Ironside State School NEWSLETTER 19 February 2015 / Edition 2 2 Hawken Drive St Lucia QLD 4067 Telephone: 07 3258 3111 DATE CLAIMERS STUDENT ABSENCE LINE: 3258 3160 [email protected] Facsimile: 07 3258 3100 Web: Dear Parents and Caregivers, SCHOOL LEADERS 2015 20.2.15 Year 1 - 6 Religious Education Class Commence Congratulations to all our school leaders for 2015: School Captains: Keva C. and Jake H School Vice Captains: Sophie M. and Tim L. Chappy Sausage Sizzle 24.2.15 First P&C General Meeting (6:30pm) 2.3.15 Year 4 Excursion (4HS, 4C & 4J) Sports Captains: Cook - Malia G. and Jack D. Flinders - Eloise D. and Declan J. Oxley - Ellia W. and Tomas MW. Sturt - Lucy C. and Archie B. Library Captain: Areebah K. 6.3.15 Friday Sports Commence 9.3.15 Year 4 Excursion (4M & 4B) 12.3.15 Prep - Year 6 Hands on Art Evening (6:00pm) 18.3.15 Overseas & Australian Family Network Meeting (2:00pm) We also acknowledge the leadership role undertaken by all our Year 6 students who will be recognised through their exemplary role modelling of the ‘Ironside Way’ and unique Year 6 shirt throughout the school year. 27.3.15 Last day of Religious Education Class STOP DROP GO ZONES 19.6.15 International Breakfast and Concert (7:30am) Parent Reps Meeting (2:00pm) Choral Captain: Cantabile - Annabelle H. and Joseph G. Legato - Ellia W. and Alexander J. Music Captains: Band - YingJie W. and Jack D. Intermediate Strings - Chloe M. and Sam S. Senior Strings - Lucy C. and Isabel C. Chamber Strings - Amy S. Amitai R. Traffic conditions near schools can seriously affect the safety of school children. The traffic environment around schools is one of the most complex road transport environments normally encountered by motorists, and the most complex traffic environment encountered by children. This is because traffic density and pedestrian movements are concentrated in short periods of usually 30 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon. The guidelines are intended to provide a single point of reference for any organisation or authority involved with, or seeking information about, traffic management and road safety at schools. Please take time to familiarise yourself with school zone parking and pick up rules that apply from 7:00am - 9:00am and 2:00pm - 4:00pm at https:// Continued... 1 Poor driver behaviour not only endangers the lives of our students but also creates havoc for all other drivers trying to utilise the zones in a lawful manner. Thank you to our parents who have been using the stop, drop and go zones as they are intended during the morning and afternoon. GROWTH MINDSETS IN STUDENTS - Dr CAROL DWECK (AN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHER) In 2015 we will be working towards creating growth mindsets within and beyond the classroom based on the work of Dr Carol Dweck. One way parents can really help their children is by carefully choosing the words that are used when they praise them. Every word parents say and action they perform sends a message to their children. These words and actions tell children how to think about themselves. Parents should always praise their child’s effort instead of praising accomplishments. The following table includes some examples: Do Not Say Do Say You are really athletic! You are so smart! You really work hard and pay attention when you are on that field! You work hard in school and it shows! Your drawing is wonderful; you are my little artist. I can see you have been practising your drawing; what a great improvement. You are a great athlete. You could be the next Tim Cahill. Keep practising and you will see great results You always get good grades; that makes me happy. When you put forth effort, it really shows in your grades. You should be so proud of yourself. We are proud of you! Yours in Education Angela Douglas Principal NEWS FROM MS RUDDICK 2015 JAPAN STUDY TOUR Expressions of Interest for Years 5 and 6 students to participate in the 2015 Study Tour to Japan in the September School holidays was sent home yesterday. Please return any forms by Tuesday 24 February. NOHARA PRIMARY SCHOOL IN HAGA, JAPAN Since 1981, Ironside students have been visiting the Nohara Primary School in Haga, Japan. Sadly due to low enrolment numbers, the school is closing and joining several other schools to form the New Haga Primary School in early April. A closing ceremony at the school is being planned for Sunday 1 March by the Nohara Primary School Community. I have organised for a small tree to be planted with a special plaque placed near