Ironside State School NEWSLETTER 16 September 2014 / Edition 17 2 Hawken Drive St Lucia QLD 4067 Telephone: 07 3258 3111 DATE CLAIMERS 20.10.14 STUDENT FREE DAY 29.10.14 Junior Concert Band MusicFest 2014 at Ferny Grove State School 30.10.14 Kids Matter Information Evening (6:00pm) 31.10.14 Senior Concert Band MusicFest 2014 at Iona College 5.11.14 Prep - Year 3 Art Evening 6.11.14 Parent Reps Meeting (2:00pm) Instrumental Music Info Night (6:30pm) 12.11.14 Years 4 - 7 Art Evening Choral Workshop (Years 3 - 7) 14.11.14 PUBLIC HOLIDAY (G20) 20.11.14 All Group Concert (6:30pm) 21.11.14 Prep Orientation Day (1:30pm - 3:00pm) 27.11.14 Festival of Carols 9.12.14 Year 6 Graduation 10.12.14 Year 7 Graduation STUDENT ABSENCE LINE: 3258 3160 [email protected] Facsimile: 07 3258 3100 Web: Dear Parents and Caregivers, Welcome back for Term 4. This is always a busy term finishing off 2014, saying goodbye to our Year 7 students and for the first time our Year 6 students. We celebrate the great achievements in all areas of our school and then set the wheels in motion for 2015 by electing our school leaders and organising our classes. If you are not returning to Ironside State School in 2015 please return the letter that went out this week or contact our administration office on 32583111 to assist us to transition smoothly to 2015. Monday 20 October is a pupil free day. There will be no supervision at the school on that day. Please check with afterschool care on 38709849 if you require supervision on that day. The staff will be participating in professional development with International Educator, Lane Clark. Lane has a well-earned reputation as an expert in powerful pedagogy and in the design and delivery of engaging curriculum. Lane explores the processes of learning while taking a light hearted look at some of the current practices within many of our schools. Lane believes that in the future, how we educate will be more important than what we educate about, and that we need to work with students on how to learn, how to think, and the relationship between the two. PREP ORIENTATION DAY Friday 21 November from 1:30pm - 3:00pm. This is a valuable opportunity for children to come to school and get a “taste” of what is ahead in 2015. If you know families who have not enrolled for Prep in 2015 please ask them to contact our office. HIGH SCHOOL OPEN DAYS SMOOTH THE WAY It’s an exciting time for both our Year 6 and Year 7 students who will move to high school in 2015. No matter where your child will attend high school, taking part in open events, information evenings and orientation or taster days is an important step toward a smooth transition between primary and secondary education. Term 4 is normally the time that high schools open their classrooms to incoming students, so be sure to check with your chosen high school about upcoming opportunities for you and your child to tour the facilities and meet the teachers. We will continue to work closely with Indooroopilly High School to support students to make a smooth transition. Continued... 1 SCHOOL COUNCIL SURVEY The School Council is responsible for guiding the broad strategic direction of the school. In viewing the Strategic Plan, the Council is seeking the views of the school community regarding the important strategic issues facing the school. The Council would therefore appreciate your participation in a short survey to assist the Council in its strategic analysis. The survey consists of one question and can be accessed by the following link: What is the most important school/community issue you would like the school council to consider and address? JOIN IN THE FIGHT AGAINST SUGAR, BY PETER VOZVOTECA Help us solve the problem..."How might we help our kids make better decisions about sugar consumption, in the face of conflicting and confusing information" As a parent (with a child attending Ironside State School), I am concerned about childhood obesity and obesity-related conditions which have reached alarming levels on a local and global scale. According to the 2007-2008 National Health Survey (NHS), 25% of Australian children are obese or overweight. Childhood obesity is associated with both short-term and long-term physical and mental health conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes, Tooth Decay & Gum Disease, Cardio-vascular Disease and