Tennessee Hobbyist Beekeepers Association August 2005 INSIDE THIS ISSUE MITE-AWAY II IS REGISTERED A. MELLIFERA, AP.D. POEM RESEARCH REVIEWS HOW DO FLOWERS GROW GMOS NEWS PERSPECTIVES OF THE PAST NEW BEE BOOKS EVENTS NEW LOCAL ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION BOARD & OFFICERS MITE-AWAYII IS REGISTERED FOR USE IN TENNESSEE: WHAT T REATMENT AVAILABLE? O PTIONS A RE The formic acid-based Mite-AwayII treatment for Varroa and tracheal mites can be obtained from several distributors including Dadant & Sons, Betterbee, B & B Honey Farms, and Rossman Apiaries. NOD Apiary Products LTD, the Canadian company that manufactures Mite-AwayII posts information on the use and efficacy of the product. http://miteaway.com/index.html Outside daytime temperature highs should be between 50 - 79ºF at the time of application of formic acid. The Mite-AwayII pads are left in place for 21 days so it is best to determine what the average temperatures will be during the time you intend to treat. The pads should be removed from the hives in the event of a heat wave (if daily temperature highs exceed 82ºF) within the first 7 days of treatment. In addition to temperature, colony strength needs consideration because if it is low, the formic acid vapors may overwhelm the bees due to poor ventilation. I have used formic acid for the past three years following the guidelines developed by the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (http://www.biosec u r i t y. g o v t . n z / p e s t s - d i s e a s e s / a n i m a l s / v a rroa/guidelines/formic-acid-guideline.htm). The method of application is very similar to that of Mite-AwayII. From my experience, it is important not to apply the pads if elevated temperatures are expected. If you do, it is a good way to cause adult bee and brood mortality as well as interfere with queen performance. For middle Tennessee, I find the safest 1 time to be towards the end of September or beginning of October. One problem in delaying treatment is that brood production is winding down. If treatment affects existing brood, the colony may not recover very well by having additional brood cycles. Efficacies against Varroa of greater than 90% have been claimed for formic acid. The NOD web site shows 80-90% efficacy with Mite-AwayII in warm weather. Efficacy drops down to 20% when applied to colonies on screen bottom boards. Formic acid can cause some damage to equipment it is corrosive to metals. Metallic parts inside the hive, for example nails, metal queen excluders, that come in contact with the acid may corrode. A second potential problem in delaying formic acid treatment until weather conditions are more favorable is the unchecked expansion of Varro a . Many of the bees emerging in early fall will contribute to the overwintering population. Studies have shown that wintering bee survival can be reduced by exposure to Varroa. If you want to treat when it may not be desirable for formic acid, what options exist? There is always Apistan or Checkmite+, but many beekeepers want to avoid the use of these synthetic chemicals. Mite resistance to the latter varroacides is a growing problem and contamination of hive products is another issue. The thymol-based Api-Life VAR, like formic acid, is not a suitable choice for late summer application. ApiLife VAR works best when hives are broodless and should be applied when average daily temperatures are between 59°F and 69°F. Avoid using when temperatures rise above 90°F to prevent brood or bee mortality. Use of Apilife at temperatures below 54°F (continued on page 8) A. MELLIFERA, AP . D . Propolis…..bee glue, bee duct tape, whatever you call that sticky stuff that bees use to plug holes, it has some very interesting properties. Propolis (from the Greek profor, in defense of, and polis, the city, refers to the defense of the city or in this case, the hive. All beekeepers know that it is a strongly adhesive, resinous substance, just try and get it off of your gloves, hive tool, or coveralls! Honey bees collect the resin from cracks in the bark of trees and leaf buds. As the bees chew this material, they add salivary gland secretions and then mix it with bee wax, and then they use it to seal holes in their honeycombs, smooth out walls, and protect their entrance against intruders. The composition of propolis depends on its tree source, but in general, it is about 50% resin, 30% wax and aromatic oils; salivary gland secretions make up 10%, and then there is a small amount of pollen (5%), and various other substances (5%), including amino acids, minerals, ethanol, Vitamins A, B complex, E, and bioflavonoids. In this month’s issue, the focus of apitherapy is on the possible medicinal uses of propolis. Given its ingredients, it should come as no surprise that propolis has antimicrobial activity. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology by Sonmez and others described the effect of propolis on periodontal disease-causing bacteria. The authors used six different sources of propolis, and found each to be effective against microorganisms that cause gum disease. The downside of their study, was that the propolis solutions also killed cells called fibroblasts, an important component of the tissue around teeth. The authors predict that propolis could have a future in this field, if the appropriate dilutions can be worked out, enough propolis to kill bacteria, but have no effect on those fibroblasts. I wonder what Listerine does to fibroblasts???? Since propolis varies depending on its plant source, it is difficult to compare different products. In the The Bee Like trains of cars on tracks of plush I hear the level bee: A jar across the flowers goes, Their Velvet masonry Withstands until the sweet assault Their chivalry consumes, While he, victorious, tilts away To vanquish other blooms. same journal, a group from Bulgaria wrote an article about the chemical diversity of propolis and the problems associated with attempts at standardizing propolis. It really isn’t sufficient to talk about which tree yields the propolis; characterizing the amounts of chemicals such as flavone and flavonol allows for more meaningful comparisons. There are even differences in propolis based on which race of honey bee is doing the manufacturing. Again, our source of information on this topic comes from the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Scientists from Turkey studied the chemical properties and antibacterial activity of three types of propolis collected from three different races of honey bee. The propolis made by the Caucasian honey bee showed the highest antibacterial activity. (author’s note: I collected a swarm once that turned out to be Caucasian honey bees. In addition to being incredibly gentle, they made a lot more propolis than their Italian cousins). Well if propolis kills fibroblasts, those important cells in and around teeth (and all other organs also) could propolis be used to kill unwanted cells, such as cancer cells? A group of scientists from Japan showed that propolis inhibited the growth (in Petri dishes) of HL-60, a type of human leukemia. Another group of Japanese scientists showed that propolis decreased the growth of another type of cancer (sarcoma) in mice. Propolis may also have an effect on inflammation, the basis of many acute and chronic diseases. Using an animal model of arthritis, a group of Chinese scientists showed that propolis reduced the amount of interleukin-6 an important mediator of inflammation. So, what does all of this mean? It points to the fact that the oooey, gooey, sticky icky honey bee product propolis may have potential use in fighting some human diseases. Just remember that when you are trying to get that stuff off of your gloves! Contributed by Jean Simpson His feet are shod with gauze, His helmet is of gold; His breast, a single onyx With chrysoprase, inlaid. His labor is a chant, His idleness a tune; Oh, for a bee’s experience Of clovers and of noon! Emily Dickinson 2 [Editor’s Note: Ms. Dickinson knew poetry but did not know that bees (workers) were girls.] RESEARCH REVIEWS Question: HOW DOES VARROA AFFECT BEES? Answer: Varroa Mites Suppress Bee Immunity. Most beekeepers are now aware that Varroa has a direct link with viral problems of honey bees but the exact mechanism by which this link operated has until recently been unknown. Now, with the mite causing the dramatic and sudden collapse of bee colonies across the country, Penn State researchers believe they have found the combination of factors that triggers colony deaths which includes suppression of the bee immune system by the mites. While researchers know that the Varroa mite is behind the death of bee colonies, the mechanism causing the deaths is still unknown. Dr. Diana L. Cox-Foster, Penn State professor of entomology, now believes that a combination of bee mites, deformed wing virus and bacteria is causing the problems occurring in hives across the country. "Once one mite begins to feed on a developing bee, all the subsequent mites will use the same feeding location," says Cox-Foster. " Yang has seen as many as 11 adult mites feeding off of one bee. Other researchers have shown that both harmful and harmless bacteria may infect the feeding location." Deformed wing virus is endemic among honey bees in the U.S.A, although when the European bees became historically infested with this virus, is unknown. However, simply having deformed wing virus does not cause bees to emerge from the pupa state with deformed wings, nor does it cause colony deaths. "A group of Japanese researchers found that a virus that is 99 percent the same as deformed wing, appears in the brains of aggressive guard bees," says Cox-Foster. "Guard bees that are aggressive better protect the hive, so there may be some positive effect in this virus that allows it to persist in a colony." The combination of bee mite infestation and deformed wing virus does cause deformed wings in about a quarter of the emerging bees. This, however, does not lead to sudden hive collapse. Something else is involved that makes bee mites so harmful to bee colonies. The Penn State researchers reported their findings in the May 24 issue of the P roceedings of the National Academy of Science, vol. 102, pg. 7470, 2005. Yang and Cox-Foster looked at how bee mites affect the bee immune system. They injected heat-killed E. coli bacteria into virus-infected bees that were either infested with bee mites or mite free. The dead bacteria were used to trigger an immune response in the bees in the same way human