the tree to commemorate the 34 years of friendship between Ironside State School and Nohara Primary School. OVERSEAS AND AUSTRALIAN FAMILY NETWORK Thank you to the many families who attended our first meeting yesterday afternoon. The following countries were represented: Indonesia, Peru, South Korea, Norway, Japan, United Kingdom, St Lucia in the Caribbean, Jamaica, Zambia, China, Pakistan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Iceland and India. Our next meeting is planned for Wednesday 18 March at 2:00pm in the EAL/D classrooms near the staffroom. We will start planning for Ironside’s International Breakfast and Concert which will be held on Friday 19 June. Continued ... 2 PARENT REPS Thank you to the parents who attended last week’s meeting and for taking on this very important role. Once the mail merge of all e-mail address has been completed, I will forward a copy of the minutes from the meeting to you. Our next meeting will be held on Thursday 19 March at 2:00pm in the staffroom. HANDS ON ART EVENING Important Calendar Date: Wednesday 12 March 2015 Commencing at 6:00pm and concluding at 7:30pm This is a fun evening for all students from Prep-Year 6 and their parents to attend. The Chamber String Orchestra will be performing at the beginning of the evening. Approximately 30 art/craft activities will be set up for this event which will be held in the Hall, in the Library Basement, near J Block and on the Oval. Entry fee to attend is a gold coin donation which will go towards the cost of materials for the activities. The Friends of the Art Committee will be providing refreshments and there will be a stall selling calico bags and cards showing art work from our 2014 Ironside students. If any overseas families would like to show and teach a particular art/craft from their country, please contact me or our Artist in Residence, Mrs Clare Dyer. Already our Japanese community has offered to teach the art of origami as one of the activities. Students attending this event must be accompanied by at least one parent. WELCOME BUSH DANCE AND BARBEQUE Thank you to the families who attended the Bush Dance and BBQ organised by the Chaplaincy Committee on Saturday 7 February. It was great seeing so many families having fun dancing and participating in other activities. CHAPPY SAUSAGE SIZZLE Just a reminder that there will be a sausage sizzle during first break on Friday 20 February. Cost is $2 per sausage on bread with sauce. Congratulations to all our students who received their leadership badge at Ironside’s Investiture Assembly on Monday and a special congratulations to Year 6 student Alexander J. who became Ironside’s first Star of the Month. I am taking two week’s long service leave from Wednesday 25 February and will be back at Ironside on Wednesday 11 March. During this time, I will be travelling to Japan and will be visiting Nohara Primary School and the Kobe University School, Akashi. If time permits, I will visit Tomiokahigashi Primary School in Sakai. I look forward to seeing you all on my return. Mrs Lewis will be acting Deputy Principal in my absence. To all our Chinese families – Gong Xi Fa Cai (Happy New Year) Kind Regards Janice Ruddick Deputy Principal NEWS FROM MR KNIGHTS CYBERSAFETY The culture of a school is set by the Administration team and teachers, but it is students and parents that can really make it strong. When students feel empowered to work with adults, to create opportunities for positive relationships and make commitments to engage in positive behaviours they can establish a positive peer group culture that makes a huge contribution to the school culture. Teaching your child to be cybersafe will help them to engage with the online world safely, responsibly and discerningly and can assist to protect them from online risks. Continued ... 3 Sometimes children are faced with online situations that they simply don’t know how to handle. Common cybersafety issues for children include cyberbullying, accessing or sharing inappropriate content and protecting their personal information. Children and young people must have the knowledge and skills they need to prevent bullying and other inappropriate behaviours they see online, to intervene effectively when incidents occur, to celebrate diversity, and to promote friendship and positive social behaviours. This year we will again invite INESS and Mr Brett Lee to speak with all students and parents regarding safe and protective behaviors when online. BEFORE SCHOOL If you arrive before the bell (8:15am