Thiramanus et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014, 2014:398 RESEARCH Open Access Integral inequalities with ‘maxima’ and their applications to Hadamard type fractional differential equations Phollakrit Thiramanus1 , Jessada Tariboon1* and Sotiris K Ntouyas2 * Correspondence: [email protected] 1 Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis Research Center, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Applied Science, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, 10800, Thailand Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Abstract In this paper, some new integral inequalities with ‘maxima’ are established involving Hadamard integral. Applications to Hadamard fractional differential equations with ‘maxima’ are also presented. MSC: 26A33; 26D10; 26D15 Keywords: integral inequality; differential equations with ‘maxima’; fractional differential equations 1 Introduction It is well known that integral inequalities play a dominant role in the study of quantitative properties of solutions of differential and integral equations [–]. Fractional inequalities are important in studying the existence, uniqueness, and other properties of fractional differential equations. Recently many authors have studied integral inequalities on fractional calculus using Riemann-Liouville and Caputo derivatives; see [–] and the references therein. In [, ], the authors established some weakly singular integral inequalities of Gronwall-Bellman type and also applied them in the qualitative analysis of solutions to certain fractional differential equations of the Caputo type. Another kind of fractional derivative that appears in the literature is the fractional derivative due to Hadamard, introduced in [], which differs from the RiemannLiouville and Caputo derivatives in the sense that the kernel of the integral contains a logarithmic function of an arbitrary exponent. Details and properties of Hadamard fractional derivative and integral can be found in [–]. Recently in the literature there appeared some results on fractional integral inequalities using the Hadamard fractional integral; see [–]. Let us recall here the definitions of Hadamard’s fractional integral and derivative []. Definition . The Hadamard fractional integral of order α ∈ R+ of a function f (t), for all t > , is defined as t ds t α– α (.) f (s) , log H J f (t) = (α) + s s where is the standard gamma function defined by (α) = integral exists, where log(·) = loge (·). ∞ e–s sα– ds, provided the ©2014 Thiramanus et al.; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Thiramanus et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014, 2014:398 Page 2 of 15 Definition . The Hadamard fractional derivative of order α ∈ [n – , n), n ∈ Z+ , of a function f (t) is given by d n t ds t n–α– t f (s) . log H D f (t) = + (n – α) dt s s α (.) Differential equations with ‘maxima’ are a special type of differential equations that contain the maximum of the unknown function over a previous interval. Several integral inequalities have been established in the case when the maxima of the unknown scalar function are involved in the integral; see [, ] and references cited therein. Recently in [] some new types of integral inequalities on time scales with ‘maxima’ have been established, which can be used as a handy tool in the investigation of making estimates for bounds of solutions of dynamic equations on time scales with ‘maxima’. In this paper we establish some new integral inequalities with ‘maxima’ involving Hadamard’s integral. The significance of our work lies in the fact that ‘maxima’ are taken on intervals [βt, t] which have non-constant lengths, where < β < . Most papers take the ‘maxima’ on [t – h, t], where h > is a given constant. The paper is organized as follows: in Section we recall some results from [] in the special case T = R, used to prove our main results, which are presented in Section . In Section we give applications of our results for a Hadamard fractional differential equation with ‘maxima’. 