The department of military veterans is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer. It is our intention to promote representativity (race, gender and disability) through the filling of these posts and candidates whose appointment/promotion/transfer will promote representativity will receive preference. APPLICATIONS: CLOSING DATE: NOTE : POST: SALARY: CENTRE: Applications may be posted to The Department of Military Veterans, Private Bag x943, 0001 or deposited in the Response Handling box at the Department of Military Veterans, 1052 Festival Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0001. Enquiries: C. Twala, tel.012 765 9442. No faxed or e-mailed applications will be considered. 17 October 2014 Applications must be submitted on a Z83 Form, obtainable from any Public Service department or on the internet at which must be signed (an unsigned Z83 form will disqualify an application) and should be accompanied by a recently updated, comprehensive CV as well as copies of all qualification(s), Matric certificate must also be attached and ID-document and Driver’s licence (where applicable). Non-RSA Citizens/Permanent Resident Permit Holders must attach a copy of his/her Permanent Residence Permit to his/her application. Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification, it must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being considered. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Short listed candidates will be subjected to screening and security vetting to determine the suitability of a person for employment. Successful candidates will also be subjected to security clearance processes. Where applicable, candidates will be subjected to a skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a probation period of twelve (12) months. The Department reserves the right not to make appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). NB: PREFERANCE WILL BE GIVEN TO FEMALE MILITARY VETERANS AND MILITARY VETERANS’ DEPENDANTS. Please indicate your force number on the Z83. CHIEF DIRECTOR: RESEARCH (LEVEL 14) REF NO.:001/2014 R988 152 P.A TOTAL PACKAGE Pretoria AND POLICY DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS: An appropriate Bachelor’s degree/ National Diploma or equivalent qualification in research and policy. A post graduate degree in Policy, Governance, Public Administration or related fields will serve as preference. 6-10 years appropriate working experience in policy, governance, public policy and or political studies in a senior management position with proven managerial skills. Possess an excellent working knowledge of the South African Military Veterans terrain. The applicant must have a very good understanding of governance and processes. The successful applicant should be able to have wide networks in the broader government establishment, particularly Security, Veterans and/or Foreign Affairs. Demonstrate an ability to write research reports and possess policy research experience as a requirement for the post. The applicant must have good people management skills and knowledge of the public service regulations, i.e, Public Service Act and PFMA. The successful candidate must be willing to undergo security clearance processes before the appointment, must have a valid driver’s code 8 license. DUTIES: Manage, coordinate, monitor and evaluate research programs and policy development processes. Manage pro-active needs-based research. Ensure DMV Strategy and Operational plans are aligned to the departmental and National policy. Develop and manage the implementation of research practices, procedures, guidelines and policies with the aim of adding value to the department. Develop partnerships and network with relevant stakeholders. Manage resources (physical, human and financial). Oversee policy research, analysis and recommendation and reports on Military Affairs. Collaborate with monitoring and evaluation to enhance the implementation of policies, practices and procedures. Research comparative benefits related theories and practices to inform military veteran’s policies. Maintain and enhance stakeholder (interest groups and academics, ect) relations through regular consultations with relevant civil society crime prevention initiatives within the policing community of the South African environment. Assist provincial spheres of government in developing military veterans’ policies to ensure strategic alignment with national military veteran’s policies and strategies. Manage the policy chief directorate and measure organisational performance accordingly. Develop policy and discussion policy papers on aspects of military veterans’ affairs as requested by EXCO. Manage the secretariat of the department policy committee and that of advisory committee report to the DDG and on policy research and findings and policy development processes. POST: CHIEF DIRECTOR: MILITARY VETERANS’ HERITAGE, MEMORIAL AND HONOUR SERVICES (LEVEL 14) REF NO.:002/2014 R988 152 P.A TOTAL PACKAGE Pretoria SALARY: CENTRE: REQUIREMENTS: An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree/National Diploma or equivalent and 610 years appropriate working experience in senior management position with proven managerial skills. Must be a strategic thinker with good leadership skills, intuitive thinker, good team player, incisive and decisive, empathetic, personal drive, firm and fair