vaccines cause our bodies to produce an immune response. They checked the bees for production of chemi- 3 cals that disinfect the honey and for other immunity related chemicals. They also measured the amount of virus (deformed wing virus) in each bee. Surprisingly, they found that the virus in mite-infested bees rapidly increased to extremely high levels when the bee was exposed to the bacteria. The virus levels in mite-free bees did not change when the bee was injected with bacteria. One chemical, GOX or glucose oxidase, is put into the honey by worker bees and sterilizes the honey and all their food. If bees have mites, their production of GOX decreases. "As mites build up, we suspect that not as much GOX is found in the honey and the honey has more bacteria," says Cox-Foster. "It is likely that the combination of increased mite infestation, virus infection and bacteria is the cause of the two-week death collapse of hives." The mites suppressed other immune responses in the bees, leaving the bees and the colonies more vulnerable to infection. The bee mites transfer from adult bees to late stage larva. The virus can be transferred through many different pathways. "This system is important not only because of what the mites are doing to honey bee populations in the U.S.A, but because it can be used as a model system for exploring what happens to viruses in animal or human populations," says Cox-Foster. "If we view the colony as a city, then we have a variety of infection modes -- queen to eggs, workers to food supply, bee to bee, and parasite to bee." Source: Apis-UK, June, 2005, http://www.beedata.com/apisuk/newsletters05/apis-uk0605.htm Multiple Transmission Routes for Bee Viruses In a companion study, Dr. Cox-Foster shows by sensitive molecular biological techniques that Kashmir bee virus and sacbrood virus can be transmitted throughout the colony by multiple pathways. Virus was detected in queens and their eggs, suggesting that virus can be transmitted by a transovarial or vertical transmission route. Viruses were also detected in all developmental stages of the bee and food sources (brood food, honey, pollen and royal jelly) indicating horizontal transmission of virus among adult bees and from adults to brood. Virus presence was also demonstrated in mites and their saliva, suggesting mites as another pathway for horizontal transmission. Source: Journal of General Virology, vol. 86, pg. 2281, 2005 Chimps Use Tools to Harvest Honey Scientists at the Central Washington University carried out a 7-month study that analyzed stick tools constructed by chimpanzees at the Ngotto Forest site in Central African Republic. The chim (continue on page 4) Research Reviews (continued from page 3) panzees were found to use tools to dip for ants and probe for honey. Fifty-six individual honey probes were found at 12 different sites. The tools discovered were slender branches obtained from nearby small trees, and were usually found without leaves. The chimpanzees used honey tools to remove wax and honey from the ground and log holes of stingless bees. The tools, averaging approximately 23 inches in length, were found sticking out of the holes or lying close by. Two examples of another tool were also found by trees in which chimpanzees harvested honey from beehives located in trees. This second type of tool, called a honey hammer/club, was used to pound against the tree in order to expose the beehive. The honey tools found in this study shared similar features with honey tools described in earlier studies at different sites. Source: American Journal of Primatology, vol. 65, pg. 221, 2005. The Sting of the Drone The highly defensive behavior of Africanized bees is a dominant heritable trait. When Africanized bees invade an area populated by European bees, the number of drones of Africanized origin in drone congregation areas can exceed 90%. If there are strong paternal effects controlling defensive behavior of honey bees, this could explain the rapid and stable conversion (Africanization) of European colonies after invasion of Africanized bees. A team of researchers that includes Greg Hunt at Purdue University and Robert Page now at the University of Arizona investigated the defensive behavior of 52 hybrid honey bee colonies compared to European and Africanized bee colonies. The investigators recorded the number of stings inflicted upon a moving leather patch during one minute. Hybrid colonies formed with Africanized paternity (European queen x Africanized drones) deposited as many stings as workers from Africanized colonies. The defensive behavior of hybrid colonies of Africanized paternity was significantly greater than that of colonies with European paternity (Africanized queen x European drones). However, the latter hybrid colonies did display significantly higher defensive behavior than that of pure European colonies. One way to deal with defensive Africanized colonies has been to introduce European queens. However, as shown by the current studies it may be a better strategy to saturate drone congregation areas with European drones This could be implemented by providing queens of European origin and to supply these colonies with comb containing drone-size cells to augment the production of European drones. Source: Journal of Heredity, vol. 96, pg. 376, 2005 Male and Female Fire Ants - Are They Two Species? Approximately 20% of known animal species are haploid- 4 diploid. Unfertilized eggs are haploid (harbor one-half the complement of chromosomes) and develop into males whereas fertilized eggs are diploid and develop into females. Haplodiploidy is found in different groups of insects including Hymenoptera. In reproduction, the rule is that males and females mix their genes in their offspring. Recent studies by investigators in France, Japan, and Switzerland have discovered an exception to this rule in the little fire ant, a species that is listed among the 100 worst invasive alien species. Using genetic markers, they show that ‘gynes’ (future queens) are genetically identical to the reproducing queen. The expectation in sexual reproduction is that onehalf of the genes in future queens are derived from the reproducing queen and the other half from the sperm. However, the little fire ant has eliminated this pathway in the production of gynes but have maintained it in the production of sterile workers. The researchers go on to show that males have fought back by reproducing clonally as well. That is, all males are genetically identical to the sperm. This is surprising because the expectation is that males should have one-half the complement of chromosomes of the queen (males come from unfertilized eggs). The result is that separate female and male lines are maintained (clonal reproduction) in the little fire ant, and only in sterile workers are male and female genes combined. It remains to be determined what importance the segregation of male and female genes in the little fire ant, and the formation of two distinct genetic lineages have in colony function and evolution. Of interest, earlier studies have suggested that clonal reproduction of males may occur in honey bees. Source: Nature, vol. 435, pg 1230, 2005. HOW DO PLANTS KNOW WHEN FLOWERS? TO MAKE Flowering at the right time is critical to the reproductive success of plants. It has been known for years that plants have developed some type of signaling network that responds to various environmental conditions to determine the appropriate time for flowering. Over the past fifty years various observations suggested that flowering at the shoot apex is stimulated by a factor produced in leaves. This factor was called “florigen”. Three new studies have now uncovered the details of the molecular mechanisms regulating flowering. Leaves express a gene called CONSTANS (CO), the activity of which oscillates in a circadian manner, being highest at dusk. CO is stimulated by light and accumulates in its presence. The protein produced by CO causes activation of a second gene in the leaf called FT that produces a type of nucleic acid. FT nucleic acid is the messenger that moves up the stem to the shoot apex where it inter (continued on page 6) Honey of a record was not meant to bee An Irish beekeeper wearing only underwear and goggles fell 150,000 © 1994 Deneba Systems, Inc. short of breaking the world record for being covered with honey bees. Philip McCabe, 59, admitted defeat in County Tipperary after attracting only 200,000 of the insects to his " beard" in two hours, the BBC said. The bees are counted by weight, and as a fundraising event for beekeeping projects in developing countries, McCabe stood on weigh scales as helpers funneled bees onto his abdomen. They then headed for his chin, which he had scented with the queen bee's pheromones. But after two hours and no stings, McCabe's feet went numb, and he climbed down. That's when seven bees stung, the report said. He was philosophical about not breaking the 1998 U.S. record of 87.5 pounds, or 350,000 bees. "The bees we have in Ireland, this native black bee, is different than the one that holds the record," he said. Source: UPI, June 27, 2005 Africanized honeybees found in Louisiana Nearly 30 years after a made-for-TV movie, "The Savage Bees", showed the Superdome saving New Orleans from "killer bees" during Mardi Gras, real Africanized honeybees have made it to Louisiana. The state agriculture department received confirmation from the USDA bee lab in Tucson, Ariz., Agriculture Commissioner Bob Odom said. The bees in question were trapped in June near the Caddo Parish town of Rodessa, about 35 miles northwest of Shreveport, he said. Louisiana beekeepers will have to have their swarms certified free of the strain to sell their bees, Odom said. "The department's duty will be inspecting those operations and certifying the colonies that don't contain any Africanized honeybees," he said. In late 2001, they were found in northeast Texas, about 35 miles west of Caddo Parish. Last month, they were confirmed in Brightstar, Ark., 10 miles north of Rodessa. Source: AP, July, 27, 2005 Domestic bees blamed for man’s death Bees that attacked and caused the of death of a 78-year-old Paris man working in Northern Hopkins County are not Africanized, Texas A& M University researchers say. “We got in test results from the Texas A&M entomologist, and they’re just European regular honey bees,” Hopkins County Texas Cooperative Extension Agency Agriculture Agent Larry Spradlin said. Charles Malone of Paris was attacked July 7 by the European honey bees