Orthopaedic disorders. Despite several government initiatives to address the problem, the situation is deteriorating. In particular, we want to focus on the main culprit; sugar! If you are passionate about this problem, join the fight! Several Brisbane-based social innovation designer are committed to engaging with the community to identify meaningful solutions to this problem using Human-Centred Design methodology. The Ironside State School have joined the fight and we are looking for the community (Parents, Students, Teachers, Experts) to participate in this project on a number of levels including joining the project team. By providing us with your stories, personal experiences and expertise we will achieve a deeper understanding of the problem space. We will use this information in addition to other customer research to develop unique insights. These insights will then be used to conduct community brainstorming sessions to generate unique and practical concepts. For more information contact Peter Vozvoteca at [email protected] or download the project information pack. You can also join the on-line Google+ Community to help us find innovative and sustainable solutions to this problem. Yours in Education Angela Douglas Principal NEWS FROM THE OFFICE YEAR 5 CAMP PAYMENTS Could all parents/guardians of Year 5 students please ensure that the payment for camp is made by Monday 20 October. Please contact the school office should you need to discuss this. Thank you. Tanya Isherwood Business Service Manager 2 NEWS FROM MS RUDDICK Welcome back to Term 4 and welcome any new families to the school. It is certainly going to be another busy and rewarding term for everyone at Ironside. STRING PROGRAMME IN 2015 A decision has been made to commence the String Programme from Year 2 in 2015. Ironside’s String Teacher, Ms Weekes will be sending home further information to our current Year 1 parents. MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR KATYA Sadly, past Ironside student, Katareeya (Katya) Epp lost her battle with cancer on 6 October. Katya graduated from Year 7 in 2011. A memorial service is being planned and will be held at Ironside in the Hall on Saturday 1 November commencing at 10am. Katya’s parents and younger sister, Tamarine will be flying to Brisbane from Prague to attend the service. A morning tea will follow after the service. If you would like to assist with the catering by bringing a plate on the day, please contact Lisa Napier. Lisa’s e-mail is [email protected] . If anyone has any photographs they would like to share or speak at the service, please contact me. I also have their mail address if anyone would like to send a card to the family. Our thoughts and prayers go to the Epp family from the Ironside community. PARENT REPS FOR 2014 The next Parent Rep meeting will be held on Thursday 6 November at 2:00pm in the staffroom. ART EVENINGS Wednesday 5 November from 6:00pm -7:30pm Prep-3 Art Evening in the Hall Wednesday 12 November from 6:00pm -7:30pm Years 4-7 Art Evening in the Hall Please see flyer on Page 5 for further information. 2015 PREP ENROLMENT If you reside in the Ironside catchment area or have a sibling currently enrolled at Ironside and have not made an appointment to enrol your child into Prep for 2015, please contact the main office to make a booking. KIDS MATTER Please see flyer on Page 4 about Ironside’s Information Evening on Thursday 30 October. 2015 DIARY DATE For families who would like to wait until 2015 to purchase school uniforms and other requirements, the School Shop will be opened on Thursday 22 January 2015 from 1:00pm - 5:00pm. The school year commences on Tuesday 27 January 2015. Kind Regards Janice Ruddick Deputy Principal 3 4 5 NEWS FROM MR KNIGHTS STEM Congratulations to all the students who participated in the STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths) program. The Ironside Students won two(2) of the categories. All of the students did an amazing job and I would like to thank Mrs Murray for coordinating the students across the term. CONTACT DETAILS AND EMAIL UPDATE FOR REPORT CARDS In Term 4 all report cards will be sent electronically to parents and care givers. This is a whole school change from the paper driven reports all schools have previously sent home. A letter has been sent home to the eldest in the family asking for parents to check, and update where necessary, their contact details including their place of residence, phone numbers and email addresses. This will be placed into the school system ready for the reporting period in Term 4. ICALe Thanks to all parents who came to the parent information evening again last night. Expressions of interest will go out tomorrow and will be due back in Week 4. The cost of the program is $1400 in total. To help accommodate the 2015 classes new furniture is being ordered that will allow for better posture whilst working. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (RE) All RE classes will commence tomorrow and finish on Friday 21 November with a combined class on Friday 28 November to celebrate Christmas. WEBSITE Check out the Queensland Schools Smart App to keep in touch with Ironside. It’s available for Android, IOS and also Win 8 computers. MOBILE MUSTER Mobile muster is on again. If you have any old and unwanted phones working or not please hand them in to the front office and I will collate and send away. All mobile phones are sent away to be recycled into a number of new item such as fence posts for country areas. This year we are aiming for 5kg of phones. Adam Knights Deputy Principal 6 P&C News Welcome back after the school holidays. Thinking about every student returning home safe each and every day, the following safety tips from “A Queensland Guide to School Road Safety” spring to mind: When driving and in the car, make sure your child uses the car door on the kerb side (known as the safety door) not the roadside. When driving near schools or school zones, be alert when passing a stationary bus as children often dash out to cross the road. Don’t park in no-stopping zones or use them as drop off areas. These zones are meant to be clear of vehicles so that pedestrians and other motorists can see what’s going on. SKIP-A-THON Thank you to all the children who took part in this fun event; and thank you to all those who have made their sponsorship payments. Due to the skip-a-thon being delayed a week, it is recognised that it may have been difficult for some parents and guardians to collect the funds raised before the end of Term 3, as originally proposed. Now in the second week of Term 4, the P&C is working on bringing this fundraiser to a conclusion. The awarding of the prize to the pupil that raised most money and the class that raised most money will be based on the funds received as of 15 October 2014, the date of this newsletter, and will be announced at the first available school assembly. TUCKSHOP The end of Term 3 sausage sizzle was a great success with a profit of over $750. Big thank you to IGA St Lucia for giving us the sausages at cost price. Also thanks to Tim and Gina Noble, Ray Osborne, Isobel Khursandi, and Iana Golitsyna for helping to make this day such a success. As mentioned in the last Newsletter, Sushi is now available two times per week, on Mondays and Wednesdays. Also, just a reminder that our tuckshop is now open Fridays. To all those who have volunteered for Friday tuckshop, thank you! We are still a number of volunteers short across all tuckshop days however. If you could assist on any day of the week would you please email Laurel at [email protected] UNIFORM SHOP As discussed at the past several P&C meetings and as previously reported in the school Newsletter, our Shops Committee has conducted a review of uniform suppliers. All DETE preferred suppliers have obligations for the provision of school uniforms as defined in the Deed of Agreement: DETESOA-101124. This agreement includes obligations relating to pricing, compliance with standards, independent testing of fabric (fabric weight, colour, colourfastness, shrinkage, pilling), delivery and packaging, stockholdings, service and support, and reporting. Following this review, the P&C placed an order for uniforms with a new supplier and the Shops Committee has recently approved the colour swatches. Also, a sample garment (not in Ironside colours) is still available in the uniform shop should parents wish to assess the quality. Once fully implemented, the Shops Committee expects to be able to reduce the value of uniform stock held by the P&C from over $50,000 in 2014 to less than $20,000 in 2015, and continue to provide excellent garment quality and service. Any reduction in