中一快捷华文上册字词表(1) 词语 词义 rCng 1. rAng 嚷 Shout; yell; make an uproar 嚷 嚷:make a noise; make widely known pQng 2. Roc 鹏程万里:have a bright future (on greeting cards, wellwishes) 鹏 miAo 3. 喵 The sound make by cat zhMng 4. 肿 Swelling; swollen chAi 5. 拆 Tear apart; take apart; pull down; dismantle pN 6. 迫 7. 熟悉 Be familiar with; have an intimate knowledge of jIng 8. 竟然 Unexpectedly; to one’s surprise; actually; go so far as to go to the length of ; have the impudence to Compel; force; press; urgent; pressing; approach; go towards shV xF rBn qFn qiS 9. 亲切 10. 介绍 11. 红润 jiS Cordial; kind; close; intimate; dear; endearing shDo Recommend; introduce rXn biS Awkward; uncomfortable; disagree; (of speech or writing) unnatural niu 12. 别扭 13. 拘束 jU 15. 17. 沉默 Uncommunicative; silent jI Entrust to the care of somebody; leave with somebody; place hope on (someone) tuK 寄托 wDng 愿 望 Wish; desire; aspiration qH Start (a machine etc); switch on; to set in movement; to launch (an operation); to activate (a plan) Struggle to loosen someone’s grip or struggle to be free from bondages 启动 zhSng 18. tuK 挣 脱 tLu 19. Restrain; restrict; constrained; awkward mN yuDn 16. biQ 别 :to part with; to make a distinction; fasten with a pin; don’t; beter not shX chQn 14. Ruddy; rosy (for complexion or cheeks) 挣 钱:earn money zhPng zhB 挣 扎 :struggle rX 投入 lGng zhSng To throw into; to put into; to participate; to be absorbed; engrossed qiCo 20. 灵巧 21. 手势 Dexterous; nimble; skilful; ingenious shI Gesture; sign; signal 词语 词义 zhuA yCng 22. 抓 痒 tBo To scratch an itch zuI 23. 陶醉 24. 滑稽 25. 礼貌 huB To be infatuated with; to be drunk with; to be enchanted with; to revel in jF Comical; amusing; funny mDo dCo 26. Courtesy; manners luDn To disturb; to look for trouble; to stir up a row; to bother somebody intentionally 捣乱 zKng 27. 失踪 28. 滋味 To be missing; to disappear; unaccounted for zF zPng 29. yXn 刘邦 The first emperor of Han Dynasty shi 粮食 hLng 33. Bad luck; misfortune; adversity bAng liBng 32. To add; to increase 厄运 liV 31. 不是滋味:to be upset; to feel disgusted tiAn 增 添 S 30. Taste; flavour; feeling Foodstuff (grain; cereal; food) gKu 鸿 沟 chUn Wide gap; chasm; gulf dNu 34. 青春 痘 35. 恶作剧 S Pimples jX Mischief; mischievous; practical joke; prank 中一高级华文上册字词表(1) 词语 mQng 1. lLng 朦 胧 tCn Hazy; misty; (of moonlight) dim; obscure tS 2. 忐忑 3. 径直 4. 开朗 jIng 词义 Perturbed; mentally disturbed; fidgety 忐忑不安:restless, uneasy zhG Directly; straight-away lCng lGng 5. Optimistic; cheerful; carefree; easy-going; open-minded shPng 铃 声 Sound made by bells 词语 jHn 6. bPng 紧绷 jiP To stretch taut 紧绷绷:tightly drawn; (of one’s facial expression) taut chX 7. 接触 8. 幽默 yKu To touch; to contact; access; in touch with mN pPng 9. 词义 Humour; humorous 幽默感:sense of humour pPng 怦 怦 Thumping sound (of heart beating); to be eager and anxious dCng 10. 死党 bH Best friends; inseparable sidekick; sworn or diehard followers cH 11. 彼此 12. 切磋 13. 关键 Each other; one another qiP cuK Learn from each other by exchanging views; to learn by interaction jiDn quP 14. Crucial points; crux; key; pivotal xG 缺席 Absent xiS 15. chPng 16. To feel it beneath one’s dignity; to think something not worth doing; o disdain to do something To proclaim oneself hegemon; to take a leading role; to build a personal fiefdom; to dominate 不屑 bD 称 霸 yHn 17. 上瘾 fU Addicted; addiction yCn 18. 敷衍 19. 挽回 To retrieve; to redeem; to salvage a bad situation wCn 20. 婉 转 Tactful (in speech); mild & indirect (in speech); sweet and agreeable (voice in singing) To do something half-heartedly or just for show wCn zhuCn zDn 21. 暂时 fV Temporary; provisional; for the time being hDo 22. 符号 23. 搜索 24. 翻 来覆去 sKu fAn diU 25. Symbol; mark; sign suM lBi To search; to look for something; to scour (search meticulously); to search on the internet or database fX qX lD 丢 三落四 To toss and turn (sleeplessly); again and again; repeatedly Forgetful; empty-headed; always forgetting thing; leaving things here and there without realizing it 中一课本上册成语表(1) 词语 词义 hKng 1. 哄 堂大笑 shDn 2. The whole room roaring with laughter jiR 善 解人意 yBn Understanding people’s views; fair and considerat xiAng 3. 好 言 相 劝 To exhort or advise with kind words 4. 故 弄 玄 虚 To make something unnecessarily complicated; deliberately mystifying nNng rRn 5. jXn xuBn jFn 忍 俊 不禁 liS Cannot stop laughing; unable to restrain a smile mBo 6. 名列前 茅 7. 心急如焚 jG xU To rank among the best fQn Burning with impatience
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