Updated 16.1.2015 Hypothyroidism Helmiina ER51812/08 Karhukallion Aslak ER19085/03 Kivimannun Surkimus FIN22823/98 Kuurakuonon Joulun-Joiku FIN25798/05 Kuurakuonon Vahingonlaukaus FI57125/10 Lapinlumon Bieggamillu FI55024/11 Miehtebiekka Morris FIN29948/02 Nequam Ilomantsi FIN19788/06 Pihlajamäen Bäivän-Paiste ER43754/04 Pihlajamäen Fauni FIN47107/07 Epilepsy Chevrott's Durda ER51348/09 Chevrott's Karribi FIN37042/08 Hankamukan Othello ER27028/01 Hukkaperä Hoppatossu ER48906/05 Iltahämyn Kesäleimu FI40796/11 Kielapihkan Aina Varma FI31458/11, one epileptic seizure Pihlajamäen Ahva-Tuuli FIN40903/03 Pihlajamäen Neiti Nokinen ER25879/12 Pältsa ER42427/06, partial epilepsy Raiddokas Fuffens ER39119/06 Soidinahon Elämän Kamu ER14651/10 Tinttaraisen Tyyni Ja Lauha FIN36876/06 Zinaidan Kukka ER12264/00 Any other diseases/defects Allergies/skin problems Aikamerkin Kuperkeikka FI46839/11, allergic to several foodstuffs (e.g. beef, potato, wheat, kibble) Barinja FI34995/09, allergic to e.g. several plants, trees, and foodstuffs Hopeaketun Tanhu ER28171/04 Iresa Zierra ER10487/09 Jalakapojan Sakke ER25919/04 Kuurakuonon Joulun Taika FIN25803/05 Kuurakuonon Onnenluritus FIN31977/08, chronic atopy Kuurakuonon Revontulenloimu FI42822/09, allergic atopic skin infection, euthanised as the medication stopped working Nouhope's Allrait FI40977/11, allergic to grains Mökötuvan Yön-Uudi FI55295/09, allergic to foodstuffs (e.g. beef, wheat, corn), pollen, house dust mite and flour mite Pilvipolun Malja Aamulle FI24965/10, allergic, itchy paws in damp conditions Pilvipolun Vienan Sulkku FIN38301/07, possibly allergic to storage mites and/or grains, has ear problems Sagaberran Ahvatuuli FI17537/10, yeast infections in the paws Sagaberran Gievra FI34457/12, allergic to grains Sagaberran Kultahavu FIN45470/07, rashes Sagaberran Naalinkuu FIN50345/07, atopy Tietysti Pohjantyttö FI24851/10, allergic rash Tinttaraisen Staalontuuli FI57148/10, severely allergic, atopy, euthanised Tuhkavuorten Sateentekijä FIN38204/06, allergic to fish, lamb, corn Wauhtiwelhon Birre FIN54633/07, allergic to foodstuffs Venla FIN51941/07, allergic to foodstuffs among others Monorchidism/cryptorchidism Hagassessan Caimmas ER59463/08, monorchid at six months, normal testicles as an adult Hagassessan Trolltass ER37211/07 Jahkkas Fiksu-Weikko FIN46474/03 Karhukallion Biccu Baloo FIN44801/03 Karhukallion Biccu Baroni FIN44804/03 Karhukallion Davvebiegga FIN22778/06 Karhukallion Heartbreaker FI46793/11 Karhukallion Hercules FI46795/11 Kielapihkan Kolo Komiassa EJ19631/13 Kielapihkan Melekoosen Häjy FI19629/13 Kielapihkan Puukkojunkkari FI19630/13 Kuurakuonon Mustanaamio FIN30709/06 Nouhope's Allrait FI40977/11 Pakkasen Eto Epeli FI25950/13 Pihlajamäen Erämaantietäjä FIN40695/07 Pihlajamäen Erämaanvaeltaja FIN40694/07 Sagaberran Jäänkävijä ER29227/05 Sagaberran Peurankello ER32530/09 Sagaberran Sammontakoja ER53727/11 Taimiston Avaruusromu FI42269/11 Taimiston Voima FI22585/13, only one testicle descended Tammenniskan Beahkka ER56503/09 Tietysti Pilkki Sisu FI24850/10 Tuhkavuorten Pakkasloitsu ER46553/04 Tuhkavuorten Revontuliritari ER57854/07 Tuhkavuorten Tulimyrsky FIN42222/05 Vuosttas Gotka FIN27501/05 Vuosttas Goahcci FIN27500/05 Castrated/spayed (reason