Document 348207

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
“A National Jubilee Center”
October 2014
Volume 92
Krista+ invites the adult
members of the parish to
a gathering on
Saturday, October 18th
from 7-9 pm in the
Parish Hall.
A Reception to
welcome Krista+ back
from her sabbatical will
be held on
Sunday, October 19th
between the 8 & 10
o’clock services
Wine and desserts will
be served
Plan to stay after the
8:00 service, or came a
little early for the 10:00
“Reflecting on the
is an opportunity to
gather back as a
community and
celebrate our
shared sabbaticals
Words from Krista+:
(September 17th)
Aer a wonderful road trip to Wyoming with visits home, I le
almost immediately for Rhode Island for Rhythm and Roots Music and Dance Fesval.
While on my spiritual retreat, I did much internal "housekeeping and sweeping out." Now at home, I spent
more than a week externally cleaning out my co*age and garage of unnecessary things and possessions. It was
a cathar+c exercise and I felt great! I had my car fixed and my tooth fixed, while enjoying catching up with
friends and neighbors. I have a*ended some wonderful music venues and of course; dancing!
I have a*ended a Friday Shabbat service and dinner with my Jewish friends, a*ended Spiritus Chris+ on a Saturday evening, as well as visited Ma*hew Nickoloff for a Sunday evening outdoor service at his South Wedge Mission Church. I am exploring different churches at different +mes and places. I have more visits planned!
From September 22-October 3, I will be at Hamlin Beach State Park camping. I plan on reading, wri+ng, and
reflec+ng. I will also spent +me preparing for my return programming and liturgies. If the weather is bad or I
have a city engagement; I will simply come home. During the first two weeks in October, I plan on taking many
day trips to various places I have wanted to visit.
The Rev. Canon Peter Peters
will be our Guest Priest on
Sunday, October 12th
for the 8 and 10am services.
In December 2013, Rev. Peters celebrated the
50th Anniversary
of his ordina+on to the priesthood.
The Visioning Team met Thursday, September 18th, to further “finetune” our collective goals as a church, and further determine the action steps that should be taken to achieve those goals. According to
the feedback we received from our congregation, we have determined three main goals:
1. To foster/nurture a friend-raising community anchored in our
faith journey with Christ;
2. To enhance communication for disseminating clear, consistent
messages for internal and external audience/viewers;
3. To commit to growing and expanding our Christian programs.
To help further clarify and determine the actions you would like to see
us as a Church take, the Visioning Team will be distributing a brief
questionnaire focused on the above goals. These questionnaires will
be distributed at the services on October 26th and November 2nd. This
process is vital to clarifying our vision as a Church, so we urge you all
to participate in this inquiry! This will help the Visioning team help us all
reach our ultimate vision for St. Luke’s!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact a member of our
Visioning Team: Ginny Campbell; Nicole DeRose; Keith Ewanyk; Sue
Holm; Linda Kruchten-Merring; Dan McLaughlin; Larry Tallman; Ruthann
Tryka; Kelly Vergin.
Monthly Finance Report for August, 2014
Month of August
Income Received
Expenses Paid
Income Minus Expenses
Year to Date
Vestry Meeting—August, 2014
A motion was approved for the Parish Hall Team to purchase signage for the Parish Hall area for $153.00 from LaMont Trophies and a coat rack up to $200.00 from Indoff, from
the Hill Bequest and also prepare an estimate for window treatments.
• A motion was made to use $540.00 from the Instrument
Maintenance budget line to cover the over-budget cost
($1000.45) of the organ repair, with more repair needed. The
remainder of the money to come from the Restricted FundsMusic Fund, held at the Diocese
2014 Convenon Resoluons
At the annual conven+on in November your delegates will be asked to vote for two
resolu+ons, which if passed, will be communicated to all congrega+ons within the
The first is a resoluon suppor+ng a single-payer health care system for New York
un+l a single-payer system is adopted for the en+re country. While there are many
forms of single-payer systems, some involving private insurers and others en+rely public, the inten+on of the resolu+on is support to universal health care.
