Gaze into the crystal ball

Gaze into the crystal ball
Follow the money to see the future
The Orange County Board of Supervisors will cast two decisive
votes tomorrow. We gazed into the crystal ball and it said to
follow the money. Here’s how the vote will go:
contributions received
Vote prediction
Public parking
Software installation
Janet Nguyen, John Moorlach, Pat Bates, Todd Spitzer and Shawn Nelson
repeatedly vote for their contributors’ interests.
When will they stand up for yours?
About the Crystal Ball predictions:
Our Crystal Ball predictions have been accurate 100% of the time.
It pays to follow the money.
Public parking management: Contributions received from vendor PCI, PCI staff, PCI lobbyist Lyle Overby, Overby’s political action committee and affiliates of Overby.
Software installation: Contributions were received from vendor CGI Partner/Director Robert Josh Flynn, CGI “Global Partner ” Microsoft, Microsoft’s Political Action
Committee, CGI’s lobbyist William Steiner, affiliates of Steiner including companies represented by Steiner.
Learn more at
Paid for by the Orange County Employees Association