stated if health/breeding-related) Chevrott's Darri ER51351/09, spayed because of painful seasons Chevrott's Daen ER51352/09 Chevrott's Durda ER51348/09 Cossak’s Exotic Elwira FIN55155/06 Hagassessan Husse ER22569/02 Hagassessan Argus ER20399/03 Hagassessan Ares Apila ER20401/03 Hankamukan Muska FIN50266/05, spayed at one year old because of a uterus infection Hattivatin Pessi ER29747/04, castrated because of aggressiveness Hattivatin Sammaleinen FIN18760/08, spayed because of a uterus infection Hopeaketun Tanhu ER28171/04, spayed because of severe pseudopregnancies Iresa Ursa Minor ER48892/04, castrated at six years old because of benign prostate hyperplasia Jahkkas Fiksu-Weikko FIN46474/03, missing testicles Karhukallion Ali-Baba ER19087/03 Karhukallion Anuka Nuka ER19083/03, spayed because diagnosed with a non-hereditary eye defect Karhukallion Aslak ER19085/03 Karhukallion Biccu Baloo FIN44801/03, missing testicles Karhukallion Biccu Baroni FIN44804/03, missing testicles Karhukallion Ceasar ER38997/05 Karhukallion Davggat FIN22776/06 Karhukallion Davvebiegga FIN22778/06, missing testicles Karhukallion Duottarbiegga FIN22775/06 Karhukallion El Enrico FI10203/09, castrated because of post-mating aggressiveness Karhukallion Fun Fenix FI36218/10 Karhukallion Heartbreaker FI46793/11, chryptorchid Karhukallion Hercules FI46795/11 Karhukallion Ice Man FI38864/12 Karhukatajainen FIN31168/04, castrated becaused diagnosed with hereditary cataracts Kielapihkan Aina Varma FI31458/11, castrated after having an epileptic seizure Kuunkajon Ahtojää FIN21916/04 Kuunkajon Keskiyönkulkija FIN36706/06, castrated at two years old due to severe separation anxiety Kuurakuonon Joulun-Joiku FIN25798/05 Kuurakuonon Mustanaamio FIN30709/06, missing testicles Loihakka Korppi Routsa ER34118/11 Miehtebiekka Sointu ER29026/03 Mintline's Love Cherry FI18693/14, spayed at eight months old because of a uterus infection Nequam Lohjan-Lyra ER24080/07 Nouhope's Allrait FI40977/11, missing testicles Pakkaslaulun Aakenuksen Ajatus FI45038/11 Pihlajamäen Billi-Piipari ER43756/04 Pihlajamäen Carjalan Kauhu FIN23564/05 Pihlajamäen Carjalan Toivo FIN23563/05 Pihlajamäen Duulenviemä FIN45021/06 Pihlajamäen Erämaantietäjä FIN40695/07, missing testicles Pihlajamäen Erämaanvaeltaja FIN40694/07, missing testicles Pihlajamäen Ilmarinen FI26129/10 Pihlajamäen Jukolan Juhani FI10834/11 Pihlajamäen Jukolan Timo FI10837/11 Pihlajamäen Kotitonttu FI16765/11 Pihlajamäen Menninkäinen FI56613/11 Pilvipolun Maa-Kari FIN24507/06 Pilvipolun Malja Aamulle FI24965/10, itchy paws Pilvipolun Metsänpoika ER38259/01, castrated at eight years old due to repeated prostate infections Pohjanpaimen A-Cappella FIN34669/07, spayed because of pseudopregnancies Pohjanpaimen Chanson FI40972/12 Pohjanpaimen All'antico FIN34670/07, spayed because of incipient uterus infection Pohjanpaimen Arpeggio FIN34668/07, castrated due to his D/D hip score Poropeukalon Syvä Taivas ER59329/09, spayed due to temperament problems Sagaberran Aaparuska FI17533/10 Sagaberran Aarnivalkea FI17535/10 Sagaberran Ahvatuuli FI17537/10 Sagaberran Ansalanka FI17538/10 Sagaberran Ilkikuri ER10132/06 Sagaberran Illankajo ER10133/06 Sagaberran Ilmarinen ER10134/06, castrated due to separation anxiety