OCTOBER 2014 E EL B R AT I N 24 G C Your Community News Source Since 1990! YEARS! IN THIS ISSUE Metro Fire’s CERT Program .......................3 Tennis in Antelope ........................................3 From Your County Supervisor .....................4 Sunrise Rec. & Park District Activities .......5 Antelope Library ...........................................5 Center Joint Unified School District ...........6 Center Booster Club .....................................7 antelopenews.com AHS Titan Marching Band — Mission... A n t e l o p e - N o r t h County Women’s Club 2015 National Independence Car Seat Safety Check Oct. 4th! Day Parade In Washington D.C. BY DORI KELSEY BY ANTELOPE BAND BOOSTER ASSOCIATION The invitation to participate in The National Independence D a y Pa r a d e i s a tremendous honor and we are filled with pride to be recognized as worthy of representing our great state of California on the national stage. To d a y ’ s economic climate The GFWC Antelope-North County Women’s Club wants to invite everyone with a child to attend our Child Safety Seat Check on Saturday, October 4th from 10 am to 2pm in the parking lot at Kohl’s on Antelope Road. We want to thank Kohl’s, Orchard Supply Hardware, Raley’s- Bel Air, Costco, and Starbucks for their support. Community projects like the safety seat check are made possible with the help of our donors and our hard working members. A Word to theWise........................................7 CHS Presents: Soda Shop Angel...................8 Dry Creek School District ............................8 Antelope Parent Boosters ............................9 Antelope Profiles ........................................11 Off and Running: AHS Cross Country .....13 ASP & NORM ............................................14 Antelope News Classifieds ........................15 And Much More . . . ECRWSS RESIDENT ANTELOPE, CA 95843 Antelope News 7909 Walerga Rd., #112-123 Antelope, CA 95843 PRST STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID ROSEVILLE, CA PERMIT NO. 70 the Read News lope Ante line at !!! on com . s w ne lope ante has been especially tough on school music programs, and we struggle to keep our burgeoning program funded every year. We are grateful for the encouragement and volunteer efforts that sustain us when budgets are tight and decisions to cut programs loom every year. The Titan Band exemplifies the essence of why our school music programs are worth defending. Musical achievements and academic benefits of band programs are widely understood. In addition, the experience of being involved in music, particularly in a marching band, builds the skills that are the key to every successful community and every great nation- Leadership, Cooperation, Respect, Responsibility, and Dedication. The Marching Band is one of the few competitive programs that accepts all students regardless of experience or ability. Every band member is part of our Band Family. Everyone belongs and everyone matters! We believe our program has excelled so quickly because our students recognize they need to help each other to be better as a whole. Not only do we want to be ambassadors of music but also of the concept that we are more than just the sum of our individual talents. In working together and inspiring each other, we are simply better and stronger than when we work alone. It is our mission at the National Independence Day Parade to represent our community with honor and good character. Thanks to all who support our program, our students, and our journey! Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.- Helen Keller Please visit the Antelope Band Booster Association website at www.antelopeband. org to see how you can support our March to the 2015 National Independence Day Parade! The CHP will have two officers to check the children’s car seats. We will have door prizes with coffee for the adults and cookies for everyone! We will also have our “Whale” Tags for the cars seats, these are tags with emergency contact information on them in case of an accident and the driver is unable to talk. Everything is free of charge. The Antelope Women’s Club is a part of the California Federation of Women’s Clubs which is a non-profit organization that works to make communities everywhere better places for us to live in. This project is one of many that our club does; some of our projects reach around the world. We are currently helping one of our soldiers who we adopted when he was in Iraq and who is now stationed in Korea with a small orphanage near the base he is stationed at. We can only help in small ways but we always remember the saying “you never know when you touch someone’s heart.” We send school supplies, treats, & clothes for the 7 children there, 3 girls and 4 boys. We send items every 3 months and we may also help children here in our local area. We support children at our Citrus Heights Domestic Violence Shelter, Harmony House. Would you like to be a part of this special group of women? This month we are not having a club meeting, instead we are having the child’s safety seat check so stop by even if your children are grown and say hello. We would love to have a chance to talk with you about what we do. Checkout: www.cfwc.org. Find us on face book at: GFWC Antelope-North County Women’s Club email us at antelopeCFWC@comcast. net or just call Dori at 332-7133. ANTELOPE NEWS • OCTOBER 2014 Antelope Dental Associates — Family Dentistry — 8JMMJBN#MBDL%%4JTOPX"OUFMPQF%FOUBM"TTPDJBUFT 4BNFHSFBUEPDUPST4BNFHSFBUTUBGG4BNFHSFBUTFSWJDF We do: t*NQMBOUT t3PPU$BOBMT t&YUSBDUJPOT t%FOUVSFT t8IJUFOJOH t'JMMJOHT t,JET "TTPDJBUFT 8JMMJBN+#MBDL%%4t%S,FMMZ8JMTPO%%4 %S"OESFB3JPSEBO%.%t%S#BIBSFI8JOHFS%%4 $ 99 "OUFMPQF%FOUBM"TTPDJBUFTDPN .FNCFSPG"%"$%"4%%4"(% "NFSJDBO"DBEFNZPG$PTNFUJD%FOUJTUSZ t$PNQMFUF &YBN t'VMM.PVUI 4FSJFTPG9SBZT t3FHVMBS$MFBOJOH Cash Only 331-6288 2VBMJUZ %FOUJTUSZ CLEANING SPECIAL! New Patients Only 2925 Elverta Rd., Antelope, CA 95843 (In the Food Maxx Shopping Center) LOV E IT! Voted BEST Car Wash! FREE VACUUM USE & TOWEL DRY TO 22828 TEXT: TURBO OUR EMAIL LIST IN GET $3 OFF AND JO For all New Email Su bscribers 25 $ Unlimitedash Monthly W h onth for Basic Was Per Vehicle, per m /31/14 10/3 s: 10 re pi Ex rd renewal. ca it ed cr ly th on m Convenient OSH BelAir Chevron 5-time Winner: 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010 Walerga 2 Elverta 4331 Elverta Road, Antelope Open Daily: 8AM to 7PM SAVING TIME, WATER & NATURE! YƵĞƐƟŽŶƐ͘ŽŵŵĞŶƚƐ͘dĞdžƚhƐ͊;ϵϭϲͿϱϴϳͲϱϭϰϯŽƌĂůů;ϴϴϴͿϲϭϵͲϲϰϰϰ dƵƌďŽ^ŚŝŶĞ͘ĐŽŵ ANTELOPE NEWS • OCTOBER 2014 The Antelope News is a monthly publication, published by EGnews Inc., 7909 Walerga Rd., #112 - PMB 123 • Antelope, CA 95843 (916) 727-6393 • Fax: (916) 727-6373 • E-mail: [email protected] Ad rates are available on the Internet at http://www.egnews.com EDITORS Elizabeth “Liz” & Gregg Goldthorpe PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Emily Goldthorpe ADVERTISING Liz & Gregg Goldthorpe CONTRIBUTORS Gregg & Liz Goldthorpe Roberta MacGlashan, Dori Kelsey, Scott A. Loehr, Brad Tooker, Cindy Campbell, Lisa Lisonbee, Jamie Topper, Brandi Epstein, Antelope Band Booster Association. CIRCULATION The Antelope News is delivered free directly to 11,000 homes in the Antelope community. An additional 200 copies are distributed throughout the community, i.e., library, local stores, offices, schools, etc. The delivery is targeted for the first week of each month. SUBSCRIPTIONS For a one year mailed subscription to the Antelope News, send address and $36 to the Antelope News Subscription, 7909 Walerga Rd, #112-123, Antelope, CA 95843. Please make checks payable to: Antelope News. DISPLAY ADS A variety of display ad sizes are available to fit your business needs and budget. For rate information call Gregg at 727-6393. Display ads must be submitted by the 10th of each month to guarantee placement in the following month’s issue and to avoid late fees. The publisher (EGnews Inc.) reserves the right to refuse any display ads it deems unsuitable. CLASSIFIED ADS For classified ads, please complete the form provided in this issue. Send appropriate payment with completed form to the Antelope News. Deadline for the classified ads is the 15th of each month. The publisher (EGnews Inc.) reserves the right to refuse any classified ads it deems unsuitable. SUBMISSIONS The Antelope News welcomes announcements from social clubs, schools, charitable organizations, non-profit organizations, local government and community events. Also, editorial contributions as well as articles, cartoons and photographs are welcomed and considered for publication. Deadline for submissions is the 15th of each month. Please submit via email. All information submitted to the Antelope News must be accompanied by your name, phone number and written consent. All letters received become the property of the publisher (EGnews Inc.). The Antelope News reserves the right to condense and edit letters for publication and liability purposes. The Antelope News is Printed on Recycled Paper All content and letters to the editors represents the opinion of the various authors and all content