To all our visitors… Bishop John R. Gaydos, the clergy and the faithful of the Diocese of Jefferson City welcome you and hope that your time in our Mother Church may be an opportunity to share our faith and joy in Our Lord Jesus Christ. Our parish was formed in 1959 and was elevated to the title of Cathedral in 1968 and dedicated in 1974. Please enjoy the beauty of this spacious building dedicated to the Glory of God and the memory of Saint Joseph, the Husband of Mary. It was built for the inspiration of all who enter. Free tour booklets are available. All visitors who are not of the Roman Catholic faith are most welcome to join us in prayer and worship, but not to receive Holy Communion. Reception of Holy Communion is a sign of full unity and membership in the Catholic community. Together let us all pray for the unity of all believers. If you desire to become a member of the Roman Catholic Church or to become a member of the Cathedral Parish, please call the parish office at 573-635-7991. All contributions to the Cathedral ministries and maintenance are sincerely appreciated. Please remember this Cathedral parish in your Last Will and Testament to support our parish’s ongoing mission. Cathedral Organizations and Ministries Altar Servers Athletic Committee Baptism Preparation Bereavement Committee Boy Scouts Catholic Cancer Support Cemetery Board Charities Christ Renews His Parish Collection Counters Confirmation Preparation Cub Scouts Cursillo Director of Music Divine Worship & Spiritual Development Committee Divorce Assistance Group Edge Youth Program Episcopal Servers Eucharistic Adoration Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Finance Council Funeral Luncheon Girl Scouts Deacon Dan Joyce Mr. Craig Husting Deacon Christopher Baker Mrs. Barbara Poetker Mrs. Donna Kuebler Mr. Denis Gladbach Mr. Thom Day Deacon Jim Kliethermes Mr. Fred Kummer Msgr. Robert Kurwicki ( Ex- officio Member) Mr. Bill Luebbert Deacon Christopher Baker 634-7959 634-8731 636-8935 893-2064 893-6313 634-2864 636-8939 893-7872 636-7939 635-7991 Monsignor Kurwicki Mr. Lucas Knipp Mrs. Julie Gramlich Fr. Christopher Aubuchon Mrs. Rose Mengwasser 635-7991 353-4046 634-4165 635-7991 636-8549 Fr. Christopher Aubuchon Mr. Brian Johnson Mrs. Pat Dowd Mrs. Teresa Fritz 635-7991 636-5319 635-4507 636-8597 635-8060 636-8935 M/M Tony & Charlotte Wening 761-5193 Mr. Duane Buersmeyer 636-3097 Mr. David Lankford 635-9454 Mr. Larry Schulte 690-9449 Mr. Brian Johnson 636-5319 Mr. John Poepsel, Interim 893-8173 Gospel of Life Committee Greeters Home & School Helias Representative Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary Lectors Marriage Preparation Nursing Home Visitation Parish Association Parish Nurse Parish Pastoral Council Parish School of Religion Prayer Line Pro-life Samaritan Center Board School Board President School Principal Secular Franciscan Order Special Event Dinners St. Brigid Quilters Steering Committee Stewardship Committee Ushers Vocation Committee Welcoming Committee Youth Ministry Mrs. Gina Newlon 230-6718 Deacon Dan Joyce 634-7959 Mrs. Melissa VanDyne 694-8243 Mrs. Leslie Verslues 645-2008 Mr. Rich Anderson 659-3523 Mrs. Tina Sellner 635-6980 Deacon Dan Joyce 634-7959 Please call the parish office 635-7991 Ms. Lois Fairchild 636-2558 Vacant Mrs. Lou Anne Rowan, RN 635-4022 Mr. Joe Boland 761-4890 Mrs. Cara Sue Cockerham 291-4889 Please call the parish office 635-7991 Mr. Ed Bode 635-7874 Mr. Bernie Fechtel 893-6400 Mr. Roger Dudenhoeffer 893-8483 Mr. Don Schnieders 893-5990 (Member at Large) Mr. Rick Morrisey 632-6691 Mr. Spencer L. Allen 635-5024 Ms. Maureen Gray, OFS (660) 882-3133 Mrs. Janice Houser 636-9842 Mrs. Rosana Weidinger 893-3493 Monsignor Kurwicki 635-7991 Mr. Lew Hancock 893-6870 Mr. Bob Asahl 584-8010 Mr. Stephen Meystrik 761-9241 Mrs. Lisa Larkin 434-4275 Mrs. Julie Gramlich 634-4165 Cathedral Parish Information Registering in the Parish To join our parish, please contact the Parish Office at 635-7991 Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Persons interested in becoming Roman Catholic should contact Mr. Dan Kempker, 496-5499 Registering in the Cathedral School Parents wishing to know more about our grade school, are encouraged to call the Cathedral school principal, Mr. Spencer L. Allen at 635-5024. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Parishioners facing surgery or struggling with serious illness may request this Sacrament of healing by calling a priest at the Parish Office. Sacrament of Baptism Parents requesting the Sacrament of Baptism for their children should be registered members of the parish and they should contact the Parish Office. Vocations to the Christian Married Life Couples planning to marry at the Cathedral must contact the Parish Office at least six months in advance. Ordinarily, no marriages are celebrated during Lent. Vocations to the Priesthood and Consecrated Life If you are interested in becoming a priest, deacon, sister or brother, please contact Fr. Joe Corel at 635-9127. Catholic Stewardship Appeal! Cathedral of Saint Joseph Jefferson City, Missouri HOLY MASS SCHEDULE THIS COMING WEEK 10/19 Sunday, October 19 7:00 a.m. Charles Fred & Viola Johnson 9:00 a.m. Leonard & Norbert Schumann 11:00 a.m. Parishioners Monday, October 20 (St. Paul of the Cross) 6:30 a.m. Pete Redel 8:00 a.m. Daniel & Sally Gruber Tuesday October 21 6:30 a.m. Lucille Meister 8:00 a.m. Gertrude Kressig Wednesday, October 22 (St. John Paul II) 6:30 a.m. Tom Carter 8:00 a.m. Ruth Ovaitt Thursday, October 23 (St. John of Capistrano) 6:30 a.m. Margaret Ann Bode 8:00 a.m. Edward Holzem Friday, October 24 (St. Anthony Mary Claret) 6:30 a.m. Bette Baldwin 8:00 a.m. Harold Welch Saturday, October 25 (Thirtieth Sunday) 5:30 p.m. Pat Schell Sunday, October 26 7:00 a.m. Msgr. Joseph A. Vogelweid (Anniversary) 9:00 a.m. Mark & Becky Wolken 11:00 a.m. Parishioners 10/20 10/21 10/22 10/23 10/24 10/25 STEWARDSHIP NEWS 10/26 Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Scriptures reminded us multiple times of our need to share our goods with the poor of this world. The Cathedral of Saint Joseph relies on the support of parishioners who generously give their time, talent, and treasures to make Jesus Christ known. Our Fiscal Year to Date Offerings are as follows: Offertory Budget 07/1/14-6/30/15 Budget Goal per Month Weekly Goal $ $ $ 2,371,863.00 197,655.00 45,613.00 Collection October 5 October 12 October 19 October 26 $ $ $ $ 52,967.00 48,979.00 To date for October Budget Goal 07/01/14 - 10/12/14 Sunday Collection 07/01/14 - 10/12/14 Difference $ $ $ $ 101,946.00 684,195.00 621,941.00 - 62,254.00 WHEEL CHAIR MISSION Next weekend is ‘WHEELCHAIR SUNDAY’! Please join the Knights of Columbus and the American Wheelchair Mission for a brief presentation on how you can help someone in need receive a free wheelchair. $42,000 will deliver a container of 280 brand new wheelchairs to any of over 150 countries in the world. Your tax deductible donation goes toward the purchase and delivery of these life altering chairs. “Seek the Lord while He may be found” Isaiah 55:6 Our Cathedral Parish Goal is: $215,531.00 PRAYING TOWARD NEXT WEEK: THIRTIETH SUNDAY First Reading: Second Reading: Gospel: Twenty-Ninth Sunday and CSA Video Weekend World Mission Second Collection Weekend Catholicism Series, 8:45 a.m., Mary Room Centering Prayer, 12:10 p.m., Chapel Finance Council, 6:00 p.m., Parish Office Schola Rehearsal, 7:00 p.m., Bishop Marling Room Parish Pastoral Council, 7:00 p.m., St. Joseph Room MOMS Group, 7:00 p.m., Mary Room Deanery Meeting, 1:00 p.m., Chancery RCIA Cathedral Tour, 6:15 p.m., Cathedral Catholicism Series, 6:30 p.m., Mary Room K 0f C Officers’ Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Cry Room Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 p.m., Cathedral and Bishop Marling Room Quilters, 8:30 a.m., Bishop Marling Room Pastor/Principal Meeting, 9:00 a.m., Parish Office Three Pastors’ Meeting, Noon, Immaculate Conception Early Dismissal, 1:00 p.m., School Rosary, 7:00 p.m., Chapel No School Staff Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Parish Office Franciscan Secular Order, 9:45 a.m., St. Joseph Room Confessions, 4:00-5:00 p.m., Cathedral Wheel Chair Mission Second Collection Weekend K of C Men’s Winter Coat Donation Weekend Girl Scout Father/Daughter Dance, 7:00 p.m., Undercroft Priesthood Sunday Confirmation, 9:00 a.m., School Commons Fr. Jones to speak on Helias at all Masses M & M Girls Bible Study, Noon, Mary Room Women’s CRHP Meeting, 6:00 p.m., St. Joseph Room Exodus 22: 20-26 1 Thessalonians 1: 