Sagaberran Järvenhelmi ER29231/05 Sagaberran Jäänkävijä ER29227/05 Sagaberran Kaskisavu FIN45468/07 Sagaberran Kultahavu FIN45470/07 Sagaberran Lapinleuku FI29269/11 Sagaberran Naalinkuu FIN50345/07 Sagaberran Niittyvilla FIN50349/07 Sagaberran Nummilintu FIN50348/07 Sagaberran Riimukivi FIN43090/07 Sagaberran Ritarinkannus FIN43091/07 Sagaberran Ukontuli ER45579/04 Soidinahon Einari ER48668/05 Soidinahon Elämän Ilotar ER14655/10 Soidinahon Elämän Kamu ER14561/10 Soidinahon Elämän Valo ER14654/10 Stablehill's Pähkinä FIN39667/07 Taikarummun Auringontuli ER17012/05 Taikarummun Boheemilumooja FIN43438/06, spayed because of her timid temperament & pre-season stress Taikarummun Boheeminoita FIN43434/06, C-section, spayed Taikarummun Diivan Riimi FI34681/09, missing testicles Taikarummun Erikoinen Ihme ER30651/12, castrated due to recurring prostate infections Taimiston Pimeäaine FI42268/11, castrated at three years old because of enlarged prostate Tinttaraisen Kas Akka FIN25978/04, uterus infection Tuhkavuorten Jääkyyhky FIN34109/08, spayed because of short heat cycle and severe pseudopregnancies Tuhkavuorten Sateentekijä FIN38204/06, hereditary cataracts Tuhkavuorten Korpisoturi FIN33522/07 Tuhkavuorten Revontuliritari ER57854/07, missing testicles Tuhkavuorten Soihdunkantaja FIN38205/06, hereditary cataracts Tuhkavuorten Taivaantuli FIN42223/05, suspected PRA Tuhkavuorten Tulimyrsky FIN42222/05, missing testicles Urra FIN41108/07, spayed because of her four-month heat cycle and mild pseudopregnancies Tinttaraisen Tuulenpuhuri FIN36874/06 Tuhkavuorten Vuorenkotka FIN47663/06 Vuosttas Gotka FIN27501/05, missing testicles Vuosttas Goahcci FIN27500/05, missing testicles Any other disease or defect Cossak´s Botnic Balanssi FIN50381/04, liver values slightly higher than normal for eight months. No cause was found. Finally blood values went drastically down, the dog was in pain and was euthanised. Hagassessan Bis-Bisin FIN37629/06, tonsils operated Hallanevan Lumijäkkärä ER37287/09, recurring anal gland infections Hankamukan Muska FIN50266/05, ruptured spleen Jahkkas Dikkumelli FIN10757/00, inguinal hernia, iris tumour Karhukallion Ali-Baba ER19087/03, recurring anal gland infections Lumiturpa Excellent Eddie FIN21794/98, retinopathy Pakkaslaulun Mallan Mahti FI45034/11, localized demodicosis Pihlajamäen Auer-Waara FIN40905/03, euthanised due to kidney failure Pihlajamäen Bilvi-Linna ER43752/04, cardiomyopathy Pihlajamäen Galadriel ER29401/08, enlarged esophagus Pihlajamäen Gil-Estel ER29399/08, sterile cystitis Pihlajamäen Hilja Maitotyttö ER15318/10, inguinal hernia Pihlajamäen Niilo Nokipoika ER25877/12, cerebellar disorder Pihlajamäen Quutamo Kaihomieli (not registered), euthanised at the age of five due to developmental disorder Pilvipolun Malja Aamulle FI24965/10, CSK (Chronic superficial keratitis aka pannus) and plasmoma Pilvipolun Vienan Sulkku FIN38301/07, narrow ear canals Poatsu Ihku-Ihana FI15109/11, euthanised due to spinal disc herniation, slipped disc between vertebrae L6 and L7 Pältsa ER42427/06, liver values repeatedly high, no cause found. Vasculitis detected. Raiddokas Yngve FIN37807/02, diagnosed as mentally disabled by two vets. Clumsy, sensitive to noise, tucked his rear legs under his