The second resoluon is concerned with declaring places of worship "gun-free areas." This supports
a resolu+on passed by the 2012 General Conven+on with a similar purpose.
The exact wording of these resolu+ons and addi+onal suppor+ng informa+on is posted in the Parish
Hall at St. Luke's. If you have any ques+ons or concerns, please contact your
Delegates; Ginny Campbell, Dick Frey, and Bill Plews or the Alternates; Gail Dubicki and
Linda Kruchten-Merring.
Third Annual Ecumenical
Progressive Dinner
Starts at 4pm
Appetizers at First Presbyterian
Main course at First Baptist
(hosted with Nativity)
Desserts at Brockport United Methodist
(hosted with St. Luke’s Episcopal)
Signup sheet is in the Parish Hall
St. Luke's Dining Divas
St. Luke's Dining Divas will begin again
on Monday, November 3rd, at 5 PM at
Red Bird Café .
All women are welcome!
Dinner is $19.00 and is inclusive of tip
and a legal beverage (coffee, tea).
Email Laurel DeToy at
[email protected] or sign-up in
the back of church before October 26th.
Hope to see you there!
The menu will be: Chicken Pica(a,
Rice Pilaf, Seasonal Vegetables
and Homemade Cherry La-ce Pie
Mark your calendar for our addional
Dining Diva Dates:
January 26, 2015 and April 20, 2015
Have you seen the
1931 St. Luke’s Directory
displayed in the Parish Hall?
Do you have beautiful
flowers in your garden?
Dates are available for
October 12th, 19th and 26th
for flower memorials. Please
sign up on the flower sheet
posted in the Parish Hall.
It was sent to us by Becky Rath of
Albion, while she was cleaning out
some of her Grandmother, Mildred
Flagler’s stuff.
It’s very interesting!! You might
even find an old friend in there!!
Book Discussion
Sunday, October 12th
following 10 o’clock service
A heart wrenching but deeply funny and
ultimately uplifting story of family,
love, loyalty, and hope. The Art of
Racing in the Rain is a beautifully
crafted and captivating look at the
wonders and absurdities of human life only a dog could tell it.
Still time to read the book or listen to
the audio tape available on the table
near the church office.
Bible Study
Every Tuesday evening
7:00pm in the upstairs library.
All are invited to attend.
Harvest Kitchen
October 12th
3-4:30 pm
All are Welcome!
Jon and Nancy Bell
11 Sedgewyck Drive
Delmar, New York 12054
Dear Brockport Food Shelf Supporters:
Even though Thanksgiving is still more than two months away, we are already beginning to gear up
for it at the Food Shelf. Over the years, the Brockport community has been able to give a little
extra help to those local families who are food insecure. This help has come in different forms:
holiday baskets donated by groups and individuals, extra food donated to and distributed by the
Food Shelf on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, gift cards for purchase of food in local markets.
This year the Food Shelf plan is to ask for donations of both food and money to buy a variety of
holiday food items that will be distributed to those families who come to the Food Shelf during the
month of November and, if there is an overabundance of items, again in December.
We are reaching out to you, the churches and civic organizations, the school groups and scout
troops, the many individuals who support the Food Shelf throughout the year, for donations.
Below is a list of the items that the Food Shelf will be collecting. In addition, we welcome
monetary gifts that will allow us to buy any specific items that are not collected.
If possible, we would like to receive donations of food on Sunday, November 2, at the Food
Shelf from 2 pm until 4 pm. If that time is not convenient for you, please call 637-8169 to arrange for a time to either come to the Food Shelf or to have a volunteer pick up your donation. We
ask that you do not bring holiday donations to the Food Shelf on Thursdays. (We will, of course,
be happy to accept any other donations during our usual open hours.)