while doing bulldozer work at what is known as the old Dunham Ranch near Sulphur 5 Bluff. Hopkins County Justice of the Peace Ronny Glossup pronounced Malone dead at the scene. Final autopsy results are pending and may take several months, Glossup said. Investigator Andy Chester said Malone hit a dead tree, causing the bees to swarm. Malone was stung at least 20 times on the face and head, Chester said. Source: The Paris News, Northeast Texas, July 14, 2005 New bottle sweetens relationship with honey They can send a man to the moon. But in more than 500 centuries of collecting honey, Homo sapiens have remained rather savage, from the hunter-gatherers who plundered hives and killed the bees, to the commuting suburbanite who leaves behind a table, jar, countertop and cupboard a little stickier for the culinary adventure of eating the world's most timehonored simple sugar. Granja San Francisco honey has ended our centuries of dwelling in the dark ages, by improving on the upside-down hand lotion bottle design just enough to keep honey on our whole-wheat toast and off our table and fingers. It's a nipple. A nipple emerges when you squeeze the upside-down bottle to drizzle the honey over your fruit, and then neatly retracts when you are done squeezing. Source: The Courier Journal, Louisville, KY, July 22, 2005 Topical Honey for Diabetic Foot Ulcers Jennifer J. Eddy, MD, and Mark D. Gideonsen, MD University of Wisconsin Medical School, Eau Claire A 79-year-old man with type 2 diabetes mellitus developed heel and forefoot ulcers, for which he received currently recommended therapy, including an off-loading orthotic, systemic antibiotics selected by infectious disease consultants, and topical therapies directed by a wound care expert. After 14 months of care costing $390,000 - a cost that included 5 hospitalizations and 4 surgeries - the ulcers measured 8 x 5 cm and 3 x 3 cm. Deep tissue cultures grew methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE), and Pseudomonas. During this time the patient lost 2 toes but refused belowthe-knee amputation, despite being informed by 2 different surgical teams that without it he would likely die. This opinion was based on the patient's recurrent episodes of heel osteomyelitis and multiple medical complications, including acute renal failure from culture-specific antibiotics. The patient was eventually discharged to his home at his request,after consulting with his family and the hospital's ethics committee. He lost a third toe before consenting to a trial of topical honey. Course of treatment with honey consisted of once-daily, thick applications of ordinary (continue on page 9) Flowering (continued from page 4) acts with another nucleic acid factor called FD. The FT/FD complex then sets in motion flower development. Together these studies strongly indicate that FT is the elusive “florigen”. What are the implications of these findings for the future? There are seasonal variation in blooming among different plants. Rice flowers in the fall as the days shorten. By modifying (genetic engineering) the expression of the signaling pathway for flowering, it may be possible to produce multiple rice crops in some parts of the world. Other crops could also be suitable candidates for altering blooming to increase annual yields. Source: Science, vol. 309, pg. 1024, 2005 Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) GM Superweed Discovered The first superweed has been discovered in the UK - the result of GM oilseed rape crossbreeding with a common weed in farm scale trials, according to new Government research. Environmental campaign group Friends of the Earth (FoE) said the revelation raises serious concerns about the impact of growing GM oilseed rape in the UK - and comes less than a month after the UK tried to persuade other European countries to lift their own bans on growing GM oilseed rape. FoE said the Government study monitored gene flow from Bayer's herbicide-resistant GM oilseed rape to related wild plants during the Government sponsored farm scale evaluations of GM At one test site, the researchers found a GM version of the common weed charlock growing in the field, the year after the GM trial. The plant was resistant to the weed killer used in the GM trial and was confirmed as containing the gene inserted into the GM oilseed rape. It is the first known case of such an occurrence in the UK and overturns previous scientific assumptions that charlock was unlikely to cross-breed with GM oilseed rape. Charlock is a common weed found alongside oilseed rape in the UK and mainland Europe. If GM oilseed rape was grown commercially, herbicide-resistant weeds could become widespread. Farmers would then have to use more and more damaging weedkillers to get rid of them, with knock-on impacts on the environment. Bayer has lodged two applications for approval to grow GM oilseed rape with the European Commission. Approval would allow the GM oilseed to be grown in the UK. FoE said that last month Environment Minister Elliot Morley voted to try to force France and Greece to lift their bans on GM oilseed rape. The bans were originally put in place in 1998 because of concerns about gene escape into the environment. Source: The Press Association Limited, July 25, 2005 6 Insect Digestive