body Sagaberran Jäänkävijä ER29227/05, tendency to develop growths (benign follicular hyperkeratosis in one elbow, half of the thyroid gland and ¾ of the parathyroid gland removed due to parathyroid gland hyperplasia) Sagaberran Peurankello ER32530/09, dysfunctional anal gland Sagaberran Ukonhattu ER45580/04, kidney stones Soidinahon Vihtori ER48667/05, prostate problems Taikarummun Erikoinen Ihme ER30651/12, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Tinttaraisen Tuomo Ruutu FI33495/11, herpes Tuhkavuorten Lumihippa FIN53108/05, progressed cataracts (not recorded in KoiraNet) Any other autoimmune disease Barinja FI34995/09, Addison’s disease Hankamukan Hetan Hilla FIN32266/03 Cushing’s syndrome (cerebral) Hukkaperä Lempi FIN22545/02, Myasthenia gravis Kuurakuonon Borealis Parkki ER34921/01, Cushing’s disease Pilvipolun Vienan Sulkku FIN38301/07, localized juvenile demodicosis Taikarummun Auringontuli ER17012/05, localized demodicosis Faulty bites/missing teeth Chevrott's Mandu ER19105/11, undershot bite Chevrott's Jirra ER52435/1, undershot bite Hagassessan Bellisette FIN37633/06, enamel damage on one canine tooth Hagassessan Husse ER22569/02, canine teeth erosion Hattivatin Hippu ER34121/08, undershot bite (turned into a level bite at the age of ten weeks and into an undershot bite) Ihanniinku Aito Selänne FI33545/13, slightly overshot bite Iresa Yövilkka ER43929/07, undershot bite Karhukallion Ice Man FI38864/12, tooth gemination, extra tooth removed, normal puppy teeth Kuunkajon Shamaanin Toivo FI18369/09, undershot bite Kuurakuonon Faahtsam Lavlla ER24584/03, one P1 missing Kuunkajon Shamaanin Voima FI18370/09, a couple of premolars missing Miehtebiekka Wilona FI60058/10, undershot bite Pilvipolun Maa-Tiainen FIN24506/06, one upper P4 missing Pihlajamäen Carjalan Toivo FIN23563/05, two P4 teeth missing Pihlajamäen Fantom FIN47108/07, one lower premolar missing Pihlajamäen Jukolan Aapo FI10836/11, undershot bite Taikarummun Boheemimadda FIN43437/06, one upper P3 missing Taikarummun Boheeminäkijä FIN43440/06, one upper P3 missing Taikarummun Erikoinen Ihme ER30651/12, a lower P2 missing Tuhkavuorten Karhunvartija FIN33518/07, one P4 missing Vuosttas Giehpaganda FIN27496/05 undershot bite Zinaidan Kukka ER12264/00, uneven bite Reproductive problems Hagassessan Balezzia FIN37632/06, weak heats Hagassessan Belisette FIN37633/06, weak heats Jahkkas Dikkumelli FIN10757/00, short/non-existent uterine cervix Kuunkajon Korvenhenki FIN36709/06, mated twice but never conceived Kuurakuonon Onnenapila FIN31976/08, mated three times but never conceived Taikarummun Boheeminoita FIN43434/06, complete primary uterine inertia Taikarummun Diivan Runo FI34682/09, complete primary uterine inertia Umbilical hernias Chevrott's Merinda ER19106/11 Hagassessan Coagis ER59466/08 Hagassessan Lotta ER31642/04 Hankamukan Muska FIN50266/05 Karhukallion Fun Fenix FI36218/10 Kuunkajon Aava Ulappa FIN21920/04 Miehtebiekka Morris EJ29948/02 Pihlajamäen Duulenviemä FIN45021/06 Pihlajamäen Feenix FIN47109/07 Pihlajamäen Gildor ER29397/08 Pihlajamäen Neiti Nokinen ER25879/12 Pohjanpaimen Come Prima FI40970/12 Taikarummun Diivan Loru FI34680/09 Taikarummun Fiilis Iloinen ER19482/13 Taikarummun Fiilis Lystikäs ER19481/13 Taikarummun