5c-10 Matthew 22: 34-40 3 Recently you received a letter from Bishop Gaydos asking for your generous support of the Catholic Stewardship Appeal. The 2015 universal theme–“Seek the Lord, while He may be found” reminds us that in everything we do, it is our calling to act in a manner that imitates the Lord’s love and mercy. Please give prayerful consideration to how you can respond, complete your pledge card and return it to the diocesan Stewardship Office in the envelope provided. Purchase Grand Raffle Tickets! Twenty-Ninth Sunday October 19, 2014 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS 2014 CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Our only parish fundraiser will be held Sunday, November 9 from Noon until 6:00 p.m. in the undercroft. This annual turkey dinner, which was greatly improved last year, gives everyone a chance to eat like a champion! Our goal this year with the Bazaar and Grand Raffle is to fund the following three projects. WELCOME to all who gather in our Cathedral Church for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time and World Mission Sunday. WEEK OF PRAYER: We ask each member of our Cathedral parish to pray for the members of one of the parishes or missions in our diocese this week. As a Cathedral Church, all our parishes are linked to us and we wish to deepen the spiritual bond with them. Therefore, we will pray this week for St. Aloysius, Baring. CONGRATULATIONS to Thomas Packard and Aimee Lehmuth, who were married in the Cathedral last weekend. For those who are looking ahead, our goal for 2015 will be the replacement of the original windows of the Parish Office. FROM DEATH TO NEW LIFE-The Cathedral Parish Family extends its sympathy and prayers to the families of David Watson, father of Dean Watson and Jim Kleffner, father of Lisa Johnson. May they have eternal rest in their heavenly home and may the Lord give comfort and peace to their loved ones who mourn their loss. The following items were sponsored by the Parish Association last year: Farewell receptions for the Carmelite Nuns as well as for Mr. Carl Gales. Purchase of six silver Communion cups and 10 Communion pyxes for the sick and homebound. City food inspection and deep cleaning of our commercial kitchen in the undercroft. Three annual scholarships to Helias Catholic High School in memory of Jim Weber, Bishop Marling and Bishop McAuliffe. Our new six car concrete parking lot next to the Parish Office, opening the spaces for parishioners. Holy cards for Saint John XXIII and Saint John Paul II. NO FLYERS-are ever to be put on vehicles in our parking lot. If a flyer is acceptable for church distribution, we will put it in our bulletin with the Pastors approval. NO POLITICAL FLYERS OR HAND OUT ITEMS WITH POLITICAL NAMES can be given out on parish ground at anytime. We risk losing our IRS Income Tax Status. Volunteer to help! Kitchen and dining room help are especially needed. Sign up sheets are at the back of the Cathedral and at the Parish Office! SCRIP may be purchased at the school during regular hours. Please support our school! NEW PARISH DIRECTORIES—2015 SILENT AUCTION/RAFFLE: Want to help make the Bazaar a success? We are looking for silent auction/raffle items. If you or your business has an item or service to donate, please contact Bill Case at: [email protected]. Polish up those smiles!!! Photo sessions for our Cathedral Parish pictorial directory begin in the Spring of 2015! More details to follow! SAINT BRIGID QUILTERS have made another beautiful quilt for this year’s bazaar quilt raffle, a ‘scrappy quilt’ measuring 92 x 106 inches in size. It will be displayed in the back of the Cathedral at all Masses on October 25/26, and quilt raffle tickets will be available. CARMELITE BUS TOUR PROJECT We regret to announce that we were unable to meet the minimum requirement of people in order to take the pilgrimage to Clyde. We had 20 sign up and needed 40 for a 50 seat bus. We will try this effort again in mid-May. BAZAAR GRAND RAFFLE UPDATE Keep selling your tickets for the Grand Raffle to be held at the Christmas Bazaar on November 9. First prize is $5,000.00 second prize $500.00. If you need more tickets, they are available at the parish office. As a parish, we have sold 592 tickets. That amounts to $5,920.00! MEN’S