Enzyme Inhibitor in Transgenic Plants May Harm Honey Bees The soybean trypsin inhibitor (SBTI) can inhibit insect digestive enzymes resulting in starvation of the insect. Previous studies have shown that SBTI is toxic to honey bees at a 1% concentration in sugar water. Honey bees would most likely be exposed to SBTI contained in pollen from plants engineered to have the SBTI gene. However, measurements of SBTI levels in pollen have been lacking. Researchers at Texas A & M University fed to caged honey bees pollen/sugar cakes containing 0.1, 0.5, or 1.0% SBTI. The investigators presumed that the lowest concentration of SBTI may reflect what a honey bee may encounter in the field whereas the highest is unlikely to be present. They then measured the activity of the hypopharyngeal gland (brood food producing gland in the honey bee head), proteolytic enzyme activity of the honey bee gut, and bee survival. The 0.1 and 0.5% concentrations of SBTI did not affect hypopharyngeal gland activity or gut enzyme activity. By contrast, both of the latter activities were significantly reduced in bees fed 1% SBTI. Bee survival over a 30-day observation period was lowest in bees fed the 1% SBTI although survival was also significantly decreased (compared to bees fed the pollen/sugar cake lacking SBTI) in bees fed the lower amount s of SBTI. Overall, this study shows that bees with pollen diets containing less than a 1% concentration of SBTI would not have an adverse effect on colony development. Source: Journal of Insect Physiology, online 807 WEST MAIN STREET CLARKSON, KENTUCKY 42726-0240 PHONE: (270) 242-2012 TOLL FREE: 1-800-233-2899 FAX: (270) 242-4801 CENTRAL TIME EMAIL: [email protected] PERSPECTIVES THE PAST OF “THE BEE MAN” The Walter T. Kelley Co. was founded in 1924 by Mr. Kelley (1897-1986) and his wife Ida (1896-1978) in Houma, Louisiana. Walter Kelley was born in Sturgis, Michigan, and graduated from Michigan State University in 1919 with a degree in apiculture. He enlisted in the Army Signal Corps (now the Air Force) and was called to active duty in June, 1918, but shortly after the armistice (November, 1918), he was discharged. After graduating, Walter worked for the USDA until 1924 when he started keeping bees full time. He took a temporary leave of absence from the USDA in 1921 while he worked for E. B. Ault of Weslaco, Texas, who at the time was one of the major shippers of package bees and queens. Walter traveled extensively during this time in his Model T Ford. Walter printed his first bee supply catalog in 1926. In the 1930s Kelley sold queens for $0.25 and three-pound packages with queens for $1.50. He paid $0.10 a pound for beeswax, and in 1932 started manufacturing foundations. By 1934, all the large cypress trees in the Houma area had been cut, and the saw mill closed. That year the Kelleys moved their factory to Paducah, Kentucky where they began to use white pine to make bee hives. In 1938, Walter started to manufacture honey extractors, storage tanks, and double boilers for heating honey. As the company was growing, the federal government built an atomic plant near Paducah in 1950 and paid high wages. Since Walter could not legally raise wages at that time, all his employees quit for higher paying jobs. The Kelleys in 1952 purchased a 225-acre farm mear Clarkson, Kentucky and rebuilt their factory. Local labor was in ample supply and it was easy to ship bees from this location. Walter was very inventive and improved or developed several beekeeping items: ventilated bee gloves (1938); double boilers, 2-frame extractors, and wired foundation (1939), small capping melters (1941); helmets (1947); hive loaders (1954); electric water immersion heaters (1959); 33 and 72-frame extractors (1970); jumbo capping melters (1971); plastic 5-gallon cans (1976); plas- 7 tic telescoping covers and inner covers (1974); and plastic shallow supers (1976). Starting in 1944, Kelley published his own bee journal, Modern Beekeeping, until other demands on his time forced him to discontinue it. In 1955, Walter wrote a practical reference on beekeeping, “How to Keep Bees and Sell Honey”, that is published by the Kelley Company. The thirteenth edition was published in 1993 that was revised and edited by Doris J. Pharris, then president of the Walter T. Kelley Co. Ms. Pharris had been the company’s bookkeeper since 1951, and retired in 1993. Sarah Manion replaced Doris as president and she continues in that capacity. Kelley’s unique and well-known trademark, Walter’s head on the body of a honey bee, first appeared on the front cover of their 1939 bee supply catalog. Walter believed people would remember this distinctive and unusual emblem, and he used it in most of his advertising. The emblem made him known internationally as “The Bee Man”. The company employs about 37 employees and has sales of $6 million annually. The 2005 catalog bears the picture of the company’s new office/warehouse building and a new emblem with a prominent “K”. (see previous page). The old office building/warehouse is under renovation and will maintain “The Bee Man” emblem. We will continue to see the latter logo on packing boxes, etc. Sarah cautions not to call between 12:00 and 1:00 PM CST since everyone takes a lunch break then. It’s nice to see in