and letters should be considered as opinion and editorial in nature. Any representations expressed by the various authors are not necessarily shared or verified by the publisher. Any advertisement may be refused without explanation. Advertisers are solely responsible for all representations made by their advertisements. EG NEWS INC. is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any advertisements. The presence of an ad within our publications or electronic communications does not imply endorsement of the advertised company, product, or service. Readers should use all due diligence regarding representations, products or services before a transaction is preformed. Sun Senior News is not associated with Del Webb Corporation. Del Webb’s Sun City is a registered trademark of Del Webb Corporation. EG Graphics, publishers of the Antelope News, Sun Senior News - Roseville, Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills & Woodcreek News. GREAT NEWS! State Farm ® has reduced auto rates in CALIFORNIA Get a free car insurance quote - save up to 35% Call my office 24/7. Julie Bowen, Agent Lic. #OB98828 1328 Blue Oaks Blvd, Ste 190 NE Corner-Foothills & Blue Oaks Roseville, CA 95678 916-783-4010 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company (not in NJ), State Farm Indemnity Company (NJ) Bloomington, IL • Insurance and discounts subject to qualifications. LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE.® Providing Insurance and Financial Services 3 Metro Fire’s CERT Program Local government prepares for everyday emergencies. However, during a disaster, the number and scope of incidents can overwhelm conventional emergency services. Metro Fire’s Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is an all-risk, all-hazard training. This valuable course is designed to help you protect yourself, your family, your neighbors and your neighborhood in an emergency situation. This class includes: • What your local risks are and what you need to do to prepare; • How to manage utilities, hazardous materials, and put out small fires using the appropriate Fire Extinguisher; • How to use “START Triage” and how to treat the “Three Medical Killers” by: opening airways, controlling bleeding, and treating for shock; • How to provide basic medical aid; • How to effectively search for and rescue victims safely; • How to organize yourself and spontaneous volunteers to be effective as a team and collect disaster intelligence to support first responder efforts; • Disaster Psychology; • About Terrorism. This training is held on a combination of (2) weekday evenings and (2) Saturday classes and is free to citizens who work or live in Sacramento County. Teenagers (13-17) are welcome with an adult or guardian. The next class begins Thursday, October 9, 2014. For more information or to register for an upcoming training, call the CERT messaging system at 916-859-3776 or email the Metro Fire CERT Program at [email protected]. Feel free to log on to the CERT website for additional information and registration forms at http://www.metrofire.ca.gov (choose CERT from the Community Services drop-down menu). Be Safe, Be Prepared, Be Empowered to Make a Difference! Class Dates and Times: Thursday, October 9th: 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM Saturday, October 11th: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Wednesday, October 16th: 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM Saturday, October 18th: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Tennis in Antelope – SCTA Activities Through Sunrise Parks Boys & Girls: 7 – 8 years Event: H.I.T.S. Youth Tennis Programs H.I.T.S. is a low-cost tennis program for kids 10 and under that incorporates the fundamentals of a team sport with life skills enrichment that allows young players to learn and play more effectively. All participants receive a H.I.T.S. t-shirt, wristband, ball, certificate, players/parents manual and more! Location: Antelope Tennis Center at the Antelope Community Park $35 Session I: Mon & Wed, September 22nd to October 9th 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, includes Team Tennis Jamboree on Thursday, October 9th, 7 – 8 years $35 Session II: Mon & Wed, October 13th to October 30th 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, includes Team Tennis Jamboree on Thursday, October 30th, 7 – 8 years ELVERTA LAWN & GARDEN Registration: Visit www.norcal.usta. com/HITS/ and select “H.I.T.S. Programs Registration” For Questions - Contact: Eldon Wilson at 530-354-5343 or [email protected] For more information, please visit us at www.sacramentotennis.net. To learn more about ALL of our after school programs please contact Eldon at 530-354-5343 or Sherman at 916-218-5010. OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT SALES, PARTS AND REPAIRS 7801 RIO LINDA BLVD ELVERTA, CA 95626 916-468-6191 4 ANTELOPE NEWS • OCTOBER 2014 From Your County Supervisor BY ROBERTA MACGLASHAN, Sacramento County Supervisor - Chair In recent months, residents deputies to patrol the community in of Antelope have been contacting marked Sheriff’s units, significantly my office with increasing frequency increasing the Department’s regarding concerns about public visibility in Antelope. These units safety in the community. While will be dedicated to patrolling much of the concern focuses upon community streets, with the purpose the string of residential home of making the Department’s invasion robberies in July, an presence known. undercurrent of concern regarding This is the first time such Roberta Sheriff’s patrol presence and crime an effort has been made on a in the community has come with all community-wide basis. While the MacGlashan of these communications. Sheriff does have contracts for I have spoken with Sheriff Jones off-duty officers at various businesses and about these concerns on several occasions, governmental entities, the program has never collaborating for ideas about how to best been used with the purpose of increasing the meet the community’s needs. While reported Department’s visibility in a community. I am crime rates appear to be lower than last year, very pleased that Antelope will be the pilot the community’s perception matters greatly community for SNAPP. as I believe a community can only truly be a Because the funding for this effort only great place to live if its residents firmly and materialized in final budget hearings, the exact universally agree that it is. details about how these additional patrols will To this end, I have worked with Sheriff function is still in development. My office will Jones to create a pilot effort to add Sheriff’s work closely with the Sheriff’s Department to resources to the community for the rest of this adapt the program and make sure it works best fiscal year. With $80,000 made available from for the community. Please be patient as we one-time County funding, we will be funding get this effort started, and feel free to provide Antelope Sheriff’s Neighborhood Augmented any feedback to my office. Patrol Pilot – Antelope SNAPP. At the end of the fiscal year, I will work This funding works out to about 40 hours with the sheriff to evaluate the program’s of additional patrols each week, beginning in effectiveness and determine whether funding is October. available to continue it. But I am happy that we SNAPP will use the one-time resources have been able to craft a creative response to a to provide funding for off-duty Sheriff’s message the community has sent very clearly. It’s coffee but better. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to email me directly at [email protected]. You may also speak to my staff directly on the phone at 916-874-5491. You may also attend my regular community meetings, held on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30pm in the North Highlands-Antelope Library. In October, we will have County Assessor Kathleen Kelleher as our guest speaker. I look forward to seeing you there. Safety Awareness Event Welcome Antelope, to the ORCHARD 1st Annual Safety Awareness event supported by the Antelope Lions Club. The event is from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Saturday, October 4, 2014 in the ORCHARD parking lot, the parking lot that recently hosted the 14th Annual Community Parking Lot Sale. Your continued support of local merchants, safety organizations, and support organizations will only make our community a safer place to work, live and play. Join Engine 26 of our local Fire Department, representatives of the California Highway Patrol, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Rio Linda Park and Recreation, Sacramento Sheriff K-9 Unit, and many more. Come and get you questions answered like: How often do I change my smoke alarm batteries? Do I need a carbon-monoxide alarm? Are there different types of alarms? Where can I purchase them? How do I become a police officer? How do I become a fire fighter? If I see a crime in progress, who do I call? When should I call 911? When should I call my County Sherriff? See you there! The Antelope Lions Club meetings are held at the VFW Hall 3300 U