and have Policy analysis skills. A good knowledge of Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Labour Relations Act and other employment legislations. Good office management skills, good organisational skills, good inter-personal relations, coordination skills and be able to work independently. DUTIES: Manage Military Veterans’ heritage, memorial and honours services. Identify and develop military veterans’ heritage, memorial and honour policies, processes, strategies and procedures as well as ensuring the successful implementation thereof. Advice management and the department on policy matters with specific reference to military veterans’ heritage, memorial and honour policies. Review processes and procedures developed and interrogate their efficiency and effectiveness. Conduct research and impact analysis pertaining to exhumation and repatriation in line with the government policies and international guidelines and keep track of new developments and advice the Department. Manage burial support services, identify and maintain military veterans’ cemeteries. Manage the recognition and honouring of military veterans in their life and in memorial. Represent the Department in with various Fora meetings (nationally and provincially). Manage, coordinate and market military veterans’ heritage, memorial and honour events, projects and campaigns and the department’s program of action by conceptualizing and coordinating Military Veterans’ heritage, memorial and honour events. Monitor and analyse all events on military veterans’ heritage, memorial and honour as well as planning and organizing conferences. Liaise and co-ordinate with governmental, nongovernmental institution and other structures and organizations. Ensure external funding for military veterans, departmental and Ministerial activities by engaging donor, companies and private sector role-players. POST: DEPUTY DIRECTOR RISK MANAGEMENT (LEVEL 11) REF NO.: 003/2014 R532 278 P.A TOTAL PACKAGE Pretoria SALARY: CENTRE: REQUIREMENTS: A three year relevant Bachelor’s degree or National Diploma (NQF Level 6) or equivalent qualification in Risk Management, Accounting or Internal Auditing field. A minimum of five (5) years working experience in the risk management environment of which two (2) years must have been at supervisory level. Membership of a professional body will be advantageous, a valid driver’s license, knowledge of Barn-Owl system, sound knowledge of the Public Sector legislations and fraud prevention policies and in-depth knowledge of the Department, a good knowledge of King111 on Corporate Governance. Strong verbal and written communication, planning, negotiation and problem solving, facilitation, presentation, time management, project management and organisational skills, research skills, monitoring and evaluation skills, policy development and implementation skills. Lateral thinker with excellent analytical, numerical, report writing and financial management skill, ability to identify strategic and reporting gaps and propose viable solutions, excellent demonstration of end-user computer skills in Excel, Word, Access and PowerPoint, knowledge of the Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and the Code of Ethics developed by the Institute of Internal Auditing. Knowledge of latest developments with regard to integrated outcomes based planning, Monitoring and Evaluation and risk management with impact thereof on the MTSF and MTEF. Enthusiasm and a positive attitude. A professional, organised and efficient worker who has the ability to work well independently and under pressure to meet deadlines. Must be able to obtain a confidential security clearance within a year. DUTIES: Manage the functions of risk management across the Department of Military Veterans and ensure effective risk reporting. Developing the Departmental Risk Management Framework. Incorporating the risk management policy strategy and the risk implementation plan. Facilitation of the risk assessment process. Assist in the development and rolling out on-going risk management awareness programmes throughout the Department. Consultation with stakeholders within the areas of responsibility to ensure identification and management of risks. Compilation and updating of the risk register. Alignment of the risk register with strategy and operational plan. Monitoring and implementation of response strategies. Monitoring the extent of adherence to/compliance with risk management policies and measures at all times. Investigate and address risk management issues whenever identified and provide advice to management. Assist in communicating risk management methodologies. Monitor and evaluate the departmental risk profiles and related action plans and report thereon. Act as a repository of all information regarding the risk management. Provide presentations and training sessions in the Department on risk management. Rendering administrative support to the Risk Management Committee and co-ordination of Risk Management Committee meetings. Compiling relevant risk management reports to the Audit Committee and other stakeholders and quarterly reports to the Risk Management Committee. Manage the resources within the unit in an effective and efficient manner. Manage staff performance and development. Ensure effective governance and compliance within the directorate POST: SALARY: CENTRE: DEPUTY