WINTER COAT DONATION The Cathedral Knights of Columbus and Ladies Auxiliary will be collecting men’s winter coats next weekend for inmates who have been released from prison and returning home by train. During the cold winter months they arrive at the station without a coat. Please check your closets for men’s coats you no longer use that are in good condition. A box will be provided at the entrance of the Cathedral next weekend for your donations. Contact: Jerry Schwartze at (573) 636-9712, with any questions you may have. MISSOURI CATHOLIC CONFERENCE YOU CAN FIND THE BULLETIN AND CURRENT MONTH CALENDAR ONLINE AT: Central air conditioning for the top floor of the Parish Office Central air conditioning in the sanctuary of the Cathedral Replacement of the central air computer system for the entire Cathedral 4 Highlights from our recent conference are available on the MCC website,, including an audio recording of the keynote address given by St. Louis Catholic theologian Dr. Ed Hogan. What is the difference between tolerance and mercy? Dr. Ed Hogan, a father of 6 children, answers this question while explaining how families can promote a culture of mercy, as recently called for by Pope Francis. You can also read a transcript of the homily given by Springfield-Cape Girardeau Bishop James Johnston and view photos from the day. Pray for Peace! Cathedral of Saint Joseph Jefferson City, Missouri SPIRITUAL OPPORTUNITIES VOCATION NEWS EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: The Adoration Chapel needs some help with filling some Saturday VACANT HOURS. : VACANT HOURS Sunday: 4:00-5:00 a.m.. Tuesday: Monday Midnight-1:00 a.m. Thursday: 1:00-2:00 a.m. Friday: 1:00-2:00 a.m. Saturday: Friday Midnight-1:00 a.m., 3:00-4:00 a.m., and 4:00-5:00 p.m., 6:00-7:00 p.m., 7:00-8:00 p.m. & 8:00-9:00 p.m. PRAY FOR VOCATIONS—The Cathedral Vocations’ Committee invites you each week to pray for a Priest, Religious, Deacon and Seminarian serving in our Diocese. This week, please keep in your prayers: Fr. William Debo, Hermann/ Rhineland, Sr. Rebecca Gabe, SSND, Macon, Deacon James Kliethermes, Jefferson City, Seminarian Cameron DeGraff, Kenrick-Glennon Seminary. The Diocese has 12 Seminarians. COME EARLY TO PRAY THE ROSARY: The Rosary will be said before each Mass for the intention of Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. Our next Rosary will be on the weekend of November 1 & 2. Requests for substitutes for an hour at a time for individuals unable to cover their regular hours are posted in the Adoration Chapel. Anyone is welcome to visit and pray at any time. Substitutes are needed and welcome in order to reach "perpetual" adoration. Please consider this devotion. If you are interested in committing to any of these VACANT hours, contact the parish office, (573) 635-7991. VOCATION EVENTS Encounter With God’s Call, November 9-10, at Conception Seminary College. This is a discernment retreat for young men 16 and older who are considering the vocation to the Priesthood, and is an excellent opportunity to meet the Seminarians as they share their stories of responding to God’s call. This visit is free. Please contact Rev. Joe Corel, Diocesan Vocation Director, at (573) 635-9127 or e-mail: [email protected] for more information. HOLY ROSARY-Come and join us on Thursday nights at 7:00 p.m. to pray the Most Holy Rosary in the daily Mass Chapel. CENTERING PRAYER will meet next on October 20, 12:10 p.m. in the Chapel. Please join us. Contemplative Prayer is a powerful way of moving into a deepening experience of divine union. For questions, contact Barbara Poetker at (573) 8932064. The Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration will host “Tune Into God’s Call,” a monastic event for women who are discerning a religious vocation. The event will begin at 5:00 p.m. Friday, November 14 and conclude at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, November 16 at the Benedictine Sisters’ monastery in Clyde. Participants will experience the Divine Office, daily Eucharist, hear stories of religious callings from current sisters and learn about the different steps of discernment. The free event is open to women between the ages of 18 and 47. For more information, please contact Vocation Director Sister Ruth Elaine Starman, OSB at (660) 254-3243 at [email protected] or visit online at: PSR is for students grades 1-8 who attend public school and seek instruction in their faith. The next class is October 29, at 7:00 p.m. in the Cathedral School. If you have questions about this program contact: Cara Sue Cockerham (573) 291-4889. CONFIRMATION-The program this year will focus on how we as Catholics live out our faith in the world. Our next session is October 26, at 9:15 a.m. in the School Commons., on “The Jesus Question.” For more information contact Dave Lankford at (573) 635-9454. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process of inquiry, study, prayer, and sacraments by which adults are baptized or received into the Catholic Church, or receive the sacrament of Confirmation. The next class is Wednesday, October 22 at 6:15 p.m. where we will meet in the Cathedral for a tour, and we will discuss the Structure of the Mass and Participation in the Mass. If you are interested or have questions, please call Dan Kempker at (573) 496-5499 or email him at [email protected]. Please pray for the inquirers. CATHOLICISM VIDEO SERIES ADULT EDUCATION: The CATHOLIC SERIES by Fr. Robert Barron, of Chicago, continues on Monday, October 20, at 8:45 a.m. We will not meet on Wednesday, October 22, but will resume, Wednesday, October 29, at 6:30 p.m. All are held in the Mary Room, lower level of the parish office. Please plan to attend this interesting topic: “ St. Teresa of Avila, Prayer of Petition, Back to Merton”. CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY For the time of the School Moms' session, please call Susan Lewis at:.573-353-5281 or e-mail at: [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE: Bishop Gaydos will again be hosting a diocesan celebration of diversity and culture on the Feast of Christ the King. The November 23rd event at 2:00 p.m. will be similar to last year’s inaugural celebration when close to 700 people gathered in the Cathedral of St. Joseph for a special liturgy followed by a reception, meal and entertainment. You will be hearing a lot more about this year’s Christ the King celebration as the date nears, but please, mark your calendars now. CARMELITE MUSEUM 5 Msgr. Kurwicki would like to establish a museum in the new Cathedral Rectory dedicated to the Carmelites and their prayerful service over the years. It would be located in the room immediately off the public chapel where the Sisters kept the extra folding chairs. If you are interested in helping to fund this effort please call the Parish Office at (573) 635-7991. Twenty-Ninth Sunday Respect Life! October 19, 2014 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES LECTORS Saturday, October 25 5:30 p.m. Betty Mudd, Jack Renner Sunday, October 26 7:00 a.m. Liza Jungmeyer 9:00 a.m. James Vignola, Edith Vogel 11:00 a.m. Tony Wening, Charlotte Wening SERVERS Saturday, October 25 5:30 p.m. Jacob Dunn, Sabrina Hackmann, Evan Highfill, Sophey Nivens Sunday, October 26 7:00 a.m. Larry Lewis 9:00 a.m. Luke Daledovich, Rett Dobbs, Jacob Hoke, Shae Johnson 11:00 a.m. Megan Barnes, Ben Ewers, Ben Stumpe, Peyton Wright USHERS Saturday, October 25 5:30 p.m. Darin Hackmann, Stuart Howser, James McCoy, John Young Sunday, October 26 7:00 a.m. Bob Asahl, Raymond Caspari, Jack Dowd, Mike Voyles 9:00 a.m. Brad Dobbs, Brian Johnson, Rich Lukacs, Larry Schulte 11:00 a.m. Mike Barnes, Phillip Rockers, Ron Schnieders, Dominic Varcho MUSIC MINISTERS Saturday, October 25 5:30 p.m. Gladbach Singers Sunday, October 26 7:00 a.m. Tina Sellner 9:00 a.m. Cathedral Choir 11:00 a.m. Cherub Choir KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS & LADIES AUXILIARY NEWS EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Saturday, October 25 5:30 p.m. Brandi Highfill, Richard Hyleck, Mary Ann Hyleck, Jennifer Luebbert, Julie Mercurio, Alan Mudd, Mary Ann Young Sunday, October 26 7:00 a.m. Jeffrey Cowley, Judy Lewis, Bobbi Meyer, Al Meyer, Jim Mullen, Don Schnieders, Dan Schuette 9:00 a.m. Keri Austin, David Gramlich, Jane Ledbetter, Joe Scherr, Sr. Laura Jean Spaeth, Lori Stoll, Mary Walsh 11:00 a.m. Denise Barnes, Kimie Bax, Ginger Hunter, Vicki Kummer, Liz Page, Frank Thielemier, Charlotte Wening THE DOOR IS OPEN - Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place while supporting