Street in Antelope. Their meeting dates are the 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 6:30pm. The Lions motto is “We Serve.” For more information, please call 991-6807, website: antelopelions.net. Antelope Lions Club meetings are open to the public. Please patronize our advertisers, and let them know you saw their ad in the Antelope News! Cherry Island Golf Course )BT$BUFSJOH#BORVFU3PPN"WBJMBCMFGPSBOZ0DDBTJPO $BUFSXJUIVTBOEIBWFZPVSFWFOUGPS'3&& t#JSUIEBZ t8FEEJOHSFDFQUJPOT t(SBEVBUJPOT t$PWFSFE1BUJPXJUIDIBJST 1MFBTFDPOUBDU (SFH5POPVLPVJO 'PPECFWFSBHF %JSFDUPS 1 t#BCZTIPXFST t$PSQPSBUFNFFUJOH t/FXMZQBJOUFESPPNXJUI CJHTDSFFOT57 &MWFSUB3PBE&MWFSUB $" 5FM 'BY HUPOPVLPVJO!FNQJSFHPMGDPN Bel Air Shopping Center 7899 Walerga Road Sacramento, CA 95843 4FSWJDFt4BMFT © 2010 McDonald’s®. At participating McDonald’s®. ANTELOPE NEWS • OCTOBER 2014 Sunrise Recreation & Park District Activities Antelope Open Gym Basketball Open Gym will be open on Thursday evenings in the month of January between 7:00 & 9:00 pm. Come on out and enjoy some Basketball! Location: Antelope Crossing Middle School Dates: Thursday Evenings Cost: $4 per session Basketball Rocks Junior Basketball League 5 – 8 years The “Basketball Rocks” Junior Basketball League is a 6-week instructional league for boys and girls. This league will focus on having fun and learning the basics of the game in a semi-competitive environment. The league will use 8-foot baskets and an intermediate size ball to meet the specific needs of this younger age group. Location: Rusch Park Auditorium Dates: 10/18 – 11/22 Cost: $60 Basketball Training With Michael Shaw 10 – 18 years Michael Shaw is known as one of Sacramento area’s premier Basketball Trainers. Coach Shaw brings 25 years of coaching experience and provides a wellrounded service to athletes interested in developing skills such as: footwork, ball handling, passing and receiving, shooting, rebounding and much more that will take them to the next level of competition. Location: Rusch Park Auditorium Dates: 10/4 – 10/18 or 10/25 – 11/8 Times: 9:30 – 10:30am Cost: $45, 3 weeks Adult Pickleball Drop – In Play Join us for active, fun, and social open play sessions on Thursday evenings. Beginner to advanced Pickleball players will have an opportunity to learn the sport and/or work on their game with other Pickleball enthusiasts! The courts at Crosswoods Park Tennis Courts will be reserved exclusively for Open Play participants. No scheduled matches; come ready to play! Location: Crosswoods Park Tennis Courts Dates: 9/24 – 11/19 Wednesday’s Time: 10:00 – 12:00pm Cost: Free Annual Sunrise Arts & Crafts Fair The admission is FREE and so is the ample parking. Local artists and crafters’ items are just a few of the items that will be on sale. If you are a vendor and would enjoy selling your wares at our event and/or need more information, please contact Jackie at 207-9691. Location: Rusch Park Community Center Date: Saturday, November 22 Time: 10:00 – 4:00pm For more info regarding the Sunrise programs please contact Victor at 725-6287 or J. at 725-8843. Memoir Writing & Two-Day Book Sale at the Antelope Library! the sales go back to the library for programs, supplies, books, etc. The Friends are always accepting donations of books, puzzles, cds, DVDs, and recent magazines for our sales. All donations can be dropped off at the circulation desk during normal library hours. The Antelope Library is located at 4235 Antelope Road (near the corner of Walerga and Antelope). For more information email us at: [email protected] or call 916-264-2700. Inspired by this year’s One Book, former Sacramento Poet Laureate Bob Stanley will join our monthly Writers’ Gathering to talk about memoir writing. If you’ve ever wondered how to go about writing your life story or share particular life experiences in writing, you won’t want to miss this special evening. Join us on Wednesday, October 8 at 6:30 pm at the Antelope Library. Just what you have been waiting for! The Friend’s of the Antelope Library will be having their first quarterly big two-day book sale on October 31 and November 1. We will have several tables set up with many different genres, puzzles, DVDs and much more. Most books are priced between $ .50 and $2.00. The sale will be open for Friends of the Library one hour prior to opening for the general public. Hours for the sale are: Friday, October 31, Friends preview at noon, with the public sale from 1 to 6. On Saturday, November 1, the sale starts at 10 and ends at 3:30. The Friends always have books out for purchase. Be sure to check out the table in the lobby for some special books reasonably priced. And don’t forget to check out the rounds when you first come in the library doors, which are loaded with a great selection of books to choose from. There are magazines and bargain books on the shelves along the wall to the left when entering the library. Just place your money in the box on top of the shelf for your purchase. Remember, all funds earned from Antelope Library Hours — Sunday & Monday: Closed Tuesday & Wednesday: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Thursday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday: 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. www.saclibrary.org. EARL WOOD O’BRIEN’S BOARDING & PROFESSIONAL GROOMING CENTER Lic. #343607751 # %RDUGLQJ*URRPLQJ New directions due to construction detours: PHILLIP RD. Fiddyment Rd to Village Green, Village Green to Bob Doyle, Rt on Bob Doyle to Westpark, Left on Westpark to Phillip Rd Detour, Follow Detour to 5480 Phillip Rd. WWTP Reasonable Rates Senior Discount + PHILLIP RD. DETOUR N VILLAGE GREEN FIDDYMENT WWW.OBRIENSKENNEL.COM Care about your kids? LINCOLN WESTPARK BOB DOYLE Dog & Cat Boarding Obedience & Field Training 24 Hour On-Site Supervision BLUE OAK SUN CITY ROSEVILLE 65 We care, too! PLEASANT GROVE Schedule a tour today! Call 334-3800 BASELINE ROAD Moving Life Forward Antelope Rd In Rear of Church Vehicle Lifts and Seating Systems Toll Free 888-852-6981 • In Stock New/Used • Scooters/Wheelchairs/Modular Ramps/Stair Lifts • Cutting Edge Assistive Technology & Mobility Consultants 6550 Freeport Blvd. Ste A Sacramento, CA 95822 www.AbilityCenter.com Available! Funding Now 50%OFF ENROLLMENT! Rd le I Street Family Learning Center Ro se vil Bilingual Staff! Elkhorn Blvd Watt Ave KEY CODED-ENTRY for your child’s safety Accessible Van Conversions Sales — Rentals — Service 5 80 Madison Ave • • • • Developmental Curriculum Lunch & snacks included Child Action accepted Non potty-trained children are welcome • Student maintained garden! www.FamilyLC.org APPROVED 916.334.3800 [email protected] Limited Time offer. Call today: 334-3800. 6331 Watt Avenue, North Highlands 6 ANTELOPE NEWS • OCTOBER 2014 Antelope and Placer County Specialist. Over 8 years of experience with the #1 real estate company in the world - Center Joint Unified School District Mike’s Landscape Maintenance Century 21 M&M Gregoire Tonoukouin BY SCOTT A. LOEHR, Superintendent Realtor Cell (916) 799-7725 699 Washington Blvd. Suite A5 Roseville, CA 95678 [email protected] Bus. (916) 782-1500 FREE fertilization with service! FREE month with one year contract! FREE estimates - senior discounts! Fax (916) 782-1598 One time clean ups • Fence and sprinkler repairs! ph: 334-4779 or pgr: 569-9767 XXXD(SFH5POPVLPVJODPNtMJD#3& Juan H. Perez 6IWMHIRXMEP 'SQQIVGMEP¤-RXIVMSVW )\XIVMSVW 'EFMRIX6IRMWLMRK¤4VIWWYVI;EWLMRK ¤*VII)WXMQEXIW¤ Insurance Agent (916) 782-5272 %PSGEPVIWMHIRXJEQMP]S[RIH STIVEXIH (EZI4MXXW $JSCZ8BZt3PTFWJMMF 0MG2S 7TIGMEPM^MRK-R4VSJIWWMSREP KVBOQFSF[!BMMTUBUFDPNt$"-JD0% 6IPMEFPI7IVZMGI=IEVW)\TIVMIRGI A-1 Pool Service 331-4048 Services Full & Partial Service • Chemical Service Drain & Refills New Pool Start Ups Repairs Filters • Heaters • Pumps • Motors Pool Sweeps, Etc. The 2014-15 school year is well underway and I am amazed by how quickly the first six weeks have flown by. I have been touring throughout the district visiting classrooms, attending athletic events, interacting with children and staff and observing new curriculum in action. I am proud to be part of the many opportunities Mr. that abound for CJUSD students and families. With school in motion there are various systems in place to keep students and families informed. I encourage you to get a pass code for Homelink where you can monitor your child’s academic progress and the grades your child is earning. Site and district websites provide a wealth of information from contact information to upcoming events and ongoing programs. Additionally, we have increased our reach through social media. I invite you to “Like” our Center Joint Unified School District Facebook page and follow us on Twitter @centerusd. Beginning in August CJUSD initiated weekly teacher collaboration time every Monday at our elementary sites. This time allows teaching staff the opportunity to work together to improve instruction and services for all students. This has been especially productive to support the implementation of the new math curriculum and in making instructional adjustments to meet the expectations of new state standards. Site