DIRECTOR: PLANNING (LEVEL 11) REF NO.: 004/2014 R532 278 P.A TOTAL PACKAGE Pretoria REQUIREMENTS: An appropriate B Degree/ National Diploma related to monitoring and evaluation and Strategic Planning. Relevant extensive experience in the Strategic, Monitoring and Evaluation, Governance, Economics and Public Finance Management environment. Research, report writing, negotiations, interpersonal relations, communication, facilitation, computer literacy, analysing conflict management, presentation and working in a team driving. Strategic ability programme and project management, people management and empowerment, planning and organising, Knowledge management, problem solving and analysis, results quality management, Decision making service delivery innovation, change management, client orientated and customer focused, Monitoring and Evaluation government policies and planning systems Government programme of action, Public Service Regularity, Framework Presidency policies and procedures information management and performance management. DUTIES: Provision of strategic planning support services to the department. Administration of strategic planning processes: Pre-planning process, Post planning process, Integration of planning outcomes into annual operational plan, Alignment of various operational plans. Conducting of research on all strategic related issues. Ensuring of linkages between departmental strategies, priorities, budget, operational plan, etc. Rendering a support service to strategic related issues/workshops: administer the adaptation of different planning formats for outcomes, outputs and strategies. Research the various formats of other departments e.g. Treasury and familiarise staff with such formats. Reformat the departmental format to comply with specific needs. Facilitate the training of all departmental managers to utilise the departmental framework and formats. Conduct training sessions and workshops. Give guidance on an individual basis as and when required. Administer the utilisation of service providers to assist with training. Develop the Department of Military Veterans Strategy, develop and maintain the corporate DMV strategic planning framework. The development and implementation of departmental planning and reporting instruments (Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan, Quarterly Reports, Annual Reports, mid-term reviews etc.). Co-ordinate the completion of the DMV Management Performance Assessment Tool (MPAT) as guided by the Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation. Ensure continuous alignment of branches and corporate plans with the Estimate of National Expenditure. NOTE: Short-listed applicants will be expected to develop a 15 minutes presentation and a brief report as part of the interview. POST: SALARY: CENTRE: DEPUTY DIRECTOR: HUMAN SYSTEMS (LEVEL 11) REF NO.: 020/2014 R532 278 P.A TOTAL PACKAGE Pretoria RESOURCE PLANNING AND REQUIREMENTS: An appropriate Bachelor’s degree/ national diploma in HRM or an equivalent qualification. 3-5 years’ relevant experience in at an Assistant Director Level in HR planning and systems. Experience of and insight into legislation that impacts on HR planning and systems and employment equity. A Thorough understanding of policy analysis, formulation and interpretation. An understanding of Public Services. Ability to interpret and apply policies and legislations. Must have negotiation skills, report writing, research, and Strategic Management and presentation skills. DUTIES: Develop guidelines in line with Human Resource practices, procedures, guidelines and policies and ensure the implementation of the Human Resource Plan. Ensure the implementation of employment equity plans. Develop, implement and maintain the HR information management for the attainment of a performance management culture in the Department. Develop policies and guidelines related to HRP. Develop measures and strategies for the management and utilisation of the PERSAL system to minimise manipulation and fraudulent transactions. Co-ordinate and ensure compliance and implementation of human resource legislation, policies, programmes, projects, processes and procedures. Conduct an analysis on human resources policies and practices. Submit reports related to the implementation of the HRP to management and relevant structures/ forums. Co-ordinate, monitor and maintain human resources information systems (HRIS). Manage the integrity of information, migration patterns and distribution. Ensure compliance to the national minimum information requirements. Collect and analyse data on human resource management information for reporting purposes and produce report thereof. Conduct workshop to capacitate HR practitioners or endusers within the department on HR Management and new developments, co-ordinate the compilation of annual oversight reports. Develop and manage the proactive production of values adding management informational requirements and co-ordinate the implementation thereof by relevant units. Analyse information related to organisational structure and establishment, personnel information, etc. Manage personnel information systems. Plan, develop, monitor, review and evaluate the implementation of employment equity. Develop, manage and ensure the implementation of an employment equity (EE) plan. Provide support and advice to line managers in the implementation