §9.3 the rocket: a system with variable mass 神舟载人飞 船在组装调 试。最上部 为轨道舱、 中部灰黑色 圆柱体为返 回舱、下部 白色段为推 进舱。 §9.3 the rocket: a system with variable mass 21 §9.3 the rocket: a system with variable mass Example 1: A spaceship with a total mass of 13600 kg is moving relative to a certain inertial reference frame with a speed of 960 m/s in a region of space of negligible gravity. It fires its rocket engines to give an acceleration parallel to the initial velocity. The rocket eject gas at a constant rate of 146 kg/s with a constant speed (relative to the spaceship) of 1520 m/s, and they are fired until 9100 kg of fuel has been burned and ejected. (a) what is the thrust produced by the rockets? (b) What is the velocity of the spaceship after the rockets have fired? §9.3 the rocket: a system with variable mass Solution: (a) The thrust is given by dm Fthrust = v e = 1520 × 146 = 2.22 × 105 (N) dt (b)choose the positive x direction to be that of the spaceship’s initial velocity, then we have vf m f dm dv dm , ∫ dv = v e ∫ m = ve vi mi m dt dt mf v f − v i = v e ln mi 4500 v f = 960 + ( −1520) ln = 2640m/s 13600 22 §9.4 conservation of momentum The law of conservation : r r dptotal For a particle system = Ftotal r t d r tf r pf r r I total = ∫ F total d t = ∫ r d p total = ∆ p total ti rp i r dptotal =0 If Ftotal = 0, then dt r or I total = r ptotal = constant ∫ tf ti r F total d t = ∫ r pf r pi r r d p total = ∆ p total = 0 r r p total, i = p total, f Notice: 1The condition of conservation!!! §9.4 conservation of momentum 2for an isolated particle system r r ptotal = Mv c = constant The center of mass will remain constant velocity. 3the component forms of conservation of momentum Fx total = 0 px total = ∑ mnvnx = constant n Fy total = 0 p y total = ∑ mnvny = constant Fz total = 0 pz total = ∑ mnvnz = constant n n 4if the internal force is much larger than the external forces 23 §9.4 conservation of momentum Example 1: The scattering of alpha. The alpha r collide with the Oxygen atom. v2 r Find the speed ratio of v m 1 alpha before and after the θ scattering, θ = 72o , β = 41o . M βr v Solution: For the system of alpha and Oxygen atom, there is no external forces, the total momentum is conserved. r r r pa = m v1 pO = 0 Before collision: r r r r After collision: pa = m v 2 pO = Mv §9.4 conservation of momentum Conservation of momentum r r r m v1 = m v 2 + Mv y In Cartesian coordinate system mv 1 = mv 2 cosθ + Mv cos β o r mv2 θ β r mv1 x r Mv 0 = mv 2 sin θ − Mv sin β the speed ratio of alpha before and after the scattering v2 sin β sin 41o = = = 0.71 v1 sin(θ + β ) sin 72o + 41o ( ) 24 §9.4 conservation of momentum Example 2: The ballistic pendulum was used to measure the speed of the bullets before electronic timing devices were developed. The version shown in figure consists of a large block of wood of mass M=5.4 kg, A bullet of mass m= 9.5 g is fired into the block, coming quickly to rest. The block and bullet then swing upward, their center of mass rising a vertical maximum distance h=6.3 cm before the pendulum comes to rest, what is the speed of the bullet just prior to the collision? §9.4 conservation of momentum Solution: Two steps: The bullet-block collision The bullet-block rise Step 1: the horizontal total force is zero, the momentum of system is conserved. m mv = ( m + M )V ⇒ V = v m+M Step 2: the mechanical energy of the bulletblock-earth system is conserved. 