Fiilis Rattoisa ER19479/13 Taikarummun Fiilis Riemukas ER19480/13 Tinttaraisen Tuulen Mukaan FIN36877/06 Heart problems Iresa Suhmuran Santra FIN34366/00, heart defect Pihlajamäen Bohjan-Tähti ER43753/04, heart defect Tuhkavuorten Aamuhalla FIN26353/08, minor heart murmur Kinky tails Hagassessan Vifta FI21497/09 Menninkäisen Alkustartti EJ12468/02 Kielapihkan Kolo Komiassa EJ19631/13 Kuurakuonon Mustanaamio FIN30709/06 Pihlajamäen Onnenkoukku EJ12406/13 Pilvipolun Vienan Sulkku FIN38301/07, kink at the tip of the tail, a short tail vertebra Sagaberran Oriparoni FI17537/10, kinky tail due to a fracture Sagaberran Ruskatuli FIN43087/07 Soidinahon Elämän Ilotar ER14655/10, born with a broken tail which developed a kink Suopunkitytön Viuvalon Vosa FI12482/09, third and fourth tail vertebrae ossified Tinttaraisen Kas Akka FIN25973/04, kink at the tip of the tail Tinttaraisen Kastanja FIN25977/04 Tuhkavuorten Merikotka FI52416/09 Tuhkavuorten Riihenvahti ER57852/07 Tuhkavuorten Runokeiju ER57855/07 Tuhkavuorten Sateentekijä FIN38204/06 Noise sensitivity (thunder, fireworks, gunshots) Cossak´s Botnic Balanssi FIN50381/04 Jahkkas Dikkumelli FIN10757/00 Hallanevan Lumijäkkärä ER37287/09 Hukkaperä Hoppatossu ER48906/05, sensitive to thunder and fireworks Karhukallion Ali-Baba ER19087/03, sensitive to thunder, fireworks, gunshots and other loud noises Karhukallion Asterix ER19086/03, gun-shy Kivimannun Suviruusu-Ulda FIN22829/98, sensitive to thunder and fireworks Kuurakuonon Joulun-Joiku FIN25798/05, somewhat sensitive to fireworks and loud gunshots Nequam Lohjan-Lyra ER24080/07, started reacting to thunder and fireworks at the age of about two years Pihlajamäen Bohjan-Puhuri ER43757/04, sensitive to fireworks Pihlajamäen Gil-Estel ER29399/08, sensitive to noises Poropeukalon Nietosneito ER12514/08, gun-shy Q-kan Alessia, gun-proof but sensitive to thunder Sagaberran Ketunmarja FIN45472/07 Sagaberran Nevanneito FIN50351/07, somewhat sensitive to gunshots and some other noises (fireworks and thunder included) Patella luxation Rakkahalti FI29823/08, lateral luxation, operated Temperament problems Hagassessan Husse ER22569/02, euthanised due to aggressiveness Hattivatin Pessi ER29747/04 euthanised due to aggressiveness and unpredictable behaviour towards people Iresa Ottilia FIN14632/98, euthanised due to behavioral problems caused by eye defect Iresa Sarkein Seppä FIN34363/00, euthanised due to behavioral problems Kuunkajon Keskiyönkulkija FIN36706/06, euthanised due to severe separation anxiety and aggressiveness towards other dogs Lapinlempi Empatia ER13427/11, euthanised due to severe separation anxiety Pihlajamäen Gil-Estel ER29399/08, timid Poropeukalon Nietosneito ER12514/08, aggressive when defending her territory, has bitten people Poropeukalon Syvä Taivas ER59329/09, sharp and soft temperament, poor nerves Sagaberran Luhtavilla FI29271/11, euthanised due to very timid temperament at four months of age Tuhkavuorten Sudentähti FIN38209/06, extremely timid, euthanised Bone and joint disorders Cossak’s Exotic Elwira FIN55155/06, mild lumbar spondylosis Hagassessan Ben-Bennu FIN37628/06, developmental disorder in the pelvis, abnormal sacral bone, euthanised Hagassessan Hoppsan ER22571/02, patella