Registration.........................................3:00-5:00 Dinner......................................................... 5:00 Evening Session..................................7:00-8:30 Fellowship................................................... 8:45 Tuesday, October 14th Devotions.................................................... 7:00 Breakfast..................................................... 7:30 Morning Session...............................8:30-10:00 Workshops.......................................10:30-12:00 Lunch........................................................ 12:30 Choir Rehearsal........................................... 1:15 Free Time............................................1:00-3:00 Workshops...........................................3:15-4:45 Dinner......................................................... 5:00 Communion Service............................7:00-8:30 Fellowship................................................... 8:45 Wednesday, October 15th Devotions.................................................... 7:00 Breakfast..................................................... 7:30 Workshops.........................................8:30-10:00 Closing Session...............................10:30-12:00 Lunch ....................................................... 12:15 PLENARY SPEAKERS • Ken Bailey • “The Good Shepherd” A new Window into the Heart of God (From David to Jesus) • Ray Jones • “Our Main Job” How do we evaluate our ministry and mission around our capacity to be witnesses? Sharing faith in spontaneous and authenic ways. Acts 1:1-8 • James Kim • “Matthew 28:1--20 - The Missional Church” Why does the church exist? What is she called to do and be? Who gets to call the shots on what the mission of the church is? • Jane Bartholomew • Music Coordinator/Pianist In addition resources for music in the small church • Teresa Lockhart (Sticklen) Eisenlohr • Communion Preacher “‘Dying to Live’ or ‘Whether We Live or Whether We Die’ based on Romans 14:7-11” Department of the Near East School of Theology “Discerning Missional Vocation” How does a congregation discern its particular calling from God? Discerning how to listen to God and each other. 2. Ray Jones • Office of General Assembly, Coordinator Church Growth and Evangelism at the General Assembly, Louisville, KY “Engage Holistic Evangelism” What does it mean to join God in what God is already doing in our communities . . . 1-Our stories of transformation . . . 2-A disciple making church. 3-And looking at the new evangelism curriculum, “Engage: The Gospel, Discipleship, and Mission.” Wee Kirk™ 2014 Northeast (PA) Wee Kirk Conference October 13-15, 2014 Laurelville Mennonite Church Center Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania 3. James Kim • Senior Pastor at Little Church on the Prairie, Lakewood, WA “Leading Change in Existing Churches” It’s been said that it’s far easier to lead change in church start ups than it is to lead change in dying churches. There’s a lot of truth to this statement. But it doesn’t mean that change can’t take place in existing churches. God is in the business of bringing to life that which is dead. 4. Teresa Lockhart (Stricklen) Eisenlohr • Office of General Assembly, Theology & Worship “Preaching and Embodying the Kingdom of God” Whether we live or whether we die-for, this is our call by Christ and what it means to follow God’s mission in the world through the Holy Spirit. 5. Kang Yap Na • Associate Professor of Religion, Westminster College, New Wilmington, PA “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” The seminar will explore unity and division in the church at Corinth (e.g., 1:10-17) and what significance Paul’s letter has for us. 6. John Welch • Vice President for Student Service and Dean of Students, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary “Worship & Liturgy Seminar” “Ethics for the 21st Century Church in America: King and Mandela in rear view.” 7. Peter Bower • Interim Pastor and Former Editor Reformed Liturgy and Music “Worship & Liturgy Seminar” “Liturgical Reforms in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Directories for Worship, 1960-2013. Some underlying “reform agendas” at work in the Directory’s evolution over the past half century. Ways in which ecclesial dimensions reflect such liturgical reforms. 8. Beth Merry • Instructor of Communication at Waynesburg University “Pastor’s Spouse Seminar” “Plus One” is an interactive seminar that examines the role of the clergy spouse in today’s church which features discussion and media clips. OUR PURPOSE To inspire, equip, motivate and encourage small Presbyterian Churches and to provide rest and refreshment for the Clergy and Lay Leaders of those Churches. A MINISTRY OF PERMIT #1918 • Cliff Haddox • Song Leadership 1. Ken Bailey • Leading Author, Former Head of the Biblical 2014 Northeast (PA) Wee Kirk™ Conference SEMINARS Monday, October 13th REGISTER NOW Early registration is best because housing arrangements are made on a first come, first-served basis. Most facilities are handicapped accessible. One set of bedding and towels is provided. Registration confirmation will be e-mailed or snail mailed. Churches with up to 125 Members Wee Kirk Northeast (PA) Presbyterians For Renewal 8134 New La Grange Road, Suite 227 Louisville, Kentucky 40222-4679 $75 for a husband and wife, or $50 per single registrant. Churches with 126-200 Members $100 for a husband and wife, or $75 per single registrant. The financial underwriting which enables these low charges is intended to enable the pastor and spouse and four people from any one church to attend at the above prices. Most Wee Kirk™ expenses are underwritten by larger congregations, governing bodies, and individuals. Therefore, fees for “Wee Kirkers” are kept as low as possible. All rates are based on double occupancy. Telephone Number Email Inbox Address All other persons $250 each qM Spouse’s name (if attending) as it’s wanted on the name tag qF q Clergy q CRE Presbytery Circle the three (3) Seminars you plan to attend 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Circle the three (3) Seminars your spouse plans to attend 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 See the Seminars Listing on the reverse side 2014 Northeast (PA) Wee Kirk™ Conference Registration Form SEND YOUR REGISTRATION AND CHECK TO: REGISTRATION FEES qM qF q Clergy q CRE Street Address, City, State, Zip Code Church/es and Membership Presbytery Your name as you want it on the name tag Preferred Roommate Please note any health limitations / physical handicaps that require special consideration CO-SPONSORED The Synod of the Trinity CANCELLATION POLICY Registration, refunds will be given only through August 31, 2014. Because of financial commitments, no refunds will be given after this date. In good stewardship the cancelled registration fee will be put toward conference expenses. DIRECTIONS TO LAURELVILLE Take the Donegal Exit (91) on the PA Turnpike, to Route 31West, to Route 982 North. From West Virginia, take Interstate 79 North, to Route 68 East, to Route 119 North, to Route 982 North. From Ohio, take Interstate 70 East to Route 119 South, to Route 31 East, to Route 982 North. CHILD CARE Because this WKC is a time of rest and spiritual refreshment, we encourage those persons with children to provide for childcare at home. Child care will not be offered at the conference. MAKE YOUR CHECK PAYABLE TO: PFR/NEPA Wee Kirk Online registration is available at Mastercard & Visa Accepted QUESTIONS? Contact: Helen Kester at (424) 980-9565 or [email protected] Tremendous Bookroom provided by Hearts & Minds Books Onsite discount and church billing available This conference is A MINISTRY OF
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