stock value achieved represents a one-time freeing up of cash for the P&C to use for the benefit of students at Ironside. BOOKSHOP 2015 book lists have recently been sent home with the children. Online orders are due Monday 20 October or return to the school by Tuesday 21 October. If you do not have your booklist for next year please contact your classroom teacher for a copy. By ordering through the P&C's bookshop you are ensuring that your children have all the correct school supplies in a very convenient manner, at a reasonable price, and you will be supporting the P&C and your school. Sincerely, Stephen Dowdle President - Ironside State School P&C Association [email protected] 7 YEAR 3 NEWS Year 3 students have been developing their good writing skills through working with The Lorax. They have explored nonsense words to add humour, added alliteration to create caring feelings in their readers and have used onomatopoeia to bring a BANG! to the overall message ‘We are all responsible for looking after our environment’. The students would like to share a sampling of their writing with the Ironside School Community and hope you have a little chuckle as you remember your own experiences reading Dr Seuss. ….the word of the Lorax seems perfectly clear . Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, It’s not… “It was a peaceful day in Truffula Land with ripple-blue ponds and a lovely, sapphire sky. Oh! I forgot to mention sweet, sweet Truffula fruit and a variety of colourful Truffula trees. KA-THUMP! I fell down the Truffula tree I was trying to get a Truffula fruit from, when I saw a cart approach up a greeny-grass hill. It had ‘The Once-ler’ on it and it was pulled by a donkey. “Oh,” came a sound from the cart “Truffula trees!” Some Creature got out of the cart and built a weird-looking tent shop. Oh! I forgot to introduce myself: “William the Wise Brown Bar-Ba-loot at your service.” I am a small, quick and curious Brown Bar-Ba-loot (I reckon so anyway).” Lucy 3H “Hi, I’m Flippers the humming fish! I love to swim with the Lorax, play ‘scratched you’ in the silvery, spiky sand and do humming concerts under the feeble, green light of the sickle-sackle sea plants. I live in a beautiful, healthy, magical world called Truffulaland.” Hasara 3F “…and then there was only me. I saw the axe coming closer. I closed my eyes. I felt my head fall to the ground with a big thump! Everything turned upside down. I started to fall asleep. Everything faded away. I died.” Jane 3S “I am a brown Bar-ba-loot named Ed and I am going to tell you an amazing story. One day, I was happily climbing to get some delicious, mouth watering Truffula fruit for the Hubba Bubba Feast. I loved climbing the tall colourful Truffula Trees, eating their fruit and best of all, playing with my friends the Humming-Fish and Swomme-Swans under the exquisite clouds and the glorious blue as glue sky. I felt very jolly like my head was going to explode! Later on a 'thing' came rolling along, squashing our pathway. Splash! It rode straight through our pond! A weird, glassy monster stepped out and in his hand was a silvery stick. With a bulky hack, down came one of my Truffula friends. I sighed with sorrow.” Ethan 3L “One day I awoke to a wild, wilder whack! Then a chop!, Then a smack! After that, three trees fell to the ground.. Bang! Bang! Bang! Oh Ah, The great Lorax. He was mighty distracted. I felt something terribly bad was going to happen. He was mad. Steaming mad. Red as a hot red chillie pepper. I knew it was wrong. Something terribly wrong. My stomach squeezed tight like I was going to vomit and bells rang alarm in my ears.” Annabelle 3K 8 MUSIC NEWS BAND STUDENTS – Woodwind, Brass & Percussion MUSICFEST 2015 PERFORMANCES Senior Concert Band – MusicFest 2014, Friday 31 October 7:00pm for 8:00pm performance – Iona College, 85 North Road, Wynnum West Junior Concert Band – MusicFest 2014, Wednesday 29 October 7:10pm for 8:10pm performance – Ferny Grove State School Students will be required to wear their Music Performance uniforms with black socks and black shoes to MusicFest performances. RECRUITMENT FOR 2015 Letters of offer are being distributed this week. Parents of students who accept enrolment to commence participation in the Instrumental Music Program in 2015 will be required to attend an information evening on Thursday 6 