of the EE plan. Act as the secretariat and provide administrative support to the EE Consultative Forum. Manage, co-ordinate, monitor and evaluate all EE programmes. Collate information and undertake research on EE. Establish EE committees and ensure compliance thereof. Ensure that EE targets are met and report on the compliance to EEA. Evaluate the effectiveness of EE law and regulatory frameworks. Conduct an analysis of workforces’ profile and compile EE report. Co-ordinate the implementation of targeted interventions to address under- representation in the Department. Manage and Ensure proper utilisation of the PERSAL system. Monitor effective use and control of PERSAL and other applicable HR information systems. Ensure the effective and efficient maintenance of the PERSAL database. Monitor and audit utilisation of the PERSAL system in terms of manuals and guidelines. Ensure proper interface of PERSAL and BAS. Ensure effective interaction between users and the PERSAL controller. Authorise suspense file transactions and verify them with the source documents. Execute control and audit measures through PERSAL. Ensure effective capacity building and support for all PERSAL users. Facilitate the training and access of users. Capture the organisational structure and its subsequent amendments in the PERSAL system. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of human resources planning strategies. Develop, manage and facilitate the implementation of the employment equity plan (EE) plan. Develop, implement and maintain HR monitoring and evaluation systems. Monitor and evaluate service delivery performance. Provide support to line managers in the implementation of the EE plan. Ensure the provision of secretarial support to the EE forum. Provide guidance to the department in meeting EE targets and complying with the EE Act. Conduct an analysis of workforce profile and submit EE reports. Develop partnerships and network with relevant stakeholders: establish and maintain good relations within the department, with NGOs and all stakeholders. Represent the department at various forums (nationality and provincially). POST: SALARY: CENTRE: REQUIREMENTS: EVENTS CORDINATOR: LEVEL 08 REF NO.: 005/2014 R227 802 per annum (plus benefits) Pretoria An appropriate Events Management Degree/ Diploma or equivalent qualification and 3-5 years managerial experience in Public Relations/ Event Management, Insight into legislation and other prescripts, which impacts on Public Relations/ Event Management, through understanding of policy analysis, formulation and interpretation, and understanding of Public Service Regulatory Framework, a good knowledge of Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Labour Relations Act and other employment legislations, good office management skills, good organisational skills, good office management skills, good inter-personal relations, coordination skills. Be able to work independently. Manage related events portfolios. Develop and implement departmental events management strategies and policies. Ensure that the events management strategies and policies are in line with the business and other functions. Build and enhance the corporate image of the department. Establish and maintain departmental information resources center. Head the Editorial function of the department on all communication matters. Manage internal and external events services. DUTIES: Administer activities in order to ensure an adequate information flow. Assist the Provincial Office in ensuring that information produced for reports is well researched and reliable. Provide professional secretariat services inclusive of venue arrangements, development of agendas, minutes and workshop reports. Provide user-friendly archiving and document retrieving services for the Cluster. Implement and maintain office processes ensuring professionalism when delivering service to the clients of the Cluster. Compile, implement and maintain a procurement plan for the Office, thereby ensuring fiscal discipline in accordance with planned acquisition strategies. Administer payments generated by the office and ensure that they are timeously activated with a view to enhance relationships with service providers. Render an administrative support service ensuring that human resource management transactions of the Cluster are correctly submitted to the Corporate Centre of the Head Office. Develop Office Business processes that ensure efficiency in the Office. POST: SENIOR STATE ACCOUNTANT: LEVEL 08 REF NO.: 019/2014 R227 802 per annum (plus benefits) Pretoria SALARY: CENTRE: REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor Degree or National Diploma in Commercial Science or equivalent with Accounting as a major subject. Knowledge of Basic Accounting System (BAS), PERSAL System, PFMA, Treasury Regulations and Public Service Act. A minimum of 3 years’ experience in the bank reconciliation and suspense accounts management and clearance environment. The candidate must be computer literate on Ms Word, Excel and PowerPoint presentation. DUTIES: Bookkeeping and bank reconciliation, preparing PMG adjustment and exception reports, passing and processing journal entries, clearance and monitoring of suspense accounts and bank interface exceptions, monthly opening and closing of books. Monthly requisition of funds from the department of Defence and