tours have provided the opportunity In September I attended a CHS home football game versus the River City Raiders. It was exciting to see the Cougars victorious on the field while the CHS cheerleaders and Blue Crew did their part to cheer on the home team. Friday Night Football is truly a fun event for the entire family. I invite you to experience Loehr all the festivities at the Homecoming Game on Friday, October 17th. JV kickoff is 5:15pm and Varsity is at 7pm. The energy at the homecoming game is contagious. CHS students are busy all week in preparation for the big game. Students participate in dress-up days, build floats and get ramped up at the Homecoming rally. On game night the Homecoming floats circle the track for the annual float competition pitting the 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 classes against one another for the coveted prize. Performances by the Cheer Team, Dance Team and Band are sprinkled throughout the night. Varsity halftime is reserved for the introduction of the 2014 Homecoming Royal Court and the crowning of the Homecoming King and Queen. All of this awaits as well as an exciting match-up on the field between Cougar Football and the Lincoln Zebras. I invite the Antelope community to come out and experience Cougar Football and the homecoming traditions of CHS. I wish to extend a special thank you to Al Himenez, master craftsman and member of the Maintenance Department, for designing Center High’s new display case located in the Cell #: 730-0570 Quality, Dependable, Professional Service Over 30 Years Experience in the Antelope Area! — Family Owned & Operated Business — IPSSA Member • State Contr. Lic#570920 AIR DUCT CLEANING RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL • BONDED • INSURED RELIEVES PROBLEMS FROM: Allergies • Asthma • Headaches • Sneezing Dust Odors • Sinus Congestion • Respiratory Infections SOURCE REMOVAL OF: Mold • Bacteria • Fungi • Dustmites • Lint • Soot Featuring the Hepa Roto- SAVES ENERGY: Helps Restore HVAC Systems to Run at Maximum Capacity Dryer Vent Cleaning brush System You Will Feel Better Breathing Clean Air Helps Relieve Chronic Illness from Contaminated Environments 773-2810 SENIOR DISCOUNTS Lic.#14909 American Air Duct Cleaning COME IN FOR A “CUSTOM” MASSAGE I design each massage based on your needs and preferences. Your massage may include a combo of Swedish, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, Acupressure, Reiki, Essential Oils and/or Hot Stones. In Touch Massage 'MFYJCMF)PVSTt*OEJWJEVBMJ[FE5SFBUNFOUTt(JGU$FSUJGJDBUFT P R I C E M AT C H I N G : I W I L L M E E T O R B E AT C O M P E T I T O R ’ S A D V E R T I S E D P R I C E S F O R A N Y M A SS A G E S E R V I C E T H AT I P R O V I D E . Lynn Wilson CMT t 825-0475 $BMJGPSOJB$FSU Center High’s New Display Case for me to observe children at all grade levels interacting with math. I am excited about our new math curriculum and the resources available to support children at home. McGraw-Hill provides online support for students through 5th grade at www.connectED. mcgraw-hill.com. Online resources include an ebook with vocabulary practice, tools, ehelp, math tutor and games. Children in 6th grade and above can get homework help, access student resource pages and get extra practice at www.CPM.org. Part of the secondary educational experience includes opportunities to compete in athletics. Fall sports are underway at Center High School and Wilson Riles Middle School. CHS student athletes are competing in Cougar Football, Girl’s Volleyball, Boy’s Soccer, Girl’s Golf and Cross Country. Student athletes at WCR are competing in volleyball and flag football. Athletic schedules are posted on school websites. I encourage you to come out and cheer on our local athletes. front office. The lighted glass case is quickly filling up with pieces of CHS history donated by staff and alumni. The collection includes pictures, trophies, prom favors, athletic schedules, newspapers and other memorabilia dating back to 1982. The display provides a nostalgia trip down memory lane for staff and alumni who have deep roots at Center High while providing a lesson on the rich history and tradition of CHS for those who are new to the school site. I’d like to welcome back three board incumbents returning to the CJUSD Board of Trustees; Jeremy Hunt, Kelly Kelly and Donald Wilson. I look forward to working with these trustees and the rest of the board to continue moving our district forward to meet the needs of the students of Antelope. Cheers to the fall season and all that awaits. I look forward to seeing the children, families and Antelope community members at our district and school events. BY JAMIE TOPPER To answer an idiom with an idiom: be careful what you wish for. The call to coaching at the high school level is deeper than most calls to action. It requires a special passion and dedication. So, when it comes time to hanging up the coaching cap, it’s with mixed emotions. Fo r c o a c h e s who leave the game Wise Family: Jeff, Tanner and Lynell. behind, there’s an unspoken wish for an efficient replacement to take over in their absence. Sometimes, helm. This one-time tough New Yorker simply however, when that doesn’t happen, the lure to has a soft spot. be an integral part of a young athlete’s journey “I just couldn’t let it happen to the kids,” once again sucks them right back in. Such is he explained, “especially the seniors. They the case for retired coaches at Center High. deserve to end with some consistency.” Although long time girls’ basketball coach Having coached for so long with his Jeff Wise retired from his almost thirty years assistant coach, Kei Quinley, it didn’t take of coaching last spring, he recently returned as long for his long term “brother from another head coach of the varsity girls’ program after mother” to rejoin alongside him. Both are a late hiring change left the program without looking forward to being back on the court a head coach. for at least one more season. Perhaps after the summer off and the fact “It has the potential to be a competitive that his son, Tanner, has just left to start his year,” continued Wise. “There are some freshman year at Humboldt State, Wise has questions whether some of the girls will be found himself rejuvenated and with a little more returning with rumors of transfers and such, time on his hands. Actually, Coach Wise just but we have some talented athletes.” couldn’t leave the program he spent so many years building without a capable captain at the (cont’ on page 11) Shredding exp. 10/31/14 exp. 10/31/14 FAX Service Now Serving You Better at Two Locations Bel Air Center 7909 Walerga Rd., #112 Antelope, CA Raley Center 7889 Lichen Dr. Citrus Heights, CA (916) 722-5465 (916) 723-5465 .30 A Word to the Wise: Center’s Returning Coaches *Recei gs Extra Savin exp. 10/31/14 Fall is in the Air and Cougar Boosters are Busy, Busy… We would like to invite you all to join us on Thursday October 16th in the parking lot by the school office. We will be having a Food Truck Extravaganza for your dining pleasure. This is Home Coming Week and the night that our campus will be transformed into scenes from our classes favorite Pixar Movies, and these trucks will be set up to offer food and energy for the decorating teams, and community. So, if you are going to be working on campus on these transformations, or you just want to come get something yummy to eat, please bring your cash between 5-8 p.m. Every 3rd Wednesday, of each month this year, will be Cougar Time at Yogurt Time Café in Antelope by Bel Air. All day long, just mention Center Cougar Boosters Club before you make your purchase and a portion of your purchase will support the Booster Club. We would like to Thank Yogurt Time Café for their continued support of our program. They are a fabulous community business who know ook Faceb us! lp e Y or ve a Coupon with ER SUMM LS A I SPEC ¢ SCANNING SERVICE BY CINDY CAMPBELL — Booster President the importance of giving back. The Electronic Marquee is available to list your students birthday, the ENTIRE WEEK of their Birthday for ONLY $10!! Email us to reserve your spot. Space is limited so get your week in NOW! So far, the Cougar Booster Club has volunteered at 4 events at the New 49er’s Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara. If you join us and volunteer your time, you can specify the group/Club/Class or athletic program at Center High School that you want your portion of the funds to go directly to!!! We are very grateful for our volunteers and this opportunity to work with Levi’s Stadium and the 49er’s. There are still many more events. If you are interested in volunteering with us, it’s not too late, send us an email. If you have a student at CHS, you should become a Booster Member. For only $20 or $30 (double membership) you can help the Booster Club continue to do what we love... SUPPORT OUR STUDENTS!! With your membership you receive $2.00 discounts at home sporting events, bumper stickers, and a fun t-shirt. Our meetings are on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7p.m. in staff lounge. We are always open for fresh new ideas, and volunteering is crucial to the success of our events. If you have any ways to help us, volunteering, donations or questions, you may email us at [email protected] and friend us on Facebook: Chs Boosters 7 PER PAGE Center Booster Club 75¢ 1/2 Off .PER LBS. ANTELOPE NEWS • OCTOBER 2014 • Business Printing • Shipping Services • Packing Materials • Private Mailboxes www.JustSendItPostalCenter.com - email: [email protected] MANN & MANN DENTAL CORP. Complete Family Dental Care • Preventive • Restorative • Cosmetics • Heat Sterilization #HERRY #REEK 6ETERINARY (OSPITAL 338-1600 Also Open Evenings and Saturdays! 