November at 6:30pm in the hall. If your child has not received an offer in this round, there may be a possibility that an offer will be received at a later date. SMARTMUSIC SOFTWARE UPDATE Term 4 assessment pieces are now available in your Smartmusic classes. UPCOMING PERFORMANCES AND IMPORTANT REMINDERS All Group Concert Thursday 20 November 6:00pm for 6:30pm start Festival of Carols Thursday 27 November TBA Happy listening & happy music-making! Ms Janelle Lee Long ([email protected]) Mr John Grainger ([email protected]) Instrumental Music Teachers - Band SPORT NEWS WEEK 3 (FRIDAY 24 OCTOBER) SPORT REARRANGEMENTS DUE TO YEAR 5 CAMP Due to Year 5 camp in Week 3 this term, we have had to make the following rearrangements on 24 October to compensate for absent staff and reduced student numbers. Thank you for your understanding and if you have any concerns, please contact Mr Knights. TaeKwon-Do, Ultimate Frisbee, Flippaball, Gymnastics, Cricket, Boys Basketball & Senior Girls Basketball will go ahead as per usual. Junior Girls Basketball - all Junior girls teams will forfeit and Mrs Cowan-Dillon will take the remaining four Year 6 girls with her to St Aidans, Ambiwerra, with the Senior Girls who will play as per usual. Softball & Jump Rope - forfeit/cancel due to low numbers- all remaining students will to join Ultimate Disc on the Ironside Oval. Sarah Walters HPE SPECIALIST Continued... 9 FRIDAY SPORT RESULTS Friday Sport 2014 Semester 2, Week 5 Date: 19/09/14 Sport Division Opposition Score Winners Softball Boys Girls Junior A Sherwood 8-22 Sherwood basketball Junior B Indooroopilly 24-0 Indooroopilly Senior A Toowong 8-14 Toowong Senior B1 Indooroopilly 6-18 Ironside Senior B2 Toowong 0-58 Ironside Boys Senior A1 Graceville 20-12 Ironside basketball Senior A2 Indooroopilly 11-7 Ironside Senior B Toowong 22-2 Toowong Junior A Graceville 16-16 Draw Junior B Toowong 6-4 Ironside Blue Senior Indooroopilly - Forfeit Blue Junior Indooroopilly - Forfeit Green Senior Sherwood 6-5 Sherwood Green Junior Sherwood 6-0 Ironside Red Senior Graceville 10-5 Graceville Red Junior Graceville 5-2 Ironside Senior Sherwood 197-162 Sherwood Junior 1 Corinda 144-62 Corinda Junior 2 Corinda 120-140 Ironside Flippaball Cricket BYE Friday Sport 2014 Semester 2, Week 6 Date: 10/10/14 Sport Opposition Score Winners Softball Boys Corinda 44-3 Ironside Girls Junior A St Aidans 14-6 St Aidans basketball Junior B Sherwood 8-6 Ironside Senior A St Aidans 6-4 St Aidans Senior B1 Sherwood 10-2 Ironside Senior B2 Corinda 4-28 Ironside Boys Senior A1 Corinda 24-20 Corinda basketball Senior A2 Senior B Junior A Graceville 20-18 Ironside Junior B Graceville 22-2 Graceville Blue Senior Graceville 7-3 Graceville Blue Junior Graceville 5-4 Ironside Green Senior Indooroopilly 13-7 Ironside Green Junior Indooroopilly 5-4 Indooroopilly Red Senior Sherwood 6-1 Sherwood Red Junior Sherwood 11-4 Ironside Corinda 127-98 Corinda Junior 1 CTK 143-69 Ironside Junior 2 Corinda 157-92 Ironside Flippaball Cricket 10 Division Senior Tuckshop News Term 4 Week 3 Date Tuckshop Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 20/10 21/10 22/10 23/10 24/10 Date Homebake Mon Tues Wed Thurs 20/10 21/10 22/10 23/10 PUPIL FREE DAY (No school) Penny Garnett, Alfi Eustace, Siti Murtafiah (11:00am – 2:00pm) Nicci Wackwitz, Samantha Nguyen, Jennifer Liu, Nicole Seeto, Carrie Furey (8:30am -11:00am) Naomi Ito, Akiko Shirakawa, Chigusa Hasegawa, Yukie Ishioka Iana Golitsyna, Behnaz Behi, Alison Crane, Gina Noble PUPIL FREE DAY (No school) Arava Rosenbaum, Treena Wigan, Nadia Fernandez Mary Burrell, Fiona Himstedt, Nadia Fernandez Lisa Fogden, Annette Hepburn Term 4: Week 4 Date Tuckshop Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 27/10 28/10 29/10 30/10 31/10 Date Homebake Mon Tues Wed Thurs 27/10 28/10 29/10 30/10 Sue Boulton, Maria Clark, Karen Barazza Akiko Kitano, Yoko Igawa, Hitomi Kaneko, Emiko Ogake Nicole Seeto, Samantha Nguyen, Miwa Kolb Lily Lin, Uni Yang, Irene Tang, Siti Murtafiah (11:00am - 2:00pm) Iana Golitsyna, Gina Noble, Ray Osborne, Wendy Nicholson Ros Gilbert, Silvia Velez, Lisa Forster Andrea Webb – Jolly, Weena Jayalath, Lori Graham Helen Birchall, Cindy Davies, Maree Liessmann Mara Christa, Linda Graham, Tania Ferguson Jane Wurth (0409 060 653) Tuckshop Convener 11 12 13 14 15
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