onwards) then students are expected to go to a supervised area. For students in Prep - Year 2, you are required to go under G Block. For Students in Years 3 - 6, you are required to go to the Library Basement. YEARS 3-6 TEACHER/PARENT SESSIONS Thank you to all parents who attended the parent information sessions. In the coming weeks there will be an opportunity to meet one on one with the teacher to discuss your child’s progress. Notes and times will go home with students so please ensure to check bags. INTERSCHOOL SPORT If there are any outstanding sport forms yet to be handed in please make sure they are returned to Ms Walters as soon as possible. MOBILE MUSTER Its time to clear out the old phones from drawers and send them in for recycling. Drop them into the front office and they can be added to our cache. This year we are aiming for 10kg of phones. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (RE) Religious education starts tomorrow and will conclude in week 9. If there are any concerns regarding classes please contact the front office. COMBINED CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION As part of an holistic education, the opportunity to conduct weekly classes in Religious Instruction (RI) is provided by Education Queensland in Year 1-6 in Queensland. Here at Ironside State School, accredited representatives from local faith groups conduct 30 minute classes each Friday in the middle session, following curriculums approved in accordance with Education Queensland guidelines. RI starts this week at Ironside but you may still wish to consider opting in to the program. In 2014 a Combined Christian RI- group was established. This is a group of 6 local Churches ( St Lucia Uniting, Chinese Christian Church, St Lucia Bible Church, Christ Community Church, Taringa Baptist and 5:17 Church) which has come together to teach a common curriculum of the central beliefs of all Christian groups. If you would like to see these curriculum documents or have further questions then please contact Karen Grenning ([email protected] or 0408493421 or Peter Lockhart 0412921242). Alternatively you might like to look at the website, which is the website for Christian Education Publications, which is the curriculum used in Year 1 and 6. We would encourage you to consider religious education as an opportunity to help your child engage in the religious dimension of life and the community in which we live. Adam Knights Deputy Principal 4 YEAR 3 NEWS 5 P&C News The work of the Ironside State School Parents and Community Association, its sub-committees and working groups make an important contribution to the school. If you are new parents I would strongly encourage you to check out the work of the P&C at P&C ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING At the AGM on Tuesday 10 February, the members of the P&C Executive and Sub-committees stepped down. A number of the P&C Executive Committee were filled, as follows; Ray Osborne - President Michelle Johnson - Vice President David Whytes - Assistant Treasurer This left a number of important vacancies to be filled. Subsequent to the meeting, interest has been expressed for the position of Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary and Assistant Secretary, and it is strongly anticipated that these people will be voted onto the Executive at the first P&C General Meeting to be held in the staff room at 6:30pm on Tuesday 24 February 2015. There is still a vacancy for a Vice President, and for a Swim-a-thon and Skip-a-thon co-ordinator, which I am confident, will soon be filled. A full list of the P&C Executive will be published in due course. The positions on the Shops and Swim Sub-committee’s were filled, as follows: Shops Chairperson - Laurel Zaicek Shops Treasurer - Treena Wigin Shops Secretary - Tim Noble Swim club Chair - Jon Irons Swim club Treasurer - Melissa Lennon Swim club Secretary - Chris Cashion BBQ coordinators - Isobel Khursandi/Karen Freeman Other positions filled were Care & Concern Coordinator – Karen Barazza, and Spring Fare Coordinator – Michelle Johnson. The majority of the people on the Sub-committees served in 2014, and I thank them for their continuing support of the important work of these sub-committees. P&C SHOPS – VOLUNTEERS We are still in DESPERATE need of volunteers for the Tuckshop and Uniform and Bookshop for 2015. We will not be in a position to open the shops unless we can fill a monthly roster. Unfortunately this is not an idle threat, but a reality, as it is not