problems, possibly caused by excess weight Hagassessan Leeviki ER31634/04, deformed vertebra in the pelvis Hukkaperä Oinas FIN37507/04, severe ventral spondylosis between the seventh lumbar vertera and sacrum, neuropathic pain Hukkaperä Repo Raija ER26246/01, spondylosis, arthritis Huraus Bargu FIN52355/04, spondylosis between the second and third lumbar vertebrae, euthanised Iresa Ursa Minor ER48892/04, spondylosis Kielapihkan Jippikayjei FI53226/12, incipient arthritis in both elbows, one elbow affected with ununited medial epicondyle Mökötuvan Iina-Utukka ER27511/05, spondylosis, x-rays showed bridges on the third vertebra Pihlajamäen Carjalan Heili FIN23560/05, back problems Pihlajamäen Carjalan Toivo FIN23563/05, sacralisation in the back, head tremors Pihlajamäen Duulispää FIN45020/06, spinal disc herniation, euthanised Poatsu Ihku-Ihana FI15109/11, spinal disc herniation between vertebrae L6 and L7, euthanised Tuulenkuun Aistikas Aksoni FIN16944/98, anterior cruciate ligament injury, which revealed severe spondylosis Tuulenkuun Cuukivi ER12944/01, spondylosis Tuulenkuun Erätuulenkuiske FIN21125/03, spondylosis Iresa Ursa Minor ER48892/04, spondylosis Tumours Cossak’s Exotic Elwira FIN55155/06, mammary gland tumour Kisuran Kesakko ER30527/04, died of cancer caused by malignant anal sac adenocarcinoma Piku ER22417/99, mammary gland tumours Tinttaraisen Pikkulikka ER12078/02, mammary gland tumours operated Cause of death Cossak´s Botnic Balanssi FIN50381/04, liver values slightly higher than normal for eight months. No cause was found. Finally blood values went drastically down, the dog was in pain and was euthanised. Hankamukan Hetan Hilla FIN32266/03, Cushing’s syndrome (cerebral), died autumn 2014 Hukkaperä Hepsankeikka ER48907/05, traffic accident Jahkkas Aprilli Akka FIN23411/98, traffic accident Kivimannun Suviruusu-Ulda FIN22829/98, acute vertigo, possibly central nervous system or ear-related Korpikairan Illansulo ER59381/12, euthanised due to severe recurrent central nervous system problems. Autopsy report stated a transjugular intrahepatic shunt. Kuurakuonon Onnenapila FIN31976/08, traffic accident Kuurakuonon Revontulenloimu FI42822/09, euthanised July 2014 as the medication for allergic atopic skin infection stopped working Lapinlempi Empatia ER13427/11, severe separation anxiety Pihlajamäen Bilvi-Linna ER43752/04, cardiomyopathy Pihlajamäen Quutamo Kaihomieli (not registered), euthanised at the age of five weeks due to developmental disorder Sagaberran Dihkkerassi ER32841/09, traffic accident Sagaberran Keijunkello FIN45473/07, traffic accident Soidinahon Katari ER45663/05, euthanised due to epileptic seizures Taikarummun Erikoinen Ihme ER30651/12, euthanised due to inflammatory bowel disease (the dog no longer responded to medication) Tinttaraisen Staalontuuli FI57148/10, euthanised due to severe allergy Tinttaraisen Tuulenpuuska FIN36875/06, traffic accident Tinttaraisen Tuulen Mukaan FIN36877/06, aggressive towards strangers Tuhkavuorten Lumipyörre FIN53110/05, autopsy revealed aplastic anemia, likely caused by immunopathological reasons, prostatic fibrosis Tuhkavuorten Tuulenkuutamo FIN42226/05, bowel obstruction, intestinal foreign body
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