7161 Walerga Road • Sac., CA 95842 (On Walerga Rd. between Antelope and Elkhorn) our e z i n o e patr Pleas tisers, and adver know you m let the their ad ews! saw N e p o Antel e h t n i JUSTINA CODDE, DVM, MS 349-2755 7ATT!VEs!NTELOPE#! (Corner of Watt Ave. and Elverta Rd.) Hours: M-F 8am-6pm 4BUBNQNt4VOBNQN Please patronize our advertisers, and let them know you saw their ad in the Antelope News! Repair, Service & Install All Makes & Models t3FTJEFOUJBM t$PNNFSDJBM t*OEVTUSJBM Residential Cold Weather Special Advertise your business in the Antelope News — For more information visit our website at egnews.com $3900 Diagnostic Fee 916-952-4822 $-/ &OWJTJPO"JS4ZTUFNTDPN 8 ANTELOPE NEWS • OCTOBER 2014 Center High’s Performing Arts Presents: Soda Shop Angel Written by CHS Vice Principal, Shirley McNichols Judy Harding’s life as a 16-year old isn’t too sweet right now. Her dad can’t find the money to fix up the family’s soda shop; her older jock brother, Jimmy, is flunking out of school; and her younger brother, Tommy, has retreated into a fantasy world of comic book superheroes since their mom died. To add to the dilemma, Judy has a major crush on Ricky, a new guy in town who’s a mysterious loner. Enter Angela, a bumbling angel-in-training who must earn her halo by helping the Hardings. But when the shop is hit first by a fire and then a flood, is it divine providence or disaster? Salvation or catastrophe? A quiz show and hula hooping are all part of the miracle that help save Judy and her family. Show times are November 14th & 15th and November 21st & 22nd. Friday evening shows at 7:00 PM, Saturday shows at 2:00PM and 7:00 PM. General admission is $5 at the door. Students with an ASB Sticker, patrons 65 years or older and children 6 years and under are $3. If you have questions, please call Mrs. Purdy at 916-339-4702 or email janepurdy@ centerusd.org Dry Creek School District Update Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovation Experiential programs like FOSS and the expanded math instruction prepare 21st In classrooms across the district, Century students by teaching them to Dry Creek students are engaging in experiment like a scientist and think 21st Century learning. Fueled by like a mathematician. innovations in teaching methods, Incorporating 21st Century tools, and content, our students’ have tools also helps prepare students increasing opportunities to actively for the world in which they live. participate, make connections, and In our classrooms, teachers and gain relevant skills. It’s a great time students employ technology both to be a student, and a challenging to enhance and to demonstrate but exciting time to be an educator. learning. Teachers use technology to Mr. Tooker Efforts to stimulate active present engaging lessons while also learning and promote depth and extending their individual interaction rigor are making a difference for students with students, tapping in to enrichment throughout the district. Hands-on programs materials, and fostering collaboration. Each like the Full Option Science System (FOSS classroom in the district is now equipped science) bring subjects to life for students. with a flat or projection screen , document Reaching far beyond textbooks, FOSS science camera and mobile devices (Mobi) that allow kits encourage exploration, experimentation, teachers to model lessons and share examples and observation to activate the natural learning at the same time they walk the room to check capacity of kindergarten through fifth grade student work and understanding. These students. For middle school students, statetools also make incorporating a wealth of of-the-art science labs extend activity-based multi-media and internet-based resources learning opportunities. In math classes, possible. Teachers regularly add education students engage in conversations about and topic-specific resources such as National their lessons as they dig deeper. New state Geographic, ReadWorks, and LearnZillion standards challenge students to approach to enhance lessons. To support the teachers, mathematics in new ways, strengthen their the district’s Education Services department reasoning, and persevere in problem solving. provides cutting edge staff development In addition to presenting lessons and working and resources to help with the integration through examples, teachers now lead students of innovative technology and materials into through questions such as, “how would you classrooms. In addition the Technology describe the problem in your own words?” Advancing Curriculum (TAC) team serve to designed to develop mathematical thinking. find, investigate, and recommend appropriate BY BRAD TOOKER, Superintendent enhancements and innovations to support teaching and learning. As technology reaches into the classroom, getting the tools into the hands of students is a natural extension. With the district’s move to the Google platform, students now use Google Chromebooks and Google applications to collaborate with each other, complete assignments, and present what they have learned. The district added more than 1,600 Chromebooks through mobile lab carts during the 2013-14 school year and will deploy another 1,600 Chromebooks this school year. Students already familiar with laptops will be able to connect and expand their learning in the classroom and those without this access will have the exposure they need to incorporate technology into their learning. For younger students, touchscreen tablets are being piloted for use by transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and first grade students. Results of the pilot program will help direct future integration of technology. Innovation, improvement by applying new ways of thinking and working, is as important in education as it is in life. Ensuring our community’s students have access to challenging curriculum, relevant tools, and exceptional instruction is a Dry Creek Joint Elementary School District priority. By incorporating innovative programs, techniques, and tools in our schools we are preparing students to become active and responsible citizens in the 21st Century. ANTELOPE NEWS • OCTOBER 2014 Antelope Parent Boosters News BY BRANDI EPSTEIN Hello Titan Families! October is upon us and we are back into the full swing of things. Please take the time to put our next APB meeting and events on your calendar: Individual memberships for Antelope Parent Boosters are $20 with an additional membership available for $15 more. This money goes towards supplementing funds for such things as athletics, drama, Breaking Down the Walls, and Scholarships to seniors of APB members. As an APB member, you receive a membership card with discounts to Antelope businesses plus admittance to sports and dance performances at a student prices AND a tote bag!! Please consider continuing your membership support in APB even if your student has graduated. Alumni and alumni families help make the community of Antelope High School. This month’s meeting will be held October 29th at 7:00pm in the AHS Library. Everyone is welcome to attend. Homecoming is October 17th!! Subboosters will be present at the homecoming football game selling their merchandise. So use this opportunity to buy your favorite sport’s gear, support the sub boosters, and enjoy a Friday night under the lights! APB is always at the freshman, JV, and Varsity football games offering APB merchandise. So come cheer on our Titan! The dates of the Titan home sporting events for the month of October are as follows: • Freshman & JV Football-Thursdays at 4:00pm & 5:30 /Varsity Football- Fridays @ 7:00 10/16, 10/17 (Homecoming!!!), 10/23, 10/24 (Sponsor Night), 10/30, 10/31 (Pink Night & Senior Night) • Soccer JV/Varsity Games- 10/8, 10/13, 10/27 • Water Polo Boys- 10/09 6pm, 10/14 5pm • Water Polo Girls- 10/09 5pm, 10/14 6pm • Girls Volleyball Frosh/JV/Varsity- 10/2, 10/14, 10/16, 10/30 • Girls Tennis JV/Varsity- 10/7,10/9,10/23 • The Class of 2015 gets to celebrate Sober Grad Night at Disneyland!!! The seniors will receive a Sober Grad Ticket to Disneyland and California Adventure including a party after graduation. Cost for the trip during the month of October is $200. Senior sweatshirts are on sale now for $35... all profit goes towards the class and their trip. Holiday pies are also on sale. See flier in Antelope News and • Graduation Leis will be sold for $20 too. Look for other fundraisers as they come available!!! • March 6 - Save the Date for the APB annual Parent Fun Night. This year’s Parent Fun Night is a Surf-n-Turf Hoedown at the Blue Goose Event Center in Loomis! This is the major fundraiser that benefits APB specifically and pays for all that APB does throughout the year. Put on your cowboy boots and hats and have a good time eating, meeting, and dancing with your fellow Titan Parents. Be sure to friend us on Facebook! You will receive updates on upcoming events and opportunities to volunteer your time and just keep up to speed on campus events. Find us at: Antelope Parent Boosters AHS on Facebook. Here’s to another great Titan school year full of excitement and fun! GO TITANS! 