National Treasury. Management of budget allocated to the sub-directorates. Training and supervising of subordinates, processing payments, travel and subsistence claims and advances. POST: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: LEVEL 07 x9 SALARY: CENTRE : Provincial Offices and Stakeholder Relations R183 438 per annum (plus benefits) REF NO.: 006/2014- GAUTENG PROVINCE REF NO.: 007/2014- NORTH WEST PROVINCE REF NO.: 008/2014- LIMPOPO PROVINCE REF NO.: 009/2014- EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE REF NO.: 010/2014- NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE REF NO.: 011/2014- WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE REF NO.: 012/2014- KWA-- ZULU NATAL PROVINCE REF NO.: 013/2014- FREE-- STATE PROVINCE REF NO.: 014/2014-MPUMALANGA PROVINCE REQUIREMENTS: The applicant must have Senior Certificate, Appropriate B Degree/National Diploma in Office Management / Business Management; PLUS A minimum of three (2) years’ experience in a general support office environment, valid Code B driver’s license (Code 08). Recommendations: Training programmes and/or experience in General Office Administration, Resource Management and Report Writing Skills will serve as a recommendation. The incumbent of this post will report to the Manager: Provincial Coordinator. He/ She will be responsible to render general administrative support and secretariat services to the Provincial Offices. The ideal candidate must: possess knowledge of office procedures, practices and equipment. Possess knowledge of the principles and practices of public administration. Possess knowledge of the function and regulations applicable to the area of operation. Have the ability to exercise good judgment and discretion in applying and interpreting departmental policies and procedures. Have good writing skills. Be computer literate with proficiency in MS Office Software Applications. DUTIES: Administer activities in order to ensure an adequate information flow. Assist the Provincial Office in ensuring that information produced for reports is well researched and reliable. Provide professional secretariat services inclusive of venue arrangements, development of agendas, minutes and workshop reports. Provide user-friendly archiving and document retrieving services for the Cluster. Implement and maintain office processes ensuring professionalism when delivering service to the clients of the Cluster. Compile, implement and maintain a procurement plan for the Office, thereby ensuring fiscal discipline in accordance with planned acquisition strategies. Administer payments generated by the office and ensure that they are timeously activated with a view to enhance relationships with service providers. Render an administrative support service ensuring that human resource management transactions of the Cluster are correctly submitted to the Corporate Centre of the Head Office. Develop Office Business processes that ensure efficiency in the Office. POST: SENIOR PERSONNEL OFFICER X3 (LEVEL 6) Directorate: Human Resource Administration REF NO.: 015/2014 R148 548 per annum (plus benefits) Pretoria SALARY: CENTRE: REQUIREMENTS: An appropriate recognised three-year Bachelor’s Degree/National Diploma in Human Resource Management or equivalent qualification (NQF level 6) plus relevant experience in human resource management, including the area of recruitment and selection, through knowledge and understanding of applicable human resource legislation eg (PSA, PSR, EEA, BCEA, LRA etc.) and procedures. Computer literacy (including PERSAL, MS Word and EXCEL). Excellent planning and organizing skills. Good written and verbal communication skills. DUTIES: Handle the administrative process with regard to recruitment and selection, which includes advertising of vacancies, scheduling of applications, short listing, and interviews, prepare documentation to obtain approval for nominee’s appointment and prepare the offer of employment. Maintain database which relates to recruitment practices. Administer contract appointments, secondments and lateral transfers between departments as well as higher salary offers. Give input to maintenance of and effective implementation of Human Resources policies. Contribute to the promotion of human resource best practice. Provide expert advice to management on matters regarding recruitment and selection. POST: ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT: LEVEL 06 REF NO.: 016/2014 Chief Directorate: Financial Management R148 584 per annum (plus benefits) Pretoria SALARY: CENTRE: REQUIREMENTS: Degree or Diploma in office management or equivalent qualification or Grade 12 with 1-2 years of experience in clerical or office support management environment. The following skills are a requirement: verbal communication, office etiquette and records management. DUTIES: Administer activities in order to ensure an adequate information flow. Assist the Chief Director Finance in ensuring that information produced for reports is well researched and reliable. Provide professional secretariat services inclusive of venue arrangements, development of agendas, minutes and workshop reports. Provide user-friendly archiving and document retrieving services for the directorate. Implement and maintain office processes ensuring professionalism when delivering service to the clients within finance. Compile, implement