physically possible for a Tuckshop coordinator to provide the service, other than processing the on-line orders, so PLEASE consider volunteering your time. You are more than welcome to volunteer with a group of friends to make the day more social. You can volunteer for the tuckshop by emailing [email protected] or for the Uniform and Bookshop on [email protected] TUCKSHOP At the end of last term Gina Noble was appointed as one of two tuckshop coordinators, and will job share the role with Iana. There is a new tuckshop menu for Term 1 2015. There are many new items and we have worked to make some of our existing items healthier. A number of items, however, have had to be dropped from the menu as a result of the lack of volunteers, as these items require preparation time, and cannot be provided if there are insufficient people in the tuck Shop. P&C GENERAL MEETING The P&C General Meeting to be held in the staffroom at 6:30pm on Tuesday 24 February 2015. You don’t have to be a member of the P&C to participate in the meeting; all parents and citizens are welcome. If you were thinking of joining in we would love to see you there. A form can be found at Documents/P%20and%20C/pandc-application-for-membership.pdf Sincerely, Ray Osborne President Ironside State School P&C Association [email protected] 6 MUSIC NEWS BAND STUDENTS – Woodwind, Brass & Percussion SENIOR CONCERT BAND REHEARSAL (continuing & advanced students) What an excellent turn-out to our first two Senior Concert Band rehearsals for the year. The band is already sounding fantastic! It’s so nice to be back into the routine of weekly lessons. Please remember to check your timetable for your weekly lesson time so that you can always be punctual to lessons. Remember to bring a pencil and eraser to lessons and band rehearsals. ADULT STARTER PROGRAM The Adult Starter Program commenced on Wednesday 11 February and will continue for the next five weeks on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm-8:30pm in the Indooroopilly State School Hall. Please contact John Grainger for more information if you would like to participate. This program is available to all parents/guardians and friends. Happy music-making! Ms Janelle Lee Long ([email protected]) & Mr John Grainger ([email protected]) Instrumental Music Teachers - Band SPORT NEWS DISTRICT SWIMMING Congratulations to the 14 Ironside Swimmers who competed at St Peters last Tuesday at the District Swimming trials. A fantastic performance by Ironside overall, with 11 of our students subsequently selected into the District team!! What an amazing effort and we wish the following students all the best at the Met West trials at Chandler on the 25th of this month: 1. Lucy C 2. Iris L 3. Sophie M 4. Molly N 5. Lara O 6. Joshua C 7. Jake H 8. Willem H 9. Xavier K 10. Peter W 11. Max Z FRIDAY SPORT Parents and guardians, if you could please ensure your child in Year 5/6 returns their Friday sport slip to their classroom teacher signed and complete with three preferences as soon as possible, that would be greatly appreciated. I hope to have sports allocated by mid next week, as the program will begin on Friday 6 March. Thank you for your patience and support. REPRESENTATIVE SPORT Students born in 2003, 2004 & 2005 are eligible to trial for a range of team sports to represent the West Taylor Bridge District, which leads to regional & state representation. Students wanting to trial for any sport (trials held after school except Tennis) must be of a very high standard and have experience in the game either at school or club. A sporting calendar will be uploaded to the sport page of the Ironside website (under the Extracurricular tab) as soon as possible. There is a sign-up sheet outside Miss Walters’ office in J-block to nominate for a trial which has more information and a list of sports. Trials will be beginning soon for a number of team sports, so all interested students are asked to ensure they listen out for announcements and see Miss Walters as soon as possible. If you would like further information please don’t hesitate to contact Miss Walters. Sarah Walters HPE Specialist 7 ART STUDIO UPDATE Welcome to the first Art Studio update for 2015. Year 1 and 6 are currently coming to the studio for their 4 weeks of Art Studio, and the Year 2’s will be coming next. For those new to the school, each class has the opportunity to come to the Art Studio for an hour lesson in a 4 week block twice a year. As an Artist-in-Residence, I collaborate with the class room teachers and often