9 2 Great Locations! Antelope (Next to Rite-Aid) 4320 Elverta Rd 916.721.9497 Hours: M-F 9-9 Sat 9-7 & Sun 9-6 Citrus Heights (Next to 7-Eleven) 6401 Antelope Rd 916.725.8863 Hours: M-F 9-9 Sat 9-7 & Sun 9-6 $8.99 10/31/14 'BNJMZ0XOFEBOE0QFSBUFETJODFt"CVEHFUTUPSBHFDPN SUPER SPECIALS YNPOUIT!QFSNPOUI PUIFSTJ[FTBSFPGGUIFTUNPOUITPGPVS BMSFBEZTVQFSMPXQSJDFT t$BMM'PS%FUBJMT tTU5JNF$VTUPNFST0OMZ t1SJDFT4QFDJBMT4VCKFDU5P$IBOHF8JUIPVU/PUJDF t$IFDL6T0VU0O'BDFCPPL Baseline Rd. 3036 Q St. North Highlands CA 95660 [email protected] Antelope Rd. Q St. Elkhorn Blvd. Watt Ave. 916 334-2973 32nd St. As I’ve said many times, the only constant in Antelope Averages While there is never a clear crystal ball that looks into the future of the real estate Real Estate is change. The market appears to be Second Quarter market, there are always clues. One big clue we are seeing right now is a2014 rising recalibrating yet again. Buyers are taking their $260,000 inventory of unsold homes. While the number of homes going into contract each time, looking for the best deals. There is not much $255,000 $256,204 has week has them fallentobybuy about 8-10% since May, the inventory of homes available pushing as inventory of unsold homes $250,000 jumped roughly 50%. Arguably, the number of homes for sale in May was too has climbed and many sellers are lowering their $245,000 low as the market ended the transition from a distress sale dominated market to a asking prices. For home sellers it $242,403 $240,000 market dominated by equity sales. This inventory increase points is really important to keep track to flattening in valuespricing and perhaps a$235,000 bit of a fallback from the of atheir competition’s as Listing Price highs. One thing is clear, sellers need to prepare their home for that is what is setting the new Selling Price sale, price it properly from list to/ $153 sell. Average Selling Price Per Sq. Ft. market price. People and whoexpect price a longer period on what sold in May are missing the market right now, WRITTEN BY unless they have GEORGE BROWN JEURZQ#WKRPSVRQEURZQFRP something very unique. 8x16= $75 16x18= $120 8x18= $80 16x20= $125 8x20= $85 16x40= $230 8x24= $93 RV Spaces 8x48= $170 16x16= $110 $40-$50 30th St. ANTELOPE REAL ESTATE UPDATE 5x8= $38 6x9= $45 8x8= $49 8x10=$55 8x12=$60 8x13=$65 10 ANTELOPE NEWS • OCTOBER 2014 8& $%!&+&!&"#$!&%""%&$% "!'%"!&'$+-&"$44-5346&"$!$""'$% <;=5 / #'=9;8; / ! !:)89**'"&'! !!!<)44** "%&.2=4 (2764" - !! $. +%" %!74! %&$&"!!'%. '!'#$+"'! ""* • • )$%.$ $#"!5 !'6'7! ($! !#' !!!'!! ! * "!"!&%&#"!%"$%#%$%"(0 &%#(1!%)" %&$&"+0 !!%" !!'!! &! !-=5:.:6<+==47&! 1 !*! %3500000000000000000000000000000000000)00000000000000000000000)00000000000000000000000000000000 %3600000000000000000000000000000000000)00000000000000000000000)00000000000000000000000000000000 %3700000000000000000000000000000000000)00000000000000000000000)00000000000000000000000000000000 %3800000000000000000000000000000000000)00000000000000000000000)00000000000000000000000000000000 / %!)+ ! !!$!%!!)+ "! ,!';<45!*'!'=9<87 !&"#$!&""%&$%%!"!/#$"&"$!,&"!.* 258/4939375 ANTELOPE NEWS • OCTOBER 2014 Center ’s R eturning Coaches (cont’ from page 7) One such promising athlete is senior, Destiny King, who plans to return from double ACL injuries the last couple of years after being an All League player her freshman year. “I look forward to having her back on the court,” said Wise. “Hopefully we can keep her healthy.” Wise is not the only coach to return after calling it quits. Coach Sandy Tissue returned as the girls’ golf coach after leaving behind a winning girls’ volleyball season. Coach Sherri Edgar also took over the girls’ JV volleyball. Both programs were left in jeopardy after coaches’ retirements, and the lady coaches were not about to see that happen. In every case, Center High is fortunate to have coaches, new and seasoned, who sacrifice much to give students the opportunity to grow as athletes and experience the game. Having such coaches is a “Wise” choice, indeed! Daylight Saving Time Ends... Sunday, November 2, 2014, 2 AM, clocks are turned backward 1 hour! — ANTELOPE PROFILES — Getting to know you... For Steven and Kelly Gale, Antelope means family BY LISA LISONBEE Steven’s parents live in Antelope with three younger siblings. Steven’s sister comes back to Antelope between school breaks. And Steven’s other sister is not too far, right in North Highlands. Although he did not grow up in Antelope, it is the place where most of his family resides. Kelly’s parents moved to Antelope when she was a teenager. Though she has left for school, a mission, more school and other opportunities, she has now found herself settled here again, close to family. Steven grew up in Katy, near Houston, Texas. He served a twoyear church mission to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where he taught about Jesus Christ and found many ways to serve the people. Of those two years Steven says, “Serving a mission was one of the best decisions I ever made. I love the people I met there and think of their humility and goodness often. It definitely has affected how I have lived every day since.” Steven earned his Bachelor’s at BYU in Provo, Utah, where he studied accounting. Upon graduation Steven started working for Larson & Rosenberger CPAs in Salt Lake City. At the same time he left to Brazil, his family moved to Antelope. Steven later joined them when he took a job with the federal government in Northern California. Kelly graduated from Sacramento State with a degree in Child Development. She has a lot of experience working with children and youth through preschools, private schools and substitute teaching. She enjoyed working in the Bay Area before returning to school for a graduate degree. She earned her Master’s in Occupational Therapy at San Jose State. Steve, Kelly, Jacob and baby Juliette Gales. As an Occupational Therapist, Kelly chose to work with the geriatric population at a skilled nursing facility. She focused on helping patients become more independent to enable them to return home. During a weekend visit home for Kelly, she met Steve at church. They began corresponding, then dating, somewhat longdistance. Kelly took a job in Sacramento at a skilled nursing facility and Steven was able to woo her without the two-hour drive! After Steven and Kelly got married in 2011 they lived in Sacramento for a bit before purchasing their first home in Antelope. They have since welcomed a son and a daughter to their family. Jacob (2) is bright, friendly and full of 11 energy. “He is one of the best gifts I have ever received! He has brought joy and life to our home. And a lot of laughter, don’t forget the laughter!” says Kelly. Jacob is tall for his age (his dad is 6’6”!) but is also articulate for his age; he loves to practice his letters and numbers and share with others what he is learning. He runs and jumps and plays with the amount of energy every adult wishes they had. While he has his typical two-year-old struggles, he is kind, happy and good-natured. He is social and loves to be around people. And, like many two-year-old boys, he loves trains! Just over a month ago they were blessed with their daughter, Juliette. She is young but still full of pleasantness, looking sweetly and serenely at all she meets. After a particularly difficult labor and delivery, Steven and Kelly are so grateful that she is here and she is theirs! In addition to caring for their two young children, Steven and Kelly work with teenagers here locally. Kelly teaches Sunday School and supports Steven as Scoutmaster for a local Boy Scout troop. He works with them during weekly meetings, monthly campouts and other events. Kelly was able to “retire” from full-time work and stays home with her children. While this can be an exhausting role, she has taken full advantage of this opportunity by beautifying her home, improving her cooking skills and sewing lots of her home furnishings. She also tends a beautiful garden and shares produce with her neighbors. She was just caught canning applesauce last month! The Gales share a love of music, singing, playing the guitar and piano. Steven especially loves the outdoors. He is a rock-climber, runner and swimmer, and will be happy to try any other adventurous outdoor activity. He also currently plays on a recreational softball league, with a handful of brothers-in-law, of course, because the Gales love family! Do you know a neighbor who should be recognized? Well, just let us know. Send your names or suggestions to the Antelope