2 Preliminaries For convenience we let t > throughout. The following results in Lemmas . and . are obtained by reducing the time scale T = R, f (t) = g(t) ≡ , and a(t) = b(t) ≡ for all t ∈ (t , T) in Theorems . and . ([], p. and p.), respectively. Lemma . ([]) Let the following conditions be satisfied: (H ) The functions p and q ∈ C((t , T), R+ ). (H ) The function φ ∈ C([βt , T), R+ ) with maxs∈[βt ,t ] φ(s) > , where < β < . (H ) The function u ∈ C([βt , T), R+ ) and satisfies the inequalities u(t) ≤ φ(t) + t p(s)u(s) + q(s) max u(ξ ) ds, ξ ∈[βs,s] t u(t) ≤ φ(t), t ∈ (t , T), t ∈ [βt , t ]. Then u(t) ≤ φ(t) + h(t) exp t p(s) + q(s) ds , t ∈ (t , T), t holds, where t h(t) = max φ(s) + s∈[βt ,t ] t p(s)φ(s) + q(s) max φ(ξ ) ds, ξ ∈[βs,s] t ∈ (t , T). By splitting the initial function φ into two functions, we deduce the following corollary. Thiramanus et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014, 2014:398 Page 3 of 15 Corollary . Let the following conditions be satisfied: (H ) The functions p, q, and v ∈ C((t , T), R+ ). (H ) The function w ∈ C([βt , t ], R+ ) with maxs∈[βt ,t ] w(s) > and w(t ) = v(t ), where < β < . (H ) The function u ∈ C([βt , T), R+ ) and satisfies the inequalities u(t) ≤ v(t) + t p(s)u(s) + q(s) max u(ξ ) ds, ξ ∈[βs,s] t u(t) ≤ w(t), t ∈ (t , T), t ∈ [βt , t ]. Then t u(t) ≤ v(t) + h(t) exp p(s) + q(s) ds , t ∈ (t , T), t holds, where t h(t) = max w(s) + s∈[βt ,t ] p(s)v(s) + q(s) max m(ξ ) ds, ξ ∈[βs,s] t t ∈ (t , T), with m(t) = ⎧ ⎨v(t), t ∈ (t , T), ⎩w(t), t ∈ [βt , t ]. Lemma . ([]) Let the condition (H ) of Lemma . is satisfied. In addition, assume that: (H ) The function k ∈ C((t , T), (, ∞)) is nondecreasing. (H ) The function φ ∈ C([βt , t ), R+ ), where < β < . (H ) The function u ∈ C([βt , T), R+ ) and satisfies the inequalities u(t) ≤ k(t) + t p(s)u(s) + q(s) max u(ξ ) ds, t u(t) ≤ φ(t), ξ ∈[βs,s] t ∈ (t , T), t ∈ [βt , t ]. Then t u(t) ≤ Nk(t) exp p(s) + q(s) ds , t ∈ (t , T), t holds, where maxs∈[βt ,t ] φ(s) N = max , . k(t ) The following lemma is a consequence of Jensen’s inequality, which can be found in []. Thiramanus et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014, 2014:398 Page 4 of 15 Lemma . ([]) Let n ∈ N , and let x , . . . , xn be non-negative real numbers. Then for σ > , n σ ≤ nσ – xi i= n xσi . i= 3 Main results Theorem . Suppose that the following conditions are satisfied: (A ) The functions p and r ∈ C((t , T), R+ ). (A ) The function φ ∈ C([βt , t ], R+ ) with maxs∈[βt ,t ] φ(s) > , where < β < . (A ) The function u ∈ C([βt , T), R+ ) with u(t) ≤ r(t) + t t u(t) ≤ φ(t), t log s α– p(s) max u(ξ ) ξ ∈[βs,s] ds , s t ∈ (t , T), t ∈ [βt , t ], (.) (.) where α > . Then the following assertions hold: (i) Suppose α > , then (α – ) t p (s) ds , u(t) ≤ t c r (t) + h (t) exp t t t ∈ (t , T), (.) where c = max t– , (βt )– (.) and h (t) = c max φ (s) + s∈[βt ,t ] × c (α – ) t t t p (s) max m (ξ ) ds, ξ ∈[βs,s] t ∈ (t , T), (.) with m (t) = ⎧ ⎨r(t), t ∈ (t , T), ⎩φ(t), t ∈ [βt , t ]. (.) In addition, if r ∈ C((t , T), (, ∞)) is a nondecreasing function, then u(t) ≤ (α – ) t c N tr(t) exp p (s) ds , t t t ∈ (t , T), (.) where maxs∈[βt ,t ] φ (s) . N = max , r (t ) (.) Thiramanus et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014, 2014:398 Page 5 of 15 (ii) Suppose < α ≤ , then b ((α )) α t b b p (s) ds , u(t) ≤ t c r (t) + h (t) exp t t t ∈ (t , T), (.) where b = + α , c = max α t–b , (βt )–b (.) and h (t) = c max φ b (s) + s∈[βt ,t ] c ((α )) α t t × t pb (s) max mb (ξ ) ds, ξ ∈[βs,s] t ∈ (t , T). (.) Moreover, if r ∈ C((t , T), (, ∞)) is a nondecreasing function, then ((α )) α t b p (s) ds , u(t) ≤ (c N ) b tr(t) exp bt t t ∈ (t , T), (.) where maxs∈[βt ,t ] φ b (s) . N = max , rb (t ) (.) Proof (i) α > . For t ∈ (t , T), by using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in (.), we get t u(t) ≤ r(t) + t t × t t log s α– ds ds p (s) max u(ξ ) . ξ ∈[βs,s] s (.) It is easy to observe that t log t t s α– ds = t log tt τ α– e–τ dτ < (α – )t. (.) Substituting (.) in (.), we obtain u(t) ≤ r(t) + (α – )t t p (s) max u(ξ ) t ξ ∈[βs,s] ds s . Applying Lemma . with n = , σ = , we get the estimate u (t) ≤ r (t) + (α – )t t t ds p (s) max u(ξ ) , ξ ∈[βs,s] s t ∈ (t , T). Thiramanus et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014, 2014:398 Page 6 of 15 Setting v(t) = t – u (t), we have, for t ∈ (t , T), v(t) ≤ t – r (t) + (α – ) t t t ds p (s) max u(ξ ) ξ ∈[βs,s] s (α – ) t p (s) max ξ – u (ξ ) ds ξ ∈[βs,s] t t t (α – ) p (s) max v(ξ ) ds, ≤ c r (t) + ξ ∈[βs,s] t t ≤ t– r (t) + (.) and for t ∈ [βt , t ], v(t) ≤ t – φ (t) ≤ (βt )– φ (t) ≤ c φ (t). (.) A suitable application of Corollary . for (.) and (.) leads to (α – ) t p (s) ds , v(t) ≤ c r (t) + h (t) exp t t t ∈ (t , T), where c and h are defined by (.) and (.), respectively. Therefore, we obtain the desired bound in (.). Now, if r ∈ C((t , T), (, ∞)) is a nondecreasing function, then, by Lemma . with (.) and (.), it follows that (α – ) t v(t) ≤ c N r (t) exp p (s) ds , t t t ∈ (t , T), where N is defined by (.). Thus, we get the inequality in (.). This completes the proof of the first part. (ii) < α ≤ . Let a = + α and b = + α . It is obvious that a + b = . Using the Hölder inequality in (.), for t ∈ (t , T), we obtain u(t) ≤ r(t) + t log t t s a(α–) a t ds t b ds b pb (s) max u(ξ ) . ξ ∈[βs,s] sb (.) For the first integral in (.), repeating the process to get (.), we have t t t log s a(α–) ds < – a( – α) t. (.) Obviously, – a( – α) = α > and ( – a( – α)) ∈ R. Substituting (.) in (.), we get u(t) ≤ r(t) + α t a t b p (s) max u(ξ ) t ξ ∈[βs,s] b ds b sb . Applying Lemma . with n = , σ = b, we get the following estimate: b ds pb (s) max u(ξ ) ξ ∈[βs,s] sb t b ds t b = α rb (t) + α t α p (s) max u(ξ ) , t ∈ (t , T). ξ ∈[βs,s] sb t b ub (t) ≤ b– rb (t) + b– α t a t Thiramanus et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014, 2014:398 Page 7 of 15 By taking v(t) = t –b ub (t), we have v(t) ≤ c rb (t) + ((α )) α t t pb (s) max v(ξ ) ds, t ξ ∈[βs,s] t ∈ (t , T) (.) and v(t) ≤ c φ b (t), t ∈ [βt , t ]. (.) An application of Corollary . to (.) and (.) yields ((α )) α t b p (s) ds , v(t) ≤ c rb (t) + h (t) exp t t t ∈ (t , T), where c and h are defined by (.) and (.), respectively. Thus, we get the required inequality in (.). Furthermore, if r ∈ C((t , T), (, ∞)) is a nondecreasing function, then, by applying Lemma . to (.) and (.), we get ((α )) α t b p (s) ds , v(t) ≤ c N r (t) exp t t b t ∈ (t , T), where N is defined by (.). Therefore, the desired inequality (.) is proved. This completes the proof. Theorem . Suppose that the conditions (A ) and (A ) of Theorem . are satisfied. In addition we assume that: (A ) The function q ∈ C((t , T), R+ ). (A ) The function u ∈ C([βt , T), R+ ) with u(t) ≤ r(t) + t t u(t) ≤ φ(t), t log