this day-of-age that a company can take time to slow down a bit to smell the roses. She said that Walter preferred two hour lunch breaks. Walter specified that for 20 years after his passing the company would be managed by its employees. In 2006, the company will be owned by the Twin Lake Regional Hospital in nearby Leitchfield, Kentucky. By doing so, Kelley hoped to avoid inheritance taxes (maybe a reflection of some disdain for the government when the company was in Paducah?) and to have the factory operate far into the future. Walter and his wife Ida were amazing people in their dedication to helping beekeepers and their employees, a dedication that will hopefully continue with the new management. Reference: Some Beekeepers and Associates Part 1, by Joseph O. Moffett, published by Joseph O. Moffett, 1979. Varroa Treatment Options (continued from page 1) may result in less control of Varroa mites. Sucrocide seems to be the best choice for summer or late summer Varroa treatment. In a study carried out with Edwin Holcombe, the results of which were reported in the July, 2004 issue of this newsletter, we found that Sucrocide was as effective as Apistan. We used the “lift-and-spray” method and found this method of application to be too laborious for even a few colonies. It also may be too disruptive to the colony. The July issue of the American Bee Journal describes a “spray-down” application of Sucrocide in which the agent is sprayed between the frame spaces. The lift-andspray method produced a 91% in mite mortality as compared to a respectable 75% with the spray-down approach. The latter study used a ACE compression hand sprayer and a flat fan nozzle (Chapin I-5934 0.2 gallons per minute) (Chapin Manufacturing, Inc. Phone: (800) 444-3140, http://www.chapinmfg.com/n2004/). The nozzle permitted the tip to be inserted between the frame spaces for spraying. If you decide to go this route, you will need to confirm that the nozzle will work with your sprayer wand. Hives were configured as double deeps and spraying was only done through the frame spaces of the top brood chamber. Total treatment time per colony was less than 2 minutes. The authors of the study suggest that spraying between the frames of each brood chamber may afford better efficacy. The authors also show that Sucrocide had minimal affect on eggs and larvae as long as the brood was covered with adult bees. A second paper in the same ABJ issue describes the fabrication of a 10-nozzle spray boom requiring a bigger investment and more appropriate for beekeepers with many colonies. The latter paper also describes a single nozzle delivery system using TeeJet components (http://www.teejet.com/ms/teejet/). The latter uses a TeeJet TP8002 flat spray nozzle that requires a 11/16 Spray Systems thread cap for attachment to a wand. TeeJet offers a TriggerJet spray gun with either a 1/4 or 3/8 inch hose connector on the inlet side that can be obtained from Abner Sales (800-450-6666). Alternatively, you may be able to use a 1/8 or 1/4 female or male thread x 11/16 adapter to connect the TeeJet nozzle to your wand. A final note is that for the past three years, I have used oxalic acid treatment in late fall when very little brood is present. In a study carried out with Edwin Holcombe, we found that the combination of formic acid followed later with oxalic acid was as effective as Apistan in controlling Varroa, thus confirming studies carried out by Anton Imdorf and Jean-Daniel Charriere at the Swiss Bee Research Centre. We used the trickle method of applying oxalic acid according to the New Zealand guidelines. (Beehttp://www.apis.admin.ch/en/krankheiten/konzept.php) http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/pests-diseases/animals/var- 8 roa/guidelines/oxalic-acid-guideline.htm) Malcolm T. Sanford in the August issue of the Apis_Newsletter states that the directors of the American Beekeeping Federation are pursuing registration of oxalic acid. If successful, this would provide beekeepers with an effective addition to Varroa treatment options. NEW BEE BOOKS Robbing the Bees A Biography of Honey: The Sweet Liquid Gold That Seduced the World by Holley Bishop (Free Press, New York, 2005, 334 pp. $24 ISBN 0-74325021-4) Memoirs of a writer who has recently come to beekeeping. Bishop's book is a multidisciplinary delight -- biology, botany, technology sociology, religion, and personal, natural and cultural history. As a contemporary counterpoint, we learn about the bee business through Bishop's extended observation of and conversation with a Florida beekeeper named Don Smiley. The main trust of the book is beekeeping and honey. Letters from the Hive An Intimate History of Bees, Honey, and Humankind by Stephen Buchmann with Banning Repplier (Bantam, New York, 2005, 288 pp., $24, ISBN 0-553-80375-1) This book as well as the next concentrate on the cultural and historical aspects of bees. Written by University of Arizona entomologist Stephen Buchmann who sees bees and ancient beekeeping traditions practiced by Aborigines and Mayaysias disappearing. The Hive The Story of the Honeybee and Us by Bee Wilson (John Murray, London, 2004, 320 pp., 14.99 Euros, ISBN 0-7195-6409-3) Unlike the previous two authors, Wilson does not keep bees. Wilson’s book is distinctive