News at [email protected]. Or call us at 727-6393. TAQUERIA LOS LAGOS 5NDER.EW/WNERSHIPs"EST-EXICAN&OODIN!NTELOPE 0REVIOUSLY4AQUERIA'UADALAJARA "REAKFASTs,UNCHs$INNER $INEINORTAKEOUT Sunday thru Thursday: 9am - 9pm Friday & Saturdays: 8am - 10pm s%LVERTA2D !NTELOPEs)NTHE7INCO#ENTER "IRRIA%VERY D N A O D U N E s UNDAYS 3ATURDAYAND3 4ORTILLAS s(OME-ADE ILABLE s#ATERING!VA EEKLY3PECIAL 7 R U / K C E H # s &2%%3ODA7ITH9OUR-EALMUSTPRESENTCOUPON%XP 10-31-14 12 ANTELOPE NEWS • OCTOBER 2014 ANTELOPE NEWS • OCTOBER 2014 Off and Running: AHS Cross Country Sneak Peek BY JAMIE TOPPER Antelope High’s Cross Country team is off and running for a chance to cross the finish line and earn coveted spots in both the Capital Valley Conference Finals and Sac-Joaquin Section Finals. The new alignment to the Capital Valley League will be challenging, but the team has set its own season goals of individual improvement and team bonding. Coach Emmy Kisaka explained, “I think it’s going to be a challenge to pull off a league title with some of the top programs in the state running in our league, but I know we will see the athletes improve throughout the season. They are dedicated runners who enjoy a good workout. They push themselves hard in practice and seem to be enjoying some improved PR’s (personal records). In XC, we look for goals to be met, individuals to improve as both runners and people and for the athletes to have fun. All in all, I think our team accomplishes all of this and we become somewhat of a family as the season progresses. We get to see athletes at their worst and their best. We get to see them overcome obstacles, challenge each other to improve and reap the benefits of a loving community of individuals.” The Titan team participated in the Nevada Union Invitational Meet in mid September. The meet featured hundreds of athletes in each meet, and was a chance for the athletes said Kisaka. “We don’t have much around here except the streets and a track, so it’s fun for them to see something completely different and out of their usual routine.” Despite the talented competition, many Titan runners recorded impressive times to start the season. Lady varsity runners Ximara Valdivia, Sierra Arnott, and Sky Fierro all placed within the top third of their 3-mile meets. Frosh/Soph runners Madison Wright and Millie Macek finished in the top half. Sophomore Morgan Walser, who also competes in Track long-distance events and basketball, had the best finish of the day. Walser placed 7th in his meet with a time of 18:20.36, fast enough to have competed against more seasoned varsity athletes. Walser also placed 6th in the 4000-meter race on Opening Night. “To run as well as he did is quite an accomplishment, especially for a first year XC runner,” boasted Kisaka. “He’s proving himself to be one of our top racers Morgan Walser, pictured at a long distance this year, and he could, potentially, be meet at a CAL Track Championship. one of the best athletes we’ve seen go through our program and school. With Photo courtesy of Buddy Walser this being said, we’re so lucky that he is using XC as a training ground for his first to establish their initial times and set goals love, basketball. “ for the season. It was also a chance for valley With the goals of personal growth and athletes to experience some new terrain. team camaraderie being at the top of the “The kids get to experience a change in rewards list for the team of newbies this year, elevation, a few hills, some dirt trails, some the season is certain to be successful, indeed. grassy areas and some unsteady gravel areas,” Precision Orthodontics Antelope’s ONLY Orthodontic Specialists! www.precision-ortho.com Come visit our BRAND NEW office located within Walking Distance from ANTELOPE HIGH SCHOOL ents First 25 Pati ll That Start Fu ill Treatment W TS By Dre! Receive BEA 4408 Elverta Rd, Suite 200 Antelope, CA 95843 916-727-1122 Call our Amazing Staff that cater to our patients needs! 13 St. John’s Roseville — All That Jazz! All That Jazz! Third in the concert offerings at St. John’s Episcopal Church for the 2014 season will be presented on Saturday, October 25. The Jazz ensemble from the Ron Cunha band will perform both old and new pieces as well as favorites for all to enjoy with the show beginning at 7 p.m. Doors open for the show at 6 p.m. Families are invited all for only $25, individual tickets are $10 and may be bought at the door, or reservations may be made by calling 916786-6911. St. John’s located at 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd in Roseville invites all jazz enthusiast in the community to come enjoy the evening. Help our community grow strong — support our advertisers and community organizations! 14 ANTELOPE NEWS • OCTOBER 2014 St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church For God So Loved the World…. Non-Denomination Come As You Are Sunday Service 11:00am Bible Study Tuesday 6:30pm-8:30pm 6412 Watt Ave, N.H. Ca. 95660 t1BTUPS+VBOJUB.BTPO Local Food Closet The North Highlands Christian Food Ministry is run completely by volunteers and is open every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 9:30 am to noon and is located at 6125 Watt Ave., and serves the needs of Antelope, North Highlands, Rio Linda and Elverta communities. For more information or to volunteer, please call the NHCFM at 331-1510. Sunday Service 10am & 6pm Bible Study – Tuesday 10:30am Reverend Peter Rodgers, Vicar 8BUU"WFOVFt"OUFMPQF The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Antelope CA Stake 3621 Elverta Rd. • Antelope Services start at 9am on Sundays For more information, please call: Jeffrey Gale at 726-1074. http://www.mormon.org Every month people in Antelope turn to our pages for the latest on community news! St. John’s Episcopal Church Grand Opening of The Dance Gallery 2’s New Studios After a long The brand three years and new dance facility many hoops to is beautiful, but jump through, The it did not come Dance Gallery 2 without blood, is celebrating its sweat and tears. 24th season in their It was one hurdle brand new, state-ofafter the other the-art performing as Placer County arts dance facility. required a turn Designed like a lane, a water The Dance Gallery 2’s Ballet Director, Alicia Fuller, dancer’s dream, treatment system, teaches one of her classes in the DG2’s new studio. the new studio water holding boasts two large tanks, a fire spring suspended floating beechwood floors, hydrant, ADA parking and accesses, 2 mirrors, ballet barres, professional sound additional bathrooms and ADA compliant systems throughout and much more. The floors. All this had to be done before the dance studio was planned and constructed to volunteers could get into the new building to convert to a full rehearsal studio so that Dance install the new dance floor. The huge project Gallery 2 dance students could have the real was definitely a community effort! It took feel of a professional rehearsal for their many 18 DG2 dads and friends over 700 collective performances. The building was designed from hours—working primarily in the evenings and the ground up just for dancers! on weekends--to install the floor! DG2 students and their families were Enrollment has begun and even though excited to get into the new DG2 studios classes are now in session, the Grand Opening September 10, when the doors opened for the Celebration is scheduled for Saturday first time, and the students took their first steps November 1, 2014 from 10 am till 2 pm. Come on the new dance floor. Up until the building check out the new, amazing Dance Gallery 2 was opened, the DG2 enrollment filled to studios and join in the festivities! There will capacity each fall and carried a waiting list of be pony rides, hot dogs, popcorn, a bounce over 200 throughout the year. Classes have house, cotton candy, carnival games and more! been conducted out of the little garage/studio The Dance Gallery 2 Student Teachers are of the owner’s home for 23 years. Expansion the host of this exciting event and the DG2 was well overdue! Parent Association is the co-sponsor. The Lucy McLemore, better known as “Miss DG2 is located at 6680 Baseline Road in Lucy,” the owner and director of the Dance West Roseville. For more information about Gallery 2 located in West Roseville, is happy the DG2 Grand Opening or the DG2 studios, to be moving forward. please call 916-771-0775. ASP & NORM — By Qamdhyn Hale 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd. Roseville welcomes YOU “to come experience the love of JESUS CHRIST” SUNDAY SERVICES 8 a.m. Traditional Eucharist 9:30 a.m. ADULT EDUCATION 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship praise music/ Sunday school /youth group The Reverend Cliff Haggenjos, Rector twww.stjohnsroseville.org Zion Lutheran Church http://www.ZionLutheranNH.org LCMS A Purpose Driven Church 3644 Bolivar Ave., North Highlands 332-4001 Pastor: Bill Ellis Qamdhyn Hale is a student and an Antelope resident. He was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome in 2nd grade. He debuted his comic strip characters Asp & Norm in the Antelope News in the April 2014 issue. ANTELOPE NEWS • OCTOBER 2014 15 A N T E L O P E NEWS C L A S S I F I E D S SERVICES TK ROOFING INC. Call us for your Re-Roofing needs. We are locally owned & operated. We do composition, tile & seamless gutters. Over 20 years experience. All work guaranteed. Call for a Free Estimate. Fully bonded and insured. Lic#786249. 