1 ( m + M )V 2 = ( m + M ) gh 2 m+M then v = 2 gh = 630m/s m 25 §9.4 conservation of momentum Example 3: on a frictionless horizontal table, both ends of a spring connect block A and B respectively. The blocks have same mass M. a bullet with mass m and the initial speed v0 impacted into the block A and stopped in it, find the maximum compression distance of the spring. r v0 A B §9.4 conservation of momentum Solution: 1The collision of the bullet and A mv 0 mv 0 = ( m + M )V0 ⇒ V0 = m+M 2 The collision of the bullet with A and B mv 0 mv 0 = ( m + 2 M )V ⇒ V = m + 2M 3the instant when A and B get the same speed 1 2 1 1 ( m + M )V02 = ( m + 2 M )V 2 + kxmax 2 2 2 M ]1 2 xmax = mv 0 [ k ( m + M )( m + 2 M ) 26 §9.4 conservation of momentum 问题讨论: 一绳跨过一定滑轮,两端分别系有质量m 及M的物体, 且M>m。最初M 静止在桌上,抬高m,使绳处于松弛状 态。当m自由下落距离h后,绳才被拉紧,求此时两物 体的速率v 和M 所能上升的最大高度(不计滑轮和绳的 质量、轴承摩擦及绳的伸长)。 分析运动过程 m h M 当m自由下落h距离,绳被拉紧 的瞬间,m和M获得相同的运动 速率v。此后m向下减速运动,M 向上减速运动。 M上升的最大高度为: v2 H = 2a 分两个阶段求解 §9.4 conservation of momentum 第一阶段:绳拉紧,求共同速率 v m M h 解1:Q M > m ∴ m 不能提起 M , 共同速率 v = 0 解2: 绳拉紧时冲力很大,忽略重力, m + M 系统动量守恒 m 2 gh = ( m + M )v ; v= m 2 gh m+M 解3: 动量是矢量,以向下为正,系统动量守恒: m 2 gh = mv + M ( − v ) ; v= m 2 gh m−M 以上三种解法均不对! 27 §9.4 conservation of momentum 正确解法: Ny + 绳拉紧时冲力很大,轮轴反作 r 用力 N 不能忽略 ,m + M 系 统动量不守恒,应分别对它们 用动量定理; Nx m h M r 设冲力为 F ,取向上为正方向 + F F Mg mg I1 = ∫ (F − mg )dt = −mv − ( −m 2 gh ) I 2 = ∫ (F − Mg)dt = Mv − 0 = Mv §9.4 conservation of momentum 忽略重力,则有 I 1 = I 2 + − mv − ( − m 2 gh ) = Mv v= m 2 gh M+m M m 第二阶段: M 与 m 有大小相等,方向相反的加速度 绳拉力为 T ,画出 m 与 M 的受力图 T a a ,设 T a Mg mg 28 §9.4 conservation of momentum T T a a mg Mg ⎧ Mg − T = Ma ⎨ ⎩T − mg = ma 由牛顿运动定律: a= 解得: ( M − m )g M+m M 上升的最大高度为 H = m ( 2 gh 2 v2 m 2h 2( M − m ) g =( ) ( )= M +m M +m 2a M 2 − m2 §9.4 conservation of momentum 类似问题: C B A 29 §9.5 Collisions If the impulse force is much larger than any external forces (such as gravitational force, friction, ……), as is the case in most of the collision, we can neglect the external forces entirely and treat the system as an isolated system. Then the momentum is conserved in the collision. 1. The conservation of momentum in collision If a system has zero total force on it, then r r r r r ptotal = p1bfr + p2 bfr = p1aft + p2 aft The individual momenta of the particles do change, but the total momenta of the system of colliding particles does not. §9.5 Collisions 2. Elastic collisions (1)If the total kinetic energy of the particles is not changed, then the collision is called the elastic collision. ∆KE total = 0 J (2)Elastic collision occur when the forces between the colliding bodies are conservative. Wtotal = ∆KE total = 0 J During the brief collision, the kinetic energy is stored in the system as potential energy, then dumped back into kinetic energy after the instant of the collision. 30 §9.5 Collisions For one dimensional motion,rshowrthat two particles with relative speed v A1 − v B1will leave each other with same relative speed after an elastic collision, that means r r r r v A1 − v B1 = −(v A 2 − v B 2 ) Solution: The momentum and mechanical energy is conserved in an elastic collision 1 1 1 1 mAv A2 1 + mBvB2 1 = mAv A2 2 + mBvB2 2 2 r 2r r2 r 2 mAv A1 + mBvB1 = mAv A2 + mBvB2 §9.5 Collisions Solving the equations, one can get r 2m B r m − mB r v A2 = A v A1 + v B1 m A + mB m A + mB r 2m A r m − mA r vB2 = B v B1 + v A1 m A + mB m A + mB The relative speed after collision: r r m − mA r 2m B v A2 − v B 2 = ( − B )v B1 m A + mB m A + mB m − mB 2m A r +( A − )v A1 m A + mB m A + mB r r = − ( v A1 − v B 1 ) 31 §9.5 Collisions 3.One-dimensional collisions in the center-ofmass reference frame The velocity of the CM frame relative to the lab frame v S ′S r p Ai mA r pBi mB x The total initial momentum of two bodies in the cm frame pi = m A (v Ai − v S ′S ) + m B (v Bi − v