Monetary donations are welcome at any time. They may be sent to the Brockport Ecumenical Food
Shelf, 14 State St., Brockport, NY. Please note on the check that it is for the holiday program.
Holiday Program Food Items
• Canned yams
• Boxed potatoes
• Gravy
• Canned corn and green beans
• Stuffing mix
• Quick bread mixes
• Canned pumpkin
• Desserts such as brownie mix and no-bake mixes (not everyone has an oven)
• Coffee
• Olives
• Fruit salad items (large Jell-O and fruit such as mandarin oranges or mixed fruit)
• Napkins
You may notice that cranberry sauce is not on the list. We have received a large donation of
cranberry sauce from Foodlink and, while we are happy to receive more cans, we do have a good
Thank you so much for your support. It never ceases to amaze me what a generous community
we have here in Brockport!
Kathy Hayes
Harvesting Justice
Symposium Reception & Dinner
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Temple B’rith Kodesh, 2131 Elmwood Ave, Rochester, NY 14618
3:30 pm Symposium Speaker: Margaret Gray,
author of Labor and the Locavore
5:30 pm Recep+on & Dinner
Sponsored by Rural and Migrant Ministry, Inc.
October Birthday Wishes
Clark Whited
Nancy Plews
Bill Henderson
Krista Cameron
Mary Ann Knapp
Jocelyn Rowley
Prayer Concerns for October 2014
We pray for those who are sick or in need: Nancy Aver y, Cher yl Bar beto, Tom
Bergmann, Walter & Abbie Boston, Kim Cooper, Bob Donaher, Ray Dubicki,
Marion Ewanyk, Anne Exley-Stiegler, Barry Fishman, Rev. Michael Hopkins, Terry
Klinetob, Mary Knight, Red Knight, Kristie Koss, Karl Lass, Jane Lysy, Bridget
Martin, Margo Maxon, Charlie McCarthy, Austin Nemecekis, Russell Packer,
Crystal Paling, Luisa Maria Ramirez, Julie Robinson, R. J. Ruble, Barb & Terrance
Sabatini, Helen Schutt, Gerry Shaw, Ina Smith, Rev. Nancy Stephens, Mark &
Shirley Stiegler, Carol Irene Timby, Nellie Vyrodova, Beverly Walker, Alea Wratten
and Esther Zastrow,
For those who are known to us serving in the military: David Aver y, J oshua Aver y, Daniel
Fletcher, Alec Gravlin, Jim Jones, Abby Keller, Jeremy McKenzie, Randon McMaster, Scott
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
14 State Street
Brockport, NY 14420
(585) 637-6650
Email: [email protected]
Ministry Staff
The Rev. Krista Cameron is currently on Sabbatical until 10/19/14
Ralph Crane, Senior War den can be r eached at (585) 747-9679
for any pastoral emergencies or other needs.
Brenda Tremblay, Director of Music
Debbie Cond, Parish Secretary
Office Hours 9am-12noon, Monday to Friday
St. Luke’s Vestry Team
Rector’s Warden: Ralph Cr ane
People’s Warden: David Keller
Rob Banzer, Keith Ewanyk, Bill Henderson, Nancy Plews, Sue Ward
Treasurer: J ean Br undage
Assistant Treasurer: Tina Gunder
Recording Secretary: Linda Kr uchten-Merring
Pledge Secretary: Dick Fr ey
St. Luke’s Sabbatical Team
Ralph Crane, Anthony DeRose, Ann & Dick Frey,
Jennifer Skoog-Harvey, Kelly Vergin
St. Luke’s Visioning Team
Ginny Campbell, Nicole DeRose, Keith Ewanyk, Sue Holm,
Linda Kruchten-Merring, Dan McLaughlin, Larry Tallman,
Ruthann Tryka, Kelly Vergin
Delegates to Convention: Ginny Campbell, Dick Fr ey, Bill Plews
Alternate to Convention: Gail Dubicki, Linda Kr uchten-Merring