s α– p(s)u(s) + q(s) max u(ξ ) ξ ∈[βs,s] ds s , t ∈ [βt , t ], t ∈ (t , T), (.) (.) where α > . Then the following assertions hold: (a) Suppose α > , then (α – ) t u(t) ≤ t c r (t) + h (t) exp , p (s) + q (s) ds t t t ∈ (t , T), (.) where c = max t– , (βt )– (.) Thiramanus et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014, 2014:398 Page 8 of 15 and h (t) = c max φ (s) + s∈[βt ,t ] × t t c (α – ) t p (s)r (s) + q (s) max m (ξ ) ds, ξ ∈[βs,s] t ∈ (t , T), (.) with m is defined by (.). Furthermore, if r ∈ C((t , T), (, ∞)) is a nondecreasing function, then u(t) ≤ (α – ) t c N tr(t) exp p (s) + q (s) ds , t t t ∈ (t , T), (.) where N is defined by (.). (b) Suppose < α ≤ , then b ((α )) α t b b b , u(t) ≤ t c r (t) + h (t) exp p (s) + q (s) ds t t t ∈ (t , T), (.) where b = + α , c = max α t–b , (βt )–b (.) and h (t) = c max φ b (s) + s∈[βt ,t ] × t t c ((α )) α t pb (s)rb (s) + qb (s) max mb (ξ ) ds, ξ ∈[βs,s] t ∈ (t , T). (.) In addition, if r ∈ C((t , T), (, ∞)) is a nondecreasing function, then ((α )) α t b u(t) ≤ (c N ) b tr(t) exp p (s) + qb (s) ds , bt t t ∈ (t , T), (.) where N is defined by (.). Proof (a) α > . By using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in (.), for t ∈ (t , T), we have t ds t α– u(t) ≤ r(t) + ds p (s)u (s) log s s t t α– t t ds t + ds q (s) max u(ξ ) log ξ ∈[βs,s] s s t t t ds ≤ r(t) + (α – )t p (s)u (s) s t t ds + q (s) max u(ξ ) . ξ ∈[βs,s] s t t Thiramanus et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014, 2014:398 Page 9 of 15 By applying Lemma . with n = , σ = , we get t u (t) ≤ r (t) + (α – )t p (s)u (s) t t q (s) max u(ξ ) + ds ξ ∈[βs,s] t s , ds s t ∈ (t , T). Setting v(t) = t – u (t), we obtain t (α – ) p (s)v(s) ds v(t) ≤ c r (t) + t t t + q (s) max v(ξ ) ds , t ∈ (t , T) (.) ξ ∈[βs,s] t and v(t) ≤ c φ (t), t ∈ [βt , t ]. (.) Using Corollary . for (.) and (.), it follows that (α – ) t p (s) + q (s) ds , v(t) ≤ c r (t) + h (t) exp t t t ∈ (t , T), where c and h are defined by (.) and (.), respectively. Therefore, we get the desired inequality in (.). As a special case, if r ∈ C((t , T), (, ∞)) is a nondecreasing function, then by applying Lemma . with (.) and (.), we have (α – ) t p (s) + q (s) ds , v(t) ≤ c N r (t) exp t t t ∈ (t , T), where N is defined by (.). Thus, we get the required inequality in (.). This completes the proof of the first part. (b) < α ≤ . Let a = + α and b = + α . Using the Hölder inequality in (.), for t ∈ (t , T), we obtain u(t) ≤ r(t) + t t t log s a(α–) a t ds t ds p (s)u (s) b s b b ds b qb (s) max u(ξ ) ξ ∈[βs,s] sb t t ds b ≤ r(t) + α t a pb (s)ub (s) b s t t b ds b + qb (s) max u(ξ ) . ξ ∈[βs,s] sb t + t b b Thiramanus et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014, 2014:398 Page 10 of 15 By applying Lemma . with n = , σ = b, we get ub (t) ≤ α rb (t) + α t α t pb (s)ub (s) t t qb (s) max u(ξ ) + b ds sb ξ ∈[βs,s] t , ds sb t ∈ (t , T). Taking v(t) = t –b ub (t), it follows that v(t) ≤ c rb (t) + t + ((α )) α t t pb (s)v(s) ds t qb (s) max v(ξ ) ds , ξ ∈[βs,s] t t ∈ (t , T) (.) and v(t) ≤ c φ b (t), t ∈ [βt , t ]. (.) Applying Corollary . for (.) and (.), we have the following estimate: ((α )) α t b b p (s)d + q (s) ds , v(t) ≤ c r (t) + h (t) exp t t b t ∈ (t , T), where c and h are defined by (.) and (.), respectively. Hence, the result (.) is proved. As a special case, if r ∈ C((t , T), (, ∞)) is a nondecreasing function, then by using Lemma . with (.) and (.), we get ((α )) α t b b p (s)d + q (s) ds , v(t) ≤ c N r (t) exp t t b t ∈ (t , T), where N is defined by (.). Thus, the required inequality in (.) is proved. This completes the proof. 