S ′S ) Define the CM frame to be the frame in which the initial momentum of the two bodies system is zero. §9.5 Collisions pi = 0 ⇒ v S ′S = m Av Ai + m B v Bi m A + mB In the CM frame, before the collision, r p′Bi r p′Ai mA mB x The total momentum is conserved, then we must haver r r r r p′f = p′Af + p′Bf = 0, r p′Af mA mB p′Af = − p′Bf r p′Bf x 32 §9.5 Collisions r p′Af mA mB r p′Af m A mB mA mB r p′Af mA mB r p′Bf r p′Bf x elastic x inelastic Completely inelastic x r p′Bf x explosive §9.5 Collisions For elastic collision(in CM frame): v ′Af = −v ′Ai , v ′Ai = v Ai − v S ′S , v ′Af = v Af − v S ′S After the collision: v Af = −(v Ai − v S ′S ) + v S ′S = − v Ai + 2v S ′S m v + m B v Bi = − v Ai + 2 A Ai m A + mB m − mB 2m B = A v Ai + v Bi m A + mB m A + mB 33 §9.5 Collisions Following the same way, v Bf = 2m A m − mA v Ai + B v Bi m A + mB m A + mB Discussion: 1equal masses m A = mB v Af = v Bi v Bf = v Ai 2target particle at rest v Bi = 0 m − mB v Af = A v Ai m A + mB v Bf = 2m A v Ai m A + mB §9.5 Collisions 3massive target m B >> m A v Af ≈ − v Ai + 2v Bi v Bf ≈ v Bi 4massive projectile m A >> m B v Af ≈ v Ai v Bf ≈ 2v Ai − v Bi 34 §9.5 Collisions Example 1: a ping-pang ball and a bowling ball r r v v before A after r r vA = −v A vA = B before x A r vB x B r vA after m A − mB v, m A + mB A vB = B B r vB x x 2m A v m A + mB Example 2: if mA=mB v A = 0, vB = v Chapter 9 impulse, momentum, and collisions Example 3:The mass of Saturn is 5.67×1026 kg, its speed relative to the sun is 9.6 km/s; one spacecraft of mass 150 kg, its speed relative to the sun is 10.4 km/s. the spacecraft is moving toward the Saturn, due to the gravitation of Saturn, the spacecraft rounds the Saturn and departs in the opposite direction—the slingshot effect. Find the speed of the spacecraft relative to the sun. r v A2 r v B1 r v A1 35 Chapter 9 impulse, momentum, and collisions r m − mB Solution: v A 2 = A m A + mB r m − mA vB2 = B m A + mB Due to r v A1 + 2m B m A + mB r 2m A v B1 + m A + mB r v B1 r v A1 m B = M >> m A = m r r r v A 2 ≈ − v A1 + 2 v B 1 r r v B 2 ≈ v B1 + v A 2 ≈ − v A1 − 2v B 1 = −10.4 − 2 × 9.6 = −29.6(km/s) v A 2 > v A1 §9.5 Collisions Example 4: Show that two balls with same mass will separate perpendicularly to each other after an elastic collision which is not head-on, if one ball is at rest before collision. Solution: Conservation of momentum and energy r r r r r r m v 0 = m v 1 + m v 2 ⇒ v 0 = v1 + v 2 1 1 1 1 mv 02 = mv 12 + mv 22 ⇒ v 02 = v12 + v 22 2 2 r r 2r r 2 r r v 0 ⋅ v 0 = ( v1 + v 2 ) ⋅ ( v 1 + v 2 ) 3 r r 4 v 02 = v12 + v 22 + 2v1 ⋅ v 2 36 §9.5 Collisions Compare 2 and 4 , 2 v 02 = v12 + v 22 r r v 02 = v12 + v 22 + 2v1 ⋅ v 2 4 r r 2v 1 ⋅ v 2 = 0 we have r r That means v1 ⋅ v 2 = v1v 2 cosθ = 0 Then θ= π 2 §9.5 Collisions 4. Inelastic collisions If the total energy of the particles involved in a collision is not conserved, the collision is called an inelastic collision. If the particles stick together after collision, the collision is called a completely inelastic collision. Wtotal = ∆KE total From For a collision which there are no external forces, we have Wtotal = 0 ∆KE total ≠ 0 Why? 37 §9.5 Collisions Notice: (a)The total momentum of the system is conserved in both elastic and inelastic collisions. (b)The total kinetic energy is conserved only for elastic collisions. (c)If the particles stick together after the collision, it is called a completely inelastic collision. Example 1: Example 2: Example 3: Example 4: P392 9.9 P394 9.10 P395 9.11 disintegrations and explosions(§9.6) 38
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