their Church and protecting and enhancing their family life. All the good works we do are based on our four core principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. Contact Brian Johnson (573) 694-1991 for more information about joining this great organization or visit our website at All Parishioners are asked to contribute to the Men's Winter Coat Collection after all Masses on Saturday and Sunday, October 25/26. Contact Jerry Schwartze (573) 636-9712 if you have any questions. Congratulations to Rob O’Hanlon for winning the 50/50 drawing at our last Council meeting on October 8, Jason Torres was the Attendance Award winner but was not present to collect so the pot increases to $110. Brother Knights, come join us at our next meeting on Wednesday, November 12 to have a chance to win! LADIES AUXILIARY: Please join us at our next meeting on Thursday, November 6, 6:30 p.m., in the Mary Room. Bring a white elephant prize for a night of Bingo! GREETERS Saturday, October 25 5:30 p.m. Sharon Dunn, Randy Dunn, Susen Renner, Jack Renner Sunday, October 26 7:00 a.m. Ruth Ann Schnieders, Don Schnieders 9:00 a.m. John Backues, Shelba Backues, Jill Dobbs, Brad Dobbs 11:00 a.m. Mike Barnes, Denise Barnes, Carolyn Bluma, Janel Luck RESURRECTION CEMETERY Monday, October 27 will be the FALL CEMETERY CLEANUP at Resurrection and St. Peter Cemeteries. All floral arrangements and decorations must be removed before this date. This should be done by a person designated by the family. Unauthorized persons found removing flowers and decorations from graves will be prosecuted. NOTE: Saddles and flowers in permanent vases that are a part of the monument will not be removed. The next clean-up date will be January 26, 2015. Please mark these on your calendar. A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT In today’s Gospel we hear proclaimed a profound teaching by Jesus on stewardship. What belongs to Caesar? What belongs to God? Christian stewards recognize that everything they have belongs to God. God created them, and God has claims on every part of their existence. They also realize that the sov-ereign is an institution whose nature and purpose is to promote the common good and protect the welfare of its citizenry. As long as it accomplishes this mission while treating every single person with deep respect, justice and compassion, it merits the steward’s support and cooperation. Christian stewards know what belongs to the Lord, and they are better citizens when they live their lives according to His Gospel. GIFT FAMILY Saturday, October 25 5:30 p.m. Laura Payne Sunday, October 26 7:00 a.m. James Hatcher 9:00 a.m. Jim Keller 11:00 a.m. Thomas Kummer Anyone who cannot serve at their appointed time will kindly arrange for a replacement! When you are assigned as an offertory family, please let one of the ushers know that you are there for that Mass. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS GUIDEONE INSURANCE THANK YOU! 6 AND THANK THEM FOR SUPPORTING OUR BULLETIN! Cathedral of Saint Joseph Attend Christmas Bazaar! Jefferson City, Missouri YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS PRO-LIFE NEWS Sunday, October 26, Noon, M & M Girls Bible Study, Mary Room. Tuesday, October 28-3:10-4:30 p.m., Ping Pong Club in the undercroft. VITAE Foundation & LIFE Runners Pro-Life Half Marathon/5K, Sunday, November 9. 7:00 a.m. Registration. Katy Trail State Park. Contact: Kristina Davis at (573) 634-4316, or, [email protected], for more information. The EDGE program is collecting change for The Halo Foundation. There is an orphanage called the Mango home for girls in Africa. We are collecting money in buckets that are placed in each junior high class room. The class who collects the most will get an ice cream sundae bar. Collection will end on November 10th. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE: During the Forty Days for Life [8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. September 23 through November 2], we encourage parishioners to pray for the not-yet born at Planned Parenthood, 711 North Providence Road, Columbia. Special parish volunteers will be there on Saturday afternoons from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. through November 1. Please come to pray any time during the Forty Days, but especially on Saturday afternoons. Fasting also helps. The Diocese is having an Encounter weekend for all junior and older young men of faith. This is a weekend to discover what God may be calling them to in their lives. The weekend is November 7-9. If you know someone, or are someone who would like more information you can go to, or contact Julie at (573) 635-7991. OCTOBER IS RESPECT LIFE MONTH: Material is on the table beneath the Cathedral mosaic of Mother of Perpetual Help. Please help yourself to the FREE literature. Please come to Mass 20 minutes early the remaining October weekends to pray for Respect for Life from conception to natural death and for freedom of religion, including to be freed from paying health insurance taxes for contraceptives, sterilization, and abortion. CATHEDRAL SCHOOL NEWS A big THANK YOU to our school families who participated in McTeacher Night. McDonalds will donate $1,000 to our school. Funds will probably go toward the purchase of Chromebooks for student use. FAMILIES IN NEED PROGRAM Items requested for November 11 delivery: Canned Pasta/ Ravioli, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Snack Crackers and Hand Sanitizer. Please place in provided containers at all exits of the Cathedral. Thank you for your continued support! St. Joseph Cathedral School and Chick-fil-A will be presenting the Catholic Character Award to one student per class every month during this school year. Students are being presented the award based on their display of Catholic Character values such as faith, love, kindness and charity toward fellow students and staff at St. Joseph Cathedral School. The following students received the award in September: kindergarteners-Ryan Buel and Carson Hughes; first graders-Nic Calvaruso, Will Boyer and Grace Bailes; second graders-Ally Blunt, Maddy Larkin and Lela Mueller; third graders-Nicholas Haake and Sara Ogden; fourth graders-Brendan Callahan and Hannah Meystrik; fifth graders-Josh Mengwasser and Sadie Lucio; sixth gradersKaia Payne, and Nathan Schnieders; seventh graders-Vito Calvaruso, and Jared Schulte; eighth graders-Lauren Roy, and Maya Heckart. UPCOMING EVENTS IMMACULATA CLUB SOUP & PIE LUNCHEON & QUILT SHOW, Immaculate Conception Kertz Hall, Friday, October 24, 11:00 a.m. Tickets: $5. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION BLOOD DRIVE, Sunday 26, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Kertz Hall (the school cafeteria). Biscuits and gravy will be served. ST. ELIZABETH K of C FALL SUPPER, St. Elizabeth Community Center, October 26, 11:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Raffle: Traeger Grill, 3 Quilts, Cash and other prizes. We need your help! St. Joseph Cathedral School is starting a mentoring program. We are now recruiting volunteers to spend up to one hour a week with a child attending the Cathedral School. Mentoring visits will take place on school grounds during the school day. This is a great opportunity for anyone who has some consistent time to spend with a child. All interested individuals are encouraged to call Big Brothers Big Sisters at (573) 634-3290 or the school office at 635-5024 to learn more. ST. THOMAS FALL FANTASY, St. Thomas, Saturday, November 1. Sunday Vigil Mass at 5:00 p.m. at St. Thomas the Apostle, dinner at the Parish Hall beginning at 6:30 p.m. Tickets: Donation of $110 per couple. (No person under 21 of age will be permitted). For more information contact: Joanie Prenger (573) 477-0187, Lynn Taggart: (573) 477-0133 or, Wayne Werdehausen: (573) 619-3885. ST. PETER SALE-A-RAMA ST. FRANCIS XAVIER HARVEST FESTIVAL, Taos, Sunday, November 2, Serving from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. There will be NO 10:00 a.m. Mass. Adults $10 Children 6-12 $5 5 and under Free. St. Peter is holding its 37th annual holiday craft and gift show, Sale-A-Rama!, on Sunday, November 2, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., in the Selinger Center. All are invited to stop in and browse two floors of handmade and retail products, just in time for holiday shopping! 7 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PANCAKE & SAUSAGE BREAKFAST, Kertz Hall. Sunday, November 2, 7:00-11:30 a.m. Adults $6, 5-12 $3, 4 & under, Free.
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