4 Applications to Hadamard fractional differential equations with ‘maxima’ In this section, the dependence of solutions on the orders with initial conditions and the bound of solutions for the Hadamard fractional differential equations, are investigated. We consider the following fractional differential equation with ‘maxima’: y(t) = f t, y(t), max y(s) , HD α HD α–k s∈[βt,t] y(t)|t=t+ = ηk , t ∈ I = (t , T), k = , , . . . , n, n = –[–α], (.) (.) and the initial function y(t) = φ(t), t ∈ [βt , t ], (.) Thiramanus et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014, 2014:398 Page 11 of 15 where H Dα represents the Hadamard fractional derivative of order α (α > ), f ∈ C(I × R × R, R), φ is a given continuous function on [βt , t ], < β < and ηk are constants. The problem (.)-(.) describes a model of a fractional problem in real world phenomena in which often some parameters are involved. The values of these parameters can be measured only up to certain degree of accuracy. Hence, the orders of fractional differential equation α in (.) and the initial conditions α – k in (.) may be subject to some errors either by necessity or for convenience. Thus, it is important to know how the solution of (.)-(.) changes when the values of α and α – k are slightly altered. Theorem . Let α > and δ > such that ≤ n – < α – δ < α ≤ n. Also let f : I × R × R → R be a continuous function satisfying the assumption: (A ) There exist constants L , L > such that |f (t, u , u )–f (t, v , v )| ≤ L |u –v |+L |u – v |, for each t ∈ I and u , u , v , v ∈ R. If y and z are the solutions of the initial value problems (.)-(.) and z(t) = f t, z(t), max z(s) , HD α–δ HD α–δ–k s∈[βt,t] z(t)|t=t+ = ηk , t ∈ I, (.) k = , , . . . , n, n = – –(α – δ) , (.) with initial function z(t) = φ(t), t ∈ [βt , t ], (.) respectively, where ηk are constants and φ is a given continuous function on [βt , t ] such that φ(t) ≡ φ(t) for all t ∈ [βt , t ], then the following estimates hold for t < t ≤ h < T: (I) Suppose α – δ > . Then for t ∈ I z(t) – y(t) ≤ t c A (t) + h (t) (α – δ – )(L + L )(t – t ) × exp . (α)t (.) (II) Suppose < α – δ ≤ . Then for t ∈ I z(t) – y(t) ≤ t c Ab (t) + h (t) b (((α – δ) )) α–δ (Lb + Lb )(t – t ) , × exp b (α)t where n n ηj ηj t α–δ–j t α–j log log – A(t) = (α – δ – j + ) t (α – j + ) t j= j= t α–δ f – + log t (α – δ + ) (α – δ)(α) (.) Thiramanus et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014, 2014:398 Page 12 of 15 t α–δ t α log log f , – (α – δ)(α) t (α + ) t f = sup f t, y(t), max y(s) , + (.) s∈[βt,t] t ≤t≤h , α–δ c = max t– , (βt )– , c = max α–δ t–b , (βt )–b , b=+ c (α – δ – ) h (t) = c max φ(s) – φ(s) + s∈[βt ,t ] (α)t t L A (s) + L max m (ξ ) ds t ξ ∈[βs,s] and b h (t) = c max φ(s) – φ(s) s∈[βt ,t ] + c (((α – δ) )) α–δ b (α)t t t Lb Ab (s) + Lb max mb (ξ ) ds, ξ ∈[βs,s] with a continuous function m (t) is defined by ⎧ ⎨A(t), t ∈ I, m (t) = ⎩|φ(t) – φ(t)|, t ∈ [βt , t ]. Proof The solutions y and z of the initial value problems (.)-(.) and (.)-(.) satisfy the following equations: y(t) = n j= t ds ηj t α–j t α– log + f s, y(s), max y(ξ ) log ξ ∈[βs,s] (α – j + ) t (α) t s s and z(t) = n j= ηj (α – δ – j + ) + (α – δ) t t log t log s t t α–δ–j α–δ– ds , f s, z(s), max z(ξ ) ξ ∈[βs,s] s respectively. So using the assumption (A ), it follows that n α–δ–j α–j n ηj η t t j z(t) – y(t) ≤ log log – (α – δ – j + ) t (α – j + ) t j= j= t ds t α–δ– + f s, z(s), max z(ξ ) log ξ ∈[βs,s] (α – δ) t s s α–δ– t ds t f s, z(s), max z(ξ ) log – ξ ∈[βs,s] (α) t s s t ds t α–δ– + f s, z(s), max z(ξ ) log ξ ∈[βs,s] (α) t s s Thiramanus et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014, 