in its analysis of the way in which bees and honey have influenced the language and thinking of human beings. Bees In America: How The Honey Bee Shaped A Nation by Tammy Horn (University Press of Kentucky, 2005, 333 pp., $27.50, ISBN 081312350X) Bees in America is an enlightening cultural history of bees and beekeeping in the United States. Tammy Horn, herself a beekeeper, offers a varied social and technological history from the colonial period, when the British first introduced bees to the New World, to the present, when bees are being used by the American military to detect bombs. Honey bees--and the qualities associated with them--have quietly influenced American values for four centuries. During every major period in the country's history, bees and beekeepers have represented order and stability in a country without a national religion, political party, or language. CO L U M B I A AREA ASSOCIATION (CABA) BE E K E E P E R S News (continued from page 5) honey purchased at a supermarket were smeared on gauze 4x4s and placed on the wounds, which were then wrapped. A new local beekeeper association has been Oral antibiotics and saline dressings were discontinued, but organized to serve the growth in the number of beekeep- otherwise treatment was unchanged. Since the patient's famers in the southern middle Tennessee area. CABA meets ily purchased and applied the honey, the cost of this therapy the first Sunday of each month at 2:00 PM at the Farm was merely that of the dressings. Dressing changes were Bureau in Columbia. Contact Jack Wohlfarth for more painless and the serum glucose remained in excellent control. Granulation tissue appeared within 2 weeks; in 6 to 12 information: 931-987-0910; [email protected] months the ulcers resolved. Two years later, the ulcers have recurred; the patient ambulates with a walker and reports HONEY HYDRATOR (MAKES 8 SERVINGS) not improved quality-of-life. Here is a thirst-quencher, energy booster, and elec- Source: The Journal of Family Practice, vol. 54, pg 533, trolyte replacer developed by the National Honey Board 2005 (NHB.org) that I find excellent in taste as well. UPCOMING EVENTS Tennessee Entomological Society Annual Meeting October 13-14, 2005, Ellington Agricultural Center, Nashville, TN http:eppserver.ag.utk.edu/tennentsociety/default.html Ingredients 1/2 cup honey 1/2 teaspoon lite salt 2 cups orange juice 5-1/2 cups water If the “Expires” on the mailing label shows all zeros, you are receiving The Antennae complimentary. Directions Combine ingredients. Using lukewarm water will aid in dissolving honey. Then cool MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL If you receive The Antennae by surface mail look at the mailing label for when your membership expires. If you receive it electronically, you will receive a separate notice electronically. Nutritional Information Per Serving (8 oz.) Calories: 75 Carbohydrates: 21 g Potassium: 85 mg Sodium: 77 mg Sugar: 19 g TENNESSEE HOBBYIST BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM Name___________________________________________________Phone Number (_______)____________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________ City____________________________________________ State____________________ Zip_____________________ Local Association____________________________County of Residence___________________________________ email________________________________________________________________ Years as beekeeper___________ Membership Type (Please check one) Newsletter by surface mail- 1 Year Membership Single/Family ($10) _________ (one newsletter per family) Newsletter electronically - 1 Year Membership Single/Family ($5) __________ (one newsletter per family) Names of family THBA members _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please make check or money order payable to: Tennessee Hobbyist Beekeepers Association Mail to: Tennessee Hobbyist Beekeepers Association, c/o David Young, Treasurer, 902 Kingfisher Point, Nashville, TN 37221 9 TENNESSEE HOBBYIST BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Earl Seay, East Tennessee ,865-577-2811 ,6729 Ottinger Dr., Knoxville, TN 37920 Edwin Holcombe, Middle Tennessee, 931-684-0826, P.O. Box 303 Shelbyville, TN 37162 Bill Lane, West Tennessee, 901-465-3981, 230 Countrywood Lane, Oakland, TN 38060 [email protected] OFFICERS President, Jim Primus, 615-936-3361 Work, 615-599-0724 Home, 5348 Indian Valley Rd, Franklin, TN 37064, [email protected] Treasurer, David Young, 615-943-8886, 902 Kingfisher Point, Nashville, Tennessee 37221, [email protected] Secretary, Jean Simpson, 615-322-3041 Work, 615-599-0724 Home, 5348 Indian Valley Rd, Franklin, TN 37064, [email protected] The Antennae, Editor, Jim Primus State Officials State Apiculturist Dr. John Skinner, [email protected] (865) 974-7138 University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service, Knoxville, TN 37901 State Apiarist Gray Haun, [email protected] (615) 837-5338 Fax: (615) 837-5335, Tennessee Dept of Agriculture, Ellington Agricultural Center, Nashville, TN TENNESSEE HOBBYIST BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION David Young,Treasurer 902 Kingfisher Point Nashville, Tennessee 37221 First Class
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