base my program on the curriculum they are covering in their classroom but extend that concept to explore different art materials, techniques, art concepts and a little art history thrown in as well. For example; the Year 1’s are studying emotions in their classroom. In the Art Studio we looked at how artists use COLOUR to convey an emotion. At one stage Picasso painted with predominately blue paint to show the sadness he felt after the death of a friend. This is known as his “blue period”. In other art works yellow is often used to show happiness, green is calm and red shows anger. We then explored how emotions are expressed using our eyes, eye brows and mouth and used this information to draw portraits of Happy, Sad, Calm and Angry, then coloured them using an appropriate colour. Here are some of the results. This week we had the opportunity to print using Liquid Amber leaves on black paper, we then used foam stampers to apply autumn coloured paint. Don’t they look effective! Year 6’s are studying landscapes. We are focusing on how space or depth is shown in art by Scale (things further away are smaller), Detail (more detail in closer objects), Colour (paler and bluer in the distance), Perspective and Overlap. After a brief history of landscape painting each student chose a photo of an Australian landscape. They then used black oil pastel to simplify and draw in the main shapes in their landscapes. We learnt about different watercolour techniques including wet-on-wet, wet-on dry, oil pastel resist, pen and ink, salt and three different ways to paint a sky. These are not finished yet but I thought I would show you some work in progress. Clare Dyer Artist-in-Residence 8 TUCKSHOP NEWS Term 1: Week 5 Date Tuckshop Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 23/02 24/02 25/02 26/02 27/02 Date Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Homebake 23/02 Lisa Foster, 2 volunteers required 24/02 Nadia Fernandez, Andrea Webb-Jolly, 1 volunteer required 25/02 Min Chen, 2 volunteers required 26/02 Mara Christa, 2 volunteers required 27/02 Lisa Foster, 2 volunteers required Kathryn Page, 2 volunteers required Akiko Kitano, Maki Mogis, 1 volunteer required Theresa Ryan, 3 volunteers required Uni Yang, 3 volunteers required Wendy Nicholson, Audrey Jourbert, Behnaz Behi Term 1: Week 6 Date Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Date Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Tuckshop 02/03 03/03 04/03 05/03 06/03 Jackie Clark, Ai Nakanishi, 1 volunteer required Chunxuan Shen, Emma Parr, 1 volunteer required Nicole Seeto, Nadira Pathirana, 2 volunteers required Xiuli Xu, 3 volunteers required Audrey Joubert, Hanae Harvey, 1 volunteer required Homebake 02/03 03/03 04/03 05/03 06/03 Jyothi Madala, Laura Bridger, Eva Simak Treena Wigan, 2 volunteers required Genevieve Bruce, 2 volunteers required Katrina Samios, Isobel Khursandi, Karen Freeman Rebecca Schwennesen, 2 volunteers required TUCKSHOP AND HOMEBAKE VOLUNTEERS FOR 2015 We urgently require more volunteers for the 2015 roster. Forms were sent home with all students last week. If you are able to help out one day each month in the Tuckshop we would love to hear from you! Either complete the form and send back to us via the Tuckshop box in your child’s classroom or send an email to Iana or Gina. Currently we have no volunteers on the 2 nd Tuesday 3rd Monday of each month and we require additional volunteers on 1st Tuesday, 1st Thursday, 2nd Monday, 2nd Thursday, 4th Monday, 4th Wednesday and 4th Thursday of each month. If we don’t get volunteers over the counter sales will not be available on those days. If you were volunteering in 2014 and would like to go on this year, please, re-register using details below. Iana Golitsyna (0407 893 711) Gina Noble (0405 064 132) Tuckshop Conveners 9 Come and try Cubs and Scouts Sunday 22nd February 9:50 am to 12:45pm 31 Woodstock Avenue, Taringa Scouts provides young Aussies aged 6 to 25 with fun and challenging opportunities to grow through adventure. The Taringa-Milton-Toowong Scout Group is an active Scout Group and we would be happy for you to visit and learn more about our activities on our open day followed by a sausage sizzle. Activities include: Camp fire & Marshmallow toasting Water slide Construction Games Bazookas For more information please contact us at [email protected] and register on the day. Bring some coins for the sausage sizzle, towel, covered shoes and clothes to get wet in. 10 11
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