2014:398 Page 13 of 15 t ds t α–δ– log f s, y(s), max y(ξ ) ξ ∈[βs,s] (α) t s s t ds t α–δ– + log f s, y(s), max y(ξ ) ξ ∈[βs,s] (α) t s s α– t ds t – f s, y(s), max y(ξ ) log ξ ∈[βs,s] (α) t s s t t α–δ– ≤ A(t) + log (α) t s ds × L z(s) – y(s) + L max z(ξ ) – max y(ξ ) ξ ∈[βs,s] ξ ∈[βs,s] s α–δ– t t log ≤ A(t) + (α) t s ds , t ∈ I, × L z(s) – y(s) + L max z(ξ ) – y(ξ ) ξ ∈[βs,s] s – where A(t) is defined by (.), and z(t) – y(t) = φ(t) – φ(t), t ∈ [βt , t ]. Applying Theorem . yields the desired inequalities (.) and (.). This completes the proof. In the following theorem, we give the upper bounds of solution of the Hadamard fractional differential equation with ‘maxima’ and initial conditions (.)-(.). Theorem . Assume that: (A ) There exist functions μ, ν ∈ C(I, R+ ) such that for t ∈ I, u , u ∈ R, f (t, u , u ) ≤ μ(t)|u | + ν(t)|u |. (.) If y is solution of the initial value problem (.)-(.) such that φ(t) ≡ for all t ∈ [βt , t ], then the following estimates hold: (III) Suppose α > . Then for t ∈ I n y(t) ≤ t c j= |ηj | t α–j log (α – j + ) t (α – ) t + h (t) exp . μ (s) + ν (s) ds (α)t t (.) (IV) Suppose < α ≤ . Then for t ∈ I b(α–) b y(t) ≤ t c |η | log t b (α) t b ((α )) α t + h (t) exp , μ (s) + ν (s) ds b (α)t t (.) Thiramanus et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014, 2014:398 Page 14 of 15 where b, c , c are defined as in Theorem ., c (α – ) (α)t t n |ηj | s α–j μ (s) log + ν (s) max m (ξ ) ds × ξ ∈[βs,s] (α – j + ) t t j= h (t) = c max φ (s) + s∈[βt ,t ] and b h (t) = c max φ(s) s∈[βt ,t ] + c ((α )) α b (α)t t t |η |b μb (s) s b(α–) b b log + ν (s) max m (ξ ) ds, ξ ∈[βs,s] b (α) t with a continuous function m (t) defined by m (t) = ⎧ ⎨ n t ∈ I, ⎩|φ(t)|, t ∈ [βt , t ]. |ηj | t α–j , j= (α–j+) (log t ) Proof The solution y of the initial value problem (.)-(.) satisfies the following equations: y(t) = n j= + ηj t α–j log (α – j + ) t (α) y(t) = φ(t), t log t t s α– ds , f s, y(s), max y(ξ ) ξ ∈[βs,s] s t ∈ I, t ∈ [βt , t ]. For α > , by using the assumption (A ), it follows that n y(t) ≤ j= |ηj | t α–j log (α – j + ) t t ds t α– μ(s)y(s) + ν(s) max y(ξ ) , log ξ ∈[βs,s] (α) t s s y(t) = φ(t), t ∈ [βt , t ]. + t ∈ I, Hence Theorem . yields the estimate of the inequalities (.) and (.). This completes the proof. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors’ contributions All authors contributed equally in this article. They read and approved the final manuscript. Thiramanus et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014, 2014:398 Author details 1 Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis Research Center, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Applied Science, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, 10800, Thailand. 2 Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, 451 10, Greece. Authors’ information Sotiris K Ntouyas is a member of Nonlinear Analysis and Applied Mathematics (NAAM) Research Group at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Acknowledgements The research of J Tariboon is supported by King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand. Received: 25 April 2014 Accepted: 30 September 2014 Published: 16 Oct 2014 References 1. 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Birkhäuser, Basel (2009) 10.1186/1029-242X-2014-398 Cite this article as: Thiramanus et al.: Integral inequalities with ‘maxima’ and their applications to Hadamard type fractional differential equations. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014, 2014:398 Page 15 of 15
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