and maintain a procurement plan for the Office, thereby ensuring fiscal discipline in accordance with planned acquisition strategies. Administer payments generated by the office and ensure that they are timeously activated with a view to enhance relationships with service providers. Render an administrative support service ensuring that human resource management transactions of the directorate are correctly submitted to the head of the department. Develop Office Business processes that ensure efficiency in the Office. POST: ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT: LEVEL 06 REF NO.:017/2014 Directorate: Human Resource Management R148 584 per annum (plus benefits) SALARY: CENTRE: Pretoria REQUIREMENTS: Degree or Diploma in office management or equivalent qualification or Grade 12 with 1-2 years of experience in clerical or office support management environment. The following skills are a requirement: verbal communication, office etiquette and records management. DUTIES: Administer activities in order to ensure an adequate information flow. Assist the Director HR in ensuring that information produced for reports is well researched and reliable. Provide professional secretariat services inclusive of venue arrangements, development of agendas, minutes and workshop reports. Provide user-friendly archiving and document retrieving services for the directorate. Implement and maintain office processes ensuring professionalism when delivering service to the clients within HRM. Compile, implement and maintain a procurement plan for the Office, thereby ensuring fiscal discipline in accordance with planned acquisition strategies. Administer payments generated by the office and ensure that they are timeously activated with a view to enhance relationships with service providers. Render an administrative support service ensuring that human resource management transactions of the directorate are correctly submitted to the head of the department. Develop Office Business processes that ensure efficiency in the Office. POST: PERSONNEL OFFICER X2 (LEVEL 05) REF NO: 018/2014 Directorate: Human Resources Management R123 738 per annum (including Benefits) Pretoria SALARY: CENTRE: REQUIREMENTS: Grade 12, the qualification in the relevant field will be an added advantage. Knowledge of PERSAL and human resources management in the public services. Good communication skills (verbal and written) skills. Good organizational and people management skills. Computer literacy in MS word, MS Excel and Outlook. Ability to work under pressure. DUTIES: Assist in recruitment and selection process in the department. Assist in capturing transactions on PERSAL, appointments, resettlement, probations, leave and other general conditions of services. Implement and maintain HR policies and compliance thereof. Liaise with various stakeholders pertaining to all HR matters. Assist in managing the HR Registry as well as response handling of incoming applications. Directions to candidates: The suitable candidates will be selected with the intention of promoting representivity and achieving affirmative action targets, as contemplated in the relevant components Employment Equity Plan. The Department reserves the right not to appoint any applicants to these positions and to conduct pre-‐employment security screening. NB: PREFERENCE WILL BE GIVEN TO MILITARY VETERANS Applications must be submitted on form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department, and should be accompanied by comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (previous experience must be comprehensively detailed) and certified copies of qualifications, service certificates, driver’s license and Identification Document. Applicants with foreign qualification must be submitting a SAQA evaluation report on the qualification. Non-‐SA citizens must attach a certified copy of proof of permanent residence in South Africa. In addition to completing the Z83, applicants are required to disclose any pending criminal, disciplinary or any other adverse allegation or investigation against them. Applicants must also provide the full names, address and telephone numbers of at least 3 references. Failure to submit the requested documents may results in your application not being considered (applications lacking evidence of relevant experience will not be considered). If you apply for more than one post in the Department, please submit a separate application form for each post. Applicants will be expected to be available for selection interviews at a time, date and place determined by the Department. If you have not been contacted for an interview within three (3) months of the closing date, please assume that your application was not successful. Correspondence will be entered into with short-‐listed candidates only. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY Unless otherwise stated, please forward applications, quoting the relevant reference number, to The Director-‐General, Department of Military Veterans, Private Bag X943, Pretoria, 0001 or may be hand delivered at corner 1052 Festival & Arcadia Streets, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0001. All enquiries should be directed to: Ms C Twala at (012) 765 9442 Closing date: 17 October 2014. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
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