916-723-6960 or 916-343-4931. ••• PIANO LESSONS! Experienced teacher. Learn at your own pace. Daytime and after school openings. Call Theresa 916-591-9964, or email [email protected] ••• GARAGE DOORS: Sales, repairs residential-commercial, new doors, operators, springs, cable. Lic. Contractor. Call 916-747-2343. ••• MONTHLY LAWN MAINTENANCE: Weekly/biweekly service yard cleanups, fence reapair & installation, tree trimming & removal. 916-233-8063. ••• SISTERLY LOVE PRESCHOOL now enrolling 2 years old-up. $20 a day for our Preschool Program 9-12 M-F. Potty Training included. We also offer all day care. For more information call 916-595-2572 and visit our website www.sisterlylove.vpweb.com facility#343619604. ••• PEST SERVICE $49.99 Special. Do you want to get rid of your ants, spiders and rodents? Give us a call. Affordable Family Pest Control. 916-236-7878. ••• HARDWOOD/LAMINATE. $600 for a 10’x12’ room. Over 50 colors. Good references. Randy 916-847-4357. Lic#852123. ••• JACK CARLISLE MASONRY; brick, block, stone; quality work, no job too small. License #783619. 729-4515. ••• LOST/FOUND WANTED/FOR SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SALE: Pressure washer $150, rod/ reels fishing (3) $150. Call after 5pm. 916771-3730. ••• FOR SALE: Artist drawing table, tilt tap adjustable, takes apart for moving. $110. Call 916-962-7332. ••• FOR SALE: 300 DVD’s, master list available. 1-$3, 2-$5, 3-$6. Pristine condition. 916 434-7304. ••• COME JOIN THE ADVENTURE with Antelope Cub Scout Pack 22: 916-538-0220 or [email protected] ••• WANTED!!! Vendors with High quality, hand-crafted items to sell at the 18th Annual Holiday Boutique, Saturday, November 1, 2014 Sun City Roseville Timbers Ballroom. Contact: Gini Frederick at ginifred@ surewest.net or 916/773-4174. ••• ARE YOU A DOG LOVER? A CAT LOVER? The Friends of the Rocklin Animal Shelter need volunteers! Walking, socializing, grooming, fund-raising, publicity – we need it all. If you can help, contact Cathy Duer at [email protected]. ••• ! Want/For Sale (No Real Estate!) ! Help Wanted, Childcare Wanted or Work Wanted ! First 15 words $5, additional words 50¢ each-must be prepaid. PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD: Write your ad on the form provided and mail to: Antelope News 7909 Walerga Rd., #112 - PMB 123 Antelope, CA 95843 Classified ads are NOT taken over the phone. Submit by MAIL ONLY. Ads must be received by the 15th of the month to appear in the following issue. WE DO NOT ACCEPT illegible ads, incomplete forms, and ads not accompanied by payment. Please make checks or money orders to Antelope News. EGnews Inc./ANTELOPE NEWS reserves the right to refuse any ads they deem unsuitable. ERRORS can only be compensated if the negligence is ours, and we are notified within the first week of the insertion, and insofar as the error, in our judgement, materially affects the content and advertising value of the ad. Compensation will be in the form of additional advertising space or credit, and will not exceed the value of the ad. Your canceled check is your receipt. Antelope News has a distribution of 10,500 copies, which go directly to residents and businesses in the Antelope area the first week of each month. PIONEER QUILTERS GUILD - Quilt Show and Sale • November 1-2, 2014 at the Roseville Sports Center. The show is from 10-5 on Saturday and 10-4 on Sunday, and only $7 admission. Come and purchase hand-made quilts, plus see others that range from quilts like grandma used to make, to quilts that are as beautiful as art. In addition a wonderful boutique of highquality, hand-crafted items; vendors offering a variety of quilt and sewing-related items; door prizes; raffle baskets; and refreshments and lunch are available. ••• CRAFT FAIR: Saturday Nov. 22, 9am – 3pm. Lutheran Church, 6315 Douglas Blvd., Granite Bay. Up-scale handmade crafts lunch, bake sale, raffle. ••• AD SSIFIED A L C R YOU NEWS! PLACE ELOPE T N A E ER 15! IN TH OCTOB : E N I L DEAD Every month people in Antelope turn to our pages for the latest on community news! CLASSIFIED ADS **F R E E A D S — INCLUDE: !Yard Sales in the Antelope Area Only! ! Baby, Wedding, or Death Announcements ! Notices of meetings or events by local non-profit groups in Antelope. ! Lost and found items/pets ! Thank you's, Memorials. ! First 15 words FREE, additional words 50¢ each THREE LEGACIES Group Alcoholics Anonymous meeting Fridays 10:30 a.m. 7850 Watt Ave, St. Andrews Church. ••• ROSEVILLE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY will meet at Maidu Senior Center, 1550 Maidu Dr., Roseville. Meeting 1-3 pm. Marian Kile will come on October 14, 2014. She will be talking on “ Find-AGrave”. Everyone welcome. ••• 1st ANNUAL DOGFEST WALK N ROLL- benefitting Canine Companions for Independence, held on Saturday, October 25th, 2014, Johnson-Springview Park, Rocklin. All funds raised will help provide highlytrained assistance dogs to individuals with disabilities, free of charge. Register to walk or donate at www.cci.org/dogfestsacramento. Event includes celebratory walk, vendors, dog demonstrations, food trucks, live music, games and more. VENDORS NEEDED: contact Colby at [email protected] ••• ANSWER THE CALL TO HELP FIGHT CANCER. Help by donating gently used furniture, clothing and household items. Volunteers are needed to pick up and deliver your donations to the American Cancer Society’s Discover Shop in Roseville. Call 771-5267 for more info. ••• BUSINESS ADS ! Anything of a commercial nature, including Childcare/Real Estate. ! 15 words for $20. Additional words 50¢ each. $45 for three months, same ad. Classified ads must be received by the 15th of the month. ANTELOPE NEWS CLA S S I F I E D F OR M Ad: ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Not a business ad— $5 J Any business ad 1-month $20 J • Any business ad 3-months $45 J (❏ Service or ❏ Child Care ) (❏ Wanted ) (❏ Lost / Found / For Sale ) (❏ Announcement) Additional words (over 15) _________________ x 50¢ = $___________________ Number of months ad is to run: ___________ Total enclosed: ________________ Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ City: _________ Zip: _____________ Daytime Phone:_____________________ 16 ANTELOPE NEWS • OCTOBER 2014 SOLD ANTELOPE’S #1 REAL ESTATE OFFICE Don’t Trust Computer Generated Home Value Estimates Call us for an Expert Home Price Evaluation For Sale George Brown 349-1000 TEAM THOMPSON+BROWN Celebrating 25 Years in Antelope! 3759 Willow Bend Court 8429 Calleystone Way 8212 Brick Hearth Place 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath, 1584 Square Feet Large, private and well shaded lot with a great floor plan featuring separate living and family rooms. Recently updated kitchen, carpets, baths, roof and fresh paint inside and out. Located on a cul-de-sac with large back yard. 4 bedroom, 3 Bath, 2047 Square Feet Super clean tri-level with 3 car garage. Separate living and family rooms, formal dining area and cozy nook. Near new stainless appliances in the kitchen, downstairs bed and full bath and lovely patio in backyard. 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath, 1946 Square Feet Open and bright former model home in quiet cul de sac has many updates. Hardwood floors, newer siding, roof, fence and HVAC. Really spacious backyard. Two blocks from Oak Hill Elementary. 7900 Eagle Peak Way 7741 Black Sand Way THANK YOU Stop by or call us for more information on these homes or for the market value of your home. 349-1000 3904 Sitting Bull Way 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 1088 Square Feet An absolute darling home with loads of special features and an awesome yard with large pool. There is a cozy fireplace, an updated kitchen and bathrooms, windows have been replaced, nice covered patio and newer roof. Near schools, parks and shopping. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 1769 Square Feet 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath, 1974 Square Feet Major updating here. Every interior door Single story home with close to 2000 sq. ft. is a replaced, new carpet, new paint and the master rare find. Near award winning Antelope High bath gutted and redone to custom home School, water park, shopping and freeways. standards. Bamboo floors in kitchen, granite Many upgrades including custom paint, flooring, with travertine and black granite backsplash. plantation shutters, designer cabinets, granite Truly an Antelope gem! counter tops and so much more! A must see. Thompson + Brown FREE Services! ł Need to make a few copies? ł Send a fax? ł Have an extra house key made? Stop by during business hours and we will be happy to assist! 8008 Walerga Road #300 (916)349-1000 ł Key making service available Monday - Friday 9am - 1pm View ALL Antelope Listings @
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